Standard furniture shields. Furniture Shield

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The use of a tree array in the manufacture of furniture or interior items can be quite overhead. The alternative in the form of a furniture shield significantly reduces the cost of production, while the product is based on an environmentally pure high quality raw material. Such an element as a furniture shield size has different, depending on the production method, so the material suitable for its purposes is not difficult. This type of material is used for the manufacture of decorative interior parts, door Towns, window sills, countertops, stairs, sadroom furniture, cabinet and modular. For furniture shields, guest standards are used for processing raw materials from wood. The furniture slab can be considered a composite material similar to Paneur or Chipboard, provided if the latter were performed from the valuable wood breeds. The structure and properties of the product are very multifaceted. The most popular on the market are products based on pine, spruce, oak, ash, birch.

To competently select the material for further work, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics. Furniture shields - you can also meet the name "Furniture Plate" - are divided into 2 large groups:

  • all-Column shields are characterized by the fact that the lamps are separated from the board all the length finished product. You can still meet the term "monoblock";
  • the fascinating type is when the lamella bars are spliced \u200b\u200bin length.

Inside the last group, several more types are distinguished, depending on the spliced \u200b\u200blayers:

  • wood layered;
  • three-layer;
  • with plywood inserts;
  • with inserts from the rail;
  • monoplicates are economical.

Characteristics and dimensions of furniture shields manufactured by manufacturers can affect the spheres of application and calculation of the consumption of the material.

As an example, we can consider the capabilities of the shield on the lamellas. In this case, the product may have the following set of characteristics:

  • it will be performed by connecting lamellas in length or width. If the design implies the layout of the lamellas relative to the width, they can have ranges of dimensions in millimeters: 100-110, 70-80, 40-45;
  • if the slab has been made in solid, then the length of the sheet can be up to two meters, and if the assembly of the lamellae was used, then up to five meters;
  • the thickness of the sheet will be from 18 to 40 mm, but if the project requires, manufacturers can make the necessary options for each other;
  • the humidity level varies depending on the tree of wood and the batch within 6-12 percent. The optimal level is 8 percent;
  • the quality of grinding is expressed in the degree of grain. The allowable range is from 80 to 120 units.

Focusing on the parameters of the characteristics, you can choose optimal option and dimensions taking into account the subsequent finishing and processing of the finished product. Knowing the requirements for materials, you can competently choose the material and thereby reduce costs for financial costs and consumption. Remember that cheap product options may have shortcomings that will have to eliminate. More qualitative options are purchased in an ideally prepared state.

The important characteristics of a physico-technical nature that ensures the qualitative advantage of furniture plates in front of other types of materials includes:

  • high quality compatibility with other types of materials;
  • the surface of the shields is qualitatively polished, so it is excellent for coating both opaque and transparent compositions.

Furniture manufacturers choose this type of material when it is planned to manufacture complex structures that are characterized by the presence of threaded compounds, special forms of cuts and complexity of fittings. The chipboard is not suitable here, but the furniture shields will cope with the assigned tasks on excellent.

Standard dimensions

The dimensions of the furniture shield are not regulated by GOST, but manufacturers, working on the internal standards of products, proceed from consumer demand. So we will say that the minimum possible size Plates can be:

  • length - 50 mm;
  • width - 100 mm.

Despite the seemingly miniature dimensions, such a sheet is very popular in the market, as it allows you to perform a wide range of tasks in construction and finishing works. The maximum large shield can reach the size of 5000x1200 mm. So big sizes Ideal when you have to finish a large area. When purchasing such a material, you will need high-quality equipment for the product of accurate saw.

Standard dimensions of the furniture shield (mm):

  • 600x1200, 2000, 2400, 2700;
  • 500x1000, 1200, 2000, 2400, 2700;
  • 400x600, 1000, 1200, 2000, 2400, 2700;
  • 300x600, 800, 1000, 1200;
  • 250x600, 800, 1000, 1200;
  • 200x600, 800.

