New hall designs. Interior design of a living room in a panel house

Decor elements 26.06.2020
Decor elements

When choosing a hall, they usually begin to look at the work of professionals, I want to make it as cozy and harmonious. Thoughtful style, every detail is in its place. This is not surprising, because we receive guests here, and the whole family gathers here after working days. The main thing is to take into account the taste of family members so that everyone feels comfortable and relaxed. Not everyone can turn to designers, but if you know the intricacies and rules of design, you can make a beautiful project yourself .. In this publication, we will talk about the main features and rules for decorating a living room in various ones.

First of all, when drafting a project, they determine with. No need to choose one tone for decoration, the room will seem boring. It is better to dwell on several shades of the main color. This applies not only to walls, but also. For walls, a great solution is solid colors in a neutral palette, this will visually increase the area. However, some styles involve bright colors, in which case they should be muted with light-colored furniture.

What materials can be used to decorate the living room

Before choosing a living room design, it is important to familiarize yourself with the latest in finishing materials for, and.

Basic techniques in finishing the ceiling and floor

It is interesting! You can pick up upholstered furniture, consisting of several modules, which should be rearranged periodically. With their help, you can quickly modify the interior of the living room, besides, it is also a few extra beds.

Textile selection rules

Features of the design of the living room in a classic style and art deco

The classic style requires additional decoration of the living room. It can be candlesticks, moldings, columns. for a hall in an apartment, you should choose from an array, photo examples will help you choose an interesting option. The style involves placement and it is desirable to hang on the walls in framing.

Art Deco is completely opposite to classicism, it can also be called a real challenge. In the interior, a wide variety of patterns are allowed, while they look impressive and expensive. The main features of the direction include:

  • the presence of geometric patterns and zigzag shapes;
  • Availability ;
  • a lot of ;
  • the presence of non-standard and expensive decor and accessories.

In general, it can be called quite aggressive, in addition, in this design it is necessary to decorate not only the living room, but the whole.

Modern design trends: minimalism, hi-tech and loft styles

The interior design of the living room in the style of minimalism is a minimal set of items, photo examples confirm this. In the color scheme, you should adhere to the pastel range, which can be diversified modestly. Color palette in light shades: beige, muted gray and white.

Today it can be called the most popular for decorating the hall. It combines minimalism with additional comfort. Main design features:

  • sharp lines:
  • a small amount of decor;
  • The furniture group is characterized by simplicity and comfort.

Decor Related article:

How this style appeared, how to design your own residential and non-residential premises in this style, choose the right furniture for your home and apartment - all this and much more you will find in our material.

Living room design in country and Provence styles: photo gallery of finished projects

Suitable for large, modest living rooms. This is the interior of people who are tired of city life and want rural peace and tranquility. The main focus is on furniture, it is desirable to choose from natural wood.

This is a distant French village with country elements. Modest simplicity, for walls instead of wallpaper, rough is preferable. There are no special restrictions in design; in the color scheme, the advantage should be given to pastel, pink, blue and lavender shades. A small floral print is allowed on facades, textiles, a lot of homespun paths and handmade lace.


In each apartment, the hall plays a special role. It is assigned several functions at the same time - receiving guests, family holidays, holding a celebration.

Usually it is in the hall (living room, living room) that a TV is placed so that after work everyone can relax and watch their favorite films and programs. Considering so many factors, the interior of the hall, the photos of which we will offer in our article, should think through to the smallest detail.

Decoration of the hall - living room

The process of coming up with a hall design is based on three important design laws:

  1. Dimensions- each element should not clutter up the rest. Not all furniture fits into the room, especially when its design does not match the interior design style.
  2. Functionality- this principle must prevail over the aesthetic. The first and most important factor is comfort, and only then beauty. It is necessary that the hall has a maximum of free space so that you can move freely around it.
  3. Style- this item should not contradict the general design of the apartment. As a rule, the owners prefer to adhere to the following solutions:
  • European style for the hall - appreciated by young people, as it is famous for the absence of partitions, the possibility of combining rooms, the use of a bar counter;
  • the classic direction for the hall - is preferred by people who are quite conservative;
  • avant-garde for the hall - we love independent and free people who are distinguished by non-standard thinking;
  • Scandinavian style for the hall - popular among connoisseurs of natural materials in design.

