London's sights in English: description and photos. Topic in English "London and its attractions" (London and Its Attractions)

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The Capital of Great Britain Is Full of Popular and World-Famous Tourist Attractions, Both Educational and Entertaining. Most of Them Are Located Close to the River Thames, Others A in Different Parts of London and in Its Suburbs. The City Was Founded About 2 000 YEARS AGO, SO THERE ARE A LOT OF INTERESTING HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL SIGTS.

Big Ben Is The Most Famous Iconic Clock Tower of The Houses of Parliament. Behind This Long And Beautiful Building Stands Medieval Westminster Abbey Where Many Historic Weddings, Coronations and Burials Took Place. The Tower of London Has Rich History As A Royal Palace, A Fortress, A Prison and a Place of Execution. Not Far From The Tower Guests Can See The Magnificent Architecture of St Paul's Cathedral, Originally Designed by Sir Christopher Wren. In The Middle of Trafalgar Square Tourists Stop to Admire A 52-Metre Nelson's Column Dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson. Buckingham Palace Has Been The Official Residence of British Monarchs Since The Reign Of Queen Victoria.

London Is Famous for Its Wonderful Museums and Art Galleries. In British Museum One Can See Ancient Paintings, Sculptures and Even Egyptian Mummies. London's National Gallery Has The Greatest Collection of Paintings of Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Renoir and Many Others. The Natural History Museum Boasts Its Fabulous Dinosaur EXHIBITION. Tate Modern Is a Unique Museum With the Works of Picasso, Dali and Other Modern Artists. The Science Museum Is a Technology Thought-Provoking Museum with Interactive Galleries Devuted to Many Fields of Science: from Space Travel to Psychology.


The capital of Great Britain is full of popular and world-famous tourist attractions, both educational and entertainment. Most of them are at the River Thames, others in different parts of London and its surroundings. The city was founded about 2,000 years ago, so there are many interesting historical and architectural places.

Big Ben is the most famous iconic clock tower in the Parliament Building. Behind this long and beautiful building there is a medieval Westminster Abbey, where many historically important marriages, coronations and burials took place. London Tower has a rich history as the royal palace, fortress, prison and the place of execution. Not far from Tower, guests can see the magnificent architecture of St. Paul's Cathedral, originally designed by Sir Christopher Ren. In the center of Trafalgar Square, tourists stop, admiring the 52-meter Column Nelson dedicated to Admiral Nelson. The Buckingham Palace is the official residence of British monarchs since the reign of Queen Victoria.

London is famous for its beautiful museums and art galleries. In the British Museum you can see the vintage paintings, sculptures and even Egyptian mummies. In the National Gallery of London is the greatest collection of Wang Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoara and others. The natural science museum is proud of his delicious exhibition of dinosaurs. Tate Modern is a unique museum with the works of Picasso, Dali and other modern artists. The Museum of Science is an applied, forcing the museum to think with interactive galleries dedicated to many areas of science: from cosmic flights to psychology.

As for entertainment, it is impossible to miss London. The best places for a relaxing rest are traditional English parks and gardens. Favorites among tourists were Kew Gardens, Hyde Park, St. James Park, Green Park and Kensington Gardens. Directly in the heart of the capital you can find a London zoo and aquarium. In the museum Madame Tussao, visitors are found face to face with hundreds of celebrities: from Shakespeare to Lady Gaga, because it is an amazing collection of wax figures. Tour at Studio Warner Brothers is an incredible excursion about the history of the creation of magical films about Harry Potter. London eye is a giant ferris wheel, which raises visitors in one of their capsules in an exciting adventure over the city and its attractions.

London is a modern rapidly developing megalopolis with all its pros and disadvantages, where the traditional sights of London in English with translation are adjacent to the entire Pakistani and Chinese quarters. Globalization has obvious influence on the capital of Misty Albion, but did not change her appearance, and most importantly - did not break her spirit. Spirit of Imperial Magitia and True Aristocracy.

