Transplanting a home rose. Pruning a room rose

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The queen of not only gardens, but also window sills can truly be called a rose. The indoor rose, like its relatives from the garden, belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Almost all flower growers want their home to have such a charming fragrant flower. But unfortunately, only a small part of people know how to properly care for this plant.

Often a few weeks after purchasing a chic room rose, it turns into a dry black stump. What is the reason for what is happening? How to properly care for this plant? How to transplant a rose from pot to pot after purchase?

Adaptation after purchase

Pretty picky plant. It's not easy to take care of him. Therefore, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of growing this queen of flowers before buying.

AT flower shop The main task of the grower is to choose the right, strong plant. Many buyers immediately focus on the number of buds. Deceptive judgment: if there are a lot of buds, then it's good. But Special attention must be directed to the plant itself. He must have young shoots. This means that it is in the growth stage, which means it will be able to quickly take root in a new place. The result will be abundant flowering for many years.

So, now many will ask, how to transplant a rose from pot to pot? But the answer will surprise many. Immediately after the acquisition, the plant can not be transplanted into another soil. It should acclimatize to new conditions, take root in your apartment.

Two days after the purchase, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures aimed at pest control. To do this, you can use ordinary soap foam. Each leaf must be washed well, especially with inside, soapy solution. After the plant is rinsed under running warm water.

Some flower growers arrange a contrast shower for the plant. The rose is watered first hot water about a minute, and after a cool - for the same period of time.

Remove the plant from the pot and inspect its root system. If rot is present, it is removed. Healthy roots should be strong, light.

After water procedures the flower is left for an hour to dry. At this stage, you can carry out a transplant. But how to transplant a rose from pot to pot correctly?

Rose transplant at home

A purchased rose in a store can be transplanted at any time of the year. But experienced experts recommend doing this. in early spring or in August.

Novice flower growers should be aware that a garden rose is not intended for planting at home. On your windowsill can only take root room variety plants. It differs from garden rose size and type. But at the same time, you should know how to transplant a homemade rose into another pot.

Before boarding, you should learn some rules:

  • You can transplant a flower only 2-3 weeks after purchase. This procedure must be performed only with a healthy plant. It should show no signs of disease or decay.
  • Drainage in a pot - required condition transplants. It provides drainage of excess water, which means root system will not rot, remain whole and healthy.
  • Drainage can be expanded clay, fragments of a clay pot, pieces of foam, river pebbles.
  • If you are transplanting a plant that has completed its flowering, it must be pruned. On the shoots you can leave no more than 2-3 buds.
  • Many flower growers are guided by moon calendar. They advise transplanting a rose during the growing moon.

You have learned the basic rules of how to transplant a rose into another pot. The first 2-3 days after transplantation, the plant must be placed in dark place or on a windowsill that faces north. After the rose can be put in a permanent place.

Pot selection

It is advisable to choose containers for planting plants with drainage holes. In this case, the drainage layer should be at least 1 cm.

If you are using a pot with a solid bottom, the drainage layer should be more than 3 cm.

The new container should be 2 cm wider and 5 cm higher. No need to transplant the plant into a large pot. Indeed, in such a container, a rose can produce a small number of buds, or flowering may not occur at all. After all, the plant will build up the root system until it fills the entire volume of the pot.

The ideal choice would be a ceramic container, glazed on the outside. This material will prevent the soil from drying out. But remember, such a container must be placed in warm water a few hours before transplantation.

Would you like to purchase a plastic pot? Give preference to models with thick walls and a wide pallet.

Soil for planting

Indoor rose is a finicky plant. It is very demanding on the composition of the soil. If it is planted in unsuitable soil, it may stop its growth, and flowering may not occur at all. So, how to transplant a rose in a pot after purchase?

It is better to purchase ready-made soil designed specifically for roses. In flower shops, you can easily find the necessary substrate.

But you can also prepare the soil yourself. To do this, it is enough to mix the humus, sod land and sand in a ratio of 4: 4: 1. Flower growers also recommend adding a little expanded clay to such a soil mixture, which will contribute to the breathability of the soil.

Immediately before planting, the plant must be well watered and left for 20-30 minutes so that the water is absorbed into the soil.

