China in post-war time. Agricultural Reform Cooperation, Nationalization of Enterprises, Industrialization

Garden technique 22.09.2019
Garden technique

Periods in the history of China after the Second World War, the second period (since 1979) - the transition of the PRC to the market economy (Chinese restructuring) of the second period (since 1979) - the transition of the PRC to a market economy (Chinese restructuring) First period (GG.) - Socialist experiments on a mature basis First period (GG.) - Socialist experiments on the Maoist basis Mao Zedong Dan Xiaopin

The Education of the PRC PDA headed by Mao Zedong turned into a huge force, which was supported by the USSR Mao Zedong, sought a rapid pace with the help of armed struggle, terror and violence to build socialism and communism. It believed that class contradictions are constantly exacerbated during the construction of socialism, therefore he led a constant struggle against his opponents. Supporter of Chinese nationalism

The formation of the PRC of the National Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Republic of China, which entered into force in 1947. The post of president of the country was introduced to whom Chan Kaishi became. In the same year, elections were held in new authorities. However, after a year and a half, the Homintan regime fell, and the Constitution acted only in the province of Taiwan. The National Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Republic of China, which entered into force in 1947. The post of president of the country was introduced to whom Chan Kaishi became. In the same year, elections were held in new authorities. However, after a year and a half, the Homintan regime fell, and the Constitution acted only in the province of Taiwan

Civil War. As a result of the Civil War, the PDAs won. In gg In most centers of the country, a revolutionary power was established, relying on China's Field Army (NAK). Chan Kaisha with the residues of the army moved to about. Taiwan, proclaiming the Chinese Republic, which developed on the capitalist path

Recovery period carrying out agrarian reform: nationalized most of Land in land, the rest was transferred to the peasants. The state sector of the economy was created due to the confiscation of the property of large bourgeoisie and foreign capital

The recovery period of the characteristic feature of justice during this period was an abundance different species Emergencies: Military Tribunals, since 1950 - Folk Tribunals. They considered cases related to land reform, About counter-revolutionary crimes and banditimism. In March 1952 - People's Tribunals for the period of the mass campaign "San Fan" ("against three angry" - corruption, waste and bureaucracy) were created in all institutions, including military units, and could sentence to any punishment measures, including the death penalty , as well as during the year in the GG. The mass campaign "Fann" ("against five evils" - bribery of state-appliance workers, theft, tax evasion, frauds with state orders, theft of secret state economic information) a characteristic feature of justice during this period was an abundance of various types of emergency vessels: military tribunals Since 1950 - Folk Tribunals. They considered cases related to the holding of land reform, about counter-revolutionary crimes and banditimism. In March 1952 - People's Tribunals for the period of the mass campaign "San Fan" ("against three angry" - corruption, waste and bureaucracy) were created in all institutions, including military units, and could sentence to any punishment measures, including the death penalty , as well as during the year in the GG. Mass campaign "Fann" ("against five angry" - bribery of the state appliances, theft, evasion of taxes, frauds with state orders, theft of secret state economic information)

The beginning of radical transformations The first reforms and events: the public sector of the economy was created forced methods; Restoration of the pre-war level by 1952; rapid growth of industrial production pace with the help of the USSR during the first five-year plan (yg.); COOPERING agriculture; Repressions and terror (especially in the field of science and culture) First reforms and events: the public sector of the economy was created forced methods; Restoration of the pre-war level by 1952; rapid growth of industrial production pace with the help of the USSR during the first five-year plan (yg.); Cooperation of agriculture; Repressions and terror (especially in science and culture)

The policy of "three red banners". Detection of relations from the USSR after 1956 the policy of "three red banners". The deterioration of relations from the USSR after 1956, Mao Zedong believed that Stalin's cultivation cult was harmful to the communist movement and believed that in the 3rd World War I had imperialism, and socialism would strengthen. In the PRC, the slogan "Supports on its own forces" was nominated, and cooperation with the USSR gradually collapsed

The policy of "three red banners" Mao Zedong tried to liberalize life in the country and put forward the slogan: "Let a hundred colors bloom, let him compete hundred schools." This implied the possibility of discussion and critics in the internal party struggle Mao Zedong tried to liberalize life in the country and put forward the slogan: "Let a hundred colors bloom, let him compete a hundred schools." This implied the possibility of discussion and criticism in internal party

The policy of "three red banners" Mao Zedong decided to build socialism "more, faster, better and more economical" than in the USSR. In May 1958, the CPC adopted the plan for the economic development of the country - "three red banners." It was a strategy for building communism in China (a new CPC General Line to the rapid construction of socialism, "big jump", folk communes) Mao Zedong decided to build socialism "more, faster, better and more economical" than in the USSR. In May 1958, the CPC adopted the plan for the economic development of the country - "three red banners." It was a strategy for building communism in China (a new CPC General Line on the rapid construction of socialism, "big jump", folk communes)

"Large jump" to communism: task for 7-10 years to overtake in terms of the development of the USSR and the United States and build communism; the creation of folk communities, which became the main form of mobilization of the masses to achieve the goal of building communism; "Battle for Steel"; Militarization of labor relations and giantia; "People's war against nature" (extermination of sparrow, flies, rats, mosquitoes and snails). Results: failure, economic disaster, hunger, unemployment, resettlement in the village of 30 million people. task for 7-10 years to overtake in terms of the development of the USSR and the United States and build communism; the creation of folk communities, which became the main form of mobilization of the masses to achieve the goal of building communism; "Battle for Steel"; Militarization of labor relations and giantia; "People's war against nature" (extermination of sparrow, flies, rats, mosquitoes and snails). Results: failure, economic disaster, hunger, unemployment, resettlement in the village of 30 million people.