To inspect all the sights of London, there is not enough day, week or even a month, since they are here literally at every step, in every building. Therefore, even before the trip to the British capital, it is desirable to make a list of those places where I would definitely like to visit, not forgetting to include architectural monuments in it (London Tower and Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace), Natural (Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens), as well as museums (Madame Tussao, British Museum), many of which can be visited for free.

Ferris Wheel "London OKO" (London Eye)

One of the largest wheels of ferris on the territory of Europe, having a height of 135 meters and includes 32 capsules, each of which is capable of accommodating up to 25 passengers. The number 32 was not chosen by chance - it is so much suburbs available from the British capital. Interestingly, the 13th booth does not exist due to the superstitude of the creators.

The opening of this attraction was dedicated to the beginning of the new Millennium and took place on the last day of 1999. It was originally planned that London Eye would be a temporary construction that was dismantled in 2005, however, this is a ferris wheel from which almost the entire city was visible, quickly gained popularity among local residents and tourists by entering the top attractions of London. Therefore, it was decided to leave.

There is a wheel in front of the Parliament Building on the southern bank of the Thames. Works attraction all year round, except December 25. The cost of tickets varies from 17 to 38 euros.

"Were with his family here on the excursion - we liked it insanely. Thanks to the transparent capsule, it was possible to consider everything around. In addition to visual impressions and indescribable delight, they also received a lot of interesting information during a 30-minute excursion. "

Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)

The largest and most lively square of the capital of Misty Albion, located in its very center. It is here that three main Westminster streets agree: MEE, Strend and Whiteholl.

From the thirteenth century there were rooms in which the royal hawks were contained, the royal stables were constructed later. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the area was redeveloped, a National Gallery was built. The central architectural element is the 56-meter Column of Nelson, erected in honor of the famous admiral and topped with his monument. At the corners of the square are also located four different sculptures.

Initially, Trafalgar Square was named after Wilhelm Fourth, and the honor of the victory of England in 1805 over the French-Spanish flotilla in the sign of the Trafalgar battle.

"This is a rather small area, if you compare, for example, with a red square in Moscow. However, this is an incredibly beautiful place with many sculptures and fountains, with its unique atmosphere. We definitely stand here. "

London Madame Tussaud's London Museum (Madame Tussaud's London)

The largest and most famous museum of sculptures from wax, founded in 1835 by the French-Man Maria Tussao, who moved to London at the beginning of the nineteenth century. More than thousands of wax copies of the most diverse people were collected here: from maniacs and serial killers to the royal groups and stars of show business.

This is one of the most popular attractions of London, who does not pass by any tourist coming to the city. During the existence of the museum, more than 500 million people visited here.

There is a museum on Marylebon Road Street, not far from the subway station Baker Street. Visitors are accepted daily. The cost of tickets starts from 15 pounds sterling.

"In the daytime, get here it is unrealistic - you have to stand in the queue for several hours. Having settled the campaign to the museum until the evening, I did not lose, because I waited for about five minutes. Nevertheless, even before closing here, it is full of people, and in order to take a picture of some exhibit, it was necessary to wait patiently, while people disarm. The museum itself really liked: the sculptures are really made by masterfully, they look incredibly realistic. "

London Tower (Tower Of London)

One of the main characters and attractions not only London, but also with all Britain. During its existence (from 1066), this construction was used as a protective fortress, prison, a mint, royal treasury, weapons arsenal, observatory and zoo.

To this day, London Tower managed to preserve almost in priority form, and its main buildings are the museum with the Armory of the Chamber, where the famous treasures of the British Empire are located. In addition to the vintage structures and artifacts, tourists, this landmark of London attracts its inhabitants - crow, who stayed here to live after the translation of the zoo in Ridgeths Park in 1831. There is a legend that the foundations of Britain will remain unshakable until the crows remain in Tower. Guard the castle of 37 yomenov - royal guards.

