How to plant crocus bulbs. When to plant crocuses - Practical recommendations

Encyclopedia plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Spring came, snow melted. Gardeners are waiting for the first greenery. Perhaps none of the passing can remain indifferent, noticing small colored snowdrop in the form of crocuses on the flower bed. How to plant crocuses in the fall into the ground for spring blossom And in summer for autumn paints, we will tell now. And we will discuss the dates for the landing in different regions Russia and the level of dust of seeds on different soils.

What a flowerflower does not dream of constantly blooming Garden From early spring until late autumn? What only cultures he plants his garden for aesthetic diversity. Therefore, he prefers to plant crocuses not only as harbing heat in spring, but also as the last paints of autumn on the eve of winter.

This flower from the Iris family has about 300 varieties. In another way, this plant is referred to as Saffron. But this is not the saffron, from which expensive seasoning is made. Although some use yellow stamens as seasoning on their desk. Having a small, approximately 10-day flowering time and a short flowering, this culture is divided into two main types:

  1. spring crocuses;
  2. autumn crocuses.

The distinctive characteristic of colors are:

  • frost resistance, occurrence to temperature drops and climatic changes;
  • figayful growth of bulbies;
  • unpretentious plants.

Varietal differences

As you guessed before starting to plant crocuses, you need to find out to which group your variety is. First we will tell about spring-working species suitable for middle strip Russia: Spring crocuses are planted on the autumn so that the lows sprout and saturated with the useful substances. Here is a list of OssennetsNew baby, most suitable for growing in the suburbs and Leningrad region: The list is small, because in our area at the gardeners in the summer there are quite different hassle. And the Ossennetsnets culture requires an early summer landing.

Determine the landing time

Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground has its own characteristics in terms of time. After all, autumn in different regions of Russia is in different ways, and is also divided into early and late, rainy and dry. For the foundation, take the fact that culture withstands freezing to -5 degrees. Thanks to the essential oils and wax sheets protected from the cold, this plant loves coolness, so the early autumn is not suitable for the sowing of tuberukukov. In the suburbs most suitable month for landing is October. If October was a warm, then plant at the end of the month. Sometimes climate change is pushing to the landings in November, because in the warmth of the clubnellukovitsa is at rest and does not develop. For us, it is also important to develop the muscles in the ground for the observing and rustling of roots.

In the Leningrad region period autumn planting You can shift at the end of September, the beginning of October. The climate is slightly colder there and a lot of humidity. When to plant crocuses in the fall in the Urals you will tell you the temperature of the soil. If it cooled up to +10 degrees, then the landing time has come. It usually happens no later than September. Siberia is characterized by the severity of the winters, so in August you can begin to plant crocuses. We will focus on the end of August, beginning of September and measuring the temperature of the Earth. This climate requires a mulching with a thick layer. landing, as well as in the Urals.

Choose bulbs and landing space

After you have decided on the choice of varieties and approximate landing time, pay attention to the state of the planting material. What distinguishes high-quality bulbs:

  1. should not be thorough roots;
  2. mechanical damage should not be observed;
  3. clubneelukovitsa must have a dense texture without soft intervals;
  4. surface scales are not wet, holistic, cover the whole tuber;
  5. with the slightest hint of the posting or refuses to buy, or the damaged non-damaged nodules in order to avoid dissemination of infection;

Let's pay attention to the fact that the lows should be stored in paper bags (not polyethylene). After the purchase, do not place them in the refrigerator before boarding, otherwise, having torture heat, they will begin to actively heat up. Cold storage mode signals the approximation of spring and activation. It is necessary to plant crocuses on sunny lawns or at the edges of the flower, where there is always enough light and there is no shading from other crops. Some succeeded to grown them on the windowsill.

but homemade warm It does not contribute to the development of buds, because they laid flowering in the cool climate. Planting the bulbs is best in the sandy lung soils containing the organic organics in the form of compost or reworked manure. Someone prefers to cut the top layer of the jam on the lawn, and on the opening area to plant the bulbs. But this method is not suitable for everyone, but newcomers can apply it as a trial. Do not land the plant on the site of the accumulation of snow or under the snowdrifts.

Note! "The planting material does not endure high humidity Or Liquid Castales. "

If the place for crocuses is oversaturated with water, then it should be dried. You can apply drainage, and you can deal with a plants on the slope of flower beds, lawn or alpine slide, where moisture is quickly seeping and leaves.

