Is it possible to transplant a blooming rose in the garden. How to transplant indoor and garden roses to a new place - professional advice

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

There can be several reasons for transplanting roses: changing the design of the site, planting an overgrown rose garden, transferring the variety you like from a neighbor to yourself.

Whatever the circumstances, when transplanting rose bushes, some nuances must be taken into account:

  1. It is important to choose the right place for a rose: it does not like shade, stagnant moisture, and proximity to certain types of plants.
  2. It is necessary to properly prepare the bush for transplantation and prepare a hole in advance.
  3. When digging up a bush, you need to remember that the root system of a rose has approximately the same diameter as the crown, so you need to try not to damage the roots during digging and transportation.
  4. You need to know when is the best time to repot roses in the garden.

Let's talk about the last point in more detail. The survival rate and the further normal development of the plant largely depend on compliance with the temporary rules of transplantation.

When is the best time of year to repot adult roses?

According to the rules, the best time to transplant a rose is autumn or early spring. Moreover, there are advantages both in autumn and in spring transplantation. You can choose for yourself when it is better to transplant roses - in spring or autumn, depending on the possibilities and conditions.

When is the best time to transplant roses in spring?

If you decide to do this work in the spring, this may be either a time when the danger of frost has passed and there is no need for shelter, or earlier. If repotting roses is not in early spring, and after the end of frost, this can lead to the fact that the bushes will be under the bright sun and suffer from overdried soil.

To prevent this, they need to be watered on time. But under such conditions, they quickly grow, take root easily and develop well. And so that the sun does not immediately burn the rose, you must first cover it with spruce branches. This method of planting is especially relevant in cold regions.

When is the best time to repot roses in the fall?

Experienced flower growers still prefer an autumn transplant of roses. The main advantage of this method is that the rose will have time to take root and harden, as a result, they will be less susceptible.

The best autumn period for transplanting rose bushes is September 15 - October 20. At this time, the air temperature is still quite high, so that the bushes have time to take root before the onset of frost. When the time of cold weather comes, and the temperature drops sharply at night, the plants need to be covered.

It often happens that a birthday person or girlfriend is given instead of a bouquet of roses miniature plant in a small pot. Cut flowers wither after a few days, and such a sign of attention allows you to enjoy bright buds and long flowering for a long time.

However, those who want to preserve the beauty and healthy appearance of the plant need to know how to transplant indoor rose after shopping in the store. Sellers water the flowers with special fertilizers for forcing, and changing the conditions of detention often comes to the detriment of a lush bush. We will consider in the article all the stages of a simple procedure, we will give recommendations for transplanting into another pot.

Knowing when a bush rose in a pot is transplanted should be for several reasons. Firstly, plants should not grow in the soil mixture that is prepared for forcing them in stores. It is processed with special solutions and fertilizers, which allow growing a lush bush with many buds in a short period of time. After the cessation of top dressing at home, the bush will immediately begin to lose its decorative appearance.

Secondly, plastic containers are usually selected by the most small size, and the root system in them quickly becomes crowded. The need for transplantation in this case is evidenced by the rapid drying of the soil, wilting and yellowing of the leaves, stem and buds. That is why, after purchase, a room rose is transplanted into another container, completely replacing the soil. The procedure is also necessary if the plant gets sick, begins to dry out, does not bloom for a long time, subject to the required conditions.

On a note. The bush brought from the store is transplanted 1.5-2 weeks after the purchase, giving the home rose time to adapt to the new microclimate in the apartment. Before that, the stems and leaves are examined for the presence / absence of pests, and faded buds are cut off.

Actions after purchase

A purchased rose in a pot immediately after delivery from the store is subjected to a number of simple manipulations:

  • remove paper packaging or cellophane from the flower, remove labels, bows from the pot;
  • inspect the bush for the absence of pests, since in the store there is a risk of infection with aphids, spider mites;
  • cut dried leaves, branches, remove all buds with secateurs to save the strength of a miniature bush;
  • wash the plant with warm soapy water, lowering it for a few minutes in a basin or holding it in the shower;
  • add 5 drops of “Epin”, “Fitosporin”, “Fitoverm” to 1 liter of water to choose from, this solution is sprayed with stems, leaves and upper layer soil to prevent the occurrence of diseases, pests, strengthen the immune system of the flower;
  • they build a “greenhouse” from a plastic bag stretched over bamboo sticks stuck in the ground;
  • ventilate the "greenhouse" daily, increasing the intervals, then remove the shelter;
  • stop "quarantine" after 10-14 days, prepare the ground, container and soil for transplanting roses from the store into a more spacious pot.

