Pink bushes in the garden. Best Decorative Shrubs for Dacha

Landscape design and layout 14.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

Decorative shrubs that can bloom the whole summer and at the same time have good frost resistance, you are interested in many gardeners and summer houses. Many of them are asked the peculiarities of growing evergreen perennials in the Moscow region and other regions of medium latitudes. Flowering shrubs-perennials, photos with the names of which will be presented below, often perform the role of excellent decoration for country house or cottage, making the household territory very attractive, harmonious and bright.

Flowering perennial shrubs for giving

In combination with different varieties and shades, they create a sense of the hands of a brilliant master who perfectly combined all accents in a particular place garden.

Each gardener, a dachanik or the usual connoisseur of exotic vegetation, which has an attractiveness of exotic vegetation. decorative plantswhich will be discussed in this article.

Given the peculiarities of the site, your personal preferences and fantasies, beautiful shrubs Can serve as a supplement for other plantations, and as an independent garden composition, which will find the key value in the landscape design at the cottage.

Today we will open the topic in detail: "Evergreen shrubs: photos with names", and tell S. best varieties For cultivation in our conditions.

Features of applying decorative perennials on the site

To successfully draw up your site, it is important to decide in advance with a suitable decorative plant that can grow in a particular place and concrete climatic conditions. When choosing suitable varietyThis should be guided by this particular factor. The second feature is to find the landing zone.

In case you bought sun-teen flower, SANE it in open areas with an abundant effect of light and heat. Any fences that create a shadow or semolot must be excluded. As for the group of tepeless flowers, they need to be located in the shaded zones, away from buildings or large trees. Failure to comply with the basic rules in choosing a landing room may worsen the brightness of the paints, to deprive the shrub of the drawing of flowers, and sometimes lead to his death.

Also, when searching for a beautiful perennial, it is important to take into account the overall picture of the country's territory. For example, in places with limited space it is better to use compact types of decorative plantsbecause Huge and lush options will look insufficiently aesthetic. In turn, low frost-resistant varieties with a compact and well-groomed form will become an appropriate addition for small sections.

Such varieties include dwarf grade Green Carpet and Tamariscifolia. Such an option will be the perfect addition to create a surprisingly beautiful alpine slide, rocaries, edging of lawns and borders.

Choosing a shrub for alive hedges, it should take into account different varieties of low and medium-high plants with a lush crown. Otherwise, instead of a presentable fence, you will get the colons of high and unattractive thickets. Some juniper hybrids fit perfectly under any design conditions. If you wish to equip beautiful compositions for the garden, which can be white, pink, mixed or monophonic, you need to pay attention to such types of decorative perennials:

They are distinguished by amazing versatility and beautiful combination With other green plantings. If you have a desire to create an army, or transform the design of the arbor, use the plethious species.

Shrubs, blooming all summer: winter-hardy varieties

The choice of beautiful flowering decorative perennials is represented by a huge variety of varieties and suggestions. This allows you to choose the ideal solution for any cottage. In addition to shrubs that bloom all summer, there are such species that have a lush foliage, an unusual crown and a unique form of leaves. A large range of different varieties is a very valuable feature. The fact is that landscape design is divided into three main zones:

If correctly pick up suitable plantsThey will look irresistible.

Decorative deciduous or flowering shrubs for the garden may not only be beautiful decor for the nursery territory, but also perform many useful features . Very often they are used as a living hedge and reliable protection against unwanted penetration (if sampling plants were used);

With the help of individual species, it is convenient to zonate the territory, forming recreation areas and a place for growing fruit crops. Due to the abundance of a variety of bushes and bushes with unique shades, (white, pink, monophonic, dual-ton) can be beautifully embedded by borders, alpine slides, live swelling and other elements of the garden landscape, which makes them a very valuable find for all connoisseurs of unique vegetation.

Decorative Perennials for Garden

Consider most popular species beautiful perennials for garden and giving:

Popular Perennials for Dacha


How to create a living fence made of decorative plants

When laying up landscape design on its plot, it is important to draw attention to the variant of the living hedge of decorative shrubs. Currently, such registration is in great demand and interests many dacities. Depending on the fantasy and available sizesThis "fence" may look like a small fencing, or a high green wall.