"The course for regulation of the economy" course is proclaimed in January 1961. The principle of material interest in labor results was introduced. By 1965, the country was restored and ended with hunger. Grew discontent with the Board of Mao Zedong in the party

"Cultural Revolution". The first stage of the GG. - ramped mass violence. It is characterized by studying in the print pages of a number of writers and scientists. The detachments of young people were connected: Hongwiebins ("Red Guards" or "Red Guards") from among students of schools and universities and zsaofani ("Buntari") from young workers and employees near the city of Beijing walk-roam Hungaibins and vintage paintings are looking for Hungaebina and Not that Hongwebin loves the statues of the picture - instead of statues will be the revolution of the cultural V.Vysotsky

"Cultural Revolution". The proclamation of China is the center of the world revolutionary movement; Suppression of the opposition inside the PDA, the cleaning of the party ("fire at the headquarters!"); the defeat of party organizations, the authorities transferred to the revolutionary committees; terror, mockery of intelligentsia, opponents referred to concentration camps, establishing a Maoist dictatorship; Fight against the bourgeois lifestyle Propaganda ideas of the world atomic war The proclamation of China is the center of the world revolutionary movement; Suppression of the opposition inside the PDA, the cleaning of the party ("fire at the headquarters!"); the defeat of party organizations, the authorities transferred to the revolutionary committees; terror, mockery of intelligentsia, opponents referred to concentration camps, establishing a Maoist dictatorship; Fight against bourgeois lifestyle Propaganda ideas of world atomic war

"Cultural Revolution". The second stage of the GG. - strengthening the cult of the personality of Mao Zedong, the continuation of the internal party struggle. Results: Establishing a military bureaucratic dictatorship, about 10 million people were destroyed. Ended with the death of Mao Zedun on September 9, 1976, the second stage of the GG. - strengthening the cult of the personality of Mao Zedong, the continuation of the internal party struggle. Results: Establishing a military bureaucratic dictatorship, about 10 million people were destroyed. Ended with the death of Mao Zedune on September 9, 1976. "Great Feed" "Red Sun"

China after the Board of Mao Zedong The struggle between supporters of Mao Zedong and reformers began to reform Chinese society on the basis of market relations the country was in a difficult situation. Hunger. Unemployment. There was a card system of 1977 - officially announced the completion of the "cultural revolution" Dan Xiaopin - the most influential person in China struggle between supporters of Mao Zedong and reformers The beginning of the reform of Chinese society on the basis of market relations the country was in a difficult situation. Hunger. Unemployment. There was a card system of 1977 - officially announced the completion of the "cultural revolution" Dan Xiaopin - the most influential person in China

Dan Xiaopin Deng Xiaopin reform program - Maoist reformer, one of the initiators of the "Chinese perestroika". Described the "cultural revolution" as a "feudal-fascist" dictatorship. He put forward the concept of "one country - two systems", which provided for the peaceful reunion of Taiwan with China. "It doesn't matter what color cat is black or white. If only she caught mice "Dan Xiaopin - a Maoist reformer, one of the initiators of the" Chinese restructuring ". Described the "cultural revolution" as a "feudal-fascist" dictatorship. He put forward the concept of "one country - two systems", which provided for the peaceful reunion of Taiwan with China. "It doesn't matter what color cat is black or white. If only she caught mice "

Economic reforms "Chinese Perestroika" 1978: Changes in agriculture: the land was heard in personal property for up to 50 years, some of the products under the contract surrendered to the state, the rest could have been disposed of, the introduction of a family contraction; In industry, self-sufficiency was introduced, ate, independent sales of products; Attracting foreign capital Education of special economic zones for the activities of foreign entrepreneurs Economic lifting, the decision of the food problem The Competition of the Communist Party is to build socialism with the Chinese specificity of the CCP at this time, retained a guideline. Results: The system of "socialist market relations" was established in China 1978: Changes in agriculture: the Earth was heard in personal property up to 50 years, some of the products under the contract passed the state, the rest could have been disposed of, the introduction of a family contraction; In industry, self-sufficiency was introduced, ate, independent sales of products; Attracting foreign capital Education of special economic zones for the activities of foreign entrepreneurs Economic lifting, the decision of the food problem The Competition of the Communist Party is to build socialism with the Chinese specificity of the CCP at this time, retained a guideline. Results: The system of "socialist market relations" was established in China

The political development of the PRC in the years of reform Reforming the political system under the leading role of the PDA 1981 - the condemnation of the cult of the personality of Mao Zedong and the politicians of the "Big Jump" and the "cultural revolution" in society increased democratic trends, so the requirements grew liberal reforms, multiparty, respect for human rights in 1989 - multimillion rates in many cities, including on the main square of Beijing - Tiananmen. Military position has been introduced. The victims of 1992 - the XIV Congress of the CCP determined the purpose of reforms - the construction of "socialist market economy»Reforming a political system under the leading role of the PDA 1981 - the condemnation of the cult of the personality of Mao Zedong and the politicians of the" Great Jump "and the" cultural revolution "in society increased democratic trends, therefore the requirements of liberal reforms, multiparties, respect for human rights in 1989 - multimillion Mintings in many cities, including on the main square of Beijing - Tiananmen. Military position has been introduced. The victims of 1992 - the XIV Congress of the CCP determined the purpose of reforms - the construction of a "socialist market economy" Students on Tiananmen Square

Economic reforms The current leader of the PRC Hu Jintao is a progressive reformer and takes care of the country's promotion of the current leader of the PRC Hu Jintao is a progressive reformer and takes care of the country's promotion.

Foreign policy Support for rebel movements in Asian countries, Africa and Latin America in e gg. None of them succeeded for supporting rebel movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America in E GG. None of them succeeded
Foreign policy Warming relations with USA. - Exchange embassies Warming relations with USA. - Exchange embassies Warming relations with the USSR after 1985 - Visit M.Gorbachev to China

In the sixth volume of the "History of the East" about China, more than 50 pages of the selected demagogic shit is written, very reminiscent (interesting, why ...) Soviet history textbooks or literature of the twentieth century. To not be unfounded:

"... influenced by the criticism of the cult of personality I.V. Stalin in the USSR, as well as reflecting the mood inside China itself, at the congress from the charter, the situation was drawn out that the ideas of Mao Zedong are ideological (no tautology, bleat!) The basis of the party. The charter also emphasized the need to continue the struggle against the "identity protrusion, against its glorification." Claiming this speaking at the congress Dan Xiaoping added that main role In the fight against the cult of the personality in the CCP plays Mao Zedong.

