Selection of varieties and features of growing nutmeg pumpkin Muscat de Provence. The best varieties of pumpkins

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

The type of pumpkin, which is less common can be found on the gardens of the middle strip and in Siberia - a nutmeg pumpkin. The reason is simple - the muscat varieties are all late and very fond of heat.

Most of the gardeners are afraid that pumpkin of nutmeg varieties will not raise in a short summer. Concerns are justified, but it can be raised by a seaside way. The result will delight, because the nutmeg pumpkin is the queen of taste and the storehouse of nutrients.

Pumpkin Musade - Annual Cultural Plant Rights South America. Start of flowering - June. Large-size flowers are located singly or in beams.

Fruits are large. The form depends on the variety. The extended, oval shape is common, the varieties of spherical are found. Seeds are formed a lot, they constitute 10% of the total mass of the fetus. Outside, yellow-white seeds, inside gray-green. The taste of the seeds are oily, sweetish.

The flesh is fragrant, juicy, tasty and very useful. It has a lot of substances beneficial to the human body, such as:

  1. Sugar.
  2. Carotene.
  3. Vitamin C.
  4. A nicotinic acid.
  5. Vitamins B1, B2.

We need to know the features of nutmeg pumpkins. This is the late duration of the ripening of fruits. Commercial ripeness comes four months from the appearance of germs. TO characteristic features can be attributed bush grades. All varieties of plenty.

The benefit from growing nutmeg pumpkin is noticeable. The fruits are very lying, can be stored, without sprinkling, for a whole year. A whole year can be eaten by dietary pulp, if not lazy and plant a nutmeg pumpkin on your garden. Especially useful to use the pumpkins of this kind to people with eye problems, stomach. Pumpkin seeds - a proven remedy for helminths.

Common varieties

Lots are derived interesting varieties. A brief acquaintance with the most demanded varieties will help make the right choice.

Consider only proven varieties:

  1. Muscat.
  2. Vitamin.
  3. Marble.
  4. Tsukutaya.
  5. Pearl.
  6. Prikubanskaya.
  7. Pavala Kadu.
  8. Muscat de Provence.
  9. Arabat.


Sort Lovely, long-line. Fruits in a state of technical ripeness are covered with orange-colored leather, weigh almost 7 kg. Fruits have an extended form, by the end expanding.

Orange pulp has a dense structure, juicy. Seeds formed not much. Grow this variety is better than a seaside way.


The fruits of ribbed fruits, elongated (short-core, short-cylindrical), with a dark green peel coated throughout the fetal area with orange spots. Medium weight Fruits of 7 kg.

The flesh is very thick (10 cm), bright orange, juicy. The main purpose is the manufacture of juices and puree from the pulp. For baby food This is the perfect vegetable. The grade has an average susconduness to the anthracnose, may suffer from malievable dew.


Marble pumpkin is well kept, matures by the end of summer. The announced period before cleaning - 125 days. Fruits have round shape Flusted on top and bottom. Vibrantly pronounced ribbies. The robe is dark gray with a greenish tide, there is spotty.

The weight of large pumpkins can reach 10 kg, more often are smaller weighing 6.7 kg. Fruits are stored for a long time, keeping marketable condition. The flesh is good in freezing, usually used to prepare pumpkin puree and delicious porridge.


The middle-variety variety in which commercial ripeness occurs after 150 days. The color is not a mature pumpkin green, but as the pebble of the peel changes the color and in the state of the commercial ripeness of the peel in the tsukate becomes light brown, and the pulp becomes orange. Fruits have an average size, round, slightly flattened shape.


Pearl fruits ripen at the end of summer. They have an oblong (cylindrical or pear) shape with a small ribbon. The fruits are covered with dark gray or grayish-green peel. The largest copies weigh at least 7 kg. But usually the fruits are smaller and their weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg. The pulp has a rich orange color, bright. The taste is sweet, harmonious. The flesh is very juicy.

It is necessary to accurately collect fruits and transport, prevent damage to the peel. With this approach, they can be stored for a long time. Pumpkin is very demanding of warmth, drought it is good. Crops are steadily high. Pearl is recommended for the production of children's and diet food.


The variety is interesting for its strength. Use pumpkin for cooking different dishes You can already after 100 days. The flesh of a beautiful orange-red will delight his gentle taste Any gourmet. Fruits are pretty small, weigh usually 2 kg, less often 3 kg.

Pumpkin Prikubanska is convenient to use in home cooking. Thin peel, which is easy to cut, and the small size of the fruits make the pumpkin Kubanskaya very convenient to use.

Pavala Kadu

This variety is very popular in India. There, the fruit of Pavala Kada is used in therapeutic purposes. From the aqueous extract prepare medicine for patients with tuberculosis. We have Palawa Kuda grown to prepare various dishes and juices for the health. Large fruits can weigh more than 10 kg. The pulp of beautiful bright orange contains a lot of juice. It has a good dessert taste. Fruits are not distinguished by good fierce. They can not be stored for a long time. Lying for more than 4 months.