Stylish and fashionable color schemes for the hall

This year has brought us such an interesting idea as a combination of burgundy and cherry color with a white interior. However, beige shades and sand in any stylistic direction remain relevant.

Designers are in no hurry to abandon the rich color of the sea wave and turquoise. This color scheme creates a cozy and calm atmosphere, appeasing the residents of the apartment.

Thanks to neutrality, any shades of gray are also popular. This palette is used to emphasize the sophistication and elegance of the interior.

Fashionable decoration of the hall

The dimensions of the halls in modern homes sometimes do not allow the use of numerous furniture and decor. Yes, this is actually not required. If you correctly approach the selection and combination of a standard set of furniture, everything can turn out very harmoniously.

  1. Modern. This direction is characterized by daring solutions in color and shapes. Modern is designed to reflect non-standard thinking. Despite the extravagance and shocking, it is very practical. The most characteristic techniques used to design this style are contrast, complex geometry, and functional objects. It is best to make the interior of the hall in a light tone. Thus, it will be possible to expand the space. If you want to add bright accents, you need to be careful not to overdo it. For example, against the background of a light wall, a stylish catchy picture will look great. Bright cushions on the sofa, table lamps, panels help to add juiciness.
  2. Neo-classic. It is characterized by the complexity of lines, natural shades of ocher, the use of red and beige colors, and the symmetry of the ornament.
  3. Eco. This is a unique style, thanks to which the dull city walls turn into a corner of the oasis. It is characterized by the use of natural materials and the "roughness" of the finish. Stone, bamboo, a lot of textiles, living plants, wood are considered popular.
  4. Hi-Tech. Minimalist style, characterized by strict forms, laconic lines, calm colors. This style involves the use of a large number of lighting fixtures.
  5. Classic. The absence of bright elements that attract attention, and the unity of the ensemble - these are the main characteristic features of this style. The main criterion here is comfort.
  6. Ethno. Most often, this direction is preferred by travel enthusiasts. Unusual accessories, rare minerals, animal figurines, souvenirs from different countries, handicrafts are suitable for this design.

Wallpaper for the hall

A variety of wallpaper choices in texture and color scheme makes it possible to create an original atmosphere in the room in any style.

When choosing wallpaper for the hall, it is required to take into account the stylistic direction and the general design idea, the amount of light, dimensions and design.

  • If the furniture is dark. Wallpaper in this case should be purchased at least a couple of tones lighter. At the same time, a large drawing would not be appropriate, but a color accent in tone with furniture is the very thing!
  • If the furniture upholstery is bright. Wallpapers are required to muffle the saturation of the shade of the furniture. When choosing a contrasting room style, wallpaper can enhance the brightness of the material.
  • If the furniture is multi-colored. The most suitable option would be discreet wallpaper of a neutral palette with no pattern. They should only emphasize each of the shades of furniture.
  • If the furniture is two colors. The most suitable wallpaper for the hall will be neutral options, combined with the furniture facade.

Whatever design decision the owner would make, the main thing to remember is the goal - a harmonious combination of functionality and beauty!

When decorating the halls, designers rely on both modern fashion trends and classic solutions, it all depends on the wishes of the customer:

  • An individual design project of the hall often requires a visual expansion of the space when it comes to small rooms. Our designer achieves this through the use of light colors or other solutions.
  • In small apartments, a square or rectangular hall is often combined with a kitchen.
  • When furnishing and decorating, the designer takes into account not only aesthetics, but also functionality.

Development of individual design projects for the hall with ReRooms

Ordering a living room design is very simple. You just need to call us or leave a request on the site. The designer will contact you and tell you in detail about all the intricacies of the workflow, as well as help you decide on the style. After that, at a convenient time for you, we will come to measure the premises and sign the contract. Together with you, we will fill out a questionnaire in which we will take into account all your wishes for design and decoration. Within two weeks you will be able to see the first version of the design and make adjustments.

