The events occurred are known in history. Historical dates of Russia and years of reign of kings

Reservoirs 30.09.2019

The Russian Federation is a state that occupies the first place on the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory and the ninth - in terms of population. This is the country that has passed the path from the scattered principalities to the candidate for the superpower. How was the formation of this political, economic and military coloss?

In our article we will look at the main dates of the history of Russia. We will see the development of the country from the first references to it until the end of the twentieth century.

IX - X century

For the first time, the word "Russia" is mentioned in 860 in connection with the siege of Tsargrad (Constantinople) and the looting of its surroundings. According to the estimates of researchers, more than eight thousand people participated in the raid. Byzantines did not expect an attack on the side of the Black Sea at all, so they could not give a worthy repulsory. "Rusa went unpunished," says Chronist.

The next important date was 862 years old. This is one of the most significant events. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", it was at that time that representatives of the Slavic tribes were invited to Rüric's Prince.

In the chronicles it is said that they are tired of the permanent quarrels and civil servants, which only the proligative ruler could put an end.

Like 862, in the history of Russia, the following - 863rd became important. This year, according to chronic, the Slavic ABC is created - Cyrillic. From this time, the official written story of Russia begins.

In 882, Prince Oleg, the successor to Rüric, conquers Kiev and makes it a "so-in-country". This ruler did a lot for the state. He began to unite the tribes, went to the Khazar, beating many lands. Now Northener, Dvlyan, Radmichi pay tribute not to Kaganat, but the Kiev prince.

We are considering only the main dates of the history of Russia. Therefore, we stop only on some key events.

So, the century was marked by a powerful expansion of Rus in neighboring countries and tribes. So, Igor walked on Pechenegs (920) and in Constantinople (944 years old). Prince Svyatoslav defeated in 965, which significantly strengthened the position of the Kiev Rus in the south and south-east.

In 970, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became Kiev Prince. He, together with his uncle Dobryna, the image of which was later reflected in the epic hertie, collects a campaign on Bulgaria. He managed to defeat the Serbs tribes and Bulgarians on the Danube, as a result of which the Union was concluded.

However, during the mentioned campaigns, the prince penetrates Christianity. Previously, his grandmother, Princess Olga, was the first to take this faith and turned out to be a nephonic surroundings. Now Vladimir Great decides to baptize the state.

So, in 988 a number of rites were held, designed to baptize most of the tribes. Those who refused to change faith voluntarily forced to this force.

The last important date in the beginning of the century is the construction of a tentine church. It was with the help of this building in Kiev finally consolidated Christianity at the state level.

XI century

The eleventh century was marked by a large number of military conflicts between princes. Immediately after the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, civilians begin.

This destroyer lasted until 1019, when Prince Yaroslav sits on the throne in Kiev, who was subsequently called wise. He ruled thirty five years old. It is noteworthy that during his reign, the Kievan Russia practically goes to the level of European states.

Since we are talking briefly about the history of Russia, the most important dates of the eleventh century are associated with the reign of Yaroslav (in the first half of the century) and the period of the Troubles (in the second half of the century).

So, from 1019 to his death in 1054, Prince Yaroslav Wise is one of the most famous archives - "The Truth of Yaroslav". This is the oldest "Russian truth".

For five years, starting from 1030, he builds the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.

In the capital, the construction of the famous Temple - Sofia Kievskaya begins in 1037. It was completed in 1041.

After a hike to Byzantium, in 1043, Yaroslav builds a similar cathedral and in Novgorod.

The death of the Kiev prince laid the beginning of the struggle for the capital between his sons. From 1054 to 1068, Izyaslav rules. Next, with the help of the uprising, Polotsk Prince Vslav is replaced. In the eponym, he is referred to as Wolga.

Due to the fact that this ruler adhered to the pagan views in matters of faith, the properties of the waswolf are attributed to him in popular legends. In the eponym, he becomes the wolf, then Sokol. In official history, the nickname of the magician was gained.

Listing the main dates of the history of Russia of the Eleventh Century, it is worth mentioning the creation of the "Truth of Yaroslavichi" in 1072 and "Svyatoslav's Issiber" in 1073. The latter contains the descriptions of the lives of saints, as well as their important teachings.

A more interesting document is the "Russian True". It consists of two parts. The first was written during the reign of Yaroslav Wise, and the second - in 1072. This collection contains the norms of criminal, procedural, commercial and hereditary legislation.

The last event, which is worth mentioning in the framework of the eleventh century, was princes. He marked the beginning of the fragmentation of the ancient Russian state. It was decided that everyone should manage only with its patrimony.

XII century

Oddly enough, Polovtsy played an important role in the reunification of the ancient Russian princes. Speaking about the main dates of the Russian history of the twelfth century, it is impossible not to mention the campaigns on these nomads in 1103, 1107 and 1111. It is these three military campaigns that rallied the Eastern Slavs and created the prerequisites for the work of Vladimir Monomakh in 1113. His successor was the son of Mstislav Vladimirovich.

During the years of the reign of these princes, the "Tale of Bygone Years" is finished, and there is also a growing discontent in the people, which was expressed in the uprisings of 1113 and 1127.

After the death of Yaroslav Wise, the political history of Europe and the history of Russia is gradually given. Dates and events of the twelfth century are fully confirmed.

So far, there was a struggle for power caused by the collapse of the Kiev Power, in Western Europe, Spain is held and several crusades.

In Russia, the following happened. In 1136, due to the uprising and expulsion of Vsevolod, Mstislavovich establishes a republic in Novgorod.

In 1147, the annals mention the name of Moscow for the first time. It is from this time that the gradual rise of the city begins to be destined to become the capital of the united state.

The end of the twelfth century was marked by an even greater fragmentation of the Power and the weakening of the principalities. All this led to the fact that Russia is deprived of freedom, getting into the Yarmo Mongol-Tatar.

Since these events occurred in the thirteenth century, we will talk about them further.

XIII century

In this century, the independent history of Russia is temporarily interrupted. Dates, Batya's hike table, which is shown below, as well as maps of battles with Mongols indicate the failure of many princes in military issues.

Hiking Khan Batya
The Council of Mongolian Khans decides to start a campaign on Russia, the army headed Bati, grandson of Genghis Khan1235
Defeat Mongols of Volga Bulgaria1236
Submission of Polovtsy and the beginning of the hike on Russia1237
Siege and taking Ryazandecember 1237.
Fall of Kolomna and Moscowjanuary 1238.
Taking Mongols VladimirFebruary 3-7 1238.
The defeat of Russian troops on the City River and the death of Vladimir PrinceMarch 4, 1238.
Falling the city of Torzhka, Return of Mongols in the steppemarch 1238.
The beginning of the siege of KozelskMarch 25, 1238.
Rest of the Mongolian Army in the Dudonian Steppessummer 1238.
Falling Muroma, Nizhny Novgorod and Gorokhovetsautumn 1238.
Invasion of Batya in South Russian Principles, Falling Putivl, Pereyaslavl and Chernigovsummer 1239.
Siege and taking Kiev Mongol-Tatars5-6 September 1240.

