What is now on the site of twins towers. County Trench

Engineering systems 21.09.2019
Engineering systems
This year, the events of September 11, 2001 marks 15 years. In the morning, in New York after the hits of the hijacked (according to the official, of course, the versions) of passenger aircraft collapsed the towers of the World Trade Center. According to media reports, in the evening in Washington, another passenger plane crashed into one of the Pentagon towers.

It was with this aircraft later that the investigation had the most problems, since his fragments and remains of passengers were not found, and the hole in the wall was significantly less than the wings of this aircraft.

These are far from the only oddities associated with the collapse of twin towers.

The official digit of the victims is 2843 people. In New York, colossal destruction, but in the midst of these destruction find a completely whole car, in which the untouched and clean Quran and passports of the hijackers are. Immediately recall the phrase of the main hero of the film "Beware of the car" of a dealer: "Beer just brought, and Wobble just caught."

Already on September 11, President Bush stated that this is the action of Arab terrorists. The chief of the CIA George Tenet stated the interception of Al-Qaida's communication on September 11. Suddenly it turned out that everything was intercepted, but nothing could be prevented!

The investigation revealed a lot of non-compliance with the official version. For example, within 40 minutes after the seizure of aircraft there was no connection between the Federal Agency for Civil Aviation and the Command of the Defense of the Aerospace Space of North America. Journalists celebrated confusion in the testimony of the Duccian, Donald Ramsfeld. The authorities recognized that they were prevented by the line of special services about the preparing terrorist attack, but nothing had been done. Also, on September 11, military exercises were conducted on the irony of fate, during which the simulation of the seizure of airplanes was planned. In the story of Gilbert Chesterton "broken sword" to the question: "Where is a clever man hiding pebbles?", Pater Brown replies: "Among the pebbles on the seashore." What could be the best cover than exercises?

Nevertheless, despite all this confusion, the Kein-Zelikov Commission came to absolutely iron conclusion - this is the terrorist attack in which Al-Qaida is to blame. The Commission was not able to respond to a number of issues. Why did the towers fell smoothly? Why did fire fights heard the explosions inside the towers? ..

There are still some oddities. For example, the representative of the FEMA organization is an American analogue of our Ministry of Emergency Situations - Tom Kenny in an interview on September 12 said that the brigade of rescuers arrived in New York on Monday, on September 10, so that the rescuers could immediately start work on the 11th in the morning. Juliani mayor also said that on September 10, the rescuers were placed on the 92nd pier, which after the explosion became the command center of the rescue operation. Asks - is it a thorough preparation for an unexpected terrorist attack?!

The magazine "Newsweek" of September 24, 2001 wrote that on September 10, a group of officers of the Pentagon canceled their flights the next morning. And in February 2002 it became known that a group of businessmen who usually conducted their meetings in the shopping center in the towers held them on September 11 on the basis of the Air Force at Nebraska.

According to Victor Friedman, the author is a very interesting study on the terrorist attack, in the first days of September, targeted activity reigned on the exchange. In his opinion, someone was well aware of future explosions, because the ratio of pass-options and call options was such that some time earned 10-15 billion dollars. And the owner of the towers, a big friend of Israel Larry Silverstein, received $ 5 billion in terms of insurance.

There were evidence to the terrorist attack. One of the striking events happened in June 2001, when Ufolog William Cooper, the famous author of the book "Horse pale", made a statement that in September, or at the most later in October, serious terrorist attacks will occur in the United States, and the blame for them will be laid on Man on the names of Osama Bin Laden. This man had unique information, so it was not surprising that at the end of 2001 Cooper shot policemen, accusing that at first he helped the police resistance, and then tried to escape. The police did not report that Cooper - a veteran-disabled Vietnam, and instead of one of his legs, he had a prosthesis - you do not run. To finish the police theme: According to eyewitnesses, after the first tower collapsed, the police were urgently sent to the police, which began to drive people from the tower ("And Wobble just caught").

Also, the unconditional evidence is the fact that in July 2001 in the negotiations with Pakistan, the Americans frankly stated that in October they would capture Afghanistan. In September, even before the explosions, the United Kingdom in the annual maneuvers of Essential Harvest held the most significant focusing of naval forces off the coast of Pakistan. At the same time, NATO maneuvers in Egypt end in the fact that 40 thousand soldiers are transferred to Pakistan.

Americans generally have a wonderful tradition - to allow geopolitical problems to create situations similar to September 11. For example, February 15, 1898, an explosion occurred on the Raid in Havana on the American armadioscery. Barnight team: 266 people, of which 260 are black and 6 - white officers. There is information that when an explosion occurred, there were no white officers on the ship. In the death of his ship, the Americans accused the Spaniards, which was a reason for the US-Spanish war. As a result, Cuba has become an American half-colony.

The next number in the American Safety Program is an incident with Luisania liner. Although "Lusitania" was surfed on May 7, 1915, and the United States joined the first world war on April 2, 1917, nevertheless, it was precisely the acquisition of this steamer to become a turning point in creating militant mood from Americans. About this interesting historical event should be told in more detail. Although "Lusitania" was a passenger ship, on board which there were 1200 people (of which 195 - the Americans) transported it - in violation of all rules of military time - 6 million ammunition for the countries of the Entente paid by Morgan's house. The Germans, having learned about this, made an advance payment to the fifty to American newspapers and asked to publish an announcement that they did not recommend American citizens to swim on "Luzitania", since the ship was driving ammunition and according to the rules of military time automatically becomes a target. But only one American newspaper in the city of De Moines, Iowa published this announcement, 49 other newspapers abstained, because the US State Department recommended them to wait until the circumstances appease. Circumstances, naturally, were not clear, and "Lusitania" went into swim. She crossed the Atlantic, since the Germans did not heat her, entered La Mans and began to expect a juno pilots. After a long expectation, the captain of "Lusitania" unexpectedly received a message that the first Lord Admiralty Churchill sent the Lotsmansk vessel "Juno" is very far away, and wait for it for a long time. The Germans who observe the heads are understood that it is impossible to wait further and need a liner to stomp, because 6 million ammunition is very serious. Given the order to "destroy". The British intercepted this order, but absolutely no action is taken. "Lusitania" is safely drowning, which becomes one of the Casus Belle for the US entering the war.

It is impossible not to remember the events of December 7, 1941, when 3.5 hundred Japanese aircraft collapsed to the American base in Pearl Harbor, destroyed 200 aircraft and 4 linkra, including the Arizona battleship, destroying more than 2 thousand Americans. As a result, the United States appeared a reason for declaring the war of Japan. Since then, American researchers have made a lot to clarify this situation. It is practically proven that for the year with a little to events in Pearl-Harbor, the Americans hacked Japanese codes. This suggests that they were well aware of the plans of Japan. However, Roosevelt and finger did not move, because he needed a reason for the entry of America to the war.

Speaking about Roosevelt, it will not be superfluous to mention the following: the scheme "New Ruzevelt Course solved all US problems" - just a myth. Yes, he decided some problems, but he also created new problems. These problems were so serious that in the mid-1930s, Roosevelt had a very dangerous opponent in the American political scene - Louisiana Governor Hugh Long. It was Hugh Long became the prototype of the main character of Roman Robert Penn Warren "All Royal Raint" Willie Stark. Hugh Long was a left populist, he created all over America Society for the Redistribution of Property. By 1935, 8 million people were recorded in them. In 1935, Hugh Long kills, as it should be - loner. This tracing is known to us from the history of the killings of the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, Lincoln. By the end of the 1930s, America was in front of the choice: either serious social reforms capable, however, lead to shocks, or world War (By the way, Roosevelt began to use the World War's term for half a year earlier than Hitler).

Undoubtedly, Pearl Harbor solved the problems of Japan's war announcement - after all, Roosevelt walked to the elections with a firm promise not to draw America to war. At the same time, he, and those forces that were behind him, perfectly understood: to become a hegemon world capitalist system, America should enter into war, more precisely, the circumstances of the force majeure, which will make the United States begin to start a "response war". Ironically, one of the last commissions, which took the problem of Pearl Harbor in America, finished its work on September 11, 2001. Experts concluded that the Japanese torpedoes were too outdated and weak to punch Arizona armor. There was something else. Most likely, there was an explosion on the "Arizona". But since on September 11, an explosion of towers took place, the events in Pearl Harbor - "the affairs of the long-lasting days" - almost no one was worried.

