Frame Norwegian House Projects. Different projects of Norwegian houses

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The Norwegian house, in its type, is a cottage. Its construction technology can be rightfully called unique and special. And the fact is that the construction uses wooden materials and special equipment - frost. The construction chip on the Norwegian technology is that the masters produce its connection on a special principle, the so-called "Norwegian Castle". Such technology is used only under Norwegian construction, so this principle can really be considered exclusive. Moreover, this particular castle makes the house reliable and durable.

Flaws and "Norwegian Castle"

As it was written above, thanks to this technique, the connection "Castle" is snapped and, as a result, the components of the design are tightly connected to each other, which gives the structure of greater strength. Many know that wooden houses reformed under the influence of temperature and pressure. But with the Norwegian house such a rule does not work, it provides for the design of the house, which is even more attracted by customers. Moreover, when connecting logs among themselves, they completely overlap the flow of air and water to the house. This property helps to avoid additional work With the joints of the logs, as the house and so will be durable and warm for its inhabitants. As for the faucet, in Norway, they are carefully engaged in specialists, so it looks neat and beautiful. Consequently, you, again, do not have to process it or hold any work that will require additional finance. Moreover, the yoke plays the role of filter in the house. As a result, the Norwegian house is obtained not only reliable, but also from an economic point of view, inexpensive.

Construction of the Norwegian house

The house itself, naturally, is on the foundation. So that the Norwegian house did not move anywhere after the expiration of time, professionals use brazen - large wooden nailsWith the help of which the bonding logs and the tightening of the house occurs. In addition to coppiers, no nails during the construction of the house on the Norwegian principle are not used, which is also a characteristic feature of this technology. In addition, the roof is perfect for a cut, so the whole house looks organically and neatly.

The main advantage of the Norwegian house is the large inner territory in which, thanks to wooden materials, warm even in cold winter days.

Design of Norwegian houses

It is not surprising that the Norwegian house attracted many residents of the northern part Russian Federation Thanks to its characteristics and properties. As for the style of the house, there are many diverse projects. Moreover, you have the opportunity not only to order ready projectBut also create your own design of your taste and your budget. In any case, as a result, you will get a qualitatively built durable house, which will conquer its unusual. By the way, after the construction of the Norwegian house, it is possible to decorate it with the help of exquisite parts, such as beams or wood threads.

As for the interior of the Norwegian house, there is no less large assortment. Using the services of a designer, you can plan your space according to your preferences on a special computer program.

As you can see, Norwegian houses have a lot of advantages, for which clients love them so much. Construction technique reliable and verified, which guarantees a long service at home. Moreover, the price of construction can not but rejoice, as it fully corresponds to the quality of work.

Many of the users of the site have heard that to build a Norwegian house - first of all means to build housing on national rowing traditions, multiplied by the optimal combination of price and quality. And when mentioning the phrase "Norwegian houses", the imagination draws massive logs-fauphutes with a memorable cabbage of locks in norwegian style. This is not quite so. After reading our article, you will learn:

  • What is it - the construction of the house in Norwegian;
  • How to build a Norwegian house;
  • From which they build houses in Norway.
  • How the heating is arranged in the Norwegian house.

What is a Norwegian house

The magical phrase "house in Norwegian" means the opportunity to live in your own home in maximum unity with nature, but possess all the benefits of civilization.

In Norway, in 1972, the Council of Ministers decided not to develop construction multi-storey houses. And instead of close concrete multi-storeys, focus the basic efforts on the construction of private houses or townhouses.

The benefit of this approach to home-building is obvious - for a private house does not require the construction of huge CHP and summing up municipal networks. It is in a similar nationwide approach and the answer lies, why in Norway is so developed by private housekeeping.

Norwegian house-building is, rather, philosophy than technology. As mentioned above, contrary to generally accepted opinion, traditional chopped buildings from the boat are not built very often. The main part of the buildings make up sander. BUT chopped houses, giving tribute to the past, mainly used under usual to us dacha And for the departure of the family in nature - just as in Moscow.

In Norway, there are two categories of houses: for permanent residence and for rest in the mountains. Some Norwegian cottages look like full houses for year-round living, they have one characteristic feature - flagpole with pennant.

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Despite the fact that electricity in Norway is common everywhere, some owners of chopped cottages deliberately refuse to summarize electricity.

This is due to the fact that the Norwegians during the rest on weekends seek to be alone with nature.

And sometimes, for maximum reconstruction of the ancient atmosphere, wood-haired furnaces and oil lamps use during recreation.

