The image of the old woman isergil as the basis of the artistic integrity of the story of Gorky. "Heroes of romantic stories M. Gorky

Engineering systems 01.10.2019
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"Old woman Izeregil" Gorky M.Yu.

The story M. Gorky "" was written in 1895, the author himself confessed in a letter to A.P. Chekhov is that he considers him the most slender and beautiful work. A distinctive feature of the story is the presence of a narrator hero. Such a manner is called "fabulous" and was often used by a writer to create the effect of the accuracy of the events described.

At the very beginning of the work, a romantic picture of the sea and vineyards is drawn, against the background of which the company is described by happy and cheerful people returning from work on the vineyards.

The mood of people is harmonized with the decele of the surrounding world. Everything around resembles a fairy tale.

The old woman Izergil tells the hero of several stories, two of which are opposed to each other in the structure of the story. This legend of Larre and Legend of Danko.

Larra is a fabulous young man born from earthly woman and eagle. It differs from ordinary people by the fact that "his eyes were cold and proud, like the king of birds." He refused to obey the elders in the tribe. The motive of the tragic junction of the legend is already scheduled for a bloody landscape, which anticipates the first appearance of the name Larra in the story: "The Luna rushed. Her disc was great, blood-shred, she seemed to be released from the depths of this steppe, which in his century so much swallowed human meat and drank blood, which is probably such a fat and generous. " Larru was expelled from the human tribe for pride and egoism. That he killed a girl before leaving, who pushed him.

For the legend, there is everyday wisdom: the Egoist himself voluntarily encourages himself for loneliness. God punished Larr immortality, and he himself was tired of his loneliness: "In his eyes, so many longing that could be poisoned by all the people of the world."

The second legend is dedicated to Danko - a man who brought people from the captivity of impassable forests. To illuminate the path, the hero did not regret her own heart and pulled it out of his chest.

The artistic space in the story is transformed according to the laws of the genre of the fairy tales: "And so suddenly the forest was interquered before him, I was broken and left behind, tight and dumb, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into the sea of \u200b\u200bsunlight and clean air, washed with rain."

Seeing that he saved people, Danko laughed proudly, but his pride had nothing to do with the pride of Larra: he fulfilled his cherished desire - saved people at the cost of his own life, made a feat. Altruistic act of Danko and selfishness of Larra - extremes. It is not by chance that it is between these legends there is a realistic story about the life of the oldest Izergil about his youth, about how this golden time is irrevocably passes. Izergil fell in love more than once and after the end of the love story never met with those who loved.

Looking at the desired life an old woman hard to believe that once she was a beautiful girl. The youth went away, she came to change wisdom. It is not by chance that the speeches are often found in the speech of the Aphorisms: "To live - you need to be able to do something," "In life, you know, there is always a place of the feats", "Everyone's fate itself!". With pain in the heart realizes Izergil his old age. Remembering the whole life and comparing the past and the present, she notes that there were fewer beautiful and strong people in the world.

The story ends, as he began, landscape, but this is not the romantic landscape that we see at the beginning, and sad and deserted: "In the steppe was quiet and dark. In the sky, all crawled clouds, slowly, boring ... the sea noisily rooted and sad. " This landscape relates to the old age of Izergil. In the life of women were and joys, there were treason: egoism and altruism acted alternately in her fate.

In one work, the writer matches the realistic and romantic manner of the narration. The story accumulates Gorky ideas about the guise of human life, thinking about the meaning of being and beauty of this world.

In the 90s of the XIX century, there is a sharp acceleration of the capitalist development of the country. Millions of people primarily peasants are leaning, disadvantaged, cut off from native places. This process was painful, but he led to a change in the lifestyle of the population.

This breakdown of familiar fences and the intensity of the spiritual life of a man bitterly felt sharper than his contemporaries. Its an idea of \u200b\u200ba new globility, which is born in the folk medium, he embodied in his romantic works. This is the story of the old woman isergil, whose analysis we will spend.

In this work, romantic legends are organically fused with modern bitter folk life. Life rich in events, passions, rebellious disagreement with the pre-balanced, with the principles of moderation and accuracy distinguishes the main character of the story.