You can reproduce any designer idea, withstand a specific shape or shade, as a result of which the end result will be truly unique. Green hedge often used as masking of unsightly elements, such as, old fence, unnecessary designs, etc. Choosing shrubs to create live elevations, should be guided by some parameters:

  • Type of decorative shrub. Perennial plantscapable of serve as a reliable hedge, represented by a huge variety of varieties and varieties. When choosing a suitable solution, not only aesthetic properties should be taken into account, but also practical. You can use both homogeneous shrubs, or a mixed version that consists of different varieties creating beautiful composition;
  • The rate of vegetation development. Before buying, be sure to study the varietal features of a particular variety and consider such nuances as: the frequency of staying in the country, the availability of the possibility of trimming and haircuts, the readiness to pay due attention to the formation of the crown, etc.;
  • The height of the future isge. It is important to understand that different types decorative shrubs may have different height. Make sure it suits you and will aesthetically complement the landscape design of the cottage. Also do not miss by eye such an indicator like a decent density. Perhaps in the future you will have to land them in two, or more of the row;
  • The composition of the soil composition. Not all decorative shrubs can calmly grow in natural conditions. Some of them need special soil with an abundance of individual nutrient elements, suitable drainage and acidity. Consider such a feature to avoid unpleasant consequences in future;

Do not be afraid to spend some time to care and care for decorative shrubs. All the forces spent will be justified after a short time!

Often, the owners of a young garden have to hear almost a fantastic phrase: I want a bright, diverse garden, a blooming and fragrant, but not requiring constant and inseptive attention, tedious care, daily weeding, loosening and infinite transfers. Is it possible? Imagine yes. Such a garden dream is quite realistic to organize very simple means, and the pomp, decorativeness and maturity do not have to wait for years. It is only more closely to look at shrubs.

The modern range of decorative shrubs is so large and varied, which allows you to have a beautiful, spectacular and at the same time a small garden. Shrubs are perfectly combined with each other, as well as with trees and most garden plantsAnd therefore their possibilities in the garden design are practically not limited.

Shrubs are decorative during the season very long time, and many year-round. Even if the main color of foliage is green, growing young leaflets often have all sorts of tint variations (pink, reddish, purple, bronze). And in the fall they amaze imagination by the violet of red, orange and golden tones. And this effect every fall varies noticeably due to temperature differences and humidity. Usually after dry and hot summer, the leaves are painted before, after raw and cool, the greens remain the greens. And if short-term moderate frosts passed, the palette of the autumn color of the leaves is especially good and diverse. And here you can already meet not only yellow and red shades, but also pink, purple and even purple.

Many shrubs bloom so magnificent and spectacularly that they can argue in this with best colors. Before all bloom magonia (Mahonia Aquifolium.) I. forzition (FORSYTHIAX INTERMEDIA, F. Giraldii, F. Ovata), a little later - the so-called japonica (Chaenomeles Japonica, C. Speciosa, C. XSUPERBA), Some park roses (ROSA.) I. rhododendrons ( Rhododendron.).

At the same time, Springnetswear buffet spiray (Spiraea.): gray (S. cinerea.), Wangutta (S. X Vanhouttei.), acute, or served (S. Arguta.), nipponskaya (S. nipponica) Tunberg (S. Thunbergii ) And some of the white-color species.

In the first half of May, bloom barberry (Berberis): ordinary (B. vulgaris), amur (B. amurensis), korean (B. Koreana.), hybrid ottavsky (B. X ottawensis) I. Tunberg (B. Thunbergii.) - the most desirable, with numerous and unusually varied varieties.

This is an incredibly attractive spectacle, especially impressive when adults bloom, well-cut bushes. At this time, as a rule, the leaves did not unfold, and nothing prevents admirement of golden brushes, completely covering falling branches. Someone begin to unfold up young leaflets, highlighting golden-yellow flowers with their bronze or reddish color.

