How to transplant home flowers. How to transplant indoor flowers correctly

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

It is better to take care of flowers on certain days. Many amateurs indoor plants grow them at random, especially novice gardeners. And they are faced with the problem of insufficient growth, poor survival rate after transplantation - up to the death of plants.

Meanwhile, most of the problems are easy to avoid if you approach the matter competently. You can get all the information you need about the technology for transplanting indoor plants in the gardener's calendar. There are marked times favorable for activities such as watering, fertilizing and changing soil. Flowers transplanted these days easily take root and grow actively.

Receptions of the correct transplant

A transplant to an indoor flower is required when the leaves wither, the soil becomes elevated, and the flowering disappears. Most often, the earth needs to be replaced. A new pot should be taken about 4 cm larger than the previous one.

To extract the flower, gently moisten the soil and gently remove the plant along with the soil. On the bottom of the new pot, lay out the drainage in a layer of about 1 cm. If the container is large, the layer thickness can be up to 5 cm. Pour the earth on top in the form of a mound and strengthen the plant.

About the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

You cannot place the flower in the sun or fertilize immediately after the procedure. Repotting should be carried out in the absence of flowering, taking into account a certain time of the year. The most suitable periods for this procedure are March-April and September-October. It should not be forgotten that any of the plants has individual characteristics, can bloom and grow actively at completely different times.

The best time to change soil is when the sap moves to the stem and leaves. Take root in new soil plants with reduced root elasticity. When transplanted, they are less susceptible to breakdowns and other negative influences.

We determine the optimal terms

It is recommended to change the soil of the flower during the growing phase of the moon. You can determine it by looking at a special lunar calendar. Experts recommend changing the soil at specific periods. These are the spring months - March and May, summer - July and August, all autumn without restrictions (on favorable days), from the winter months - December.

These tips are based on the results of many years of research. It is believed that on the mentioned dates, the change in habitat is less painful, negative effects are little perceived by plants.

What is the lunar calendar for the transplant of indoor plants

It is compiled by specialist researchers in order to simplify the task of caring for representatives of the plant kingdom. The lunar calendar contains information on loosening, watering and other care. There are detailed days when the habitat of the flower should not be changed.

They make it up according to the lunar phases. If you adhere to the recommendations given, when transplanting indoor plants according to lunar calendar, your flower will have no problem getting used to the new pot. He will grow actively. There are also days in the calendar when any manipulations with plants are highly discouraged. The risk of damage during transplantation for a flower is quite high, and in order to avoid it, you should listen to the advice of specialists.

Below we provide a lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017.

Moon phases and our flowers

The condition of the moon is considered a significant factor in the process of growing flowers. The stem actively lengthens and feeds on sap in the growth phase. When a celestial satellite is in the full moon phase, changing the habitat of the flower should be avoided. This is because the root system in this moment eats actively.

On the days of lunar eclipses, there are moments of rest and accumulation of strength for nature. All living things are slowly reviving, and therefore work with the earth during this period is not recommended. It is on such data that astrologers rely, compiling the lunar calendar for the transplantation of indoor plants.

About the signs of the zodiac

When caring for plants, it is recommended to take into account which of the zodiac signs the moon is in at one time or another. Auspicious signs include Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. When the moon is "visiting" Leo or Aquarius, work with the earth is not recommended. All other signs, according to astrologers, do not have an active influence on flowers.

All of the above is quite understandable from a scientific point of view. After all, the position of the moon affects the state of the water, the ebb and flow of the sea. From lunar phases the nature of our entire planet depends to a large extent, together with the process of vegetation growth.

How does this happen

Those dates of the lunar calendar, which are indicated as auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants, coincide with the period when the sap moves to the stem and leaves, that is, to the top of the flower. At the same time, the root system experiences a decrease in turgor, a slight dehydration of cells, as a result of which they become less fragile. That is why the transplantation under these conditions is transferred as easily as possible, as is the process of taking root in the new soil. Then you can successfully propagate flowers by cuttings, using the most auspicious days for transplanting indoor flowers.