Her life is full of heroic, indomitable aspiration for freedom. In her eyes they fought and died for their freedom, soldiers of revolutionary Poland, she knew and loved the "one worthy Pan with a chopped face" - the Pole, who "fought for the Greeks", "she condemned the Russians who walked to beat Magyar." Izergil may have been a witness of the bloody suppression of the revolution in Hungary by the troops of Nicholas I. Finally, the old woman says how he helped to flee from captive Poles.

Store the history of her life and the legends she tells passing. Unlike "there were" Makara, miracles, where in romantic lighting were given, albeit unusual, but still real facts of reality, the narration of the Izergil about Larre and Danko stand out as truly fabulous.

The hyperbolization of the fact in "was" Makara miracles did not cross the boundaries of the possible. This, in particular, indicates that the narrator could show himself a witness of the drama flewing between Loyko and Radda. Other business - the legends of the old woman is Izergil. Exaggeration here clearly goes beyond reality, and in this case it should no longer be about romantic lighting of reality, but about fabulousness, which is expressed primarily in the narration of fantastic events.

In the first of the legends that Izergil tells, it is narrating about the tragic fate of the Son of Women and Eagle - Larra.

The image of Larra ("old woman isergil")

This young man, unfamiliar with the laws of that tribe, from where it was about his mother, and accustomed to consider himself the best, enters the conflict with the tribe that demanded from him to respect their laws and customs. But Larra himself wants to command, everywhere and in all recognizing only his desire, his will, his own right. And therefore, he refuses to submit to this requirement, and as a result of a tragic clash with people was convicted by them for eternal loneliness. The justice of such a court, according to Izergil, was confirmed by the heavens themselves. That's how a person can bring pride and, that's how God and people can shout! - She wants to say.

Both passing and the author himself, of course, could not accept egoism or individualism of Larra. In criticism, it was rightly noted that the Larra Gorky half alarmed with the philosophy of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, who preached the contempt of the superman to the crowd, the people, the right of "strong personality" for a crime, violence, unfortunately, etc. However, if you try to delve into the essence of the tragic image Larra's conflict with the people of the tribe, the question of the controversy will appear in all its difficulty. The writer challenged not only the reactionary ideas of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, but also many oblique folk concepts about life, about the hero, who follows the old woman Izergil.

Condeming Larru, Izergil concludes that he was amazed for pride. Naturally, the writer was not inclined to unconditionally agree with the condemnation of a person for pride. After all, pride in the character of the character could be combined with his freestyle, respecting the rights to freedom of others. Polemizing with Izergil, the writer (and with him passing), I wanted to say: Larra was amazed not for pride in general, but for the pride of the individualist and the egoist.

The old woman Izergil did not understand the essence of the character of Larra, condemning him for pride (for pride at all!). And if we consider at the same time that the pride is inherent in both her own, they will become quite clear the words of the author, spoken by him about the old woman: "And for some reason, it is terribly sorry for her. The end of the story she led such a sublime, threatening tone, and yet in this tone sounded, a slave note. " After all, in its own way, the reasons for the tragedy of Larra and condemning him for the desire to be independent, proud, she condemned and the most. Naturally ask: why did it happen? The answer to this gives the following about the legend the history of the life of the isergil, which the old woman tells passing.

The image of the old woman isergil

In criticism, it was already described in detail about the freedom of the Gorky heroine, her ability to "sacrifice themselves." But then not the whole truth, oddly enough, with all the love of independence, freedom, with all the condemnation of passing for the separation from people, is the most of the Izergil in the spirit of its selfish and internally linked to those people, among which lived .

It all the time leads to strong, heroic natures, her sympathy is entirely on the side of these freedom fighters. But, being proud, beautiful and strong, she and other people appreciate, first of all, for these qualities. The same political ideals for which people fought for her, much less interested in her. This, I think, can be explained by the fact that Izergil could love not only "worthy Pan", which fought with Turkish Tyrania for the freedom of the Greeks, but also a despotic rich-turk.

