Making a furniture board at home with your own hands, the subtleties of the process. Mini workshop production of furniture panels as a business Do-it-yourself furniture panel from boards

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

The figure shows another way to connect wood parts: gluing boards into a shield (panel for carving) and additional fastening of wooden cross planks in the form of a spike. Cohesive boards or bars in shields must be directed along the long side of the shield, in square or round shapes- vertically. Material constituent parts taken from the same wood, mainly from the same trunk; the material of the transverse slats should, as a rule, be from another wood that is more durable or has other advantages: for example, it is known that oak is not afraid of moisture, pine and spruce are also less susceptible to hygroscopicity, they are less depleted by woodworms, cedar, olive, larch, boxwood is resistant to rotting and cracking. The transverse planks (dowels) have a trapezium-like profile (“dovetail”) and slightly taper towards the end in the form of a wedge. They are driven into sawn grooves one towards the other.

Manufacturing technology of composite shields

Dried wood is carefully checked to detect and eliminate defects that will certainly interfere with work.

First, planed boards of the required length and thickness are taken, taking into account the allowance from 30 to 100 mm, and the face and edge are jointed at an angle of 90 °. The width of the boards when gluing can be from 50 to 100 mm. The quality of the joint is checked for clearance, applying edges to each other. The edge jointing accuracy must be sufficiently high, otherwise the shield may crack at the point of gluing both during the threading process and after.

When laying out the blanks in a shield on the front side, where the carving will be carried out, the texture pattern and color of the wood are selected, since the “banding” of various blanks can affect the quality of the product and reduce the overall effect.

Gluing wooden blanks with edges to obtain boards of large width:
clamping with screws and wedges

Jointed workpieces are placed in clamps or clamps (in the figures above), the correct layout is checked at the ends, according to the texture pattern and edge density, the edges are lubricated with glue and clamped with screws or wedges. To obtain blanks of large cross-section, the boards are glued in layers

Gluing boards in layers into blocks to obtain a workpiece of large cross section:
1 - workpiece, 2 - clamping screw.

For gluing shields, depending on where the decorations will be, use different types of glue. So, for gluing boards that will be installed outdoors, casein and synthetic adhesives are used, which have high bonding strength and high water resistance.

For carved panels, souvenirs and other products, synthetic and glutinous (carpentry) adhesives are used. Casein glues, carpentry glues, PVA emulsion, EDP glue, etc. are on sale. The method of application is usually indicated on the labels or in the instructions. Kinds adhesive joints shown in the figure.

Types of side adhesive joints in panels:
1 - connection to a smooth fugue; 2 - connection on dowels; 3 - rail connection;
4 - connection in a quarter; 5 - rectangular spike; 6 - triangular spike;
7 - oval spike; 8 - trapezoidal spike; 9 - spike "dovetail".

Correctly glued shields are less prone to warping. Occasionally, panel boards or other large carvings may come into contact with a surface that is subject to cooling or moisture, which in turn can cause warping. In this case, the shields are reinforced by gluing into the end or into the face of profiled bars or battens.

Reinforcement of shields with inserts from profiled bars and rails:
1 - pasting a beam with a rectangular spike; 2 - pasting a rectangular rail; 3 - pasting trapezoidal bars.

Lumber, which is sold in Building Materials stores, is also suitable for house carving: sheathing-lining, boards and bars for flooring. They are easy to glue, because they are already milled and have a certain sectional shape.

After drying, the glued shields are carefully cut out and cleaned with a planer with a double piece of iron or a jointer. Shields are not ground before carving, since when grinding the abrasive powder crumbs get stuck in the pores of the wood and greatly dull the tool.

The ideal case for the durability of the parts to be joined is the use of stained wood, that is, it has been in the water for a long time. For miniature crafts, the desired material is pear, which retains its shape well when dried, and wild pear is more durable.

It remains to be recommended, if the opportunity presents itself, to use the middle fractional cuts of the same trunk to compile the shield, they exclude warping during drying. It must be remembered that when dried, the board bends in the direction of straightening of the annual layers.

Organization of a mini-workshop.

Choice - Room.
Equipment for the production of furniture panels.
Investments in mini business.
Financial plan.
Payback periods.
Sales of products.

Almost every person would rather have their own business than work as an employee. There are several reasons for this. First of all, business owners have the opportunity to do what they love and have a higher income. Own even small business- it's prestigious. Independence from external conditions and whims of the employer - also an important plus.