In the list of American Casus Belli, an incident in the Tonkin Gulf can also be remembered in 1964, which became an occasion for the US entering the War in Vietnam. Americans shouted to the whole world that the North-Vietnamese fired them in neutral waters. Then it turned out: Sailors of the DRV opened fire on the ship invading the territorial waters of their country, but this is later when the United States has already used this incident to start hostilities.

As we can see, Americans have a very rich history of self-timing. Who wants to know the true story - it will be easily recognized. Whoever does not want, he will sincerely believe that Al-Qaeda is behind the explosions and a man named Bin Laden.

It has already been written a lot about this character, but briefly worth saying about him, because this figure shows it clearly shows how the explicit and even greater degree of secret American policy is structured.

Bin Laden was born in 1957. In December 1979, at the proposal of his patron - Prince of the Al-Faisala Turk, which for more than 20 years he headed the special services of Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden began to manage the financial side of the secret operations of the CIA in Afghanistan. He managed with the help of systematic information, the matrix, which in Arabic is called "al-Qaida" (translated "database"). Subsequently, it was called that a ghostly organization (in its existence, many researchers do not believe), on which the Americans laid the blame for the explosion of twin towers.

After the end of the war in Afghanistan, Islamists split on those who believed that America is an enemy, and those who believed that America should be friends and in contact. Bin Laden was in the Hassan al-Turabi camp, the leader of anti-Americanists. In 1996, Osama declares Jihad against the USA and Israel. In 1998, after the terrorist attacks in Dar Es Salama and Nairobi, where almost 300 people were killed and a 4500 people were injured, the United States accuses Bin Laden and declare him wanted. Then all the attacks begin to hang on it, including events on September 11. In 2011, we were told that Osama was killed as a result of a special operation. According to very reputable people from Western special services, Bin Laden was not alive after 2007. Speaking of reprisals of the 11th year, I would like to pay attention to the morals of the modern American top. The media showed how in the White House of the TV screen to see the show, how will kill a person, the first persons of the state gathered. Only "Wow!" They did not say, as in the case of Gaddafi, the rest of the identical picture - the joyful contemplation of the bloody murder. By the way, all the American special forces participating in this operation, after 1.5 or 2 months, fulfilling the task, fell into an ambush with rather strange circumstances, and almost all were killed. Whether they really removed them to hide the ends into the water, or simply hid in this way from possible revenge.

In the history of Terrorist number 1, it is amazing that the family Bin Ladenov had a privileged position and long-standing ties and the Bush family and the semi's family. Just one example. In 1979, Islamists staged an explosion, the seizure of the mosque in Mecca. Shot the pilgrims, captured the mosque. Trurorists and plan to the terrorist mosque delivered one of the older brothers Bin Laden. All participants of this terrorist attack grabbed and executed. In addition to one, of the one who provided them with trucks, because he is from the Bin Laden family. In essence, Bush, Saudes, Bin Laden - this is one Economic Cell. It is significant that the finances of the Bin Laden group in America was a carlylegroup, which occupied the 11th place in the American MIC. The group was created in 1987 and it worked in it as a former chief of the CIA Frank Caralychchi, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain Major, George Bush Father. Bush himself repeatedly crossed with representatives of the Bin Ladenov family. In particular, when he made money on illegal economic operations in HarkenenergyCorporation, he took a very large amount from one of the older brothers Bin Laden and could not give it away. This older brother then died on the plane, when he flew over the territory of the United States. Some journalists believe that it could be done on the orders of the father of the unlucky debtor - the then President Bush-senior.

Let us come back, however, in September 2001. Events immediately after the terrorist attack developed in a rabid pace. On September 12, the resolution of Congress No. 1368 "The US right to self-defense" is produced, the right to aggression is actually legalized. September 13, to heat the population, the white house is evacuated - allegedly the danger of explosions is preserved. On September 14, Congress resolves Bush "to resort to the use of any power against any country, an organization or personality, which has prepared, committed or facilitated the holding of September 11 terrorist attacks." On October 7, Bush announces that he ordered the attack of the camps of terrorists and Taliban in Afghanistan. So the American begins military operation "Incompatible freedom."

Interestingly, in the note of a high-ranking American analyst Wong, the Institute of Strategic Studies of the US Army Studies say: "The current public support for hostilities is comparable in terms of the level with the one that followed the attack in Pearl Harbor. Americans argue today that they consider military actions relevant that they are for a long war and that they have enough will to transfer all the negative consequences of war. "

Even earlier, on September 11, Henry Kissinger wrote: "The government should be entrusted to the government to provide systematic response, which would have led we hope, besides, which followed the attack on us in Pearl Harbor - to the destruction of the system responsible For this attack. This system is a network of terrorist organizations that are hidden in the capitals of certain states. "

Which is very significant and symbolic, and Kissinger, and Wong remember Pearl Harbor. Kissinger cannot not know that Pearl Harbor is a provocation. He equalizes Pearl Harbor and September 11, and thus indirectly pronounced. Isn't it strange that on September 11 he knows what terrorists did it, and links them with Baghdad and Kabul.

In September 2000, the US government announced a project for the "New American Century" - "Restructuring of the Defense of America". Among his authors is Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush (Brother Bush Jr.), Donald Ramsfeld. The project states: "The process of transformation (world. - A. F.), even if he bring revolutionary changes, most likely will be long, if some catastrophic and accelerating event does not happen, like a new pearl harbor" (staff me. -A.F.) And again - Pearl Harbor as a model, as an approach. People who know perfectly than was Pearl Harbor talk about what they need a new Pearl Harbor. Approximately the same in beginning of XVII The century Ivan Bolotnikov, already surrounded by the troops of Vasily Shui, sends the diploma in the country with a request to declare any new Dmitry. He knows that Dmitry - Liazarevich ...

In 2003, American-British aggression against Iraq begins. And if Afghanistan is geopolitics and drugs, then Iraq is geopolitics, oil and a course on the crossroads of the Arab world, to create in the interests of American TNK a patchwork called "Big Middle East". It must be said that drug trafficking and interests of clans, controlling drugs play a very large role in all changes in the Middle East, ranging from American aggression against Afghanistan and ending with the so-called "Arab spring". Before the American invasion of the Taliban reduced the production of heroin in Afghanistan, and after the invasion, it grown sharply. The US invasion of Iraq provided an American military establishment a very significant source of income. And not only american, but also an English establishment, since the heroin production zone in Afghanistan, as one of the American generals spent - this is the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility Mi-6. In general, according to analysts involved in drug trafficking, 90% of drug production is under the control of three special services: MI-6, CIA and Mossad, and 10% - in the hands of various mafia structures. Today, Blair repent and say that the input of troops in Iraq was a mistake, but it was done, and no one answered for it.

From the series of reservations in Freud: In September 2002, the Bush administration announced a document entitled "National US Security Strategy". In it there is just a wonderful phrase: "Events on September 11 opened new gigantic opportunities before us." The striking thing: the United States openly talk about its plans and opportunities, and the world media is silent!

When Soviet Union South Korean "Boeing" invaded his territory, the world press went crazy. It whole in vain stamped the Soviet Union. I will not discuss the question of whether the USSR really hit the Passenger Boeing or some other Boeing, and the passenger was put on Okinawa, taking a subscription of 25-year non-disclosure from South Koreans, the action of which ended in 2008 . I remember the other: in five years in 1988, over the territory of the Persian Gulf (not above the United States!) The American aircraft carrier knocked the Iranian "Boeing". 300 people died. Ronald Reagan said that it is a pity that people died, but the captain of the aircraft carrier, though he was mistaken, but acted absolutely correctly, as she considered that the plane carries a threat. The global media did not criticize the Reagan nor the USA - it is clear: one thing, when the USSR knocks something, it is unacceptable; Another thing is when the "Democratic and Free State of the United States" does the same thing - it is permissible.