The above coincides with the growth phase of the moon. When it decreases, the opposite happens - the roots are filled with moisture. V the given time they should not be disturbed. So blooming and healthy looking indoor garden much easier to achieve by referring to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In extraordinary circumstances

We do not consider cases when an emergency transplant procedure may be required. Pests can suddenly appear, pots sometimes break and stems break. If there is an urgent need to save a flower, of course, they don't pay attention to the schedule. A similar procedure is recommended outside the plan and in the case of crushing and yellowing of the leaves, prolonged absence of flowering.

If the plant has bloomed, it is undesirable to transplant it even on one of the favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers. It is very likely that the green pet will become ill for a long time as a result, and it will be very difficult to cure it.

What to do at other times

There are also unfavorable days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as relatively neutral ones. This time can be filled with procedures of a less radical nature. We are talking about feeding, loosening, watering, and pest control. But on those dates that are indicated in the calendar as completely unfavorable, it is better to leave the flowers completely alone. Not a single type of care at this time will benefit the plant.

The most inappropriate days for transplant are those when lunar and solar eclipses(including partial). The vulnerability of flowers at this time is increased, and even the smallest injury can destroy the plant.

What is a regular transplant for?

There may be several reasons for this:

1. Overgrown roots no longer fit in the usual container. The ground begins to rise, making watering more difficult.

2. Because of the hard water, salts accumulate in the soil, making it difficult for the flower to feed.

3. The soil is depleted, its organic component decomposes. As a result, feeding does not give the desired effect.

4. Due to soil compaction, oxygen starvation of the roots occurs.

The function of indoor plants is not only decorative. They are able to significantly improve the microclimate of a dwelling by humidifying and air conditioning, as well as neutralizing positively charged ions emitted household appliances... Many types of flowers save the owners from harmful secretions finishing and furniture materials by absorbing toxins.

Even in the absence strict adherence the requirements of the lunar calendar, the plant will tolerate transplant work better when they are made in the spring, during the warm season. It is then that the permanent residence for the rooted cuttings is determined. If, for some reason, you decide on an "operation" in the fall, careful observation of favorable days for transplanting indoor plants is even more important.

Using this approach, you will speed up the growth of your favorite strain and get many little "babies". Self-compilation of the lunar calendar is a rather difficult task. It is usually beyond the power of ordinary amateur flower growers. After all, professional astrologers take into account in their work big number various factors: from lunar days and months before the position of the sun and moon in certain signs of the zodiac.

Flowers in spring and winter

All work with domestic plants is resumed, as a rule, in April - due to warming and an increase in the length of daylight hours. In the last spring month, juices are actively circulating in flowers, metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis) are accelerated, greenery begins to grow intensively. Such days are good for rejuvenating overgrown bushes and relocating to a new place.

Winter transplant is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in the cold season a calm period sets in and any process in the living organism of a flower tends to slow down. To avoid harm, growers try not to touch the plants in winter.

By observing these simple recommendations regarding favorable days for transplanting indoor plants and carefully adhering to the lunar calendar, you can surround your green pets with real love and care. And then your efforts will pay off handsomely!

Indoor plants serve as a living decoration of the home, but at the same time they need careful and proper care... Many flowers require replanting in spring. This is not the easiest thing to do, but if you follow just a few simple rules, you can quickly carry out the necessary procedure.

First of all, before starting the transplant, you need to take care of the pots. It is important that the new one is slightly larger than the previous one. It is easy to make a choice - the container in which the plant is now located should easily fit into new pot... If a clay was chosen, then a day before transplanting it will need to be soaked in plain water. When using an old container from another plant, it must be thoroughly washed with warm water using a brush.

The most suitable time for transplanting indoor flowers is spring and early summer. Most of plants awakens after winter precisely during this period, therefore, intensive activation of metabolic processes begins. Increased light and daylight hours have a positive effect on health and growth.

Many experienced flower growers transplant indoor flowers, taking into account certain lunar phases. Ideal option will perform such a procedure during the growing Moon, while it is desirable that the Moon at this time be in favorable signs for the plant - this is Water and Earth (this includes Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

When to transplant indoor plants?

One of the most important criteria for transplanting indoor flowers is his well-being, and of course, the size of the pot. If the plant was purchased only recently, then regardless of the season, it is necessary to transplant approximately 2 weeks after purchase. The fact is that it is usually sold in a special shipping container.

Also in mandatory, the transplant is also carried out for those flowers that feel cramped in the old pot. For all perennial plants such a procedure should be carried out once a year. However, not all indoor flowers need a new land. It is strictly forbidden to transplant if the budding or flowering period has begun. The same rule applies to the period after flowering has passed, since the plant needs time to rest a little.