There are several stories, when residents of cities were able to give heroic repulsive to the invaders (for example, Kozelsk). But not a single event is mentioned when the princes caused the Mongolian army defeat.

Regarding Kozelsk - it's just a unique story. The campaign of the invincible Army Khan Batya, who from 1237 to 1240 ruled the northeast Russia, was stopped near the walls of a small fortress.

This town was the capital of the Principality on the Earth of the former tribe of Vodny. According to scientists, the number of his defenders did not exceed four hundred people. However, the Mongola fortress was able to take the fortress only after seven weeks of siege and loss of more than four thousand warriors.

It is noteworthy that ordinary residents held defense, without prince and the governor. At this time, in Kozelsk "Rules" grandson of Mstislav, twelve-year-old Vasily. Nevertheless, the townspeople decided to defend him and defend the city.

After capturing the fortress, the Mongols were equalized with the ground, and all the inhabitants were killed. Neither breast babies, nor weak old men.

After this battle, the remaining important dates in the history of Russia related to the Mongolian invasion relate to exclusively southern principalities.

So, in 1238, a little earlier a battle occurs near the Kolomna River. In 1239, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl were looted. And in 1240 fell and Kiev.

In 1243, the state of Mongols is formed - the Golden Horde. Now the Russian princes are obliged to take the "label to the reign" at Khan.

In the northern lands at this time there is a completely different picture. Swedish and German troops are promising on Russia. They are opposed to Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1240, he defeats the Swedes on the Neva River, and in 1242, the head of German knights (the so-called Ice Bottomier).

In the second half of the thirteenth century, several punishable campaigns of Mongols on Russia occur. They were directed against disadvantageous princes that did not receive a label on the board. So, in 1252 it was 1293 Khan Dudin destroyed fourteen large settlements of Northeast Russia.

Due to the complex events and the gradual transition of management to the northern lands, in 1299 the Patriarch moves from Kiev to Vladimir.

XIV century

More significant dates in the history of Russia belong to the fourteenth century. In 1325, Ivan Kalita comes to power. He begins to collect all the principalities in a single state. So by 1340 some lands join Moscow, and in 1328 Kalita becomes a great prince.

In 1326, Vladimir Metropolitan Peter transfers the residence to Moscow as a more promising city.

The plague started in 1347 in Western Europe ("Black Death") comes in 1352 to Russia. She destroyed many people.

Mentioning important dates in the history of Russia, especially worth diving on events related to Moscow. In 1359, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy dates into the throne. For two years, starting from the 1367th, the construction of the Kremlin in Moscow occurs. It was because of this that it was subsequently called "white-name".

By the end of the fourteenth century, Russia finally comes out of the dominion of the Goldenopa Khan. So, in this key, the battle near the rivers (1378) and the Kulikovskaya battle (1380) are important events. These victories showed Mongol-Tatars that a powerful state begins to develop in the north, which will not be under whose power.

However, the Golden Horde did not want to be so easy to lose dynamics. In 1382 she collects a big army and ruins Moscow.

It was the last catastrophe associated with Mongol Tatars. Although the ultimate Rus was freed from their yoke only through the century. But during this time no one else disturbed her borders.

Moreover, in 1395, Tamerlan finally destroys the Golden Horde. But the need for Rusy continued to exist.

XV century

The main dates in the history of Russia in the fifteenth century concern, mainly, unification of land in a single Moscow power.

The first half of the century passed in civil engineers. During these years, Vasily I and Vasily II Dark, Yuri Zvenigorodsky and Dmitry Shemyak.

The events of the first half of the fifteenth century are a bit reminded 1917 in the history of Russia. The civil war that followed by the revolution also appeared to many specific prince, lead gangs, which were subsequently destroyed by Moscow.

The reason for the interdiscructures lay in the choice of ways to strengthen the state. Externally, political activities of temporary rulers are associated with Tatars and Lithuanians who sometimes made raids. Some princes focused on the support of the East, others trusted the West more.

The moral of the decades of civil engineering was that those who did not hope for external support were defeated, and strengthened the country from the inside. Thus, the result was the combination of many small specific land under the rule of the Grand Duke Moskovsky.

An important step was the establishment of autochefali in the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the Metropolitans of Kiev and All Russia proclaimed. That is, dependence on Byzantium and Constantinople Patriarch was destroyed.

In the course of feudal wars and religious misunderstandings, the department of Moscow Metropolis from Kievan occurs in 1458.

Deparactions between princes ended with the joint venture of John III. In 1471, he defeats the Novgorod residents in the Shelon battle, and in 1478 he finally joins the great Novgorod to the Moscow Principality.

In 1480, one of the most significant events of the fifteenth century occurred. It is known in the chronicles called this is a very interesting story, which contemporaries considered the "mystical intercession of the Virgin". Gathered a large army and opposed Ivan III, which was in the Union with Crimean Khan.

But before the battle did not come. After a long standing of troops against each other, both army turned back. The researchers in our time found out that this was caused by the weakness of a large horde and the actions of sabotage detachments in the rear of Akhmat.

Thus, in 1480, the Moscow Principality becomes completely sovereign state.

It was similar to the importance of 1552 in the history of Russia. We will talk about him a little later.

In 1497, a "judiciary", a set of laws for all residents of Power was officially adopted and approved.

XVI century

The sixteenth century is characterized by powerful process of centralization of the country. Joined during the reign of Vasily III to Moscow Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514) and Ryazan (1521). Also, for the first time in 1517, it is mentioned as a state management body.

With the death of Vasily III begins a small decline of Muscovia. The rules at this time Elena Glinsky, who had a boyars in replacing. But the end of the self-government was put in the godfather of the deceased prince, John Vasilyevich.

He climbed the throne in 1547. Ivan Grozny began with foreign policy. In the state itself, in fact until 1565, the prince relied on Zemsky cathedrals and boyars. Over these eighteen, he was able to join many territories.

Remarkable is 1552 years in the history of Russia. Then Ivan Grozny captures Kazan and joins the Khanate to the Moscow State. In addition to him, such territories were conquered as Astrakhan Khanate (1556), the city of Polotsk (1562).

Siberian Khan in 1555 recognizes himself by Vassal Ivan Vasilyevich. However, in 1563, he replaced him on the throne Khan Kuchma bursts all relations with Muscovy.

After one and a half decades, the conquests of the Grand Duke draws a look at the inner situation in the country. In 1565, an oprichnina is established and persecution and terror begins. All boyar families who began to adope with power are destroyed, and their property is confiscated. Execution continued until 1572.

In 1582, Ermak begins his famous campaign to Siberia, who lasted a year.

In 1583, the world was signed with Sweden, who returned the latter all the land, conquered during the war.

