What was built instead of the twin towers. How the famous twin towers were built in new york

Landscaping and planning 25.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Residents of the United States are prone to theatricality, even to the farce in politics. To be sure, just look at the struggle of candidates in the 2016 elections. Perhaps because in the entire “centuries-old” history there have been not many significant events: Civil War accidentally opened grand canyon, apparently flew to the moon, mistakenly awarded Obama the Peace Prize. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 stands apart. This is a terrible tragedy that has changed a lot. After it, the United States turned from a world gendarme into an aggressor of the same scale. Everything happened and continues under the roar of shameless, shameless propaganda according to the precepts of Goebbels.

What this terrorist attack actually represents, who is behind it, is still represented.

Events and causes

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) is the common colloquial name for the North and South Towers, the main buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The height of the 110-storey buildings exceeded 400 m. In total, the Trade Center included 7 buildings. The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 destroyed or damaged everything to such a state that it was necessary to carry out a complete dismantling, demolition of all buildings, utilities.

It is officially recognized that the air attack on the WTC buildings was carried out by terrorists who hijacked airliners American companies making regular flights. One plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors on the morning of September 11, 2001, and 17 minutes later the second collided with the South Tower.

As a result of damage caused by aircraft to the building structures of buildings, fires that arose and quickly spread, the twin towers collapsed less than 2 hours after the start of the terrorist attack, causing serious destruction of the buildings located around, heavy smoke, a dense dust cloud in the surrounding area, and the death of some people. who were in buildings, as well as those who carried out emergency rescue work on evacuation, extinguishing fires, restoring order, and providing medical assistance.

As a result, died:

  • 2606 civilians who were in the buildings of the World Trade Center and in the territory adjacent to them.
  • 147 passengers, crew members.
  • 343 New York City Fire Department employees, 60 police officers, 8 emergency medics.

Together with the destroyed WTC complex, more than 20 buildings were damaged as a result of dust, toxic pollution from fires, some of which had to be demolished later, some were restored and repaired. Hundreds of thousands were destroyed square meters office, administrative space, great amount financial documents, reports, rare paintings, sculptures that were in destroyed, burnt out buildings.

The question immediately arose - who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001? The official version of the US government. sounds like this - the cause of the tragedy was the deliberate hit of passenger planes hijacked by terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda, and the resulting fires led to the collapse of the most tall buildings country.

In parallel, there are several versions, both argued by testimonies, eyewitness footage, excerpts from official documents, the conclusions of experts, and conspiracy theories, in the spirit of the theory of a worldwide conspiracy. The former are caused by serious facts that are difficult to dismiss, the latter are based on inference and emotions.

In favor of unofficial versions says the following:

  • Superficially, the fall of the Twin Towers looks like the demolition of buildings by a controlled, precisely timed explosion, indistinguishable from the planned destruction of other skyscrapers in the US, which can be seen on numerous videos.
  • The fires that broke out in two separate buildings could hardly deform reliable structures in less than 2 hours. building construction, including metal, coated flame retardants. By the way, the North Tower has already survived a fire in 1975, a terrorist act
    1993 in an underground garage with a truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives, which claimed lives but only slightly damaged the building.
  • By the end of the same day, the 47-storey, 200-meter building of the World Trade Center - 7, located far from the twin towers, collapsed. This was shown live, and information about the explosion sounded before the event. Later, the official version of the collapse turned on - all the same fires inside. Why they arose, why at least some of their traces are not visible (smoke, fire, partial destruction of continuous glazing) - without comment, as the Americans like to say.
  • Journalists specify, ask to give examples of the collapse of buildings from reinforced concrete structures in the US before or after 9/11
    2001, which occurred as a result of fires. There is none of them.
  • The story of an entrepreneur who, a few weeks before the tragedy, took building No. 7 of the World Trade Center for a long-term lease, insured it, including a separate item against a terrorist attack, and ultimately received a considerable profit from the destruction of buildings, smelled bad.
  • The information added doubts to the reflection on the unprofitability of the tallest buildings in America, plans for their demolition, unrealized, including because of the complexity, high cost of such work in the dense, super-expensive development of Manhattan.
  • Appointed by the US administration. for the role of the leader of the attack on September 11, 2001, the leader of al-Qaeda initially refused such dubious fame. Even gave an interview to a Pakistani newspaper about it. Only in November 2001, he agreed with the prepared role. Protege of S.Sh.A. to fight the USSR in Afghanistan, by that time he himself declared America enemy No. 1 - for which he paid.