The article compiled by the Bosyatsky article is clearly designed to justify the devastating in its consequences of the Bosyatsky policy of the time of Mao Zedong and it is she who followed the economic lifting of the country, who did not fulfill the word about how expensive it was already given to China and what an acute and unexpected rectal pain will also respond Ten and fifteen years old. Interestingly, the ratio of pages spent on the description of the situation in the PRC and the Kyrgyz Republic (Taiwan) is approximately equal to 23: 1. Having consistent with common sense, I solved the material about the PRC ( modern China) To take from lectures, and about the Kyrgyz Republic (modern Taiwan) there is a separate ticket (No. 24).


After the end of the Second World War in China, two power center remains - the Government of Chan Kaisha (official power, the capital in Nanjing, cooperates with the United States) and the army of Mao Zedong (de facto controls the half, the capital in Beijing, cooperates with the Sovkom), respectively. Each of them feels the pressure of their sponsors so that they have agreed.

1945, October 10 - under their pressure, Mao Zedong and Chan Kaisi concludes a peace agreement and national unity. All weapons that Soviet troops managed to beat off the Kommunists from the Khomintanovsky.

1946 - USSR brings troops from Manchuria,

1947 - the United States also displays troops from there.

It is necessary to do something with the army of the Communists, headed by Mao. Chan Kaishi demands to dissolve and pass the power in the regions engaged in it by the regions, Mao refuses.

1945, the end of the year - the meeting of the USSR, USA and England: how to reconcile them. It is proposed to create an advisory board, where the representatives of the hominndana (ruling party) and the PDA (Communists) entered. They want to carry out the planned still Sun Yatsen transition from the "regime of political care" to the "regime of the democratic republic" (such as the construction of socialism promised in the USSR).

1946, the beginning of the year - the Advisory Conference decides to create the State Council (government), which should consist in half from the Kommindanov and Communists. But firstly, the powers did not agree, how to create a government, and secondly, neither the Chan, nor Mao suits such a government, and as a result, the world turns out to be unstable.

1946, Summer - Civil War begins! Approximately a year and a half, Komunyndan fries communists: they are expelled from the North and Central China. But then the Communists refuse to attacks on major landowners and attempts to redistribute land in the village. But the principle is "take away and divide", and decide to take the land from those who collaborate with the Japanese, and to share it between the poor. As a result, the support of the population is conquered, both parties are actively supplied with weapons from the outside, and by the end of 1947 the power of the parties were approximately equal, and by the end of 1948 the advantage is already on the side of the Communists. By 1949, they confidently win. Chan Kaisi appeals to all powers with a request to conclude the world, and the West agrees, and the USSR is not, so the war continues.

1949, January - Communists send a delegation to Moscow. Her chapter, Liu Shaocin, asks soviet aviation For the defeat of Taiwan and Hong Kong, but Stalin refuses. Until the autumn Gao Gan, actually the master of Manchuria, asks to include it in the USSR, but Stalin also has it.

1949, October 1 - Mao proclaims the People's Republic of China (PRC). He has a new trend: the transition to socialism through a new democracy - "Democratic dictatorship of the people" (it does not sound absurd absurd). This is now the discrepancy with the official line of the USSR, which was preferred first the industrialization, and only then collectivization. But in China, hever instead of the proletariat, and Mao has to revolutionize the village: the theory of surroundings of the village of the village appears. According to it, the progressive power of the revolution is the peasants, and not workers, and this discrepancy is preserved.

Chan Kaisha is evacuated to about about. Taiwan, transfers the post of President Lee Junzhen and declares himself by the successor of the Republic of China. At the same time, the official position of the Komintandan (ruling party of the Kyrgyz Republic) is: the Kyrgyz Republic is not a Taiwanese state, its territory is all China, at least part of it (that is, the whole China, Mongolia and still pieces on the boundaries) and occupied by hostile modes; We (Homindan) will leave time and restore justice. The claims to the continental territory remain so far, from claims to Mongolia refused to give you the glory to you.

1951 - Agreement between the United States and Japan on the protection of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea from the Communist invasion.

1952 - Agreement on assistance and construction: the USSR brings troops, gives Dalian, Port Arthur and the CFA, provides investments by $ 300 million. And there are also experts on their epaulettes to help Ketaitsa raise the country.

The Chinese Communist Party (PDA) takes control of all his life in the country, even there are formally and remain the republican principle and two more batchs for the species.

Bosyaki carry out agrarian reform: deprive the lands of everyone who does not proceed (wealthy owners are deprived of the earth, which goes to the barecomes).

1952 - First Wave of Cooperation: Cooperated to 40% of all farms.

Mao declares that the economy is restored to a pre-war level, that is, the preparatory period is completed, and one can move to the construction of socialism. They wanted it for 5 five years (but for some reason they wanted to meet until 1967).

1953 - New agreements from the USSR.

1954 - The first elections to the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives (Parliament, Parliament).

1954 - First Constitution:

  • The form of the property, the protection of which guarantees the state, is announced "public" (that is, state property, now under protection only it);
  • the highest authority in the country - the NPC,
  • it is going 2 times a year, and there is a permanent committee between meetings.

Chairman of the NNP - Liu Shaocin, Prime Minister - Zhou Egnlay, Mao himself - Chairman of the PRC and Military Council of the CCP. In the government, two lines - supporters of construction (closer to the USSR rate) and supporters of struggle (forced development, among them by MAO). Mao refers to the first group with suspicion, at least officially the line of friendship from the USSR and remains unreasonable.

1954 - Gao Gan, the head of the Moscow group, arrested, dies in prison.

1955 - His and all the grouping is accused of treason. Spravel with the opposition.

After the massacre of the MAO protrudes with the report: it is necessary to speed up the pace of cooperation. All who are against the transition to the accelerated construction of socialism, evade the course - enemies. It is realistic to accelerate the pace invented and carried out illiterately (that's it strange!), And in the end, only the ker and crop.

1956 - Mao is trying to rehabilitate: On the VIII Congress of the CPC, it offers a "big jump" plan, which implies the very same thing, but in the industrial sphere. The slogan: "3 years of hard labor, 10,000 years of happiness." But formally, a group of temperate will be defeated at the congress.