Muscat de Provence

Medium Pumpkin Muscat de Provence matures for 110-115 days. Fruits are formed not large, round, with grooves. Middle weight 3-4 kg. The pulp orange, juicy, sweet, in its composition a lot of carotene and sugars. Used in cooking. Most gardeners know this variety under a different name - "Mushat Foreign".

Transporting pumpkin transfers well. The burn is excellent. A good taste of pumpkin is obliged to French breeders. Chemical composition The pulp makes it a valuable food product for people with stomach diseases.


This variety has an interesting form fruit. They have an extended shape with thickening from one edge. Peel handsome golden orange. Fruits ripen late.

Pumpkin Arabatskaya One of the most advanced harvest variety and the largest - 20 kg weigh the largest fruits. A good fetus fetus is present under the condition that the pumpkin fetus did not receive mechanical damage when booking.


Muscat pumpkinperfect option For winter consumption. The fruits of this species during storage do not lose taste. The pulp throughout the year retains density, juiciness, nutritional value.

For novice gardens, three varieties can be advised: pearl, bonus, vitamin. These varieties require the least care.

And what do you advise novice gardens?

And we have

Pumpkin is useful and beautiful garden culture. Fruits contain many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber. Distinguish several varieties of vegetable grown on garden Grokes. Today we will talk about the description of the nutmeg pumpkin, the most sweet and tasty. Compare two of its varieties: vitamin and pearl.

Plants form a significant length vacuum - up to 6 meters, on which fruits are tied, usually 2-3. Seed seeds for 2-3 pieces in the hole, closeing on a depth of 10 centimeters, or seedy. IN middle lane It is guaranteed to ripen if it is grown by a seed basis. This culture loves the sun and warm. Place the landing is recommended by rows.

The best soil for this pumpkin is a light loamy and suesy.

Care includes the chipping of the side branches and the main stem. It also requires a complete complex of agrotechnical measures consisting of watering, loosening, weeding, regular feeding with mineral fertilizer. The harvest is collected in September-October. Vintage must be removed to the first frost.

Pumpkin vitamin close-up

Pumpkin vitamin -Promed variety. Large slightly ribbed slightly elongated fruit sleeves approximately 130 days after landing. The magnitude of the fruit reaches weight in 7 kilograms, and 5-kilogram copies are common. Fruits are characterized by satisfactory focus and transportability.

A light orange or yellowish thin bark hides a crispy pulp of a dense, but gentle consistency of saturated orange color. A layer of fibrous pulp under crust reaches 10 centimeters. Mature fruits in large quantities contain carotene and sugar, and therefore they are used in children's nutrition and therapeutic diets. From the pulp prepares juice, puree, baking, other vitamin dishes. High taste quality allows you to use the flesh in the raw form.

Description and characteristic of a variety of pearls

Plants are distinguished by powerful growth, each gives up to 6 shoots, each of which is formed fruit. The weight of fruits of ovally cylindrical shape can reach 6, sometimes 8 kilograms, but not less than 3 kilograms.

The bark is smooth, thin, orange painting. Under it is a thick layer of pulp of dark orange. A small seed nest is formed in the upper third of the fetus, the rest is occupied by the flesh.

In dense fibrous pulp, there are many sugars and carotene, useful for growth and vision.

Pumpkin Pearl in section Close-up

Growing agrotechnika is the same as for other nutmeg pumpkins. The only remark, the name in mind the formation of a powerful bush, it is recommended to leave the space between plants at least 60 cm. It moves well a decrease in temperature. Ripens the harvest for 100-120 days - this is a midverter.

Pumpkin is well stored and even improves the taste during the ripening, however, after a semi-annual storage, the quality of the fruit begins to deteriorate. From pulp rich in carbohyded carbohydine, vitamins and useful micro and macroelents prepare dishes for baby food, delicious low-calorie dietary dishes and drinks.

Comparison of two varieties of nutmeg pumpkin

To compare two varieties - vitamin and pearl - make a visual table

Muscat pumpkin grade Vitamin Pearl
Plant appearance Long vacations up to 6 m Several weaves
Preferred soil Lightweight lungs and samp
Temperature mode Teploud Teploud
Methods landing Seeds in the wells, seedlings Seeds in the wells, seedlings
Number of fruits on the plant 2-3 Until 6
Timing of ripening 125-130 days late 100-120 days, medieval
Form form Slightly elongated, little ribbed Oval, smooth
Power weight 5-7 kg 3-6 kg, sometimes up to 8 kg
Color of the crust Light orange, yellowish Orange
Corn thickness Thin Thin
Color meakty Saturated orange Dark orange
Consistency of meakty Dense gentle crispy fiber
Sakharov content High High
Content carotine High High
Bigness and transportability Satisfactory Good
Recommendations for use Baby nutrition, medical diet. For the manufacture of juices, puree, baking. You can use cheese. Baby nutrition, medical diet. For the manufacture of juices, puree, baking.

Comparison of nutmeg pumpkin Vitamin and pearl did not reveal the existing advantage of one type in front of others. If the pearl and matures a little earlier, the vitamin somewhat wins in taste qualityoh. Pearl is kept better and longer.