The fact that September 11 allowed the Americans to solve a number of foreign policy tasks - this is one side of the case, external. No less important inner side. It is impossible to disagree with those journalists analytics who believe that the explosions of September 11 became a prologue to the change of the US political regime. No, the facade remained the same, but there were cardinal changes within the country. The executive body has created new structures to extend to the internal policy methods, which in the 1990s and previous CIA and the armed forces used outside the country. America de facto turned into a military empire. This is very well described in the trilogy of Chalmers Johnson "Blowback" ("Retreat"), "The Sorrows of Empire" ("The Serebi Empire") and "Nemesis" ("Nemesis"). In a strange way, only the last part of the trilogy was transferred to Russian. Chalmers Johnson is a famous analyst, CIA man. In the late 1990s, he, concerned about what was happening in the United States, wrote this trilogy, which showed that during the presidency of Clinton for smiling in the entire business mouth, a very important change in the United States occurred. According to Chalmers Johnson, the military de facto took the US under control. And the events of September 11 allowed it to be de facto to turn into de jure. How?

On October 8, 2001, the US Security Office (Office of Homenand Security) was created in the United States. He headed him Tim Ridge. This event marked the beginning of the deep reform of the American Public Apparatus. This Bureau became equivalent to the Council of National Security, and, in fact, turned into something similar to the military mobilization bureau of the Second World War. The "Patriotic Act" adopted on October 26, 2001) sharply expanded the powers of the investigating authorities, strengthened control over the American population, favorably with the police arbitrariness. So the name of the terror in the United States is institutionalized and the police state.

In November 2002, under the pretext of protection against terrorism, Bush signed the commissioning of the Total Information Awareness program ("Total Informational Awritten"). This program allows the US government without any restrictions to collect any information about anyone who interests it in all global databases. Admiral John Pontreexter was appointed responsible for this program. In Russian, these people say: "There is no place to put the stamp." This man was involved in the scandal of the Irangate, which broke out in 1986-1987 during the Iran-Iraq war in connection with the secret importation of weapons into Iran from countries such as Israel and the United States .... The investigation lasted for a very long time, and only in 1999 he He received 18 months in prison for the destruction of documents, which testified to his fault.

In addition to this "total informational awareness", the Americans launched another information control program - "Matrix" (what is the name!). Under the guise of collecting anti-terrorism information, this program collects information about all US citizens and their preferences. No wonder many analysts say that if in the 1990s the United States from the republic turned into a military empire, then after the events of September 11, they rapidly turn into a new Reich, in the fascist state. The appearance of the fascist American theocratic state, published in February 2002, journalists John Stanton and Wen Madsen write: "Historians will remember that between November 2001 and February 2002 democracy, such as it seemed to make representatives of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution , died. And while democracy emptied the spirit, the fascist and theocratic American state appeared on the light. "

As the British say: "Every Acquisition IS Loss and Every Loss Is An Acquisition" ("Each acquisition is a loss, and every loss has acquisition"). Russians speak differently: "Do not be famously like it is quiet." American neocons during the President of Bush woke up in the Middle East such forces that are no longer able to control. America redirected. Americans need to leave the Middle East in the old quality and come in some other. For the period of renovation, they need controlled chaos, and now create Islamists, which R. Labevierre called "chain psa of globalization in American". As often happens in history - a kind of event, solving short-term measures, creates medium-term problems. To solve medium-term problems, medium-term measures are needed, and they generate long-term system problems that no longer decide without changing the system. Today it is clear: the situation in the Middle East came out from under American control, chaos becomes uncontrollable and turns against the "Lord Haosogenes", who stumbled on Syria, more precisely, in the position of Russia (as well as China, Iran and some other forces). In this situation, it is impossible to exclude the nervous breakdown of the outgoing hegemon, especially if the president becomes the woman who was called "Killari Clinton" in the States (to kill). American journalists are about 400 strange deaths for Clean Clintons. If so, then we are just the second edition of Bonnie and Clyde, just not the cinema. It must be remembered that people who are not inclined to restrain the nervous impulses, whether everyday life or foreign policy, well understand the language of force. Then they keep their promises. Gaddafi believed without having strength - and paid. Regarding such characters that are now often called "partners", Shakespeare Hamlet in his time spoke like this: "... I believe with both two Vijuki" ("Whom I Will Trust As I Will ADDERS 'Fanned"). So we must believe in the offer of reboot and in much more.

... As for the events of September 11, the whole truth about them, most likely, we will never know. Yes, in fact, all the detailed truth is currently not obligatory. Almost everything was clear from the very beginning - there is a wonderful clarifying question: Cui Bono? (Who is profitable?). I think that now, when America was in a position much worse than at the end of the twentieth century, we again should be waiting for war. The CIA is ready. The only thing that, unlike Mossad and Mi-6, they work very rudely, coryato, with the help of white threads. But they need their media, or rather - SMRR (means of mass advertising, agitation and disinformation), which these white threads are painted black. US journalists have succeeded so much that even a significant part of their professors - the intellectual elite of the country - believes that the Bain Laden blew up the towers on September 11. In such cases, I answer them: "And Kennedy was killed by Harvey Oswald. Moreover, he acted, of course, alone - as before Booth, who killed Lincoln, and Sirhan Sirhan, who shot Robert Kennedy. " The investigation is completed - forget. But we hardly forget the events of September 11, since it was from this provocation that it seems that the last desperate attack of the most aggressive segment of the Anglo-American Tip, aspiring to save themselves at the cost of most of humanity.

Towers Gemini: history, pride and tragedy of America

At buildings, like people, there is something in common. Some lives simple and imperceptible to most of life and, dying, remain in memory of only the nearest relatives. Others - in sight, they admire or hate; At least many know them. Die, they are part of the story, living in the minds of millions, even after leaving Eternity, influence the living.

It was the second option that fate chose fate for famous skyscrapers, twin towers in New York. Twisted as a result of a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, these buildings would seek their existence: everyone knows them, they remember them, they continue to replicate in thousands of pictures. In the end, they still affect the lives of a huge metropolis, and the United States as a whole.

Construction of twin towers

Build easily, it is difficult to negotiate. Any building of the world, even country house, not born in the construction site, and in the minds of his creators. Did not exception and the World shopping center In New York, the architectural and visual dominant of which two skyscrapers came, immediately called towers: North and South.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the Grand Complex was born in the United States during the Second World War. By 1944 it became clear that one state was left in the Western world, which was managed not only to preserve its economic power, but it is essential to strengthen it, especially against the background of destroyed Europe and Japan. This state has become America. It was not necessary to have a great mind to understand the simple truth: in the coming decades, the country will become a superpower, will develop rapidly. And she will need a large financial and shopping complex.

But there was still a lot of time until the idea began to turn into reality. There were two main reasons.

The first is the arms race broken, cold Warrequiring colossal financial injections.

The second is the collision of the economic interests of several influential groups of the United States, as well as two states, New Jersey and New York. In addition, the construction of the Center assumed the emergence of new skyscrapers exceeding the height of Empire State Building, the pride of the city, the highest building of the world. Financial groups who controlled this building were not at all eased the emergence of a formidable competitor.

And only by the beginning of the 60s, all commercial, image and financial questions I managed to dying. The brothers Rockefeller, David and Nelson played the last role in this. Using its influence, connection and money, the brothers began to build a WTC in Lower Manhattan.

The entire complex, including the Twins Towers, designed several powerful design companies, but the leading architect, the father of the project, elected an American of Japanese origin to Minor Yamasaka.

Yamasaki before the start of work on this project fulfilled several serious works in different cities The United States, although it was not among the most mast professional professionals. A supporter of Gothic modernism, experiencing a strong influence of the architecture of Le Corbusier, the Japanese drew attention to the small vintage towers of the twins in the Italian town of San Gimignano, taking them as a sample to fulfill their task.

And the task of the master was uncomplicated: to do something, where it would be 5 times more office space than in Empire State Building. After a passage of several possible options, Yamasaka came to the final: two slim tower with a square cross section, having a form of parallelepiped.