For convenience, manufacturers often use step-by-step gradation of furniture shields. For example, in the range from 900 to 5000 mm, the length will change in increments of 100 mm.

Standard dimensions


The standard width of furniture shields is considered to be - 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm. This parameter depends on whether the part will be solid or composite. If the width is planned non-standard, then the manufacturer and the customer will agree on the limit deviations by parameter. At the same time, make a shield from the board with a non-standard width will be more complicated than when using lamella bars. Most common the following parameters Furniture shields.

  • 300x800;
  • 300x600;
  • 300x1200;
  • 300x1000;
  • 200x800;
  • 200x600.
  • 400x2700;
  • 400x2400;
  • 400x2000;
  • 400x1200;
  • 400x1000;
  • 400x600.
  • 600x2700;
  • 600x2400;
  • 600x2000;
  • 600x1200;
  • 500x2700;
  • 500х2400;
  • 500x2000;
  • 500x1200;
  • 500x1000.

The width of 250 mm is less common, it can be said that such a width of some retreat from the standard: 250x600, 800, 1000, 1200 mm.


The furniture shield length parameter plays a role when it is necessary to calculate the height of the future product. If the basis is the board connecting along the length, such a material will be a reliable basis for the body of future furniture.

Furniture Shield Standard length will be equal to (in mm):

  • 2000, 2400, 2700;
  • 1000, 1200;
  • 600, 800.

The construction furniture shield is considered a product in a length of 2000-4000 mm. Also very in demand in the market parameters are 800 and 2500 mm.


When it comes to the thickness of the furniture slab, then in its production, it is necessary to take into account that the initial thickness of the board will necessarily be constructed and grinding that will be taken upper layer material. The so-called 5 mm allowed will be filmed in 2 stages. First, external defects are deleted, and after the sheet will be subjected finish processingSo that the surface has acquired the perfect smoothness.

The thickness is selected depending on the purpose of the details that will be made:

  • 16 mm - facades, countertops, body parts, economy class;
  • 18-20 mm - class standard. In addition to the above, you can make the backs of beds;
  • 30-40 mm - standard and luxury classes. Support and case parts, countertops, seats, armrests.

Thickness is the main category that affects the methods of applying the material. Moreover, the greater the parameter, the more expensive there will be a lumber. A high-quality product can withstand a decent load, but if you choose incorrectly, it is very likely that the shelf or bottom of the box bother under the weight of things.

Non-standard sizes

Considering that each manufacturer initially approves his own that in the future standardizes the production of the furniture shield, then in this case non-standard dimensions Those who go for the previously regulated framework will be considered. In this case, it will depend on the production capabilities of the enterprise and its equipment.

Not standard dimensions Will be in demand for individual designer projects overlooking the use of sought-after parameters. An example is the mini variants 50x100 mm, or a shield of 5000 mm long with a standard parameter of 3500 mm.

Small caliber can be used to make decorative or small decoration elements of furniture. Large samples are used in the manufacture of cabinet, as well as built-in furniture. The large sheet will be deprived of the seams, which means the surface will look as attractive as possible.

Division into classes

As previously mentioned, a single GOST regarding the parameters of furniture shields does not exist. Each manufacturer, relying on the available standards of GOST 8486-86 and GOST 2140-81, has the right to establish its own technical conditions production. Conditionally furniture shields, regardless of the material, are divided into 4 classes, which can also be called varieties;

  • With a class or economy shield lamella or fascinated type with small defects that do not have a significant effect on common mechanical properties Products. It can be small spots, cracks, knots. Suitable for subsequent coating veneer, lamination;
  • In class - allows the presence on the canvas only healthy bitch. Made by splicing lamellas. Selection of texture pattern and shade do not;
  • And the class is a shield of a scrambled type from lamellas by the type "Schip". Sounds and other wood defects must be absent. The homogeneity of the tone and character of the drawing is important;
  • Extra class - a shield of a allolmel-type type, without defects and bitch. The slats are selected in color, tone, texture.