As for the yield and transportability, these indicators in both varieties are almost the same. Plants and the other varieties require the same conditions for growing and leaving, thermal-loving. Only the form of fruits and their dimensions differ.

Muscat pumpkin features a juicy fibrous pulp of orange color with a characteristic pleasant taste accent. Among pumpkin cultures Musky varieties are distinguished by a particularly high level of sugars. Thanks to this undoubted advantages A nutmetic pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

Fruit form can be the most different, reach large sizes, but the taste of fruits is invariably remained at the height. And a vitamin musky pumpkin, and the pearl can be successfully grown for both personal consumption and for sale.

A large variety of musky varieties makes it difficult to choose, and therefore the analysis of features and advantages conducted in this article, comparing them between themselves will allow you to decide on the new season.

A nutmeg pumpkin uses among the varieties of pumpkin. Refers to the pumpkin family and is considered annual plant. Fruits have various forms: rounded, slightly flashed, as well as oval or in the form of pear. It is distinguished by high yield and excellent qualities of taste, juicy flesh and brightness of orange leather.

The name of the delicious vegetable was given due to the aroma emanating from it. The nutmeg pumpkin was first led in Central America. On average, its weight is 3 kg, and the special difference between the fruits - they are sweet.

Beneficial features

Popted in Colombia, Peru, Asia, Mexico. In Europe, this type of pumpkin was delivered only in the XVIII century. The vegetable belongs to the useful diet food products, almost consists of water, which is 90%, although the pulp is dense.

This pumpkin must be on each table. From it you can prepare a variety of dishes - porridge, soups, confectionery. It is extinguished, baked, boiled, marinate and dried. In addition, the muscat pumpkin is the only appearance of pumpkin, which, thanks to thin skin, it is pleasant to use fresh, adding into salads.

Vegetable useful. The spectrum of its valuable properties is amazing, it:

  1. Improves vision due to the presence of carotene, lutein and zeaxantine in it.
  2. Has a diuretic effect, cleaning the kidney, bladder From the content of toxins and salts in them.
  3. Strengthens cardiovascular system, cleaning blood vessels, lowering pressure, and also contributes to the withdrawal of "bad" cholesterol.
  4. It is the prevention of dangerous diseases like angina, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, stroke.
  5. Contains fiber, improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. It has low caloric content: 45 kcal per 100 grams of the product, therefore it is considered a dietary product. Thanks to her you can get rid of extra kilograms.
  7. It helps to improve the activities of the immune system, due to the content of vitamin C and folic acid.
  8. Slows the aging of the body, as it contains potassium and vitamin K. They protect the cells from free radicals, as well as slags and toxins accumulated in the body.
  9. Improves the condition of the teeth and joints. Calcium contained, strengthens dental enamel and bone.
  10. It can improve the patient's condition during flu, as the vitamin C helps to get rid of viruses faster, restore the sore throat.
  11. This product is useful for pregnant women, as practically does not cause allergies, supplies the body only with all useful things that will contribute full development fetal.

Suitable region and climate

A nutmetic pumpkin is a thermal-loving culture and grows on the open ground only in the southern regions. In the conditions of the north, it is grown in greenhouses.

How to grow?

Vegetable ripens long: the vegetative period is from 115-140 days. But still there are early grades that are better grown in the middle strip.

Most often have to be removed at the end of August or in mid-September before the onset of frosts. Nothing that the fruits are not fully doser: you will divert during the lying. This will require 45-60 days.

Selection of site and landing time

Before choosing a plot for a nutmeg pumpkin, it is necessary to remember that it is considered a heat-loving and southern culture. The place should be a bit on the hill (so that the water is not stuffed) and the whole day is lit by the sun. If the slightest shadow falls on the plants, no harvest will not wait.

It must be remembered: pumpkin prefers spacious beds. After all, her whites can reach up to 3 meters to the sides. Pumpkin remains unresponsive to many diseases, easily transfers temperature differences.

So that the nutmeg pumpkin in the middle lane has managed to completely mature, it is necessary to plant it with a seaside. Seeds are sown in late April in separate containers. Sit on the permanent place of growth in the first days of June, when there is no danger of frost.

Dangerous factors for her are considered:

  • cooling for a long time;
  • dragging rains;
  • spring frost.

Preparation of Grokery

To plant seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a bed. It is desirable that the soil is loose, well suited by organic fertilizers. In each well required to pour overwhelmed manure and compost.

It is even better if the pumpkin beds will be near a bunch of manure.

Seed preparation to North

Before making the process of sowing seeds, they are recommended to prepare. To do this, they are first soaked in a mortgage solution for 30 minutes, then immediately shifted into a dissolved epin growth simulator, it is held for another 30 minutes. Then wrapped in a wet gauze or the sieve fabric, put into a warm place for germination.

How to plant pumpkin seeds?