1958 - Mao removes opponents, after which he collects the second session of the VIII COP Congress, wins and eventually spends its program.

  • creation of folk communes (collective farms on the ADM level)
  • "Fighting sparrows" (it is believed that the sparrows are liquefied part of the rice harvest. They are started to ride, not giving to land and trees. No one is burned pests in the fall of the whole crop of rice, and this is a victory!)
  • "Battle of Steel" (to increase steel smelting, it is normalized distributed to the communes and punish building furnaces to melting it. The result: In 1959, the PRC ranks first in the world in terms of steel smelting. But when by the end of the year 95 cuts down for smelting furnaces. Forest percent in the country, maintaining her pace is not possible, and this is again victory!)

1958 - The USSR course is called upon by the revisionist, MAO initiates the "Non-Aligned Movement" - the opposition USSR association of third-world countries fighting with him for influence in the socialist.

The result of the policy of "big jump" - hunger. Criticism in the address of Mao enhances, and he refuses the post of Chairman of the PRC, puts Liu Schaocin to this post, and himself becomes the chairman of the CCP. The search for the perpetrators begins, and the responsibility for everyone is dumping to Dan Xiaopin (CCP Secretary General). This causes a sharp increase in contradictions within the party in 1960-61.

The 1962 Congress of the CCP, supporters of the USSR (less barbarian) criticized sharply, put forward the protege of Mao Zedong, Lin Biao. Attempts continue to accuse in all the mistakes of Liu Schaocin and Dan Xiaopin, so far fruitless.

1965 - a fracture in the politics of the party: overcomed by the consequences of a large jump (that is, all measures in the frame of the jump stupidly canceled, reforms are cast to the commune stage). On this basis, young economists are put forward (which are actually all collapsed), and Mao, relying on them, wants to deal with the old guard.

Reason: In 1965, somehow, Han writes a novel that describes the cruel ruler and criticizing his officials. It seems criticism of the regime, and the authorities deploy a large-scale repressive company. In its course, only Zhou Egnala (which is left, apparently, should not be touched from the old composition of political leadership (which is apparently, as we have been died in 1973. Formed a circle of proxies of Mao: Jiang Qin (his wife), Lin Biao, Chen Boda (Personal Secretary), Yao Wenuan (historian and journalist) - these four claim their political course.

1966, Mao Mao commits a great feat - Swims the Yangtze (approximately 5 km), beautiful swimmers and a table for Black Zheek are floating next to it. The event marks the beginning of a new stage of the bloody absurd Mao, the "cultural revolution". During her:

  • The company is conducted by the criticism of bourgeois teachers (cleaning among university professors, more than other - the Beijing state, such as our Moscow State University);
  • The army of "Hongwebinins" is organized - "the red guards of the revolution" (they gain from citizens, students and schoolchildren), their hands are creating a revolution. Their attempts to distribute the criticism of bourgeois elements and opposition are encountered to counter the workers, in 1968 collisions begin between them. The riots develop into the protest movement of the "red riots", to which the army is joined in Nanjing and Shanghai. Bunuts are suppressed by the forces regular armyAnd Mao proclaims it all "strike at the headquarters."

At the same time, all the hell-knows what the Mao group captures (bleat ...) the power in the party, which is responding to the replacement of party committees to the Rev.. The purpose of the measure is the struggle against disagree (mainly with the intelligentsia and the former bourgeoisie) of which to hold the "camp of the seventh of May" to the "re-education". Officially, this is all called "Removing the bourgeois laid". Liu Schaoqi and Dan Xiaopin refer to the camps, eventually survives the last.

1969 - Full and final pizdets foreign Policy Times of Mao Zedong, "Incident in Damansky". The border with China passes along the Ussuri River, in the middle of which is the island of Damansky, on all contracts officially owned by the USSR. Suddenly, Hongwebins appear on the island, requiring "to return the land of China", our border guards displacing them from there without the use of weapons. The next day, a large armed squad of NAK, who, together with the island, is destroyed by the Soviet artillery, attacks the Soviet border crossing. The provocation failed, and the War from the USSR China is not ready, and the incident is fasted.

1969 - IX COP Congress (held in secret, the delegates were appointed there): Lin Biao was declared the successor of Mao. 69 year - Orgasm Maja Mao: He becomes the actual dictator of China and two years later "reveals a plot" Lin Biao.

1972 - Dan Xiaopin is returned from the camp and prescribe the deputy Zhou Egnala.

1973 - CPC Congress (generally secret, without foreign representatives): the "theory of three worlds" was approved: the United States (Cap. Camp), the USSR (social value) and the PRC (together with the "Non-Aligned Countries"). With an indictment speech against Lin Biao, Zhou Egnala is made, relations between him and Mao are exacerbated.

1973-76 - Mao Campaign against Lin Biao, Confucius and Confucianism.

1973-76 - Campaign on Egnola's Egnlay (it is considered a descendant of the founder of neoconfucianism in a 33m knee).

1976 - In January, Zhou Egnlay dies, Mao Zedong dies in September. In yet his life, the successor was elected - Hua Hufen, Hunanets (Countryman of the Mao itself). "The Group of Cultural Revolution Affairs" declared a "gang of four", Jiang Qin is planted under arrest. The transitional period in power lasts about the year.

1978 - III Plenum Central Committee of the CPC: the final defeat of the "gang of four" and the dissolution of folk communes. Hua Corpeng announces the program "four modernization" designed for 10 years:

  • Agriculture (dissolution of communes, the transfer of land for lease to peasants, raising the purchase prices in rice, permission to sell products remaining taxes in the market),
  • Modernization of industry (weakening of price control, permission to privatize the most unprofitable enterprises),
  • Modernization of national defense (modernization of the army, Cho),
  • Modernization of science and technology (so everything is clear).

1980 - New "Special Economic Zones" are formed: Guangdong, Fujian and 14 more others.

1980-83 - The entire land foundation is divided between the peasants, cooperatives for 49 years are being leased to individual families that are treated with land and sell labor products in the market (this is called "family in a row").