Division into classes

Modern furniture and interior items are not made from natural wood, and from chipboard. This material It has many advantages: environmental friendliness, light weight, simplicity of processing, available cost. Chipboard for furniture is sold not only in standard sheets, but also in the form of furniture shields. For a competent selection of material for work, you can focus on such panel groups as all-metal and fascinated. The latter are layered, three-layer, with inserts from plywood and rail. Knowing optimal parameters, you can choose the option that will have a minimum amount of waste during finishing and processing - it will significantly help reduce financial expenses. It is not worth saving on the quality of the material, otherwise hidden defects Can manifest itself at the most unexpected moment. In its quality characteristics, furniture shields:

    perfectly combined with other types of materials;

    perfectly grind and can be covered by different compositions.

What is a furniture shield

Such a shield is a universal material of natural origin with minimal processing of wood. Raw materials for its manufacture serve a variety of edged lumber from coniferous rockswho have a percentage of humidity of 8% - it guarantees uniform and durable adhesive connection Shields. The dry material necessarily passes the process of transverse cutting, during which different defects are removed - rotches, knots, etc. Then the proven raw material passes the process of the face splicing, during which the microzzips are cut, glue is applied and the gear gluing process is applied. After processing from all 4 sides and cutting on the machine, the blanks are processed on the flight and grinding machineAfter which they are packaged in the film.

From finished furniture shields, furniture objects are manufactured, housing products, furniture facades, doors, partitions, countertops, elements of stairs, window sills, elements for finishing works. From furniture shields you can create original designer projectswho give each room naturalness and naturalness. Products from it have high operational characteristicsIn addition, they differ in durability and give a feeling of comfort and comfort.

Sizes of the GOST shield

The dimensions of furniture shields GOST are not regulated, nevertheless, many manufacturers have already developed internal standards of products outgoing from consumer needs. Conditionally, you can allocate grade 4:

    class C - has small defects, suitable for veneering and lamination;

    class in - Lamanes have only knots, the selection of drawing and texture is not;

    class A - shield of a scrambled type, a small pattern is observed and a certain tone;

    extra class - a whole-band shield with an ideal texture.

The minimum dimensions of one plate are 50x100 mm, with relative overallity, it is suitable for a wide range of tasks. The biggest shield has dimensions of 5000x1200 mm, is used to finish large areas.

The sizes of the shield can be both standard and selected individually for each order. Minimizing the number of propulsions and ends is the advantage of products. of the desired size. The standard shield width is from 200 to 600 mm, length - from 600 to 2700 mm. Length indicators are necessary to calculate the height of the future product. Another important indicator is the thickness of the shield, which depends on the purpose of manufactured items. Thickness can reach from 16 to 40 mm, while during processing takes up to 5 mm. What it is thicker - the more expensive the material itself will cost.

Purchase furniture shields by optimal price Offers Internet shop Plywood Monolith, which collaborates with leading Russian manufacturers of plywood from high-quality woods. The store catalog presents a wide range of plywood shields of various sizes, which can be purchased without leaving home. Each client offers assistance in calculating finishing materialsIt also helps minimize waste and properly dispose of the budget.

In this article we will try to figure out what furniture shield is? What types of furniture made of it? And how is it produced?

The furniture shield is a material from which furniture is made. It is made by gluing parts of the same wood into one piece. In addition, the furniture shield is made from wood waste, which is pressed and glued together. The material obtained is used to create facing panels and furniture.

The most demanded material for the production of cabinet furniture can be called furniture shield DSP. Chipboard (chipboard) - most often used furniture factories In its production. The main advantages of such material are:

  • large surface area (standard dimensions 260/183 cm)
  • cheap, compared with array shields
  • lack of brightly defined fiber orientation.

During the production process, the chipboard is very often laminated, as a result of which the laminated furniture shield is obtained, and the veneer is covered with veneer.

