How to cook delicious cocoa, please your loved ones with goodies from cocoa powder. How to cook cocoa with milk from cocoa powder

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

Cocoa is an aromatic drink with a chocolate flavor, which is prepared on the basis of milk from cocoa powder with the addition of sugar. Cocoa beans contain vitamins, acids, trace elements, protein and many other useful components that regulate mental activity, drive away depression, and protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is important to cook cocoa no more than the recommended time in order to preserve its healing properties.

How to cook cocoa with milk

Cocoa with milk is indispensable in the children's menu, and a cup of fragrant drink will not hurt adults either. Take 1 liter of milk - 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Warm up the milk in a saucepan. Separately, mix cocoa and sugar, dilute the mixture with a quarter cup of warm milk to a thick sour cream. Enter the mass into the container, warm until gurgling appears and turn off the gas. After a few seconds, remove the foam and pour the delicious liquid into mugs. Such cocoa will go with pancakes, biscuits, muffins and just with buttered bread.

How to boil cocoa with water

A good option for those who diligently monitor their figure. For 200 ml of water - 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, vanilla sugar - to taste.

Pour half a glass of warm water into the cocoa and sugar mixture. Then send the sweet mass to the pan, add the remaining water, boil and remove from heat. The result is a fragrant tart drink that will perfectly invigorate you on a gloomy autumn morning.

How to cook cocoa - curious recipes

Cocoa is combined with many products, so adding beaten eggs, cream, chocolate and even hercules to the drink, you can get an appetizing and original dessert.

How to cook cocoa with cream

Ingredients: 200 ml milk, half a glass of water, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, sugar - to taste. For decoration - 70 ml of cream, 1 tbsp. l. chocolate chips.

Dissolve cocoa in hot boiled milk, add sugar and cups can be filled. Top with whipped cream and chopped chocolate.

How to cook cocoa with oatmeal flakes

Brew 40 gr. flakes in 100 ml of boiling water. Pour 1.5 cups of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and grated nutmeg. Warm everything up, enter the oatmeal puree, cook for 5 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Simmer a little and beat. Serve with fluffy marshmallows or meringues.

How to cook cocoa with a banana

Prepare: a mug of milk (250 gr.), 70 gr. ice cream, one banana, 3 tsp. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Dilute cocoa and sugar in warm milk, heat for three minutes. Mix the peeled and chopped banana with this mixture and beat in a blender. Pour the mass into a glass, put a scoop of ice cream on top and garnish with berries.

How to brew cocoa the Mexican way

Take - 150 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and cocoa, 1/2 tsp each cinnamon, salt, red pepper, 50 gr. crushed walnuts.

Warm up the milk, add spices and diluted cocoa. Cook over high heat for 1 minute. Pour sugar, pour into glasses, sprinkle with nuts.

You can experiment with traditional recipes for a long time, introducing hot peppers, Brazil nuts, strong alcohol, spices, creams and custards, fresh berries into cocoa, and no matter what you come up with, the drink will always remain tasty, healthy and recognizable.

    1 Cooking cocoa with milk is quite easy. Pour all the milk into a clean saucepan, put on medium heat and bring to a boil.2 In a separate bowl, carefully mix dry cocoa powder with sugar and 200 ml of milk brought to a boil, avoiding possible lumps.3 Thoroughly mixed and dissolved sugar and cocoa in milk , pour into a saucepan with milk, mix well for a couple of minutes over the same low heat. And turn off the stove.4 That's how easy it is to cook cocoa with milk. Can be poured into mugs and served.

Recipe cooking secrets

Each of us remembers a charming smell, a pleasant color and an unusually tasty drink - hot cocoa. For some, it is associated with a kindergarten and disgusting foam, and for someone with a sunny summer with a grandmother in the village.

How to cook cocoa on water and milk?

Chocolate cake by Luigi Ottiano. Make and freeze 200 g apricot jam 125 g water 75 g sugar 100 g dark chocolate at 70%. Boil 50 g of water with 20 g of inulin. Let it cook for 3 minutes. Cover with another disk and rinse the surface with rum. Also close the second drive with a jam. Boil 125 g of water with 75 g of sugar for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and combine broken chocolate. Stir gently until you lose completely. Place over low heat and stir gently for 5 minutes.