In this review, we want to talk about the woodworking workshop and the manufacture of furniture panels. Being engaged in the production of furniture boards, the workshop can also produce designer furniture, while there will be two independent sources of income and two client portfolios. So, where to start organizing a business and a woodworking workshop and the production of furniture panels?

Organization of a mini-workshop.
For small wholesale production of furniture panels, it will be necessary to open a small woodworking enterprise, on the basis of which furniture panels will be produced. Of course, it is possible to focus production on the production of furniture, but it is not a fact that it will be in demand. The production of furniture boards makes it possible to form a portfolio of regular small-scale wholesale customers, respectively, to ensure a constant income for the woodworking shop.

It can be advised to open a mini-workshop in areas where felling is carried out and lumber production is available, but even when purchasing wood with delivery to the region, the business will be quite profitable. Let's consider it in detail.

Furniture shield, as a rule, is purchased furniture production. Manufacturing features, respectively, suggest a different texture and pattern of wood, which can distinguish author's furniture of mass and individual production. Despite a fairly wide offer, new wood-panel products with good workmanship are in demand on the market.

The main advantages of furniture structural material include:
- the use of new gluing technologies makes it possible to preserve and emphasize the natural texture of wood;
- glued structures, in contrast to the array, retain their dimensions unchanged and practically do not shrink;
- glued furniture panels are an environmentally friendly product used for the production of furniture and interior decoration;
- for production, you can make a furniture board of any size, which, accordingly, reduces the cost of inefficient use.
The production of furniture panels is good foundation for any woodworking business, as there is a steady demand. Hardwood and coniferous wood species are used as raw materials for production, pine is considered the most cost-effective material.
The production process of glued furniture board consists of the following stages, it is understood:
- drying lumber preferably in own drying chambers, it will ensure high quality products;
- calibration and processing of lumber defects;
- dissolution of wood into lamellas and removal of defects;
- trimming to the required size and removal of defective places;
- splicing of blanks (along the length), jagged spikes are cut out at the ends of the blanks and glue is applied, trimming is carried out in size;
- calibration of the lamellas in order to remove the adhesive layer and obtain geometrically accurate blanks;
- gluing of lamellas and gluing into a shield;
- cutting out defective seams.
- panel formatting with cutting in width and format cutting;
- clean calibration and final grinding.

Each process involves the execution of work on special machine, part of the production processes can be carried out on semi-industrial woodworking machines, but it will still be necessary to mechanize and automate production as much as possible in order to obtain a high quality product. The size and characteristics of the workshop premises will depend on the number of machines purchased.

Choice - Room.
A room for a mini workshop for the production of furniture panels is usually chosen in an industrial area. To do this, you will need to rent a warehouse or workshop at a territorially convenient enterprise. The workshop infrastructure should include administrative premises - 20-30 sq. meters, lumber warehouse and finished products 30-50 sq. meters (preferably divided by different rooms), workshop premises 100-200 sq. meters.

The size of the workshop depends on the dimensions of the equipment. Generally industrial premises have the same size, characterized by a low rent.
The average cost for renting a warehouse will be 15,000-18,000 rubles per month.

Equipment for the production of furniture boards.

The universal four-sided four-spindle Winner Blazer BL 4-23 woodworking machine is suitable for a high-tech workshop, performs all the described operations. You can choose from inexpensive woodworking machines, their price is 12,000-36,000 rubles;

Double-sided thickness gauge MIDA SPBF-2S/500 or MB-2061 for lamellas, respectively, of Portuguese and Chinese production. Thickness gauge JET JWP-12 m can be purchased for 18,000 rubles;

OMGA optimization line of the T 2000 NC series, a used Russian machine can be purchased for 640,000 rubles;
- end splicing line OMGA FJL-183, the Russian version will cost 144,000 rubles, a semi-automatic machine will cost about 56,000 rubles;

Glue application machine OSAMA S2R-1600, you can purchase a less expensive version of the machine for about 220,000 rubles;

Fan clamp TRIMWEX INDUK type SL(P), used clamp can be purchased for 300,000 rubles;

A machine for aging wood in order to obtain a unique texture of a furniture board will cost 320,000 rubles;

Some types of machines listed can be made independently. Accordingly, this will significantly reduce the amount of investments. When preparing a business plan, there are two ways to go. Purchase new or overhauled equipment on credit or leasing, most companies offer profitable terms, respectively, you only need to work hard to pay for the equipment. The second way involves the purchase of used equipment at your own expense. This option also has advantages - you do not need to pay off debts.