The ideal of the life of the Gorky heroine was free love she puts above all. And with those who tried to infringe on her rights, Izergil did decisively and severely. So it was with the "Little Pole," who said to her "proud, offensive word", for which an angry woman dropped him from the bridge to the river, so it was with the village of Arcadecom, to whom she "gave ... Pink foot and hit his face, Yes, he recoiled, "for what he wanted to love Ispergil in gratitude to get rid of the captivity.

However, the Izergil herself in his love turned out to be selfish. The kisses often brought people suffering, led them to death. But Izergil looks at it as something ordinary, little interesting to her, the matter is forgetting to take a passing sad story of the fate of his former beloved. And it is clear, for in love she "for himself only wants will."

Unlike legends, the history of life isergille is quite real, but it is given in romantic lighting. Like Makaru, the old woman does not bother the praise for himself and his time. She, like miracle (only to a greater extent), hyperbuls the fact. This is also the elevated rhetorical style of the narrative isergile with many aphorisms and lyric philosophical digresses, for example, the reasoning about life and the exploits, and the colorful description of her beloved, and the default - until the time before the time - about that negative, which was in them.

In the whole story, and especially where the Ispergil himself speaks directly, - but she says alone, "the" philosophical "style of the narrative prevails.

Izergil wants to show itself as an example for imitation, but its character is quite contradictory. In this sense, the end of her story about his life is very indicative: "And now for about three decades I live here ... I had a husband, Moldovan; Died since a year of that time. And I live here! One live ... no, not alone, and ving with those. "

This reservation is by no means random. She once again talks about the deep contradictions of the character of the heroine, its individualism and egoism.

Nevertheless, passing, wanting to finally be convinced, asks the old woman to tell him the legend of the burning heart of Danko. "I heard," says passing, "something before the origin of these sparks (from the burning heart of Danko), but I wanted to listen to how old Izergil tells about that."

An image of Danko ("old woman isergil")

Danko is depicted by an old man with a strong man, bold, but worthy of outside the team, crowds. He looks over with his tribesmen. All this, - if you follow the storytellor, - to some extent it allows you to bring Danko with a character of another legend - Larroy. As for the difference in their destinies, it could again be explained by the fact that in the legend of Larre the team was depicted as a "mighty tribe of people", in the legend about Danko the team of the tribe turned out to be somehow weak, helpless in his disiggus : Everyone "wanted to go to the enemy and bring him as a gift to her will, and no one, afraid of death, was not afraid of slave life ..." But here, he says Ishergil, "said Danko and saved everyone alone." It "appeared" - very characteristic of her understanding of the hero. Danko exactly appeared from somewhere, although then Izergil explains: "Danko is one of those people ..." And then - not people who, dumbfounded in the ability of the heroic tribesman to bring them out of the darkness of the forests and swamps, like beasts, attacked him , not people, namely he - Danko "saved everyone alone."

The entire legend of Danko in the presentation of the isergil is kept in one tone. For the sake of salvation, the hero sacrifices himself and dies, "I do not ask for nothing in the reward to yourself."

But it would, of course, were incorrect, on the basis of the evaluation that Izergil gives, consider the individualist or controversial personality in its nature. The content of the legend gives reason to talk about Danko, as a whole heroic personality, the faithful interests of his people living with the people of one thoughts. Attention is drawn to the fact that the tribe without hesitation chose Danko the leader of the campaign, from which the fate of all depended. And not with her beauty, as the old woman believes Izergil, and his courage and decisiveness Danko forced people to believe in him and in themselves. "I have a courage to lead, that's why I led you!" - He says to people of the tribe. Through the severe and condemning tone of the story of the old woman Izergil unwittingly breaks through the living popular legend of a person who gave life for the people, and about the people, together with him going to the kingdom of light and freedom.

Functions of romantic legends

Images of romantic legends are significant in themselves. But they need a bitter, first of all to characterize the globility of a real person. Then the admiration, with whom Iergil tells about the exploits, about dedication, about the winsnoye, oh intense and activity, and then the indignation, which is imbued with its attitude to inglorious stagnation, egoism, slavery, indicates her own desire for freedom, shows that in the shower A person lives thirst for a new one, beautiful that this person does not feel like a passive victim.

