Where is the best place to plant hazel. Planting and caring for common hazel

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Many people like to eat hazelnuts. However, not many decide to start growing hazel on their plot in open field- and in vain. Knowing the features of planting shrubs and following the rules of care, you will regularly receive a harvest of delicious nuts.

Hazel: varieties and varieties

Hazelnut or hazelnut is commonly called the "domesticated" variety of hazelnut. It is distinguished by a rich harvest and the size of nuts (larger than wild varieties). This shrub got its Russian name because of the shape of the leaves. Even in the photo you can see that they are round in the plant, wide, like the body of a bream. Cultivated species of shrubs reach an average of 3-4 m, and in one place grow up to 70 years.

Hazel is a cultivated variety of hazelnut

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, several varieties of hazel have been bred:

  • Academician Yablokov;
  • Firstborn;
  • Moscow early;
  • Sugar;
  • Tambov early and others.

shrub planting

Since hazel was originally a forest plant, it is not used to being alone. It is better to plant several bushes, this will contribute to better pollination. Maintain a distance between seedlings of about 4-6 m. Otherwise, the plants will interfere with each other. For hazel, a lighted place, devoid of direct sun rays. It must be well protected from the wind. Often shrubs are planted along the fence, preferably in the western part of the summer cottage.

hazel shrub

The best rooting time is March or November. The most suitable soils for hazel are fertile, non-acidic, loose. Absolutely avoid dry sandy soil. The depth, width and length of the pits are 0.7-1 m in each direction. Before planting, fill each of them halfway with humus and moisten (each hole will need about a bucket of water). After filling the seedling with soil, lightly tamp the earth and water again.

Hazel care

In the first few years, while the bush has not grown, use the soil under it to plant annual vegetables. You can also sow herbs there, such as cereals. Remove weeds in a timely manner, loosen the soil, but not deep: the roots of the plant are on the surface. Hazel loves moisture, so do not skimp on abundant watering, at least 1 time per month.

The soil around the hazel is better to mulch

Do not allow strong thickening of the branches inside the bush. When forming a bush, leave from 6 to 10 of the strongest shoots. It is desirable that they be located away from each other. In the future, dry, broken, intertwining branches should be removed. Starting from the age of 20, 2-3 old shoots are annually removed from hazel - this is rejuvenating pruning.

Fertilizer and plant nutrition

When planting, you can add humus (about a bucket), potassium sulfate (about 70 g) and double superphosphate (200 g) to each hole. All components should be thoroughly mixed with the soil. In autumn, feed the hazel with potassium and phosphorus. In the spring, fertilize it with nitrogen - for example, ammonium nitrate (at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 sq. M).

mature hazel bush

Advice. In order for the nuts to ripen at about the same time, use nitrogen top dressing in July. It will also have a good effect on laying the buds of the next year's crop.

Apply organic matter under young plants every three years. For 1 sq. m will need about a bucket. With the same frequency, feed bushes that bear fruit. The composition of the fertilizer for them: compost or manure (3-4 kg), superphosphate (50-60 g), potassium salt (25-30 g). Add all this during the autumn digging of the soil.

Shrub propagation

Advice. When planting with seeds, treat the seed with kerosene to protect against rodents.

Common hazel: diseases and pests

Most often annoy hazel:

  • nut weevil;
  • nut mustache;
  • kidney tick, etc.

nut barbel

To recognize these pests on a shrub, first carefully examine them from the photo. Having found them, shake them off the branches, after spreading the film below, and also dig up the soil. Effective in the fight against these insects are insecticides, for example, Karbofos. Sometimes Bordeaux liquid is used, which is also used to treat hazel diseases. Among them are powdery mildew, brown spot and others.

If at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn you observe a massive shedding of hazelnuts, most likely codling moth caterpillars settled on the bush. Pick them up by hand or use chemicals(if there are too many pests). For prevention in the spring, clean the bark, which is a haven for caterpillars.

Walnut weevil larva

Compost the leaves in the fall, collect worm nuts during the summer. These measures will additionally secure your hazelnuts and give you the opportunity to harvest a good harvest, to the delight of yourself and your children.

Growing hazel in a suburban area: video

Growing hazel: photo

Common hazel is a deciduous shrub reaching a height of up to 10 meters. Such shrub has medicinal properties. Therefore, among the people, hazel was called hazel.

The plant belongs to the hazel family. Hazel leaves are large, with jagged edges, have a red color in autumn.. shrub bark Brown with cross stripes. There is a powerful root system, which grows very quickly deep in the soil.

After planting, the shrub grows slowly, gradually adding in growth. Flowering occurs before the leaves open, in early spring. Earrings about 5-7 cm long are formed on the trees., are single and collected in several pieces together. The fruit is an oval-shaped nut, located in a green cupule. Fruit ripening occurs by the end of summer. Up to 20 nuts can form in the seed, but 2-5 are more common. The shrub begins to bear fruit after 8 years. This shrub is a long-liver, its age reaches 100 years, it is frost-resistant.