When is the best time to transplant

Transplanting a room rose after purchase is usually carried out in the spring or in early to mid-August, but the procedure can be carried out at any other time. If a flower in a pot was presented on March 8, New Year or an anniversary in September, you should not postpone an important event until the spring months. It is enough to follow the above steps in order to properly prepare root system and the bush itself for transplanting into a new flowerpot.

Many novice flower growers are interested in how often it is necessary to transplant a plant when kept in room conditions. It all depends on the size of the pot and the bush itself, the variety of rose. It is enough to transplant miniature varieties immediately after purchase, then the procedure should be carried out only once every 2-3 years. Larger bush varieties it is recommended to transplant annually in the spring or every 2 years, dividing the rhizome if necessary for propagation.

Transplant during flowering

There are several nuances on how to transplant a rose after buying it in a store if it blooms or is completely covered with unopened buds. Here detailed algorithm actions.

  1. Remove from a donated or purchased blooming potted plant packaging.
  2. Dip the bush for a few seconds in water with laundry soap dissolved in it.
  3. Trim dried leaves, cut off with a secateurs or a sharp knife every single bud, opened flowers.
  4. Treat the bush with any insecticide.
  5. Cover with a cellophane "greenhouse" for a week, not forgetting to ventilate regularly.
  6. Prepare in 10-12 days the soil, pot, transplant.

If you transplant a rose correctly, cutting off the flowers, and then watering and feeding regularly, new buds will not keep you waiting. And bloom miniature or spray rose will be even more plentiful and beautiful than when buying. If planted in new ground a bush with buds, the plant will give all its strength to flowers, and will probably die.

What is required for a transplant

To transplant a rose after purchase, you need to do a little preparation. Must purchase in advance:

  • pot- it should be more stable, roomy, preferably made of ceramics or plastic, plastic;
  • priming- you can buy a special soil mixture for indoor roses or cook it yourself;
  • secateurs- it is needed for trimming leaves, buds and blooming flowers, if desired, the tool can be easily replaced with sharp scissors;
  • container with warm water- you will need to lower the roots into a basin or bucket to clear them of the purchased land.

On a note. new pot should be 4-6 cm higher and 3-4 cm wider than the one in which the plant was sold. If 3-4 roses are planted in a flowerpot for splendor, each bush at home is planted in separate flowerpots.

If it is not possible to find a purchased soil for roses, a mixture for violets or others is suitable. flowering plants(universal soil mixture). To prepare the land yourself, mix 4 parts of humus and turf with 1 part of river sand. The main condition is that the soil must be loose and moisture-permeable.

Drainage holes must be made in a plastic pot with a sharp knife or a nail hot on fire. This is necessary so that the remaining water does not stagnate, causing root rot. Ceramic flowerpots without drainage holes in the bottom or side are not suitable for planting capricious flower. Expanded clay of small or medium fraction is used as drainage.

Transplant process

Transfer home rose performed after the flower has passed an adaptive two-week “quarantine”. Having chosen the time for the procedure, the earth is watered, after 15-30 minutes the plant, together with the earthen clod, is carefully removed from the plastic container. The following steps are also not difficult even for a novice grower.

  1. An earthen ball is placed in a bucket of warm water, the soil is cleaned off with hands. Examine the roots. If they are black and dried out, the flower will most likely die. The washed roots are straightened, wrapped in a paper towel to dry and protect from drafts.
  2. They take a pot with holes at the bottom, pour 2-3 cm of expanded clay balls. Then soil is poured up to half the height, a small depression is made.
  3. The bush is carefully placed on the ground, holding it with your hand, adding soil to the top of the pot, tamping it down. Between the edge of the container and the soil should remain about 1.5 cm free space to make watering easier.
  4. The flowerpot is installed in a permanent place (preferably a north window), the next day it is watered with boiled or filtered water under the root.

If you transplant an indoor rose after purchase in accordance with all the rules, and then take care of it regularly, there will be no problems with growing a profusely flowering bush. Thus, in 2-3 years, you can breed a real one on the windowsill in the apartment. rose garden to the envy of all friends and relatives.