The whole course of construction can be divided into the following steps:

  • design: 1962 - 1965;
  • cleaning and preparation of area for construction - from March to August 1966;
  • august 1966 - the beginning of earthworks, ground removal under the foundation of towers;
  • installing the last carrier element of buildings - December 1970 (North Tower), July 1971 (South Tower);
  • the solemn opening of the complex - April 4, 1974.

At the end of the construction of the tower turned out to be the highest buildings of the world, each numbered 110 floors. The top mark of South was 415 meters, the north was 2 meters above, and it was also decorated with an antenna with a mark of 526.3 meters.

Among other things, the appearance of the towers gave the launch of the real race of the skyscrapers, which began in the world. Closing a little forward, it can be said that the Americans built a new WTC on the spot of fallen "candles", which matches the most high building Western Hemisphere. Nevertheless, now it is only the fourth in the cohort of buildings-giants.

Unusual face of twin towers

Continuing the analogy, it can be said that like people, outstanding buildings also possess their records and unique events of life. There are both Yamasaki towers. Here is some of them:

  • During the construction of buildings, deep 20 meter pitched to get to the "indigenous" rock. The land from the Kotlovanov was used for artificial embankment, on which several World Financial Center buildings were subsequently built.
  • At the heart of the construction of the towers - hundreds of big and small steel pipescreating a special framework, resistant to winds and seismic oscillations.
  • The facade of the buildings is replete with a huge amount of narrow windows of the width of only 56 cm. Yamasaki suffered from the fear of height, and designed the windows so that anyone, going to the windowsill, could easily lie down in the slope of the window pass, which would create a special sense of reliability.
  • Each of the towers had 103 elevators, of which 6 cargo. Part of passenger elevators were high-speed, part - ordinary. For the transition from first to the second, platforms at the 44th and 78th floors were used.
  • Immediately after the construction of the towers, they received derogatory criticism from leading architects of the world. Not really liked buildings and residents of the city. But gradually they are accustomed to them and even began to be proud. Approximately the same fate was Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • The first attempt to destroy the buildings was taken in 1993. Then in the garage of the Northern Tower, under the ground, a truck blew up with more than halftone explosives.

In the end, terrorists managed to blow unusual buildings. But, destroying them, did they destroy the idea itself, the desire of a person to conquer, create something unusual? After all, it is laid in the very nature of man.

And, perhaps, Philip Petit's unwashed Frenchman said very well about it, who in August 1974 managed 8 times in a row (!) Go through a rope stretched between two towers, while dancing and even lick: "Lying on a rope, I saw very Closely above the seagull. And I remembered myth about Promethea. Here, at this height, I invaded its space, proving that a person can compare with a bird ... "

The construction of the northern tower ended in 1971, and two years later put into operation and the South Tower. The official date of opening of the World Trade Center in New York is April 4, 1973.
Feature Tower WTC:
As a result, the twin towers became the highest skyscrapers of the United States. In each "brother-gigner" there were 110 floors. The height of the 1st WTC building was 526.3 meters along with the antenna. The last floor in the southern tower was built in 411 meters from the ground, and in North - in 413! The depth of the foundation was at a mark of 23 meters under the ground. The length of the power cables exceeded 5,000 kilometers, and the total power of the electrical network was about 80,000 kW. Thus, the builders really managed to realize the "project of the century", which became one of the symbols of the United States, the pride of the American people. In recent years, there have been about 50,000 people every day to work in the WTC, and another 200,000 people visited the World Trade Center as tourists a week. In the southern tower on the 107th floor, an observatory was organized. From the observation site, a magnificent view of the city was opened. In the northern tower at the level between 106 and 107 floors, a chic restaurant "Windows to the world" was located, which was opened in 1976 and was the most "high-altitude" point of nutrition in the world. At that time, no one could think that these towers would once fall. After all, the framework of the building, according to the assurances of engineers, could withstand the blow of the colossal force, for example, under the taran by the plane. The towers, especially the strongest strongest gusts of the wind, which raged at an altitude of 400 meters. The design of the skyscrapers differed high strength, stability, due to facades made in the form of steel frameworks and aluminum modular sections, mounted in them. These elements had a size of 10x3.5 meters. All technical triggers were in vain, because when the aircraft falls, a decisive role is not a destructive strength of the collision, but a high temperature. As a result of the explosion of tanks with fuel containing over 5000 liters of gasoline, an instant heating has grown to 1000 degrees Celsius! This is and provoked a collapse.

Destruction of the World Trade Center.

Evidence of the presence of explosives in twin towers.

Millions of people around the world watched the events around the WTCs in the live CNN air on September 11, 2001 and hardly believed their eyes. They saw huge smoke clubs over Manhattan and saw how the towers were collapsed ... in a strange way. They did not fall off; They "are", in a way, as many have seen with a controlled demolition: the building does not destroy randomly, scattering the debris on a wide area; It is rather collapsed by itself. That was how the towers of the WTC were collapsed.
The fact that the destruction of the towers was controlled, some insightful observers immediately noticed:
Well, this is just me, or someone else realized that the WTC was destroyed not attacking aircraft? For me personally, this is the most frightening moment of today morning. ...
If you look at the timing, you will see that everything happened as follows:
- The plane is crashed into the 1st tower, making a break in the upper part. Next, there are quite expected things:
- The tower remains standing. Building from reinforced concrete * Extremely * firmly. The terrorists have already exploded a large bomb * inside * of the same building without much damage. ...

The second aircraft crashes into the second tower, below and at greater speed. He pierces a larger hole in it, fragments are raised to the streets, but the building is still worth it and looks quite durable.
- The second building begins to burn, also up from the collision site.
- Approximately half an hour later, the fire in the first building * goes out *. It is still smoldering and goes black smoke, but there is no flame. ...
- Flood Fire in the Second Building.
- The second building is suddenly scattered into the dust, as if a smooth wave ran on top of the building (above the location of the burning) down through all the floors at the same speed. The debris is preferably falling inside. The building does not fall off separate solid pieces and do not rush to the surrounding houses. ... destruction began from the top (above the collision location). It occurs evenly. All structural elements are destroyed consistently, so that the carrier skeleton does not remain. The destruction is uniform, symmetric and absolute.
Summing up: It all looks like demolition - because it is he is.
- The first tower collapses as a result of a similar "wave".
Not a doubt that aircraft crashed into the towers caused serious damage. But take a look at the photos - these buildings simply * fired with the ground *. For the demolition of the building, many explosives are not required, but it must be placed in the right places (in direct contact with the structural elements) and undermine in a uniform, synchronized sequence. ...
This message appeared on the Internet on September 11, a few hours after the destruction of twin towers. From the very beginning, some people were not deceived.

At first, the theory with explosives had a problem: in any media there were no messages that anyone heard the explosions immediately before the collapse of the WTC. But over the past year, such messages appeared, there are even video filming in free access, which demonstrates that inside the twin towers actually had explosions before their collapse.
TV viewers who watched the terrible events of September 11, saw the explosions before the breakdown of the towers. Television images show what looks like a strong explosion that occurred close to the level of land, close to the 47-storey building of Salomon Brothers, known as WTC-7, before the collapse of the first tower.
... one witness, the office of which is not far from the World Trade Center, reported AFP that he stood in the crowd on Church Street, about two and a half blocks from the southern tower, when he saw a series of short outbreaks, outgoing from the inside of the building between 10 and 15 floors. " He saw about 6 of these short outbreaks, accompanied by a "cod" before the tower collapsed. Each tower had six crawled columns.
One of the first firefighters in the second attacked tower, Louie Cacchioli, 51 years old, said People Weekly on September 24th: "I raised firefighters in the elevator to the 24th floor for the evacuation of the employees. During the last lift bomb exploded. We believe that The building was installed bombs. "
Kim White, 32 years old, serving since the 80th floor, also reported that he had heard an explosion. "Suddenly, the whole building shuddered, then the beginning of swing. We did not know what was happening," she said People. "We have gathered all people from the floor to flight flights ... At that time, we all thought it was a fire ... We went down to the 74th floor ... Then another explosion rang out."
(Many innovation testimony insist on the presence of bombs when the WTC is collapsed).
The Danish site offers 4-hour video filming, containing evidence that happened on September 11th and what was silent or ignored by the main media:
Video clips of falling towers were often edited in such a way that it did not give the capabilities to the viewers to get a "full picture" of the entire collapse of the towers. ... For 1000 hours of my video investigation, I found very few of these "full-format images taken from a large distance" that would show the whole towers (top to bottom). Most video clips about the 11th September, which we have seen, (and for subsequent weeks) these are edited versions ... [which] do not show numerous "clouds" from exploding bombs "from the windows" of the Facade of WTC is significantly lower than the collision location. ... Some of the "editorial" did not want to show us a "full picture"!
But some of the most important video visiting bombs stayed! On my video, I will show you 5 significant "dust clubs" from the destructive bombs exploding inside the TSTs towers. These "clouds from bombs" were located about 20 and 40 levels below the "collision level" of incident towers. ... They give full proof of the presence of bombs of destruction, blown up much lower than the "collision point level".
("Bombs inside the World Trade Center").
On the website "Webfairy 911 Memorial" there are several very interesting video materials. In particular, an obvious testimony of explosions that took place during the fall of the northern tower.
On the left shot - the shooting of the controlled demolition: pay attention to the fact that "Webfairy" calls "Petardes for demolition", clouds of fragments and dust, which are thrown horizontally when exploding charges placed on several levels in the building that will be demolished.
Now look at the right picture: this is a shooting of the collapse of the northern tower. Two horizontal emissions from explosions are clearly visible before the fragments have achieved the lower boundary of the frame.