Hazel calmly tolerates the shadow, but develops and grows better in illuminated areas.

In nature, hazel is found in Russia, the Caucasus, and the Crimea. There are more than 10 types.

  • common hazel
  • treelike
  • Large
  • Manchu
  • multi-leaved
  • Horned

Received the name bear nut. Tree up to 20 meters long, 8 meters wide. The bark of the shrub has grey colour and exfoliate with plates. Grows very slowly. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. The fruits of the tree-like hazel are divided into sharp slices. The shrub is unpretentious, tolerates drought, adapts to any climate.

Bush large hazel (lombard nut) has grayish branches, up to 15 meters long. The leaves are large, toothed. Does not tolerate frost well. Often grown in the Balkans.

Hazel Manchurian

It is a shrub with many trunks, has a trunk length of 3 to 7 meters. The bark of the hazel is brown, the leaves are rounded, have a dark green color. The fruits are oblong nuts. Shrub shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. Occurs in Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territory.

Very dense shrub up to 4 meters high. Leaves change color. Green in summer, red in spring, yellow in autumn. The shrub loves light, can tolerate shade, is frost-resistant, tolerates drought. Fruiting starts early. Growing in the Urals Far East and Siberia.

Grows up to 3 meters in height. It has lush crown and oval leaves yellow color . Received the name due to the fruit, resembling a horn. Grows in North America.

Composition and benefits of hazelnut

Hazelnut, which is called hazel, is the most common and favorite of the types of nuts. Hazelnut is considered a valuable and tasty nut., several times more nutritious than bread and dairy products.

Hazelnut has beneficial features, high nutritional and energy value enriched with vitamins and minerals.

The bulk of the fetus is formed by fats, one-fifth of proteins and amino acids. The nut contains a huge number of minerals:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Iron

All of the listed medicinal medicinal properties fill the body with energy. Hazel fruit oil contains acids that can protect the heart and blood vessels. For the growth and development of the body, the nut is useful for children, and for the elderly to maintain strength and health.. In addition, hazelnuts contain substances that can cleanse the body and remove toxins. Vitamins prevent the appearance of cancer cells. AT medicinal purposes fruits, leaves, bark, roots are used. Hazel is a laxative, used for diarrhea. A decoction of the bark of a tree can serve as a medicine for varicose veins.

Widespread use of hazelnuts in cooking. Walnut is used in cooking various dishes and also added to baked goods.

Preparations prepared on the basis of hazel are used in cosmetology. Oil and a decoction of walnut leaves are used against hair loss.

But, along with useful substances, there are contraindications. It is necessary to eat a limited amount of a nut, otherwise it causes a headache and allergic reactions.

Planting and caring for a tree

At proper fit hazel, you must choose a free, sunlit place. The tree grows well on any soil, does not like wetlands and sandy areas. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a place that, when spring comes, will not flood the seedlings.

Favorable time for planting is autumn, but you can plant seedlings in spring, until the end of April. The distance between the trees as they grow, take into account at least five meters. To harvest, it is necessary to plant three or more mutually pollinated shrubs.

It is very important to know that a shrub alone does not bear fruit.

Before planting, you need to purchase a young seedling, you can dig it in the forest. Prepare a hole by digging with a shovel, measuring 80 by 80 cm and 80 cm deep. Humus, fertilizer black soil, is introduced into each pit, and mixed with the ground. Form a hole around the seedlings and pour water. After that, mulching with sawdust or grass is performed.

After planting, a young shrub must be watered, weeded, fertilized, and treated for pests. After landing young shrub it is necessary to loosen the soil and water, especially in summer in hot weather. An adult tree does not require much care, it is necessary to prune for good fruiting. When buying, you need to beware of seedlings, they bear fruit a few years later, the nut is smaller in size. Hazel grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in the steppe, along rivers. Hazel is common in Russia, in the Caucasus, in Europe, in the Primorsky Territory.

Rules for breeding and growing

The methods of propagation are vegetative and seed. The seed method is used when growing seedlings. For sowing, ripe nuts are taken, sown immediately after harvest in September.

Varietal shrubs are propagated vegetatively:

  • layering
  • rhizomes
  • Vaccinations
  • The division of the bushes
  • cuttings

When propagated by layering young shoots bend down and root to the ground, without tearing them away from the bush. Everything should be done with care so as not to harm the buds that young shoots will give.

rhizomatous growth the plant appears in the third year after planting seedlings. One shrub produces more than a hundred shoots, and they are used for reproduction. Three-year-old rhizomes are separated along the edges of the bush with a hatchet, shovel or hacksaw. The shoots have weak roots, they are planted in one hole in 3 pieces. And in nurseries they grow for about 2 years, to strengthen the root system.

Hazel is propagated by dividing the bush. The uprooted shrub is divided into several parts so that each stump has roots. After planting, abundant watering follows, for a good engraftment of the bush. Already in the third year, such seedlings begin to bear fruit.