The composition of the soil plays an important role in the life of crocuses. For example, nitrogen them are contraindicated, and phosphorus and potassium will create a good foundation For growth and flowering. If the soil is heavy and clay, then it needs to be alleviated by sand. To do this, for 10/12 days before landing, dripping the boarding area by 1 bayonet of the usual shovel, gradually adding sand. To plant crocuses, heavy earth drainage. In this case, mineral supplements do not contribute.

The landing process is step by step

Those who first began to practice the breeding of snowdrops are faced with such difficulty that long they cannot wait for flowering. One of the reasons can be untimely transplanting the bulbs during flowering. Such an approach knocks out a rut plant. We describe the landing stages:

  1. after loosening with the introduction of potash and phosphate additives, we divide the lumps and loose soil;
  2. we make a pozorochka rylch with an intermediate distance of 6 cm. Or place planting material in chess orderWho likes how. Since the bulbs quickly face children and form a thickening, the optimal distance of 6 cm will not disseminate the nest from three to five years;
  3. we visit the clubnellukovitsa to the soil with root Donets down, sharply up;
  4. the depth of location depends on the composition of the Earth and the diameter of the bulbs. The larger the lows, the deeper the landing. In the light of the ground they are deepened by 10 cm, in heavily 8 cm. When planing children, the distance decreases to 4 cm in the letters and 3 cm in loam. So that it was more convenient to dig out the opening of the sockets apply plastic grids in the form of containers and deepen them into the ground;
  5. we fall asleep nutrient mixture or a fertilized land in the passage with overwhelming dung;
  6. pour water if the autumn was arid;
  7. capricious, sensitive to the return freezers of the grade, can be protected by climbing them with a snack or peat.

Specialist advice! "Since the flowering period of snowdrops is short, then you can extend a little landscape bloom, applying two tricks. You can land different types Crocuses in a checker order. Then they will bloom in different time. Another way is to locate at different depths. Those deeper than planted, bloom later. "

Reproduction of planting material and trampling

When the flowering season ends, crocuses begin to grow. How does this happen? Between upper layers The husks are born so-called kidneys, which later become subsidiaries. When the main bulb is dying, the kids begin to grow and form a bulbous nest. This process lasts 4-5 years.

Therefore, for 4-5 years, the places of growth of crocuses are carried out for further reproduction. If the snowdrops put in containers, they are easily removed from the ground. Nockets are separated by hand and sorted in size. Large planted for flowering on a flowerbed. Small B. separate place Care forces.

What is needed for

Someone wants to accelerate the appearance of buds on an approaching event and for this purpose makes a distillation. How does this happen?

  1. Only large and healthy lows are selected.
  2. In mid-September they are placed in a slightly moistened soil of the container or pot. Place close to each other.
  3. The pot is covered with polyethylene with small holes or spunbond for airproof.
  4. Pot or container carry into an underground or cellar.
  5. After the appearance of sprouts (December, January), put the landing where the temperature varies within +15 degrees. We put in a semolot or cover the newspaper, while watering the straws with water.
  6. With the advent of buds, we bring our trampling into the house and watch beautiful flowering without snowing snow.

Additional care and disease prevention

As previously it was said, landing and leaving for bulbies is directly related to loyalty once every 4-5 years. After all, every clubneelukovitsa gives life for another 10 kids. Next, it is reborn and dies. Although crocuses are unpretentious and resistant to diseases, but sometimes cases occur with them. During storage, they can hit rot or other fungal disease. Therefore, the tubers before planting in June or October disinfected. A weak solution of manganese or drug "Maxim - Dachnik", "Maxim - M", and is soaked in it by landing material about 30 minutes. Then the drying and landing in the ground.

Note! "The planting of spring crocuses is accompanied by feeders at different stages of the plant development."

The first feeding goes in the phase of the appearance of the first sprouts. It contains potassium and phosphorus in the doses specified in the instructions. The second feeding of potashlyophosphorous fertilizer is done during the bootonization. The third feeding of the same composition is carried out after flowering.

Crocuses, these are small bulbs. It is these bulging that open sad. The autumn option is best suited. Putting a crocus in the fall, you can observe its bloom in the spring.

The autumn flower is very unpretentious, even if you put it in the half. But here is spring View. Its best should be planted in well-lit plots.

The sun should be as much as possible, but the shadow is minimal. The autumn look is planted from the end of July to mid-August. If the plant is planted too late, then the first couple of years, it will not bloom. There will be only leaves. But the buds themselves will appear only after 2 years.

The only problem in the flower is to overvoltage. Often, due to the constant moisture, the root system begins to rot. Therefore, this cannot be allowed.

Autumn bloom ends. Leaves dry and fall. At this point you can transplant crocus to another place. You can do it immediately or dig bulbs.