In those buildings, to which for one or another, taking electricity is impossible or very expensive - the dwelling is high in the mountains, the Norwegians establish autonomous sources of electricity - solar panels. And for cooking, enjoy bridal gas in cylinders.

In Norway, they usually do not build big and very expensive cottages, since among the locals it is not customary to put out their wealth of deposit.

The average area of \u200b\u200bhouses in Norway is from 160 to 200 m2. Since the Norwegians are famous for their grainness, they rightly believe that in operation is relatively small cottage more profitable.

With a big income, the Norwegian homeowner will prefer not to build huge choirs or locks, but to invest in designer project Modern and stylish dwellings.

Norwegian carcass

Also in Norway practically do not build stone dwellings, preferring skeners. In addition to low insurance, frame houses Much better manifest itself in a pretty cool Norwegian climate, allowing you to warm up a housing with a large cost savings.

The construction of any skeleton begins with the foundation bookmark. But here there are local features. In Norway, the main types of foundations are the foundation of the UCP and a small-breeding belt foundation with the floors on the soil, since Norwegians believe that such foundations are best suited for sander, increasing their heat and energy efficiency.

The standard for the frame in Norway is a layer of insulation in the walls of 20 cm., But to create an energy-efficient or so-called passive house, the insulation layer is adjusted to 40 cm.

The walls of most Norwegian dwellings are finished with a non-stroke board, which is then painted in several layers. Norwegians found out that non-rigid wood, unlike plagty, is better absorbing paint and much better thanks to unfavorable weather factors - snow, wind and rain. The main colors of the walls of the Norwegian houses: ocher, white, brown and black.

The lifting of the Norwegian house walls is made either horizontally so-called ship type or vertically - a barrier type of sheath.

As a roof, natural building material is mainly used - ceramic tile and metal tile. Contrary to widespread opinion, the wooden roof in Norway is also rarely used, like a flexible tile.

Most of the roofs of Norwegian houses are made of black metal tile. therefore The roof is better warmed up and the snow comes down faster.

The traditional Norwegian green roof is mainly found at holiday homes or housing for tourists.

How to heated at home in Norway

Heating in this cool stroke has to be given great importanceBut it works quite on another principle than we. Heating in Norway is mainly electrical convectors and warm electric floors.
Norwegians like to warm up bourgearies.

Additionally, the Norwegians can give their homes simple wood stove, most often here we have bourgeisy.

In the Scandinavian countries, due to the high cost of heating, gas is very popular to ride houses.

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In conclusion, it is worth saying a few words about the interior of the Norwegian house. Since the rooms in the understanding of the Norwegians are a continuation of their environment, then in residential rooms try to make panoramic windows devoid of curls and maximum possible sizeTo sit in the living room, you could feel part of nature.

Also in Norway, as in other European countries, there are practically no habitual and deaf fences.

If necessary, due to the closely located road, the Norwegians can build a fence from a low stakenik, or if it is necessary to hide the house from other people's eyes, a green hedge is planted.

And one more curious feature of local construction: it is customary to erect beautiful households.

This is not well preserved ancient building or summer houseMade under ancient. E.mOTE ROOM IN NORWERS!

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Modern building materials are pleasing to diversity, but some technologies come to our country only now. For example, more and more often, customers began to build Norwegian houses that have a number of features.

Features of the house

Norwegian construction style is practical solution When erecting housing in not too cold conditions, but with large quantity precipitation at any time of the year. It is largely similar to the climate of the North-West of Russia, which allows you to build housing with optimal characteristics. When we hear the "Norwegian house", we represent a massive structure from the log cabin. But in fact, these cottages have their own characteristics, besides, the process of their construction and the materials used have changed a year after year.

What was - what happened

In the XIX century, at home in Norway were built in simple forms, with a sharp roof covered with tiles. IN post-war Mostly concise buildings of modest sizes are built. The main thing in such cottages is convenience, rationality and efficiency. Norwegian houses from the bar were initially built in two categories - for permanent residence or rest in the mountains. True, even the latter differ in thought and rationality, so they were perfect for full-fledged living. At the same time, the main features are the simplicity of design and internal planning - remained the same as the century ago.

Vertical Bar - New Trend

Among modern technologies Wooden housekeeping highlights the construction of houses using vertical bar. This tendency draws attention to the possibility of recreation of unusual architectural solutions. Moreover, logs can be located vertically, and bars. The Norwegian house from the vertical bar is characterized by construction technology, since the material is not covered horizontally, but vertically. Finite structures are distinguished by reliability in operation.

What is the features?