Caring for a transplanted plant

The subsequent care of a rose bush of any variety consists in regular watering, fertilizing and pruning, as well as observing a period of winter dormancy. Here are a few valuable advice on growing a capricious flower at home.

  • Watering a rose in a pot is necessary after drying the topsoil. In spring and summer, watering should be plentiful, in winter - moderate and rare.
  • Water for irrigation is better to take warm, filtered or rainwater, it should be poured only under the root.
  • They feed the bush with organic and mineral fertilizers, applying them in the summer once a week when watering, in the fall - once every 2-3 weeks.
  • In summer, the temperature in the room should be kept at around 20-25 degrees, in winter - about 10-15 degrees Celsius.
  • If the apartment is dry and warm, every day the plant is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.
  • It is advisable to place the pot on a lighted windowsill, regularly airing the room in the warm season.
  • Before wintering, the flower must be pruned, removing the remains of foliage and the tips of the branches. To form a beautiful crown, 5-6 buds should be left on each branch in the fall.

You should also regularly inspect the indoor rose to prevent it from becoming infected with various diseases and pests. When aphids, spider mites or spots appear on the leaves, treatment with appropriate preparations or folk remedies should be carried out.

For those who want to study in detail the information on how to properly transplant an indoor rose, the video below will help practical advice from an experienced florist.

The pearl of the garden, the favorite of all gardeners is the garden rose. Its flowering and fragrance are the best reward for labor and care. It is a pity to disturb and replant the rose in the fall to another place, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid such a procedure.

Depletion of the soil, construction, or the vision of the flower garden has simply changed - and now the rose needs to be moved to another place. Having made the necessary preparations, transplanting a bush in accordance with all the rules, you can not be afraid to ruin favorite plant. A traumatic event will turn into a useful one.

Preparation is the key to a successful rose transplant in the fall

People have been cultivating roses for so long that all the rules for the care, planting and breeding of this flower have already been tested thousands of times in practice. Even the ancient Romans knew how to grow them in huge quantities and in winter in special greenhouses. Therefore, you should not act at random, just follow the rules:

1. End of September, beginning of October - best time for transplanting roses in autumn. In another place, bushes take root easier, in which the outflow of nutrients from the aerial part to the roots has begun.

2. Prepare the plant for transplantation in advance. Already in August, they stop feeding, reduce watering, leave fading inflorescences on the branches.

3. The place of a new habitat should be sunny, with a good outflow of moisture. stagnant water in winter time leads to root decay.

4. The soil for planting should be loose, fertilized. Ideally, if the site has had time to "rest" from the plantations for at least a year, otherwise it is better to replace the soil with fertile one.

When transplanting roses in the fall to a new place (pictured), Special attention devoted to the preservation of each spine. Abundant watering before excavating the bush will create a clod of earth with which the plant is transferred to the planting site.

If you want to move an excavated plant a considerable distance, it will not be superfluous to carefully lay it on a cloth, wrap it with a clod of earth and tie it at the level of the root collar. In this case, you can plant together with the “package”, simply by untying it, the fabric will quickly decompose in moist soil.

Pruning a bush when transplanting roses in autumn to another place

The rose bush chosen for transplantation is dug widely, trying to preserve the root system. The main rod, when deep, is cut with a shovel at the maximum available depth and the roots are carefully removed from the ground.

If the lump of soil could not be saved and it crumbled, use this to check the condition of the underground part. Remove all diseased and damaged areas by cutting the spine with secateurs to a white, healthy tissue. Be sure to trim the tips of seedlings with open rhizomes, this stimulates the growth of absorbent roots and improves the nutrition of a young rose.

Note! After pruning, the length of the roots should be equal to or slightly longer than the aerial part.

There are two opinions about how to deal with branches and leaves when moving a plant to a new place:

Shorten to columns 10 cm high, completely expose the branches, removing the foliage;

Leave the bush as a whole, with twigs and leaves, for the root to use the nutrients accumulated in the aerial part.

When the autumn is warm and the air humidity is high, cutting off the shoots can lead to the awakening of dormant buds. Instead of preparing for winter sleep, the plant will heal in "spring" mode. Young branches will appear, which still do not have time to become woody and die in winter, the root will lose a lot of strength. In such weather conditions, it is better not to touch the branches and leaves immediately. If desired, you can cut them off when it gets colder.

If the autumn is cool, and at least three weeks remain before the expected frosts, then the transplanted bushes will have time to prepare for the winter, the young shoots will not appear. So the bush can be cut before planting. It is also necessary to prune in case of planting with a bare root.

