Roses of the Nikitsky Garden, continued. Who where buys rose seedlings for Siberia

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

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Roses in Siberia and for Siberia

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The story began about 25 million years ago, when there were no signs of man on earth, but the first
a written mention of it was found in the royal tombs of Chaldea in the city of Uru in the interfluve of the Tigris and
Euphrates in what is now Turkey (about 5,000 years ago). The rose owes an abundance of legends and traditions
not only our love for her, but also the fact that, having accompanied a person for more than one millennium, she still
keeps a lot of secrets about himself.

Even the early Romans were true connoisseurs of roses, in Rome there was even a "cult" of roses. used
flower for a variety of purposes. The floors were covered with roses, the guests showered with petals. rose oil
used in medicinal purposes- it was added to baths and treated the sick. They drank rose wine, and the warriors
decorated with pink garlands.

When the supply of roses in Rome became scarce, greenhouses were built. These are the first rosaries in history,
who provided the Romans with their favorite flowers all year round. After the fall of the Roman Empire about the rose
forgot, even for some time considering this flower a symbol of Roman licentiousness and greed. But
times change.

One of the oldest rose gardens still exists in France in the city of Malmaison. It is founded
Josephine de Beauharnais, Napoleon's first wife. This rose garden contained almost 250 types of roses. Mostly
this is specific roses and natural hybrids. It was in this rose garden that they first began artificially crossing
and sometimes surprising results. date of birth modern history roses became 1867 when
the first varieties were bred hybrid tea roses.

Amber Queen- Queen's amber. Variety from the floribunda group, profusely flowering. Low, slightly leafy
the bushes of this rose seem to languish under the weight of shining golden bouquets.

Ave Maria, hybrid tea. Divine red-coral hue flowers, impeccable in shape.

miniature Baby Bunting, sweet baby :) But how beautiful this baby is with the bright, fresh color of small
graceful roses!

In England, the rose became an element of the heraldry of the royal houses, the descendants of the Plantagenet dynasty. Scarlet
the rose entered the emblem of one branch of the dynasty - the Lancasters, and the other branch - the Yorks, they took it into their emblem
white. Therefore, the war between Henry VI Lancaster and Edward IV of York was called the War of Scarlet.
and white rose (1455-1485). As a symbol of the end of such a long and senseless internecine war
and reconciliation of the warring parties, an unusual variety of roses was bred. One bush bloomed pink
and white buds, and the rose was called York-and-Lancaster.

Casino, weaving. The bright yellow buds are the same shape as those of a hybrid tea rose, opening in
lovely soft yellow double flowers with a pleasant aroma.

Christophe Colomb. Hybrid tea. The flowers are bright orange in color, changing as they bloom from
periphery towards the center to a more intense red. The shape of the half-opened flowers is so perfect
that they even seem fake - the petals are dense, slightly pointed, very closely stacked and as if
unwind in a spiral, forming a high center of the flower. And this perfection is achieved in just 27

The rose came to Russia in the 16th century, but for a long time its distribution was limited only to the royal gardens.
yard. Rose growing was more extensively developed during the time of Peter I and Catherine II. Thanks to the rose
one serf, who helped an English gardener in his work, received his freedom from a great connoisseur of roses
Count Golovkin. They say that the surname Rozanov, common in Russia, came from this particular peasant.

lady rose. Hybrid tea. The goblet-shaped bud retains a beautiful shape when blooming.
The flowers are salmon-red, very large, with hard, non-burning petals, with a delicate pleasant smell.

Niccolo Paganini, floribunda. Elegant, bright red velvety rose with a rich aroma. On the
one peduncle up to 12 flowers!

ocean pink. Hybrid tea. Goblet bud and large cupped pink flower tenderest
shade. A very rare variety in rose production.

pretty woman, floribunda. Salmon-pink terry flowers up to 8 cm in diameter have up to 40 petals.

Pussta- undersized floribunda, with flowers in small racemes of 2-5 pcs. This rose has globular buds,
which bloom into semi-double dark red flowers with golden stamens.

red queen, vigorous hybrid tea variety, very rare. Perfectly shaped large red
cupped flower.

Sandra, hybrid tea. Salmon-pink flowers with lighter undersides of petals,
goblet, with a delicate aroma.