Evergreen barberries bloom in separate, larger yellow flowers Against the background of rigid, with a metal glitter of foliage, which has not yet lost winter purple and gray shades. Barberry showed them better among evergreen Small-breeding (B. Verruculosa.) Amstelven.’.

Honey Tatar "Arnold Red"

At the end of May bloom a variety of kalins(Viburnum), aria blackfold(Aronia Melanocarpa.), bush honey (Lonicera.) and of course, lilac(Syringa.), messed by nightingales. This is a long-awaited moment for all gardeners - spring in Zenith, we are on the threshold of summer, but still ahead. Long, joyful days, bright, warm evenings - I am sure, for many gardeners is the most favorite time of year.

Lilac blossom blossoms transmit chubudnikim.(Philadelphus.), And in all gardens there is a charming fragrance of our northern jasmine.

Simultaneously with them bloom detaments (Deutzia.) I. weigel(Weigela). These charming shrubs are still completely common with us, and many people fear them. But among them there are rather stable and in our climate, we only need to try to plant them in a quiet and windless place, on a well-prepared, moderately nutrient soil.

Spring flowering of alone shrubs is replaced summer blossom Others. Wonderful rosecetrices bloom spiray (Spiraea.): japanese (S. Japonica.), Paper (S. X Bumalda.), a little bit later Billarda (S. X Billiardii.) I. Douglas (S. Douglasii.). The latter are interesting for their spots-like inflorescences that differ in varieties in the intensity of coloring, and powerful bushes from which you can form dense live curbs with a height of up to two meters.

Spirea Japanese "Shirobana" is notable for unusual inflorescences

But undoubtedly, no garden today do without varieties japanese spirires And her varieties of paper. Even if you do not take into account the shapes with color and variety leaves (they will be discussed separately), the Japanese spirea varieties differ in the size of the bush (from 20 cm to 1.5 m), the form of the crown and inflorescence, the intensity of their coloring. There are unique varieties, for example, Shirobana. (Synonym Genpei.) - on the bush at the same time both white and pink inflorescences, and CRISPA. It stands out among all the spirits with a carved edge of the sheet, which is why the bush looks curly, and inflorescences have a more pronounced carmine-pink color.

Spiray of paper "CRISPA" is highlighted by a carved edge of the sheet

The peculiarity and explicit advantage of the summer spirits are their ability to bloom again after trimming. Therefore, when the first bloom wave comes to an end, without waiting for seed tying, it is necessary to trim the tops of the shoots - out of the sinuses upper leaves They grow up new bluers, and spirire will bloom until the end of summer and in the fall.

Stepananand Crabapped - Cutting Shutters with Openwork Foliage

Simultaneously with the "summer" spirits bloom stephanandra (Stephanandra.). Cut (S. Incis.a.) and its variety CRISPA. - Sustainers with small, high-speed leaves and a fluttering form of growth, and the species can rise in a height of up to 1 m or more, and 'CRISPA. 'Stelms on the ground, not exceeding a height of 40-50 cm, but still spreading its openwork branches up to 2 m in diameter.

Stephanandra Tanaki (
S. Tanakae.) Forms a large bush with ardoid curved branches, rushing over time up to 2 m in height and width. In both species, elegant loose inflorescences of light cream color. With Stephenanda Tanaki is often confused neylia Tibetan (Neillia Thibetica.), the leaves of which are really a bit similar to the leaves of Stephanandra, but also the shape of the bush, and the inflorescences are completely different. Neatia has narrow hanging brushes from pale-pink flowers, and a bush, unlike Stephanandra Tanaki, shoots underground columns and spreads out that it does not always be happy.

Approximately the same time flows ponolia pleasant (Kolkwitzia amabilis) - This is a truly attractive shrub with hanging shoots, elegant leaves and sophisticated flowering. The collection, landed in a quiet, wind-protected place, on fresh loose soil, confidently winter and gladly blossoms, transfers the conditions of the half.