In 1584, Ivan Vasilyevich dies and actually comes to power Boris Godunov. He became a valid king only in 1598, after the death of Fedor, the son of Ivan Grozny.

In 1598, Rurikovich's line is interrupted, and after the death of Boris (in 1605), the troubles and sevenboyar begins.

XVII century

The most important event was 1613 in the history of Russia. He influenced not only for this century, but also for subsequent three hundred years. This year ended the troubled and came to power Mikhail, the founder of the Romanov dynasty.

The seventeenth century is characterized by the processes of the formation and development of the Moscow kingdom. In foreign policy, conflicts with Poland (1654), Sweden (1656) occur (1654). From 1648 to 1654 there was a uprising in Ukraine under the leadership of Khmelnitsky.

Bunta in the Moscow kingdom itself were in 1648 (salt), 1662 (copper), 1698 (Streletsky). In 1668-1676 there was an uprising in the Solovetsky Islands. And from 1670 to 1671, the Cossacks were rebelled under the guidance of a wall of razin.

In addition to political and economic troubles in the middle of the seventeenth century, religious confusion is brewing and split. I tried to reform the spiritual life of society, but was not perceived by the annel. In 1667 he was condemned and referred to exile.

Thus, for seven decades there was a process of forming a single state, in which various institutions "were trapped" to each other. He is completed by the focus of Peter I.

It turns out that 1613 in the history of Russia became the beginning of the waste from feudality. And Peter Alekseevich turned the kingdom to the empire and led Russia to the international level.

XVIII century

The century of a powerful lift, which only knew the history of Russia - the 18th century. The dates of the foundation of new cities, universities, academies and other places themselves for themselves.

So, in 1703, St. Petersburg is built. In 1711, the Senate establishes, and in 1721 - Synod. In 1724, the Academy of Sciences was founded. In 1734 - the main military educational institution of the country, the land of the Shuttle Corps. In 1755, Moscow University is created. This is only part of the events that show powerful cultural growth in the state.

In the 1712th, the capital is transferred from the "old" Moscow to the "young" Petersburg. In addition, in 1721, Russia proclaims the empire, and Peter Alekseevich first receives the corresponding title.

The eighteenth century will especially be interested in those whom the military history of Russia is occupied. The dates and events of this century show the unprecedented power of the domestic army and fleet, as well as the wonders of engineering thought.

In the nineteenth century, the country entered the powerful empire who won Turkey, Sweden, addressed.

XIX century

This feature of the previous century was the cultural and military growth of the state, the next period there is a small reorientation of interests. The rapid economic development and separation of the government from the people is all the history of Russia, the 19th century.

The dates of significant events of that time tell us about the growth of bribery among officials, as well as the attempts of the authorities to create thoughtless artists from the lower layers.

The main military conflicts of this century were the Patriotic War (1812) and the confrontation between Russia with Turkey (1806, 1828, 1853, 1877).

In the internal policy there are many reforms aimed at even greater challenge of ordinary people. These are the reforms of the Speransky (1809), great reforms (1862), judicial reform (1864), censorship (1865), universal military service (1874).

Even if you take into account the cancellation of serfdom in 1861, it is also seen that the official apparatus seeks to maximize the operation of a simple people.
A number of uprisings became the answer to such policies. 1825 - Decembrists. 1830 and 1863 - an uprising in Poland. In 1881, the disruption kill Alexander II.

On the wave of universal discontent with the government, the position of social democrats is stronger. The first congress took place in 1898.

XX century

Despite the above wars, disasters and other horrors, are especially scary of some dates of the 20th century. The history of Russia until that time did not know such a nightmare, which in the first quarter of the century was arranged by the Bolsheviks.

The revolution of 1905 and participation in the First World War (1914-1917) became the last straw for simple workers and peasants.

1917 in the history of Russia I remember for a long time. After the October Revolution and the renunciation of Nicholas II from the throne, his family was captured and shot in July 1918. The civil war begins, which lasted until 1922, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed. A similar coup and depletion was marked by 1991 in the history of Russia.

The first years of the existence of a new state was marked by social catastrophes of huge scales. This is hunger in 1932-1933 and repression in 1936-1939.

In 1941, the USSR enters the second world war. We have this conflict in the historical tradition called the Great Patriotic War. After the victory in 1945, restoration and short-term takeoff of the country begins.

1991 in the history of Russia became a coup. The Soviet Union collapsed, leaving all the dreams of "Light Future" under the wreckage. In fact, people had to study life from scratch in a market economy in a new state.

Thus, we are with you, dear friends, briefly passed on the most significant events in the history of Russia.

Good luck to you and remember that the answers to the questions of the future are stored in the lessons of the past.

For its history, the world survived many different events that changed it and influenced the course of history. Do not happen, our modern world would be completely different now. But the story ordered otherwise.

Events that influenced world history

Many researchers consider such events in world history turning. Consider details a dozen of the most important of them.

1. Wheel invention. It is not surprising, but it was his appearance that became the starting point of the rapid development of cities, agriculture and population growth. Appearing in the third millennium BC, it allowed to more efficiently carry a harvest in the city, hunger stopped to threaten to humanity, the population began to increase. Thanks to a circular movement, namely fly wheels and blocks, it became possible to raise heavy stones, the construction began to develop a rapid pace.

2. Epidemic of plague. For incomplete seven months, the population of Western Europe decreased by almost twice, applying an irreparable damage to the socio-economic structure of countries. The feudal system survived the blow from which he could not recover. At the same time, the views of people on such concepts as a disease, death, as well as faith in God changed very much.

3. Discovery of America Made Christopher Columbus one of the key figures in history. Thanks to him, people learned that there are other unknown land, although before that everyone had relied on the geographical representations of the ancient Greeks. The greatest discovery that completely changed the representation of people about the world, Columbus did not thanks to the newest technologies at that time, but only with the help of a compass, which was invented for three centuries before.

4. Scientific revolution. The XVI-XVII century was marked by rampant inquisition. Thousands of innocent were burned on fires for "communication with the devil and witchcraft." And only in the XVII century, it was possible to partially dispel the superstition, because scientists appeared, which with great difficulty, and sometimes the price of their own life gave the world new knowledge.

5. The appearance of electricity. Electricity just became the fruit of scientific research, although it was known about Him in ancient Greece. But according to historical standards, it was invented and rethought not so long ago, just 200 years ago and, as usual, faced with an active rejection of the church, and now we cannot present our lives without it.

6. Vaccine. This invention saved millions of human lives and continue to do it so far. Now it is difficult to imagine our world if it were not for the invention Louis Pasteur. Thanks to him about terrible diseases, we only know from history.

7. World War I. The 19-year-old Serbian gymnasist Gavril principle did not even suspect that his lonely shot in Sarajevo will lead to a complete reorganization of the world - four empires disappeared from the map of Europe, dozens of new states appeared on their place, tens of millions of killed were left on the battlefields The wounded, and the victims among the civilians were at least 50 million people. There was a catastrophic drop in the standard of living everywhere. In these years, European fascism emerges, which will later become another bloody page in world history.