Swany- first ground cover rose, bred by Meillant, and still one of the best. Swany combines
the genes of two evergreen roses, Rosa sempervirens and Rosa wichurana, but instead of being vigorous
climbing rose, forms a sprawling profusely flowering bush. Flowers of pure white color, snowy-
in a pink tone in the center, and when they just bloom, they are densely doubled, in the form of rosettes.

Ulrich Brunner, remontant hybrid. This variety has bright cherry-pink flowers, very large and very
densely doubled. The reverse side of the petals is pale pink, the color fades over time, but this does not reduce
the beauty of a flower.

Hutsulochka, semi-climbing variety. The flowers are dark red, with numerous stamens, medium (7-8 cm),
semi-double (14-15 petals), flat, open.

Girlish dreams- climbing large-flowered rose. Flowers are orange-pink to coral, 6 cm in diameter,
terry (25 petals), the edges of the petals are corrugated and indented, in inflorescences up to 30 flowers. Bush up to 3 m high.

Kazakhstan jubilee. Hybrid tea. Large red rose with velvety petals.
AT fragrant flower up to 70 petals.

Crimean gem, floribunda. This is our own selection. Small flowers
(diameter 6-7 centimeters) are painted in flaming red-orange hues.

Poets have always been inspired by the legend of the nightingale and the rose. The nightingale was so captivated by her charms that he was delighted
pressed the rose to his chest. But thorns, sharp as daggers, pierced his heart, and the unfortunate blood stained
petals of a marvelous flower. That is why, says a Persian tale, many of the outer petals of a rose are still
still retain their pinkish tint.

In the garden of Negaristan in Iran, you can find the rose Eglanteria - up to b m high, with a trunk up to 70 cm in
circles. This rosewood has no analogues in the world.

Miskhor, grandiflora. Huge bicolor selection roses. White-red flowers co
many petals are very elegant and decorative.

Moulin rouge, floribunda. What color can a rose with this name be? Well, of course red - colors
love, joy and celebration.

Semi-climbing Darkie good abundant flowering and long-lasting in buds small
graceful roses.

Sunny Valley- large-flowered climbing variety. An impregnable, amazingly beautiful hedge.

Hybrid Tea La Traviata. Such a luxurious rose with wavy petals was supposed to decorate
Carmen's hair

Wuchang-su. Hybrid Tea Golden Rose with a barely noticeable pinkish blush on the petals.

Anabell. Carmine-red large-flowered floribunda. rich and lush bloom fit with
the most beautiful form of gracefully wrapped pointed petals.

Breeders different countries received about 25,000 varieties of roses. Leading position in rose breeding
now occupied by France, Germany, the USA and England. Infinitely varied palette of colors and shades
these flowers.

An almost mystical story of a white rose, bred by the English breeder Harknes. At the beginning
In the summer of 1997, Princess Diana chooses a rose to be named after her. She is her choice
stopped at a rose with very delicate, snow-white flowers with slightly wavy petals and a small
"eye" of golden stamens. But as soon as the Princess of Walles variety (Princess of Wales) appears on sale,
how Diana dies. And her coffin is decorated with a bouquet of these roses. The variety still finds fans, although it
insufficiently resistant to the hardships of the world around him, like the woman who gave him her name. However
in memory of the beautiful Lady Dee, many flower growers cherish this rose in their gardens...

I present to your attention the scanned pages from the book "Flowers of our Motherland". The book has been preserved in at its best, but it is quite readable and gives an idea of ​​​​roses of domestic selection. Unfortunately, the very first pages with the year of issue and circulation have been lost. The preface mentions the 23rd Congress of the CPSU, which took place in February 1956. The watercolors were made by the artist I.Ya. Romanov, who has been sketching original domestic varieties from nature for many years. I hope that the material presented will be of interest to many lovers of roses.

PINK PEARL (Gloria Dei x Crimson Glory).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is very tall, sprawling, up to 100 cm high. The flowers are large, double, very fragrant, solitary on long (25-30 cm) strong peduncles. The color of the flowers is soft brilliant pink with intense pink edges; from the base to the middle of the petals are yellowish-white. When cut, they last up to 6 days. Flowering is moderate, but long (from spring to winter). Reproduces by budding. Powdery mildew is not affected. In the south it winters without shelter. Used for groups, rabatok and cutting.

TANYA-PARTISAN (Kordes Sondermeidung x Gloria Dei).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is medium tall, spreading, up to 80 cm high. The flowers are light red red, golden, turning into velvety dark red, beautiful goblet-shaped, large (9 cm in diameter), terry, with a pleasant delicate aroma, solitary, located on long (25-40cm) strong peduncles. When cut, they last up to 10 days. Bud opening is slow. Flowering is long (from the second decade of June to frost) and plentiful. The reproduction rate is satisfactory. Powdery mildew is not affected. In the south it winters without shelter. Used for groups, rabatok and cutting.