1982 - XII COP Congress, a change in political scenario: Hua Gofan is removed, Jao Ban became chairman of the Central Committee, instead of him. Dan Xiaopin is becoming a Chairman of the CCP's Military Humovop, but it really taxes the whole country. He speaks of his Chinese path to socialism with national specificity. The period of maoysma is assessed positively, the cult of Mao is formed, the "great revolutionary" - we do not understand this ...

1984 - Mass cleaning of personnel: Dan Xiaopin clears old people from the state apparatus.

1987 - Wave of student manifestations, as a result of the new Gensen appointed Zhao Ziyan, initially configured democratic. He immediately begins to play with young people and give promises (for example, to increase English knowledge by 10 centimeters). But does not increase, and in the end \u003d\u003e

1989 - Student strike on Tiananiman Square (Red Square), require democratization on all fronts. It so happened that I coincided with the visit of Gorbachev to Beijing (who, by the way, did not end with anything, except the famous "Let's not talk, let's work"). Manifestation is dispersed with tanks, about 3,000 people died.

From the first half of the 1980s, the "period of reform" begins: with generally stable and unchanged political system (That is, the complete control of the party) begins mass privatization of property. Officials at this time, where conbuiting, and where almost openly entering the bundles with the "New Chinese", the party power and newly emerging market mechanisms are spliced \u200b\u200b(this is called the marketing process).

In the 1990s economic reforms They began to spend not so centrally, and or either by connivance, or whether under the auspices of party leaders, they accepted a natural character; For its part, the party "did not allow discussions", that is, maintained the ideological vacuum.

Official China begins to use new financial opportunities (banking mechanisms, West investments and from Taiwan with Hong Kong) for the conduct of socio-economic policies. To the second half of the 1990s, these resources are gradually dried, but the growth rate of the economy is preserved high level (on average 10% of GDP per year).

Acute problems early XXI century:

  • Deficit of high-quality higher and secondary education
  • \u003d\u003e Lack of qualified frames
  • Overcrowding, the difficulty of conducting any demographic policy
  • \u003d\u003e (threaten in 20-30 years) the predominance of pensioners over able-bodied
  • Sensitivity of the economy Investments
  • \u003d\u003e Hyperinflation, artificially held by the People's Bank of China
  • Environmental problem (dirty production, soil erosion)
  • The need for democratization (on epaulets).

Immediately after the beginning of the First World War, the President of the country yuan Shikai announced the neutrality of China. The Chinese government encouraged the warring powers not to transfer hostilities to its territory. But this appeal was not heard. On August 22, 1914, Japan landed his 30 thousandth expeditionary housing near the city of Qingdao. At the Shandong Peninsula for two months, the entire peninsula was under its control. In the plans of the Japanese government as a maximum task, at that time, the idea of \u200b\u200bdisplacement and holding the Entente from China with the subsequent establishment of its control over its entire territory appeared.

On January 18, 1915, Japan presented Yuan Shikay Ultimatum, called "21 demand". In the case of its fulfillment, China threatened the fate of the transformation into fully dependent on Japan.

Yuan Shikai was in a difficult position. China was very weak to confront Japan armed by. On May 9, 1915, Yuan Shikai, on the advice of the English and American authorities, agreed to accept the adjusted version of the "21 demand". This day in China is near public organizations Was declared the Day of National Shame.

On June 6, 1916, Yuan Shikai suddenly died from a heart attack. After his death, the central government evenly weakened and gradually concentrated in the hands of militarist generals in various provinces of China. As it happened in the crisis periods of the history of China, to the fore political life The countries have come out again and for a long time. Parliament accelerates and collected again, but his role was already secondary. In the same position was the leader of the Chinese revolution Sun Yatsen: he was elected by the president, he again lost the post, and almost everything depended on the will of militarists who have real power in a particular region.

2.5.2. China after the end of the First World War

The First World War and the events that followed it even more exacerbated contradictions within the Chinese society. Severally strengthened the positions of the national Chinese bourgeoisie, which took advantage of the attention of their country by holding the Entente in the period of hostilities in Europe. Nevertheless, foreign capital retained its position in the most important industries, it simply happened to his redistribution in the direction of strengthening the position of Japan.

So, for example, by the share of Japanese capital by that time, it accounted for half of all the production of coal, three quarters of iron ore production, nine tenths of steel smelting, up to 60% of cotton fabrics and so on. Most railways And banks also continued to be owned by foreigners. International trade The means of communication and customs fees were also controlled by them.

Up to eighty percent of the land was in the hands of large owners who were about one tenth of the rural population. The rest of the rest accounted for less than a quarter. Land peasants were forced to take the land for rent on the bible conditions.

Victory October revolution In Russia, and followed by the conclusion of the non-equivance contracts concluded earlier with China (in particular, the refusal of Soviet Russia from the share of the "Boxing Protocol" report of 1901) gave rise to part of the political elite and in the environment of the intelligentsia hope for the aid of new Russian authorities in the country's liberation from foreign domination. Now Russia, from the backward and reactionary state, in the eyes of a significant part of society, has become an example for imitation of the accomplishment of genuine People's Revolution.

The end of the First World War was the beginning of a new stage of the revolutionary process in China, and the revolution of 1917 in Russia had a considerable impact on those forms that this movement began to comply. In 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was created, which significantly consolidated the young Chinese working class. Further design was happening in the Gomindan party. In 1922-1923 There is a rise of working and peasant movement, the design of the trade union movement. In Guangzhou were created favorable conditions The liberation movement after there from February 1923 the Government of Sun Yatsen was entrenched, who passed the difficult path to this time. The successes of the Russian revolution, for which he carefully followed, and the bitter experience of his political failures led him to understand that only support for popular masses would be able to ensure the victory of the Chinese revolution. Sun Yatsen gradually moved to the position of cooperation with the Communist Party and with the Soviet Union, as a result of the three folk principles, he adds three basics of politics: a union from the USSR, an alliance with PDA, support for peasants and workers. In addition, it is becoming more obvious that without his own armed forces of the party could not do. At the I Congress of the Homintan in 1924, in which the Communists took part, the united Front of the Romintang and PDA was proclaimed. On May 31, 1924 an agreement was signed on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and China. With the help of Soviet military advisers M.M. Borodin, P.A. Pavlova, V.K. Bluchber was established on the creation of the revolutionary armed forces. The basics were gradually laid down and for further strengthening the power of the Homintan and PDA, although the death of Sun Yatsen was a big loss for the revolution in March 1925

On July 1, 1925, the Guangzhou Government announced himself to the National Government of China and began the struggle for the association of the country. In July 1926, the Khomintan troops performed at their famous northern campaign. The result was to join the territories controlled by the homyndan and PDA, Nanjing, Uhani and a number of other large cities and provinces. These successes strengthened the position of the commander-in-chief of Chan Kaisha, who in the spring of 1927 proclaimed his own national government in Shanghai. This meant essentially a revolution inside the Gomindan party itself, the subsequent gap with the Communists and the collapse of the united Front of the Romintang and PDA.