Furniture DSP Laminated Shield

The lamination process consists in gluing film or paper sheets to the surface of the plate with a resin. As a result of such a cladding, a laminated chipboard is obtained. It is perhaps the most affordable material that has a wide range of applications. This material is used without exception, furniture enterprises and factories for the manufacture of furniture, as well as construction companies.

Laminated chippers are impregnated with melamine resins, which give them strength and resistance to mechanical damage, humidity, temperature difference. But Samoa the main reasonIn which this material is so widely used, it is that with the use of furniture shields from laminated chipboard - the further decoration of walls, ceilings or other elements is not just needed. This quality made it possible to become the leader in the construction and furniture markets. The Laminated Lamin Products are almost not affected by hot objects, therefore used in kitchen headsets in the form of worktops, because they do not have scratches, traces from the kettle or hot pan.

Material quality make it possible to apply it in furniture manufacturing for office premisesBecause the size and cost of the Laminated sheet of chipboard allow for a small price to achieve excellent quality of office furniture, which will serve for many years, will not be dispelled.

It is also worth noting that considering not difficult processing and a wide range of shades and coatings, the laminated chipboard is a popular material that is used throughout the world. The widest range of colors allows you to achieve a shade under any breed of wood - specialists apply laminated chipboard To create the very different interiors, Classics to creative projects.

Available Dimensions of Furniture Shields

The greatest size of the furniture shield is limited only by the format of a LISP sheet pulved in sawing. Most often, it is one of the standard formats that relate to the warehouse program and depends on the selected color and necessary thickness: 2750 at 1830 and 2440 per 1830. Dimensions are always affixed in millimeters.

Nevertheless, customers of furniture companies order a wide variety of furniture shields. Most often found:

  • 800x200, x300, x400, x500
  • 1200x200, x300, x400, x500
  • 2400x200, x300, x400, x500

Usually sheets of chipboard There are thick:

  • 28 mm
  • 25 mm
  • 22 mm
  • 19 mm
  • 18 mm
  • 16 mm
  • 12 mm
  • 10 mm.

Due to its characteristics, the chipboard will be widely applied both in the interior design and in production. For example, in the manufacture of the working surface for the kitchen, which is covered on top kitchen headsets, Technology. On the resulting general workspace, the laminate film (or paper) wrap on the store of the plate from the main surface. The width of such plates, most often, is 60 cm, the length is from three to six meters, and the thickness of 25 to 35 cm. The table top may have the surface of various textures, which directly depends on the film. Such work surfaces are selected suitable planks and rails to hide the gaps.

DSP plates are used in the construction industry. Cement is used as a bonding compound for concosit. The ratio of width to the length of the obtained plate is 125 to 320 cm, the thickness of the sheet is 10-40 mm. The material is good in processing, it has a high fire resistance, and therefore, is widely used to create partitions.

Dimensions of furniture shields from laminated chipboard

Standard furniture enterprises produce sheets of 2800 x 2070, with a width of 16, 18, or 22 mm. During the choice, you need to pay attention to such a parameter as weight of chipboard or LDSP. For example, polished sheets can weigh from 58.7 kg to 71.4 kg. Such weight is optimal, it makes it possible to easily carry out work with the material, and also ensures its necessary strength.

Laminated wood chipboard (LDSP) is most often used for the manufacture of office and school, kitchen and children's furniture. Famous companies produce LDSP rectangular shapeBut at the same time with different thickness parameters, length and width of the sheet. Thanks to a huge variety of formats, furniture makers can choose necessary size Literally for each product to reduce the amount of waste and trimming to a minimum. For example, the plates are 16mm thick and 18 mm conveniently apply for the manufacture of wardrobes and wardrobes. With a thickness of 25 - 30 mm, LDSP sheets will become excellent material for the manufacture of tabletops kitchen tables and other elements of furniture that are subject to high loads. Due to the fact that the chipboard is made from natural wood raw materials and has a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and a decorative laminating film is distinguished by a huge variety of shades and textures - this type of material uses deserved demand.