The fortress is located in the historic center of London, on the North Bank of the Thames. The cost of tickets is 10-25 pound sterling.

"We bought tickets to Tower in advance via the Internet - so cheaper and no need to stand in the queues. The brightest impressions of the excursion is, of course, visiting the treasury, especially for girls. Crowns, Pinsteen and other symbols of power of monarchs - an amazing combination of beauty and greatness! When leaving the treasury, a souvenir shop is working, as well as a store for children, where you can buy interesting things for memory. "

Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)

The building was built in 1703 for the Duke of Beckingham, and after 59 years he acquired the king of George the third and began to use as a private residence. The status of the official residence of monarchs Palace was received only in 1837, when the Queen of Victoria was crowned, the monument of which is now standing in front of the palace entrance. During the reign of Victoria, the Buckingham Palace was put in order and acquired a look today. Also, with it there are many traditions that continue to follow so far. One of them is a mandatory raising of the Royal Stand, if the monarch is in the residence. But visitors from all over the world attracts here primarily another ritual - a solemn shift of Karaul, passing daily for half an hour before noon in the summer.

At the Palace itself, located opposite the streets of Pöll Magher and Green Park, you can get only during August-September, when the monarchs rest. Ticket price - 12-37 pounds sterling.

"I am striking the scope and luxury of this palace. Just think: 775 rooms! And they are all decorated with rarest materials, decorated with paintings, tapestries and sculptures. Changing Karaula is a fascinating sight, but the crowds of tourists with whom have to fight for the right to see the action, somewhat spoil the impression. "

British Museum (The British Museum)

The main British Museum of Historical and Architectural Directions, according to the number of visitors, is inferior in the world only Louvra. It was founded by Georg the second in 1753 by the will of Naturalist and the Medica of Hans Slánana, who for its lives gathered over 71 thousand of various exhibits. Today, the collection of the British Museum includes more than 13 million items brought from all continents and representing human history from the time of Paleolith to modernity.

A museum is located in the Bloomsbury district, on Great Russell Street Street. The entrance for visitors is free.

"A large, beautiful and conveniently located building. But most of the exposition is occupied by all sorts of plates, vases and aids - a kind of museum for girls. Perhaps, only the Egyptian halls with mumia and sarcophagami were truly interesting to me.

Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

The sign of the landmark of London, without a visit to which it is impossible to imagine a visit to the British capital. Bridge of adjustable type across the Thames was built in 1894 in the east of the London bridge due to the increased intensity of movement. The design of metal with a stone facing is made in the form of a 244-meter crossing with two supports-towers in the Gothic style. The designers provide for the possibility of intersection of the bridge with pedestrians on special gallerys between the towers located at a 44-meter altitude, however, now they fulfill the function of the museum and the observation deck.

"One of the main London attractions that we simply have not had the right not to visit, and in the end did not regret the spent time. An interesting museum works inside, there is an opportunity to see how the lifting mechanism functions. Well, and, of course, the view from the bridge is great. "

London National Gallery (The National Gallery)

One of the most famous artistic museums of the world, whose history began in 1824 with the acquisition of a collection of 38 paintings owned from Russia - John Julius Geerstein. Actually gallery was open later, in 1839. To date, more than two thousand works of art, written by Western European painters in the XII-XX centuries, are collected here. All masterpieces are presented in exposure in accordance with the chronology.

In the national gallery, there are several cafes where you can enjoy coffee and relax, souvenir shops and art stores, where a variety of souvenirs, books and copies of paintings from the gallery are offered.

There is a museum on Trafalgar Square. The entrance is free, but you can leave a small donation.

"It is really worth the place, compulsory for visiting even for those who do not refer themselves to great fans of painting. In one day, I could not get around the entire exposition, so I returned to the second and did not regret the time spent. Pleased and free entry. "

Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey)

The majestic temple in the Gothic style, which is built with some interruptions from 1245 to 1745 in the London area of \u200b\u200bWestminster. Traditionally, it is used as a place for holding the ceremonies of the coronation and wedding of monarchs, as well as their burial.