Also on our website you can choose one of more than 1500 ready-made hall designs. You can find classic or modern design, design for square or rectangular rooms, choose for yourself the original design of a small living room or a living room in a house. If necessary, we will adapt the finished designs to your premises.


The price for design projects is fixed: this means that it does not depend on the number of square meters in housing. The price depends on the number of rooms where it is planned to make repairs, as well as on the functional purpose of the premises (for example, a bathroom, a kitchen).

The design project of one room costs 14,990 rubles. If you calculate by scale, it turns out that the design of a room with an area of ​​​​24 meters will cost 600 rubles / m². The average prices in Moscow for 1 square meter are 1500-3000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of the project from the site service includes a full package of documentation, collages, 3D visualizations of the project from different angles.

When purchasing finishing materials, furniture, decor and other necessary goods from our partners, you will receive a discount of up to 30% of the retail price.

The living room is the most public place of the rest of the rooms, its design is designed to show the preferences of the owners, as well as impress the guests. Therefore, the choice of interior design of the hall requires special attention. The design should carry both a functional and aesthetic component, help to relax after a working day with the family or receive guests. A correctly chosen version of the interior of the hall in the apartment will help highlight the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the room.

Without exaggeration, the hall can be called the most important room in the house.

A variety of directions allows you to get a design for every taste. Minimalism is suitable for a small room, and hi-tech for some advanced owners. But the interior of the living room in an apartment with a large area or in your own house can be decorated in a classic and on a grand scale.


The design of the hall in a classic style is clearly expressed by luxurious furnishings, decor and interior decoration. Products in the Baroque style with gilded elements, smooth shapes and natural wood fit well.

The classic interior is ideal for spacious rooms with large windows.

Each piece of decoration and decoration should emphasize luxury. Real or fake fireplace with decorative stucco, classic paintings in gilded frames. Textiles for furniture and curtains must be made of noble fabrics: velvet and satin for curtains; jacquard, velor, brocade for upholstery.
An obligatory attribute is a semi-antique pendant chandelier. Together with decorative molding, it will add spectacularity to the room.


Unusual design solutions, asymmetric decoration and finishing options, contrasting color combinations, and the addition of elements from other styles predominate in modern.

Modern perfectly combines practicality and functionality

Art Nouveau is characterized by a bias in the functionality of furniture and decor elements. The main accent is created by a large comfortable sofa, made in simple forms. The main features are convenience and functionality. The uniqueness of the design is given by the non-standard execution of accessories and decoration.

The style does not like excessive decorations, but indoor plants welcome

Modern is equally suitable for spacious and small living rooms. Depending on the available space, different design tricks can be used to visually increase or decrease the space.

High tech

High-tech style is popular, especially among advanced youth. It implies the most functional use of space. Excessive decor should be abandoned in the room. The use of modern smart technology is implied.

Perhaps there is not enough soulfulness in hi-tech, but there is definitely nothing superfluous here.

Furniture is often built-in, metal and glass are the main materials. The color scheme should be dominated by white, gray and black colors and their shades. Throughout the design of high-tech, the dominance of strict straight lines can be traced.

the floor covering should be plain, without any ornaments and patterns

Hi-tech is suitable for modern business people. Due to the optimal use of space, it is ideal for limited space.


The design of the living room in the style of minimalism is ideal for small spaces. It implies a minimum of furniture, a minimum presence of decor, proportionality in the interior, straight lines and angles, mostly light colors. All this helps to make the most efficient use of the area and create the effect of visual expansion of space.

Minimalism sacrifices decorativeness in favor of practicality, resulting in a kind of “silent” aesthetics of shapes and lines.

Furniture in a minimalist living room is selected simple, geometrically correct, plain. Curtains on the windows should not stand out, so they take a few tones different from the walls. Roll models fit well.

Minimalist color palette - several neutral colors, mostly natural

Finishing is required to be done in a single color. For this, smooth plaster, wood, wallpaper are suitable. It is not recommended to have extra decorations. The accent can be made with a contrasting picture or photo.


The loft is not suitable for rooms with limited volume, it needs space without unnecessary partitions, high ceilings, large windows. The interior of the loft creates a cozy and comfortable attic atmosphere:

  • walls made under rough plaster or brickwork;
  • wooden beams as an element of decor;
  • wood or laminate flooring.