The number of workers in mini-shops usually consists of 5-15 people. As a rule, workers and carpenters also perform work on loading and unloading raw materials and goods. In general, you will need to hire the following employees, it is better to choose people with work experience or technical education:
Shop manager (he is also the owner and main foreman) - 70,000 rubles / month;
Accountant-secretary - 25,000 rubles / month;
2 professional carpenters-masters - 2 * 40,000 rubles / month;
2 apprentice assistants - 2*20,000 rubles/month;
1 machine operator - 50,000 rubles / month;
1 locksmith - 30,000 rubles / month;
1 loader - 20,000 rubles / month;
1 cleaner-storekeeper - 15,000 rubles / month;
2 watchmen - 10,000 rubles / month;
TOTAL: 350,000 rubles / month.

To work at an enterprise, it is necessary to conclude a contract with workers, as well as take out insurance, since work in production causes risks to health and life in case of violation of technical safety standards.

Investments in mini business.
The necessary investments will depend on the capacity of the workshop for the production of furniture panels and the level of its equipment. Would need:
- rent a room for production, prepare it for the deployment of the workshop, it may be necessary to repair, install a ventilation system, partitions, doors, gates and checkpoints. These costs are completely dependent on the chosen premises and its equipment. We estimate the cost of this position without rent at 100,000 rubles;
- to purchase or order equipment, the estimated investment in technological equipment will be 1,820,000 rubles (approximately $45,000);
- the purchase of raw materials can be carried out under the order, 50 cubic meters. meters to start will be enough. The average price for 1 cu. m pine not edged board is 8,000 rubles, respectively, the costs will be 400,000 rubles;
- rent of premises for 3 months - 54,000 rubles.
- salaries for 3 months - 1,050,000 rubles, in this case there may be options, as it is not worth keeping employees without having a load. Initially, you can hire an incomplete staff, and later expand it. For the first time months, salary expenses should be limited to 400,000 rubles / month.

Financial plan.
For example, the cost of a furniture board made of SS grade pine is 1,200 rubles per 0.04 cubic meters. meters, respectively, 1 cu. a meter of furniture board will cost 120,000 rubles, while the cost of an unedged board is 8,000 rubles.

First 3 months of work (partial load):
In this case, in order to recoup the costs of maintaining the workshop in the first 3 months:
- 18000 rubles / month. rent + 4000 rubles / month. communal payments;
- 400,000 rubles / month. wages.
You will need to receive an income of 422,000 rubles. When selling per month 20 cubic meters. meters of furniture panels, the turnover will be 2,400,000 rubles in the first months. Board costs: (20 cubic meters + 30% for marriage) * 8,000 rubles = 208,000 rubles. Accordingly, the cost of raw materials will not exceed 10%. The income will be:
2,400,000 (total sales) - 422,000 (costs of maintaining the shop) - 208,000 (costs of raw materials) = 1,770,000 rubles.
The break-even point (based on the cost of raw materials and the maintenance of the workshop) involves the manufacture and sale of 3 square meters. shield meters per month. Do not forget about the payment of VAT, payroll taxes and income tax.

After the workshop reaches its design capacity (50 cubic meters)
After the workshop reaches its design capacity (approximately 50 cubic meters), the income will be:
6,000,000 (total sales) - 105,000 (costs of maintaining the workshop) - 520,000 (costs of raw materials) \u003d 4,430,000 rubles.
The break-even point for the maintenance of the workshop involves the sale of 13 square meters. meters of furniture board.

Payback periods.
Thus, we will make an estimate of the costs of investing in a business and estimate the planned income in connection with the planned production volume.
So, for the first 3 months the workshop will work in experimental mode, produce and sell 20 cubic meters. meters of furniture board. Income excluding taxes to be 1,770,000 rubles per month.

According to our calculations, investment in equipment with a fully equipped workshop (see "Equipment") will amount to 1,820,000 rubles. In fact, with a properly established implementation, it is possible to recoup investments already in the first 2 months of the woodworking shop operation. This allows you to think about buying high-quality equipment on lease or on credit. But it is possible to postpone and form a financial asset, and in a year to radically expand production. So from a small workshop, you can create a fairly large woodworking enterprise engaged in the production of not only furniture panels.

Certainly such impressive results can only be achieved with a well-established implementation. The task of marketing, which during the first steps of the business is the responsibility of the owner, involves the sale of furniture panels in bulk.

Usually wholesale involves the purchase of 10 cubic meters. meters. In practice, first of all, you need to conclude an agreement with two wholesale buyers. To do this, you need to offer a lower price of products.

In the following months, the portfolio should include 5 large customers. All this involves preliminary negotiations with customers and their search.