Representatives of the monarch dynasties, clergy, noble people and writers found their peace in the abbey. Also, the relics of Edward confessor in the hotel chapel, named in his honor.

One of the places of attraction for tourists is located between the chapels of Heinrich Seventh and St. Edward Majestic Throne, on which British kings are crowned. A special niche is provided under the seat, which is invested by the so-called fate stone, which is stored in the castle of Edinburgh.

Abbey is located in the central part of London, not far from the Thames Embankment and next to the Westminster Palace. Ticket price - 9-20 pounds sterling.

"Undoubtedly, it's worth to visit here for a common understanding of English culture and history, but I did not cause this place to be delighted. In fact, this abbey is one large cemetery. "

Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (Hyde Parkand Kensington Gardens)

Hyde Park is one of the royal parks united with each other and forming a large-scale green zone in the center of the British capital. The status of the Royal Park was assigned to him in 1536 after the acquisition of these lands by Heinrich eighth in order to conduct hunting here. Available for visiting Citizens Park became in 1637 after the construction of a kind of ring that separated the actual park from the gardens in the north. The park serves as a place to collect and discuss various topmates. In the very center there is a large Serpentine lake in which bathing is allowed.

Kensingtonian gardens are another royal park, located next door to Hyde Park and until 1728, who was part of the latter. The main attraction is the modest Kensington Palace, in which Queen Victoria was born. Also draws attention to the large 180-foot memorial dedicated to the husband of Queen Victoria Prince Albert first, and the statue of Peter Pena. In addition, the Serpentine Museum of Contemporary Art, which occupies the premises of the former tea pavilion.

"Great place for walking and relaxing on nature from urban fuss. I am struck by the number of tracks for walking, running, cycling and horseback riding. If there is free time, then it is necessary to look at it. "

London is a universal tourist city, which will be interested in any person, regardless of his interests, preferences and temperament. Just because there is everything here - from old castles with a thousand-year history to the ultra-modern discos, where the best world DJs play. The best time to visit the British capital - from April to September.

Every year, London is attended by about 15 million guests from different countries. After all, it is one of the leading tourist destinations and the house for a variety of world-famous objects. In 2011, the revenues from tourism brought 9.4 billion pounds of sterling the capital of the United Kingdom. It is approximately half of the total income, which is brought by travelers to the UK budget annually. Everyone who wants to easily navigate in this beautiful city, you need to know the name of each London's attractions in English. Now consider them.

High-rise attraction

The London Eye, which also has the name "Millennium Wheel", is a huge ferris wheel on the southern bank of the River Thames. The height of this impressive structure is 135 meters, and the diameter is 120 meters. From the height of bird'sman, a unique view of the city opens. From there you can see other attractions of London. In English, the name sounds like this: Giant Wheel.

This attraction was built in 1999 and was despite the fact that today it is a record surpassed by similar attractions in China and Singapore, the construction has a unique design and allows you to look at one of the most interesting cities in the world from a completely new point of view.

Water world

Oceanarium London opened in March 1997. To date, he takes about one million visitors every year. Walking along his glass tunnel, you open for myself the magic underwater world. The amazing design of London's sights, in English sounds like Sea Life London Aquarium. Here the person face to face faces sharks and penguins.

Ancient Ostrog

It is one of the most famous fortresses in the world. At various times, he managed to serve the royal palace, a prison, weapon and even a zoo. This old castle is protected by UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tower was built in 1078 by King Wilhelm I after to inspire the fear of the conquered people. In order to feel the atmosphere of medieval England, you need to visit the Tower and more similar sights of London. In English, there are quite a few poems and songs about this place. And the ancient walls of the fort keep a lot of secrets.