8. The Second World War. Many states were involved in it - again millions of killed, destroyed, erased from the face of the city, terrible crimes against humanity, which did not know the world. The terrible tools of mass lesion were invented.

9. Atomic bomb. Its invention and tests showed humanity that it may disappear from the face of the earth in a matter of minutes. The world flinched and thought about tomorrow. Since then, humanity has repeatedly turned out to be at the threshold of the atomic war, but so far the wisdom takes the top.

10. Space exploration - A real breakthrough in the history of mankind. Studies continue so far, we already know a lot of new things, and how many unexpected discoveries are still ahead.

Such, in our opinion, important events of world history, thanks to which we now use the benefits of civilization, do not die from terrible diseases, but we are still rarely thinking about the fragility of the world.

Chronicle of events, 1350 - 1648

1356 - Battle for Poitiers

On September 19, one of the greatest battles of the age of the century of war took place. On the one hand, the French troops were participated in the leadership of the king John II good, and on the other hand, the English troops under the leadership of the Black Prince Eduard. Despite the overwhelming numerical superiority of the French, the British won a decisive victory, and the French king was captured.

1361 - Climbing Tamerlane

In 1361, Timur-conqueror came out of the submission of Mongolian Khan and moved to the side of his enemies. He led the life of the adventurer and during one of the skimps lost two fingers of the right hand, and was also hard on the right leg. Because of the consequences of this injury, he suffered a lifetime, with which many associate his extraordinary even for those times cruelty. The chromota gave him the nickname "Chrome Timur" - Timur-E Lang - later turned into the "Tamerlan" that became reached to this day.

1378 - Great Schism

In 1377, the last dad of the period of the Avignon captivity, Grigory XI, decided to return from Avignon to Rome. However, soon after that, he died, and then a split occurred in the Roman Catholic Church: the first elections of the dad were under pressure from the Roman crowd and were recognized as invalid. The elected dad was excommunicated from the church, and soon the election of the new dad took place. However, Urban VI, elected first, continued to execute the functions of the Pope from Rome, and the elected second Clement VII retired back to Avignon. Following the split of the Church, there was a split and among European countries. The final point in this story was delivered only in 1417, with the beginning of the Board of Pope Martin V.

1380 - The emergence of squid uani

In the XIV century, the Scandinavian countries experienced great difficulties associated with the monopolization of trade in Baltic by German free cities and gansa. This was opposed to the association of Denmark, Norway and Sweden to the Ulya, which was under the supreme power of the Danish kings. At the same time, countries donated with their sovereignty, but formally remained independent. The first in 1380 was united and entered into the Ulya of the Queen Margarita Denmark and the economically dependent Norway from her.

1381 - Peasant uprising in England

In 1381, an uprising occurred, which became the largest in the history of medieval England. During it, the rebels managed to capture Canterbury and London, and then assault to take the Tower. King Richard II was forced to go to negotiations and even promised the fulfillment of numerous demands of the rebels, among whom were the abolition of serfdom and equalizing the rights of all classes. However, during the second meeting, the king's associates killed the leader of the Resty Wat Tyler, after which the uprising was suppressed.

1389 - Battle on Kosovo Field

In 1389, one of the largest battles of Christians with the Ottoman Empire occurred. On July 28, the Army of Serbian Prince Lazarus, the number of 80,000 people, agreed with the army of Murad, about 300,000 people. During the battle, both leaders were killed, and the Serbian army was broken. But, despite this, Serbia formally maintained independence, although the tribute paid and pledged to supply the Turkish port to the auxiliary army.

1392 - Attachment of madness from Karl VI

In August 1392, the King of France Karl Vi first experienced the attack of madness. In the future, the king's disease led to a long civil war, which ended with France's collapse as a state. Part of its territories was captured by the British, and the part was under the control of the princes of blood, which became actually independent rulers. The receivers of the king had to start everything from scratch - expel the British, curb the princes and restore the main state mechanisms.

1393 - Allowed to play chess

From the moment of entering Europe, the game of chess caused constant discontent of the Church. In 1161, the Catholic Cardinal Damiani issued a decree banning the game of chess among the clergy. Subsequently, such prohibitions published not only Church figures, but also secular rulers - English King Edward IV, French Louis IX, and the Polish Monarch Casimir IV. However, many continued to be improped in chess, and in 1393 the ban was finally canceled on the Regenburg Cathedral.

1396 - Nikopol crusade

In 1396, the last major crusade of the Middle Ages took place. The big army of the Crusaders focused under the leadership of the Hungarian king of Sigismund, Count John of Nevsky and others. However, the Crusaders suffered a cruel defeat from the Turks in the battle of Nikopol, which made them abandon their future plans.

1408 - Revival of the Dragon Order

On December 13, 1408, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund I Luxembourg revives the previously existing Dragon Order. The Order included the best of the knights, and his goals were the tasks of the guard of the Cross of the Lord from the Turks. A distinctive order of the Order were medallions with an image that curled into the Dragon Ring.

1410 - Grunwald Battle

On July 15, 1410, the TEVTON order army entered into battle with the United Army of the Kingdom of the Polish and Grand Principality of Lithuania. The battle ended with the defeat of the troops of the Tutons, significantly undermined the influence of the Order, which later led to his decay.

1415 - execution of Jan Gus

In 1415, Jan Gus, who was one of the prominent reformers of the Czech Republic by that time, arrived in Constanta to the Cathedral. His goal was to combine the split Roman Catholic Church. Despite the fact that the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire promised him personal security, Jan Gus was accused of heresy and captured. On July 6, 1415, he was burned in Constanta, along with all his works. His death caused long Gusitsky wars, who led his followers against the Habsburgs and their allies.

1415 - Battle of Azenkur

On October 25, 1415, the British and French troops agreed in the battle of Azenkur. Despite the significant numerical superiority of the French, they suffered severe defeat from the British. Such a development of events was made possible by extensive use by the British arms armed with long bows: they accounted for up to 4/5 of the English troops.

1429 - the appearance of Jeanne d'Ark

In the late 1920s of the XV century, France was in a very difficult position. Most of its territory was captured by the British troops and, it seemed that soon the whole country would go under the power of England. However, the appearance of Jeanne d'Ark could save the situation - detachments under her command removed the siege of the seeming doomed orlean, and then conducted a successful operation for the liberation of Loire. It was Zhanna who became the initiator of Karl VII coronation, an event that was significantly rallied the nation. A series of success was interrupted by Zhanna's capture, it was captured by the British on May 29, 1430.

1431 - Burning Zhanna d'Ark

On May 30, 1431, the French National Heroine Zhanna d'Ark was burned at the fire. In the process that was arranged by the British, she was accused of heresy, faithfulness and idolatry, for which she was sentenced to death. Subsequently, all charges against her were removed, and in 1920 it was ranked sainted.