Using a vertical timber allows you to make a structure resistant to loads. In addition, the building will not give shrinkage and will have greater stability due to the location in a natural vertical position. Vertical technology It assumes the use of bars with a complex cross section, and the connection of the material is performed using the groove-crease system. Norwegian house can be erected using different species BRUSEV:

  • internal: they are used to assemble walls of any thickness;
  • roseks with which the external and inner cladding walls.

The finish itself is performed so that the connections that are between the bars are closed from the outside with the help of decorative slats.

Advantages of technology

The main advantage of construction from the vertical timber is the ability to start the finish immediately after the box is erected and the roof is installed. The house on Norwegian technology, built on the basis of vertical brusons, has the following features:

  1. Design elements are ready for 100%, so the construction is carried out quickly, and additional seals, insulation and will not be required.
  2. Construction used only natural wood, so appearance Cottages will be natural and natural.
  3. The walls of the vertical timber are distinguished by durability, as wood is located naturally.
  4. Houses built according to this technology that can withstand a large load compared to traditional wooden buildings.
  5. Shrinkage is absent, since sizes wooden houses Always change only when driving transverse fibers, not longitudinal.

The Norwegian house, built from a vertical timber, is also characterized by a high level of thermal insulation, since the geometry of the BRUSEV compounds are complex. Vertical bars from four sides have cutoffs filled with air, and this, in turn, contributes to improving heat engineering properties Woods, creating obstacles on the path of cold air to the room.

Features of the workpiece and installation

Vertical logs are characterized by ease, so when installing buildings does not require use special technique and lifting mechanisms. Yes, and share physical Labor Consistent to a minimum, besides, if necessary, the structure can be transferred from one place on the site to another. Projects of houses on Norwegian technology open great opportunities For designers who can come up with interesting architectural and planning solutions. For example, with vertical installation, logs or timber can be played with shapes, building oval, round or traditional rectangular walls. BUT original solutions can be implemented if vertical location Designs will be partial.

And what minuses?

Vertical Bar - interesting solution in modern constructionBut the production technology itself does not differ simplicity. This is due to the need to apply accurate high-tech rigorous-milling equipment. The second point, which is worth remembering, remove the house in the Norwegian style is the need to use for the assembly of walls of wooden coppins, whose task is to maintain the vertical position of the walls. Mostly fastened along the entire length of the bar, as well as on top and bottom. Such a solution serves as a key to the additional stiffness of the walls, excluding their deformation.

When using a vertical bar, the use of special guide parts, which are installed on top and bottom of the structure. That is, on this technology it is impossible to build a norwegian-style house with an attic - only two full-fledged floors. The material production involves a number of stages:

  1. First, the raw material is sorted and checked for quality.
  2. The sawmaker is poured on the workpiece.
  3. The drying of the blanks in special drying chambers is performed.
  4. Brous's profile is milling.
  5. Quality control is carried out.
  6. Technological holes are drilled in the finished material.
  7. After careful quality control finished products Located and packaged.

What timing to use?

The construction of Norwegian houses using vertical bars has its own characteristics, but the most important is the lack of shrinkage during the first year of operation. Accordingly, after the construction of the box and installation of the roof can be finished. The advantage of such a bar is also in the fact that you can make the original architecture of the buildings, giving them any form depending on the project.

Brussia can be attached in a vertical position. different ways. Most often equipped special fondations from monolithic concrete. The essence of the technology is that the pit desired sizeif needed - dishwarving drainage groundwater, Fastening the bars or logs is performed on special waterproofing tires.

Norwegian wooden house can be located on a column or ribbon foundation. In this case, the vertical bars are inserted into a pre-created strapping, which is a bustling crown. In order for the logs not to be deflected in the vertical plane, the mount is performed by the wrenches. So that the walls are not blocked, the cavities of the seams are performed.

Design features

The design of modern private houses is most often performed with an emphasis on the use of wood. Similarly, the Norwegian house is erected. Projects of such buildings suggest the use of wood, the minimum diameter of which is 180 mm. The weight of such structures is small, so it is convenient to carry out any transport operations. Installation of the structure is also fast and easy - on the construction of housing area of \u200b\u200babout 200 square meters. m will need 3-6 months.

In addition to excellent performance properties, the modern Norwegian house has a special architecture. Projects offered by many companies allow you to build a full two-storey cottage in the most different styles - From modern and classics to High-tec. Wherein planning solution You can choose any, especially if you order to distinctive features Houses from the vertical timber can be attributed:

  1. EcologySince the production of material uses only natural wood. And this means that a favorable microclimate will be created in the room.
  2. Heat power. The use of high-quality raw materials serves as a key to the fact that the structure will be economical in operation.
  3. Assembly accuracy and a large number of contact planes Provide high level wind-resistant.