Features of a rose transplant

Transplanting a plant is quite simple. But you should know some of the nuances of how to properly transplant a rose in a pot in order to soon see the results of your activities.

Transplanted indoor rose necessarily with an earthen clod. Therefore, this process is often referred to as "transshipment". Fresh substrate is added to the bottom of the container and on its sides, filling the entire volume. Compacting the soil is not recommended. It is enough just to fill the container to a certain level after watering the plant.

The flower after transplantation must be placed in a dark place.

And having already put the indoor rose in a permanent place, 2 times a day it is necessary to spray the plant with settled water.

Annual transplant

For a large, overgrown bush, you should not purchase a container large sizes. Water will constantly stagnate in it, and the soil will turn sour. Top dressing is applied only in the spring when transplanting.

Room rose care

Indoor rose pleases many with its attractive buds and pleasant aroma. To achieve abundant flowering, you need to know a few nuances in caring for a flower queen. In winter and summer period roses need to be cared for differently. To make the plant happy lush bloom, you need to provide a period of rest. Normal growth is possible with required quantity light and introduction useful substances. In addition, you need to know how to transplant a rose from pot to pot correctly.

Some time after the acquisition, the plant should be transplanted into new ground. If this is not done, it may wither and turn yellow. This is due to the fact that the rose is used to frequent stimulation and fertilization.

Feeding and watering

It is necessary to water the indoor rose as the soil dries. In summer and spring, the plant needs abundant watering. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil so that it does not acidify.

Water should be taken rain, soft melt or settled. She must be warm. Watering is carried out under the root.

Timely application of fertilizers contributes to abundant flowering. This procedure has some nuances:

  • In spring and summer, you can feed the plant once a month.
  • Fertilizers should be applied twice a month in autumn.
  • Fertilizer composition must be alternated. The first time they make organic, the second - mineral.
  • Alternately, you can carry out root and foliar top dressing of roses. All nutrients are applied by spraying the plant from a spray bottle.


Indoor rose is the queen of window sills. Many flower growers will agree with this. After all, its abundant flowering pleases the eye, and the pleasant aroma is unforgettable. In order for her to please you with frequent flowering, you need to know how to transplant an indoor rose into a pot correctly, provide her with proper care.

Roses - beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma. They are usually grown in open field- in gardens, in summer cottages, but many women prefer to see their favorite flowers in pots on their windowsills. In order for roses to bloom for a long time and not get sick, they need to be properly looked after.

Rose is enough capricious flower. It will delight you with its flowering only if you provide proper care, which includes a transplant. If you were given a rose bought in a store, then it will need to be transplanted in the near future, since thin plastic pots and store soil are not suitable as a permanent home for the plant. Subsequently, the rose will need to be repotted periodically in early spring or late summer. For the procedure to be successful, you should learn in advance how to transplant a home rose.

Preparing to transplant a room rose

Hot water temperature for roses should not exceed 40°C

After completing the bath procedures, spray the rose from the spray bottle with a solution of epin (5 drops of epin per liter of water) and cover it with a plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves. Lift the bag once a day, gradually increasing the time the rose spends on fresh air. Gradually, the flowers, if any, will begin to wither, and the plant will be ready for transplanting.

A new home for room roses

Prepare a comfortable potty for your pet. It should be two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. It is best to choose a clay glazed pot - the moisture in this will not dry out too quickly. Also take care of drainage in advance. Suitable: - clay shards, - expanded clay, - pebbles. The earth should be chosen slightly acidic and loose. A specialized soil sold in stores will also be good.

The indoor roses that we buy in pots often grow in pure peat or other light loose filler that does not contain any at all. nutrients. Manufacturers of such plants in order to give these miniature roses more marketable condition, when grown, they are fed with a special solution, the composition of which is kept secret. If you leave miniature roses like the others indoor flowers, in the same soil and start watering it with ordinary water, then the peat quickly turns sour and this causes a fungal infection (twigs turn black), and the plant quickly dies.

Transplanting indoor roses.
After buying a potted rose, you must definitely transplant it. But not on the same day, but give her some time to get used to the new conditions. Immediately after purchase, the rose must be washed with warm water and soap. This can be done by simply dipping her head in a bowl of water for 20-30 minutes. Then arrange a contrast shower for her - hot water(40 degrees) alternate with warm water. After that, sprinkle it abundantly with water with the addition of epin (5 drops per liter of water) and pour it well with the same solution, let the water drain and build a “greenhouse” for the rose from a bag stretched over sticks stuck in the ground.

