Mine 19 version. New in experimental mode

Landscaping and planning 03.07.2020
Landscaping and planning

Download the new version of Minecraft 1.9 1.9 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 in which a large number of bugs were removed, as well as new jokes and features were added, which we now consider what awaits us: new blocks, items, a fight with an ender dragon, changes in mechanics, etc. And the first thing we see when entering the game is cell with shield icon which is a slot for our second hand in which we can put any items and use them, but unfortunately not all items can be used. We can take blocks in the second hand, a second sword (you can’t use it), a shield when using which attack is prohibited, as well as a torch that will be convenient for going to the mines and much more that will really help us in the minecraft game and make it more real and convenient for games. Activation object in the other hand RMB (right mouse button) .

added new types of arrows- arrows with spectral and potion effects, arrows that you hold in the second hand receive priority and will be used first. Spectral arrows have the function of highlighting the mod or the player, if you hit him with such an arrow, he will be highlighted through blocks and objects.

In version 1.9 of minecraft, a new type of potion has also been added that will act for some time on the territory where you threw it, and for some time everyone who enters this zone will be exposed to this potion. Added a new beet plant. The dragon's head appeared which can be activated with the help of a redstone and the mouth will open, you can also wear it on yourself or put it as a decoration. Added boats with oars from various types of wood, now they are 2 local and well managed.

Significantly improved the port in Ender world and everything connected with it, now the bars that restore health to the dragon will be more difficult to destroy, zombies have been added that can only appear in this world and some plants that will not be easy to find. This is not all that awaits us in the Minecraft 1.9 update, but this is one of the main attractions of this version that you can download on our website.

On December 19, 2016, the first truly global update "Ender Update" was released Minecraft PE 1.0.0(0.17.0), and a third dimension was added to the game. In the future, the version was finalized until May 18, 2017, when the last revision was developed - Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.0.9. The MCPEHUB team has taken care of your comfort: on this page you can download Minecraft PE 1.0.9 for android free by learning all the most important details of the version.

Changes in Minecraft PE 1.0 for Android and IOS

And of course, a very pleasant innovation for - Elytra. This is an item with which you can soar in the air, overcoming great distances. How to get this rare artifact? The only way is to find the Ender Ship in the third dimension, lower it into the hold, and then kill the Shulker who is guarding the treasure (or you can use the creative mode of MCPE and cheat). Put on the Elytra, climb to a high place, jump, and while flying, press the jump button again to start hovering.

I think if you are asked What's added to Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.0?”, You can easily answer this question, because our MCPEHUB team has tried to analyze in detail for you all the most important details of the update minecraft Ender Update.


Download the new version of Minecraft 1.9, which not only fixes bugs, but also adds new features to players. In it you will see everything: new blocks and items, fixes and changes to old things.


Game optimization.
- Ax use speed changed from 0.85 to 0.9.
- Sword attack speed changed from 1.45 to 1.6.
- Blocking with a sword will be removed due to the introduction of shields.
- Hostile mobs will get full attack animation and will be able to hold items in the second hand.
- Changed the concept of the fight with the Ender Dragon. Breath particles will be added, he will spew acid. The Ender Crystals will be protected by an iron grate.
- Inventory: Now it has new slots for the shield, arrows and quiver.
- Withers: Now, if you have several of these creatures near you, there will also be more life bars:

New update

A preview picture appeared in the world selection menu; Screenshot of the first entry into the game. You can also change it yourself: Previews are on the way " .minecraft/saves" With name" icon.png".

Changes in the world selection menu. Added information about the version in which the world was created; Added world preview (Takes any screenshot taken in this world or screenshot of the first entry into the game).

Possession of two items at the same time. You can change items from one hand to another by pressing the F key; Some enchantments and attributes don't work in the off hand.

Leading hand setting: Left and right. Previously, it was always on the right side.

End Gate - A portal through which you can get to the End Islands; Appear after killing the dragon;

City in the Edge. In which there will be a treasury and hostile mobs; There are various types, and can also be found with the Ender Ship.

New treasure chests with new structures and resources:

Igloo - A building that spawns in a snowy biome that can contain valuable resources in chests;

New hostile mob in the End - Shulker. Short for "Shell Lurker"; Can teleport;

Items and blocks:

Ender dragon head. If the player is wearing a head, then the mouth opens and closes; If you place the head on a block and activate it with a red torch, the mouth will open and close.

Settling Potions - Potions that can be thrown on the ground, which will have a certain effect that lasts for a while.

Corus flowers. They are generated on the corus plant, on their tops; Can only be placed on an End Stone.

Corus plant. Generated in the End; May drop Corus fruit;

Beets - A new type of food; You can craft beetroot soup, as well as red dye;

Corus fruit. Can be used as food to satisfy hunger; Eating a Corus Fruit will teleport the player a short distance; Can be cooked;

Subtitles will be added to objects and mobs for people with hearing loss

Now boats can only be crafted with oars, and from any type of wood; You need to hold A and D to paddle.