To propagate by grafting, cuttings are harvested in the fall, and stored in a cool place. The vaccination is done in the spring in the butt, in a split or behind the bark. Grafting for the bark takes root better. Vaccinations are smeared with garden pitch and covered with foil. After bud break, the film is removed.

Hazel cuttings are rooted in closed ground with high humidity. It is necessary to cut seedlings 10 centimeters long, clean lower leaves. After that, prepare a composition of sand, peat, earth and humus. Planted cuttings in boxes with moist soil under the film. After 3 weeks, after the appearance of the roots, the film is removed.


Harvesting of hazel takes place in the third year, when the bush begins to bear fruit in September.

The maturity of the fruit is determined by the acquisition of a yellow shell and flaking.

When shaking the tree, nuts that have not fallen should be given time to ripen. Immediately after ripening, nuts are not suitable for human consumption. They need to dry for a while in a dry and ventilated area. It is recommended to store nuts in bags through which air passes.. When harvesting, the earth is strongly trampled down under the bush, it must be loosened, watered and fertilized after.

Exposure to diseases and pests

Susceptibility to diseases and pests and diseases of hazel is extremely rare. There are many shrub pests:

  • Shchitovka
  • weevil beetle

Damaged fruits are shed by caterpillars in large quantities. A dangerous pest is the weevil beetle. When spring comes, it eats leaves, after which it lays eggs. A larva appears inside the nut, which gnaws out all the contents. In pest control, it is necessary to spray the bushes after flowering with a solution of chlorophos or other preparations. Measures are being taken to clean up foliage and damaged nuts near the tree.

AT garden plots still rarely seen lush and beautiful tree hazel, although the shrub is popular. The shrub has many values ​​​​in medicine, and wood is of particular value in furniture and industrial production. In addition, the shrub is an object of beauty in any garden, especially during flowering.

Every person dreams of meeting a hazel or hazel as soon as he enters the forest. This plant has a rich history and uses. It is believed that if you hide under this tree during a thunderstorm, you can avoid a lightning strike, and if you always carry a hazel twig with you, it will scare away evil spirits. Hazel fruits are healthy and tasty. You can grow this tree yourself on your own suburban area. You need to know how to properly plant a hazel and how to care for it.

The Slavs are a very superstitious people. Since ancient times, there has been such a belief that if during a thunderstorm you hide under a hazel tree in the forest or stick several walnut twigs in your belt, then lightning will bypass this place. And people also firmly believed that hazel twigs could scare away evil spirit. They carried a small twig with them to ward off evil spirits and drive away a snake in the forest.

Hazel branches were laid out in barns where grain stocks were stored for the winter - mice do not like this tree and try to bypass it. Therefore, there were never mice in the granaries, which means that the stocks were completely safe.

The southern Slavs have such a belief: that if you go to the forest on the Christian holiday of the Trinity and find a hazel, then you can try to communicate with the spirits of dead relatives who descend from heaven on this day along the thin branches of the hazel, and then also return. But these are all just legends, we will talk about the benefits of hazel further, but for now we will learn how to plant this tree in your summer cottage.

What does hazel look like?

This tree belongs to the birch family. The plant lives in coniferous and mixed forests. Most often there are small shrubs. The hazel leaves are round and large, the shape is interesting, it resembles the body of a bream fish.

Interestingly, the flowers of this plant are unisexual, male ones are formed together: these are thick earrings that grow on short branches. They develop in autumn period and calmly endure wintering, so that with the onset of heat, they have time to bloom even before the first leaves appear.

Female flowers can be distinguished from male ones by this feature: they are collected by buds and "sit" in pairs in bracts (in their axils). Female flowers can still be distinguished by an underdeveloped perianth and a lower ovary with one ovule in each nest. Due to the fact that one testicle does not develop, it turns out that the fetus is a woody pericarp or nut. Each nutlet is “dressed” in a plush (a small “skirt” or incised cover), which originated from the preleaves of female flowers.

The flowering period of hazel is the beginning of March. At this time, inflorescences are actively formed, and pollen is carried by the wind.

At the end of summer, that is, in the last week of August and in September, you can start harvesting. Rarely, but it happens that already at the end of July you can see some shrubs with ripened fruits. The yield is average, from 40 to 500 kilograms per 1 ha. It is noteworthy that this tree bears fruit every year, but not so actively. It turns out that this year you can collect big harvest hazel, the next year - half as much, and a year later - nothing at all. But this is not natural, it all depends on the place where the shrub grows and the climate.

If the crop is not fully harvested, then the nuts fall to the ground, and the next year, with the onset of spring, they begin to germinate. Only after 5 or more years, one can hope that the seedlings will delight with the first harvest. Natural reproduction of this plant: vegetative, that is, the plant throws out root offspring, which grow rapidly.

Hazel refers to centenarians: the average life expectancy is from 60 to 80 years. There were cases when the age of the hazel reached the age mark.

Favorable soils for growing hazel: these are forest-steppes and steppes, as well as coniferous forests or mixed (broad-leaved). In a mixed broadleaf forest, look for hazel in the undergrowth, but only in places where there is not much shade.