Loft allows you to combine old things, furniture with new appliances. It is often chosen by creative individuals. The room must have a large soft and comfortable sofa with pillows and blankets. Paintings in modern techniques also look good. Chandeliers do not really fit into this style; spotlights or ordinary lamps hanging on wires are much better suited.

A loft-style hall is an interior for those who keep up with the times and follow fashion trends.

The style includes incongruous, at first glance, elements

Textiles may include leather, felt, suede. Windows should be kept open as much as possible. To do this, use short curtains made of cotton or blinds.


Provence is a kind of provincial version of the classic design. It is characterized by light pastel colors, wallpaper with natural motifs, exquisite antique or aged furniture, handicrafts.

Provence is similar to the classics, but is distinguished by the simplicity of scenery and provincial charm.

Light colors visually enlarge the room, so Provence is also suitable for a small room. Provence creates a cozy light atmosphere of a country French house by the sea. It is this environment that promotes relaxation and recreation in the company of family or friends.

Finishing can be done with plaster, paint, imitate brick (necessarily light). Light wallpapers with floral motifs are also applicable. Natural materials are used for the floor: wood or parquet. A cheap wood imitation coating can spoil the whole design. Furniture and decorative items can be carved.

The style gravitates towards everything natural, so there should be more natural materials here.

For decoration, various wicker baskets, knitted napkins or capes are used. For curtains, they take natural fabric, decorated with embroidery or a pattern. The main rule in color design is to choose two or maximum three primary colors and make most surfaces only in these colors and their shades. Family photos are the best way to complement the decoration.

Hall design and decoration

After choosing a style, you should focus on the decoration of the hall and its subsequent decoration. It is better to entrust complex finishing to the masters, as this is the most important part of the work. With a lack of experience or knowledge, you can easily spoil the intended decor of the living room.

Wall finishing materials

When choosing a finish option, first of all, you need to consider the features of the chosen style.

Light colored walls are suitable for minimalist interiors.

In addition, it is worth considering the positive and negative aspects of materials for their successful combination:

Material pros Minuses
Dye waterproof;
easy to clean;
not hard to repaint.
high paint costs;
Wallpaper just paste;
a large selection of colors, textures;
hide defects;
mostly inexpensive.
relatively short service life;
Decorative plaster unique look;
wear-resistant coating;
hides flaws walls;
requires additional skills or the involvement of a master;
the cost of additional coating of plaster with paint or varnish.
Wood environmental friendliness;
good sound insulation;
just clean up the mess.
high price;
do not tolerate moisture;
Decorative brick or stone naturalness;
looks stylish;
not afraid of moisture.
high price;
installation complexity;
Mirror surface helps to visually enlarge the hall; gets dirty quickly.

It is almost impossible to do without wallpaper in classic and rustic interiors.

Floor finish

For the floor in the hall satisfy almost any material. Here it is necessary to take into account your preferences, style features and, of course, financial capabilities.

The most budget option is linoleum, which imitates any floor covering.

The most common options for the floor:

  1. Laminate. Looks great imitating wood, in addition, it is easy and quick to install. However, installation requires a perfectly flat floor.
  2. Parquet. It holds heat well and looks great, but it will be more expensive and you will need to hire an expert.
  3. Ceramic tile. It looks good and is practical. The disadvantages include the complexity of installation, cold and slippery floor.
  4. Linoleum. A small price speaks in its favor, but you should carefully choose the manufacturer, as there are many low-quality products. Also easy to install.
  5. Carpet. It is very easy to install, it insulates the floor well and at the same time is relatively cheap. But it requires constant cleaning, as it collects a lot of dust.
  6. Bulk floor. Differs in a practicality and unique design. However, it is not suitable for everyone and has an increased price.

ceiling design

Choosing the right material will help emphasize the positive aspects of the room and hide the flaws. For example, for a small living room, a glossy stretch ceiling is often used because of its ability to illusory increase the size of the room. For a large hall, multi-level structures are suitable, thanks to which you can visually divide the room into zones.