There are many doubters. Among them is the leader of the Communists of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who said in 2012 that the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York were planned by the US authorities.

Consequences and conclusions

The tragedy, which claimed many lives, was a turning point both in the internal and in foreign policy USA. The answer to the question of who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be the resolution of the situation with international terrorism that threatens the foundations of the "free world". Under the banner of fighting against it, previously unknown opportunities opened up before America, covered by a fig-leaf of democracy:

  • Tough to suppress dissent within the country.
  • To interfere in the policies of the governments of other countries, the work of banks, companies, dictating their will to them, backed up by military and financial power.
  • To overthrow objectionable governments, to arrange coups d'état by proxy, generously sponsoring any opposition, up to the Nazis, terrorists of all nationalities, the fight against which is so much officially talked about. Sad examples are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, ISIS banned in Russia.

The desire of the United States to use in all corners the globe the theory of "controlled chaos" to achieve only their own interests is now no secret to anyone. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which so "cheered up" the US economy, especially the Department of Defense with hundreds of bases around the world, military-industrial complex, numerous and very expensive in the maintenance of the special services, came, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, so opportunely that it raises serious doubts.

The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the events that followed it will influence the course of world history for a long time to come. The true reasons that led to it will sooner or later become public.

August Tobin decided to carry out a grandiose project. He was supposed to be a lever for making huge money. Architect - Minoru Yamasaki made dreams of a grandiose building come true. The original plan called for the construction of twenty-one buildings. The project was completely ready by 1949, but it was suspended.

Source: Elitefon.ru

David Rockefeller returned to the idea, whose goal was to improve appearance cities in its port area. The architect in 1965 completely redid the project. He rejected the possibility of building many buildings and proposed the creation of two towers, which would consist of eighty floors. By 1970, the foundation had already been installed, and three years later the buildings were ready for operation. There is a version that the twin towers in New York were designed taking into account the ramming of the Boeing 707.

The tragedy of September 11, 2001

In 2001, a second demolition attempt was made. 102 minutes dragged on for an eternity. At 8:46, under the blow of a Boeing, controlled by terrorists, the first tower fell, and at 10:28, according to the same scenario, the second. These moments are captured on video. In just a few minutes, the most massive disaster of our time occurred. Three thousand people died in it, and the fate of another 24 remained unknown. The suicide attack claimed the lives of people and destroyed the symbol of freedom.

Video: September 11, 2001 terrorist attack: Twin Towers

Memory of tragedy

Not all foreigners know what is now on the site of the twin towers. The tragedy was not forgotten and two memorials were erected in memory of this mournful day. They were located at the site of the fall of the twin towers and received the name Ground zero. Two granite pools with iridescent water are framed by bronze plaques with the names of those who died in that disaster. They occupy exactly the territory on which the foundations of the destroyed buildings stood. The memory memorial is surrounded on all sides by high-rise buildings, one of which was erected after the terrorist attack and is designed to replace the towers.

Twin Towers - Rising from the Ashes

In the period after the Second World War, relations between the countries were very tense. China's expectation of a revolution, the devastation in Europe, the aftermath of a nuclear attack on Japan, all take their toll on economic opportunities. Only the United States escaped severe shocks and expanded its power. The dollar became a convertible currency, and construction reached an unprecedented scale.

According to the plans of the New York ruling elite, in the near future the country will begin international trade, for which you want to create conditions. For this purpose, a construction program was developed. It was supposed to build the World Trade Center 1. In connection with cold war between the two most powerful powers, construction was postponed indefinitely.

New World Trade Center 1 in New York

To the west of the site of destruction on the square on November 21, 2006, the foundation of the new World Trade Center was laid. It was erected for seven years, like the towers destroyed by the explosion. Four billion dollars were spent on the construction. The new World Trade Center 1 becomes the answer to terrorism.

Source: yandex.kz

Its scale exceeds all existing not only in the US, but throughout the West. The building is 541 meters high and crowned with a spire weighing seven hundred tons. From the windows of the Freedom Tower you can see the memorial of memory. This composition has become a worthy response to terrorism that encroached on the lives of ordinary Americans.