Which cocoa powder to choose?

Cover with chocolate icing and level with a spatula. Let her rest for at least one hour in a cool place before the service. Luigi Ottiano was born a Neapolitan but has lived in South Tyrol for 20 years. He has extensive experience in restaurants. For 10 years he led his Kallmuenz in Merano, where he combined his parthenopian soul with the taste and techniques of a team of Japanese chefs.

Useful properties of cocoa for children and adults

The main thing is that this drink is not only tasty and liked by all children (we do not take foam into account), but also very useful, and for the whole family. Did you know that one cup of cocoa can replace a second breakfast? Scientists around the world unanimously agreed in the opinions and conclusions of the studies that the most useful property of cocoa is to improve brain function and mood, as well as stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Cocoa is mainly consumed in the form of chocolate, a delicacy obtained after a long and complex process. Without cocoa, we wouldn't have pills, cookies, ice cream, cakes, drinks, and chocolate snacks. The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa paste which gives the main flavor, cocoa butter which gives the typical palate feeling of the sky, sugar and any flavorings. Milk or milk powder is used to make milk chocolate.

Each country sets different types of chocolate based on ingredients, such as cocoa content. In general, you need to know what the main ingredients of chocolate are. Pasta or Cocoa Liqueur: This is the result of a process made on cocoa beans that are dried, crushed, pasteurized, roasted, and then crushed.

For nursing mothers, cocoa is no less useful than for children and adults, because it contributes to the stay of milk. If a child in your family already goes to school, then cocoa is again necessary for consumption - because it promotes concentration, activates mental activity, invigorates and, again, activates the “hormone of happiness”. It is also known that in one cup of cocoa as much as three times more antioxidants than in the same cup.

Cocoa paste is almost entirely cocoa based because most of the cocoa butter is extracted with high pressure. Thus, chocolate consists of cocoa powder and a small percentage of cocoa butter. No sugar or flavors are added. Also known as chocolate "cookies" or "cookies", this chocolate contains no sugar or other flavors and is therefore ideal for the rich flavor of cocoa recipes. It is used in tastings because it allows you to perceive the flavor of the original cocoa and ice cream because it has less fat.

However, it must be remembered and observed: cocoa for an adult should not be consumed more than two cups a day, therefore, one will be enough for a child. And it is best to drink it in the morning, or at least before lunch.

How to cook cocoa with milk and water according to the recipe, and what must be taken into account before cooking:

  • Please note that the milk must be brought to a boil, but not allowed to boil.
  • You can also dissolve sugar with cocoa in 150-200 ml of hot water.
  • It is best to bring milk to a boil in an aluminum pan, it does not stick in it. But after cooking, cocoa should be poured into another bowl.
  • Cocoa powder can be used by absolutely any company, including the cheapest "Russian cocoa powder" from the manufacturer OOO "Merchant Tradition" in the region of 15-20 rubles per pack of 100 grams.

If you want to quickly prepare one cup for half a liter of cocoa, then simply mix 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder with sugar (to taste) with half a cup of boiling water. Fill the other half of the cup with milk. Mix everything thoroughly and cocoa with milk and water is ready.

Dark chocolate is made up of cocoa paste, sugar, flavorings such as vanilla, and emulsifiers such as lecithin. There are endless types of dark chocolate, and the percentage of cocoa paste varies from tablet to tablet, keeping the minimum amounts prescribed by law, which differ from country to country: in Italy, for example, in dark chocolate, the percentage of cocoa must be at least 45% and 28% cocoa butter. Dark chocolate is great for making cakes, cookies and desserts.

The world's first sparkling chocolate tablet. Lindt invented a method of coagulation, thanks to which chocolate acquires much more persistent flavors and becomes fondant, that is, "melts in your mouth." In fact, the chocolate is homogenized in specially controlled temperature tanks thanks to oscillating mixing arms that blend the ingredients perfectly and eliminate the last traces of acidity and moisture, extolling their flavors.

Interesting facts about cocoa, the benefits and harms of the drink, and other factors, look at the video.

Cocoa is an aromatic drink with a chocolate flavor, which is prepared on the basis of milk from cocoa powder with the addition of sugar. Cocoa beans contain vitamins, acids, trace elements, protein and many other useful components that regulate mental activity, drive away depression, and protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is important to cook cocoa no more than the recommended time in order to preserve its healing properties.