Leaving their landing for the next year. Be sure to go through the bulbs and throw out unsuitable. They should be stored at temperatures up to 22 degrees. If the flower grows well in this place, then you can never replant. It will be enough to remove the sluggish and dry leaves on the stems.

Is it possible to plant in spring

It is possible to plant crocuses in the spring, and in the fall. It depends on the grade of the plant. It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the grade of the autumn, then it is necessary to plant it in the fall.

If the plant is spring, then the landing is carried out in spring. If you plant the variety is incorrect, then it may simply do not take care or even not to climb.

Stages of landing:

  1. To dig a little hole. For a large bulb, a hole is up to 12 cm deep. For shallow, up to 6 cm.
  2. Must be to be present in the earth drainage or sand. Then the earth will be more loose and air passable.
  3. Lukovychi fell apart from each other at least 3 cm. This is enough if the gardener is not going to transplant the plant.
  4. The bulbs slightly press and fall asleep the earth.
  5. Pour. Do not overdo it.
  6. Wait for full absorption. Fall asleep. From above you can sprinkle with river sand.
  7. From fertilizer better suitable Potassium and phosphorus.
  8. In hot weather, we often water. But only if the earth is dry. If the humidity is present, then should not.
  9. By winter, crocuses are half fall asleep or covered with a film. This is done so that the flower survived the winter and pleased in the spring with its beautiful blossom.

Popular Spring Species:

  1. Reticulate.
  2. Golden.
  3. Adam.
  4. Narrowish.
  5. Two-color.

Popular autumn types:

  1. Sowing.
  2. Palace.
  3. Schroyan.
  4. Banat.
  5. Pretty.

How to land right

It is not necessary to be a great gardener and everything is known about plants. Flower is unpretentious in care.

To put a crocus correctly, you need to know several rules:

  1. If the soil is clay, then you must add sand. You can also add fertilizers such as manure and compost.
  2. Crocuses love soft, loose land.
  3. It is impossible to allow the moisure of soil. The plant does not like this.
  4. Place for disembarkation, should be well covered with the sun. Then the flower will be large. If they grow in the shade, then they will be small.
  5. Periodically feed and make fertilizers.
  6. Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and potassium.

Small tubers of plants are swaying to a depth of 6 cm. But large feet to 12 cm deep. It is not necessary to perplex deeply. This is nothing. Root system with growth, herself deepened deep enough.

The soil must be easy. Then the flower will feel comfortable.

Advantages of crocus:

  1. Unpretentious in care.
  2. Early flowering. Unlike other colors.
  3. Bright flowers stand out against the background of others.
  4. Flowers have a light, gentle smell.
  5. You can even put them in the unprofessional.
  6. Lukovka can be stored to plant the next year.
  7. Crocuses multiply themselves. With the help of seeds that they throw into the ground. Further, they form a bulk. Which continues his height.
  8. Great for design.
  9. They can be grown in the garden, and in the pot at home.

Principles of feeding:

  1. Organizer is unacceptable.
  2. Poted manure, peat and other natural fertilizers.
  3. Fodder only in spring.
  4. The feeder is scattered over the surface around the flowers.
  5. Feeding after flowering. Potassium sulfate, phosphorus and potassium fit perfectly.

Frequently asked Questions

At what temperature to store bulbs?

Best of all, they persist at 18-22 degrees. It is desirable that the room was ventilated.

What fertilizers are best used?

The fertilizer must include potassium and phosphorus. They stimulate the plant, nourish, strengthen root systemImprove flowering.

What depth to plant crocuses?

It all depends on the size of the bulbs. A small perch to a depth of up to 5-6 cm. And large already up to 12 cm. It is not recommended to bury deeper. During growth, the root itself deepens.

Is it true that crocus is not only beautiful flowerBut also the main ingredient in cooking?

Yes this is true. It is well known in cooking. It is from him that all the famous seasoning, saffron.

When is the best crocuses?

The optimal time is autumn. Autumn flowers are less whims. Also, they are unpretentious in illumination. They can arrange a half. But spring crocuses are already more whims. They need care more. Especially, it concerns light.

Is it possible to feed crocus organic fertilizers?

It is unacceptable. Organic fertilizers Can damage the root and the growth of plants. Instead of growing. The flower will begin to die slowly.

Early spring, when the snow was melted, one of the first in the garden bloom crocuses. These beautiful bulbous flowers personify the arrival of spring. They look spectacular on lawns and flower beds, suitable for alpine Gork And there may be a decoration of any flower bed. The cultivation of crocuses in the open soil is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners, so they can often be found in country and household plots.