Grass paths from the new grass block (Will replace current paths in NPC villages):

Shields that will replace blocking with a sword with the right button. The player cannot attack while blocking; Can be combined with various flags to get a pattern on the shield; Can be repaired on an anvil; Arrows bounce off the shield;

Elytra - A new item that allows the player to fly; Can be found on the flying ship in End City.

Structural block. Cannot be crafted, used by developers to create structures anywhere; Has 4 modes of operation:
S, Save is a save structure in the world, requires the location of the block and saves it to a file;
L, Load - loads the blocks saved in the file;
C, Size - automatically calculates the size and scale;
D, Data - for marking the chest and other blocks that require data;

When creating a computer game called Minecraft seven years ago, Markus Persson, a programmer from Sweden, thought that in just a few years it would become one of the most popular toys among gamers around the world. Why did this happen, you ask? To answer this question, you just need to download Minecraft 0.19.0 for Android and start playing. And you will understand why she was awarded several international awards in the field of computer games.

A new version will be released soon. Fans of this game already have the opportunity to download Minecraft 0.19.0 in Russian and make sure that with each new version of the game for androids they are getting closer to the versions for computers, becoming more interesting, advanced and convenient. Each time they are supplemented with new worlds, buildings, characters and objects. The game sets two parallel tasks for the gamer. The first is to create your own world from blocks of various materials and colors. The second task is to survive by fighting hostile creatures that inhabit the Minecraft universe.

Consider what's new in Minecraft PE 0.19.0.

First of all, this is a new world called Karai. Now the game has three worlds, each of which has its own characteristics. A new, gloomy and hostile world is a few lands, as if suspended, in a certain space. They hover over the void, and falling from such an island inevitably leads to the loss of the player's life. Of course, there will be new buildings in the End, which we will talk about a little later. The Lord of the Land is the dragon Ender. More and more powerful than him in the game has not yet been.

Your task is to find a portal in the ordinary world that can take you to the End. Find a dragon there and fight him. Defeating the Ender Dragon is not easy, but you will no doubt cope with it with the help of various weapons, and maybe other players. Defeating the dragon means you have completed the level.

In addition to the dragon, many other creatures live in the new world. Shulkers are hostile, shelled creatures that can disguise themselves as building blocks. Endermen or Endermen are very vulnerable creatures that cannot stand sunlight and water, most often harmless, wandering aimlessly around the End. Silverfish are aggressive mobs that move very fast and attack suddenly, causing very little damage. If you download Minecraft 0.19.0 for Android, then you will be able to fight them right now.

The next set of changes, as promised, are buildings. In the computer version of Minecraft, the Underwater World has long been known and thoroughly developed. Now it is also available for androids. You will see a new building - the Underwater Temple or Fortress. They are located at the bottom of the ocean.

This temple, just like the whole new world of the Land, was created from a new material, still unknown to you. Finding an underwater fortress consisting of a number of rooms and halls is not so easy, you will have to work hard.

Purple blocks will be used to build new cities and structures in the world of Ender.

In the new version of Minecraft PE you will meet new characters. Let's get to know them.

Firstly, this is the Ender dragon, which was already discussed above. We only add that it will be difficult to cope with it. He has the ability to renew his energy supply using ender crystals. To deprive him of this opportunity, the crystals must be destroyed.

Secondly, in the underwater temple you will find the Guardian of the fortress. Moreover, the Guardians exist in two versions: ancient and simple. They differ from each other in size and color. But both will be your enemies throughout the game. They are armed with a kind of rays and every time they meet, they will attack you. Be very careful in the underwater world and near temples. These are their usual locations.

Thirdly, a new character with a hostile attitude towards you, Wither. If you want to meet him, create him yourself. All you need is soul sand and a wither skeleton head. To get them you need to sweat a lot, but if you really want to add extreme sports to the game, then this will not stop you. Did we say the wither is malevolent? This word cannot fully express his character. By bombarding everything around with explosive bombs, the Wither seeks to destroy everyone and everything. Be on the lookout, otherwise you will fall into the line of fire.

Fourth, a polar bear appears in the Ender world. It can appear in front of you anywhere, and sometimes even with a bear cub. A small bear can be tamed, but do not try to do this with an adult bear, he will just eat you.

To meet all these creatures, just download Minecraft 0.19.0 to your android.

And a whole series of updates - various items and devices. Let's consider them.

Lighthouse. It allows you to expand the action of certain opportunities over a large territory. In order to build it, you will need expensive building blocks, but you don’t need to be stingy in this matter. A working beacon emits a bright beam of light upwards.

A very useful innovation is a sponge. Due to its ability to absorb water, it will help you drain rivers or lakes where you need it. It will prevent your cave or building from being flooded.