Unusual museum

Tate Modern is the national gallery of modernist and modern art. She enters the Tate Gallery Group and is located on the banks of the River Thames. The collection includes samples of British and international contemporary art from 1900 to today. The gallery was opened in 1992 in a re-equipped building of the bankside power plant.

The size of the station is impressive - 35 meters in height and 152 meters long. The building inside contains a stunning machine room, a boiler room next to it and a central pipe that can be seen outside. Not always, tourists have the opportunity to inspect all the sights of London. In English and not only there are collections with a description of various with their help, you can fill the gaps in knowledge about modern art.

The Wax Museum

Made faces from wax learned in 1770 at Phillip Kortis. Her creative path was very interesting. At 17, she was in the court retinue of King Louis XVI in the Versailles Palace. When the revolution was killed, she began to shoot from executed nobles. He had a discouraged head under the mountains of the tel. So the collection of many exhibits began to be reproached, she got from her teacher Phillip Kortis. She spent exhibitions in France and England. In 1835, the first permanent exhibition room in London on Baker Street appeared. Nowadays, the museum is still of great interest. For more than 200 years of history, many millions of people passed through the door of the museum.

Houses, parks, sculptures, museums, rides and more - all these are the most interesting sights of London. Topic: English, culture, history, life-known persons - will always be relevant not only for tourists.

London Attractions

The Famous Clock Big Ben Stands Near The Houses of Parliament. Big Ben Is a Big Bell. The Clock Has Four Faces and Five Big Bells. The Biggest Bell Is Known AS Big Ben. The Bell Is Named After Sir Benjamin Hall; The first Commissioner of Works Were The Houses of Parliament Were Rebuilt In 1850. He Was a Tall Man, Whose Nickname Was Big Ben. SO PEOPLE KNOW THE CLOCK AS BIG BEN. You Hear It Every Hour. The Bell Weighs 13720 Kilograms. IT HAS A DEEP TONE AND YOU CAN HEAR IT ON THE RADIO: "This is the bbc. The Time IS Six O'Clock. " And then You Hear The Deep Boom of Big Ben of Six Times.

Big Ben Looks Most Attractively at Night When The Clock Faces Are Illuminated. You Even Know When Parliament Is in Session, Because a Light Shines Above The Clock Face.


    Where Does Big Ben Stand?

    Who Was The Bell Named After?

    Who Was Sir Benjamin Hall?

    Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace Is The Queen's Official Residence and Issed to Receive and Entertain Guests on State, Ceremonial and Official Occasions for the Royal Family. The Queen Has Four Palaces in Britain.

The Buckingham Palace IS Located Between The Green Park, Hide Park and St. James's Park. DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER YOU CAN GO INSIDE BUCKINGHAM PALACE. The Palace Is Very Big. You can see 19 of the guests, Ballroom and Gardens, The Grearest Treasures Including Paintings and the Finest French and English Furniture. IF The Queen's Flag Is Flying Outside The Queen Is At Home.

    What Is the Queen's Official Residence?

    Where Is Buckingham Palace Located?


    10 Downing Street.

10 Downing Street IS The Residence and Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and The Headquarters of Her Majesty's Government. DOWNING STREET IS LOCATED IN WHITEHALL IN CENTRAL LONDON, A FEW MINUTS 'WALK FROM THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT AND A LITTLE FARLIR FROM BUCKINGHAM PALACE. It is Actually The Official Residence of the First Lord of the Treasury, But in Modern Times This Post Has Always Been Held Simultaneously with the Office of Prime Minister.


    Where Is Downing Street Located?

    Is 10 Downing Street the Office of Prime Minister?

    Is 10 Downing Street Far from The Houses of Parliament?

    What is Situated Next To 10 Downing Street?