EXOCHORDA X Macrantha "The Bride" - the plant is still rare for our gardens

Increasingly in the gardens you can meet exokhord Hybrid (EXOCHORDA X MacRantha.), which is usually represented by a variety The Bride..

In early June, the hospitals bloom, which became very popular at the gardeners. Grade "Goldstar"

In the first half of June, the so-called Kuril tea blooms. Varietal lapps (Potentilla fruticosa.) Today they have become the regulators of the middle strip gardens. The varieties differ in the size of the bush (from 30 cm to 1.5-2 m), the size and color of the leaves and, most importantly, the colorful beautiful flowers. The laptops bloom throughout the summer to colds similar to small roses (rose robes) with flowers from pure and white to pink and red, all shades of yellow, orange, cream and peach.

In summer, enjoyed flower roses. Of course, these are the most favorite shrubs of all times and peoples. Today at our disposal and tiny miniature roses, and a variety of soil, parking, shrub and plenty, Floribunda and tea-hybrid roses. For every taste and for different purposes.

No one argues, Rosa is the queen, and in any garden she always has a place. But in the second half of summer and in the fall, attention switches to lush hydrangea ( Hydrangea.). At first bloom tree (H. Arborescens.) Anabelle and Grandiflora. with rounded, large chapters of inflorescence, and a little later gain strength miscelred (H. Raniculata.).

And today their palette is especially interesting: white and cream Tardiva., Unique, greenish Lime Light and Silver Dollar., pinkish Grandiflora. and Pink Diamond., intense purple-pink Vanille Fraise.. The shape and size of inflorescences in varieties differ significantly, often they reach 30 cm and more, but, for example, Kyushu. Inflorescence loose, openwork, and Phantom - very dense. New varieties have focused on each flower, such as a variety Great Star - The extreme flowers are very large and similar to the propeller.

Among the fashionable today, the heather, while there is still little familiar to our gardeners, there are miniature shrubs and large shrubs that bloom from snow and to snow. Spring bloom opens a variety erica (Erica.), for them and obel (Andromeda.), bagulniki (Ledum) I. lamberry (Vaccinium.), calmya (Kalmia.), brukventaly (Bruckenthalia), gulteria. (Gaultheria.) I. dBC (Daboecia.), completes bloom heather ordinary (Calluna vulgaris), presented in the gardens of hundreds of varieties.

It is impossible not to say enthusiastic words about the blooming in May-June fantastic beautiful rhododendron (Rhododendron.).

For many of our gardeners, Rhododendrons are still an unused book, because in our country there was no tradition of growing these shrubs. Fortunately, the experience of enthusiast lovers convinces: very soon and in our gardens there will be fabulously beautiful and unusually varied rhododendrons.

In one article, it is impossible to tell about all the blooming shrubs that would like to see in the garden, because there are a huge set today. But in addition to flowering, decorative shrubs have unique and very important properties for the garden, which we will talk about the next time.
Valeria Ilyina

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Flowering and decorative shrubs make your garden beautiful and noticeable throughout the year. Which of them are worth planning? Choose, and you will always enjoy the aroma, colors and extraordinary berries of these plants:

  1. lapper shrub (Kuril tea, five hundred)
  2. quince Japanese (Henomeles)
  3. reprelectric
  4. becklett
  5. barberry

Lapper shrub (Kuril tea, five hundred)

Laptop shrub is a wonderful, unpretentious and winter-hardy plant. Bloom: a large number of Large flowers of diverse colors (yellow, white, pink, orange). There are terry forms. Flowering lasts from May to August, some varieties bloom until October.

The height of the bush from 0.5-0.7m to 1.5m. Crown is dense, stronger, has a ball shape. It is well amenable to haircut and formation. Laptop light-cup and drought-resistant. However, on the bright sun, flowers can burn out.

Phackle is perfect for creating live isge, flower garden and decoration of alpine slide. Perfectly combined with conifers. It is often planted in the foreground of plants with severe bottoms.