Colored Beams and Stained Glass will serve as decorations for your structures, and making them is quite simple: glass blocks, dyes and a workbench, that's all you need.

As well as crystals, summoning eggs, sea lantern, wet sponge and more. These items will make the game more interesting and exciting.

In this version, you will be able to create completely new potions of decay. They are exclusive to Minecraft PE.

Note that now the game has a completely new menu, which at first may not seem very convenient to you. But you will quickly get used to the changed menu of the game, which now looks more modern.

Compared to version 0.18.0, Minecraft 0.19.0 has significantly expanded the list of commands available to the player. Now you will be able to define structures for each world separately and for all worlds together.

Now it is completely clear that each subsequent update of the Minecraft PE game is getting closer and closer to the computer version and, most likely, the next version of Minecraft PE will be completely identical to Minecraft PC. And it will happen in the very near future. Perhaps, already in November 2016, a demo version will appear. And you can download the full version of Minecraft 0.19.0 for Android. This time, the creators have prepared grandiose innovations for the players that significantly change the game.

Let's get acquainted with the novelties that await us in the new version of Minecraft PE.

1. Let's start with structures. Natural glacier zones have been in the game for a long time, but there were no buildings in them yet. Igloos will now spawn in these zones. At first glance, a very modest building with ascetic decoration: a stove, a workbench, a bed and a torch - that's the whole interior. But if we remove the carpet on the floor, we will find a passage to the underground laboratory. And there you will already find a chest full of very useful things, plants and even a potion plant. And this, you see, is a very valuable acquisition. Therefore, it may not be worth building a house if you are in a glacial biome, it makes sense to settle directly in the Igloo.

2. Another very important change. Unlike previous versions of the game, the main character now has the same function as the right and left hands. Now it will be much more convenient to take, carry and use various items. Agree that a one-armed character is less dexterous than a two-armed one. Take a weapon in one hand and block in the other and you will understand what the advantage is.

3. Now let's figure out how to work with the command block. It is clear to every gamer that this is the most important block in the game. Unfortunately, it cannot be created. But you can get it by writing in the chat. To each player who wrote the give command<Ник игрока>command_block, the command block will be issued. Now, by entering special commands into the block, you can get various materials, tools and objects, move the player, create areas, find creatures, and much more.

4. Users playing Minecraft from a computer have long been aware of the possibility of using wings by the main character. They can be used to fly above the ground. In some cases, this is very convenient. However, gamers with pocket game options have been denied this opportunity. But if you download Minecraft in version 0.19.0 for android, you will get a unique opportunity to use wings. You cannot create them yourself, but you can find them in the world of Ender in buildings and on ships. Fortunately, unlike other items, they do not break completely, but only partially collapse. Just after each flight, they will need to be repaired with an anvil.

5. In the new version of Minecraft PE, it became possible to create chests from various materials yourself. Depending on what the chest is made of, its properties will change, and this is very interesting.

6. Ender chest is a very interesting novelty. Outwardly, it does not differ from an ordinary chest. But they differ in functionality, in the way of storing things. This chest will secure the player's property and at the same time give him a number of advantages. And on the server, only you will have access to your chest, so all things will be completely safe.

7. If you download Minecraft 0.19.0 for Android, you can see what happened that many players have been waiting for so long. Now it is possible to decorate your buildings inside and out with multi-colored glass blocks. This will add variety to the buildings and decorate the game world. A colored glass block is quite easy to create using scripts from eight ordinary glass blocks and a dye. The game has a very wide palette of colored glass - sixteen shades. A little imagination, and the house you have created will be strikingly different from all the others.

8. Minecraft version 0.19.0 has a completely new option to decorate your castles and buildings with a flag. You can place on the building or on the side. The appearance of the flag depends only on your artistic talents and imagination. Create it yourself. It will develop over your fortress, creating a feeling of air movement. It can be used as a decorative element, or you can create a friend-foe recognition system by uniting in groups or clans.

9. Another novelty is the Book with a pen. This will be your personal diary in which you can write recipes for creating things, routes, instructions and much more.

10. And one more very pleasant innovation. You will have shared servers with players using personal computers, which is very convenient.

11. Most likely, in the new version of Minecraft PE, what all gamers dreamed of with pocket versions of the game will finally happen. The trading function should appear. That is the opportunity to exchange with the locals. Residents will be able to exchange various things that are difficult or impossible to create or find, as well as potions for emeralds. This will make the game even more interesting and give you a legal opportunity to get the items you need.

12. The creators of the game have long promised to update the sound engine. Most likely, in the new version you will be able to use the players. Listen to the records on it, which you will find in the treasuries. It is planned to create twelve discs with new tunes from Daniel Rosenfeld, better known under the nickname "C418". Surely you will like these melodies, and the musical accompaniment will make the game even more enjoyable.

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