Once a year, you can transplant species with abundant foliage, which include violets, balsam, tradescantia, chlorophytum, etc. The need for the procedure is determined taking into account how crowded the roots of the plant have become in the old pot. Much less often, it is recommended to transplant cacti, tree-like plants (for example, palms, cheflers, etc.), and of course, adult orchids.

How to transplant an indoor flower: a sequence of actions

  • First of all, it is necessary to transplant plants, in which the lower leaves began to turn yellow and dry intensively, and the roots crawled out through the drainage holes, since these are sure signs that the old pot has become cramped.
  • A little drainage is placed on the bottom of the new container - it can be expanded clay, broken fragments (edges down) and small pebbles (2-3 cm layer). The soil is poured on top, which is selected taking into account the type of transplanted plant. If it is difficult to pick up the soil individually, then you can take a universal mixture intended for indoor flowers.
  • Approximately 1.5 hours before the start of transplanting, you need to water the plant well, while water should appear in the pan. If this is not done, then the earthen ball, which will be removed from the pot along with the roots, can begin to crumble and seriously damage root system.
  • The plant is carefully removed from the pot and placed on an oilcloth or newspaper. A careful examination of the roots should be carried out and any weak, rotten or damaged roots should be cut off. There are times when the roots tightly entwine the drainage at the bottom of the container, it must be carefully removed.
  • Bushes that are too large can be divided into several parts. Young shoots are transplanted into separate pots. Also, during the transplant, it is necessary to remove and upper layer old soil, because now there will be little use from it.
  • It is necessary to hold the plant with one hand, and with the second hand, carefully lower the earthen lump together with the root system into the prepared pot and straighten the twisted or bent up roots, but very carefully so as not to damage them.
  • The flower is kept even and the space between the walls of the container and the earthen lump is filled up. Periodically, it is necessary to lightly compact the earth, since it should settle. The formation of voids should not be allowed. The soil should reach the level of the base of the stem, but at the same time about 2 cm is left to the edge of the pot. If you add too much soil, then during watering, water can overflow over the edges.
  • After the transplant is completed, water the plant well and do not sprinkle on top big amount dry land. No earlier than a week later, the next watering will be carried out, but at the same time, it is recommended to spray the leaves every day.

If transplanted adult plant, it will need to be removed in the shade for several days, and over time it can be returned to its old place. Experienced growers advise, after the transplant is completed, to trim or pinch the ends of the stems, which significantly improves nutrition and begins more active development.

Knowing how and when is it better to transplant indoor flowers, you can protect the plant from various diseases... However, there are times when it is a certain ailment that requires an immediate transplant. The main signs of a serious illness in indoor flowers are yellowing of the leaves, dry buds. Such damage can be triggered by pests of the root system, leaf rot, contaminated or spoiled soil.

In this case, a simple transplant will not be enough. There is a need for a thorough cleaning of the root system from old soil. All roots are carefully freed from the ground, then an inspection is carried out, all rotten parts are cut off.

Immediately before the diseased flower is placed in a new fertile soil mixture, it is necessary to rinse all the roots using a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and special root growth stimulants can also be used. But you can do even easier - sprinkle the root system with a small amount of crushed charcoal and only then cover it with earth.

Carefully, it is necessary to transplant such plants as campanula, azalea, arrowroot, bastard, ferns, palms, since they have a weak root system and do not tolerate this procedure well. Experienced gardeners do not recommend replanting big plant, which grows for a long time in the 1st pot, since there is a risk of breaking it in the process. But, if necessary, in the spring you can simply replace the top layer of the earth with a fresh one.

Transplanting indoor flowers is an important part of caring for them. This is a complex procedure that can damage the health of the plant, so it must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. It is best to do this in spring or early summer, based on the recommendations of the lunar calendar. It is better not to transplant large flowers; if necessary, it is enough to replace the top layer of the earth in them.

When to transplant flowers

Spring is a time of renewal, including for indoor plants. Many of them depleted the soil in which they grew during the winter. Some, with the beginning of spring, not only did not release new shoots, but also began to lose old leaves. If you see that the plant has not come to life in spring, but, on the contrary, has frozen and does not grow, transplant it.