2.5.3. Civil war and search for reconciliation paths. Creation of Antiappon Front

All this, naturally, weakened the country before the threat of Japanese aggression, strengthened by the mid-1930s. In 1937-1938 The Japanese occupied all the largest cities, including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, and all the most important provinces of China. Chan Kaisi, who settled in the West in Chongqing, headed resistance, inviting the Armed Forces of the CCP in the Athiapon struggle. But the unity in this struggle prevented political disagreements. The CCP spoke out against the Khomintan politics immediately after the coup of Chan Kaishi. She was organized several uprisings at the end of 1927, but they did not have success. In 1928-1930 In a number of areas of the country, the territories controlled by the Communists were created, where the councils were formed. In 1931, the congress of Soviets, which formed the Chinese Soviet Republic was even created in Zhuitsin. The civil war began between the Gomintandan and the Communists in the provinces of Central and South China. However, the Japanese intervention, patriotic sentiments, challenged among different social groups Chinese society, forced the warring parties to look for ways to reconciliation. On July 8, 1937, the CCP Central Committee called on the masses to rise to a national war and create a single national patriotic front. On the need for a weapon in the hands of giving the aggression on behalf of the Homintana also stated Chan Kaisha. In September 1937, statements by the CPC Central Committee and the Governance of the Homintan on the cooperation of both parties were published in Chinese press.

The Unified Athiapon National Front was different from the Unified Front of 1924-1927. First of all, the Homindan Republic represented not so much the interests of the masses (as it was during the life of Sun Yatsen), how many interests of various owners - landowners, bankers, manufacturers and merchants. Further, in 1937 was not created organizational form united front; Its direct goal was the struggle against all imperialist powers and Chinese militarists, and the war with Japan. However, this war is both rival forces, despite the united front, preferred to lead apart in themselves.

The CCP consolidated the power in the areas controlled by it (North-Western provinces of China), where in 1940 they lived, by different data, 50-100 million people. The two main armies, the eighth and fourth, the number of which reached 500 thousand people, were a considerable part of the Chinese armed forces opposing Japanese aggression. By this time, leadership in the CCP actually seized the future long-term ruler of the Communist China Mao Zedong. The Komintan Army consisted of 4,600 thousand people at the end of World War II, but it was very battered and demoralized. The most combat-ready divisions, trained and armed with the Americans, were not at the front, but in the rear, and were preparing for the struggle not with the Japanese, but with the Armed Forces of the CCP.

In August 1945, the USSR joined the war with Japan and occupied Manchuria, defeating Kwantung Army. Military trophies captured by them contributed to strengthening the CCP base in Northern China. The Second World War ended, but the world did not come on the land of China. The new brutal page of the Civil War began.

2.5.4. China after the end of World War II (1945-1946) and during the Civil War (1946-1949)

After the end of World War II, the question of the political association of China was again. Two main forces - PDA and Khomintan - led among themselves the struggle for hegemony in the country.

Until May 1946, in accordance with the Agreement between the USSR and China Republic On the territory of Manchuria were Soviet troops. This area during the existence of the Manyzhou-go State of the Japanese was turned into one of the most economically developed, which accounted for about 20% of the total volume of industrial production of China.

As a result of the negotiations in Chongqing, the PDA and Khomindan on October 10, 1945 entered into an agreement on the establishment of peace and national unity and convening a political advisory council for the transition from the regime of political care to the Democratic Republic. However, the participants in the negotiations could not agree on the future status of the Armed Formations of the CCP. Chan Kaisha insisted on their dissolution and transfer of power in the liberated areas to representatives of his government. Mao Zedong could not go to it and responded with refusal. Then the leader of the Homintana, having enlisted the support of the United States, attempted to implement a number offensive operations In areas that were under the control of the Communists. The country was again on the verge of civil war.

For external concerned forces at that moment, the situation was not yet clear enough. The United States, the troops of which were in China, counting on strengthening their position in the country, took part in the preparation of the Homintandan army, having trained 150 thousand soldiers and arms 45 divisions. The USSR, while maintaining official relations with the Chan Kaisha regime, has not yet decided on its support of Chinese communists. I.V. Stalin, as well as the President of the United States, Truman, at that moment it seemed that the coalition government of a single China would be the most successful option. However, events unfolded in another direction.

In the summer of 1946, the offensive of the army of the Homintang to the areas controlled by the CCP begins. This meant the resumption of the Civil War. At the first stage, which lasted until mid-1947, success was on the side of a more equipped and well-friendly army of Chan Kaisi, supported by the United States.

However, during the Civil War, the hopes of the Communists were fully focused on the use of the tactics of the partisan war, the experience of which was acquired during the events of 1927-1937. A large-scale operations for the destruction of live strength and equipment of the enemy were conducted on the territories under controlling territories.

The decisive battles, which determined the final result of the war, turned around at the end of 1948. The first half of 1949, all his armed forces of the Communists have reduced four field army. The first commanded by Peng Dehihai was located in the northwestern part of the country, the second Army Liu Bocine was in Central China, the third, led by Chen and, in the East, and in Manchuria, there was a fourth army under the command of Lin Biao.

Initially, the Communists won in the area of \u200b\u200bShenyana (Manchuria), and then captured Changchun. Thus, they were already controlled by the Northeast China.