To get a strong seedlings, you must do the following:

  1. To withstand seedlings at home about a month.
  2. Then prepare the container in advance. It is better for them to be separate for each plant. They are filled with special soil for growing seedlings.
  3. There are 2 seeds in each container.
  4. Capacities are covered with film so that the soil moisture persists, and put in the dark, but the main thing is warm.
  5. As soon as germs appear, the film is recommended to remove and transfer the plants to a well-lit side concern.
  6. Then a strong plant is chosen from germs, and weak removed. Leaving only one sprout.
  7. After a week is held, it is necessary to start hardening the plants. They are recommended to be taken to the balcony, gradually extending time.
  8. At the end of May or in June it is recommended to land pumpkin sprouts on open sad.

When planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the air and in the soil: it should not be below 15 ° C. Pumpkin is afraid of the slightest frosts. It is better to wait until the weather becomes.

The reproduction of nutmeg pumpkin

There are two main methods of reproduction - it is seeds and with the help of seedlings. Seeds are taken from the best, well-rided pumpkin, they are very much in the middle of the fetus. Seeds are removed, dried and stored until next spring.

Negative factors

Negative factors worsening and complicating receipt good harvestare:

  • development of diseases;
  • insect attack;
  • natural cataclysms (frosts, frequent rains, drought).

With the first two it is necessary to fight with the use of chemicals and people's ways.


After planting plants, seeds or cuts are required to care for them. This means to water time, loosen the land, make feeding, remove weeds, form the screens, fight pests and diseases.


Watering is an important condition in obtaining a nutritional pumpkin harvest. It is necessary to water in the morning or evening hours, only warm, soft water. It is advisable to pour water under the root so that the water does not get on the leaves, especially when the bright sun shines.

For pumpkins, it is important that everything is in moderation. It does not tolerate drought and excessive moistening of the Earth. If there is a high temperature on the street, the plant is under the sun, it is desirable to prone to straw or hay.

Formation of a shell

To get the fruits of large sizes, there is a need for adjustment in the formation of a row. Leave the central whip, and the side are removed, except for two branches: they should not exceed 70 cm long.


Making feeding is important for the growth of the fetus. Organic fertilizers are welcome. It can be a korologist, compost, pumping manure.

Wood ash is needed as a mineral supplement. For the entire period of vegetation (summer season), it is necessary to make about 4 feeding at least 1-2 times a month. It is advisable to purchase superphosphate, potassium sulfate.


It is known that a nutmeg pumpkin is not pollinated independently, so she will need the help of insects, but more reliable, if it does the owner itself. To do this, you need to find during the flowering period male flower (Flood first), tear away the petals, leaving only the pestle. They touch the stamens on the female flower.


After planting a vegetable, we need to ensure that weeds have not grown near it, which will begin to absorb useful substances intended for pumpkin. Weeds to delete in a timely manner, slightly rubbing the land. To limit their growth, you can climb the pumpkin to straw or put the agrosphan.

Muscat pumpkin varieties

It is useful for health culture, so much work was carried out by breeders, many different varieties were displayed.

They differ from each other:

  • appearance;
  • dimensions;
  • form;
  • purpose;
  • content of vitamins and trace elements.


This grade pumpkin variety has a medium-time maturation. Growing out in the open ground. Grow up to 8 kg. The fruit is covered with fine light orange skin. The flesh is dense, juicy, fragrant and orange. Fruits are well stored.

The variety is good for those who love to enjoy this vegetable cold winter. Storage time reaches 4 months.


According to the description of the pearl pumpkin relate to medium-time varieties. Have orange skin, form - round-cylindrical. The flesh is orange, juicy, sweet.

Fruits are perfectly stored in a refrigerator or cellar. The growing season is 110 days.

The bush is compact, the fruits weigh about 8 kg. Landing and growing pearls, as well as nutmeg, is produced in open ground using seeds at a distance of 60 cm. It develops well when making organic fertilizers. Different with cold-resistant qualities when growing.

Marina from Kijdja

Vegetable genus from Italy. Reminds by appearance The sea monster, so the crust is slightly flattened, but the fruit has a round shape. The legend says that this type of pumpkin residents of Kijdja rose the sea.

Middle-aid variety. The vegetative period is about 130 days. Pumpkins grow large, can weigh about 12 kg. Pumpkin in its composition is characterized by a high sugar content, therefore it is considered universal vegetable for the preparation of various dishes. It is booked with jam, jams, even add to cakes and puddings, cooks are prepared.


Pumpkin Vitamin is considered late on the ripening variety. Fruits are ready to use after 140 days. They have an elongated oval shape, with thin skin, brown with splashes of yellow-pink shade. The pulp has a bright orange color, juicy, crusts, sweetish taste.

The mass of the fetus reaches 5 kg. You can plant seeds, but it is better to choose a seedy way of planting so that the fruits are ripe before. It is better to plant, having a hole with rows.


It has a round, slightly flattened shape, the crust is intense, slightly ribbed. Peel color matte orange. It is considered the middle-wide ripening. The vegetative period is 120 days. The fruit grows up weighing up to 8 kg.

The flesh is bright orange, with excellent taste. It has an interesting feature: the longer to keep the pumpkin, the time it becomes better. From it are good desserts, juice and candied.