The use of a wooden array in the manufacture of furniture is an expensive version. The cost of shield blanks for the release of high-quality heads and single furniture items is much lower than the price. natural tree. Furniture shield whose dimensions can be different is sheet Material For the production of available cabinet furniture. The shield is also used to design doors and windows (good things and slopes), wooden stairs (Steps, risers, platforms, kosoms and a string), from it are made of countertops and window sills. It is made from miscellaneous wood and multifunctionally used in different areas Construction and repair.

Shield sheets today enjoy in great demand at large furniture factories, in small private furniture industries and private masters, to create false walls and other structures, for example, interior partitions when interior design.

Advantages of wooden lamella shields (bars):

  • aesthetic species finished structures;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • unpretentious processing (grinding and trimming);
  • unlimited opportunities for implementation designer ideas;
  • natural drawing (texture) on the product is preserved;
  • glued into a single design lamellae possess high strength to mechanical damage;
  • shields are not threatened with deformation and shrinkage.

IN furniture manufacturing Wooden shields today there are no alternatives - they are indispensable.

Photo 1. Furniture shield staircase

Furniture shield manufacturing technology (parquet) and allolmelter (array)

At the first stage, raw materials sawn timber are sent to the drying chambers, where their humidity is adjusted to about 8-10%. This indicator is ideal for gluing the lamellae of the furniture shield. Dry billets fall on the cutting in the bar, where they are eliminated from irregularities, porousness and any sewage lumber.

Photo 2. Furniture shield for stairs

Next, the parts are subjected to the connection of the end and lateral parts, for which the cutting of microbes and grooves are applied to which glue is applied. Billing blanks for furniture is carried out under pressure in special bats. Then the fragmented lamellas are sent to the flight machine, where they are processed from 2 sides. The finished shields are grinding and packaged in a heat shrink film.

Photo 3. Furniture Shield for Office Furniture

Furniture shields

Photo 4. Stair steps from larch

How many furniture shield from pine

The weight of the furniture shield from oak, ash and any other breed is determined by its size. For example, an oak thickness of 28 mm, 300 mm wide with a length of 2000 mm weighs about 9 kg.

Weight of one square meter Furniture shield from pine (used for the manufacture of cabinets, shelves and Tumb, Dobor and slopes) is approximately 7 kg. And here is one meter square 40 thickness of 16 kg.

The weight of the products also affects the wet humidity indicator. Correctly pick up the furniture shields in Moscow and the Ministry of Store will help "Leathering".

Photo 5. Oak furniture shield

How to choose a furniture shield?

To answer this question, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat furniture shields are. First, pay attention to the category. Our company sells a furniture shield of category A / A (without bitch) and in / in (with bitch).

  1. Class products A / A. Have impeccable quality. For their manufacture lamellas are sorted manually. Seams, barely noticeable after gluing, completely disappear after high-quality grinding;
  2. Type in / in - These are slaughtered non-toxic glue. On such panels in small quantities there are "live" knots. There should be no other defects here. Grinding is perfect.
  3. Variety a / in - This is an intermediate product between classes A and V. Here, the bitches are present only on one side (B), and the side and without a bitch.

In the catalog you will find various furniture boards. The most inexpensive and common is larch and needles. Of them, most often the windowsills, dobors, slopes, countertops, beautiful interior partitions, steps and other elements of stairs.

But such a material as oak, the beech and ash is not inexpensive. Products from it looks expensive, richly, thanks to its bright texture. It is on the manufacture of inter-storey stairs, countertops, luxury furniture.

Photo 6. Office table from larch a / a

We implement a furniture shield in a shrink film that protects products from any negative influences from outside. The material delivered to the house should be stored in a packed form (slightly only to pull the packaging) during the week. This time is necessary to adapt wood to the temperature and humidity of the room.

Do not hold wooden shields In the rooms where the plaster has recently been applied or cement screed (carried out maintenance). The surface of the walls, gender and ceiling still highlights moisture, which is necessarily absorbed into the slave. Another storage condition is to wait for its mission shields only in a horizontal position.