It differs from dark chocolate because it contains an even higher percentage of cocoa. Of the highest quality, this chocolate is especially suitable for consumption in tablets. This type of chocolate is made by adding powdered milk: sweet and mild flavor and creamy texture. Milk chocolate cannot, however, replace dark chocolate in baked recipes. Its cocoa content is lower, and besides, when it melts, special care must be taken because it is very sensitive to heat.

How to cook delicious cocoa with milk?

It tastes good in tablets, as a rule, it is the favorite of the youngest. White chocolate differs from all types of chocolate we have seen so far because it does not contain cocoa: it would be more correct to define it as "sweet" in general, since technically it could not be called "chocolate" without cocoa. White chocolate is made by mixing cocoa butter, milk or sugar and sugar. It is widely used for foaming cakes and making mousses, sauces and various sweets.

How to cook cocoa with milk

Cocoa with milk is indispensable in the children's menu, and a cup of fragrant drink will not hurt adults either. Take 1 liter of milk - 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Warm up the milk in a saucepan. Separately, mix cocoa and sugar, dilute the mixture with a quarter cup of warm milk to a thick sour cream. Enter the mass into the container, warm until gurgling appears and turn off the gas. After a few seconds, remove the foam and pour the delicious liquid into mugs. Such cocoa will go with pancakes, biscuits, muffins and just with buttered bread.

Like milk chocolate, white is very sensitive to heat, so there's a lot to be done so be careful when mixing it. Chocolate drops are born in the United States to make a delicious variation on traditional cookies. They contain less cocoa butter than traditional chocolate and can be dark chocolate, milk or white.

Chocolate doesn't just become pills, there are also sweets and sweets. It is usually a "shell" of chocolate filled with various delights: white chocolate, milk chocolate or yandua, cream, hazelnuts or chocolate. Starches and starches are often added to make the filling dense and creamy.

How to boil cocoa with water

A good option for those who diligently monitor their figure. For 200 ml of water - 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, vanilla sugar - to taste.

Pour half a glass of warm water into the cocoa and sugar mixture. Then send the sweet mass to the pan, add the remaining water, boil and remove from heat. The result is a fragrant tart drink that will perfectly invigorate you on a gloomy autumn morning.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are crushed and subjected to pressure, resulting in cocoa liquid, in practice cocoa particles suspended in cocoa butter. In turn, the cocoa liqueur is subjected to strong pressure to separate the liquid part into the solid part: cocoa butter and cocoa powder are obtained in this way. Cocoa powder is mainly used in doughs and drink mixes.

Confectionery and ice cream uses a raw mixture of cocoa paste, supplemented with additional cocoa butter and lecithin: in this way it becomes more liquid and easier to work with, called a lid. Depending on the presence of cocoa butter, the coating is more or less fluid.

How to cook cocoa - curious recipes

Cocoa is combined with many products, so adding beaten eggs, cream, chocolate and even hercules to the drink, you can get an appetizing and original dessert.

How to cook cocoa with cream

Ingredients: 200 ml milk, half a glass of water, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, sugar - to taste. For decoration - 70 ml of cream, 1 tbsp. l. chocolate chips.

The densest ones, with less cocoa butter, are the most popular for filling chocolate. Medium fluidity is suitable for coating cakes and sweets. A very rich cocoa butter lid is used to mold into molds. Many chocolate majors produce the cover themselves, the dosages are calibrated for their own needs and create special shades of aromatic notes.

How to cook delicious cocoa with condensed milk?

Cocoa Cluster "Cocoa Cluster" will be the Big Venue of Expo Milano. The pavilion is considered a metaphor for the jungle: wooden structures that come out of the ground and try to colonize the entire surrounding space, as in tropical environments where cocoa is cultivated. A huge reason to find in one large space - 875 square meters dedicated to the participating countries on a total area of ​​546 square meters - the best types of cocoa from around the world.

Dissolve cocoa in hot boiled milk, add sugar and cups can be filled. Top with whipped cream and chopped chocolate.

How to cook cocoa with oatmeal flakes

Brew 40 gr. flakes in 100 ml of boiling water. Pour 1.5 cups of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and grated nutmeg. Warm everything up, enter the oatmeal puree, cook for 5 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Simmer a little and beat. Serve with fluffy marshmallows or meringues.