Romantic worldview of heroes is manifested not only in what they tell, but in how they tell. From the standpoint of the ideal, they consider the world as a ratio of only two categories: sublime and lowlands. At the same time, they are not inclined to objective perception and the presentation of facts. Flowing to exaggeration, to extremes, they protect what they seem beautiful, and also, reaching extremes, before exaggeration, deny what it seems ugly. Therefore, the images of legends are marked by the seal of poetic convention, unusualness and one-sidedness: each embodies one beginning in its exclusive terms. So, Larra is a symbol of egoism erected into such an extreme degree that the hero is able to kill a girl who neglected his desire. He is opposed to Danko, the hero, which is the embodiment of love for people, love so selfless that she forces him to sacrifice his life. On this end, the analysis of the story of the Staruha Ispergil.

- Author, whose works are permeated with the spirit of socialist realism. It was a new direction in the literature for the country, where the proletariat won in the revolution. Creativity The writer did not use as a tribune for political propaganda. In the stories of Gorky there is romanticism in the form of a description of nature, solid characteristics of heroes, ideals whose value is continued. Older Izergil is a vivid example of similar works.

History of creation

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story came Gorky on the trip on Bessarabia, which the writer took in 1891. The writing entered the cycle of romantic works of a writer, in which human essence and nature is analyzed. The bitter compared the low and sublime, not predestous which of them will take the odds. Work on the work took four years. The first publication "Staruhi Izergil" took place in 1895. The story printed a "Samara newspaper."

Work on the writing was fascinated by Gorky. The result satisfied the author, since the problem raised to them was covered. The author's view per person in the social relationship mechanism is displayed in this work. "Old Man Izeregil" writer recognized the best creation. Creating an image, bitter specially embellished the narrative and characteristic characteristic to light the desire for heroism and thrust to the elevated.

The book is characterized by a small form of the work. The genre is defined as a story, but in the composition it is viewed elements of parables with a moralistic subtext. In the narrative few heroes, there is a motive of edification. We are spent on behalf of the character. Gorky believed that the comparison with heroes capable of a feat will allow the reader to become better, strive for good and the best manifestations of the soul.

"Old Isergil"

Entry in the story is a description of nature and atmosphere. The author communicates with the old woman named Izergil, who recalls the biography and best years. A woman tells the interlocutor two legends.

The first story about says that a shadow appeared on Earth. It happened as follows. Once the eagle stole the girl from the tribe of strong people and began to live with her, as with his wife. When his death fell, the girl returned home not alone, but with his son. The story tells about the son of a girl and an eagle, which despised others and was arrogant. The daughter of the elders attracted him, but the young man received a refusal. In the anger, Larra killed the elect. After a while it became clear that the hero was immortal. Years and travels have exhausted a man physically, and he turned into a shadow.

The story of the old woman sounds realistic. He is intertwined with stories from the saturated life of an elderly woman. Her men could provoke the conviction of readers, but the old woman experienced a lot of tests and did a lot. Such arguments balance contradictions in the image. The energy of the heroine has a reader and a story listener to it. In his youth, she worked Preyuya, but did not satisfy such a life. Running with the beloved, Izergil did not live with him for a short time and went to another man. In her life were Gutsul and Russian, a military personnel and a pole, a young Turk and other heroes.

Old Isergil

Every man she loved her warmly, but no one would like to remember. The question of loyalty and treason woman perceives innocently, saying that the main thing is that the person be discovered to her. And it is most important in relationships.

The story of Danko takes the main place in the story. Character causes admiration for a teacher. A man from a tribe of strong people, like his relatives, tolerated the attacks of the enemies that drove them on the swamp. On one side stood the attackers, and the Dark Forest was located on another. The tribe was aware of the war and thought about agreeing to capture. Danko's courage played a decisive role. He led people along the dense forest, although at first the tribesmen reproached him. Torning your breasts, he snatched the burning heart, rush from thirst to help close.

Danko covered his heart from the forest and, coming out of him, died. No one noticed the victims. One of the tribesmen accidentally stepped on the hero's heart and trampled him into sparks. It is their lights that are visible in the steppe plane in front of a thunderstorm. Description of the act of Danko is the challenge of his courage and humans. This part is the most important in the narration.