Obviously, in the first months of operation, a mini workshop for the production of furniture panels should focus on attracting wholesale customers in order to reach the break-even point. At the same time, working with wholesalers does not at all exclude the sale of the shield at retail or in small wholesale markets.

Any advertisement should be targeted at a potential consumer group. In our case, these are furniture enterprises. To present information about the new production, you will need to make booklets or brochures that describe the workshop and its capabilities. For advertising in the markets among small wholesale and retail buyers, you will need business cards and pocket calendars, which can be left in stores and on stalls. We must not forget that an online store will help sell goods.

Advertising costs will be:
- brochures 1000-2000 pcs. - 16,000 rubles;
- booklets 1000-2000 pcs. - 6000-8000 rubles;
- pocket calendars 1000 pcs. - 3000 rubles;
- online store - 8000 rubles with advertising.

If an active advertising campaign is required, this should be done by a separate employee - an advertising manager. Wage manager can be contractual and amount to about 15,000 rubles for part-time work. In some cases, the functions of an advertising manager are taken over by an accountant. For them, it is quite enough to order and receive products, as well as close financial documents.

Note that the creation of a site does not at all imply that it can be found without additional efforts. This is what a content manager usually does, who promotes the site in in social networks, search engines and forums. Typically, such specialists work on a contractual basis based on volume, so the costs can be planned in the process of operating activities.

Sales of products.
Sales of products for the first months of operation of the shop are usually carried out by managers. At the next stage, sales agents, managers are involved in the work and a sales department or sales department is created. Most sales agents work on a percentage of sales, so the owners of enterprises motivate traders to conclude more contracts, from which they are paid a constant percentage.

The independent work of the sales department gives a good result, the task of agents is to organize sales, the task of the workshop is to produce quality products. The functionality of the sales department is supplemented over time by the functions of the advertising and marketing department, which must generate productive sales concepts, constantly replenishing the portfolio of large and small buyers.

In fact, the proposed review is an instruction on how to create a small woodworking shop and develop it to the level of a large woodworking factory. With a pragmatic approach, building a large business from scratch is possible even today.
We wish you good luck in your first steps and hope that our review has helped readers to start their business and achieve great success. Despite the skepticism of many, it is possible to create a large business from scratch, the main thing is to carefully plan everything and not be afraid of work. Of course, the choice of business direction is of particular importance. It is in this choice that we decided to help you and facilitate the task of planning.

Read also:

A furniture board is a specific type of wood-based material created by gluing standard planed wooden blocks together. It is effectively used to create various kinds fittings and coatings. Making a furniture shield with your own hands at home is not difficult at all, so this work is available for self-fulfillment every person. The resulting designs are natural and environmentally friendly, and at the same time much more attractive than chipboard or MDF.

Creating a furniture board with your own hands at home involves the use of different types of wood. Most often, birch or oak, beech or aspen, as well as larch and various conifers are used for this.

Each type of wood has its own characteristics, therefore, before making a certain choice, it is recommended to decide in advance on the operating conditions under which the resulting contraction will be applied.

Most often, furniture panels are used to create various furniture and doors. They are distinguished by the presence of a specific internal stress, therefore, in the process of work, one must be careful not to violate the integrity of the structure. Incorrect work can lead to deformation of the finished product.

The main advantages of furniture boards are:

  • environmental friendliness due to the use of natural ingredients and high-quality glue;
  • exquisite appearance received furniture and other structures, but this is only possible with proper processing of shields;
  • high practicality, since wood has a homogeneous structure, which allows you to restore broken or lost attractiveness elements;
  • making a furniture board is an incredibly simple task, and at the same time, not much is spent on this process. a large number of money;
  • furniture made from panels is durable and attractive;
  • the products do not have any cracks or other deformations, and also do not undergo significant shrinkage.

The main factor in obtaining a high-quality shield is the competent choice of material for these purposes. Standard furniture panels have a thickness of 2 cm, so blanks are initially prepared optimal size, as well as having desired thickness. Since the boards will certainly have to be planed, and then sanded, they should be purchased with a margin, so their thickness should be equal to 2.5 cm.

In the process of choosing a material, you should focus on the type of wood, as well as the quality of the boards. The wood must not be uneven or warped. It must be of high quality, properly dried and with the complete absence of any rotten areas. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully inspect the boards. In addition, the accompanying documentation for the material is studied in detail.

Required Tools

Do-it-yourself furniture board gluing is made using standard tools. Usually they are available to every man who prefers to do numerous housework on his own. Therefore, only the elements are prepared:

  • planer for optimal wood preparation;
  • a tool for connecting and gluing individual wooden bars;
  • belt type grinder;
  • building level, allowing you to get really even shields;
  • coarse sandpaper;
  • flat grinder.