Description, varieties and photos of crocuses

Crocus or Saffron refers to the Iris family and he is a tuberukovic plant. This low-speed primrose in height reaches 10 cm. Wine-shaped crocus flowers are blooming on a short blurry and can be orange, yellow, purple, purple, blue, cream or white color. Czech covered and assembled in a bunch of roasting narrow leaves appear before or after flowering.

Crocuses are divided into spring-blooming and autumn-blossoming species. Recently, among the gardeners the most popular are the varieties of Dutch hybrids.

Spring-blooming crocuses

Among the spring primroses can be allocated four most famous types:

Autumn-blossoming crocuses

Among the blooming in September or October plants the most popular three types:

  1. Crocus Banatsky has flowers of light lilac color, the height of which can be up to 14 cm. Linear leaves of the plant grow up to 15 cm, and have a gray-silver shade.
  2. The crocus is a pretty height of 7-10 cm and a diameter of 6-8 cm is distinguished by light flowers with dark lilac stripes. The plant is not afraid of light frosts and on one tuberukovice forms from 5 to 10 colors.
  3. Crocus is excellent known for its light purple, lilac, blue, white and dark blue colors. Its leaves in length reach 30 cm.

Crocuses: landing and care in open soil

Crocuses include K. light-loving plants, so it is recommended to grow them on a well-lit, warmed up sunny rays place. For free growth, they need provide a spacious land.

How to choose healthy clubnelluca?

The success of good growth and abundant flowering Crocuses is a healthy planting material. When gaining clubnellukovits in flower stores, nurseries or markets should carefully consider bulging eggs. They should not have:

  • dark spots;
  • rot;
  • mechanical damage.

Any defects of clubnelukovitz must be eliminated by freeing them before roots and scales. Thereafter damaged places sprinkled with brilliating coal or ash.

In some flower shops, crocuses are sold already blooming. Such a plant may not take care, but just dried. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to cut flowers, leaves and leave the plant alone. In this case, the Crocus will bloom for the next year, however, it will be fully recovered only in two years. Therefore, buying the planting material is needed before it bloom.

Features of planting crocuses

Spring plant species in open soil are planted in autumn, and blooming in autumn - in summer.

When landing crocuses should be borne in mind that they do not like wetlands and acidic soils. They prefer nutrient, loose, dry, light soil.

Preparing a plot for landing crocuses, in the soil you need to make:

  • large river sand or small gravel;
  • peat with lime or overwhelmed manure;
  • ash, if the soil is clay;
  • drainage layer of gravel or rubble, if the soil is wet.

Autumn planting

In order for the primroses to please you with their flowering in the spring, they need to plant them in autumn for a permanent place of cultivation. It is best to do this from mid-September to mid-October.

To the peculiarities of planting clubnellukovits can be attributed:

Crocus Care Rules in the Garden

The cultivation of primroses is an easy thing. So that they grow well, develop and bloom, you just need observe some recommendations:

  1. Since the appearance of plant shoots need regular irrigation. Despite the fact that crocuses relate to drought-resistant cultures, lack of moisture during the actual growth can lead to the grinding of clubnelukovitz.
  2. It is impossible to remove leaves from the plant until their overall drying. Otherwise, the flower can relax.
  3. To form new buds, and crocuses bloom longer, faded flowers It is recommended to delete.
  4. After the leaves are faded, the departure care is to mulch the soil between them with dry leaves or a thick layer of peat.
  5. Every three or four years, primroses need to be searched. During this period of time, many kids will grow on the clubnewukovice. Autumn-blooming crocuses can be searched throughout the summer, and spring-blooming - from mid-summer until late September.

When can I dig crocuses?

Spring-flowering plants begin their active growth at the end of winter or in early spring . By mid-June, the primroses comes resting period. And in the fall, when crocuses are activated again, they begin to accumulate food, grow roots, form kidneys. That is why digging and landing spring plants It should be done during the period of rest, which usually lasts almost all summer, starting from mid-June.

In August, active flowering of autumn-flowering crocuses begins. At this time, they are actively forming new lows and grow leaves. Their period of rest begin in the late spring. Fleet and landing blooming autumn Plants can be made from the beginning of summer until mid-August.

Lowings extracted from soil purchased from husks and dead roots. Then they need to dry, decomposing to this in one layer in the appropriate capacity. At home, the landing material must be contained in dry, dark room With good ventilation and room temperature.

Pests and disease crocuses

Growing bulbous plants In compliance with all the recommendations, there should be no problems with pests and diseases.