Much depends on the height of the ceiling, if it is low - a fairly even light coating

More expensive and technically complex elements, such as stucco and artistic painting, will suit a luxurious classic interior. This option is perfectly complemented by a large crystal chandelier.

Ceiling materials:

Material Advantages Flaws
Drywall ecologicaly clean;
bends easily, so it is suitable for creating various curved shapes;
allows you to hide the wiring, air conditioning system under the structure.
not suitable for low apartments;
Stretch ceiling wear-resistant;
easy care;
also helps to close the gaps ceiling and communications.
high price;
a specialist is required for installation;
Dye a huge selection of colors;
applied without problems;
requires a flat surface;
enhances imperfections and irregularities.
Wallpaper an extensive range;
affordable price range;
ease of sticking.
low service life;
Polystyrene tiles convenient to mount;
a wide range of;
affordable price;
can imitate plaster, stucco molding.
afraid of high temperature (for example, from a nearby lamp);
loses color from sunlight;
Plaster sophisticated look;
hides flaws;
an expert is required to carry out the work.
clapboard looks great in loft style;
low complexity of installation;
natural wood;
requires constant care.

A height of 3 meters and above makes it possible to install multi-level structures

Furniture selection

When arranging the headset in the living room, it is important to remember one rule: do not put it around the perimeter. Despite well-established traditions, such an arrangement will make a large room more empty, and a small one will be even more cramped.

For a spacious living room, the sofa and armchairs can be positioned closer to the center. At the same time, you need to make sure that no one has their back to the TV, if it is present in the room.

The choice of furniture is related to the size of the hall, the number of residents and their needs.

In small apartments, it is better to place armchairs near the windows. You can even buy a corner sofa. It has functionality and does not look large against the background of the window.

When choosing furniture, it is imperative to take into account the style and atmosphere of the room. So for a classic design, a plain sofa of a simple and regular shape is not suitable. And an old wooden set with carved legs and backs will not fit into modern or high-tech in any way.

Features of textile design

Bright colorful curtains and textiles are suitable for the living room, which will create a relaxed atmosphere for relaxation and give lightness. The type of fabric and color must match the rest of the decor.

The choice of curtains is directly related to the style direction of the interior.

Also, when choosing a fabric, it is necessary to take into account not only the decorative function of textiles, but also the practical one. In a room that is too bright, curtains will help protect against excessive sunlight. But in a shaded apartment, more transparent curtains are needed so that there is enough light.

Bright decorative pillows always look stylish against the background of the monochrome range of the rest of the space.

Textiles in the living room can be used to create a unique and exotic oriental design. For this, bright fabrics are used, which decorate not only windows, but also the ceiling and walls.

Living room in Khrushchev

Small rooms are typical for Khrushchev, the hall is no exception. In this case, it is better to use minimalism or hi-tech. If you have the desire and funds, you can use Provence.
The color scheme should be in light shades so that the room looks more lit and spacious. Furniture for the Khrushchev hall should be chosen the most compact. At the same time, a folding sofa is the most beneficial in terms of its functionality.

A sofa, a pair of armchairs, a coffee table and a wall or shelves - a traditional set of furniture for the hall in Khrushchev

In the case when the layout and funds allow, the hall can be expanded by combining it with the adjacent kitchen. Thus, by combining with the kitchen, you can get a living room-studio. However, in this case, it is required to install a powerful hood over the stove so that odors do not spread throughout the apartment.

The interior of the hall in a private house

A huge advantage of owning a large house is the ability to independently plan the size and location of the rooms. Therefore, there is a lot of room for a designer flight of fancy.

Decoration of the hall in ethnic style

It is worth considering that the hall combines several practical functions:

  • family vacation spot;
  • room for lunch with family or guests;
  • reception area.

Since the area gives complete freedom, the hall should be zoned for the dining part and a place to relax. This can be achieved with a slight change in decoration, creating a podium, changing the lighting, or making a partition with furniture.

Hall interior in country style

For a spacious hall of the house, an accent item is needed that would attract attention and at the same time correspond to the design and preferences of the owners. Such an element can be a large bookcase with books, exotic decor, a large houseplant, an exclusive picture.