Popular varieties:

  • Goldstar -flowers bright yellow to 5cm, blooms from June to October
  • Abbotswood. - Pure-white flowers, simple diameter 2.5 cm. Flowering: June - October
  • Snowbird. - White, terry
  • Annette. - low shrub 0.5m, orange flowers
  • Pink Beauty -dark pink flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Bloom from June to frost
  • Pink Queen -pink flowers. Flowering from May to October
  • Princess Syn. Blink -pink-pink flowers 2.5 cm

Henomeles - leaf fall or half-tree, beautiful blooming shrub, slowly growing and pretty spiny. For favorable conditions It can reach 3m in height and live up to 80 years. Flowers Japanese quince wonderful, large alamic flowers in May. Quince feels great on sunny plots, it blooms plentifully and fruits. Yellow fruits of Henomelles externally resemble small apples and rich in vitamin C.

You can land the Henomel, both single on the background of the lawn and in the plant group, in the rocky garden, use as a living fence. The lowest types of Japanese quince are suitable for decoring alpine slide or border in a flower bed.

A real decoration of the garden will be the Khenomeles Stumbus tree. For this cutlets of Japanese quince, they are vaccinated on a wild pear or rowan.

japanese henomelees(Bright-red flowers, large up to 5 cm, height up to 3m)

henomelles Maulei(Flowers 2-3cm red-brown, height up to 1m)

  • Nivalis (Red)
  • Brilliant (bright red)
  • Hollandia (Salmon)
  • Vesuvius (red)
  • Pink Lady (Pink)

quince beautiful nakai(Flowers are large large, height up to 1m)

  • Nakai Nivalis - White Flowers
  • Nakai Phylis Moore - Pink Salo Flowers
  • Nakai Boule De Feu - Blossoms Bright Red
  • Nakai Simonii - semi-grade red

Bubble Calinolistics

Bubbler Kalinoliste has a beautiful, bright foliage of different shades from yellow-green to the wine-red. The leaves are large, corrugated are located on the sprawl branches of the bubble. Krone bush lush, spherical, easy haircut and formation.

The bubbler is ideal for a living hedge. It is interesting to look a fence from several varieties with a different colorful leaves and at the time of ripening bright red fruits.

  • DART "S GOLD - wound up to 1.5 meters. Young foliage of orange-yellow color, in summer it becomes green, the yellow-bronze tint acquires by the autumn
  • Luteus. - Height up to 3 meters. Yolopolitis grade. In open areas - bright yellow, in the shade - yellow-green
  • Red Baron.- reaches 1.5-2 meters in height. Is different pink blossom and red berries
  • Coppertina. - The height of the bush is 1.5-2.5 m, the foliage orange in the spring, in the summer it acquires red tones. White flowers, after dissolution, become pink
  • Summer Wine - bush up to 2 meters in height. Young bushes are distinguished by a beautiful red foliage of a wine tint. Gradually the color is changing on green
  • Diabolo. - high bush up to 3 meters in height. The color of foliage purple-red, in the shade acquires a green color with a light magenta tint
  • Aurea. - Bright yellow with an orange tint of foliage.


Unpretentious, easily tolerates the bodies of air, grows well in the shade and half. Types of Becklet exists quite a lot, so among them you can find both low shrubs and large trees with a fluffy crown.

The bloom of Becklet takes place in May - June, but these flowers do not attract attention, but the most spectacular in this plant is of course foliage! It has an ordinary green color in the spring, but closer to autumn flashes with all sorts of paints: white, yellow, purple, crimson, red, purple, orange.

Fruits of becklett are also interesting - bright boxes on long legs of bright, contrasting colors. They are not only the decoration of the autumn and winter GardenBut also attract birds there. Attention! Fruits of Becklet Poisonous!