Hot chocolate in a cup is a very popular drink in Italy and abroad, consumed both for breakfast and as an excellent alternative to tea. The consumption of this drink increases significantly during the winter season, which is a treat that has the double benefit of warming and satisfying the palate. Since today, there are many types of semi-finished products, soluble in water or milk, that are accustomed to prepare for themselves and the ease with which they are obtained from the sachet tends to underestimate the medicine and the skill they actually serve to prepare a real chocolate dock.

How to cook cocoa with a banana

Prepare: a mug of milk (250 gr.), 70 gr. ice cream, one banana, 3 tsp. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Dilute cocoa and sugar in warm milk, heat for three minutes. Mix the peeled and chopped banana with this mixture and beat in a blender. Pour the mass into a glass, put a scoop of ice cream on top and garnish with berries.

To make the perfect chocolate, the professional must follow the exact rules that we reveal in the following decalogue. The five rules that we propose here relate to the preparation of hot chocolate with cocoa powder, that is, the most practical and widespread method. For the sake of history, we must remember that in some bars the drink is prepared by dissolving chocolate on a tablet; this way you get chocolate with a stronger flavor but also fatty for the presence of cocoa butter.

The use of prepackaged and packaged sachets will definitely bring many benefits for convenience and speed of service, but it is undeniable that handmade chocolate will attract the most avid and cautious customers who recognize the value added. Indispensable ingredients for making hot chocolate are: cocoa powder, sugar, thickener and milk. The ideal would be to get cocoa cocoa, a very valuable variety. Sugar must be crushed. As a thickener, you can use potato starch or cornstarch, which makes the chocolate more velvety; both are the most suitable as they don't have much of an aftertaste.

How to brew cocoa the Mexican way

Take - 150 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and cocoa, 1/2 tsp each cinnamon, salt, red pepper, 50 gr. crushed walnuts.

Warm up the milk, add spices and diluted cocoa. Cook over high heat for 1 minute. Pour sugar, pour into glasses, sprinkle with nuts.

Finally, milk, you should prefer whole milk as it is more flavorful. Rule #2 Run Good Ingredients Before mixing, the various ingredients must be properly dosed. Usually for a cup of chocolate they serve: two teaspoons of cocoa, two sugars, half a teaspoon of thickener and 15 cl of milk. The components should be poured into a jug or milk and mixed with dry water, without milk or water, which at this initial stage may cause unpleasant lumps. First you combine cocoa with sugar, then you add a thickener.

You can experiment with traditional recipes for a long time, introducing hot peppers, Brazil nuts, strong alcohol, spices, creams and custards, fresh berries into cocoa, and no matter what you come up with, the drink will always remain tasty, healthy and recognizable.

The amount of milk should be well calibrated, too much milk makes the chocolate liquid and dense. Rule #3 Prepare and thicken the cream in the right place. After obtaining a homogeneous dough by mixing, place the steamed coffee maker machine inside the kettle. After starting the steam, you bring the chocolate to a boil to cook and bake until you reach your desired consistency. After removing the steamer from the steam, in order to continue cooking, you can add milk, stirring well, until you get a soft and even cream.

If you are going to cook fragrant cocoa with milk or milk, first study the various cooking variations. And if you think that such a drink as cocoa, known to everyone since childhood, is just a childish, frivolous drink, and besides, it is not suitable for adult serious people, then after studying the aspect of how to cook it correctly, your opinion on this about will change drastically.

The most popular concepts, such as “hot chocolate”, and with it “cocoa” are nothing more than two variations of the drink (one). In addition, they are separated only conditionally, but in fact they are one and the same. The difference is that hot chocolate is often referred to as a thick, bitter-tasting drink based on chocolate (specially melted). Well, the drink is already sweet, more liquid, the preparation of which is based on milk, which is usually called cocoa. But after all, the so-called cocoa drink may well acquire a chocolate, quite rich, taste that children are unlikely to appreciate. But those who love dark chocolate will be able to appreciate the drink at its true worth. And you can easily see this for yourself.