By the way, clearings, conflagrations and forest edges are hazel's favorite habitats.

The soil for growing this shrub should be rich in humus with a high lime content. Suspes and moist loams (within the normal range) are also suitable.

Where is the best place to plant a walnut

How to choose the right place for planting hazel? This plant loves freedom and a lot of light, so if there is enough space on the site, then it is best to plant hazel in a well-lit area. Hazel will grow well on any soil. The only thing that hazelnuts do not like is too salty, swampy and sandy areas. It is good if the soil is loose and slightly acidic, and even better - neutral (pH level from 5.8 to 6.5).

Before landing, check the level of occurrence ground water, the optimal mark is no higher than 1.5 m. Choose a place so that spring floods do not flood your plantings with the onset of spring.

Planting hazel and care:

  1. Optimal time for planting: autumn, from September to October.
  2. You can plant hazel in early spring, after the soil begins to thaw. The landing period is up to the last days of April.
  3. The distance between seedlings must be taken into account, since you plant 1 time and for at least 50-60 years. As the seedlings grow, they will begin to grow, so the optimal distance between the trees is at least 5 m.
  4. If you want to plant several rows of trees, then keep a distance between the rows: also 5 or even 6 m.
  5. Most beginner summer residents plant only 1 seedling, not even realizing that the plant alone will not bear fruit. To collect good harvest, it is necessary that there are at least 3 hazel bushes on the site. Moreover, it must be mutually pollinated hazel.
  6. If you set a goal to lay big garden hazel (minimum 10 rows), then, in order to maintain and improve cross-pollination, it is necessary to plant wild hazel.

Planting hazel:

  • first you need to purchase hazelnut seedlings and dig a few young wild hazel trees in the forest;
  • now the actual preparation of the pit for landing: we dig a pit with a shovel, measuring 70x70 cm. The depth is also 70 cm, and the pit must be prepared in advance. If you are going to plant a hazel in the spring, then you need to dig holes in the fall or at least 1.5 months before the expected planting date;
  • add a nutrient mixture to each hole: it can be humus and superphosphates. It is best to prepare such a mixture: take 10 kg of humus, add 200 g of superphosphate (double) and 70 g of potassium sulfate. Mix all components thoroughly, and then add to each hole and distribute with the ground;
  • you can make your task easier and in order not to mess with the components, you need to introduce 100 g of fertilizer (universal WMD (organo-mineral));
  • in the middle of each prepared pit, make a small hill (the term for gardeners is “planting hill”);
  • prepare manure in advance to process the roots of each seedling. Make a dung-clay talker to dip the roots into the mixture;
  • now spread the treated roots on the surface of the mound, and then simply sprinkle with fertilized earth and compact;
  • the root neck should be level with the ground or protrude, but not more than 3 cm above the ground;
  • around each bush you need to make a hole and pour 1 bucket of water;
  • perform mulching. Sawdust is suitable as mulch, only dry, or grass, peat can be used;
  • after planting, the aerial part of each seedling must be cut off from the surface of the earth by 20 cm, and then insert the support pegs and tie each seedling.

After planting, young growth must be weeded, fed and watered in a timely manner, as well as treated for pests.

From time to time it is necessary to loosen the soil in the near-stem circle of each plant, weeds must be destroyed. Watering - only in the dry season, 10 liters of water in each hole. It is especially important that the hazel gets more moisture in the middle of summer.

From top dressing, it is allowed to make compost, humus, 5 kg for each seedling. For a year, you can feed the hazel no more than 3 times.

Hazel responds well to fertilizing with saltpeter and urea (no more than 100 g per bush) in spring and summer.

The main pest of hazel is the walnut weevil. It infects nuts with larvae, as a result of which they become wormy. Weevil females are able to gnaw through young nuts in order to lay eggs there. The larvae feed on the soft pulp of the fruit. It is simply necessary to fight the weevil: treat the plant in May and in mid-June (when the female lays eggs) with Engio or Aktara preparations.

Another hazelnut pest is the barbel. Its larvae settle inside young shoots, and this leads to their death. Affected branches must be cut and burned immediately.

Powdery mildew can also attack this plant. If the hazel is severely affected, treatment with fungicidal compounds is necessary.

Growing hazel

Immediately after planting in the spring, it is necessary to ensure that the plants do not stay under the scorching rays of the sun. Shading is required.

Pruning is also very important immediately after planting, this will allow you to adjust the growth of the shrub, further development and fruiting.

So, in order to increase productivity, with the help of pruning, you can achieve a lot, for example, delay or bring closer the timing of flowering and, accordingly, fruit ripening.

Pruning is always carried out in the same way - you need to make sure that the crown is sparse, to maximize the access of light and air. As a result of pruning, it is possible to regulate the growth of new branches with buds, on which fruits are then formed.

In post-planting pruning, you need to shorten the shoots and cut off the apical bud. If this is not done, then the apical buds will bloom ahead of time, and this negatively affects the growth of the plant (loss of moisture, desiccation). Pruning will slow down the growth of the plant for a few days. It is believed that if a seedling has a lot of thin roots, then the branches can be safely cut off, the plant will take root faster, forming a powerful root system.