4.Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square Is The Geographical Center of London. It Was So Named to Commemorate Admiral Nelson's Victory AT The Battle Of Trafalgar. In The Middle of the Square There Is a Very Famous Monument Nelson's Column With the Statue of Lord Horatio Nelson on the top. The Column Is Over 170 Feet High. ITS Pedestal Is Decorated with Bas-Reliefs of Famous Naval Battles. AT The Base of Nelson's Column Are Four Great Lions.

Trafalgar Square Has Become Famous As a Point for All Kinds of Demonstrations, Marches and Political Meetings.

Each Year in December, The People of Norway Send A Gift of An Enormous Christmas Tree to Britain Which Is Erected in Trafalgar Square. This Is Thaks for Britain's Part in Liberation During The Second World War.


    Why Was Trafalgar Square SO Named?

    Where Is Column of Nelson Situated?

    What can you Tell About Christmas Tree in Trafalgar Square?

5.London Eye.

The London Eye Is A Giant Observation Wheel Situated On The Bank of the River Thames. IT IS 135 METERS HIGH. AS The Wheel Turn It Stops to Allow Tourists to See Fantastic Views Over The City. IT Takes Half An Hour for the London Eye to Complete One Rotation.

Since Opening In March 2000 The London Eye Has Become A Symbol of Modern Britain. The London Eye Is Visited by Over 3.5 Million People A Year.

The Wheel Carries 32 Sealed and Air-Conditioned Egg-Shaped Passenger Capsules. Each 10 Tones Capsule Holds 25 People, Who Are Free to Walk Around Inside The Capsule, Though Seating is Provided.


    Where Is the London Eye Situated?


    How Many Tourists Visit The London Eye A Year?

    How Many Passengers Does The Wheel Carry?

6.Tower Bridge.

Tower Bridge Is The Most Famous Bridge Over The River Thames. IT IS Close to the Tower of London, Which Gives IT Its Name. Sir John Wolfe Barry Designed IT.

The Bridge Consists of Two Towers Which Are Tied Together. The Bridge Was Officially Opened On 30 June 1894 by The Prince of Wales (The Future King Edward VII), and His Wife.

The Bridge IS 244 Meters (800 Feet) in Length with Two Towers Each 65 Meters (213 Feet) High.

Thousands of Tourists Visit Tower Bridge Every Year.


    What Is the Most Famous Bridge in London?

    Why do it give its name?

    When Was Tower Bridge Officially Opened?

    Who Was Tower Bridge Officially Opened By?

    Who Designed Tower Bridge?

7.Tower of London. The White Tower.

The Tower of London Is One of the Most ImpoSing and Popular of London's Historical Sites. NOW IT IS A MUSEUM. IT COMPRISES 20 TOWERS. The Oldest Is The White Tower, Dates Back to The 11 Th Century and The Time of William The Conqueror. NowAdays a Lot of Tourists Visit The Tower of London, Because of the Tower's Evil Reputation AS A Prison. The Tower Has Got Beefeaters, Ravens, The Crown Jewels. The Royal Crown Has Got Three Hundred Jewels On It And The Celebrated Indian Diamond.

Many Stories Associated with British History Come from the Tower in 1483 King Edward IV's Two Sons Were Murdered in The So-Called Bloody Tower. Over Two Centuries Later The Skeletons of Two Little Boys Were Found Buried Beneath Steps in the White Tower.

The Ravens, Huge Black Birds, Are An Outficial Part of The Tower. Legend States That It The Ravens Were to Leave The Tower The Crown Will Fall and Britain with IT. UNDER THE SECTIAL CARE OF THE RAVEN MASTER, THE RAVENS EAT RAW MEAT EVERY DAY. And There Is No Danger of Them Flying Away, Because Their Wings Are Clipped.


    What is the most imposing and popular Historical Sites in London?

    How Many Towers Does The Tower Of London Comprise?


    What is the Tower of London Famous for?

8.Palace of Westminster.

The Palace of Westminster Also Known As The Houses of Parliament Is The Seat Of Britain's Two Parliamentary Houses, The House of Lords and The House of Commons.