Another advantage of a personal home is the ability to install a fireplace, which will not only create a cozy atmosphere, but will also warm everyone on long winter evenings.

Fireplace in the interior

A fireplace adds coziness and a homely atmosphere to any room. The slight crackle of firewood on a cold evening is incomparable to anything.

At the moment there is a wide range of fireplaces from various materials and colors. It is best to take a light shade so that it does not put pressure on the room. A picture will look perfect above the fireplace, but on the contrary, be sure to place a coffee table and a few armchairs or a sofa.

The fireplace is almost always found in classic interiors.

Installation requires some conditions from the premises:

  • the floor must be solid;
  • area from 20 square meters.

It is for this reason that a fireplace is so rare in city apartments.

A real fireplace is a rather expensive pleasure.

You should also pay attention to the types of fireplaces:

  1. Traditional. Needs a chimney, difficult to install in a finished room. But it gives exactly that unique feeling from smoldering firewood in the fireplace.
  2. Gas. Easier to install, requires gas supply. It looks identical to the standard one, but the heat dissipation is higher.
  3. Electric. Well imitates a real fireplace and works from the outlet. But nothing can replace an open fire from firewood.
  4. Fake fireplace. A decorative element of the interior that imitates only the appearance. Looks good in many designs. Does not imitate fire and does not heat.

Video: trendy interiors of the halls

Photo: 50 hall design ideas

This article will tell you how to decorate the interior of the hall in the apartment. Photos, recommendations and secrets - all this you will find in the material. The most common styles will be considered, with special attention to colors and advice on trends in modern design. Conventionally, the article can be divided into three parts.

  • The first part is an overview of existing styles for the interior: advantages, disadvantages, preferences.
  • The second section is devoted to the color palette of the proposed hall.
  • The third chapter is recommendations regarding the selection of furniture and decor items.

The interior of the hall in the apartment - a photo idea or what to look for

Decorating is the surest way to change the appearance of a room for the better. Specially selected finishing materials, paintings, unusual furniture - all this can change the interior of the hall in the apartment beyond recognition (the photo confirms this perfectly), turning it not just into a room, but into a sample of taste or simply a cozy place.

  • the style of the room;
  • colors (walls, ceiling, floor, furniture);
  • furniture and accessories.

Interior decoration - features and choice of materials

A few simple rules for decorating the interior of the hall in the apartment:

  1. Light shades will help visually expand the space, fill the room with light. Absolutely white walls, for example, will look favorably in a loft-style hall, where the emphasis is on space.
  2. For aggressive styles (which are not very appropriate in bedrooms, however, they are well suited for studio rooms), orange and red colors should be used.
  3. If there is a desire to create a kind of study from the interior design of the hall, then it is worth using wooden panels on the walls.

Rich interior of the hall

Among those materials that do not tolerate moisture, we can distinguish:

  • facing boards made of chipboard;
  • wooden panels;
  • textile coverings.

For rooms with similar problems, it is better to use brick lining or other material that is indifferent to moisture.

Average price of work for interior decoration - table

This table will help you understand the average Moscow prices for interior decoration in the hall.

What furniture to choose in the hall?

A few words should be said about what furniture is best to choose in the interior of the hall in the apartment (photo below). Again, the style of the room will largely influence the choice. However, regardless of the design, the hall must have:

  • cushioned furniture. This is usually a sofa and chairs. It can also be supplemented with poufs, cushion chairs;
  • modular furniture - all kinds of cabinets and racks;
  • coffee table;
  • a bedside table for a TV (in the event that it does not hang on the wall).

For a competent choice of upholstered furniture, it is necessary to compare two parameters - the number of seats and the size of the hall.

Previously, it was almost impossible to imagine a living room without a closet, but at the moment the closet can be successfully replaced with a wall - it will not only help to store things, but will also be a real decoration of the interior of the hall.

A coffee table can be called necessary for the living room due to its constant use - the optimal height should not be more than 500 mm, however, it is also not recommended to make it very small. If the hall is small and you want to save some space, then a table on wheels would be an excellent way out - it can be rolled into a corner or even into another room. For a small room, a coffee table in the form of a small cube will be good.