Transplanting in the spring has an encouraging effect on most plants, so in late February or early March, you can devote one or two days to transplanting plants that need it.

Almost all plants can be transplanted in the spring, especially those that bloom in spring or summer.

Flower transplant - disease prevention

At the end of summer, some flowers also require renewal. A transplant is needed for those of them that have grown very much over the summer. For example, I plant balsams in small pots, then they bloom faster and bloom longer, but by autumn their fast-growing root system fills the entire pot. Therefore, I transplant them in the fall again. Or, to be precise, I am overloading, since I do not clean the roots from the remnants of the old soil during the autumn transplant.

The roses planted in the garden for the summer in the fall I again move to a pot with fresh soil.

Some flowers found all summer long fresh air, sometimes they catch an infection, and in order not to bring it into the house and not infect the rest of the flowers, I renew the plant with a transplant, cutting off all damaged areas in its process and treating the plant with medications.

Of course, not all plants can easily be transplanted twice a year, but fast-growing, asparagus, can be transplanted as many times as you like at any time of the year.

The flower is crowded - we transplant

The diagnosis "urgently needs a transplant" is made to plants in several more cases, and then this procedure has to be carried out, regardless of the season. For example, if the roots have filled the entire pot and protruded onto the surface of an earthen coma or protrude from the drainage hole, do not wait for spring, transplant the flower, otherwise it will not have enough strength to winter. In order for the plant to endure this procedure as easily as possible, use the transshipment method.

In addition to this case, it is worth transplanting a flower:

  • if within a month after the onset of spring the plant does not release new leaves and peduncles;
  • if the soil dries out very quickly, that is, it is filled with roots;
  • if you bought a flower in a store that was planted in a temporary peat substrate (the plant will not live in such soil for a long time);
  • if the pot burst.

There are plants that are not even transplanted every year. For example, palms, cacti, adult orchids should not be disturbed so often. You can change their place of residence no more often than once every two years.

Rules for transplanting indoor plants

Prepare a new flower pot. It should be only 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Test: The old pot should fit easily into the new one.

Before removing the plant from the pot, water it well, then it will be easier to separate the earthen lump from the walls of the flowerpot.

For the transplant procedure, you will need a new earthen mixture corresponding to the genus of the plant, drainage (best of all, expanded clay). Fill the volume of the pot with drainage by one third, then fill the soil with a layer of 2-3 cm. Turning the flower over, carefully remove it from the pot, clean the roots from the old earth, if you intend not to transfer, but to transplant the plant. Place the roots as carefully as possible in a new pot and cover them with fresh soil.

Place the flower in the center of the pot and, holding it with one hand, sprinkle the earth with the other. To compact the soil, I tap the pot on the table and gently press the soil with my fingers. Then I water the plant and forget about it for a while, giving it a chance to recover from the stress.

Replacing the topsoil

If for some reason you do not want to replant the plant, you can simply partially renew the soil in the pot. To do this, 2-5 cm of old soil is cut off and fresh soil is poured in its place, rich in minerals and trace elements.

And the last ... After transplanting, the plant must be watered only with settled water. If it is young and weak, cover it with foil so that the plant is like in a greenhouse, and then the flower transplant will be extremely beneficial.

Planting and caring for flower crops should be in the allotted time and days that are scheduled in the gardener's calendars (lunar). On what day is it better to transplant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give the answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and takes root quickly.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was only a guess. Later, scientists proved that the fact of the relationship between plants and the moon takes place. After that, lunar calendars appeared, focusing on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to transplant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with a high stem and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during the period until the full moon... During this period, the sap of the plant is directed upward from the root, therefore, minor damage to the root during the transplantation process will not affect general condition plants;
  • It is better to prune flower buds on waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is better to transplant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the fact that the plant will adapt for a long time in a new place or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and others, bulbous are best sown on waning moon... Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is it better to transplant indoor plants

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and at what time.

What is the best time to transplant indoor flowers:

  • The most favorable time is the interval from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best days for a transplant, the first or second day after the formation of a new moon is considered;
  • Do not transplant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) and at noon.
  • Most favorable seasons in order to transplant flowers are early spring and autumn.

Flower Transplant Calendar 2016

In the calendar of the summer resident and the gardener (lunar) of 2016, the dates are precisely given, in which month it is better to transplant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops when they need to be cut and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, you can achieve good germination and high productivity.