The modern Freedom Tower is positioned as a retail and office building. It is full of showrooms, business premises, movie screenings, as well as cafes and restaurants. From the outside, the building has a spiral shape and glass trim, done in blue tones at the top. Below, it resembles light-trapping prisms. A huge spire goes up into the sky, significantly increasing the height of the structure.

Access to the offices inside is given by a large hall, which has a height of more than twenty meters. The upper floors are given over to restaurants. The tower is also equipped with observation decks that offer stunning views of New York. In addition to terrestrial, there are underground part, with an abundance of halls and passages. From it you can go to the subway or to the railway station.

Each grandiose building sooner or later acquires true and fantastic stories. Both those and others are perceived by tourists as the truth. But some facts are really true:

  • most of the funds allocated for the construction were aimed at ensuring security from terrorist attacks;
  • the height of the building is 1776 feet, in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the country, which is very symbolic and was thought out in advance;
  • the building is decorated with glass panels, which reduced construction costs by twenty percent;
  • the memorial of memory, according to analysts, is very often visited, but is the most tasteless building of the modern city.

World Trade Center 1 Gives Jobs a large number people, and is also the largest trading and entertainment center in the country.

Information for tourists

For those who arrived in the city with an excursion group, there will be an opportunity to visit the Freedom Tower. It is included in the mandatory city tour program. The building also has access for independent tourists. To get to the observation deck, you need to purchase a ticket for thirty dollars, go up to the 100th, 101st or 102nd floors and admire the views. High-speed elevators with an information function deliver to the desired level. On the built-in displays, during the trip, you can see the stages of the formation and development of the city. A New York Pass can be purchased for free access to a number of attractions.

On the initial stage, after the completion of construction, people were afraid to rent offices in the building. The owners waited long enough for all the premises to be filled. Over time, the fear that was in the air after the disaster became less tangible. Now WTC 1 is open and accepting visitors.

It has been 16 years since the terrible fall of the Twin Towers in America on September 11, 2001. But memories of that day still haunt millions of Americans. The fates of many people have been changed forever.

How many people died?

In addition to American citizens, representatives of other countries were also among the dead. Among the dead were 96 citizens from the former Soviet Union. At the end of the search and rescue operations, experts stated that approximately 10,000 fragments of human bones and tissues were found at the site of the fall of buildings, which significantly increases the initial statistics of the incident. Fragments were found much later, in 2006, when Deutsche Bank was reconstructed. Average age The death toll was 40 years.

Course of events

On September 9, terrorists hijacked four planes and were able to send two of them to the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and one to orient to the Pentagon. The remaining plane crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers were able to overcome the hijackers.

The day that began with a clear blue sky ended in a twisting mass of smoldering charcoal from twisted metal where the huge buildings of the mall once stood. As a result of this incident, 2977 people died.

People's memory

The tragedy of 9/11 happened almost two decades ago. A quarter of Americans are too young to remember this disturbing event. “I have three children who do not remember the incident at all, since they have not yet been born. But we certainly do not want to forget, even when we live and face new challenges,” says one of the Americans.

Thus, in memory of that day, 23 images hang here, which serve as a reminder of what no American should forget. The tragedy has taken on a massive scale. Witnesses to what happened can tell a lot.

The twin towers of the World Trade Center were symbols for New Yorkers. For decades, people looked up to them, and the structures were unshakable. It was a reassuring sight. According to the memoirs of the American, he visited the towers many times and looked at them many times. On the morning of September 11, he had just finished voting in Brooklyn when he looked up and saw that one of the towers was on fire. Just a few minutes later, the second plane crashed into another tower. Something was wrong.

When President George W. Bush was informed of the tragic incident, he was on school event. The expression on his face, captured in the photograph, expresses almost all emotions. At that time, none of the members of the government knew what serious consequences this terrorist attack had for the country.

major fire

The impact of the two fire jets was devastating. It broke steel structure towers and contributed to the ignition of fires, which eventually led to the destruction of buildings. Combat aircraft took to the skies. Every non-military flight in US airspace was ordered to land.

Thousands of people were in a real trap on the upper floors of the towers. Many died instantly when the planes crashed into buildings, and more more people died when fires broke out and the towers began to collapse. Some citizens jumped out of windows to avoid fire and smoke. A total of 2,606 people died in the towers.

The weather was wonderful, the sky was bright blue. The wind carried a massive plume of smoke over the city and New York Harbor. “Manhattan looked like it had exploded 10 megatons,” wrote British writer Martin Amis later.