Proper pruning for a successful transplant of roses in the fall to another place

Features of transplanting roses in the fall to another place

The planting hole should exceed the size of the roots, usually 50x50 cm and up to 70 cm deep. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety; roses need a lot of space for normal flowering. But sparse plantings are not so decorative, the soil dries out faster, more weeds grow.

Further actions differ depending on the state of the root system. Two ways to plant roses:

1. Landing with a clod of earth. It is simply installed at the bottom of the pit, filling the remaining voids with fertile soil mixture. Each layer is well compacted and spilled with water. There should be no air pockets left - the roots die from contact with them.

2. Planting with bare roots. Pour into the center of the finished pit fertile soil slide. A seedling is placed on it, and the roots are distributed along the mound so that they do not bend up, but descend to the bottom of the recess. Gradually fill the hole with earth, spilling and ramming it.

With an open root system, the planting process is somewhat different, but even in this case it is important to compact and spill the ground well so as not to "air" the roots.

The seedling is set so that the root collar (and hence the grafting site) is 3-5 cm below the soil level. This will save the plant from the appearance of wild shoots in the future.

After filling with earth and watering the holes, check the depth of planting and sprinkle dry earth around the bush.

How to cover for the winter roses transplanted in the fall to another place?

The root of the transplanted plant is not yet fully grown and needs shelter from frost. There are several ways to cover young seedlings for the winter:

Hilling the earth;

Shelter with spruce branches coniferous trees;

Fencing boards;

Use of modern covering materials, films.

Shelter each gardener chooses based on their capabilities, weather conditions and varieties of roses. The main rule is not to cover the bushes until the real cold weather. Small first frosts harden plants.

Making the transplant useful for rose bushes

Since it is impossible to avoid transplanting roses in the fall, they can be transferred to another place with benefit:

1. Improve soil quality. fertile soil You can buy it at a garden store or make your own. To one part of garden soil add one part of humus and peat. Sand is added to clay soil, clay is added to sandy soil.

2. Control soil acidity. Usually, over time, the soil becomes acidic. This can be corrected by adding ash, crushed chalk or dolomite flour.

3. Improve the root system. It becomes possible to remove diseased areas, check them for the presence of pests.

Be careful! In the fall, it is dangerous to overfeed the plants with nitrogen; violent growth may begin instead of a dormant period. From mineral fertilizers, it is better to choose potash fertilizers, they contribute to the ripening of shoots and better wintering.

Transplanting roses in the fall to another place allows you to add nutrition to the roots throughout the depth. After all, the main beauty of the garden requires a fertile layer up to 40 cm. A competent transplant will not weaken the bush, but will make it even more beautiful. But it should be remembered that the next time roses can be transplanted only after three years, so the choice of location and quality of planting should be taken seriously.

“... It is a pity to disturb and transplant a rose in the fall to another place, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid such a procedure.
Having made the necessary preparations, transplanting the bush in accordance with all the rules, you can not be afraid to ruin your favorite plant. A traumatic event will turn into a useful one.

Preparation is the key to a successful rose transplant in the fall

People have been cultivating roses for so long that all the rules for the care, planting and breeding of this flower have already been tested thousands of times in practice. Even the ancient Romans knew how to grow them in huge quantities, and in winter in special greenhouses. Therefore, you should not act at random, just follow the rules:

1. Late September, early October is the best time to transplant roses in the fall. In another place, bushes take root easier, in which the outflow of nutrients from the aerial part to the roots has begun.

2. Prepare the plant for transplantation in advance. Already in August, they stop feeding, reduce watering, leave fading inflorescences on the branches.

3. The place of a new habitat should be sunny, with a good outflow of moisture. Stagnation of water in winter leads to overheating of the roots.

4. The soil for planting should be loose, fertilized. Ideally, if the site has had time to "rest" from the plantations for at least a year, otherwise it is better to replace the soil with fertile one.

When transplanting roses in the fall to a new place (pictured), special attention is paid to the preservation of each root. Abundant watering before excavating the bush will create a clod of earth with which the plant is transferred to the planting site.

If you want to move an excavated plant a considerable distance, it will not be superfluous to carefully lay it on a cloth, wrap it with a clod of earth and tie it at the level of the root collar. In this case, you can plant together with the “package”, simply by untying it, the fabric will quickly decompose in moist soil.

