Detailed instructions for assembling beds with a lifting mechanism, video tips from professionals. Instructions for the correct assembly and disassembly of a bed with a lifting mechanism. It is possible to assemble the bed yourself or it is better to use the help of specialists.

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

Dismantle the bed may be required when moving or repairing a house. If dismantling is performed incorrectly, then it will no longer be possible to assemble a piece of furniture properly. Some elements may be lost, others may be damaged. In addition, work related to the dismantling of interior elements can be detrimental to health - lead to lower back pain and pinching. Entrust the dismantling of the bed to experienced professionals familiar with furniture assembly technology. You can invite masters to any address in Moscow, as well as the nearest Moscow region, by calling or leaving a request on the website so that we ourselves will call you back.

Our advantages:

  • Professional masters will help to disassemble the piece of furniture
  • Efficiency of work execution
  • Assistance in the assembly of dismantled furniture
  • Acceptance of payment upon completion of work
  • Competitive prices

Features of disassembling beds of different types

Ordinary beds are arranged quite simply. Sleeping furniture usually consists of a base, sides and 2 backs. For an experienced craftsman, it will not be difficult to disassemble them, and then mount them back. The main thing is not to lose the screws and not damage the fasteners during the separation of the parts. Difficulties may arise when you need to disassemble loft beds, transformers or bunk structures. Since the assembly of these interior items is quite specific, then dismantling will not be easy.
It is good if you have preserved the instructions for assembling the bed. By following all the instructions from it in reverse order, you can disassemble an interior element, even consisting of several dozen elements. True, the instructions are often lost or thrown away by the owners as unnecessary after the assembly of the products is completed. If you are not sure that you can take apart a custom bed and then put it back together, it is better to invite a furniture assembler. A person with experience will do the job much faster, gaining you a lot of useful time.

Dismantle the bed, and then the specialists of "5 Masters" will help to collect it back. We work with all types of sleep furniture, from simple single and double beds to complex multi-level designs. A set of professional tools that our employees have at their disposal will significantly facilitate the dismantling and assembly of furnishings.

Having a bed as a sleeping place is a wonderful privilege, not available to every small apartment. But still, having allocated a place for healthy rest, many families are faced with the impossibility of placing a closet, because the bed is large and occupies a significant part of the free space. To solve the problem of storage in a small bedroom, you can use an ergonomic bed with a lifting mechanism. It performs several functions at once: a comfortable, orthopedically correct sleeping place, as well as a spacious box for bedding, located below and not annoying the owners. Is it possible to assemble such a bed yourself or do you need the help of skilled workers? In this article, we will answer your questions and provide detailed assembly instructions.

Detailed scheme for assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism

The desired bed has been purchased. How to collect it? In fact, a bed with a lift folds, like a regular bed, only details are added, in the form of a gas lift or a spring mechanism.

First step involves the assembly of the bed box. The lining panels are connected to each other, the central crossbar is fastened, on which sheets of chipboard, MDF or wooden panels are laid for further fastening (the bottom material is completed depending on the model of furniture and its price). Next, a headboard is attached, and the finished box is covered with a removable cover, most often soft (but again, it all depends on the model chosen, some budget options are not equipped with such a cover).

At the second stage lifting mechanism is installed. It is very important to do it correctly, because inaccuracies in placement, an error in determining the sides, can disrupt the operation of the lift, break the mechanism. Experienced craftsmen recommend ordering an already assembled lifting device, which must be attached in turn to the lower case. At the same time, the lifting mechanism is mounted directly first, and gas shock absorbers are installed on it.

Third stage consists of assembling the upper part of the bed, most often it is an orthopedic base on slats. They are driven into special holders with a hammer. This takes a lot of time, because each lamella must be fixed on both sides, and there are at least 15 of them on a single bed, twice as many on a double bed.

Fourth stage involves the connection of the upper base with a lifting mechanism. The sequence is the same: first, the top of the bed is screwed to the lift, and then a gas shock absorber is attached to it. At the same time, all work is carried out with the base raised and the mechanism folded back.

The main process is completed. If necessary, some parts are tightened, legs are installed (if they are provided in the package), the mechanism is tested, it is lubricated for silent operation.

It is possible to assemble the bed yourself or it is better to use the help of specialists

It is possible to assemble a lifting bed on your own, this is not a super task only for the initiated. Usually, each piece of furniture is accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer, which has all the necessary instructions for proper installation. Of course, any consultant will offer the help of professional craftsmen, this is his direct responsibility. But you have the right to refuse the service, to assemble it yourself. There are a few important points to mention here:

  • any damage that occurs during self-installation is not covered by the warranty;
  • time spent on self-assembly of furniture is not compensated by anyone;
  • a failed lift, during the unexpired warranty period, is not compensated free of charge, if it is proved that the failure was caused by incorrect self-assembly.