But not only the twin towers were deliberately destroyed, as well as the building, known as VTC 7.
"Not quoted by a monopolized press, some firefighters who survived Black Tuesday insist that the buildings were explosions in the buildings, in terms of twin towers of the World Trade Center, separately and aside from the blows cut into the aircraft building. ... Was explosives inside buildings undermined remotely to carry the towers, how do it do with old buildings? And there are serious reasons to believe that the explosive inside caused a mysterious collapse, in the evening of black Tuesday, the building number 7 of the World Trade Center complex. "
(Sherman H. Skolnick: "Problem of the American Republic", Part 14).

The twin towers collapsed very strangely, there were practically nothing left, except for metal fragments. external Wall and a huge amount of small ashes and dust, without the central steel columns of the lower sixty floors, or fallen. It is very strange. Take a look at all these dust (click on the picture to zoom in it, as well as see the following two photos of dust clubs). As if some high-energy destroyed ray was focused on the towers, spraying each concrete block in the smallest particles ash and dust.

But, although some of the "dark" technologies could be used to destroy twin towers, we do not need to prove it, because the fall may well be explained by the controlled demolition using explosives. In fact (as the first pointed to Christopher Bollyn in his open letter), evidence of strong explosions was recorded by seismographs located 34 km from WTC:

The "sharp peak of a small duration" - the underground nuclear explosion looks like a seismograph.
Seismographer, who recorded this data, worked at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. The American Geophysical Union has published a message in the release of EOS from November 20th, but the authors incorrectly interpreted the data. They suggested and reported that the two largest signals were caused by the fall of twin towers. But:
"During collapse, most of The energy of falling pieces was absorbed by the towers and surrounding structures, transforming them into fragments and dust, or applying another damage - but not producing a significant concussion. "
(Dr. Arthur Lerner-Lam, Director of Columbia University "S Center for Hazards and Risk Research, as quoted in" News of the Institute of Earth ").
So, if most of the energy of falling debris was scattered and there was no reason for the appearance of the main peaks on the seismic record, then what was it? Maybe strong explosions at the lowest levels (minus 7th level) of the foundation of twin towers, close to the carrier steel columns, where did they relieve the Mountain breed of Manhattan? Maybe even small nuclear explosions?
This, together with numerous small explosions on each tenth, or so, the level of carrier steel columns, can explain the observation that the official version does not clarify: why the lower part of the massive steel bearing columns remains to stand after the collapse? If the official version is true that the destruction was the result of collisions and a fire, which happened only on the upper floors, and that the floors then "donkey" on each other should be expected that steel columns in the core, say, 20 or 30 lower Floors, I had to stay to stand, which did not happen. But this becomes clear if the bases of the steel columns were destroyed by the bombings at the level of the rock. With the destroyed base and carrier steel columns, interrupted by explosions at different levels of twin towers, the upper floors lost their support and collapsed to the ground level for about ten seconds.
Further proof of the presence of explosives gives a video shooting of how the Southern Tower collapsed: about 30 upper floors were tamed at the beginning of the collapse. If the floors "sat down" on each other, according to the official version, then these upper floors were supposed to fall straight down. But if the explosions somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe collision level killed the steel bearing columns in the center, then it is clear why the upper floors turned out (perhaps towards the damaged angle, where the aircraft crashed).
Explosive devices could be enclosed in a heat-resistant shell so that they do not explode from fire. If synchronicity was important, they could be blown off remotely (radio or microwave) at the right time. Even if the fire brought the bomb at the clash level of aircraft, he could not damage the bombs below the level of the fire. You do not need wires, processors or hourly mechanisms, you need only a method undermining each of the devices a unique signal. Even the synchronous sequence could not be needed - the simultaneous explosion of all devices at the ground level could be sufficient to achieve the desired result.
Time T, the required object for falling from the height H (in vacuum) is calculated by the formula T \u003d SQRT (2H / G), where G is an acceleration of free fall. Thus, an object falling from the top of one of the towers (take H \u003d 1306 feet (398 meters) and G \u003d 32.174 feet / s 2 (9.81 meters / s 2)), it will take 9.01 seconds to fall to the Earth, If you neglect the air resistance and for a few seconds longer, if we take into account the resistance of the air. The twin towers collapsed in 10 - 15 seconds, which is close to a free drop. Immediately after the start of destruction, the upper floors were to smithereens to dissemble steel jumpers in all 85, or so, the low level floors. Even if it went to the floor in a second, the collapse would take more than a minute. But the top floor material collapsed to the lower at least six floors per second at least six floors. This is possible only if all the structural elements of the lower 85 floors were completely destroyed before the start of the collapse. Since the lower floors were not damaged when a collision with aircraft and a fire, the removal of structural support on these floors should have occurred for another reason - and the most obvious possibility is an explosive. So The collapse rate (not exceeding the speed of free fall) is a serious evidence that the twin towers were destroyed during the controlled demolition using explosives (or other destructive technology) at all levels.

During the week after the collapse of twin towers under the surface were areas that remained extremely hot.
"The Aviris data obtained on September 16, 2001 discovered a number of thermally hot places in the place of collapse of the TCTs towing. Data analysis found temperatures above 800OF (430 ° C) in these places (in some over 1300 ° C. 700 ° C)."
("American Report on Geological Observations").
What was the source of this heat? Maybe residual phenomena from underground nuclear explosions?

The way to prove that the carrying steel columns of the twin towers were interrupted by explosives, would have to study their fragments for the presence of the fact that the metallurgists call "twinning". But WTC ruins were cleared as quickly as possible, and no investigative study of fragments was allowed for the FBI or another government agency. Almost all 300,000 tons of steel from twin towers were sold to New York metalwash traders and exported to the place of China's type and Korea as quickly as ships could be immersed, so destroying evidence. See the material "Mountain of the wreckage begins to decrease", where it is shown that Controlled Demolition Inc. (the global leader in demolition of high-rise buildings) is obviously well taken care of the debris to bring out and get rid of them as quickly as possible, and was able to provide detailed plan For these events 11 days after the destruction of twin towers, which assumes the availability of this company detailed information Twin tower tower and all CPTS complex before September 11.

It can be argued that hundreds of guards and hundreds of surveillance cameras worked in the WTC (possibly). With such a security service, it would be possible to lay a pair of bombs, but lay the many of them (especially powerful enough to destroy the bases of the carrier steel columns) seems impracticable. However, the World Trade Center changed the owner for 11 weeks before the attack. Larry Silverstein became the new owner. The destruction of WTC and the announcement by George Bush "War against Terrorism" turned out to be (and this could be predicted) Extremely favorably to Israel in his illustrous suppression of the Palestinian people, in its efforts to destroy the Palestinian leaders called "terrorist", and in its attempts to dominate all Arab neighbors . The new owners of the WTC could be convinced to be resurrected in terms of such an obvious benefit for Israel. But if 11 weeks to consider an insufficient date for laying explosives, then how about several years?