Indoor flower transplant lunar calendar

Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only better days for transplant, but also unfavorable.

On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers we figured out, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days from five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for transplanting indoor plants

To navigate the moon when planting and transplanting plants or not is everyone's business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that cannot be argued with. It was not in vain that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.

Transplanting plants when growing in closed pots or containers is a prerequisite good growth and development, as well as abundant flowering.

If the flower is in open ground, such a procedure is not needed, because nothing constrains its roots, they grow freely and often occupy a large volume of soil.

At home, the growth of the root system of the plant is limited by the flower pot., so the roots can become so crowded that they begin to emerge through drainage holes or to the surface of the soil. A strong growth of the root system in a small volume leads first to the suppression of the entire flower, and then to its death. But even if indoor flower is already old and growing weakly, he still needs a transplant.

Per a long period finding a plant in one potting soil it is severely depleted, even with regular feeding. In this case, indoor flowers should also be transplanted into new land, although not as often as young people.

In the article, you will learn how and when to properly transplant indoor flowers and plants at home.

When a plant needs a transplant

If the plant is regularly transplanted into fresh earthy mix, it does not lack nutrients and looks beautiful and healthy. But the absence of transplants or their very rare carrying out immediately affects general view indoor plant. It slows down its growth and often sheds a significant part lower leaves... Its stems are bare, it loses decorative view... A flowering species do not form buds.

Sometimes, by the appearance of a flower, it is still impossible to say that it needs a transplant, since it gives good growth, and its leaves and stems are normal. But the root system has grown a lot and does not fit in a pot.

Often in such cases, the roots come out through the drainage holes. If this has not happened yet, then, having taken out the flower from the pot, you can see that the clod of earth is densely entwined with roots.

A transplant is also carried out with a disease of the root system. If the flower does not grow, its leaves turn yellow and lose their elasticity, most likely the root system is affected by rot. This fungal disease can only be prevented at an early stage. In the fight against it, an urgent transplant in new soil after washing the roots and removing their diseased areas.

Transplant instruments and materials

Before transplanting flowers, you need to take care of everyone necessary tools and materials. You will need a new pot, a set of tools, material for drainage and for making potting soil.

The flowerpot can be plastic or ceramic, it is only important that the pot was slightly larger than the previous one... It should be larger than the old one by 2 cm in height and 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Its shape matters too. You need to take a pot that expands upward, because it will later be easier to remove the plant from it for transplanting.

It should not be too high so that moisture does not stagnate in it. It is advisable to buy low pots for succulents that thrive in rapidly drying soil. You can read more about pots.

For a transplant you will need:

The drainage layer is poured from large or small expanded clay and broken brick. Expanded clay fraction depends on the size of the pot or tub. Sometimes pebbles or small rubble are used. It is advisable to have a large shard (a piece of expanded clay) so that you can conveniently close the drainage hole in the pot.

The soil for the transplanted plant must be prepared in advance.... Each species has its own composition of the earth mixture, which is more suitable for the plant. It must be clarified and purchased in the store, you can also mix the earth yourself.

For swampy and moisture-loving plants, heavier soils are needed, for most other flowers - standard substrates. For plants that can withstand drying out, light earthen mixtures are suitable, and for succulents, special depleted and very porous soils are needed that allow moisture to pass through well.

Choosing a pot for a plant

Before transplanting a flower into another pot, you must choose the right one. When choosing a pot for transplanting, the material of manufacture and its size matter. For many colors, the material of the pot is the defining parameter. In some pots they grow well, in others they die quickly. Size also needs to be carefully selected to successfully grow the flower after transplanting.


Ceramics is the most common production material flower pots... Ceramic pots have porous walls through which air penetrates to the roots of the plant and some of the moisture from the soil evaporates. They are indispensable for succulents and other plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, since the soil in such pots dries out evenly.

Today, plastic flower pots are becoming more and more popular.... They are durable, lightweight and have a beautiful appearance... The only drawback of these products is the structure that does not allow water and air to pass through. Plastic does not "breathe", so the risk of waterlogging of the roots increases when growing a plant in such pots.

On sale you can also find pots made of glass, stone and metal, tubs made of wood. These containers are suitable for growing only some plants. They did not receive wide distribution.