The image of the old woman was created by the author of no accident. Old and weak, she impressed incredible dilapidation. Her age was difficult to guess. Did not hint at him and appearance. The voice of a woman seemed to creak, and wrinkles were attacked by the story of the storytellers.

Gorky looking for a special in man, the current generation for inertia and inspiration. The writer was upset that everyone around is looking for the benefit that heroism themselves is forgotten. Izergil describes Russians as sullen and excessively serious people. The essence of this character is that the Izergil is an intermediary between the author and the reader, broadcasting the thoughts of Gorky.

Illustration for the book "Old Man Izergil"

The story of the old woman is full of specific revolutions, differs from the stylistics of the narrative from which the work begins. Spoken manner takes top of the harmony of speech. From this legend is authentic and exciting. The old woman embodies the vital energy, and its heroes are human vices and virtues. Through it, Gorky broadcasts the idea of \u200b\u200bfull life, in which there are no restrictions and frameworks, idleness and passivity.


The life of the oldest isergil, approaching the logical final, became the one that the younger generation prefers, and such an existence feels bitter. He compares those who prefer inaction, with shadow:

"And all of them are only pale shadows, and the one they kissed, sitting next to me, live, but desired by time, without a body, without blood, with a heart without desires, with eyes without fire, is also almost shadow."

In the monologue of the heroine, Gorky invests covenants. From the mouth of the old woman, the isergil is broken up with a comparison of those who live life, drawing her full bowl, and those who are on her side:

"Those who do not know how to live, would lay down to sleep. Those with the life of Mila, so they sing. "
"And I see that people do not live, but everyone is trying and put on it all their lives. And when they make themselves, I spent time, it will begin to cry on fate. What is fate? Every fate itself! "

In the story " Old Isergil", Heroine, which is pretty difficult, still does not lose hope in high ideals. She is not afraid to condemn anyone, and discuss, but at the same time be grateful heroes - fighters. It only can cause Hero's honor, who together with the old woman shares her beliefs.

The writer made an old woman with a carrier start a story. Jergille, the writer wanted to show, the primary behavior of people, and their huge role, in the formation of their characters, and fate. Appearance, as well as the character of Izergil, is very dual, she understood, only aged as it was necessary to live. Now when she has been many years old, she teaches the life of young people. Whatever, they did not make her mistakes. Having such big forces in the soul, she spent them at all in the case.

The old woman in the souls are those people who understand what they do who wanted not only to themselves, but also the rest of happiness, wealth and well-being. In many statements about the fate of people, Izergil believes that the feat is a beautiful act, only if it is done for the benefit of people. She is convinced that in life you can always find a place for him. And if a person is ready for this feat, he will be able to take it under any circumstances. Its world view and principles in life are not so categorical, like the heroes from her legends that are more suitable for real life.

The image of the old woman in the story carries several functions. The first of these is what the old woman is the main character that forms the story story. Which are pretty difficult to intertwined into the storylines. One is associated with the plot of people. The second line - the outcome of the beautiful girl isergil forty - fifty years ago, the third line is the legends about Larre, and Danko. Naturally, the image of the old woman is associated with the legendary and real world. Perhaps Izergil looks like a witch from a fairy tale. It should be concluded that all these lines are combined not only the image of the old women, but also the autobiographical author.

The integrity of the story is achieved by the fact that the author shows the relevance of socio-philosophical problems for the time in which he lives. Its worried about social behavior. The role of the old woman in the story is not limited to the judge and storytellor. Between her stories, she and his life behaves narration, as a result, becomes a face of interesting adventures. Remembering its numerous men, the old woman says: that the main thing she had love for people. She loves songs, freedom. Beauty. But she in love, as soon as someone appeared on the horizon, a new one, she immediately forgot about the old love.

Izergil, with its impermanence of character, did not lose hope in spiritual ideals, she knew how to keep courage and gratitude to the heroes - fighters. These features cause respect to the old woman in the autobiographical author.