Terrorist attack or controlled undermining?
According to the representatives of science, "fire (fire) could not lead to the destruction of steel structures of the building." Supporters of the official (governmental) version of the tragic events are making this fact. Moreover, according to the report subscribed by the Directorate National Institute standards and technologies (2005), steel structures Buildings collapsed allegedly as a result of fires. At the same time, any similar fact is not known to science.
Interestingly, the towers were designed taking into account the possible air attack and were created with design strength, allowing to resist the collision with such a Machina as Boeing 767.
"They were designed to resist all sorts of impacts, including tornadoes, bombing or clashes with huge airliners," says Hyman Brown, head of the project construction project (2001).
The theory of the destruction of the building as a result of a fire and melting the carrier steel structures is also absurd. According to experts, the destruction of the skyscrapers resembles a "controlled undermining", when a certain amount of explosives is placed in the supporting structures and is triggered in the desired sequence.
During the controlled undermining, the destruction of the building is suddenly - at first there is nothing, but in the next moment the structure decays. Steel design at high temperatures can not suddenly break. This happens gradually - horizontal beams begin to be fed, and then vertical steel columns are deformed.
But video filming, capturing the destruction of the towers, did not record such processes even on the floors located above the holes left by the aircraft. In addition, the art of a controlled undermining of a high-rise building is that the blurred skyscraper does not scatter in all directions, and "asked" in such a way that the fragments remain exclusively at the place of construction. So happened to the towers.
According to Mark Luazier, the president of the largest company on the controlled undermining of buildings, such an explosion "should be fully planned, and the explosive should be placed in a certain order." All 110 floors of the twin towers collapsed very carefully. With an unplanned explosion, the construction garbage would cover the whole area, but this did not happen.
With a controlled undermining, the residues of the building are lowered to the surface at a speed of free fall, which does not occur at a random catastrophe. For this, demolitions first lay explosives under the supporting systems of the lower floors, so the upper lowers down, almost without having resisted.
According to the Commission's report, the South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds, which corresponds to the controlled undermining. Moreover, such a technique allows you to "cut" carrier steel structures on a certain length of a certain length, which was recorded in New York. A huge cloud of dust, formed at the site of the balls after the explosion, also serves as indirect proof of the controlled explosion. A colonel of the US engineering troops came to this conclusion, John O "Doodle." It seemed that the air was saturated with cement dust in the place of the VTC explosion. "
Another proof of a planned explosion is a huge amount of molten steel on the place of crashing towers. So, Peter Talley, the head of the construction company Tully Construction, and Mark Luazier reported "Lakes of the molten steel" found on the site of collapsed buildings in the underground mines of elevators. Meanwhile, the collision of the aircraft with the building and the subsequent fire of aviation fuel could not lead to the formation of temperatures under which steel structures begin to melt. The mystery of the explosion of twin towers, according to scientists, still remains undisclosed. What is the government? It is inactive, refusing to disclose information that contradict the official theory.
Shortly after the events of September 11, over 500 fire fighters and ambulance officers were given oral testimony, one way or another, indicating some inconsistencies noted during the elimination of the effects of the terrorist attack. New York City Hall did everything not to betray public or refute these facts.
Only in August 2005, the New York Times newspaper and a group of relatives of those killed as a result of a long trial and a number of appeals managed to force the Merry to publish the mentioned evidence of direct witnesses of the death of the WTC.
The words of witnesses refute government theories, proving that the events of September 11 are a well-planned campaign.

Unfortunately, America's officials do not want to conduct an independent investigation, establish the truth and punish the perpetrators. Why is this happening? Who and why is it profitable? These questions remain unanswered, but the public is not satisfied with the position of the Bush administration, and the S9 / 11T group does not intend to terminate. Soon we are expecting new details that reveal the essence of these tragic events and the hypocrisy of officials. If the approval of American scientists will be true, "controlled undermining" may well lead to an uncontrolled reaction of society - not only the American, but also the world. And then the authors of the largest hoax in the history of mankind may not appear.

Currently, new three skyscrapers are being built on the site of the twins towers, under the working names of Tower No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 and the tower of 541 meters high, which received the symbolic name "Freedom Tower". All new buildings will be distinguished from the first towers who fell under terrorist attack. The construction ceremony of the new World Trade Center was held in July 2004, and the construction itself began on April 27, 2006. The construction of the site is carried out by Larry Silverstain - an entrepreneur acting in real estate. According to plan, the completion of the construction of the Freedom Tower should take place until 2013. The new World Trade Center of New York, in addition to this tower, will also include a residential skyscraper, three high-altitude office buildings, a museum and memorial memory of the victims of the tragedy on September 11, 2001, as well as a concert-exhibition center. Many Americans died 540-dimensional skyscrapers of the "Fear Tower", because When it is erected will be used innovative technologiespreventing damage to the terrorist attack of any power. In particular, the first 52 meters of the building are planned to put in a concrete frame, and for outdoor decoration Apply the glass of prismatic form, only this can be avoided the notorious visual effect of the "stone bag".

I was afraid. But now, some time passed, and on these weekends we still decided to check out the appearance from a new skyscraper.

I'll tell you about this observation site, how to get there, and that it can be seen ...

The construction of the tower began to plan already in 2001, shortly after the 11th Sentil terrorist attacks, when the previous twin towers were destroyed. But architects and the city have long been with different projectsAnd in the end, the rack has fallen many years. For a truly building it began only in 2006. Then she was called Freedom Tower ("Freedom Tower"). By the time of its completion last year, patriotic fermented, and in the end she received her name today, which simply duplicates her address: World Trade Center, one house.

It is quite difficult to look at the tower from the bottom - the neck begins to hurt. The building with a height of 540 meters, has 104 floors.

Right next is the park, where the memorial of the fallen twins is located, and people who killed there. At the Park there is an almost finished transport hub of the project of Santiago Kalatravala, the Spanish architect known to its futuristic buildings. Many of them resemble skeletons of fantastic animals.

In the early 2000th, Calatrava built the city of Arts and Sciences in Valenci - one of my TOP-10 seats in the world. The construction of the VTC transportation hub has already been dragged to 6 years longer than the planned, and cost more expensive for the initial estimate (today the price is about $ 4 billion). (.)

The twin memorial is very beautiful - made in the form of two fountains, which are gaping holes in the ground, precisely in those places where until 2001 stood the towers. Water falls from the walls of black stone, as if in the abyss. These stones are carved by the names of people who died in the terrorist attack.

Fountains are arranged so that standing next to them cannot be seen of their bottom.

Tickets for the observation platform are worth today $ 32, and sold on a certain time. They can be purchased in advance, via the Internet (), or at the entrance, defending in another queue. Time on the ticket does not guarantee the tolerance immediately - after your time is suitable, you will be allowed to stand in the queue outside.

And then in one inside. True, both of these queues can be skipped by buying a VIP ticket for $ 54. Now, when the excitement already slept, these queues are not so big, and move quickly, so decide whether you should spend extra money to avoid queues.

By the way, if you disappear a little bit at the agreed time, the ticket can still be used. We bought at 3:15, and came about 3:40, and no questions arose.

At the entrance is checked as at the airport - there is an X-ray for things, and a metal detector for visitors. There is even a machine in which you need to raise your hands up, but so far it is not used. Forced to pull out all of the pockets - here it is suitable for safety.

A visit to the skyscraper begins with an elevator. About him many where they wrote. The lifting a hundred floors takes less than a minute. At this time, the elevator shows a mini-show passengers about the story of New York on their wall-monitors.

Elevator show can be viewed

Rising upstairs, you will make you wait a few minutes, and then launch into a small theater where the mini-presentation will be shown. It seems that they decided to add a little interactive to justify the high price of tickets.

The presentation consists of many pieces of New York life that will be trapped on relief wall. To implement this, in a small theater stands to the fig of healthy projectors.

At the end of this show, a mini surprise awaits you, I will not spoil it.