Honey princess

This variety is considered the middle-easier. Fruits ripen for 115 days. The plant is characterized by the fact that it grows very powerful, so it is planted from each other at a great distance. Wells need to dig 100 cm from each other.

Fruits grow medium sized up to 4 kg. The flesh is bright orange, sweet taste. No wonder the fruit has such a name. A feature is that the pumpkin remains immunity to many diseases, it will easily carry the temperature differences.

Nut Batternat.

it early Sort With a vegetative period of 90 days. He was taken out in Italy, he has an oblong shape. The feature of the fetus is that the seeds begin to form at the bottom of the pumpkin. Due to this there is more pulp.

She with a pleasant pumpkin aroma, sweet taste. Very often, this variety is used as a dietary nutrition.


A nutmeg pumpkin according to the description is one of the varieties of the late muddy variety with beautiful orange fruits. The fruit matures in 140-150 days, has an oblong shape. Growing and care is carried out after planting in open ground.

It turns out vitamin juices, since the flesh is orange, with a pleasant aroma, juicy and crispy. It is suitable for diet food.

Muscat de Provence

This variety is considered to be average, as it matures after 115-120 days. The nutmeg olive pumpkin has a thick crust. It contributes to the extension of the storage of fruits, while all its valuable qualities are saved.

Fruits grow to 8-10 kg. The flesh of a saturated orange color, with a very pleasant taste of honey. This variety is resistant to temperature drops and diseases.


Hokkaido's grade is becoming increasingly popular among vegetable lovers. It is considered a rope plant. It can be different in shape: in the form of pears, round, slightly flashed. Fruits are not very large. Weigh from 700 grams to 2.5 kg.

The pulp meets from yellow to almost red. Taste reminds or chestnuts. The crust of the fetus can have green, white and gray. Different with high content of nutrients. To receive high yield Requires timely watering and making feeding.

Spanish guitar

This variety is not in vain wears such a name, because the fruit has unusual shapereminiscent guitar. Since it grows in the form of a pear, a length is up to a meter, and weighing from 5-10 kg. Skin has a yellowish green color, and the flesh is orange. Her taste resembles carrots, a little apricots. Externally, this pumpkin guitar is more like a zucchini.


This vegetable has wide, slightly flax fruits. Maturation refers to medium-variated varieties. The vegetative period lasts up to 140 days. The fruit has a lot of up to 5 kg.

A feature is a change of crust color as ripening. Initially, it has a green color when it matures - almost brown. It is easy to find out about color that pumpkin is ready to use. Pumpkin flesh orange, juicy and sweet. She is suitable for cooking confectionery.


it flat view, skin is painted in gray, but as it matures it becomes lighter. The flesh is orange, sweetish taste. Suitable for diet food.


This plant belongs to the secondary times in maturation. The vegetative period is 115 days. Has the skin of gray. The fruit grows up weighing up to 4.5 kg.

The flesh is juicy, with a pleasant nutmeg aroma, so any cooked dish has a pleasant taste. It is very well stored.


Pumpkin Prikubanskaya grows up the pear-shaped form, is considered the average permanent duration of ripening, from 115-140 days. Fruit is small. Its mass is 2.5 kg, it can be up to 4.5 kg. It has thin skin.


Pumpkin is considered an average of ripening time, about 130 days. The fruits are round in shape, but slightly flashed. It has a marble color. This is a combination of green and gray.

The flesh is orange, sweet and fragrant. This pumpkin has the pros in what is kept long, the fruit is not cracking and does not rot.

Pavala Kadu

This is a late variety, the vegetative period is 150 days. Therefore, it is better to grow with the help of seedlings. Pumpkin grows round, the surface is shameless, its ribbiness is noticeable. Orange peel, juicy sweet pulp. Middle Mass The fetus is 10 kg.

Golden pear

Pumpkin is distinguished by bright orange fruits, in shape resembles a droplet. She matures B. short time For 95 days. The pulp has an orange color, very juicy with the taste of chestnuts.

Fruits small, portion. Weight of about 2 kg. From pumpkin Golden pear prepare different dishes: casserole, soups, porridge. Observe the landing scheme, the wells are digging around after a meter.


This variety is different high yield. Pumpkin fruits Augustine ripen in 105 days. They have a cylinder form, green in color, with small light spots. This pumpkin is used in raw form for the preparation of salads, and also prepare fragrant porridges, fritters and mashed potatoes.

Pumpkin yield, cleaning and storage

You need to remove pumpkins in a timely manner. Much depends on the variety and diversion of maturation. Early varieties Clean in the middle of August, the average is at about the end of the month, and the Late - in September.

To learn about the aging pumpkin, it is recommended to click on your finger, if there is no hole, pumpkin firmly, it means that it is ready for cleaning. There are varieties of pumpkins, which, with ripening, change the color of the fetus. This can be found in the instructions on packing with seeds.

Clean in dry and sunny weather. It is desirable to have time to hurt before frosts, otherwise it is to reduce its shelf life.

It must be remembered that the pumpkin is finally visits during storage. In order to wait another 1.5-2 months.