The main thing is that the package does not touch the leaves. It is necessary to air the rose daily, increasing the airing time every day. Once the flowers begin to fade, remove ALL of them.
Then carefully remove the plants (usually several roses in one pot) from the pot. Immerse the roots in warm boiled water and very carefully wash off ALL the earth from the roots.
Often under the ground you can find roots wrapped in nonwoven fabric. This canvas must be removed, trying to injure the roots as little as possible. It is necessary to rinse in order to completely remove the transport primer from chemicals, which are brought in specifically so that the rosette remains miniature, does not grow, and the flowers do not crumble for a long time. After washing the roots, each plant must be planted in an individual pot.

Do not transplant a rose into too much big pot. From this, it may begin to bloom worse. new pot should be larger than the old one by about 5 cm in height and 3-5 cm in diameter. The earth should be loose, moisture-intensive, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It is better to buy special earth for roses in a flower shop.

The pot should have drainage holes and 1 cm of fine expanded clay should be poured into the bottom of the pot for good drainage. Roses should be planted at the same depth at which they sat in the previous pot. After transplanting, place the rose in a north window or shady spot for a day or two. And for the permanent residence of the rose, you need to choose a window in the south or southeast. In winter, it is desirable to provide the rose with additional lighting with a lamp. daylight up to 14-15 hours a day.

Indoor roses care at home require special. Novice flower growers claim that these flowers are capricious; after purchase, they often shed their leaves and stop blooming. How to properly care for a home rose so that it pleases with its beauty for a long time is a question that interests many readers.

There are many beautiful miniature types of indoor roses on sale, there are more than 20 thousand of them.

Successful varieties are interesting, which are calmly related to home growing conditions:

  1. Baby Masquerade. About 30 cm high, shoots are strong and branched, spines are almost absent, leaves are small, dark green, flowers from 3 to 4 cm in diameter bloom in inflorescences of 3 - 12 pcs. The color of flowers changes during flowering. At first it is lemon yellow, then it turns pink. Pleasant aroma reminiscent of fruit. The variety is disease resistant.
  2. Angela Rippon. During flowering, the bush is covered with many small red flowers, 3-4 cm in diameter with a strong pleasant aroma. Inflorescences consist of 3 - 5 buds. The bushes are compact, about 40 cm high, the leaves are small, dark green. The plant does not require pruning, grows well in small pots.
  3. Easter Morning. Dense and neat bush, 30 - 40 cm high. Shoots during flowering are covered with double creamy-white flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm, with a faint aroma. Inflorescences sometimes consist of 25 buds, flowering continues continuously throughout the summer.
  4. fire princess. Terry small flowers are painted in an orange-red hue, bloom in inflorescences of 3 - 5 buds.
  5. Colibri. Dense bushes about 35 cm high, large flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter, have a pleasant tea aroma. The color of the flowers is yellowish-orange or apricot with a yellow tinge. Inflorescences consist of 3 or 5 buds.

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, differs from indoor roses in the shape and structure of the bush, it does not require rest in winter period and frequent cuts.

Flower care at home

Important for a rose good lighting, regular watering, fertilizing and annual transplants. Care at home is almost no different from growing in open ground.

In summer or spring, the plant can be taken out to the balcony.

It is advisable to wrap the dark pot in foil or put it in a white pot so that the roots do not overheat.

Roses are very fond of high atmospheric humidity. They can be placed in a pan with water so that the bottom of the pot is slightly above the water level.

The location of the flower in the room

The rose is placed on a bright eastern windowsill, without direct sun. The plant does not tolerate overheating, the air temperature should be no more than 25 ° C.

After the purchase, the rose is given time to acclimatize. It is kept in quarantine for two weeks, separately from other flowers.

Watering rules at different times of the year

In summer, the rose is regularly and plentifully watered, when it is hot, do it every day. The earth should not dry out or be too wet.

In autumn, preparations for winter dormancy begin, watering is reduced. In winter, it is easiest to take care of a room rose, it needs to be watered very rarely.