1436 - Disintegration of Moldova

The death of the old gentleman of Moldova Alexander I, which occurred in 1432, led to a civil war within the country. Despite the fact that the throne immediately took one of the sons of the Lord, Ilya, already in 1433 his brother Stephen began to challenge the right to power. After a long war, Moldova was divided into two states - the upper and lower countries, in each of which is one of the brothers. But the weak Moldovan gentlemen could not save their lands from Turkish conquerors.

1438 - New Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire

March 18, 1438, Albrecht II was elected German King King of Germany. Thus, he became the first Habsburg, uniting the thrones of Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany under his hand. From this year to the fall of the Sacred Roman Empire in 1806, its throne is constantly (with the exception of a short period from 1742 to 1745), Habsburg occupied.

1439 - Association of Catholic and Orthodox Churches

In 1439, during the Ferraro-Florence Cathedral, an association agreement was signed - between Orthodox and Catholic churches. According to the Treaty, the Orthodox kept all their rites, but the head of the church was becoming Pope. However, already in 1448, the Russian Church officially interrupts communication with Catholic through the decision on the autocephaly (fully independent church), headed by the Patriarch, and not Dad.

1445 - invention of typography

In 1445, the German artisan Johann Gutenberg began to produce a metal typed font that used for a typography. In the future, its invention has spread throughout the world and led to the emergence of typography in a modern sense.

1453 - End of Century War

In 1451, France began the final campaign of the Century War - the liberation of Normandy and Guinea from the English troops. After the end of the war in 1453, the only English outpost on the continent remained the city of Kale.

1453 - Sunset Byzantium

On May 29, 1453, a point was put in the history of the Byzantine Empire, the last fragment of an ancient Rome. After the capture of Constantinople, Arabic Sultan Muhamed ordered the head of Emperor Romeev Konstantin XI for everyone to see, and the body is buried with the royal honors. The remaining Byzantine lands were included in the Ottoman Empire.

1455 - War of Aloi and White Rose

After an unsuccessful graduation of a century, in England, the struggle for the throne began, in which supporters of the two branches of the Plantogenets dynasty took part. In the course of a fierce struggle, power passed several times from hand to hand and a considerable part of the heirs of the throne, as well as English lords and knights, was destroyed.

1462 - Dracula against the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire captured the Balkans, including the independent Principality of Valahia in the south of Romania. But in 1461, the Lord of Valahiya Vlad III, according to the nickname Dracula, refused to pay tribute to Turkish Sultan, and the next year, arming free peasants and citizens, made the Turkish army led by Sultan Mehmed II. However, later he was devoted to his boyars, and fled to Hungary.

1466 - Travel Athanasius Nikitina

In 1466, the Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin went on a journey, as a result of which he became the first Russian man who visited India. During his journey, it was travel notes, known as "walking in three seas". They contained detailed information about India, and subsequently were also translated into many European languages.

1469 - Association of Castile and Aragon

In 1469, the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon united into a single state - Spain. It became possible only after the dynastic marriage of Queen Castile Isabella, and the Aragon Prince Ferdinand. To ensure absolute power, the royal couple created the inquisition and suppressed the resistance of large feudalists, as well as the nobility.

1474 - Burgundy Wars

By the end of the XV century, the Duke of Burgundy on economic and military power were able to compete with the French kings, whose vassals were. But their lack of drawback was that the most economically developed parts of the duke were separated from the rest of the territory of France and the principalities of the Holy Roman Empire. Since 1474, the Duke of Burgundy Karl brave began a military company against France and the Swiss Union. However, the fighting developed unsuccessfully, and ended in 1477 with the death of Karl in the battle of Nancy.

1483 - Cruel Inquisitor

In 1483, in Spain, the first "Great Inquisitor" of Torquemada, whose name was the symbol of a religious reaction in the future. After his appointment, Torquemada developed the Code, which regulated the process of the Inquisition. He then began persecution, which concerned mostly Jews and Muslims recently adopted Christianity. They were accused of insincere confession of the new faith and the secret execution of rites of prohibited cults.

1485 - New time in England

With the end of the war, the tudor dynasty came to power in England. With their arrival in English Islands, a new time began, the country was actively involved in European politics, a lot of internal reforms were conducted, significantly strengthened the positions of the kingdom.

1492 - Completion of reconquists

For a long time, a tightening war was held on the Pyrenees Peninsula, the purpose of which was the conquest of the Kingdom of Mavrov Christians, called the reconclockist. She ended in 1492, when the last Muslim kingdom was captured on the Pyrenees - the Granada Emirate.

1492 - Opening of the New World

In 1492, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus went to his first journey, seeking to find the sea route to India. Under his beginning there were only three ships, with a common crew of 90 people. On October 12, travelers opened the first land in Western Hemisphere, San Salvador Island, this number is considered the date of the official opening of the new light.

1494 - redistribution of peace

In 1494, a treaty was concluded in the city of Tordesillas, which for a long time determined the borders of Spain and Portugal influence in the Atlantic Ocean. The line of the section crossed both poles, and passed 1200 km west of the island of green cape. The sea and the lands west of this feature were departed to the Kingdom of Portugal, and east to Spain. The contract was approved by Bulla Pope Julia II in 1506

1498 - Sea Path to India

July 8, 1497 Portuguese traveler Vasco da Gama went from Lisbon to India. He walked around Africa from the south, having encouraged the cape of good hope, and reached the South-West Bank of India on May 20, 1498. Vasco da Gama became the first European, who committed a seabed to India. Returning to Portugal in September 1499, Vasco da Gama was met with great honor, received a major monetary award and title "Admiral Indian Ocean".

1501 - The emergence of Azerbaijan

In 1501, Iranian Prince Ismail I seized Iranian Azerbaijan, and proclaimed himself with Shahinsh. After that, he began to focus his own coins, and then brought his state from the rest of Muslim countries, proclaiming the main state religion the direction of Islam Shismism, unlike the referral of the Sunnism dominated in other countries. In Ismail, the state became known as Azerbaijan, and the Turkic language for almost a century remained state.

1502 - Opening of America

On April 3, 1502, the last expedition of Christopher Columbus began, during which the great northwent opened the Northern and South America. On September 12, the expedition went from the island of Espanyola towards Spain.

1505 - Century Mystery

In 1505, the Great Italian Leonardo da Vinci wrote one of the most famous paintings in the history of mankind, Monu Lisa. Her perfect formula conquered the artists of the following epochs that repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to create copies of the masterpiece.

1507 - America received a name

For a long time, after the opening of the American continent, he was called "West India", which was completely incorrect. Only in 1507, the name was proposed for the new land - "America", in honor of the Italian researcher and Cartograph of Amerigo Vespucci. The name suggested a geographer from Lorraine named Waldzemulller, and since then this name has become official for the new world.