It is cut off with a sharp knife, with severe pollution it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth.

Storage of pumpkin harvest depends on the variety. There are pumpkins that need to be stored in cold premises, but mainly it retains all its qualities in room temperature.

If it is assumed to store a pumpkin for a long time, it is necessary to carefully consider the fetus, it should not have damage on a crust. Although pumpkin has amazing abilities, the wounds on it after a while they themselves are healing. When stored it ripes, at this time the crust turns much thicker, the painting changes, the pulp becomes bright orange. Pumpkin can be stored from 3-12 months.

Diseases and pests of nutmeg pumpkin

Pumpkin is rarely subject to various diseases, has persistent immunity. But nevertheless, individual plants may get sick or be subject to pumpkin pests, so you need to know which diseases may be and how to fight with them. After all, any disease can affect the quality of the harvest.

Frequently occurring diseases of nutmeg pumpkin include:

  • bacteriosis;
  • puffy dew;
  • white root rot;
  • anthracnose;
  • yellow mosaic.


The disease is manifested in the form of dark green spots in the residences of the leaves. On the back of the sheet begins to accumulate an oily consistency. Then leaves where there are damage, become brown, then dry. After some time, these stains are hungry, the leaves become holes.

In addition, fruits begin to suffer from this infection: they become an irregular shape, grow deformed.

Often this disease develops into crude weather when sharp temperature differences in day and night are noticed. It is in such weather that this disease develops very quickly, after a while it can completely destroy the pumpkin, if not to take measures to combat.

Bordeaux liquid is used for treatment, as well as composure of copper, that is, Hom. Before sowing, pumpkin seeds must be treated with a sulfur zinc. If the plants have become infected, it is better to destroy them, then burn.

To pumpkins were healthy need to change the landing site. Interestingly, the distributor of this infection can be wind, birds, insects and rain.

Frequent diseases of mudflows, including pumpkin is a torpid dew. It can be found in white spots, which first appear on the leaves in a small amount, then over time they cover the entire sheet with a white bloom.

The disease wears fungal nature. He gradually begins to suck out all nutrients from the leaves, they completely dry out. This leads to a violation of the photosynthesis of leaves, over time, begins to deform the fetus, it ripens much later. The fungus is postponing spores on plants next to the pumpkin, including weeds, inventory. They are transferred from place to place with wind.

The medium for the rapid development of the disease is considered very rare, with a frequent introduction of nitrates into the soil. It is better to choose such varieties that have persistent immunity from this disease.

The prevention measure is the timely removal of weeds. When infected, you can process the pumpkin by the following means: a solution of colloidal sulfur, as well as phosphorosophone sodium. Can be treated with a fresh cowboy at the rate of 3: 1. Water takes three times more.

Root rot

The disease that is very difficult to immediately recognize, because changes occur with the root system. Roots become brown color, soft and cracked. As a result, they begin shirt bottom leavesAnd then the whole plant will die, the fruit will stop developing.

This disease is more susceptible to weak seedlings, and also negatively affect natural factorsIf there are sharp temperature differences in daytime and night hours. Poorly affects watering plants with cold water.

Measures of the struggle is the introduction of a fungicide - pre-exions. Near the neck of the pumpkin you can remove a small layer of the Earth and fall asleep a new one. Processing the leaves, sprinkling their ashes. The neck of the plant at the root can be sprinkled by Fundazole.


This disease recognizes pumpkin leaves covered with brownish stains. Then they dry and crumble, become holey and gradually dry.

The disease goes to the stems and the fruit itself. They are stained in black, with a pinkish raid. Plants die, the fruits are turned on crisp and do not develop. For treatment apply bordeaux mix or Copper Copper (Hom).

The disease can hit young plants. It is determined by the mosaic color of the leaves with alternating yellow and green spots. In this disease slows down the growth of pumpkins. Plants handle strictly according to the instructions in the pharmium-3 drug.

Muscat pumpkin pests

In addition to diseases, insects can settle on pumpkin, which are able to reduce pumpkin harvests or destroy young plants.

One of the common pests. It starts from the bottomside of the sheet, gradually flies with its web sheet completely. Powered by nutrients from leaves. They become rude and solid, cracking and gradually the death of the plant occurs.

The tick is particularly well distributed when hot weather is installed without rain. For the prevention, plants are recommended to spray with the infusion of garlic or onion husks, in the extreme case - carbofos.

Bahch wane

Often affects the pumpkin of a mudflow. She will start the colonies on the back of the sheet. It feeds on a plant juice, gradually dry leaves, and pumpkin dies.

It is recommended to carry out the treatment of leaf, purelyel, low husky and garlic. It is advisable to attract god's cowswho will start fighting these pests. If they can be very much to apply trifos or carbofos.


These pests love to enjoy young leaves and spheres. Usually hide in the afternoon, but well visible in the evening and night. They are distinguished by a big appetite. Prefer humidity and heat.

To combat the thunderstorm powder or ash. Spray herbal irons from garlic, camomiles and wormwood.