We decided that we would do without it.

Right before the beginning of the beauty, there are regular ravings of tourists. These are offered to take pictures of you on memory against the background of skyscrapers. True skyscrapers for some reason drawn on big Screen. Moreover, they use some special cameras that, when you press the button for a second, include on all these monitors of green color (so that it was easier to photoshop different types).

Such photoshopography immediately reminded me of Chinese photographers who did similar pictures for tourists.

These various special offers for tourists occupy the entire first floor. The main part of the view is located on a hundred - there everything space around the perimeter is open to visitors and easier to enjoy the views. By the way, the design of the site, and indeed all the interiors of the new skyscraper are not very impressive. Typical modern glass and steel, most walls are simply white, and the ceilings are suspended low, and resemble the average office. Could at least for the observation deck better come up with something.

I do not know whether it is specifically, but the first view that we met opens to the Stuty Freedom. Around her surprisingly many different boats floats - water is famine with white traces.

But the view of the western side of Manhattan. There is a very studious, not too high building is my work. (About it today you can read Varlamov)

As in any respected skyscraper, there is an attraction "Glass floor".

But since in this tower there are no elements hanging over the abyss, then the glass floor has to be simulated using LCD monitors. The effect is not at all, it turns out not scary. A little embarrassing except to feel that you walk on TVs.

On the main floor there is two such stations, where the experts of the city are told visitors about New York. While the story is waving his hands, the picture on the screens is changing in a circle. Then they offer visitors to poke somewhere on the map of the city, and talk about this place.

At this height, the initially wide facades of the building agreed to such narrow angular sections:

The view of the city is certainly stunning. For example, the financial district of Lower Manhattan and the governor's island.

And here is my favorite bridges New York. Next to Brooklynsky is a shameful flat back side of Frank Gerie residential house. And the carousel in Dambo is perfectly visible, and "the most ugly building in New York"(Veraison concrete block).

On the first floor there is a cafe-bar. If you are lucky, you can grab a table near the window, drink too expensive drinks and enjoy the view ...

The quality of the service is of course disgusting here - we waited somewhere for a minute, so that someone came across and accepted our order. However, it seemed the impression that the service corresponds to the quality of food.

There is also a bar where you can stall into the mobile, being at a huge height.

But let's look in the windows yet - we came here for this ...

Here is a view of Midtown. Here a triumphal arch, which in Washington Square Park stands. Will find? ..

Or, for example, Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn. A sufficiently boring spectacle, a little bit of simcting looks like.

But these brown matchboxes in the center are a flock town, the town of the same type of housing. I have a couple of friends there. Interestingly, they saw me when I shot this photo? .. I waved the case on them.

Very tricky roofs of houses. They are not visible from the street, and the owners often do what they want. And they want a lot of things.

From above open unique angles. This is, for example, a view of the transit knot of Kalalatrava:

Or, one of the fountains of the Memorial Memorial Towers.

After five hours of the day, the people are noticeably added - we were on Friday, and people probably go here after work. It becomes difficult to take a picture of not launching in the frame of extra people. And walking without climbing someone else.

On the observation deck, there are sometimes guards with a dog, she is trying to sniff out from someone explosives. Seeing the dog, I immediately felt somehow very disturbing - it serves as a reminder: "There may have a terrorist attack." But it quickly passed.

It's time to leave - the exit here as always through the souvenir shop.

On the floor there are very cool disputes of cute binoculars, but unfortunately they do not sell them in the shop, and they sell a standard range of cups, magicians, handles and other similar garbage.

When you find where there is still a real output, it turns out that it is necessary to stand in the queue. The VIP ticket does not help here, he misses only the queues on the entrance.

Finally, look - another kind of the southern tip of Manhattan:

While you go down in the elevator, its walls show another idea. But it is not as good as what plays on the way up, and in general, you no longer before him, because you have a wild ears at that time ...

The construction of this complex was a symbol of the post-war prosperity of the United States of America. His destruction 11 years ago was a new point of reference, which exolient the history of the planet to the next "before" and "after". At these events, Gargantuansky scale is practically not obsessed by the fact that those built in the early 1970s were an outstanding engineering building of their time. The worldwide shopping center existed for only 30 years, which, nevertheless, become one of the architectural icons of New York, tells the Darrius blogger.

From World War II, USA came out superpower. Its the largest city of New York, becoming accommodation here in 1945, the headquarters of the United Nations the capital of world diplomacy, seriously prepared for the transformation into the most influential center of international trade. However, initial plans for the construction of the necessary infrastructure necessary for this, which envisaged the construction of a total value of $ 150 million in the early 1950s, in 1949 were frozen in 1949.

Again to the project so-called The World Trade Center returned at the end of the next decade, having tied him to Redevelopment of Lower Manhattan, the initiator of which was the billionaire David Rockefeller. He attracted to the creation of the WTC concept of the largest architectural company USA - Skidmore, Owings and Merrill from Chicago, which presented in 1960 a sketch project, providing for the placement of a new complex in the eastern part of the island, along the East River. World Trade Center in SOM's view consisted of 50 - The 70-storey high-rise building in the "international style", resembling the UN headquarters (office space and a hotel should be accommodated here, and the exhibition center exhibition center (length) of the exhibition center should be accommodated. Option in 1960.

A year later, a variant with several high-altitude buildings was proposed.

In 1961, the project developer becomes the so-called port authority, the management of the port of New York, the organization that was responsible not only for the port facilities of the metropolis, but also owned all its coastal infrastructure (lands, tunnels, roads), and not only the city of New York , but also the state of New Jersey in his area. After consulting between Port Authority and the state authorities, a conceptual decision is made on transferring the construction of the WTC from the coast of East River to the opposite, the west side of Manhattan. Orange color The original platform of the World Trade Center, Red - New, where the project was ultimately implemented.

This platform (already on the shore of Hudzon) was much more profitable for the state of New Jersey, located on opposite side rivers. In accordance with mutual agreements, the Office of the New York port redeemed the unprofitable Underground Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Underground Railway, connecting the staff with Manhattan. After - He demolished her main Manhattan Terminal (Hudson Terminal), without affecting the road acting actually, and unfolded in its surroundings the construction of the WTC. In this photo of 1919, demonstrating the skyline of the city is still in the style of Ar Deco, Hudson Terminal - These are two dark buildings to the left of the center of the picture. WTC is located on the site of low-rise buildings in the lower left corner.

The demolition of these quarters caused a considerable scandal at the beginning of the construction center. His skyscrapers were designed on the place of Radio Row ("Radorad"), the Manhattan region, where hundreds of small shops, an office and warehouses selling radio and other electric devices were located. So Radio Row looked in the 1930s, some buildings were here even the 1850s.

So this area looked from a bird's eye view. The white line highlighted a platform, which in the end was taken by the WTC complex.

Many shop owners in Radio Row and about a hundred people who had apartments there, as often happened, categorically refused to either move, even for compensation. Pickets, demonstrations and judicial claims, however, did not have special success. This project was too important for municipal authorities, the amount of investment was too large.

The RADIO ROW disclosure began in 1965 and by 1967 mainly ended.

Five years later, modern skyscrapers will grow here.

New York Skyline from the opposite, New Jersey, the Beach of Hudson. In the center - Low-rise Radio Row, behind him - Hudson Terminal. Please note that the railway station looks like a symbolic predecessor of the WTC. Also two towers (1909, arch. James Hollis Wells, Bureau CLINTON AND RUSSELL), at one time high-altitude (22 floors), almost twins, performed the function of the business center located above the land-hidden railway terminal.

September 20, 1962, finally deciding with the playground and missed the battle for the settlement of the site, the port management chose the chief architect of the project. They became an American of Japanese origin Minor Yamasaka. He lived in the vicinity of Detroit, pcs. Michigan, and therefore the local New York Workshop Emery Roth & Sons was appointed to provide him with technical assistance. The customer put the following task before Yamasaka: to post on a plot of 16 acres (65,000 square meters. M) 930,000 square meters. m office premises. The architect went over several dozen conceptual options: a single skyscraper, a set of "height" is smaller, but in the end he stopped at the construction of two 110-storey twin towers, surrounded by several relatively low-rise buildings. Sketch of 1964.