These tools will be enough to make a shield, so no more expensive devices will be needed.

Manufacturing rules

As soon as the tools are completely ready for the planned work, the direct production procedure begins. How to make a furniture board? This process is not considered too complicated, but in order to eliminate possible errors or problems, it is recommended to study the correct instructions in advance. For this, the following steps are performed:

  • originally wooden planks cut into separate bars of the desired size, and it is important to make cuts in such a way that they are strictly at right angles;
  • the presence of any irregularities or other defects is not allowed, since in this case it will not be possible to glue the furniture board correctly;
  • if slight distortions are found, then they can be eliminated with a conventional planer;
  • an important point in production is the combination of the obtained blanks, since they must be the same in texture and color, as well as in other important parameters;
  • after the selection of elements, they are marked so that during the gluing process there are no difficulties with their correct location.

In order for all stages of the process to be completed taking into account the main nuances, it is recommended to watch the training video in advance.

We make bars

We process the machine

We mark each bar

Element bonding technology

After all the bars made are prepared, you can proceed to their direct gluing, which will ensure a high-quality shield. This procedure is also divided into successive stages:

  • a device is selected that makes it possible to glue the bars, and it must be even, and usually a regular chipboard sheet is used for this;
  • planks are fixed along the edges of the sheet, and their height depends on the parameters of the prepared bars;
  • bars are laid out between these planks, and they should fit snugly against each other and an attractive pattern should be formed from them;
  • if there are gaps, then they can be easily eliminated with a standard jointer;
  • then the bars are glued together, for which they are used different types glue intended for wood, but the use of PVA glue is considered optimal;
  • the entire surface consisting of bars is completely smeared with glue, and it is important that the agent is evenly distributed over the surface;
  • lubricated elements are tightly pressed against each other;
  • on the slats, fixed to the chipboard sheet, two more such slats are laid, after which these elements are connected with self-tapping screws, and this is necessary to prevent the resulting shield from bending;
  • the resulting blank is left for about an hour, after which the shield is released and left for a day.

Thus, having figured out how to glue the elements to get a furniture board, this process will not require significant effort. The procedure is easily implemented on your own, and the result is structures that are effectively used to create numerous furniture, doors, or even full-fledged coatings that differ not only high strength, but also reliability, as well as an attractive appearance.

We fix the slats

Laying out the bars

Laying two more strips

Leave to dry


Shields are made in such a way that they are not only strong and durable, but also quite attractive. For this, attention is paid to some finishing stages, which consist in special processing. For this, the following actions are performed:

  • preliminary grinding procedure is carried out. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a standard tape grinder. You need to insert a special sandpaper, and it should have large fractions, since the initial processing is done. It allows you to eliminate large defects and differences remaining on the surface after the shield creation process. It is necessary to act carefully, and the process is also carried out in consistent and even lines;
  • secondary processing - involves the use of a flat grinder. It ensures the removal of the slightest drops, irregularities and other defects present on the surface of a wooden furniture board. Also, due to this process, the pile is removed from the surface. It is recommended to pre-moisten the base with a small amount of water, and grinding should begin only after the structure has completely dried.

After well-implemented processing, it is possible to use the resulting shields to create a variety of tables or shelves, bedside tables and other furniture. It is allowed to use them to form doors or coatings with high strength, reliability and durability.


(SPbGLTA, St. Petersburg, RF)

The article places for consideration key regulations of the technology of manufacture furniture shield, as well as conditions and factors having influence on the quality of treatment of the furniture shield and its gluing.

Furniture board - as the main semi-finished product used in the production of cabinet furniture made of solid wood, stair parts, etc., is the most demanded environmentally pure material. And at the same time, the process of its manufacture is characterized by labor-, material-, and energy-consuming, in contrast to the technology for manufacturing plate materials such as chipboard, fiberboard, MDF.

The multi-operational nature of the technological process is due to the specifics of the material itself - wood- as an object of processing, the equipment and materials used, as well as the requirements for the quality of the final product. Wood with anisotropy of properties, different density, structure, flaws, type of sawing significantly affects the choice of technology. There are several schemes of the manufacturing process, but the most common and effective is the so-called "Swedish" technology. But in any case, compliance with the technology, modes, processing parameters is a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality furniture board that meets consumer and operational requirements. As a rule, lamellas in a furniture board are glued to a smooth joint using PVAD-based adhesives with the addition of a hardener, or without it, if this is not specified in the terms of reference. Such binders have a transparent, elastic adhesive seam of high strength, which is necessary for a furniture board, withstand temperature and humidity deformations, and mechanical loads. With the use of these adhesives in the bonding technology, it is possible to use HDTV intensification or conductive heating.