Pruning a bush when transplanting roses in autumn to another place

The rose bush chosen for transplantation is dug widely, trying to preserve the root system. The main rod, when deep, is cut with a shovel at the maximum available depth and the roots are carefully removed from the ground.

If the lump of soil could not be saved and it crumbled, use this to check the condition of the underground part. Remove all diseased and damaged areas by cutting the spine with secateurs to a white, healthy tissue. Be sure to trim the tips of seedlings with open rhizomes, this stimulates the growth of absorbent roots and improves the nutrition of a young rose.

Note! After pruning, the length of the roots should be equal to or slightly longer than the aerial part.

There are two opinions about how to deal with branches and leaves when moving a plant to a new place:

Shorten to columns 10 cm high, completely expose the branches, removing the foliage;

Leave the bush as a whole, with twigs and leaves, for the root to use the nutrients accumulated in the aerial part.

When the autumn is warm and the air humidity is high, cutting off the shoots can lead to the awakening of dormant buds. Instead of preparing for winter sleep, the plant will heal in "spring" mode. Young branches will appear, which still do not have time to become woody and die in winter, the root will lose a lot of strength. In such weather conditions, it is better not to touch the branches and leaves immediately. If desired, you can cut them off when it gets colder.

If the autumn is cool, and at least three weeks remain before the expected frosts, then the transplanted bushes will have time to prepare for the winter, the young shoots will not appear. So the bush can be cut before planting. It is also necessary to prune in case of planting with a bare root.
Correct pruning for a successful transplant of roses in the fall to another place

Features of transplanting roses in the fall to another place

The planting hole should exceed the size of the roots, usually 50x50 cm and up to 70 cm deep. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety; roses need a lot of space for normal flowering. But sparse plantings are not so decorative, the soil dries out faster, more weeds grow.

Further actions differ depending on the state of the root system. Two ways to plant roses:

1. Landing with a clod of earth. It is simply installed at the bottom of the pit, filling the remaining voids with a fertile soil mixture. Each layer is well compacted and spilled with water. There should be no air pockets left - the roots die from contact with them.

2. Planting with bare roots. In the center of the finished pit, fertile soil is poured into a slide. A seedling is placed on it, and the roots are distributed along the mound so that they do not bend up, but descend to the bottom of the recess. Gradually fill the hole with earth, spilling and ramming it.

With an open root system, the planting process is somewhat different, but even in this case it is important to compact and spill the ground well so as not to "air" the roots.
The seedling is set so that the root collar (and hence the grafting site) is 3-5 cm below the soil level. This will save the plant from the appearance of wild shoots in the future.

After filling with earth and watering the holes, check the depth of planting and sprinkle dry earth around the bush.

How to cover for the winter roses transplanted in the fall to another place?

The root of the transplanted plant is not yet fully grown and needs shelter from frost. There are several ways to cover young seedlings for the winter:

Hilling the earth;

Shelter spruce branches of coniferous trees;

Fencing boards;

Use of modern covering materials, films.

Shelter each gardener chooses based on their capabilities, weather conditions and varieties of roses. The main rule is not to cover the bushes until the real cold weather. Small first frosts harden plants.

Making the transplant useful for rose bushes

Since it is impossible to avoid transplanting roses in the fall, they can be transferred to another place with benefit:

1. Improve soil quality. Fertile soil can be purchased at a garden store or prepared independently. To one part of garden soil add one part of humus and peat. Sand is added to clay soil, clay is added to sandy soil.

2. Control soil acidity. Usually, over time, the soil becomes acidic. This can be corrected by adding ash, crushed chalk or dolomite flour.

3. Improve the root system. It becomes possible to remove diseased areas, check them for the presence of pests.

Be careful! In the fall, it is dangerous to overfeed the plants with nitrogen; violent growth may begin instead of a dormant period. From mineral fertilizers, it is better to choose potash fertilizers, they contribute to the ripening of shoots and better wintering.

Transplanting roses in the fall to another place allows you to add nutrition to the roots throughout the depth. After all, the main beauty of the garden requires a fertile layer up to 40 cm. A competent transplant will not weaken the bush, but will make it even more beautiful. But it should be remembered that next time roses can be transplanted only after three years, so the choice of location and quality of planting should be taken seriously ().