Once in a hopeless situation, Chan Kaisha in January 1949 turned to the leaders of the United States, Great Britain and the USSR to become intermediaries in achieving peace with the PDA. However, the leadership of the USSR responded with refusal, stating that all what was happening was the inner case of China. January 21, Chan Kaisi announced his care from the post of President of the Republic of China.

By the fall of 1949, only Taiwan and Tibet were out of control of the CCP. In addition, Hong Kong and Macau continued to be under the control of Great Britain and Portugal.

student 9 "d" class

Belousov Andrey


Kozlov V.V.

City of Apsheronsk


1) Foreign Policy.

2) internal political development

3) social economic development.

In the post-war time in China created a new ratio political forces. On the one hand, Patriotic, Democratic Front, headed by the PDA, which is except workers and peasants ( driving forces The front) was also an allied intelligentsia, light urban bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie. This front set itself the tasks of the overthrow of the reactionary team of the romintan regime, the liberation of the country from the neot of foreign capital and the construction of free, independent and democratic China. On the other hand, the reaction camp, headed by the top of the bourgeois-landing party of the homincage, materially supported and ideologically inspired by imperialism, adhered to the course to strengthen the anti-democratic regime in China. The struggle of the democratic and reaction camps is a characteristic feature of post-war China.

The reaction in the military-political and material support of aggressive circles of the United States expects to use post-war China as the main base of their domination on Far East, bridgehead against the Soviet Union and national liberation movement in countries South-East Asia. Under the pretext of "providing Japanese's delivery" and their repatriation of the United States after the surrender of Japan, in China (for December 1945), 113 thousand American soldiers, sailors and soldiers of the marines, trained and armed with thirty-nine Khomintovsky divisions, were supplied by the Government military technique. By October 1948, the number of armed and trained by the Americans of the Gomintan divisions reached 106. Relying on US support and placing an army of 4,300 thousand people deployed a civil war in China.

The active expansion of American imperialists in China was enshrined by signing on November 4, 1946 in Nanjing of the Branch for China of the American-Chinese Treaty on Friendship, Trade and Navigation. As a result of new American-Chinese agreements - on providing assistance to China dated October 27, 1947 and the Naval Agreement from 8 December 1947 - China received new loans, the United States received the right to build military strategic facilities in China. The Komintan Government took the obligation to also support US anti-Soviet policies.

However, in 1949, China's People's Liberation Army disorganized the front and rear of the Khomintan troops. The failure of the US plans in China caused a radical fracture in the political situation of China in favor of a democratic fron of the struggle headed by the CCP. On October 1, 1949, in the city of Beijing, the creation of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China was proclaimed.

The USSR first recognized the PRC. On October 2, 1949, diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and the PRC. February 14, 1950 was signed an agreement on friendship, union and mutual assistance between the USSR and the PRC.

From the end of 1959, the relationship between the PRC and the USSR began to deteriorate. Since the second half of 1960, the provocations of the Chinese authorities in the Sino-Soviet border are frequent. The anti-Soviet processing of Soviet specialists who worked in the country at the request of the PRC began. Soviet government It was forced to withdraw most of the Soviet specialists from the PRC. Later, in March 1969, Maoists provoked open armed attacks on Soviet territory.

In February-March 1970, China undertook a military action against Vietnam, an increased political crisis and the exacerbated struggle in the leadership of the PRC. In April of the same year, the Government of the PRC denounced the Soviet-Chinese treaty concluded in 1952. Grew deep dissatisfaction with the people of the PRC leadership policy.

The ideas of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism won in China. Imperialism suffered a serious defeat. According to its political organization, China has become a national democratic state, and its basis is the Union of the working class and the peasantry under the leadership of the working class and its avant-garde - PDA.

The People's Revolution opened the way for socialist transformations in China. In the recovery period 1949-1952 The Chinese people, embraced by a huge political rise, relying on their own strength, for the fraternal assistance of the Soviet Union and the countries of socialism, healing wounds inflicted by Homintandanov, Japanese militarists and American interventionists.

The arrival of Chinese communists to power laid the beginning of a grand transformation of Chinese society. This fully corresponded to their program.

The first of this kind of radical transformation was an agrarian reform. In its course, 47 million hectares of land were redistributed between the peasants and the landlord layer was eliminated. Immediately after the agrarian reform, the cooperation of agriculture began: it was over in 1956.

At the same time, industrialization began in the country. In its implementation, the USSR played a significant role. With it, more than 250 enterprises were built, more than 20 thousand Chinese engineers were educated in the USSR. During the first Chinese five-year plan (1953-1957), the growth rates of industrial production in China were unprecedented for Asia.

In political terms, China under the Constitution of 1954 became a unitary state with a limited autonomy of national outlets. When preserving the row political parties Political power fully owned the Chinese Communist Party headed by Mao Zedong.

If in Eastern Europe in the 50s, the crisis of totalitarian socialism has emerged, it was not in China. Moreover, the success of the first five-year plan allowed Mao Zedun to conclude the possibility of setting even more far-reaching goals. In 1958, the CCP approves a new "General line". It was decided to accelerate economic development, to carry out a "big jump" and build a communist society. And the main means of building a bright future must be a communist, that is, free, work under the slogan: "Three years of stressful labor - ten thousand years of happiness." Instead of small cooperatives, "Folk Communes" were created by an average of 20 thousand peasants, in which everything was complained, including household farms, an equalization principle of distribution was introduced. The life of the peasants was toughly regulated, they ranked at work, fed together in the dining room.

In industry it was decided to accelerate the industrialization at the expense of also gratuitous work by the construction of small enterprises with semi-pedestar technology.

However, the "big jump" failed. The production of agricultural products fell, hunger began in several areas of China. Reduced I. industrial production. Instead of a jerk, the country received an economic crisis. Already in 1959, Mao Zedong heard criticism in his address. In the country and the party there was a real opposition to him. It forced Mao to start an open struggle with his opponents.

Since the opposition launched deep roots in the party and state apparatus, he made the chief instrument of the struggle of young people and the army. It was the youth that he called in 1965 to revolutionary violence, the destruction of everything and everything to create an educated communist state in liberated from the remnants of the old society.