Naturi system

Vertical house-building today is becoming increasingly popular. The Naturi system is especially in demand, which is a building material from thin wooden trunks. They are processed so that they can be collected as a puzzle and fix the side of the wooden brazing. That is, you can build the walls of massive wood, while its length and width do not play roles. In general, it is very beautiful, it is impressive and unusually like such a Norwegian house. The photo shows that you can implement any project.

The Naturi system is a modern building material that meets the requirements of ecology and high technologicality of modernity. The benefits of vertical home-building Naturi include:

  1. Windover.
  2. Using natural wood.
  3. No shrinkage.
  4. Finished surfaces that can be processed after construction.

The innovative system is ideal for the construction of houses in any regions of Russia, regardless of the landscape of the region. Performed on the basis of the grooves, due to which the forces and load on the walls are distributed. In the practical embodiment of the Naturi system there is nothing complicated, since all operations are performed sequentially. For the material, trunks are harvested, which are attached to the form of a rounded timber. The material will continue to dry to optimal humiditywhich is 12%, and the drying is performed first on the street, then in the drying chamber.

Features of the appearance

If you want to build natural housing, pay attention to the Norwegian house. Photo buildings shows that most often these are small and compact buildings that occupy a lot of space, and due to this provide good capacity.

The external distinguishing features of houses in the Norwegian style can be attributed:

  • most often, the buildings have one or two floors and differ in priderage;
  • powerful appearance is provided by using large logs.
  • windows in the house are performed small;
  • the roof is most often straight or with a minimum row, which is immediately striking.


Vertical bar - innovative material created by nature itself. The Austrian construction method, which for some reason got the name of Norwegian, implies a completely different approach to the construction of housing, when finished design Differs high quality, reliability and excellent performance properties. In addition, the vertical bar is real to "breathe", because between decorative panels And the bar remains microloors. Despite the complexity of technology, it deserves attention, especially if you want to create a beautiful and cozy accommodation.

Eco-friendly manor: Wooden houses in Norwegian style from the boat attract the attention of many people from around the world. This happens not only because they are able to withstand the effect of extraordinary weather conditions, but also because they look quite democratic, you can even say universally, which allows you to use this building technology Practically in any part of the world.

Wooden houses in Norwegian style from the boat attract the attention of many people from all over the world. This happens not only because they are able to withstand the effect of extraordinary weather conditions, but also because they look quite democratic, it can even be said universally, which allows the use of this construction technology in almost any part of the world.

The ability of local residents of Norway to build life in such a way as to have at their disposal the most prerequisite For a cozy life, causes the natural interest of those who face the choice of a country house design.

Project home in Norwegian style

Wooden houses in Norway

The longstanding tradition of Norwegian builders is the use of wood as building material. Traditionally, Norwegian fishing villages were distinguished by small houses that stood so closely that they were one facade from a number of houses. The construction and finishing technology in the Norwegian style is now of great interest to designers who work in low-rise housing.

Features of the structures:

    Traditionally, these Norwegian houses from the bootheet are being built - logs, seized on both sides. For outdoor coatings and creating ceilings use wooden plates or porch. If you look at the house from the street, it will seem squat.

    However, inside it is distinguished by sufficient space, which is achieved by combining the kitchen with a living room in which there is no direct ceiling. The height of the room due to this increases to 3 and a half meters, which significantly increases the volume of the room.

In Norwegian homes, it is very easy to breathe, as they are made mainly from natural material, and spacious indoor premises do not pressure.

    The bedrooms are made small, since only a small room can warm up to a comfortable temperature in a cold season, when there are crackling frosts on the street and the northern winds are noisy. The stairs to the houses on Norwegian technology are building small sizes, as the main thing is for which they are appreciated, these are functionality and ease of use.

    The main features of the house in Norwegian style are called such qualities as fatality and reliability.

Ordinary Norwegian houses are created from massive logs, have small windows, waterfronts from wood, facades are painted in bright colorFor example, such colors like green and orange, blue or bright red are popular with popularity.

Photo at home in Norwegian style

    Sometimes the facade is brown, gray, black, but always decorated and bright must be plated windows. This is used so that the house pleased and enhanced the mood of people looking at him. The traditional element of the house in Norwegian style, no doubt, can be a herbal roof, which is also called "green".