These are the larvae of the beetle-shortcut. They harm the root system of young plants. They are collected mechanically by arranging bait. Next to the pumpkin is put in potatoes, beets when they are recruited a lot in potatoes, then it is thrown out with the wires.

If there are too many of them, then the soil treatment is processed.

Prevention of pests and diseases

For this you need:

  1. Constantly change the landing site of pumpkins.
  2. After harvesting the stems and leaves to dry and burn.
  3. Do not squeeze next to the pumpkin other melting cultures.
  4. It is impossible to plant plants too close.
  5. Seeds for landing must be taken only with healthy fruits.
  6. Processing seeds before landing at least by manganese.
  7. Constantly spinning weeds, since there may be disputes of fungi.
  8. With a strong damage to pumpkin diseases, it is better to delete them to not infect other plants.
  9. Feed the plants so that they are strong and have a good immunity.
  10. Regularly inspect the plants in order to notice the disease and pests in time.

A nutmeg pumpkin is useful delicious vegetablewhich can grow a novice gardener if the rules of cultivation will be followed.

Representatives of the pumpkin family are valuable plants widely used in cooking. The Muscate Pearl grade is distinguished by a magnificent taste and juicy, fragrant pulp.

Pumpkin Mushat Pearl: Varietal features

Very thermal-loving culture. Natural growing medium of nutmeg pumpkin - Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Central America. Muscat pearl grade belongs to the middle-campaign. The fruit is a false berry. Ripening, changes the gray-green color to orange-greenish. It is fully ready for eating in food 115-130 days after the appearance of germs.

The average pumpkin length is 45-50 cm, weight - 5-7 kg.

Cylindrical shape. Cutting the skin rather thin. Seeds are compactly arranged in a small seed chamber. For normal pollination and tying of fruits, certain conditions are needed. Air must warm up to 200 ° C. Air humidity - 60-70%.

Crispy, dense pulp with a high carotene concentration has a rich orange tint. She will have to taste sweets sweets. The texture is very gentle. Pumpkin Mushat Pearl is a powerful plant with 4-7 lateral weaves. The average size of a dark green shade leaves, with a weakly pronounced white spot. They are pentagonal, unpleasured.

The grade is withstanding a significant decrease in temperature and other adverse factors. Differs in high yield.

Harvest harvest are engaged in sunny, dry weather. You can not have tails to the very foundation. Leave 5-10 cm of their length. If weather conditions allow, it is recommended to hold the fruits in the sun 3-4 days.

Ripe berries are not spoiled with long transportation. They are stored for quite a long time in appropriate conditions (dry, heat). In the basement or cellar they will cover mold, rot. If the fruit breaks over for more than 6 months, its quality will noticeably deteriorate. A nutmeg pearl is a variety that is valued for yield, and a high concentration of carotene.

So that the plant pleased with a large number of fruits, you will have to allocate the solar and warm plot for it. It must be protected from the wind. Perfect soil is a sampling and light source.

In the ground seeds are sown, starting from the end of May. Deadline - the beginning of June.


  1. Soak planting material in aqueous solution of potassium mangartage (500 mg per 1 liter). You can use a zinc sulphate or growth regulator. The procedure is carried out immediately before planning.
  2. After 18-20 hours of seeds, rinse with clean water and dry.
  3. Planting material to be treated with contact fungicide. This is the prevention of root rot, fusariosis, peridosporosis.
  4. Prepare wells. The distance between the rows should be 1.4 m, between pumpkins in a row no less than 1-1.4 m.
  5. Put in each yam 2 seed to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  6. Begin to work when the threat of a strong decrease in temperature begins. Seeds will start germinate in the soil, which warmed up to 130s. Active development will begin with increasing the temperature of the soil to 18-250c.

They are thinned. Leave the strongest plant. The process of germination can be accelerated. For this, planting material is placed in a wet napkin on three days. If the nights are cold, it is advisable to hide the wells under empty light plastic bottles or film.

In order for the pumpkin seedlings, a nutmeg pearl appeared as quickly as possible, you need to choose the right time to land and prepare seeds.

Proper culture care will provide it with good growth and abundant fruiting. At tropical plant, the leaves are developing faster than berries. With cold summer it is necessary to trim the stems, leaving no more than three. When the length of the stem reaches 0.5 m, the top of the plant is cut. Such actions stimulate the growth of side shoots.

Intezion of the branching pumpkin is sprinkled with wet soil. Do it 2-3 times per season. Thus, more apparent roots are developing: the influx nutrients It increases, the vegetative part is actively formed, fruits are formed. It is believed that pumpkin is not afraid of drought, since she has a strong rhizome. But she will like her irrigation.

Water plant under the root. It is especially important to pour it during the formation of inflorescences, tiers of berries, flowering.

After the bulk of fruits rose, watering reduce. If this is not done, excess liquid will worsen the quality of ripe pumpkins. Fertilize the plant with mineral fertilizers. Non-night, but correct care For pumpkin, a nutmeg pearl will allow to get a high harvest.