1510 - Third Rome

In 1510, the monk of Pskov Elizarova Monastery Philofee turned to Vasily III with an important message, which argued that Moscow should become the new world religious center. He came to this conclusion, following the thesis about the beige unity of the whole Christian world. He also argued that the first center of the world was Old Rome, behind him, Rome is new - Constantinople, and recently the third Rome has become in their place. "Two Rome fell," said Filofee, "and the third costs, and the fourth will not be."

1516 - Venetian ghetto

For a long time, Jews in Venice could not achieve land for permanent residence. Only in the XVI century they received the right to an indefinite accommodation within the city - on March 29, 1516, the relevant government decision was proclaimed. It said: "Jews should settle all together in the houses of the courtyard, which is in the ghetto near San Girolamo, and so that they did not leave there at night, on the one hand through the bridge, and on the other - two gates should be built through a large bridge who will guard four Christian Guardians, and pay for the Jews. "

1517 - Expansion of the Ottoman Empire

On January 22, 1517, Egypt entered the Ottoman Empire. At that time, it was the state of Mamelukov - members of the military caste, in which the young men of Caucasian and Turkic origin were gaining. But, despite submission to Turkish Pasha, Mameluke managed to preserve the privileged status in Turkish society.

1517 - The beginning of the Reformation

In 1517, Martin Luther spoke in Wittenberg with 95 theses of the reforms of the Catholic Church. Reformation began, mass socio-political movement in Western and Central Europe, which was aimed at returning to the initial traditions of Christianity. This process caused many shocks in Europe, and was finally enshrined by the Westphalian world of 1648.

1519 - Conquest Mexico Cortes

In February 1519, the Fleotilla Cortez left Cuba and headed towards the mainland. In early March, the expedition landed in place, called Veracruz. Having suppressed the resistance of local residents, Cortes announced these lands by Karl V. to Karle V. Then the expedition headed further to the West, in the Earth Aztecs. There, the Spaniards were captured by the leader of Aztec Montesum II, and captured their state. The victory of the Spaniards was achieved not so much due to horses, guns and firearms (although the Indians did not have any of the listed), so much due to the fragmentation and inner struggle of clans in the Aztec Empire, as well as a devastating epidemic, rushing throughout the state.

1525 - Battle for Pavia

On February 23, 1525, the first large battle in the history of the new time occurred. The battle took place under the walls of the Spaniards defended by the Spaniards, which was under the siege of the French troops. Thanks to the use of a new type of firearm - Muskets, the Spaniards won a decisive victory and captured the French king.

1528 - Union of Christians and Muslims

At the end of the 15th century, France and the Ottoman Empire began to lead diplomatic relations. For Turks, France was a natural and necessary ally against Hungary; At the same time, countries did not have intersecting interests, which means there are reasons for hostility. On the final decision on the incredible military union with Muslims against the Christian Power, France pushed a defeat in the battle of Pavia, and already in February 1525 the embassy was sent to the Turks.

1530 - Dar Emperor

For a long time, the Order State of Hospitallers was on the island of Rhodes. However, in 1522, after a long siege of the Ottoman army, hospitallers were forced to leave the island. Only in 1530, the Order received his land - Emperor Karl V handed over to Hospitallers of Malta Island, at which the United States was located until 1798, after which the Order began to call Maltese.

1534 - Creation of the Anglican Church

In 1534, English King Heinrich VIII began to reform the British Church. A direct reason for this was the refusal of Pope to approve the divorce of Heinrich VIII and Ekaterina Aragon and his marriage in Anna Boleyn. The renewed church was named Anglican, and her chapter became the king, but she retained all Catholic rites.

1535 - Vice-Kingdom New Spain

In 1535, Spanish colonies in North America united in the Vice-Kingdom of New Spain. The new Spain included modern territories of Mexico, the southwestern states of the United States (as well as Florida), Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Salvador, Costa Rica and Cuba. In addition, in submission of New Spain were the Philippines and various islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. The capital was located in Mexico City, and the appointed vice king was submitted directly to the monarch of Spain. Antonio de Mendoza became the first vice-king of the new Spain.

1536 - Anna Bolein execution

In May 1536, the second wife of Heinrich VIII, the king of England, went to the scaffold on charges of married, and hence the state, treason. According to contemporaries, the real reasons for this were complex relations between the spouses and the inability of Anna to give the king of the Son.

1536 - The decay of calm ulya

In 1536 she completed its existence of a squid. This happened after Denmark declared Norway with its province. Despite the fact that Norway retained its laws and a number of state bodies, the former Norwegian territories - Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands - passed into the possession of Denmark.

1540 - Creation of the Jesuit Order

In 1539, Pavel III was presented with the charter of the new monastic order. Its mainly distinguished from other similar formations, it was added to three standard vowes: obedience, chastity and nonstusting the fourth - the vow of direct subordination to St. Father. On September 27, 1540, the Charter of the Society of Jesus, as the Order was called, was approved by Papal Bulla.

1541 - King of Ireland

Until 1536, in Ireland, the granuals of England were ruled, who did not have absolute power. Having suppressed a rebellion of one of the governors, the King of England Henry Viii decided to conquer the island and already in 1541, Heinrich proclaimed Ireland by the Kingdom, and his king. Over the next hundred years, the British strengthened control over Ireland, although they could not make Protestants from Irish, they still remained with Yary Catholics.

1543 - New Astronomical Teaching

In 1543, the main essay of Copernicus was published in Nuremberg. It was the fruit of its more than 30 years of work in Frombork, Tractak "On the treatment of heavenly spheres." Despite the fact that the essay was devoted to Pope Paul III, in his first part it was said about the shag-likeness of the Earth, which did not comply with the Catholic religious dogma about the world order.

1553 - Climbing Bloody Mary

In October 1553, Maria I was crowned in London. Queen was thirty-seven years old, twenty of which were the years for her tests. From the very first days of the Board, Maria began to actively act: its main task was the return of England in the Lono of the Catholic Church. In memory, she remained like Maria Bloody (or Bloody Mary), which was such a nickname for cruel violence over Protestants.

1555 - Trade in Russia and England

In 1555, the English navigator Richard Chenswler visited Russia for the second time. A year later, he sailed to England with four seriously loaded ships and the Russian messenger. The British received a diploma that was permitted to trade them freely in all Russian cities.

1555 - Augsburg Religious World

On September 25, 1555, Reichstag took place in Augsburg, at which Lutheran and Catholic subjects of the Holy Roman Empire concluded a peace agreement. Under this agreement, Lutheranism was recognized as an official religion in the territory of the Empire, and the imperial estates were eligible to choose a religion. At the same time, the subjects of the empire still could not choose their religion, which led to the emergence of the expression "whose power, that faith".