In The Middle of The 11 Th Century, King Edward The Confessor Had Moved His Court to the Palace of Westminster, Situated On a Central Site Near the River Thames.

In 1265 A Parliament Was Created with Two Houses: The Lords and The Commons. The House of Lords Met At The Palace of Westminster While The House of Commons Did Not Have A Permanent Location. After King Henry Viii Moved His Court to Whitehall Palace In 1530, The House of Lords Continued to Meet in Westminster. In 1547, The House of Commons Also Moved Here, Confirming Westminster As The Central Seat Of Government, A Position IT Still Holds Today.

The Tower Opposite Big Ben Is The Victoria Tower, Built in 1860. The Tower of Lords The Records of Both The House of Lords and The House of Commons Since 1497. During The Parliamentary Year The Union Flag Is Hoisted on Top of the 98m Tall Tower.

The Queen, Who Is The Head Of State, Opens and Closes Parliament. All New Laws Are Discussed by MPS In The Queen, Al New Laws in the Commons, and Finally Signed by The Queen. All Three Are Part of Parliament in Britain.

    Where Is the Seat of Britain's Two Parliamentary HOUSES?

    What is Opposite Big Ben?


    Who is the Head of State?

9. Westminster Bridge

Westminster Bridge Is a Road And Foot Traffic Bridge Over The River Thames. For over 500 Years, The Nearest Bridge to London Bridge Was At Kingston. Proposals for a bridge at Westminster Had Been Made As Early AS 1664. The Current Bridge Was Designed by Thomas Page and Opened in 1862. The Bridge Is Painted Green, The Same Color As the Leather Seats in The House Of Commons Which Is On The Side Of the Palace of Westminster Nearest The Bridge. This is in Contrast to Lambeth Bridge Which Is Red, The Same Color As The Seats in The House of Lords and Is On The Opposite Side of the Houses of Parliament.

IT Links The West Side Of The River West And The Finishing Point During The Early Years of the London Marathon.


    What Color Is the Bridge Painted?

    What Does Westminster Bridge Link?


The New Globe Theater, The Stage of the New Globe Theater Extends Into A Large Circular Yard, Which Is Surrounded by Three Tiers Of Very Steep Seating. The Most Expensive Seats Are Covered. All Others Are Exposed, Which Is Why Plays Are Held Here Only During The Summer Monhs. ADDITIONAL STANDING ROOM IS AVAILABLE AT A Very Low Cost for Those Who Don't Mind Remaining Erect During The Production.


    Where Is the Globe Theater Located?

    Why Are Plays Held Only During The Summer Monhs?

11. Westminster abbey


    Is Westminster Abbey a Church or a Palace?

    What is Westminster ABBEY FAMOUS FOR?

    Who is Buried in Westminster ABBEY?

30 st. Mary Axe Building Is a Skyscraper in London's Main Financial District, The City of London.

Originally Known As The Swiss Re Building, IT Was Later Renamed to Its Street Address 30 St. Mary Axe After Swiss Re Sold The Building In 2007. Even Before Its Construction Was Complete Londoners Nicknamed The Building The "Gherkin" for Its Distinctive Shape and It Is Still Known by That Name.

The Skyscraper Was Built in 2004 After A Modern Glass and Steel Design by The Architectural Firm of Foster and Partners. With 41 Floors, The Tower IS 180 Metres (591 FT) Tall. The Cigar-Shaped Structure Has a Steel Frame with Circular Floor Plans And A Glass Façade with Diamond-Shaped Panels.

The Top of The Tower, Where Visitors Find An Open Hall Covered by A Glass Conical Dome Is Spectacular. From Here You Have Great Views Over The City. The Building Is Not Open To the Public. ITS Unique and Efficient Design Has Won The Gherkin Many Awards.


    What Is the Nickname of the Building?

    WHO Nicknamed The St. Mary Ax Building The "Gherkin" and why?