Of course, the benefits of cocoa cannot be questioned. Even the Indians called a similar drink made from cocoa the drink of the gods. Indeed, in this drink, the amount of various kinds of useful substances is higher than in such a popular drink as green tea. The taste of the drink will mainly depend on one factor, namely: what kind (how good) cocoa powder will be at its core. Therefore, when buying this product, you should choose a quality one.

How to cook cocoa correctly?

There are three main components of cocoa: this is cocoa powder itself, this is sugar, this is milk. And also, you can cook cocoa not on the milk itself, but only with the addition of it when preparing the drink. In this case, drinking water will be added.

You can add vanilla or cinnamon to the drink, as well as nutmeg and even pepper (only pink) and other spices. It all depends on your personal preferences. And to get the taste of a real chocolate bar (melted), you can add half a teaspoon of cocoa butter to this drink. This is done along with the addition of a dry cocoa-sugar mixture to the liquid (milk or water). In addition, by adding a fresh quail egg to an already prepared cocoa drink, or rather just the yolk from it, you can turn the contents into a delicious medicine that helps to overcome a cough, and besides, the taste will become more tender.

Many drinks are prepared in dishes specially designed for this purpose. For example: coffee is brewed in a Turk, tea is brewed in a teapot, and so on. But there is no specialized container for making cocoa. For this, a saucepan or any saucepan that is suitable in size is suitable.

If, before boiling water or milk, sugar has not dissolved (or dissolved, but not completely), you just need to continue cooking. The taste of cocoa will not change at all if it boils a little.

In the case when you are in doubt about the amount of sugar per cup of drink, you should start small, namely, with two teaspoons. If it turns out to be not enough, then you can always add sugar to the already prepared cocoa.

Cocoa in milk: how to cook?

One of the most popular ways to make cocoa with milk, which we will now describe, is the most successful. Such a drink will appeal to adult sweets, as well as children.

In order to cook cocoa correctly in this way, you need to take 5 grams of cocoa powder (this is 1 teaspoon), 250 milliliters of milk, as well as granulated sugar - 2 or 3 teaspoons.

Now mix the granulated sugar with cocoa powder and send the mixture to a convenient metal bowl. There should be no lumps in the mixture, all of them must be rubbed. If you decide to add cinnamon or other additives to the drink, then it's time to do it. Next, pour a few tablespoons of milk (hot) into the same container and mix everything until smooth. Stir carefully, as lumps can spoil the whole impression of a wonderful drink.

As soon as the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, pour in the rest of the milk, put the container on a small fire and cook with constant stirring. The cocoa drink will be ready when the sugar dissolves.

How to cook cocoa with milk?

To prepare a cocoa drink with the addition of milk, also use the recommendations described above for the recipe for cocoa with milk. Moreover, the ratio of milk and water can vary in different ways.
For example: you can use water only to “remove” lumps during cooking. Thus, it is necessary to add a few tablespoons of hot drinking water to the dry mixture of cocoa and sugar sand and mix it all well, rubbing the resulting lumps. And then pour in the milk. In this version of the drink, there will be practically no taste difference.
But if you decide to add only 125 milliliters of milk to cocoa instead of 250, while replacing the other half with water, then the difference will be more obvious.

Cocoa for adults

If you are still convinced that cocoa is a drink only for children, and you only buy dark chocolate in the store, without paying the slightest attention to milk chocolate, then prepare a cocoa drink in the following way.

Replace two teaspoons of cocoa powder with two tablespoons. Eliminate sugar altogether from the recipe or add it many times less (1 - 2 teaspoons). Further, the recipe will be standard. This drink will turn out to be far from childish, more saturated and “strong”.

And if you are still a lover of milk chocolate, and not bitter, then vice versa - the amount of sugar in the drink should be increased to three to four teaspoons (tea). Then you get a combination of flavors of concentrated cocoa, as well as hot chocolate. By adding cocoa butter to such a drink, you can get the feeling that you have melted a bar of natural chocolate and such a drink will settle in your menu for a long time.

Fragrant drink, thick chocolate color with exquisite aroma and taste. Cocoa is made from cocoa beans. The product has a set of useful elements. The composition includes antioxidants, caffeine, proteins and essential oils, fiber, zinc, iron and folic acid. Cocoa is loved by many children and adults.

There are many recipes for making cocoa. They are not complicated and do not require a lot of ingredients. Cooked cocoa is much tastier and healthier than a powdered drink with added sugar and other additives.