Beachties are used as soil shrubs, planted in flower compositions, in the windows of paving, in rocaria and alpine slides. Good contrast combination of becklett with coniferous plants: Tuesh, juniper, samshetsy.

besquelet Thutuna - A low, voyage shrub up to 0.5 meters in height. Venas Bright Coloring Emerald Foliage with White or Golden Yellow Border

  • Vegetus.
  • Minimus.
  • Emerald Gaiety.
  • Emerald Gold.
  • Sunspot.
  • Sheridangold.
  • Silverqueen.

japanese bearing EUONYMUS JAPONICUS)

euro essay albus

bearded bearing (EUONYMUS VERRUCOSUS) - reaches 1.5 meters, frost-resistant, very decorative

dwarc beelandist

chiseller Coopman - Creeping view without trunk with arcuate branches

Gardening the garden is the most important component of the landscape design of the site. The importance of plants in the design of cottages, you can feel passing through the city streets - Seryosost concrete walls And asphalt simply requires a relaxing in the Green Garden. Some of the most popular plants for the design of the cottage are shrubs. In this article, we will very briefly consider the most popular types of shrubs that can be originally and useful to equip the cottage and the garden.

What shrubs choose for a small garden?

Since shrubs are famous for their small growth and large widths, the owners of small summer cottages need to choose less voluminous shrubs, whatever they fit in a tiny garden. The most suitable shrubs for the garden in this case are:

Forzing is one of the most early shrubs, which pleases with its yellow and light green paints at the beginning of spring, when all other shrubs and trees are still naked. Forzing has small dimensions, so ideal for a small garden.

Another option of a low shrub for the garden is a Japanese Rhododendron, which has a wide range of colors and can be well combined with the rest of the plant in the garden.

In order to continue the blossoms of shrubs blossom in a small garden, it is recommended to use lilac, which begins to flourish closer to the summer.

IN summer time Brightly complement the composition blooming Garden Collection, which will give the dacha pleasant fragrance.

In order to little Sad. Color and B. autumn periodIt is recommended to place various types of hibiscus within its limits, the color range of which hesitates from bright white to violet.

Well, in order to have a garden plot without decorative equipment with plants in winter, it is recommended to add a dwarf fir or thuly to the range of plants.

What shrubs to choose for a large garden?

IN this case You can use any shrubs you like and disassemble them not only alone, but also in mixlers, green hedges, etc.

What, again, shrubs in the garden pleased us round yearIt is necessary to select their combination that ensures the flourishing of one group of shrubs at the moment when others will already finish the flowering period. Let us give your attention the types of shrubs that bloom at a certain season:

  • Spring: All the same forssee, Japanese Quince, Spirea, Keria, Almond, Irga Canadian, Mascoliager (with it neatly, because it is very toxic) and others.
  • Summer: Barbaris, Hortensia, Dale, Weigela, Chubuschnik, Skumpia, etc.
  • Autumn: Hydrangea, Heather, Rowan (which in the winter period does not cease to please the paints of their fruits), Rosehip, Kisselnik, hawthorn, etc.

Most Popular Perennial Shrubs

There is a very wide range of perennial shrubs that can be brightly adding a garden in the country area, but the most popular and attractive are the following plants:

  • Japanese quince

All of them have a bright color, which rose higher on the stairs of popularity than their counterparts, and are also capable of carrying frost without complications.

For example, IIVA Japanese is widely used in landscape design for landscaping empty, and creating alive hedges. Her bright red-orange leaves are insanely beautifully complement the garden decor and attract attention.

Waigela is also used to arrange the alpine slide. Decorative wagel shrub is widely used in japanese garden And can add almost any garden style. Color Wayegela can be different, but the most popular and pleasant is pink.

Jasmine. The advantage of this shrub for the garden is not only in his beautiful white color, but also in a pleasant smell, which the plant floods the entire garden plot.

Hydrangea is a decorative shrub that has not only attractive appearance, but also original shape Inflorescences that make the plant are infinitely beautiful. The advantage of hydrangeas is their unpretentiousness in accommodation in the country area.

Hibiscus reminds chinese rose. With hibiscus, it is customary to equip living hedges, thereby making them in summer period A real garden decor masterpiece painted in various color gamuts.

Stock Foto Garden design with perennial shrubs

Let us give your attention the most bright examples of the design of the garden plot with the help of perennial shrubs:

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