In summer, the rose loves daily spraying with water at room temperature. The purchased plant can be sprayed with "Epin" - a drug that increases plant immunity and vitality (dissolve 2 drops per 1 tbsp of water).

Top dressing and fertilizers

For a rose to bloom beautifully, it needs to be fertilized frequently. If there are buds on the bush, it is fertilized once a week with top dressing for roses.

Before flowering, for better growth, the rose is fertilized 1 time in 2 weeks. In winter, feeding is stopped.

If the plant is sick, pests or rot have appeared on it, do not feed. First, insects are destroyed, the cause of the disease is eliminated, and then fertilizers are renewed.

Pruning a room rose

Indoor roses need three types of pruning:

  • forming (for the formation of a bush and flowering);
  • regulatory (to eliminate weak shoots);
  • seasonal.

All roses tolerate even the heaviest pruning well. Nevertheless, it is better to carry it out with a clean pruner. Sections on the shoots are made at an angle, immediately treated with charcoal or other means of protection.

Before the onset of winter, seasonal pruning is performed over 4 or 5 buds, counting from the ground.

The bud is where the petiole of the leaf grows from. top leaves on pruned shoots, they must look outward so that further growth occurs correctly.

Proper formative pruning in early spring promotes abundant flowering. Roses bloom only on the shoots of the current year, so all old branches need to be shortened.

Care after flowering

The withered bud is immediately removed to the first bud. The plant will spend a lot of energy on the formation of seeds, and flowering may stop. Roses bloom until late autumn, after which the bushes are cut and transferred to a cool room.

How to care for flowers in winter

Indoor rose bushes are cut and placed in a cool place with an air temperature of 5 - 15 ° C. Plants do not shed their leaves, but with an increase in daylight hours they start growing again. In the spring, they are transplanted into new larger pots.

Watering in winter should be very moderate so that the soil does not remain wet. Feeding is not carried out.

Transplanting a room rose

The indoor rose is growing rapidly, gaining strength, and the roots are braiding the entire earthen ball. This plant needs repotting. The new pot is taken a little larger in volume than the previous one. Drainage is placed at the bottom (about 1 cm) and soil for the rose is poured.

The soil for planting can be prepared independently from soddy, humus soil and sand (ratio 2: 2: 0.5).

After transplanting, the rose is watered abundantly so that water flows out through the drainage holes. Excess fluid is drained from the pan. In the next 2 - 3 weeks, the plant is not fertilized.

Flower propagation methods

Roses are propagated by cuttings and seeds. For cuttings, you can use branches cut at any time of the year. Spring or summer shoots with buds or flowers are more likely to root.

  • Cuttings are cut when the buds are already colored, it is important that they have dormant buds.
  • The length of the cutting should be from 5 to 12 cm. If the shoot is longer, it is cut into several three-node cuttings. The cut is made obliquely, right under the kidney.
  • The shoot should have 3 - 4 leaves on the trunk, for better rooting, the leaf plates can be cut to half the length. lower leaves are removed from the shoots.

Immediately after cutting, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand or just in the sand. You can root long branches of roses in water. To speed up the formation of roots, before planting in the soil, the sections are treated with a growth stimulator or rooting agent.

When planting, the cuttings are buried 1/3 of the length, up to the first leaf. The soil is slightly compacted and moistened, then covered with a film or jar.

Cuttings do not need abundant watering, it is much more important to maintain an air temperature of at least 18 ° C. Better rooting occurs if the soil temperature is 22 - 25°C.

Cuttings should be placed in a bright place, but not in direct sun. Daylight hours should be at least 15 hours. To prevent fungal diseases a week after planting, seedlings can be sprayed with a solution of "Fundazol".

The cuttings will take root in 3 to 5 weeks, this can be determined by the growth of new leaves. When this happens, the greenhouse is removed, and each cutting is planted in a separate pot with light and fertile soil.

Flowers appear on young roses in August or September. But it is better to cut the first buds so that the plant does not deplete and overwinter well.

Prevention of diseases and pests

If the air in the apartment is dry and the rose is rarely sprayed, the leaves may start spider mite. In the fight against it, acaricides are used, with which the plant is treated several times with an interval of 7 days.