"Red Security Guards" (Hongweibins) and "Buntari" (Zsaofani), led directly by Mao Zedong and its closest like-minded people, the party committees and ministries rushed, seized enterprises and universities. All this was called the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution". It spawned unimaginable chaos and mass violence. In the late 1967, by order of Mao, the situation in the country took control of the army. The Minister of Defense Lin Biao became the second person in the leadership, which created new dangers for Mao. In 1971, he seeks the removal of Lin Biao (Marshal died in a plane crash over the territory of Mongolia, trying to probably hide from China). In order to balance the increased influence of the army, Mao began to restore the party and government agencies, returned many other parbullies. But his course was more and more of himself. The junction came after the death of Mao Zedong in September 1976. The nearest his assistants were arrested. They were accused of distorting the teachings of Mao, the body of which was placed in a huge mausoleum in the center of Beijing.

Step by step in the party, the top was taken by the so-called "pragmatists", insist on the refusal of unjustified, from their point of view, running forward, communism, and on the concentration of efforts to practical work By the conclusion of China in the number of advanced countries. The leader of "pragmatists" was the Dan Xiaopin, twice repressed in 1966 and in 1976. In the history of China, a new band began.

The arrival of "pragmatists" to power marked the beginning of the cardinal change in internal politics. "Cultural Revolution", and with it and partly the ideas of Mao Zedong were criticized. All those affected during these years, and their official data of at least 100 million people are rehabilitated. The normal work of state and public organizations was restored. Pragmatists called on to study the experience of Western countries, tens of thousands of students went to learn abroad. The country has become more open.

A course was taken to introduce elements of a market economy. State enterprises were translated into a government, the development of small and medium-sized businesses was encouraged. From criticism of "imperialism" transferred to the stimulation of foreign investments, and throughout the coast created "Special Economic Zones" with preferential conditions for foreign entrepreneurs. In agriculture, where most of the world's work-bodied population is occupied, the "family contract" system was introduced while maintaining collective ownership of land.

On the territory of China, the actual-ski existed two states: one in the territory, controlling-handedness of the Hominthane, the other in the districts liberated by the People's Liberation Army of China (NAK), headed by communi-stamps. In the summer of 1946, the Homintan leadership with the support of the United States threw his army in the overall attack on liberated areas. Began new War Between hundred-Ronniki PDA and Homintang. She not only contributed to the growth of communist sentiment in the country, but also lived corruption and noncompanity of the leadership of the leader. Kom Munists won one victory after another. On January 31, 1949, Armed Si-PDAs without a fight joined Beijing. 21 Up-Rel Communists fucked Yangtze, taking two days later Nanjing - the main support point of the Komintandan. Homintanov-Tsi led by Chan Kaisha was evacuated to Taiwan Island.

Education of the People's Republic of China (PRC)

Having defeated his opponents in 1949, CCP acquired Con-Trol over the entire territory of the country. In October 1949.g. was provocative People's Republic of China(PRC) led by Mao Zedong. In 1950.the city of PRC introduced troops to the neighboring Tibet.

China relations (PRC) and the USSR

The first few years of the PRC supported close ties with the Soviet Union, receiving assistance in the restoration of the economy and the basis of the army.

The leaders of the CCP took the course to the development of society similar to the SO-Owsky during the reign of Stalin. Congratulating the head of the USSR Stalin with the next anniversary of the October Revolution, Mao wished the continued success of the "incomparable forces of the world's la carte of the world and democracy, headed by the USSR", "eternal friendship and cooperation between the people of China and the Soviet Union."

The relations between the People's Republic of China and the USSR were complicated in the second half-not 1950s., When the Chinese leadership condemned the policy of DCT-LINIZATION in the Soviet Union.

Against the background of the "cultural revolution", China's relations from the USSR rapidly deteriorated. Mao Zedong exposed sharp criticism Soviet UnionAfter which all Soviet advisors left the China. In March 1969, it came to the border military clashes. Relationships were partially restored in autumn. In 1972, there was a restoration of relations with the United States, then the PRC achieved a place for her place in the UN, which before Taiwan occupied.

"Big leap" in China

In the second half-not 1950s. Mao Zedong announced his intention for three years to overtake Soviet competitors in the construction of co-cialism. Understanding that China has no developed economic base, the head of the PRC made a bet on "Big leap". In his in-delete to force the development of China, Mao widely used the re-volute enthusiasm of the people and his faith in the PDA. Mini-factory was built throughout the country, homemade blast furnaces appeared in many yards.

The ill-conceived measures aimed at the accelerated development of industry and agriculture, soon turned into agencies. The peasants who did not possess their own land and forcibly united to the communes were gradually lost enthusiasm, producing less products, despite the fact that food reserves were dismantle. As a result, in 1958-1960. PRC survived hunger. City factories functioned unsystematic. Products of "yard domain", as the rule, turned out to be low quality and was recycled.

Part of the party leaders who are common around Marshal Peng Dehii, accused Mao in an adventurous approach. In response, Mao declared them by Predit Lyi and "Privacy", Marshal and his one-led people were repressed.

With the economic crisis, it was soon managed to cope, and at the time of the elimination of the consequences of the unsuccessful "large jump" Mao lost to the post of Chairman of the PRC Liu Schoqi. Material from site.

"Cultures-Naya Revolution" in China

The performance of the in-party opposition showed that the auto-rithet Mao in the party was not comprehensive. Wanting to fix the polo, Mao began a new experiment - the so-called "Cultural Revolution". The meaning of this revolution was reduced to the change of the significant part of the managers on personally devotees Mao people. And the main target was the party "Old Guard". Troops of Youth, referred to hungaibins ("Red guards") and zsaofanya ("Revolutionary rebellion"), they were ready to complete any indication of Mao and resolutely supported the slogan "Fire at Headquarters!". Many party committees and local authorities were defeated. The imaginary and explicit opponents of Lida-RA of the PRC were subjected to physical repression, some of them were from-rules "for re-education" (actually on the Katorga). In total, about 100 million people suffered from repression from 1966 to 1976.

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