Pumpkin fruits and seeds contain a large amount of substances that have a positive effect on health and are simply necessary in a daily diet. Their composition discovered:

  • Beta carotine
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Pectina
  • Cellulose
  • Iron
  • Acids (palmis, steeric, linoleic, olein)
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamins E, in
  • Sugar

IN planting material There are more than 50% of high-quality oil, which is not inferior to traditional vegetable or olive. This substance is valuable culinary ingredientThe constituent drugs. Unlike butter, it completely lacks harmful connections for a person.

Regular pumpkin consumption will allow:

  1. Conduct the prevention of diseases of cardiovascular, urethra. Vegetable juice can dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  2. Get rid of anemia.
  3. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer tumors.
  4. Improve metabolism.
  5. Remove toxins and cholesterol. The substances in the composition of the pumpkin are removed from the body of bacteria, salts of heavy metals.
  6. To establish the work of the intestinal and gastric tract, accelerate the healing of the ulcers. This is a valuable dietary product.
  7. Remove inflammatory processes in the liver and prostate gland.

Pumpkin is tasty in stewed, baked, boiled and even raw. In therapeutic purposes, juice is extracted, boiled stems. Juice consumption will facilitate the state of gout, it will help to cope with the diseases of the liver, kidney and gallbladder. Recommended dose - 1/3 cup fresh fluid several times a day. A decoction of shoots is an effective diuretic.

Pumpkin is a storehouse of useful vitamins and the trace elements necessary for the human body.

Pumpkin dishes lovers say that the Muscat Pearl variety is one of the most delicious. Each forces to grow this useful product and enjoy dishes from it.

Bratus information about pumpkin can be found from the video.

Muscat pumpkinone of the sweetest and delicious representatives of the pumpkin family. It has a fibrous, juicy flesh of a saturated orange color and a pleasant aroma. Due to this, the grade of nutmeg pumpkin is especially popular among gardeners.

Did you know? Muscant Musket is Mexico. Here the weight of the fruit can reach up to 1 centner.

In order to pick up the best way For growing on the site, it is necessary to study the varieties of pumpkins with a description.

Features of nutmeg pumpkin

In addition to excellent taste, nutmeg varieties are characterized for a long time storage, especially nutrition, as well as increased content of vitamins (groups A, B, PP, E) and microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.). Fruits may have a different shape, and their peel is thin and easily cut. The color of the pulp and seed depends on the specific variety. P2 frozen, expanding to base. Compared to other types and varieties of pumpkin, nutmens are distinguished by thermobidity, therefore are recommended for breeding in the southern regions.

Important! In our latitudes, plants are often planted with a seedler, which accelerates the process of rising fruits.

Common varieties

With proper care, the best grades of a nutmeg pumpkin will provide a girlfriend-lover of an excellent harvest.

Lengthlet pumpkin refers to late varieties. Fruits are elongated, cylindrical shapeexpanding to the top. The color of the peel and pulp - light orange. Fruits achieve 5-7 kg and are characterized by a dense, juicy structure.

Late variety of pumpkins, because the time from the first germination to harvest is about 140 days. Fruits are distinguished by ribbed, wide, cylindrical or oval shape. Ripe pumpkins have a brown color with splashes of green and pinkish yellow shades. The pulp is juicy, crispy, sweet, dark orange. The weight of one fetus reaches 5 kg. Does not require special storage conditions.

Mortar grade nut pumpkin.Time from the first germs to ripening at the end of the summer-start of autumn is 130 days. The fruits are formed large, flattened, greenish-gray, weighing 6-10 kg. They differ particularly sweet taste, well stored, do not crack and do not rot.

Medium-variety grade of nutmeg pumpkin. The period of complete ripening is 130-150 days. Fruits wide, flattened form. Their color is changing from green to light brown, pulp - orange. The weight of one mature Phaquina is about 5 kg. Widely used in confectionery business.

The variety of pumpkin "Muscat Pearl" is a medium impact. For crop maturation, 100-110 days are necessary. The fruits grow round-cylindrical shape, with bright orange peel and soft, juicy, thick pulp. Tsykina is very well stored in the cold.

Important! This variety is characterized by a small seed nest.

This grade melon variety refers to medium-time varieties and is distinguished by a stable yield. Fruits ripen about 110 days. Small parsheses (2-3 kg) of the pear-shaped shape are covered with light orange skin, and juicy flesh has a brighter color.

Pavala Kada - Plotted variety. Dummy rounded shapes, have a ribbed surface, grow up to 10 kg. The color of the peel is pale orange. The flesh is sweet and juicy.

Pumpkin Muscat de Provence refers to the middle-variation (110-115 days before full ripening) varieties. A strong plant forms rounded, fruitful fruit weighing 3-4 kg with characteristic grooves.The pulp is painted in a bright orange color, dense, characterized by a high content of carotene and sugar. Tsykina is well stored, resistant to diseases.


One of the most common medium-sighted grades Muscat pumpkin for open soil. The growing season lasts 115-125 days. The average weight of the fetus elongated shape - 5-8 kg. It is covered with fine, yellow-orange skin. In the middle of Thavina has bright orange, juicy, dense, sweet. Perfectly preserved for 3-4 months.

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