Terrible outcome

The structure of the towers was so damaged that their collapse was an inevitable consequence of the impact. At that time, however, no one expected such a terrible outcome. People on the streets around the World Trade Center were running in panic. Buildings began to sink one by one and fill the streets with rubble and dust.

Fires burned for hours and smoldered for days in a mass of twisting steel and rubble. Lower Manhattan, below 14th Street, will later be closed to non-rescue traffic.

The area around the World Trade Center was the scene of total devastation. Smoke and dust hung in the air. Countless cars, trucks and rescue vehicles were destroyed.

Destroyed tower structure

A sense of tragedy was everywhere. The New York City Fire Department lost its chaplain, Reverend Michael, who was killed by falling debris.

Little remains of the elegant facades of the Twin Towers, which Japanese architect Minoru Yamasaki designed to include narrow window openings and soaring arches.

The two 110-story towers dominating the city were compressed into a twisted mass of molten metal. Welders spent months cutting away the steel so that the damaged structure could be dismantled.

rescue work

Members of the New York City Fire Department rushed to the scene and suffered incredibly high casualties among their workers in an attempt to rescue people from the burning towers. As a result, 343 members of the brigade died during the extinguishing operation. Strong men could not stand it, tears flowed down their cheeks every now and then.

In the following days, rescuers arrived in New York from neighboring cities and states. The sight of bodies in the wreckage led to indescribable horror. A contrasting sign of inflexibility was the moment when American flags were raised over the site of the tragedy.

Close people posted photos of missing friends and family members in the desperate hope that they might be alive.

The tragedy brought everyone together

A city held together is something that many Americans have never seen. Citizens lined the streets to cheer the National Guard and rescuers as they arrived in Manhattan on a mission that became known as Ground Zero.

The Americans were seized with a thirst for revenge. Soon national troops were stationed in Afghanistan.

These attacks were not limited to New York. The Pentagon also received a powerful blow that killed 125 people.

The view of the Pentagon was also terrifying, but the military headquarters building itself did not collapse.

A new tower has risen to Ground Zero along with the memorial. This gave many Americans a sense of pride at the time of its discovery. But this is not enough to make people forget this terrible day, on which many lives were cut short. America itself at this moment has changed radically.

The new architecture of lower Manhattan towers proudly over New York City. Here is the famous Oculus, from where you can once again look at the vast expanse of the city from above.

commemorative memorial

In memory of the huge losses during the terrorist attacks of 2001 in New York, a museum was opened, the exposition of which is constantly expanding. According to American media reports, the memorial was visited by more than 900 thousand people.

Here you can see fragments of the frame of steel skyscrapers, a mangled firefighters car that participated in putting out the fire, many photographs depicting those who died on that ill-fated day, and amazing videos.

Viewers can also see the jacket of a fighter who took part in the elimination of the largest terrorist Osama bin Laden, and a symbolic coin that belonged to a CIA officer who tracked down a dangerous terrorist.

The exhibits presented in the memorial provide citizens with the opportunity to pay tribute to the courage of the many people who sacrificed their lives for their country.

Today, the New York Memorial Park, erected on the site where the Twin Towers stood before September 11, 2001, has been opened to the public. The day before, only relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack and a limited circle of VIPs, including current and former presidents USA with spouses.

The funeral ceremony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks ended when it was already morning in Moscow. The names of the 3,000 dead in New York were read for long hours at Ground Zero, and the victims of the attack on the Pentagon were remembered at the Concert of Hope organized in Washington. Many people gathered at the crash site of the fourth liner in Pennsylvania.

Transmitted from USA NTV correspondent Alexei Veselovsky.

Thousands of people with photos of loved ones, with their names on their lips. In the 10 years that have passed since the September 11 attacks, the funeral ceremony in memory of the victims has become a tradition that has not changed all these years. Four minutes of silence: two at the moment when the planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, and two more when the buildings began to fall. Then, for several hours, they call by name all those who died in the attacks that day.

This year, current US President Barack Obama and his predecessor, George W. Bush, flew to New York to honor the memory of the victims. Both stood behind a bulletproof shield, a nod to the heightened security measures taken by police and intelligence agencies after it became known that al-Qaeda could strike again on the United States on the tenth anniversary of the attacks. There were no speeches at the scene of the tragedy. Later in Washington, Obama summed up the past decade.