The size

The size flower pot very important for the growth and development of a houseplant. The pot should not be too tight. Otherwise, the root system will have nowhere to grow, the development of the whole plant will slow down, flowering will not come. However, the pot should not be too spacious, because the soil that has not been mastered by the root system quickly turns sour. Bacteria and fungi that attack the roots multiply in it.

For planting a houseplant, choose a pot size so that its root system can fit freely in it.... Also, the pot is chosen taking into account the structure of the roots.

If the root system is shallow, the pot should be wide and shallow. Fibrous roots require high capacities.

Flowers are transplanted into pots bigger size... Usually, the container is chosen 1-2 cm wider than the previous one, so that there is room for root growth.

Time to transplant flowers

The transplant is best done in April or early May.

We will find out when you can transplant home flowers. Houseplants are usually transplanted in the spring. The transplant can be done from late March to early May.

During this period, the flowers begin to grow intensively, so they can more easily tolerate this procedure, and the damage to the root system received during it is faster to recover. In addition, it is in the spring that the plant will need fresh soil for growth, into which it is transplanted.

Some delicate houseplants are recommended to be replanted in mid or even late May. transplanted no earlier than May to ensure good flowering in winter. A transplant blooming in spring plants are carried out only after flowering. Such flowers do not need to be disturbed when they grow buds, since after transplanting they will no longer bloom.

Flowers that do not have a dormant period and grow rapidly throughout the year, for example, and, can be transplanted at any time, but in winter, when the temperature in the room is somewhat lowered and there is a risk of root rot, it is better to refuse transplanting.

This article is often read:

Can indoor flowers and plants be transplanted in winter? The limb of indoor plants in winter is possible only when it is a necessary measure. If soil pests are present in the ground where the flower grows, the soil in the pot turns sour and the plant dies for this reason. In these cases, it must be transplanted immediately.

You can read more about the effect of temperature on flowers. Now you know when it is best to transplant indoor plants, but it is important to do it right, more on that later.

Plant transplant process

The uncomplicated transplant process consists of several stages.

Removing a plant from a pot

To remove the transplanted plant from the pot with the least damage to the root system, you must first moisten the soil.

Roots with a lump of moist soil are removed much easier than dry ones.... It is best to water the flower and start replanting the next day so that the ground is not too wet.

The potted plant must be carefully turned over and tapped on the bottom of the pot. Usually after that it can be easily removed. But there are also difficulties. If the plant is not removed, you can carefully separate the clod of earth with roots from the pot in several places with a long thin knife. This must be done very carefully, but root damage is almost inevitable. If you have a clay pot, you can simply break it so as not to injure the flower.

Inspection and pruning of the root system

Having taken out the plant, you need to carefully remove the old soil from its roots without damaging the root system. Then the roots must be carefully examined, rotten, dry, sluggish parts must be removed. Roots with brown spots must be cut to healthy tissue.

All sections should be sprinkled with charcoal to prevent decay.

If the roots have grown too long, only the lower thinnest roots can be trimmed, which will then quickly grow back. In diseased plants, the root system is washed with water, removing all the old soil, and all rotten and damaged roots are carefully cut off, sprinkling the cuts with coal powder. It is also necessary to inspect the entire plant by cutting off dry leaves and stems.

Preparation of drainage and earthen mixture

In a new pot, you need to close the drainage hole with a shard, and then pour a drainage layer to drain the water after watering.

Usually, the thickness of the drainage depends on the type of plant and the size of the pot.... However, even in the smallest pots, the drainage layer should be at least 1 cm, and preferably 1.5-2 cm.In large pots, it can be up to 5 cm.

After laying the drainage, a layer of new earth is poured onto it. Before planting a flower, a new pot should be filled with fresh earthen mixture by a quarter.


The transplanted plant is taken with one hand and its root system is placed in a pot. It is necessary to ensure that the flower is located in the center of the pot, and its roots are straightened.

After that, with the other hand, they begin to carefully pour the earthen mixture into the pot. The mixture should fall between the roots and fill the container of the pot evenly.

The flowerpot must be covered with earth to the top so that the root collar of the flower is at ground level. After that, the soil in the pot must be tamped so that there are no voids between the roots. The rammed earth will not reach the top by 1.5-2 cm.This is necessary so that when watering, water does not pour out of the pot.