At the same time, by paying extra for a professional assembly service, you save time and protect yourself from non-warranty breakdowns.

What difficulties may arise in the process of assembling a lifting bed

For experienced craftsmen, such furniture does not involve any difficulties; it takes them an hour to assemble and disassemble the bed. Beginners will have to tinker a little longer to bring the bed and the lifting mechanism into working condition. The main difficulties that a person may encounter when assembling a bed for the first time are listed below:

  1. The presence in the design of technologically blind holes that need to be drilled. Most often they are found in the back of the headboard. An inexperienced person will be puzzled how to attach it to the box. The answer is simple - they need to be drilled and connected with screws.
  2. Assembly and installation of gas lift. The process is technologically complex, requiring accuracy and symmetry when placing. It is difficult to describe it, it will be clearer to watch the training video.
  3. Lack of marking on a wooden frame, or its incorrect application. This is the most unpleasant difficulty, because you cannot overcome it on your own. You can ask the manufacturer for clarification or call a furniture maker who, from the height of his experience, will tell you the right option.

Now you have step-by-step instructions for installing a lift bed, and the question: “how to assemble?” Does not seem so intimidating anymore. With proper effort and patience, this process is doable for any person, and you can choose the right model on the site.

Everyone dreams of having a comfortable and beautiful bed, but for small-sized housing it is difficult to choose a model that would simultaneously meet all these requirements. Here it is important to rationally use the limited area of ​​​​the room, so you should pay attention to the option with a lifting mechanism. Self-assembly of a bed with a lifting mechanism according to the instructions in the video is a completely affordable process.

The presence of a comfortable bed allows a person to get enough sleep and recuperate before a new day. If the bedroom is not large, do not be upset. It is enough to choose a bed with a lifting mechanism, which is characterized by compact dimensions, high comfort and original design. Moreover, the cost of such furniture can be different, so you can choose an option for any wallet. And to save even more, it is worth analyzing how professionals assemble such structures and do the same.

The scheme for assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism is quite simple, but first you should find out the main advantages of such furniture. Products of such a plan provide a person with comfort during rest and sleep, but at the same time they do not take up much free space in the room. The lifting mechanism is attached to a capacious box, inside which you can store bed linen, bedspreads. Thus, with a small area, you can solve the problem of storing bedding. For these reasons, beds with a lifting mechanism are so popular among owners of small city apartments.

For self-assembly of such a design, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hardware;
  • a set of screwdrivers, a cap wrench, a screwdriver;
  • wrench;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • hammer;
  • a sheet of paper, a simple pencil.

Thus, the work does not require expensive equipment or rare tools, which greatly facilitates the preparatory stage.

Assembly steps

The entire assembly process consists of several important steps:

  • installation of the box and base;
  • fixing legs if necessary;
  • installation of corner ties;
  • installation of the lifting mechanism;
  • installation of a traverse;
  • installation of the frame and mattress holders.

The instructions for assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism indicate all the work processes. At the first stage you will need:

  • remove all elements of the future design from the packaging film, inspect them for defects. If one of the elements is defective, it will need to be replaced. A frame with cracks is unlikely to be reliable and safe for sleeping;
  • lay out the drawers for their intended purpose on the floor with the side with holes up;
  • connect the drawers to each other with the help of fasteners, and then hang the head of the bed on the box assembled with your own hands;
  • to fix the individual structural elements into a single whole, you will need to use a screwdriver and screws.

Note that in some models, power elements of a longitudinal nature can be used. For example, one-piece longitudinal ties, as well as corners or brackets that are fixed to the frame with screws. This is important to take into account in the process of work.

Case assembly

For ease of assembly, the Selena bed frame is made of semi-assembled blocks:
1 - Front part, 2 - Headboard, 3 - Left plank, 4 - Right plank, 5 - Crossbar, 6 - Longitudinal plank.

Leg mounting

The supports of the structure are fixed on the frame using special platforms located on the longitudinal elements themselves, or screwed separately onto the sides. Then they attach shelves, corners in the upper part of the tsarg. Some bed models do not have free-standing supports, instead of which a one-piece side frame is used.

Experts insist that it is not worth tightening the screws right away, because in the future it will be necessary to align the sides, shelves, corners in a perpendicular plane. The lifting mechanism is fixed in the next stage of work.