Barack Obama, President of the United States: “We will not return the lives of the people who died that day. But today it is also important to remember what has not changed after the tragedy. Our character has not changed. Faith remains. These 10 years have shown that America has not succumbed to fear.”

In New York, on the site where the twin towers stood, after several years of disputes and litigation over who owns the land and what to build on it, a memorial park has finally been built. The museum will open next year. The construction of the first 104-storey skyscraper is nearing completion. In general, all work here is planned to be completed in 2015.

Germano Riviera: “The pain doesn't go away. Even after ten years, remembering that day, I feel pain. But I'm glad that the park appeared. It is very beautiful, and new skyscrapers are growing here. So life goes on."

Two granite pools with waterfalls inside exactly follow the contours of the foundations of the two fallen twin towers. And along the perimeter, on bronze slabs, the names of all the people who died in the September 11 attacks are carved - almost three thousand people.

Today will open to the public for the first time. But there are so many people who want to visit it that people will be allowed here only by appointment. More than half a million people have already signed up to visit the memorial.

Skyscrapers of the World shopping center, or twin towers, were a memorable part of New York, a city that itself became a symbol of America, its indomitable character, forcing the whole country to constantly strive forward and upward, overcoming obstacles. The creation of this architectural and technocratic masterpiece was not only an engineering and economic task. By his very appearance, he was supposed to inspire the idea of ​​inviolability Western civilization, its eternity and power.

Again about the terrorist attack ...

In the first year of the third millennium new era, namely on September 11, the twin towers were barbarously destroyed. To destroy them, the terrorists used tools to match the era: two huge passenger Boeing 767s, which also symbolize the power of American industry, like the skyscrapers hit by them. A lot has been written about these events, and there is no point in repeating known information to everyone, as well as dubious assumptions about the involvement of a wide variety of forces in the terrorist attack, including the CIA and the US State Department. Journalists did not miss a single detail of the disaster. Even the number of the plane that crashed into Twin Towers, subjected to careful study for the search for fatal coincidences and omens. Having bowed our heads before the memory of the innocent people who died, it is worth thinking not about death, but about the birth of these structures, which for almost three decades have personified American technological genius.

Background of the grand project

The roaring sixties became for the USA not best time. The fundamental foundations of a free society declared by the founding fathers were under threat. The moral crisis has reached alarming proportions, like a cancerous tumor affecting all most youth. Drug addiction has become part of the very popular hippie subculture, and patriotism has become something both funny and indecent. In Vietnam, there was a war that seemed to have no end (at least not a victorious one). Girls who came from Indochina were often greeted not as heroes who fought for democracy, but as child killers. Something grandiose could restore to the Americans a sense of dignity and pride in "the world's freest homeland." Flight to the Moon or Mars, for example. Or the world's tallest twin towers.

Difficult construction

The overall project belonged to Minoru Yamasaki, by that time already a famous architect. Behind the external brevity of the outlines of the buildings, a very difficult content was guessed. Even in demonstrative uniformity, a feeling of power was assumed, as if saying: "If necessary, we will build more!" Digging of the pit began in 1966. Actually, Manhattan is a rocky island, and all of its skyscrapers are built on naturally solid foundations. The twin towers were an exception; they were built on soft ground. The second problem concerned the creation of infrastructure. You do not need to be an expert to understand the complexity of the task of wiring and replacing communications in a busy metropolis. It is possible to block traffic on some street for a year, in New York this is unacceptable: both roads and crossings must work. And one more circumstance made the construction process difficult - the subway station, where passengers boarded underground trains going to New Jersey. The terminal had to be created new, and the old one worked all this time.

Some numbers

Now about the numbers and quantities that American builders love to list when talking about their achievements. More than a million square meters of soil was removed, and before that, of course, dug out. Each of the mounting wall blocks, made of steel, weighed 22 tons and had a height of a four-story building. Total weight metal used in the construction of the complex amounted to 200,000 tons. Stone masonry was not used. Elevators (there were 239 of them) lifted people and goods to a height of one hundred and ten floors at a speed of 8.5 m / s, and their shafts were made so that they increased the rigidity of the entire scheme. Numerous financial difficulties had to be overcome, but in the end the first skyscraper was generally completed by 1971, and in 1973 both twin towers were solemnly commissioned. Their death in 2001 demonstrates the helplessness sometimes experienced by the most developed intellect and boundless diligence before brutal violence. The only consolation is the invincibility of intellect and diligence - these best

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