    It not only looks very interesting, but also practical, because due to the air gap, which is formed around the stalks of the grass, soften temperature fluctuations. Soundproofing at home due to the roof increases markedly. Moreover, the roof becomes another source of oxygen, which favorably acts on the environment.

    And in the hot period of the year, under such a roof overheating, you can not be afraid, since the temperature of the roots of grass does not rise above 0 degrees. Applying such a roof coating technology, it is worth making it high-quality waterproofing.

The advantages of such structures are their durability and reliability.

    The whole lumber, which is used in construction, is carefully checked in advance with the purpose of identifying hidden defects. Saving heat and sound insulation, which is distinguished by Norwegian wooden houses, are always at the proper high level.

Rafles must be associated with a special way that the Norwegian castle is named. Its use allows you to ensure uniform shrinkage at home. The instructions of the house building do not imply the stage of insulation of the junctions between the logs.

Norwegian interior, registration instructions

Photo interior decoration Houses in Norwegian style

This style requires quite bright colors, which will be different from each other if possible.

Attend it should and natural materialsBut at the same time modesty is the main component of the project indoor space Houses in Norwegian style.

Features of the interior design:

    With all this, frame houses, along the Norwegian technology built, inside are very spacious. It becomes possible due to the fact that the furniture in such premises is only the most necessary.

    If you intend to build a chalet, a clear functional separation of premises must be present in it.

Cold light colors can be diluted with warm colors. Mandatory is the presence of wooden natural elements in the interior. Textiles also finds wide application in Norwegian style.

    Paul and ceiling, naturally, should be decorated only from natural tree. Light fluffy carpets will look good on it. Furniture, as well as these interior elements, mainly must be made of wood.

    Functionality is required condition Norwegian interior. Norway and other Scandinavian countries are distinguished by the fact that there are large number of forests on the territory of them. Wood carving and carving for many centuries remains one of the dominant classes of Norwegians. That is why the tree is given as a primary role in the construction and finishing of houses.

A distinctive feature of these decorative elements is the image of dragons on them.

Particular attention is paid to internal lighting. Daylight It is valued very high, so the windows in this style are used quite wide, and the curtains on them should be light and light. But the natural light in the harsh Scandinavian regions is quite rare phenomenon.

In this regard, in the interior are widely used different types LAMM:

Projects of Norwegian houses are extremely popular and in today's days. Decorative elements Mainly drawn up with a variety of pagan images, they can also be applied to the clothes and decoration of temples.

Simple project of the Norwegian house from the boiler

Unfortunately, the architects of the Scandinavian countries over time gradually began to move from their national style to the styles who came from Europe - Classicism and Baroque. But still, some masters managed to preserve the distinctive features of the Norwegian style.

To date, this style along with the Swedish direction combines the latest technology In the interior design with natural, environmentally friendly pure Materials. It should be noted that this project is suitable in the design of a private house, and an apartment. The main thing is that rooms indoors are spacious.

Concerning color solving, the most suitable are pale and cold shades such as:

    Light blue.


    Light yellow.


In order for these shades to not seem like lifeless, designers advise the use of texture paint with which they will be mixed. In order for the room to be warm and cozy in the room, it is necessary to install wooden items in it. Textiles of Swedish and Norwegian interiors should always be bright, contrasting. It is welcome floral patterns and ornaments from small and large cells.

At the same time blue and white colorsOf course, should prevail in textile elements, and it is much less likely to try to use a combination, for example, red and white. The walls of the bathroom require additional coits and heat, so it is better to arrange them with wide light boards, and not by ordinary ceramic tiles.

The mandatory element of the bathroom in such a style is perhaps big mirrornot imprisoned. It can also be placed almost in every room of your home or apartment. Norwegian interior requires wooden decoration Not only walls, but also the ceiling, and gender.

Paul boards must be bleached in a special way to create a faded effect. To the tree B. scandinavian interiors Such materials such as are added as:


    A natural stone.

Walls can also be decorated with images in this style. Indispensable attribute Norwegian interior is the use of large number Live greens. But if you do not like to install live flowers at home, then this move can be played in other ways.

For example, excellent solution will be the painting on the ceiling and walls. It will be quite impressive to look a wing plant, gradually sliding from the ceiling on the wall. It is not necessary to water, feed, clean from dust and washed.

It will be interesting for you:

In addition, this green plantwhich may also be blossoming constantly, does not start and will not die. Unless in a few years you need to adjust the image. Another, too, a completely effective option will be pasteing cloths on walls and ceilings. This material does not fade into the sun, it is not erased, so the choice in its favor will be absolutely true, especially since the price of such stickers is low.published

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