Installation of corner braces

This process is carried out after attaching the supports to the bed and is necessary to make the structure more reliable and stable. Each of the corner ties consists of 5 parts:

  • the screed itself;
  • 2 futorok;
  • 2 countersunk head bolts.

To work, you will need to use a 10 mm drill, a screwdriver, a hexagon or a hammer. If it is necessary to disassemble the structure, the presence of a screed will allow you to easily disconnect the parts from one another.

Corner brace

Hoist attachment

At the next stage of work, it is necessary to install and fasten the lifting mechanism to the bed. It is extremely important not to make a mistake when placing it and determining the sides, because otherwise the smooth operation of the mechanism will be disrupted. This will require:

  • fix the bed frame on the lifting mechanism. Use screws for this purpose. Before tightening the fasteners completely, be sure to align the gaps between the frame and the base;
  • Specify the required level of force to control the model. Installation of the unit in the lifting mechanism should be done by hand with the cylinder up, using nuts with a retaining ring, fluoroplastic washers;
  • tighten the nuts until they stop, and then slightly loosen the fastening, leaving a minimum play. The operation of the lifting mechanism should be checked several times.

Hoist attachment

Installation of the frame and mattress holders

It is worth installing comfortable handles on the bed frame for trouble-free control of the structure, as well as a mattress limiter. All work must be completed by mounting the bottom of the bed and putting on a cover on its perimeter.

If the base consists of lamellas (from 15 to 25 pieces, depending on the model), they will need to be hammered into special holders with a hammer. Each lamella is fixed on both sides, so the process may take some time. Now you know how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, so this task will not cause difficulties.

Installation of slats

Possible difficulties

Of course, professionals with extensive experience in assembling various kinds of furniture can easily assemble beds with a lifting mechanism. But newcomers to this business may experience some difficulties, which can be found in the table.

Possible difficulties Solution to the problem
The need for drilling holes Holes for fasteners will need to be made in different parts of the structure. It is especially important to properly organize them in the headboard for its secure fixation on the frame. To create holes, you will need a screwdriver, and the headboard is fixed with screws.
Assembly and installation of gas lift The installation process itself is quite complicated, so you need to do the work without haste, carefully, consistently. It is important to observe symmetry in work, adhere to safety measures.
Mistakes in marking the bed frame An error at this stage will nullify all efforts, so you should read the assembly instructions from the manufacturer of this model in advance. You can also ask for the opinion of experienced furniture makers.

Remember a few more important points.

I live with my wife in a communal apartment, the room is quite large, 25 sq.m., but most importantly, the ceilings are 3 m, which, in principle, sowed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba loft bed in my restless brain. And now I have some free time and I began to design, invent and design my future child!

Bottom line: the result is something like this, the size of the bed is 1600x2000 mm, the height under the bed is 1900 mm, so even a fairly tall person will go under the bed without bending down, to his full height, but on the top, where you need to sleep, there is enough space to calmly sit down and not hit your head on the ceiling and yes, immediately answering your questions, it’s quite comfortable to do it there).

The material of the whole bed, coniferous wood, rolled (with rounded corners) board with a section of 96x36, 146x36 and sanded plywood sheets 21 and 15 mm thick. Himself, so to speak, the principle of the bed, you will see a little later. I will not describe how I was looking for this board in September, October (at the end of the season), but in the end I found it at some sawmill, on the outskirts of the city ... it is sold in 6 m whips. I bought plywood in Leroy Merlin and cut it to size there. But I had to tinker with the boards, since I myself couldn’t trim and mill them according to KDD (Wooden Detailing Structures), as I remind you, I live in a communal apartment, and there is simply no place for this, so I had to look for carpentry workshops that would take up this work . I was looking for a very long time, as it turned out, our people are very lazy and fastidious, they simply do not want to take on such work. But we were not made with a finger, so in the end I found guys who decided to help me, and as it turned out I came across very cool carpenters, their workshop is just class, but they live there, you won’t believe who ...... RAVEN! CARL THE RAVEN, the real one!!!

Here he is handsome, pecked my drawings)))

For scale, this bastard gnaws at an A1 format drawing, and this is almost a meter in length !!!

The guys sawed the boards for me, cut some of them and I took them to my house already.