When transplanting roses in autumn, you need to know that the time is limited: from planting to the first frost, you need to leave 2-3 weeks in stock so that the bushes have time to take root, approximately: mid-August - the end of September.
All roses with long and powerful shoots (climbing, park, scrub) are best transplanted in September.
Roses with thin and flexible shoots (Rombler rose) are also transplanted in September, but in August it is necessary to pinch the tops of young branches so that they have time to become woody for winter. Old branches are pruned after flowering, and the remaining young branches will bloom the next year.
climbing roses with powerful thick shoots, shorten the branches by a third ().

There can be many reasons for transplanting roses, for example, you want to change the design of the site, create a rose garden, or vice versa plant bushes throughout the plot, as they grow, create an unwanted shadow for each other and complicate their care.

Whatever the circumstances that rose bushes change their place of residence, you need to remember some little secrets of the transplant process:

  • It is necessary to find a suitable place for the queen of the garden. It should be taken into account that the rose does not tolerate neighborhood with many plants, she does not like shade, and areas where moisture stagnates will simply destroy her beloved bush.
  • It is also important to choose the right time for transplanting roses. The best time is early spring or autumn.
  • The bush should be prepared for transplantation. The first thing to do is to cut the shoots. The approximate height of the bush during transplantation can be from 40 to 50 cm.
  • The pit is dug out with a margin in order to lay drainage on its bottom, on top of which nutrient soil and compost are poured. All this is desirable to do in advance.

Let the pit brew, not forgetting about watering. At least 2-3 weeks in advance, the necessary pit is prepared. So the earth is rammed, and nutrients saturate the soil.

  • Dig up the roots along with an earthen clod. It should be noted that the roots of a rose bush grow approximately the same diameter as the crown. Therefore, care should be taken to damage the roots as little as possible, both when removing them from the ground and when transporting the plant to a new place.
  • Watering. It is necessary to moisten the landing site itself and the planted plant well. Even if you have to transplant roses in the fall.

So you can protect your favorite roses from the scorching sun, pests and improve their care.

There are several ways to transplant, 2 of them are more popular:

  • Classical;
  • Wet.

And each of them deserves to be used.

How to repot roses the classic way

It is best to transplant roses in this way if it was not possible to save an earthen ball. Then, it is worth carefully examining the roots, assessing the damage, and, if the bush is still young enough, then cut off the underdeveloped and damaged ones. After that, it is worth soaking the roots in a solution of humate, a root-forming growth stimulator, for 2 hours.

At the bottom of a pre-prepared pit, a hill is made, along which the roots of the rose will be evenly distributed. At the same time, it is important that the grafting site is 3-5 cm below the soil level. Water is poured into the pit, then a layer of soil is poured up to about half the recess, and it is well compacted. After that, you will need to water again. Now the pit is already buried completely, after the water has been absorbed. The earth should be well compacted again so that air does not remain between the roots.

After planting, you need to make sure that there is moderate, but constant watering, so the earth does not dry out, but it does not become waterlogged.

Wet way to transplant roses

This method is very simple and convenient. Water is poured into the pit (a bucket, but more is possible), and, while it has not yet been absorbed, humate or a heteroauxin tablet is added. And immediately, the roots of a rose bush are placed in the water along with an earthy clod. More water is added. Now you need to wait until the water is absorbed, gradually dissolving the earth and deepening the roots of the plant along with it. Then the pit is dug in and well compacted. It would be nice to use mulch so that the earth does not dry out.

When is the best time to repot roses?

There are advantages to both autumn and winter transplanting. Therefore, when it is possible to transplant roses, it is up to everyone to decide, depending on the conditions and opportunities.

For example, if this work is done in the spring, when there are no threats of frost, then you can not worry about shelter. True, now the bushes are at risk of being in the scorching sun, and suffer from overdrying of the soil, if it is not possible to water them in time. However, they grow rapidly favorable conditions, easily rooted and developed. And so that the sun does not burn the rose, it is recommended to cover it for a while with spruce branches. Planting in the spring in cold climates is especially relevant.

But, mostly gardeners prefer transplanting roses in the fall. This helps the plant to take root and harden.

The main advantage of planting bushes in the fall, and this is from mid-September, to the 20th of October, is that roses are less susceptible to disease during acclimatization.

Since the air temperature is still quite high, rose bushes have time to take root before the onset of frost. When the cold starts to approach only, and at night the temperature can drop sharply, this tender plant worth hiding.

Video: how to transplant roses

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