How to properly prune: it is necessary to remove all unnecessary, dry and weak branches, as well as frozen, broken and those that thicken the crown (inward growth). Every 25 years, hazel should be pruned in order to rejuvenate the plant.

When thinning, it is very important that no stumps remain on the plant. Each cut point needs to be treated with a healing solution, you can buy a garden pitch at the store or cover the wound with oil-based paint.

Hazel is grown by a shrub or tree, depending on this, different ways plant cuttings. If the task is to form a tree, then you need to resort to strong pruning of branches. This method allows you to simplify the care of the plant and collect high yield easily. Stem height - 40 cm, plus 7 strong branches (first order) to give the tree a cup shape. Pruning is done at the end of flowering.

At the age of 5 years after planting, you can only shorten the main branches (guides) by half. The height of a young tree is 2.5 m, shortening is allowed only if the side branches grow strongly (up to 4 buds).

The height of an adult tree reaches 2.5-3 m with 15 branches. If you see that lateral weak branches with many flowers (female and male) are formed on the plant, then you do not need to cut them, you just need to remove those that interfere with the access of light.

Remember that the strongest inflorescences choose strong shoots. Therefore, it is necessary to make a “drying” in order to improve fruiting. At the age of 7 years at the end of August, you need to tilt the side branches halfway and leave them in a lowered state. This method will increase the access of air to the crown to enable the ripening of the buds with fruits. You can even shorten these side shoots by 5 cm.


Now you know how to grow hazel. There is nothing difficult in this. Next, we will look at how to properly harvest.

The ripening period of hazel is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. These months will show if it's time to harvest or if you still have to wait (it will all depend on the climate). Look at the nuts and the so-called "wrapper": if you see that it has turned yellow or turned brown, and the fruit is easy to get, then it's time to harvest.

Nuts are easy to remove not by hand, but simply by shaking the bush. The remaining fruits can be removed directly from the bush.

The nuts should be laid out on a flat surface in a well-ventilated area to dry. It is necessary to lay out the harvested crop in 1 layer. Drying outdoors in direct sunlight is allowed.

After the nuts are dry, they must be freed from the wrapper and left to dry. After that, the harvested crop is stored in a dry place (put in linen bags). Shelf life: 2 years.

Scope of hazel

Hazel is useful and delicious treat, which can be eaten just like that, raw, you can fry nuts or dry. If you grind the fruits of hazel, then you can make coffee, cream and even butter from the raw materials obtained, and send the pomace for the production of halva.

The main area of ​​​​application of fruits is cooking. Add chopped nuts to pastries, sweets and cakes. The taste of hazel is specific: delicate and fragrant, like the taste of almonds.

Nuts also produce valuable oil, which is used to make creams, soaps and even candles.

By the way, not only hazel fruits are popular, you can even use the young leaves of the plant to make cabbage rolls or dry the leaves and brew instead of tea. Some cooks also add a few young hazel leaves to the soup to enrich its taste.

The wood of this plant is a valuable raw material in the production of natural coal for drawing and for filtering water. In addition, furniture is made from white hazel wood, and wickerwork (decorations, baskets), rods and much more is made from vines.

More information about planting and growing hazel can be found in this video:


Hazelnut varieties are propagated by root offspring (see No. 38).


Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit breed. It works best in the upper mountainous areas of the valleys of perennial rivers, where air stagnation is not observed. The most suitable for its cultivation are the northern, northeastern and northwestern slopes. The sites should be protected from the wind, and the humidity of the air is relatively high. Suitable for the cultivation of hazelnuts are also flat areas located near large rivers.


The maximum yields of hazelnuts can be obtained only on alluvial-meadow and fertile soils. The subsoil must also be rich nutrients and permeable. Soils with a layer of limestone lying at a shallow depth are unsuitable for growing hazelnuts. On other types of soil, hazelnuts can be grown only if there is good natural moisture and the provision of a policy,


Cosford(Fig. 247). The nuts are large, oblong, obovate, with a pointed nose, light brown or brown. The kernel is large, fits snugly to the shell, good palatability. The yield of the kernel is 54% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 62%. Nuts ripen in late August - early September. Used for fresh and dry food, as well as in the confectionery industry. The bush is vigorous, enters the fruiting season early, bears fruit very abundantly. Flowering time is medium-early. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, self-fertile.

Early Trebizond. The nuts are large, oval in shape, with a pointed nose. The shell is thin. Seed medium size, adheres tightly to the shell, with an easily detachable skin. The yield of the kernel is 54% of the weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 64%. Nuts ripen in the second half of July. Used for fresh and dry consumption, they are also processed. bushes medium strength growth, enter the fruiting season early and are distinguished by regular and abundant yields. Flowering time is early. The variety is self-infertile.