UKRAINIAN ZORKA (Kordes Sondermeidung x Neporozhny).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the floribunda group. Bush of moderate growth (about 60cm), sprawling. The flowers are light cinnabar red, not fading, cup-shaped, medium size(8 cm in diameter), slightly aromatic, terry, solitary and in large inflorescences, on strong long (30-40 cm) peduncles. When cut, they last up to 6 days. Bud opening is fast. Flowering is very plentiful and long (from spring to autumn). The reproduction rate is high. disease resistant powdery mildew, winters in the south without shelter. It is used for borders, rabatok, standard forming, cutting and pot culture.

Pink pearl
Tanya is a partisan.
Ukrainian dawn.

BEAUTY OF THE FESTIVAL (Gloria Dei x pollen mix Krimson Glory + Poinsettia).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is medium tall, sprawling, up to 80 cm high. The flowers are light yellow, with a bright crimson tint on the edges of the petals and a yellow base, goblet-shaped, large, double, with a weak aroma, arranged one at a time, rarely 2-3 on long (15-20 cm) strong peduncles. Bud opening is slow. Flowering is long, from the first decade of June to late autumn. The reproduction rate is high. Resistant to powdery mildew disease, heat-resistant, winters in the Crimea without shelter. Used for cutting and decorative design.

VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL (Gloria Dei x pollen mix Krimson Glory + Poinsettia).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is pyramidal-spreading, up to 100 cm high. The flowers are two-colored, bright crimson with a velvety shade, the outside petals are light, grayish-yellow with a yellow base, goblet-shaped, large (up to 10 cm in diameter), densely double, with a weak aroma, located one by one on peduncles of medium length (15-20 cm).
When cut, they last about 8 days. Bud opening is slow. Flowering is moderate, but long (from spring to late autumn). Reproduces by budding. Resistant to powdery mildew disease, winters in the south without shelter. It is used for cutting, decoration and stamping.

RUSSIAN BEAUTY (Heinrich Wendland x pollen mix M-me Nicolas Ausell + M-me Edouard Herriot + Poinsettia).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is very tall, pyramidal-spreading, up to 100 cm high. The flowers are brilliant pink with a golden hue, oblong-ovate, large (up to 12 cm in diameter), densely double, with a pleasant, rather strong aroma. Solitary, on long (30-40 cm) strong peduncles. When cut, they last up to 10 days. Bud opening is slow. Flowering is abundant and long (from spring to frost). Resistant to powdery mildew disease. On the southern coast of Crimea it winters without shelter, in the northern regions it requires shelter. Used for cutting and decoration.

Russian beauty

GOLDEN AUTUMN (Heinrich Wendland x pollen mix M-me Nicolas Ausell + M-me Edouard Herriot + Poinsettia).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. Bush of moderate growth, up to 70 cm high, sprawling. The flowers are golden-orange with a lemon-yellow base of the petals, cup-shaped, terry, medium size (6 cm in diameter), with a pleasant delicate aroma, solitary on strong peduncles 15-25 cm long. In the cut they last 5 days. Bud opening is fast. Flowering is abundant, long - from the second decade of June until late autumn. Resistant to powdery mildew, winters without shelter on the southern coast of Crimea, in areas with more severe climatic conditions requires the usual shelter used for hybrid tea roses. Used for cutting and decoration. Recommended for the south of the USSR.

KLIMENTINA (Kordes Sondermeidung x Gloria Dei).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is very tall, up to 100 cm high, erect. The flowers are brilliant pink, not fading, large (up to 13 cm in diameter), densely double, when the original beautiful shape, with a pleasant delicate aroma; located for the most part one at a time on high (20-30 cm) straight and strong peduncles. In the cut they last up to 10 days. Flowering is very plentiful and long (from the first decade of June until frost). The reproduction rate is high. Resistant to powdery mildew disease, winters in the south without shelter. Used for cutting and decoration.