    St. Mary Axe Building Is a Skyscraper, ISN't IT?

    What is at the top of the Building?

13. St. Paul's cathedral

The City's Greatest Monument, St. Paul's Cathedral Was Built by Christopher Wren Between 1675 and 1710. Unfortunately Christopher Wren Died Before The Completion. He is buried there.

The Cathedral Is One Of Europe's Largest Cathedrals and It Is Second In Size Only to St. Peter's in Rome. The Famous Dome Reaches A Height of 111 Meter (366 FT) and Weights About 66,000 Tons. On Top of the Dome Is A Large Lantern WITH A Weight of 850 Tons.

560 Steps Lead Visitors Along Three Galleries All the Way To the Top of the Dome. The First Gallery, The Whispering Gallery, Just Inside The Dome, Is Renowned for Its Acoustics. The Second Gallery, The Stone Gallery, Is Situated At A Height of 53 Meter (174FT) on the Outside of the Dome, Right On Top Of The Colonnade. ON TOP OF THE DOME, AT A Height of 85 Meter (279 FT), Is The Narrow Golden Gallery, Encircling The Lantern's Base. Here You Have a Magnificent View Over The City.

The Church Was The Site Of A Number of Important Historic Events Such As The Funeral of Admiral Nelson in 1806 And The Funeral of Winston Churchill in 1965. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer Married Here In 1981.


    Who Built St. Paul's Cathedral?


    What Historic Events Were In St. Paul's Cathedral?

London has a lot of attractions. Among them: Westminster Abbey, Parliament Building, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Bridge and Tower. London stands on the River Thames. Passing through the Tower Bridge, you immediately see the London Tower. This is the oldest city building. Many centuries ago it was a fortress, then the royal palace, and then - the prison. Now this is a weapon museum. On the banks of the Thames, not far from Tower, you can see the Westminster Palace or the Parliament Building. It meets the British government, and in addition, it is one of the most beautiful buildings of London. One of his towers is the famous Big Ben, the biggest clock of England. They beat every quarter of an hour. Buckingham Palace is the official Residence of the Queen in London. Tourists always go there for Toga to watch the Caraul change ceremony. In London, many beautiful areas. Some of them are quiet, and others are very noisy, such as Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the central square of the city. To the right of the square is the National Gallery, in which there is a rich collection of European painting. St. Paul's Cathedral is the biggest cathedral in England. Another famous cathedral is a Westminster Abbey, where crowned personnel and many famous people were buried. London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world, because there anyone can say everything he wants. The London Zoo is in the Ridgeth Park.
Translation into English:
There Are A Lot of Places of Interest in London. AMONG THERE ARE: Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Bridge, The Tower of London. London stands on the river thames. Crossing The River By The Tower Bridge You Can See The Tower of London. IT IS One of the Oldest Buildings of the City. Many Centuries Ago It Was a Fortress, A Royal Palace and then a Prison. NOW IT IS A MUSEUM OF ARMS. On The Bank of the Tower of London, You Can See Westminster Palace, Or The Houses of Parliament. IT The Seat of the British Government and It Is One of the Most Beautiful Buildings in London. In One Of Its Towers There Is Famous Big Ben, The Largest Clock of England. IT Strikes Eve Quarter of An Hour. Buckingham Palace Is The Queen's Official London Residence. Tourists Always Go to See The Ceremony of Changing The Guard There. London Has Many Fine Squares. Some of Them Are Quiet, Others Are Busy Like Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square Is The Central Square of the City. To The National Gallery Which Has a Fine Collection of European Paintings. St. Paul's Cathedral Is The Biggest English Church. Another Famous Church Is Westminster Abbey Where Kings, Queens, and Many Famous People Are Buried. London Is Also Famous for Its Beautiful Parks. Hyde Park Is The World, As Anyone Can Say Anything He Likes There. REGENT'S PARK IS THE HOME OF LONDON ZOO.

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