Roman(Fig. 248). The nuts are large, weighing about 2.7 g. The shell is thin, light chestnut, with several grooves. The kernel is large and fits tightly to the shell. The kernel yield is about 46% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 67%. Nuts are easily separated from the wrapper. Ripens in the second half of August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. The bushes are vigorous, early in the season of fruiting, fruiting regularly. Variety early term flowering, self-infertile. Relatively disease resistant.

Almond-shaped. Nuts of medium size, weighing about 1.6 g. The shell is thin, light brown, shiny. The kernel is medium in size, fits snugly to the shell. The kernel yield is 45% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 63%. The taste is very good, reminiscent of almonds. Nuts ripen in mid-August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. Bushes of moderate vigor, characterized by regular and abundant yields.


Hazelnuts are planted on following distances: 5.5-6 m between rows and 4-4.5 m between plants in a row. Wider distances should be given on more fertile soils.


Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit species, so it should be planted near rivers and beams. To ensure the normal growth of plants and obtain high and high-quality yields during the growing season, 5-6 irrigations should be given.


The preparation of the site allocated for the creation of a hazelnut plantation is carried out in the same way as when laying apple orchard(See Nos. 16 and 63).


As with other fruit species, the most suitable time of year for planting hazelnuts is autumn. Hazelnuts have a short dormant period. Therefore, when spring planting most of plants do not take root.


Hazelnut does not impose special requirements on soil conditions, it can successfully grow and bear fruit on soddy soil, but it also reacts positively to tillage. The main plowing in hazelnut plantations is carried out in autumn. In order to keep the soil surface clean from weeds, 5-6 loosenings are done during the growing season. Autumn tillage is carried out to a depth of 15-18 cm, and loosening during the growing season - to 10-12 cm.


After carrying out plantation plowing, the area allocated for planting hazelnuts is leveled and broken. Landing holes are dug in the size of 30/30/30 cm. planting material hazelnuts must have a well-developed root system. Before planting, a careful inspection of the root system of seedlings should be carried out and all damaged roots should be cut to a healthy place. Strong pruning of the root system is harmful. The root system of the seedling is placed in a hole in such a way that after filling it with earth it would be planted 3-4 cm deeper than in the nursery. The exact location of the seedling in the pit is determined using a planting board or by sighting. It is more convenient to plant together: one holds the seedling and straightens the root system, and the other throws it loose and wet soil, slightly compacting with your feet. At the end, a hole is made from the ground near the planted plant. Immediately after planting, each plant is watered by pouring 20-25 liters of water into the hole. You can also water with gravity. When the water is absorbed, the hole is mulched.


It is better to grow hazelnuts in a bushy form. Plant annual or biennial rooted plants. Immediately after planting, the plant is shortened at a height of 25x30 cm above the soil surface. During the growing season, plants cut in this way form several shoots. If there are too many shoots, some of them are removed. Shoots are not shortened. Hazelnut bears fruit on one-year-old wood, therefore, with the help of pruning, one should strive to obtain new strong growths annually, thus regulating fruiting. Pruning in the early period creates a skeleton of a bush, resembling a vase. In the inner parts of the bush, excessive thickening should not be allowed. In the third year after planting, hazelnut bushes begin to bear fruit and further pruning consists mainly in thinning out the inner parts of the bushes and removing dry and broken branches.

Some varieties of hazelnuts are prone to excessive formation of root growth, which leads to the depletion of bushes and reduced yields. In this case, part of the root shoots must be removed at an early age, when the offspring rise above the soil surface by 5-8 cm. Their cutting at the level of the soil surface does not lead to a decrease in the number of root shoots. Even the reverse process is observed, since pruning offspring causes their branching. Therefore, to effectively remove the overgrowth, it is necessary to dig out the soil around each shoot and cut it with a pruner to the base. Pruning is carried out in early spring.

After fruiting for 4-5 years, the branches of the hazelnut bush grow old and almost stop growing. During winter pruning, such branches should be removed, replacing them with younger and more vital ones. Thus, rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out annually.

Such pruning can be carried out as long as the bushes form a sufficient number of strong coppice shoots.


Rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out with a significant weakening of growth and coppice shoots. Cut out the entire above-ground part of the plant at soil level. Then the base of the bush is covered with loose soil with a layer of 5-6 cm. In summer, the bushes cut in this way have numerous strong shoots. Rejuvenation pruning gives particularly good results when accompanied by abundant application of organic and mineral fertilizers and tillage.


With good filling of the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, before planting in the first growing season, 1-2 top dressings are given at the rate of 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. m. In the following years, 3-4 kg of manure, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate and 40-50 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter are applied. m.


The allocated doses of manure, superphosphate, potassium sulphate and 1/3 of the dose of ammonium nitrate are given in the fall for deep tillage. The rest of the ammonium nitrate is applied in spring and summer. The first feeding with ammonium nitrate is given in April, and the second - in early June. Fertilizers are evenly scattered over the soil surface, after which the soil is dug up. In autumn, digging is done as deep as possible, and in spring - very shallow. It is necessary to feed hazelnut plants after rain or watering.