Here you can see that the finished and numbered (paper tape with numbers) parts have arrived. Unfortunately, the details that were milled did not get into the frame, but believe me, they were definitely there))) I personally saw)))

The next issue was painting. Since I was going to paint in my stairwell, for these purposes, after careful selection, the choice fell on Tikkurila Kiva 30 (semi-matte) water-based furniture varnish, I tinted it in two colors, since I decided that I would have a bed it’s two-color and there’s definitely no other way))) I pasted the stairwell with masking film for a long time, but the result is obvious, you need to wash off traces of painting after yourself hundreds of times less and believe me, this is not an exaggeration)))) And I will immediately answer those who asked themselves a logical question: "Why didn't he then have the parts painted in the same carpentry shop?" - the budget for the bed was limited, and the guys from the workshop asked for a pretty good amount, since they paint with quite expensive materials and only in the spray booth, of course, the quality of the product will immediately be different, but I decided that for the first time the production of such a bed, Well, in principle, to improve my experience, I will paint it myself.

I painted in two layers, the first layer dried within 2 hours, so I coped with all the details in 2 nights, and this is almost 45 sq.m. painted surface, and yes, I painted at night so as not to disturb the neighbors, by the way, there is practically no smell from this varnish, it smells like water-based paint. After complete drying, it looks very beautiful, the texture of the wood is preserved and, according to the manufacturer, the varnish even protects the furniture itself from shock loads.

So, when all the details were painted, it was already necessary to assemble this miracle of "engineering", but as it turned out, there were some difficulties associated with my vision of the future bed: I wanted that, in principle, no fasteners were visible on this bed. ... but scrolling through the many options for assembling this bed in my head, I came to the conclusion that I can hide most of the screws, and some screws will still be visible and nothing can be done about it ..... And stop looking inquiringly into the monitors of your gadgets, now you will understand everything)))

Some part of the frame has already been assembled here, and as you can see, the bed posts are conceived from three rolled boards with a section of 36x96 mm, brown-white-brown of different colors (the front board is still missing here).

On brown racks, holes are milled, for boards with a section of 36x146, these boards are the future basis for attaching the log, on which, in turn, sheets of plywood and the mattress itself will lie. In this photo, the attachment point of these boards is clearly visible. The end boards of the same section, in the literal sense of the word, are stuck into the racks and have notches at the ends to support the facade horizontal boards. On top of all this disgrace, the third board of the rack is screwed and secures this "intricate" knot.

This is what the finished bed post looks like, this is the back bed post that will stand against the wall and will be fixed with reinforced corners on the ceiling and on the floor. I’ll tell you right away why I didn’t fix the bed to the wall, but confused it with longer racks ... the fact is that the wall near which the bed should stand is, in principle, not a wall, but some very flimsy partition and no matter what kind of attachment to it I would didn't, it would still be unreliable.

Here is another photo of the finished rack, but during the assembly process, before tightening the screws, I always tightened the boards with clamps, since the rack is a pie of three boards and none of them is perfect and still has some kind of deformation, in one way or another side, or even goes with a screw ... then for a snug fit of the boards to each other, it was necessary to pull them together like this.

In this photo, the future staircase is already beginning to take shape, I refused the vertical staircase at the design stage, they are not very comfortable ... well, it’s like for me ... everything can be different for you))) The supporting frame is already fully assembled, but it still walks and can turn from a rectangle into a parallelogram, well, if you look at the plan (from above), the necessary rigidity of the bed will be given sheets of plywood in the future, but for now we have what we have))) And yes, I’m assembling the bed not on her future place, but just in a free place in the room, in the corner of the photo, if you notice you can see a mattress and a laptop on it, I looked at the drawings in parallel when I assembled the bed.

Unfortunately, there is no photo report of how I assembled the stairs, but I suffered enough, as I assembled one. I somehow managed to mark the steps alone, but with the placement of the second bowstring ... uuuh .... not to say a word, not to describe with a pen))) The photo also shows already mounted logs and laid sheets of plywood 21 mm thick. ... And of course, two of my animals, a Maltese and a Yorkie, are languishing in the arena, their future home will be there.

Actually, the loft bed itself in all its grandeur))) Under the bed, the interior has not yet been furnished, but everything is still ahead! You need to sleep with your feet up to the stairs, and at the head, if you look closely, a sheet of plywood is installed vertically, so to speak, a wall for support, and of course there is a small shelf with sockets for charging the phone and bumpers so that the same phone does not fall from 3 meters height)))

Well, as I said, an already made house for dogs)))

But in fact, the end result of my long labors, it turned out a bit dark, of course, but in principle, in general, the picture is visible)))

All price tags are slightly rounded for easier calculation.
- Boards purchased at the sawmill - 11,500 rubles.
- Delivery from the sawmill to the workshop - 2000 rubles.
- Facing and milling boards (turning them into parts) - 8000 rubles.
- Plywood and cut it into parts - 3400 rubles.
- Delivery of plywood home - 600 rubles.
- Furniture varnish with tinting - 8000 rubles.
- Any small things (screws, corners) - 500 rubles.
- Delivery of parts home - 1000 rubles.
- Own work - PRICELESS!)