1559 - The beginning of the reign of Elizabeth English

At the beginning of 1559, one of the most famous government officials of the Middle Ages, Elizabeth I, climbed into the English throne. Thanks to its competent management, the country, divided into two irreconcilable camps, avoided the civil war. In the future, under her power, England became one of the greatest powers of Europe.

1564 - Birth of genius

On April 26, 1564, a boy named William Shakespeare was baptized in one of the English churches. In the future, he will become the most famous playwright of all time, and from under his feather there will be such immortal creations as "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "Macbeth" and many others.

1569 - Lublin Sania

On July 1, 1569, a new state appeared on the map of Europe, which united the Kingdom of Polish and Grand District Lithuanian in its borders. The state was headed by the National Assembly - Seyme - along with the chosen king. The state received the name "Commonwealth".

1571 - Sacred League

At the end of the XVI century, the Omman Turks almost fully controlled the eastern Mediterranean. It greatly prevented many European states, which is why on May 25, 1571, the Venetian Republic, Spain, Vatican, Genoa, Savoy, Malta, Tuscana and Parma, united in the coalition of Christian Catholic countries - the sacred league. The main goal was the neutralization of the power of the Turkish fleet, and the liberation from its control of the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.

1571 - Third Battle for Lepano

On October 7, 1571, the largest marine battle of the XVI century occurred. The united forces of the Sacred League, opposing the fleet of the Ottoman Empire participated. As a result of this battle, the Turks lost control over the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, and the sacred league created to remove this control was dissolved.

1572 - Barfolomeev night

On the night of August 24, 1572, one of the most terrible events in the history of France occurred in Paris. Then, according to the orders of Catherine Medici, Mother King Charles IX, in Paris was killed from 3 to 10 thousand Huguenots - French Protestants. Such an order was given after the attempted attempt on the leader of Protestants, Gaspara de Quinti, who claimed power in the country. Alternatively, about 200 thousand people left for these events.

1579 - Creation of Utrecht Uly

In 1579 to combat Spanish dominion, the northern provinces of the Netherlands united in Utrecht Ulya. The contract actually assumed the creation of a single state, the Republic of the United Provinces, which should have a federal device. The provinces were to create a single financial system, conduct a joint foreign policy, and create a single army.

1580 - round-the-world swimming Francis Drake

On September 26, 1580, the English navigator Francis Drake returned from around the world, which went to the Queen Elizabeth in 1577. From his journey, he brought 600,000 pounds, gold, which he rewarded from Spanish ships, for which he was awarded the knightly rank.

1581 - Creating a Ostrog Bible

In 1581, in the Ostrog Russian primer Ivan Fedorov created the first Bible in the Church Slavonic language. It was possible to do with the help of the Polish Orthodox Prince, Konstantin Ostrog. The "Ostrog Bible" was of great importance for Orthodox education in Ukraine and in Belarus, where it opposed to strong Catholic influence.

1582 - Beginning of the conquest of Western Siberia

On September 1, 1582, Cossack Ataman Yermak Timofeevich passed the Ural Mountains, and began conquering Western Siberia. Initially, he achieved great success, breaking the Tatar Khan Kuchum. However, in the future his detachment suffered great losses, while not receiving sufficient replenishment. This led to the fact that on August 6, 1585, Yermak Timofeevich died, and the Cossacks were forced to retreat back to Russian lands.

1588 - Defeat "Unbeatable Armada"

Starting from 1586, the Spanish King of Philip II began to equip a large fleet, which was intended for the conquest of England. In 1588, the fleet of 130 galleons was ready, and on July 29 of this year, a grandi-gerali battle in the La Mans Strait took place. Thanks to the art of British admirals, the Spanish fleet was crushed. This battle was a turning point in the history of Spain, from which the Sunset of the Great Sea Empire began.

1596 - Brest Ulya

In 1596, the association of Catholic and Orthodox churches was committed on the territory of the Commonwealth, which happened on the cathedral in Brest. According to this union, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and Belarus recognized its head of the Pope of Roman, but she kept worship in Slavic and rites of the Orthodox Church. This agreement was required to weaken the cultural relations of Ukrainians and Belarusians with the Russian people, as well as to provide the same right for the highest Orthodox clergy as for Catholic.

1598 - Adoption of the Nante Edic

At the end of the 16th century, France lasted permanent wars between Huguenots and Catholics. To put this end, the French king of Heinrich IV issued a decree, in accordance with which, on April 13, 1598, Edict was approved, granted religious rights and complete equality with Catholics to French Protestants. No Edict of the XVI century provided such extensive tolerance as Nantes. Subsequently, it allowed unintentionals to blame Huggenotov in the fact that they try to form a state in the state.

1595 - a new type of cards

In 1595, Gerhard Mercator introduced a new way to draw navigation cards called "projection of the Mercator". When used, the map does not distort the corners and forms, but the distance is saved only at the equator. This method is still used to draw marine navigation, and air navigation cards.

1600 - Creating an East India Company

On December 31, 1600, the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth I signed a decree to be created by the British East India Company. The company was a joint-stock company headed by the governor and the Board of Directors who were responsible before the meeting of shareholders. The initial authorized capital of the company was 72 thousand pounds of sterling. Shortly after the creation, the company received government and military functions, which lost only in 1858.

1603 - Climbing Yakov I

After the death of Elizabeth I, in the English throne, I climbed Yakov Vi Scottish, also known as Yakov I English. With his arrival, for the first time, the union of the British and Scottish lands under the rule of one suzerane occurred.

1606 - Opening of Australia

In 1606, a small Dutch expedition under the command of Willem Yant made the first landing of Europeans at the Australian continent. In her course, the eastern and northern coast of Australia was applied to the map.

1607 - the first colony of England in America

In 1607, the first English colony was founded in America. She received the name of Virginia - in honor of the Great English "Queen-Virgin" Elizabeth I.

1608 - Evangelical Ulya

In 1608, Protestants united in the so-called evangelical Ulya. It included eight Protestant princes and 17 Protestant cities of the Holy Roman Empire. The reason for the union was the conquest of the free city of Donauvert Catholics led by Maximilian Bavarian after the attack of Protestants to the Catholic Procession. During the thirty-year war, evangelical significance has been defeated by Catholic Liga several times and stopped existing in 1621.

1609 - Catholic League

The Union was organized in 1609 as an association of the Catholic principalities of Germany on the eve of the thirty-year war. He was the answer to German Catholics for the creation of the evangelical program of Protestants in 1608, Bavaria entered the League, the spiritual principalities - Bishopric Cologne, Trira, Mainz and Würzburg. But the Archbishop of Salzburg and a number of other Catholic principalities did not enter the league.

1614 - the star of the Duke Beckingham

In 1614, George Wilhers Beckingham was represented in 1614 to the King of England and Scotland. The king then did not even suspect, what role this young nobleman will play in the history of England. It is believed that it is the conflict of Beckingham with the Spanish courtyard that caused a breakdown of negotiations on the marriage of Prince Wales with Infanta, and the subsequent announcement of the War of Spain. The activity of Beckingham as the actual head of the British government, who has been involved in the Royal Grace, made instability into foreign policy, which led to unsuccessful wars with Spain and France. Parliament has repeatedly accused Beckingham in violation of national interests and demanded a court of him. On August 23, 1628, Beckingham was killed in his apartments.