Essay on the theme of the oldest isergil

After reading the story of Gorky "Staruha Izergil", many may face a sense of ambiguity: pity and some condemnation for repetition of mistakes that the main character causes, makes thinking about the deep sense of the work. At once, the reckless, egocentric and rapid acts of Izergil have fallen adversely affected all her love, leaving the main heroine alone with her misfortune. The eternal question in the fate of Izergil and the right to choose who to be and whom to love has always decided in favor of their own interests, thereby suppressing the clutch of the fate of unusual people. Her desire of eternal passion and feelings killed personal growth in it, the development of potential and the opportunity to be somehow large than simply the object of frosting.

The main heroine of the story of Maxim Gorky shows generations of any age that the soul and desires are not aging. At any age there is a passion, and lust, and the desire to feel your own superiority. It is the image of the isergil at the age of 40 years, shrouded in the appealing seedy, the lack of the former charm and the years of the lived years, allow the reader to taste all the feelings of a woman. From her sparkling look and smiles, neither the trace left, the nose acquired a hooked shape, the back every day lowered the Izergil to the ground, and that is why the heroine is more and more afraid of loneliness. Understanding your imperfection, the heroine rushes into the pool with his head and whether the lives of unusual people. All her love stories have drastically different plots and different heroes, but the final of each is the same.

However, there is something in Izergil still having. Her faith in high ideals, bright feelings and the resistance of the spirit of the surrounding people always led her to decent and light people who gave all the feelings of an attractive and charming woman. The only question is how strong these moments for the heroine have been desirable. Her novels could last a week, and could have both half a year, but the whole essence and at the same time the absurdity of the situation was that Izergil had strong feelings to all their chosenses, even if, after a relationship, could lead her beloved to death or endless suffering. The sunset of his life isergil is spent on the stories about his novels to people who fell in front of the contradiction and sometimes a strange old woman.

Handored tragedy in love, which pursues isergil throughout her life, whether the fate of other people crashes, thereby forcing the reader to think about our own role in the existence of others.

3 option

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, famous to readers like Maxim Gorky - the Great Russian and Soviet writer. Born on March 28, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in the Family of the Chair-Krasnodirevik. Childhood was difficult, from 11 years he himself earned a living. In my youth traveled a lot, spoke with people, listened to interesting stories, which later described in their stories.

One of his most famous romantic works - "Old West isergil", written in 1894. Consists of three parts. The protagonist is the oldest Izergil. She tells the interlocutor (author) Interesting legends, as well as their own love stories. Apparently, she is loved here for wisdom, for beautiful and instructive legends that she keeps in memory for many years.

The old woman tells a fairy tale about Gordecery Larra, who put himself above all and therefore stayed alone forever. His shadow still wanders on the ground, looking for death and peace. Obviously, Izergil compares the pride of Larra with his proud and bold nature. Seeing sparks, said that these are the particles of the heart of Danko and told another story about the beautiful young man who gave her heart to people. Izergil believes that all beautiful people are noble and brave. After all, she was also ready to give and his heart, and his life for her beloved.

Izergil cannot be called a good nor cruel nor good or bad. Everything was mixed in the life of this tired old woman. In his youth, she was beautiful and loved. The author gradually opens its former beauty, peering into an old curly nose, in dull, tears. He is trying to see a 15-year-old girl who first fell in love with a simple fisherman, giving all his beloved. Forky and passionate, but proud and freedoming, she could not long be in captivity of his feelings. Then he was Gutsul, the robber, which soon executed. She voluntarily became a concubine in a harem of a rich Turk, where she lived at suits and luxuriously. But soon a calm boring life was tired of her, she escaped with a very young son of the Turk. Obviously, the boy did not stand the irrepressible passion of excellent concubine and worries. Even dying, he continued to love her. Then there was a monk with a sub-soul mate, the Pole, who loved the feats, Hungary ... The last love of a forty-haired woman was the young shutter that she rescued from captivity.

Almost all beloved women died. But, despite the fact that her whole life is intertwined by the threads of love that she herself consists of love that she is greedy to life and passion, Izergil remained extremely selfish. She never regretted the left loyal lovers and never wanted to meet them again. I left Moldova, got married. With her husband, who died by this time, lived for 30 years. And she does not regret anything again. Crowned skin, pointed chin, spent hands - all that remained from the one that was once kissed and crazy.