Total: 35,000 rubles.

For comparison:

A somewhat similar bed in Ikea, to be more precise Sturo (there were mentions about it in the comments) costs almost 30,000 rubles, but if you saw it up close, you will understand that this money is very expensive to pay for it.

Carpentry workshops that undertake the manufacture of such beds, according to my project, rolled out a price tag of 60,000 rubles. and higher.

Before each person sooner or later the question arises of how to disassemble the bed. It does not matter what was the reason - the planned move or the replacement of old furniture. Correctly and quickly solve the problem is not always within the power of even an adult. The variety of models and the complexity of the design suggests some problems when disassembling them. Dismantling simple products does not require effort. With "cunning", intricate modifications, it is better to cope with an experienced assistant. The online store "Sleep Therapy" offers to read an article that will be useful.

Dismantle the bed

The simplest design, which should not be difficult to disassemble, is a playpen bed. This model is widely used when a child reaches six months of age. Toddlers by this time begin to sit, are more actively interested in the surrounding space, and the playpen is the best option. Usually assembly and disassembly of the structure takes a little time. If there is a wrench and furniture wrench of the required diameter, then it is not difficult to unwind all the joints. The main thing to remember, and for a guarantee, you can sketch or photograph what was installed and where. Some modifications will require the purchase and use of specialized tools.

Child safety is a priority! Therefore, such expenses are trifles. The advantage of disassembling furniture with your own hand is the ability to unload your brain by working with your hands.

Disassemble the bed transformer

Modern manufacturers of children's furniture amaze with a huge variety of different modifications. Of course, one of the most versatile is the bed transformer. Usually it consists of several parts interconnected. The assembly of such a structure is a job for experienced professionals. Dismantling can be done by yourself:

How to disassemble a bed, consisting of a bedside table, a pendulum and a base, with drawers for linen located in it? Partial dismantling is possible. This option is required when it is necessary to set the cabinet at the head of the bed, and remove the base. Using a set of keys, it will not be difficult to complete the procedure;
. transformer options, when the models “hide” into each other, are more difficult to disassemble. Without the relevant experience and knowledge, it is better not to do the work on your own. The help of an experienced furniture maker will come in handy;
. if the assembly instructions are not preserved, then do not despair. You can search for a scanned document on Internet sites, contact a furniture manufacturer (every self-respecting company has a resource on the World Wide Web).

If it is decided to carry out the work on its own, then the bed should be disassembled in a horizontal position, in a certain sequence, using specific tools. If you have instructions, this is easy to do, just follow all the assembly points in reverse order.

Dismantle loft bed

The design of such furniture resembles a transformer, but unlike it, it has a larger number of different components. The process of disassembling a loft bed is difficult for one person to carry out. But with a competent approach to business, you can save your nerves and time. The most important thing is the right choice of wrenches. Using a high-quality set will allow you to quickly select the necessary elements for work.

It is better to start disassembly from the top, gradually moving down. Fasteners must be stored in a container or box to keep them intact. Unwinding nuts, screws, bolts requires some physical effort, because the wooden parts can be quite massive. This is where you need an assistant. Sometimes the bed is taken apart in order to wash it or repair damage. In this case, it is better not to touch the main structure. Components, spare parts and main mechanisms must be protected.

Dismantle bed with lifting mechanism

Undoubtedly, one of the most problematic designs for dismantling is furniture equipped with a lifting mechanism. How to disassemble the bed quickly and efficiently? After all, it consists not only of wooden parts and small fastening metal components, but also of a specialized system. To save space and rationalize the internal space, it is located on the sides of the base and consists of several iron pipes connected at a certain angle.

Usually the storage space in such a bed is divided into two parts. After removing the upper base, they begin to disassemble the crossbar that separates the base itself. The rest of the steps are not difficult. It remains only to unscrew a couple of screws and assemble all the parts in a box. After self-disassembly, you will need to properly assemble the structure. In order not to make a mistake, you need to follow a certain order, and if necessary, then make your own scheme, photograph each stage.


The advantages of self-disassembly of any furniture are obvious, but you should not forget about the disadvantages. After all, the question of how to disassemble the bed on your own can become unsolvable. Each model has assembly instructions, so before starting work, you should carefully read it. This is the only way to avoid annoying surprises, inconsistencies of various elements, and other troubles. It is pleasant for everyone to do the job perfectly, but if there are no necessary skills, then it is better to entrust the dismantling to real professionals, whose experience and knowledge will help solve the problem in accordance with the technology.

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