1618 - Beginning of the thirty-year war

By the beginning of the XVII century, there were many explosive regions on the territory of the Sacred Roman Empire. The main reason for such a situation was the increased pressure of the Catholic Church, which wanted to restore the hadth, lost after the Augsburg religious world. The situation has deteriorated even more when the Catholic - Ferdinand Schtinsky was becoming at the head of the empire. As a result, on May 23, 1618, an uprising began in the Protestant Czech Republic, which in the future turned into one of the longest and bloody war of the period, which affects most of Europe.

1628 - Taking La Rochelle

With 1568, the fortress of La Rochelle became the center of French Protestants - Huguenot. In 1627, the soldiers of La Rochels opposed the Royal French troops, King Louis XIII ordered the siege of the city, which ended in 1628 by his taking, as well as the new persecution of Huguenots, which massively fled from the country. Taking La Rochelle became one of the most famous acts of Cardinal Richelieu.

1633 - Court of Galileem

At the beginning of the XVII century, the theory of peacekeeping, proposed by Copernicus in 1543, was gradually all the most common distribution. However, at the same time, there was a second look at the world order, which represented the land flat, who defended followers of Ptolemy. In 1632, with the permission of Pope Urbant VIII, Galileo Galilee released a book written in the form of a dialogue between the followers of both theories. However, after a few months, the sale of the book was banned, and the author tried to judge. However, despite the long investigation, the court failed, and Galilee had to let go.

1635 - Creation of the French Academy

On January 29, 1635, Cardinal Richelieu founded the famous French academy. The academy was created to "make French not only elegant, but also able to interpret all the arts and sciences."

1637 - Decartova Coordinate System

The Renaiss Age has become the time of great discoveries in all areas of science and art. And the work of Decoration of Descartes "reasoning about the method, which allows you to send your mind and find the truth in the sciences in the field of mathematical sciences was one of the greatest discoveries in the field of mathematical science. As a result of this work, analytical geometry was created, and the world-famous coordinate system - Descartov.

1637 - uprising in Scotland

With the arrival of Karl I, the new king of England and Scotland, he began to attempt to reform the Scottish Church. However, during the first attempt to spend worship on New Liturgy, July 23, 1637, occasionally occurred in Edinburgh. Despite the king attempts to solve the problem with peaceful way, it failed, and eventually led to a discontinuity that included in the story as "Bishop Wars".

1642 - English Bourgeois Revolution

In 1642, the civil war began in England, during which the English Parliament opposed the English king of Karl I. The result of this struggle was the transition from the absolute monarchy to the constitutional, which limited the power of the king by the authorities of the Parliament and guaranteed people civil liberties.

1642 - First Computer

In 1642, a 19-year-old Frenchman Blaise Pascal created his first "summing machine". Pascal's car looked like a box with numerous gears connected with each other. The folds are entered by the corresponding rotation of the wheels. This principle was almost 300 years old became the basis of creating most computing devices. So the era of computing equipment began.

1648 - Westphalian World

The thirty-year war was the heaviest war in the history of Europe, the Renaissance Epoch. Member countries have carried huge losses in the population and economics. Therefore, in 1638, Dad and the Danish king called for the end of the war. This, however, happened significantly later - October 24, 1648, at the same time a peace treaty was signed in Münster and Osnabruck. He entered the story under the name of Westfali, and it was from now on that one was taken to lead the history of the system of modern international relations.

In the 11th grade - it is not necessary to know all the dates from the textbook. It is enough to master a mandatory minimum that, believe me, will come in handy not only on the exam, but also in life.

So, your preparation for OGE and Ege of history Must be sure to include memorizing several of the most important dates in the history of Russia. Stay aware of the most important events in the domestic history - and to master them it was easier, you can, for example, write the full minimum on cards and divide them by centuries. Such an easy step will allow you to begin to navigate in the history of the periods, and when you write everything on paper, I unconsciously remember everything. More than your parents and grandparents were used in this way, when there were no exam and gias.

We can also advise you to speak the most important dates in the history of Russia aloud and write it on the recorder. Listen to the received records several times a day, and best - in the morning, when the brain just woke up and has not yet learned the usual day dose of information.

But in no case we do not recommend that you try to memorize everything and immediately. Praise yourself, for the day it was not yet possible to master the entire school program on the history of Russia. Ege and GIA are designed to check how well you know the full course of the subject. So do not even think somehow deceive the system or hope for your favorite "night before the exam", as well as a variety of cribs and "answers to GIA and EGE on the history of 2015", which are so many online.

With leaves, the last hope of unrelated schoolchildren, there were always strictly on the state examinations, and every year the situation becomes even more difficult. The exams in the 9th and 11th grades take place not only under the strict supervision of experienced teachers, but also under the supervision of video cameras, and the technologies are observed - you know, almost impossible.

So get enough sleep, do not be nervous, develop memory and memorize 35 most important dates in the history of Russia. Hope for yourself - the best thing that can help you in the surrender of the exam and GIA.

  1. 862 Beginning of the Rurika
  2. 988 Epiphany Rus
  3. 1147 First Mention of Moscow
  4. 1237-1480 Mongol-Tatar Igo
  5. 1240 Nevskaya Battle
  6. 1380 Kulikovskaya battle
  7. 1480 Standing on the River Ugra. Falling Mongolian IGA
  8. 1547 Wedding Ivan the Terrible for the Kingdom
  9. 1589 Establishment of the Patriarchant in Russia
  10. 1598-1613 Troubles
  11. 1613 Election on the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova
  12. 1654 Pereyaslavskaya Rada.
  13. 1670-1671 Stepan Razin
  14. 1682-1725 Board of Peter I
  15. 1700-1721 Northern War
  16. 1703 Base of St. Petersburg
  17. 1709 Poltava Battle
  18. 1755 Base of Moscow University
  19. 1762- 1796 The reign of Catherine II
  20. 1773- 1775 Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugacheva
  21. 1812- 1813 Patriotic War
  22. 1812 Borodino Battle
  23. 1825 Decembrist uprising
  24. 1861 Cancel of Serf Law
  25. 1905- 1907 first Russian revolution
  26. 1914 Russia's accession to the First World War
  27. 1917 February Revolution. Self-adjustment
  28. 1917 Oktyabrskaya Revolution
  29. 1918- 1920 Civil War
  30. 1922 Education of the USSR
  31. 1941- 1945 Great Patriotic War
  32. 1957 launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth
  33. 1961 flight Yu.A. Gagarin in space
  34. 1986 Accident at Chernobyl NPP
  35. 1991 Decay of the USSR

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