In the early romantic work of the "old woman Izergil" Maxim Gorky poetically reflects on humanity and freedom. The Spirit of Romantic Just overwhelms this story. The author himself considered him one of the best works built at the highest level. Analysis of the Staruhi Izergil Gorky will prove that the author, like many other writers, turned to the most illuminated topic - the meaning of life.

Features of the story

The book of M. Gorky "old woman Izergil" was published in 1894. In the story, the features of romanticism are clearly traced:

  • the protagonist is opposed to the main characters;
  • the hero is attributed to the qualities presented in excellent degree;
  • an image of unusual landscapes (Description of the sea, steppe).

It is known that Maxim Gorky traveled a lot around the country, collected various legends and stories living in memory of people. It is such legends that he told in the work of the "old woman isergil". Analysis This story deserves the most complete. The reader sees the original book in the form of a story in the story. The composition is distinguished by some features:

  • contains three independent parts: the legend of Larre, the life quest for the oldest Izergil, the legend of Danko;
  • all parts combines the inner idea and the tone of the narrative;
  • the content of the first and third part of the story is opposed to each other;
  • the central part of the book is a story about the life of Izergil;
  • the narration in the story is conducted from the face of the old woman.

The Analysis of the Staruhi Ispergil shows that the work has a basic concept: the opportunity to live without people for themselves (like Larre), stay next to people, but in their favor (as an old woman Izergil), give your life for the sake of others (as Danko).

Proud and lonely Larra

In the first part of the old woman he told about the young beautiful guy Larre, whose father was a mountain eagle, once kidnapped the mother of the young man. The reader sees a proud, daring, selfish guy. With such a proud character, it was difficult for him to get along among other tribesmen. It was for these qualities that Larra cruelly paid. Once he made a terrible act - killed the daughter of the leader, who rejected him. In the community invented the punishment for the young man - eternal exile and loneliness. At first, it did not upset Larr, but then it became simply unbearable. After some time, the hero understood what is the meaning of life, but it was too late: he turned into a shadow from suffering to the shadow, reminiscent of people about his existence.

Searches for the meaning of the life of the old woman isergil

Where does the analysis of the old workers of Ispergil, namely the second part of it? The reader is immersed in the history of the story of the story itself. Izergil enjoyed success among men, did not deprive them with his love. She is a lover of wanderings, visited many corners of the Earth. She enjoyed the feelings of other people. To achieve his goal, she even went to murder once. If the heroine left someone, he never returned. She gave love all her love. In the end, Izergil understands that it is not necessary to look for love on the edge of the world, it is enough to conduct a lifeless life with your loved one and children.

Self-sacrifice Danko

Romantic features were given a bitter hero Danko. Analysis of the "Old Studi Ispergil" is impossible without this character. Beautiful, strong and courageous Danko was a real leader, knew how to behave. He was distinguished by freedom and attenuate. It helped him to become the leader of his people and withdraw him from the Dark Forest. It was not easy to go, angry people burned in our leader. Then Danko pulled out his heart from his chest, which was granted with love for people, and lit the path. In this way, he gave his warmth and kindness emanating from the burning heart.

What did he get in return? As soon as people got out of the forest, they immediately forgot everything about dying Danko. Someone even stepped on the guide heart of the leader. Only night sparks in the steppe space reminded people about the disinterested act of Danko. In the image of this young man, readers see a real hero who has seen the meaning of life in serving others.

What is the similarity and distinction of fate heroes?

Vintage legends carry instructive conclusions, the old woman Izergil told them to the young generation. Actions in legends occurs in ancient times. The fate of the story itself is something similar to the fate of Larra and Danko. And in that, and the other had a stormy rebellious life, both sought to become independent. The ideal of the old woman Izergil and Danko is the love of others and self-sacrifice. They dedicate themselves to others.

Like Larre, Izergil forgets about people who become little interesting. She knows how to take, but can and give. Larra also took greedily, not giving anything. What did the heroes come at the end? The behavior of Larra led him to loneliness, which could not be taken out. The old woman Izergil stuck to random people and along with them lives in recent years. The reader is over what to think, try to find a true road in life. Perhaps there is an ideal point between individualism of Larra and Altruism of Danko in the coordinate system.

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