Cocoa can be brewed with milk or water. Brewed with milk, the drink has a milder taste than that brewed with water. But a drink prepared with water is more dietary.

How to cook cocoa with milk

To prepare a delicious, nutritious drink you need:

  • Milk.
  • Three spoons of sugar.
  • Bitter cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons.

1. Boil milk over high heat. When it boils, reduce the fire.

2. Mix cocoa with sugar and dilute with a little milk. Add the rest of the milk and simmer for 5 minutes.

How to boil cocoa in water

A dietary version of a delicious drink that retains all the beneficial qualities. Suitable for people suffering from lactose intolerance. In this recipe, milk should be replaced with water.

  • Pure (filtered) water.
  • sugar - three tablespoons.
  • Cocoa powder - three tablespoons.

1. Boil water.

2. Dissolve sugar and cocoa powder in a small amount of water. Mix with the remaining water and simmer for another 5 minutes.

  1. To get a kilogram of cocoa powder, you need to process 1200 cocoa beans or about 40 fruits.
  2. The ancient Aztec Indians valued cocoa so much that they equated its fruits and seeds with money. The fruits were paid for for slaves or for other purchases.
  3. Cocoa copes with respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma.
  4. There are more than a hundred recipes in the world, how to cook cocoa. They differ mainly in ingredients. Cocoa can be made with whipped cream, ice cream, and even egg yolk.
  5. Cocoa, like chocolate, stimulates the production of endorphins, which improves mood and well-being.
  6. Cocoa blocks the feeling of hunger, which helps those who want to lose weight.
  7. Cocoa is a natural antidepressant. It tones the body and copes with the harmful effects on it.
  8. Cocoa powder protects tooth enamel from plaque and reduces the occurrence of caries several times more effectively than fluoride.
  9. It is best to drink a ready-made drink with an unsweetened biscuit or biscuit.
  10. The influence of a hot drink on male potency has a positive effect.

Who is contraindicated cocoa

This delicious drink has its contraindications. First of all, people suffering from gout, it is better to exclude cocoa from the diet. Cocoa should not be consumed in large quantities, especially for children and pregnant women.

The optimal daily serving is 2 cups. Do not add a lot of sugar or other seasonings (cinnamon, pepper, cloves) - one pinch per serving is enough.

It is very important to know cook cocoa at home, because this is a gentle drink loved by many, reminding us of childhood. There are many recipes that teach you how to cook cocoa deliciously and properly. We will consider them in our article.

It is impossible not to love homemade cocoa, as it is not just a delicious drink, it also brings benefits to our body! It is very useful to treat yourself to this delicacy in moments of emotional decline, depression, stress, or just when you are sad. Cocoa beans contain special substances that, when they enter our body, induce it to produce endorphins, that is, in other words, hormones of happiness. Thus, a hot aromatic drink can significantly improve well-being.

In addition, regular use of real and high-quality cocoa helps to keep the skin youthful and elastic for longer, and this drink can also help fight high blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

But, like any other product, cocoa also has contraindications: it is not recommended to use this drink for children under three years old, as well as for people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. Patients with diabetes, the use of cocoa in any form is strictly prohibited.

To date, there are two most common ways to prepare cocoa: on water and milk. Each of the varieties of the drink is tasty and aromatic in its own way, but you should know what and how much to put, as well as how much time cocoa should be boiled. We will talk about this later in the article.

On the water

To cook cocoa on water at home, first boil the required amount of water in a saucepan. When it boils, add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder and mix it all well. The amount of cocoa depends on how many servings you expect. On average, 2 teaspoons of cocoa are taken for one medium glass. If you like sweets, add the same amount of sugar.

Boil cocoa for at least twenty minutes. After it is ready, turn off the fire, pour the drink into a cup and you can season it. any of your favorite spices.

On milk

To brew cocoa with milk, prepare fresh pasteurized milk, pour it into a small saucepan and place over medium heat. Milk should boil, and while it is heating, mix the required amount of cocoa with sugar and pour into a mug. When the milk boils, pour the resulting mixture into it, stir well, and the delicious drink is ready to drink. You can add any spices and decorate as you like. It is very useful to cook such a drink for a child, since the taste of such cocoa is very delicate and rich.

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