It is necessary to note the following conditions of the technological process, without which gluing a high-quality shield is impossible:

Homogeneity of moisture indicators of lumber drying quality. The final humidity required by the technology (for a furniture board it is 8±1.5%). Such tight limits on humidity are due to operational and technological requirements. The lower one is associated with the gluing process (surface wettability with a binder, absorbency, adhesive penetration), further machining of the shield (calibration, grinding, milling). Overdried wood impairs the quality of its processing, forms chips, peels the fiber, and has low plasticity. Too high moisture content of the lumber to be processed leads to even worse problems when gluing the board, its further sanding and finishing. When planing, the quality of the jointed surface of the lamellas is unsatisfactory due to the formation of hairiness. High humidity lamellae affects the duration of holding in a hot press, the polymerization of the binder and the strength of the glue line. The heterogeneity of the humidity indicators of the quality of lumber drying, especially the differences in humidity over their cross section, as a result of cutting into lamellas, leads to the fact that slats with different humidity, different from the average, get into the assembled shield. This contributes to the appearance of various kinds of deformations. The tendency of the lamellas to reach an equilibrium moisture state in the glued board, when it is kept under certain conditions, contributes to their shrinkage and swelling to varying degrees. Such processes entail either warping of the shield or cracking at its ends during its processing and operation.

Undoubtedly, the uniformity of moisture indicators of drying quality is a key condition for the production of high-quality furniture panels.

The geometry of the slats, i.e. squareness and dimensional stability. For pressing it is very important condition. If it is not observed, proper contact between the bonding surfaces is not ensured, non-adhesion is formed along the entire length of the shield - this is a marriage. The geometry of the lamellas can be achieved by the accuracy of the equipment settings, the qualifications of the service personnel and the technical equipment of the machines on which lumber is processed. Modern equipment allows this requirement to be met, but not always. Slat planing guarantees the geometry, if the knives in the planing drums are set perpendicular to the tables (planing bases) and the clarity of working out the clamps and feed rollers. Using Swedish technology, i.e. planing of lumber with simultaneous cutting them into lamellas, the most accurate perpendicularity of the processed edges is ensured, since the saw shaft with the saw set is perpendicular to the tables. The correct positioning of the saw shaft in relation to the tables of the four-sided machine, as well as the adjustment of the clamps, will make it possible to obtain a lamella with strictly perpendicular sides.

The amount of binder applied to the surfaces to be glued (glue consumption). Glue consumption is regulated by the supplier, but is specified by the gluing conditions, viscosity, wood species, its moisture content, application equipment, etc. The average consumption is 120-150 g/sq. m. Insufficient application of the binder is the reason for the low strength of the adhesive joint and, as a result, the sticking of the shield. Consumption too high - it is necessary to increase the holding time, both before pressing and during the gluing process, the productivity of the leading equipment drops sharply. In the technology of applying glue, it is convenient to use the roller method. The upper clamping is adjustable, the lower one is corrugated with grooves, the depth and width of which has certain dimensions. Glue in the process of its application to the lamella should be located on the surface in the form of even strips without gaps.

Pressing pressure. An essential condition for gluing, without pressing pressure it is impossible to ensure proper contact between the surfaces to be glued. Optionally, the pressure must be high in order to prevent deformation of the lamellas in the shield. The criterion for evaluating the pressing pressure is a small amount of glue that has come out on the ends and on the surface of the shield.

The conditions listed above are necessary, not fulfilling them entails serious economic problems for the enterprise. The percentage of scrap is increasing, it is good if it is tracked in the initial operations, and not in the final product at the consumer.

In addition to the basic conditions in the technology of manufacturing furniture panels, there are a number of features that should be mentioned.

First, the duration of technological holdings of the material. There is an opinion that a planed rail should not be in a free state long time, more than a day, i.e. everything that is cut off must be glued together. This is due to the loss of activity of the adhesive surface, namely its oxidation and closure of wood pores. Exposure of the shield after gluing before further machining. German experts believe that a glued shield should be aged for at least 4 hours, some say at least 6. In any case, the boards must be cured, especially after hot pressing, to ensure the relaxation of temperature and humidity stresses arising during the bonding process.