Currently, hazelnuts are most severely affected powdery mildew. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that usually develops on the upper side of the leaf blade in the form of spider mold. Subsequently, black formations develop on the mold. The disease can also develop on a pear. The causative agent of the disease overwinters on fallen leaves.

Control measures. Collection and burning of infected leaves; spraying with 2% lime-sulfur decoction when signs of illness appear and then several times after 10-12 days.


Most dangerous pests for hazelnuts are nut weevil and nut beetle. The adult nut weevil is a bug found in spring and summer. Overwinters in the larval stage in the soil. Females gnaw through green, still soft hazel fruits and lay one egg in each of them. The hatched larvae feed inside the nut, completely eating away the kernel. Having finished feeding, the larva leaves the nut and burrows into the soil.

Control measures. The fight against walnut weevil is carried out by deep digging of the soil, collecting worm nuts, spraying with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 to kill beetles before oviposition.

Nut barbel is a small beetle. The female lays her eggs under the bark of the shoots. The hatched larvae bite into the core of the shoots, where they remain for two winters. Affected shoots dry out.

To protect plants from damage by a nut mustache, it is necessary to cut and burn the affected shoots and spray the hazelnut bushes with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 at the beginning of the summer of the beetles.


In autumn, after leaf fall, you need to collect and destroy fallen leaves, and then dig up the soil under the hazelnut bushes. In this way, the infection of powdery mildew, which hibernates on fallen leaves, and the larvae of the walnut weevil, which have taken refuge for the winter in the soil, are destroyed.

In winter, cut and burn all branches affected by the walnut barbel.

To reduce the number of nut weevil, it is necessary to collect worm nuts several times during the summer.

When leaves appear, spraying is carried out with a 2% lime-sulfur decoction or a 0.6% solution of thiozol 80 to combat powdery mildew. Spraying is repeated after 10-12 days.

The next spraying is carried out when adult nut weevil insects appear. A 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 is used. To completely protect the nuts from damage by the nut weevil, one more spraying with the same pesticide is carried out during the mass flight of beetles.

When spraying against the nut weevil, adult insects of the nut longhorn are also destroyed.


Nuts are removed when they begin to fall out of the wrapper on their own or when shaken off. Cleaning is carried out manually or by shaking. Peeling nuts from wrappers and drying is carried out in the same way as for almonds (see No. 587).

Everyone loves nuts - these gifts of nature, in addition to great taste, also bring rare benefits to the body. In the country, it is best to grow hazelnuts - the plant can feel great in middle lane, as opposed to the more gentle walnut. In addition, along with high productivity fruit tree It also has outstanding decorative qualities. Hazelnut: planting and care - find out everything important points on this topic

Hazelnut is cultivated, adapted to horticulture kind of hazel. The plant is unpretentious - even a novice gardener can plant and grow it. Externally, the hazelnut is a powerful and sprawling tree with an impressive crown, reaching a height of three meters.

Hazelnut, in addition to great taste, is also useful. It contains many amino acids, vitamins that help with chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis, heart disease, anemia. Hazelnuts restore vitality, rejuvenate.

AT industrial scale in our country, hazelnuts are not grown. All nuts that are sold in stores are brought from other countries: China, Spain, Turkey. However, in private estates, this fruit crop often enough.

The plant gives the first harvest 3-4 years after rooting. Mass collections begin in the fifth or seventh year after planting and continue for the next 10-15 years. Then the yield decreases, and the tree is “rejuvenated” by radical pruning, after which it successfully bears fruit again.

Growing conditions

In order for hazelnuts to actively grow, develop and bear fruit abundantly, it is necessary to pay attention to important details when planting it.

Site selection

In principle, hazelnuts are able to grow safely anywhere in the garden, however, they will show themselves best in sunny, slightly shaded areas. In the shade, hazelnuts can also grow, however, high yield from him in this case is unlikely to wait. In addition to productivity, being in the shade negatively affects appearance tree: hazelnut loses its decorative effect, its branches dry, foliage loses its bright color.

However, despite all the love of hazelnuts for lighting, planting it on the south side of the site is not recommended. The ban is connected with our unpredictable weather: in the sun, flower buds can bloom ahead of time, after which night frosts will destroy them.

In addition to light, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the area chosen for planting hazelnuts is not blown by drafts. At this point, the tree (especially the young one) is very sensitive. As wind protection, you can use hedges (including living ones), buildings, and other methods.

Also, do not forget that this plant has a very spreading crown, so free space around the seedling should be enough.

The soil

Nutritious, well-moistened soil with a neutral acid reaction is best suited for growing hazelnuts. It is strongly not recommended to choose sandy soils for planting, quickly drying, acidic.


If you are interested in how hazelnuts grow and where, we can answer that this tree can grow both in the lowlands and on the hills. The plant will be pleased with a rich harvest and if it grows on the shore of a reservoir. If this is not possible, it is quite acceptable to plant hazelnuts near the fence, gates in the country. Some gardeners even build real hedges from this plant: beauty, benefit, and harvest - all at once.