Photo 7. Desk from larch furniture shield

If you still have questions about the topic "Furniture Shield" (standard sizes, price, delivery terms), find the appropriate section on our site yourself or get information from customer consultancy managers.

  • Furniture Shield - Modern, eco-friendly, durable material, which is used not only for the production of furniture (including children) and its elements (frames, walls, shelves, wardrobe), steps, countertops, windowsill, but also for decorations.
  • It is made from natural fascinated lamellae. Due to the sets glued in different directions of layers of lamellas, the material is durable, not deformed and not crackdown.
  • Furniture shield - Eco-friendly analogue of chipboard. Unlike chipboard, for the production of which formaldehyde resins are used, the furniture shield is durable and retains the properties of wood with minimal use of glue. It can be made practically from any type of wood.
  • The furniture shield is a solid-colored (from one-piece lamellas-lamellas without jets in length) and fascinated (with shuddered lamellas in length). Length along the length is spliced \u200b\u200busing a thickening connection. The spike can be visible from above ("Christmas tree") or on the side (then a smooth junction is visible from above).
view from above side view (edge)

outdoor spike
"Christmas tree"

schip "Christmas tree" stronger and smoothes the color difference between the slats

smooth bog from the side

closed spike

smooth bog from above

spike "Christmas tree"

How to determine the shield variety?

The shield variety is determined on two sides and may be the following types: a / a, a / c, a / s, in / c, V / s, s / s.

  • The variety A is selected in the drawing, smooth tone, uniform in texture, without defects.
  • Variety in - without selection in drawing, smooth tone, uniform in texture.
  • Grade C - without selection in drawing, tone and texture, minor defects.

So why should you turn your attention to the furniture shield from oak?

Oak has indisputable benefits among the others wood breeds And since ancient times, it is famous for its strength, legendary hardness and durability.

The main advantages of the furniture shield from oak:

  • Does not secrete a resin during operation
  • Best wear resistance
  • Strength
  • Durability. Unlimited service life
  • Aesthetics. Unique drawing and smell
  • Resistance to rotting due to the presence of tannins
  • Low ignorance
  • High moisture resistance
  • Healing properties
  • Easy to care
The erroneous opinion is that substandard materials are used to produce a furniture shield. Production of the furniture shield is a laborious process. To offer a decent quality shield to the buyer, it is necessary to comply with the technology of its production and attach the maximum accuracy of the process.
1. To begin with drying edged board in drying chambers. The internal voltage of lumber and the maintenance of wood humidity is 8% ± 2% is removed. 5. To sprinkle blanks along the end of the ends along the crumb of trimming of the cloaks, the toothed masses are cut into the thickness of 0.1 to 0.3 mm thick and the lamellas are spliced \u200b\u200balong the length with the ending size.
2. After the wood is brought to the required percentage of moisture, there is an opening of defective places and the harvesting. The basic surfaces are prepared for subsequent processing and separation on the lamellas (for solid-color shields). 6. To remove adhesive remnants, it is necessary to longitually milling the workpiece. So the exact geometric shapes are obtained and the high purity of surfaces is achieved for subsequent gluing over width.
3. Billets are pre-trimmed, their curvature is eliminated, and they are divided into the lamellas of a given length. The ends are cut into the crack removal after drying, defective places are removed. The billets are dismissed on the longitudinal bars of the specified width. Short blanks without defects in the future go to the splicing. 7. How is the shield gluing? The glue is applied with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.3 mm on the edges of the brucks for gluing in a width into a shield on a smooth fugu.
4. After the longitudinal blanks were cut out, it is necessary to optimize them in length and cut defective places to obtain low-spirited blanks. 8. To achieve the perfect quality of the shield, it must be calibrated, remove the glue, if necessary, remove a defective glue with a longitudinal clipping, after which it is sharpened to glue them, the above-mentioned size of thickness to abandon the surface of the shield.

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