The most important enemies are rodents who love to eat bulbs. Therefore, the landing material laid out for drying without supervision is not recommended.

The same rodents, wave or trips May be posts viral disease. Patient Plant can be found on the shiny flowers in stains gray. Until other flowers have become infected, the culk plant needs to dig and destroy, and the soil shed a hot heatmanship solution.

During crocus care, in the bulbs you can find holes that have done wires. If these tough on the touch of yellow larvae on the plant is much, then they need to get rid of them. For this you can take advantage of homemade traps:

  1. In the spring, to decompose the beams of straw, hay or grass, beveled last year.
  2. All moisturize and cover with boards.
  3. After the larvae will move into these traps, the grass beams will need to be assembled and burned.

Incorrect care and crude weather can lead to fungal diseases of primroses. You can hit them fusariosis, sclerocyl or penicilosis rot, gray fungal disease. So that such a problem does not occur, the planting material must be carefully inspecting. Before planting it is recommended to be used in a solution of fungicide.

Looking in the fall of primroses in his site, early spring you can enjoy their bloom. But that the plants are really spectacular and beautifully bloomed, when landing, growing and careing, it is necessary to comply with simple recommendations of experienced gardeners.

Flowers crocuses

Too deep landing slows down the crocus development, but contributes to the formation of large bulbs. Sometimes young plants form retractive roots and plunge themselves.

The landing depth is regulated by the growth of crocuses nests: When bulging the clubnellukovitsa by 5 cm can be obtained up to 10 children, with a deeper embelling kids will be less, but the crocus bloom will last longer and share the nest will need less often - once every 4-5 years.

In the photo: Yellow crocuses - Beautiful variety

How to plant crocuses in autumn

Make the holes you need at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, but if you want to create a more thick rug, the distance between the bulbs can be 3-5 cm. However, it should be noted that the clubnellukovitsy quickly become kids and with such a tight location of the bulbs In the ground you will soon have to disseminate crocuses. After planting crocuses watered, But only if you put them in dry soil.

Caring for crocuses after landing

Caring for crocuses in the fall in open ground

For the warm days remaining warm days, tuberukovitsa must have time to acquire roots. In fertilizers, crocuses do not need crocuses, They will need them only in spring. Watering crocuses are carried out when the soil on the site becomes dry, and after irrigation, the soil is gently loosen. If weeds appear, remove them, and if the torrential rains begin on the background of the cooling, try to protect the landing of crocuses from excess moisture, covering it with a film.

Caring for crocuses in winter

Many species and varieties of plants are distinguished by cold resistance, but some crocuses in winter without shelter freeze. So that this does not happen, after the first frosts, break the soil on the site and inspire it with a layer of peat, dry foliage or cover with a sweetheart.

In the photo: Blossom of spring crocuses

Crocus transplant in autumn to another place

In one place crocuses can grow 5-6 years, but it is better to disperse them once every 3-4 years. Each colorful bulb will give the next season 2, and sometimes 4 bulbs and 5-10 children, and if they do not reset at least once every 3-4 years, the site will soon tarnish, and crocuses will turn into a weed. When transplanting, crocuses are reproduced. When to transplant crocuses - in spring or autumn? Crocus transplant fall, as well as landing crocuses in the fall, is carried out in the same time - from September to November.

The clubnelaukovitsa dig in the middle of the summer when crocuses are at rest. The signal to the fact that it is time to extract them from the ground, serves the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. The clubnellukovitsa purify, move, removing damaged or patients, dried in air in the shade during the week. Then you need to divide the sockets: only those kids who themselves are separated from the tubnelukovitz. The entire seating material is soaked for half an hour in a dark pink solution of manganese, After that, heinee and put in a cool dry place for storage.

When September comes, crocusball clubs are planted in advance prepared soil in the order that was described in our article.

In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

How to store crocuses before landing in the fall

How and where to keep crocuses clubnevukov to landing in the ground? After all, from the moment of extracting them from the soil before the autumn planting should pass three months. Disgraced by manganese and dried clubnelukovitsa lay out in one layer in wooden drawer and stored indoors with a temperature not lower than 22 ºC before August. From the beginning of August, the content temperature is desirable to lower up to 20 ºC, and closer to September - up to 15 ºC. It is precisely in such conditions that the clubnellukovitsa crocuses are kept Dutch professionals, but since lovers to organize such conditions to organize such conditions, the planting material is stored until autumn at room temperature.

Ossennetsnets-driving clubs are planted in the garden in August, and spring-working crocuses - from September.

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People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

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