Watering after transplant

After transplanting, many plants require watering. They are watered abundantly so that the earth shrinks and better penetrates between the roots. The exception is succulents. They are prone to decay of injured roots. Since even with the most accurate transplant, minor damage to the root system is inevitable, the transplanted succulents should be left without watering for 2-3 days so that the wounds on the roots can heal.

Plant transshipment

Sometimes especially delicate plants or those that have already begun to grow are transplanted by transshipment. Transshipment differs from transplanting in that the old earthen lump is completely preserved.

The roots of the plant, along with all the old soil, are placed in a new larger pot, and new earth is poured on the sides. Of course, such a substrate in a pot will not be very nutritious, but the root system of the flower will not be affected, and sometimes this is very important.

Transhipment is often a forced procedure. It allows you to transplant newly acquired plants from temporary pots into stationary ones so that they do not feel transplanted.

What to do if a transplant is not possible

Highly large plants transplanting in large pots or tubs is not possible. However, the land in which they grow must be periodically changed to fresh. Otherwise, it will be more and more depleted, and as a result, the plant will die from lack of nutrients.

The soil in large pots cannot be completely replaced, so only the top layer needs to be replaced... From above, remove as much soil as possible to the roots of the plant, and instead pour in a new nutrient mixture. This procedure can be done annually or even twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Features of transplanting some popular flowers

Transplanting some indoor flowers has its own characteristics. When transplanting such popular species as succulents, Saintpaulias, ficuses and orchids, you need to observe some nuances that will help to successfully carry out this procedure and help the plant to transfer it more easily.


differ in a root system that is not too sensitive to transplantation. Their root hairs only grow back after watering to absorb moisture.

As the soil dries out, they die off, leaving only a thick and not too branched part of the root system. It is not very sensitive to damage, so these species can be replanted, completely removing the old soil from the roots.

Succulents love ceramic pots that are not too tall.... After transplanting, they should not be watered for 2-3 days. The roots can be damaged during this procedure, and when moisture enters the wounds, they quickly rot. But soon all the damage is completely healed.


Or indoor violets do not like transplantation very much. Their tender roots suffer greatly from this. And since these plants cannot be overdried, any ingress of moisture on the damaged areas of the roots causes them to rot.

Violets are transplanted every 2-3 years in low plastic containers... This is done very carefully by the transshipment method so that the plant does not even feel the transplant. After planting in a new pot, the violet needs to be watered a little.


Young ones quickly grow the root system, so they need to be replanted annually. Plants do not tolerate this procedure well. Therefore, they must be transplanted by transferring them into a spacious and deep enough pot, which will be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

After transplanting, the flower is moderately watered and transferred to partial shade for 2 weeks. But even when these requirements are met, Benjamin's ficus often shed their leaves completely. Plants lose their decorative appearance, but do not die. With proper care, they soon build up leaf mass.


When transplanting orchids, special pots are needed. In many species, the roots must be exposed to light as they undergo the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, transparent plastic or glass vases are suitable for these plants.

Orchids are transplanted no more than 2-3 years later.... This is a painstaking process.

It is necessary to completely remove the old soil without damaging the root system, and then plant the plant in a pot, filling all the gaps between the roots with a special soil from sphagnum bark and moss. After that, the orchid is not watered for 2-3 days and transferred to the shade for 2 weeks.

When transplanting which plants you should take special care

There are many among the plants grown in the room. Particularly toxic, containing hydrocyanic acid. The juice, if ingested, can cause vomiting, diarrhea and paralysis.

Very poisonous, gloriosa,. Juice and ficuses, when in contact with the skin, cause burns, swelling, allergies. Transplanting such plants should be carried out with great care and with the use of protective equipment.

There are also plants that are not poisonous, but require special attention and caution when transplanting. These are many types of cacti that have needles that break easily. With any careless touch, you can inject yourself and get a decaying wound that does not heal for a long time.

When transplanting plants containing poisons, work only with protective gloves and goggles. If the juice of the plant gets on unprotected skin, it must be washed off with plenty of water.

After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Protective rubber gloves do not save from the sharp needles of cacti. When working with cacti, you need to wear thick leather gloves... And to hold the plant, it should be wrapped with a piece of thick paper.

Now you know all about transplanting flowers and how to properly transplant a houseplant.

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