Important: since the plant has a very powerful, well-developed root system, hazelnuts can be used as a means of preventing soil erosion.

Consider the main points regarding planting hazelnuts in their summer cottage.

Landing time

It is recommended to plant hazelnuts in autumn, as in spring the plant begins its vegetation very quickly. However, if there is no opportunity to plant hazelnuts in the fall, you can plant in February-March - it is important to be in time before the start of sap flow. In the event that the gardener is still inexperienced, it is better for him to choose an autumn traditional way- the successful result in this case is more predictable.

Consider the climate of the area as well. Check with meteorological observations over the past years: hazelnuts should be planted in the fall a month before the expected frost. In Belarus, in the Moscow region, in Siberia and in Ukraine, the landing time will be different. In the Urals and in the middle lane, it is better to plant hazelnuts in early October: in this case, the roots will take root before frost, and in spring the plant will actively grow.

Landing pattern

Hazelnuts can be planted in the country the following schemes: 6x6.6x5, 6x4, 5x4 m. It is highly undesirable to plant plants more densely - the yield will be weak, and the trees themselves will grow frail, low.

Soil preparation

Before you plant a plant directly, you need to start preparing the soil for six months. The earth during this time should be under fallow, so that it has time to accumulate as much nutrients and moisture as possible. It is necessary to remove all weeds from the site, regularly loosen the soil - and quite deep (half a meter). If the land is poor, it must be enriched with phosphorus and potassium - it is better to take complex mineral compositions.

Planting process

A hole for a seedling must be dug a couple of weeks before planting. The depth of the pit is 60 cm, the width and length are half a meter. Immediately after digging, the soil is mixed with manure (5-8 kg), superphosphate (150-200 g), humus (23 buckets), potassium salt (50 g). After mixing, the soil is poured back into the pit, filling its volume by about half.

Attention: adding fertilizer to the soil at planting will provide hazelnuts with all the necessary nutrients for the next three years.

A wooden stake is driven into the center of the pit - then a seedling will be tied to it. The roots of the seedling are straightened, then they must be dipped in a mash of clay and water. The sapling is placed on an elevation in the pit (near the peg). It should be located in such a way that the root neck falls 2-3 cm below the soil surface. However, it is impossible to cover the neck with earth categorically.

The roots of the seedling must be carefully covered with earth, simultaneously compacting the latter. When the pit is completely filled up, the root circle must be mulched with sawdust, humus, peat or any other organic matter. This measure will help to avoid overgrowing the area with weeds, and also provide the roots of the seedling with sufficient moisture. Move the layer of mulch away from the trunk so that the latter does not begin to scorch.

After planting, it is immediately necessary to cut the seedling, leaving a stump 20-25 cm high from it. Special attention so that after pruning, 5-6 full-fledged healthy buds remain on the seedling. Thus the landing is completed.


What care measures should be taken to ensure that hazelnuts grow into a beautiful, healthy and abundantly fruitful tree.


Hazelnuts love well-moistened soil, and grow poorly in arid land. During the growing season, the tree is supposed to be watered five to six times - very plentifully. Required watering:

  • after flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries;
  • during the laying of future kidneys;
  • after leaf fall.

Water for irrigation should be warm, for one mature tree it is necessary to spend 40-50 liters per procedure. After watering, loosen the soil to make the soil light and permeable. We recommend deepening into the soil when loosening by 10-15 cm, no more, so as not to damage the roots of the plant.

Experienced gardeners often do not loosen the soil, but get by with grass mulching. This measure simultaneously retains moisture and protects the plant from weeds, and serves as an additional source of nutrition.

top dressing

As already mentioned, during the first three years after planting, hazelnuts can not be fed, since enough fertilizer was laid in the pit. In subsequent years, in the fall, the near-stem circle is sprinkled with wood ash to speed up the onset of fruiting and increase productivity.

In summer and spring, hazelnuts are fed with the following fertilizers:

  • compost / manure;
  • humus;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • ammonium nitrate.

It is best to grow hazelnuts in the form of a spreading bush: the more shoots and branches, the greater the yield. The ovaries are formed from young shoots, so it is recommended to leave the latter when pruning, cutting off only the old ones. The skeleton of the bush is formed from the lower strong 7-10 branches. The distance between the left branches should be approximately equal to the remote ones: they should not interfere with each other.

In the process of sanitary pruning in without fail old, diseased and damaged branches should be disposed of. It is impossible to allow the bush to thicken with obsolete branches, as this significantly reduces productivity. fruit plant. Yes, in a thickened crown, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of viruses, microbes, pests often settle in it.

Disease prevention

To minimize the likelihood of pests and diseases infecting hazelnuts, it is imperative to collect and burn fallen leaves in the fall, and dig up the soil under the nuts in the spring. These measures will help to immediately get rid of many pests that have settled on the leaves and destroy powdery mildew spores.

We learned how to plant hazelnuts in the country, and how to properly care for them. With the help of the tips in the article, you can grow a strong and healthy tree, every year pleasing with a plentiful harvest of delicious nuts.

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