Rosa can get sick powdery mildew, as a result of which a light ash coating is formed. For spraying, systemic antifungal drugs are used, for example, "Fitosporin" 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water.

In order not to be tormented by the question of why the leaves of a rose bought in a store turn yellow, it must be treated with fungicides and Fitoverm from pests. You can place Gliocladin tablets in the soil (1 pc. per 300 ml of soil).

Common Growing Problems

After buying a rose, it often begins to shed its leaves.

This can be caused by several reasons:

  • stress experienced by the plant during transportation;
  • fungal diseases;
  • insect pests;
  • dry air in the apartment.

If the rose is very weakened, it is better to cut it 4-5 buds above the ground and cover it with a bag or transparent plastic bottle. Water and air regularly until new leaves begin to grow.

The rose is one of the most beautiful and noble flowers. Her beauty is liked by almost all women. That is why many make rose propagation by cuttings at home. This method is the easiest of all.

It is worth considering in more detail how to propagate a rose, as well as how to do it with cuttings and provide the flowers with proper care.

Roses can be propagated in several ways:

Roses are propagated most often in two ways - by seeds or by the vegetative method. Let's consider the second option in more detail.

How to propagate roses from cuttings

As a donor for rose propagation, all types of this flower can be used, but only from a domestic producer. No need to use Dutch roses. What you need to propagate a plant at home:

After planting, the plants should be kept in the greenhouse for at least 15 days. In such conditions, the cuttings will receive enough heat, moisture and light. It is not necessary to water the ground often, but it is necessary to keep high humidity in a greenhouse, about 80-90%. To do this, spray the plants with water. The greenhouse must always be closed. The exception is overheating inside. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate the space in the morning and evening hours so that there are no burns on the rose leaves.

After that, it is necessary to transplant the cuttings into pots with a diameter of 9–11 cm. The pots are dug in a greenhouse.

Cuttings of a room rose

The easiest way to propagate room roses is cuttings. First you need to prepare the stalk:

  • It should not be more than 10 cm in length.
  • The cut is made oblique under the kidney. In this case, he will take root faster.
  • The upper cut makes 5 mm above the kidney.
  • Leaves are removed from the bottom.

There are two ways to propagate a flower:

Reproduction of a rose at home adapts a new plant to exactly the temperature in which it was grown. That is why the problem with adaptation disappears.

How to propagate a climbing rose

Prepare cuttings for propagation climbing rose needed in the fall. They can be rooted in soil or water. If water is used, it must first be boiled to kill germs. Otherwise, climbing rose cuttings will rot. They should be 20 cm long and have 4 buds.

As a rule, the root system develops in a month. After that, it is necessary to transplant the stalk into a flowerpot. You need to take care of him, as for ordinary houseplant. Soil is poured into the flowerpot and a hole is made, filled with sand. After that, you need to stick the stalk. Cover the top with a jar. Be sure to keep an eye on the humidity.

Plant care rules

Having planted a rose, it is necessary to provide it with proper care:

How to propagate chrysanthemum cuttings

Spring is the best time of year for cutting chrysanthemums. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the mother liquor in the fall. Before frost, it is necessary to cut off the part of the chrysanthemum bush that is above the soil. The part remaining in the ground must be dug up and placed in any container that is suitable in size. Pour the earth into the container and put it in a closed and cold place, you can in the cellar. Any room with a temperature not higher than +5 degrees can be suitable.

During wintering, the mother liquor needs to be watered. If it is stored in the cellar, then such a procedure may not be necessary. Watering is carried out if the earth is dry.

It is recommended to carry out spring cuttings of chrysanthemums in March. To do this, it is necessary in mid-February to transfer the mother liquor to warm room and water well. In a week, young shoots will appear. It is necessary to wait until the shoots grow by 8–10 cm. They must be cut in such a way that two pairs of leaves remain on the cuttings. In this case, new shoots will grow faster on them, from which cuttings will be cut for a new chrysanthemum.

The cuttings need to remove the leaves at the bottom. They remain at the top.

It is necessary to plant chrysanthemum cuttings in moist soil, to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. You can plant one in a cup or three in a pot.

Propagating plants is not an easy task. Plants can reproduce in two ways - by seeds and vegetatively, that is, with the help of leaves, stems. The most common method is cuttings. After planting, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper care.

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