Secondly, the pressing temperature. Temperature is an intensification of the process, for various breeds it should be regulated. For conifers pressing temperature should not exceed 75 - 80 °C. If the lumber was dried without crystallization of the resin, then the high pressing temperature promotes the release of resin on the surface of the shield, and this has an unsatisfactory effect on further grinding (the abrasive is quickly clogged with wood dust along with osmol), the grinding surface becomes wavy and in some cases burns. As a result, it is not the process of grinding as one of the types of wood cutting, but the mashing of wood. Therefore, finishing such a shield with paints and varnishes will be problematic. For hardwoods, especially oak, there is no need for high temperatures. The basic density of oak is much higher than that of pine, and, accordingly, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is greater. In addition to the temperature, the polymerization of the binder is also influenced by the duration of exposure of the panels in the hot press. It is believed that for softwoods, the holding time is at least 1.5 - 2 minutes for each centimeter of the thickness of the shield at a temperature on the surface of the press plates of 75 - 80 ° C. For hardwoods, these values ​​should be adjusted depending on the species, its initial moisture content and other factors. Specifically for oak furniture panels, exposure should not be long, as well as high temperatures, since tannins are released coloring matter and when interacting with the binder, a dark adhesive seam is formed.

Thirdly, when setting up the shield, the condition of the correct orientation of the annual rings in adjacent lamellas, as well as radial, tangential and mixed cuts, especially for oak materials, must be observed. It is impossible to allow slats of different sawing in one shield; it is necessary to perform strict sorting. Failure to comply with these conditions in a place with poor-quality drying of wood entails serious consequences in the operation of such panels. Various shrinkage (swelling) in the radial and tangential directions, when the shields are held under certain conditions, can cause their strong deformation and integrity violation.

In conclusion of this work, the following should be noted, all the listed features of the furniture board manufacturing technology are only a small part of a huge issue. The answers to which lie in the specifics and eccentricity of the problem under study, since few manufacturers of furniture panels pay due attention to its technology, increase the useful yield during cutting, improve quality, rational use wood - as a product of wildlife.

In the manufacture of natural, environmentally friendly fittings, the use of a home-made furniture board is the most correct solution. Since the furniture board looks more elegant than its counterparts, chipboard or MDF, and also has a number of advantages over them. How to make a furniture shield with your own hands, let's talk further.

General concept of furniture board

A furniture board is a kind of wood-based materials that are made by gluing together planed bars made of wood.

During the production of furniture panels, an array is used:

  • birch,
  • oak,
  • beech,
  • wasp,
  • from larch,
  • from conifers.

This material differs in the high durability and environmental friendliness therefore is identical analog of the wood massif. It is used for the manufacture of wooden furniture, in the construction and finishing industry. The furniture board differs from the solid wood in a kind of chess pattern, which is formed by spliced ​​bars.

The furniture board is characterized by the presence of internal tension, therefore it requires special work skills. Misuse or the processing of this material leads to deformation of the finished product. Furniture made of furniture board will last as long as wood.

Furniture board photo:

Benefits of using a furniture board

1. Complete environmental friendliness - this material does not cause allergies and does not emit harmful substances into the environment.

2. With the correct processing of the furniture board, the furniture made of it looks very elegant and resembles natural wood.

3. Practicality - another quality of using this material, damaged fittings are restored very quickly, thanks to the uniformity of the wood structure.

4. Furniture made from furniture board - has long term operation, which is equivalent to furniture made of solid wood.

5. The naturalness of the wood texture improves the aesthetic properties of the furniture board.

6. During the operation of items that are made from a furniture board, there are practically no cracks, deformation or shrinkage of this material.

7. Furniture shield sizes are very different, since this material is made from fragments of wooden bars, and not from a solid array.

8. Furniture made from this material tends to absorb harmful substances and regulates the level of humidity in the room.

Technological process for the production of furniture panels

Industries engaged in the manufacture of furniture panels use special equipment for the preparation, processing and gluing of wood.

The production of a furniture board includes the following steps:

1. The process of drying edged boards, during which the material is brought to a certain moisture content.

2. Calibration and the process of opening places where defects are present. At this stage, the base surface is provided, before further processing.

3. The process of opening defects, allows you to get rid of bumps and dark spots on the surface.

4. The stage of trimming by size - involves cutting wood into certain bars in width and cutting out defective places.

5. The next process is cutting and adjusting the tree in length.

6. Calibration removes adhesive residue and corrects shapes to the millimeter. During the manufacture of the spliced ​​shield, the process of dissolution into lamellas is carried out, followed by their gluing.

7. Gluing involves applying glue to the surface and joining the bars into a solid base.

8. After drying, the shield is cut into longitudinal pieces to remove defective seams, and then re-glued. This process gives additional rigidity to the furniture board.