FLAME OF THE EAST (Kordes Sondermeidung x Kirsten Poulsen).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the floribunda group. The bush is medium tall, up to 100 cm high, erect. The flowers are bright cinnabar-red with a dark velvet hue, medium size (up to 7 cm in diameter), double (up to 30 petals), with a pleasant faint aroma, solitary and in inflorescences (3-5 pieces each), on strong peduncles up to 25-30 cm. In the cut, it lasts up to 12 days. Bud opening is good. Flowering is very plentiful and long (from autumn to frost)? The reproduction rate is high. Resistant to powdery mildew disease, winters in the south without shelter. It is used for decoration, cutting and pot culture.

LIGHTS OF YALTA (Kordes Sondermeidung x Kirsten Poulsen).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the floribunda group. The flowers are fiery cinnabar red with a dark velvet tint, not fading, oblong, medium size, double (up to 30 petals), with a pleasant faint aroma, solitary or 2-3 on strong long peduncles (15-25 cm). When cut, they last up to 8 days. Bud opening is slow. Flowering is abundant and long (from spring to autumn). The reproduction rate is relatively high. Resistant to powdery mildew disease, winters in the south without shelter. It is used for decoration, cutting, distillation, standard shaping.

CRIMEAN NIGHT (Gloria Dei x Kordes Sondermeldung).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is strong, erect, 100 cm high. The flowers are dark wine-red with a black-violet-velvet shade, the petals are orange-red on the outside, medium size (up to 8 cm in diameter), double, goblet-shaped, fragrant, solitary, rarely 2 on long strong peduncles, bud opening is fast. When cut, they last up to 6 days. Flowering is continuous and long (from the first decade of June to frost). Resistant to powdery mildew disease; winters without shelter on the southern coast of Crimea; shelter is needed in the northern regions. Used for cutting and decoration.

HEART OF DANKO (Poinsettia x Baby Chateau).
Bred in 1955 by V. N. Klimenko. Belongs to the floribunda group. Bush of moderate growth, upright. The flowers are bright scarlet with a black-velvet tint, cup-shaped, medium size (up to 7 cm in diameter), semi-double, with a weak aroma, solitary and in inflorescences (3-5 pieces), on strong peduncles of medium length. When cut, they keep up to 8 days. The buds are opening well. Flowering is very plentiful and long (from spring to frost). The reproduction rate is relatively high. Resistant to powdery mildew disease; in the south it winters without shelter, in the middle zone of the Union it requires light shelter. It is used for decoration, cutting, distillation, standard formation of pot culture.

Crimean night
Heart of Danko

AELITA Selected from free pollinated seedlings of the New Dawn variety.
Bred by I. I. Shtanko in 1952. Belongs to the group of climbing roses. The bush is sprawling, up to 3 m high. The flowers are white, slightly creamy, very beautiful with a high center and wide bent edges, densely double (70-100 petals), 8-10 cm in diameter, very fragrant, rarely 3 or more on long strong peduncles. Bud opening is slow. When cut, they last 8-12 days. Flowering is abundant and long (from June to frost). The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to spring frosts, and is not affected by fungal diseases. Shelter for the winter, such as for climbing roses (film, spruce branches). Used for decoration and cutting.

ROCKET (Narzisse x Comtesse Vandal).
Bred by I. I. Shtanko in 1951. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is upright, compact, powerful, up to 1 meter high. The flowers are golden-pink, elongated, goblet-shaped, double (40-80 petals), very large (12-14 cm in diameter), slightly aromatic, arranged one at a time, rarely 2-3 on straight long (50-80 cm) strong peduncles. Bud opening is fast. Flowering is abundant, long (from mid-June to frost). Reproduces by budding. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, requires shelter, usual for hybrid tea roses. Powdery mildew susceptibility is medium. Used for decoration and forcing.

MOSCOW MORNING (Frau Karl Druschki x Sondermeldung).
Bred by I. I. Shtanko in 1951. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The bush is sprawling, up to 50 cm high. The flowers are of a delicate carmine-pink color, open cup-shaped with wide bent edges, terry (60 petals), large (up to 12 cm in diameter), slightly fragrant, 2-3 and less often one on strong long (25-50 cm) peduncles. Buds open quickly. When cut, they last up to 13 days. Flowering from early July until frost, abundant. The variety is winter-hardy, but needs shelter, is resistant to fungal diseases. Suitable for cutting and decoration.

Moscow morning

Material provided by site member oangara.
Flowers of our Motherland / Ivanov P.N., Golubkova A.D., Zaitseva E.N., Evtyukhova E.A.; Artistic I.Ya.Romanov. - M.: Kolos, 1969. - 168s.: ill.

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