In January 1964, the city layout was presented to the city and the world.

So, the plan of the World Trade Center. Its main elements were two identical "altitude", the so-called North and South Towers (1 WTC and 2 WTC on the plan, respectively). The perimeter of the building stains completed 4 complex in the configuration of the housing, received numbers 3-6 and built in 1975 - 1981. In the center of the plot was created large square ("Plaza" in American terminology), which served to recreate and distribute pedestrian flows into the building of the complex. All six buildings were formed by one giant "super-quarters" (Superblock), which took place a dozen earlier here existing. Finally, in 1987, a high-altitude business center (7 WTC) was included in the WTC, formally published beyond the original platform.

The twin towers were designed square in terms of a side of 63 meters long. The fundamental innovation of Yamasaka was the proposal to build them with a carrier exterior framework, forming a tough "pipe" that would be complemented inner corestanding on the rocky base of Manhattan. Such a design, instead of a massively used diagram with distributed over the entire inner area of \u200b\u200bthe building, the load carrying columns allowed to obtain more office space. In addition, the latter were suitable for subsequent free planning at the request of tenants.

Typical floor plan skyscraper. The external framework of the building is formed by the perimeter of metal columns (59 pieces on each side of the building, the length of the side of the column - 36 cm, marked on plan small squares). The angles of the square perimeter are beveled. In the center there is a rectangular (27 × 41 m) core, the basis of which is another 47 steel columns that are directly on the rocky base of Manhattan island. Engineering infrastructure is concentrated in the kernel: technical mines, elevators, stairs, utility and auxiliary premises. Office space surrounds the core and completely free from the carrier columns.

Additional stability of the framework of the building was given by inter-storey floors, which combined the perimeter columns among themselves, which took part of the weight load and redistributed wind load. Structurally, each of these ceilings consisted of a grid of steel farms (basic and connecting them transverse), covered with sheets of corrugated metal and covered with a thin layer of concrete.

Inter-storey overlap and carrying an external skyscraper frame close-up.

In addition to the structure of the building, Yamasaki also used a number of other advanced solutions at that time. For example, he ran into the following problem inherent in all high-rise buildings. The higher the skyscraper, the more elevators are required to serve its inhabitants. With an increase in the number of elevators, the useful tower area is directly reduced. The architect found an elegant output from this situation. He divided the entire office volume of HTC height into 3 equal parts. The border between them floors (44th and 78th) were given under the so-called "heavenly lobby" (Sky Lobby). The role of the third lobby was played by the reception on the first floor of the tower, called concorp. The meaning of the idea was such. All elevators in the core of the skyscraper are divided into huge "express elevators", which accommodate several dozen people, but moving only between transfers "heavenly lobby", and several clusters of "local" elevators, each of which served its set of floors of a particular segment of the tower. Such a scheme made it evenly to ensure each floor of the "altitude" elevators, while without uncontrolled inflating their quantity (they stopped on the figure of 99 elevators to the tower). The traditional scheme would allow only 62% of the area of \u200b\u200beach floor under the offices, transplant lobby increased this figure to 75%. There were direct "express elevators", which moved exclusively between the 1st and 107th (the last inhabited) floors of the towers, where the restaurant and the survey site were located.

The stages of Sky Lobby were charged with technical floors, where the maintenance tower was located. On the facade of "height", these auxiliary levels are well allocated.

The corporate identity of Yamasaka, who loved high narrow, almost gothic in the window profile (as they say, not least because of his own fear of height), perfectly fit into the design of skyscrapers. A frequent grid of carrier external columns allowed to make windows with a width of only 45 cm, which is why the towers always looked with a solid steel monolith.

Upon closer examination, the monolith was not completely solid, but also not even steel. For better corrosion resistance, the metal frame of the building is lined with aluminum alloy panels.

In March 1965, Port Authority begins buying real estate on the promising area of \u200b\u200bthe WTC. A year later, in parallel with the removal of the site begins demolition of its old building, ending in 1967.

At the stage of earthworks, the architects, engineers and builders arise a serious problem. The fact is that the plot redeemed, formally, being Manhattan, actually part of the island was very conditional. In the century of its development, the original coastline changed significantly. Faced with a shortage of the territory for construction, the locals were actively engaged in the wiring of new areas. In this scheme, the original coastline of Manhattan is marked with blue dots, its wicked areas are highlighted in gray, and the red circle - The location of the WTC.

The future World Trade Center was located just on the stray plot, and for the construction of buildings it was necessary to get to the rocky base hidden by 20 meters of applied soil.

Already at the end of 1966, the formation of the so-called "bath" (Bathtub) begins to solve the problem. The VTC plot is struck using the "Wall in the Ground" technology: Roughly speaking, at its perimeter there is a fairly narrow trench, which is subsequently poured with monolithic concrete (the entire process took 14 months). After removing the woven soil, a huge pit formed, surrounded concrete wallthat prevents penetration into the groundwater and water of the Hudson River. The base of the pit, which was called the "bath", serves as the desired rock. Photo of July 1968.

Left - "Wall in the ground." WTC became one of the first examples of the large-scale use of this technology. On the right shows the carcass WTC.

In the process of forming a "bath" of it, a million cubic meters of nash-soiled soil was removed, which was necessary to dispose. Architects were revealed extremely elegant: 917,000 cubic meters of extra land moved only a few dozen meters west and formed a new wicked site, which the project developers later could also use for commercial construction. In this picture, a worn area in the Hudson in the foreground. Left - the former coastline with pierces.

The increase in the area of \u200b\u200bManhattan continues. In the right corner (with the stadium), Battery Park is visible. In honor of him, the area located on the squares died in the river (left) was called Battery Park City.

At this wonderful picture, demonstrating that both New York is a city of contrasts, the twin towers from the city of Hudson and the new namo are not overshadled yet.

Since 1980, the construction of Namoha began. Ultimately, dozens of residential, administrative and public buildings, Including the so-called World Financial Center, which has been a single cluster from the WTC. Tower of the WFC and tanned in the end of the WTC from Hudson.

As already mentioned, the World Trade Center was built near the subway station Hudson and Manhattan Railroad. One of the peculiarities of the territory of the territory was the presence of two tunnels of the railway. Amazingly, but the construction of skyscrapers did not prevent her work. In the process of forming a bath, the tunnels were excavated, and then embedded in underground levels of the complex, where a new station was organized in the future, instead of the Hudson Terminal Depoted Station. Pay attention to the right top A snapshot is a fragment of the tunnel.

In addition to the railway station, a huge shopping mall and parking for 2000 cars were built in the "bath". Tunnel in the foreground of 1969 photography.

And this picture shows that the frames of the twin towers gathered right around the tunnels.

The lower six floors of the skyscrapers have formed huge lobby. Here, the supporting columns were more powerful, but they were less likely that ensured the best natural lighting of the lobby and the reception area. At the level of the sixth floor, the columns were embarrassed, forming peculiar tridents, the corporate artistic technique of Minor Yamasaka.

The carrier columns of the external perimeter were made of steel on third-party enterprises and were supplied to the construction site in the already partially assembled blocks, which made it possible to significantly intensify the construction process. Each such element weighed 22 tons. On average, one floor of the tower was built in 5 days, and the assembly of the entire 110-storey altitude took just a year and a half.

For construction, special self-activating kangaroo cranes were used, bought in Australia.

A structural circuit of the towers is clearly visible: an internal rectangular core and an external bearing frame.

Especially spectacularly "Gemini" looked at the sunset when the sun shielded them through.

The northern tower was built from August 1968 to December 1970, South - from January 1969 under July 1971. The entire complex cost the developer of $ 900 million at 1971 prices, although it was originally evaluated at $ 350 million. The total weight of the steady of the steel complex was about 200,000 tons.

In color photos, a characteristic rusty color of metal structures is well visible. In the future, it was treated with special anti-corrosion and fire-fighting compositions, but instead of painting were stonamed with aluminum panels.

The construction process (at the top), processing (behind yellow screens) and cladding (downstairs) skyscrapers walked in parallel.

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