10. The shield is given its final shape, it is calibrated and polished.

Varieties and features of furniture panels

In relation to production technology, there are:

  • solid type furniture board,
  • spliced ​​furniture board.

One-piece shield consists of spliced ​​lamellae, which form an integral surface. A solid shield is also called single-layer or massive, because of its integrity and strength. The thickness of such a shield is from 1.4 to 6 cm. For its manufacture, wooden blanks of slats, boards or bars are used, which are glued together depending on the direction of the fibers. A spliced ​​or multi-layered shield is made from small bars that are glued along the length or width. The number of middle layers must necessarily be odd, the layers are laid in symmetry. The thickness of such a shield is from 1.2 to 6 cm.

There are several classes of furniture boards. The highest or premium grade does not allow the presence of nicks, deformations, damaged areas or knots on the surface of the shield. The middle class has a lower cost, but is characterized by the presence of small knots on the surface. For the production of low-class furniture board, low-quality wood is used. Separation and designation of classes:

A-A, A-B, A-C, B-B, B-C, C-C.

Grade A means full imitation of wood texture. Grade B - differs in monotony, without pattern selection, absence of defects. Grade C - has slight knots and some mechanical damage.

Depending on the material for the manufacture of furniture panels, there are:

1. Pine furniture board - due to the presence of a large amount of glue in pine, it is highly durable and elastic.

2. Oak furniture board - suitable for the manufacture of lifting frames, as it has high strength. This material is distinguished by the presence of a beautiful texture, therefore it is also used for the manufacture of furniture. The cost of a furniture board made of oak is the highest.

3. Larch furniture board has a beautiful woody texture, is distinguished by a variety of shades and colors, is able to withstand high humidity and is not susceptible to decay. It is used for the manufacture of window sills, furniture, countertops, interior items. It is an inexpensive material.

4. Furniture panels made of chipboard - they are characterized by reduced strength, low cost and susceptibility to moisture. They are not environmentally friendly due to the use of binder resins.

Do-it-yourself furniture board production and gluing

To make a furniture board at home, you will need:

  • planer,
  • a device that will help connect and glue the bars,
  • belt grinder,
  • building level,
  • emery tape coarse-grained type,
  • flat grinder.

To make a furniture board, use slats or bars, it is also possible to cut a solid board into small pieces.

1. The first stage includes the process of preparing the bars.

To make a furniture board, you should use a material of only one type of wood. For example, birch, oak, pine, larch, ash or aspen.

Bar requirements:

  • absence of defects, cracks or knots;
  • the thickness should be a few millimeters greater than the thickness of the shield after fabrication, as the material is sanded.

The best size of the thickness and length of the finished bars is 1:1. To obtain a quality workpiece, the ratio between thickness and width should not exceed 1:3.

When sawing a board, it should be taken into account that the cutting angle must be exclusively straight. If there are irregularities, use a planer.

2. The second stage includes preparation for the gluing process.

During this stage, it is necessary to build a device that will help glue the bars into a shield. This device must be absolutely level, for this it is possible to use a conventional chipboard sheet. The two edges of the surface must contain two fixed planks. Their height depends on the height of the bars. You will also need two blades and two planks.

Between the planks, you should lay out the bars that fit snugly against each other and create a beautiful pattern. All cracks are eliminated with a jointer. If square-shaped bars are used, it is easier to obtain a harmonious pattern, since their location is easily changed by rotation.

3. The third stage involves gluing the bars.

To glue the bars, use any kind of glue that is designed to work with wood. The best option- Carpenter or PVA. The surface to be glued is completely smeared with glue. Watch the distribution of glue, a large amount will cause all the seams to become visible, and a lack of glue will reduce the strength of the structure. Press the greased bars firmly against each other.

On the two planks that are located on the sides of the chipboard sheet, two more planks should be laid perpendicularly, and fixed with self-tapping screws. This action will reduce the risk of bending the furniture board during gluing. For a tighter fit of the bars, wedges are used. Do not strongly clamp the bars with wedges, as soon as the first drops of glue appear on the surface, this action should be stopped. Leave the workpiece for an hour, then remove it from the structure and leave it for another day.

4. The final stage of work on the furniture board.

For preliminary grinding, a belt sander is used, in which coarse-grained sandpaper is installed. After that, the surface is processed by a surface grinder. To remove the pile, the surface is covered with a small amount of water, after the water dries, the villi rise, which are removed by grinding equipment. After that, the furniture board is used to build tables, shelves, stairs, bedside tables and other items.

Furniture board video:

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