In the urban jungle

Room in warm colors

Luxury apartments

Apartment in white

Color spectrum

In order for the hall to look attractive to the people living there and to the guests, it is necessary to carefully consider the color palette of the room. It is worth remembering that tone-on-tone colors should not be chosen - the living room should not be monophonic, a difference of several tones will look more advantageous.

If we consider specific examples, then the color of the curtains in the interior of the hall can be combined with the color of pillows or furniture upholstery. Wallpaper, in turn, can combine several shades distributed throughout the room.

A good option for a small room can be space zoning - focusing on certain shades in different areas.

calm shades

Bright colors

Saturated shades




The choice of style for decoration

Choosing the style of your hall should not only be based on your own tastes, sometimes you should also pay attention to the size of the hall, its purpose and even the number of people living in the house.

There are many different types of interior, but the following stand out most clearly:

  • modern;
  • minimalism;
  • provence;
  • loft;
  • country;
  • classic.

Let's talk about each of them in a little more detail.


This style in the interior of the hall is characterized by the high functionality of the elements, as well as a pleasant color palette. Often in living rooms with this type of design, you will not find any angular irregular lines - everything is smooth and symmetrical. Another distinguishing feature is the use of modern materials. They will be replaced by plastic, metal, glass.

The interior of the hall does not imply an exceptionally small number of things, as sometimes one gets the impression. In fact, this is rather a minimal design - simple colors, modesty of drawing and pattern, unpretentious furniture.

The conciseness of the decor is also expressed in the absence of small details. In this case, the color palette should be made in light colors - white, beige, ashy.

with a large window

In pink

in Khrushchev

In beige style

Bright hues

With a red chair

The French village in the hall is a rather stylish solution for a modern apartment. A naive style, which, however, has its own charming features. Here there are no special restrictions in the color palette, but there are preferences in texture - roughly plastered walls, more often not pasted over, but painted.

The furniture in such an interior is exclusively wooden, sometimes with figured carvings and indispensable pillows. You can decorate the hall with flowers in vases, wooden figurines, old photographs on the walls. Provence is good for decorating rooms with large windows - in this case, light curtains made of natural fabrics, decorated with ruffles and lace, will be very appropriate.

Home interior

With decorative fireplace

With a cute table

In bright colors

A style that is becoming increasingly popular among young families and creative individuals. It is based on metal and glass. The only thing to remember is that it is preferable to use it in those rooms where there are no walls and partitions, because it looks most advantageous in free spaces and interiors. Otherwise, this style offers a wide selection of diverse variations in the interior.

with kitchen

Apartments in Saint Petersburg

with large ceilings

Chinese style

In gray

On the upper floors

Suitable for the interiors of small apartments and for those who miss comfort. Do not think that country is appropriate only in country houses - in fact, it goes well with city apartments. This style is most typical for:

  • antique furniture (mostly wooden);
  • textiles and stone in the design.

Luxury is not supposed here, and what replaces it is romanticism, softness of lines and a craving for naturalism.

The interior of the hall in an ordinary apartment - photo idea

With pendant lamp

With decorative fireplace

With blue curtains

Relaxation zone

A bit of comfort

The classical style does not at all imply the transformation of the hall into a kind of opera - however, some pretense of design still takes place. For decoration, you can use, for example, heavy candlesticks and clocks. They will look interesting in combination with a fireplace (real or decorative).

Decorating the hall under the classics, you should definitely think about additional decor elements. Cornices, columns, moldings and other interior elements - all this will come in handy in this design solution for the apartment hall. Twisted candlesticks and antique clocks, as well as heavy furniture, will look wonderful in such an interior. On the windows, lambrequins and curtains will be appropriate. It is worth noting that despite the pomposity of the forms, the classical style does not like fussiness and bright colors - you need to choose the color palette very carefully.

In classic English style

With fireplace and balcony

With antiques

With a picture on the wall

connected to the hallway

For four people

Comparison table of interior styles for the hall

Here is a table about the interior of the hall in the apartment (clickable photo), which will help you navigate when choosing design solutions and style directions.

A photoStylePeculiarities

Modern● strong emphasis on lines and shapes;
● modern materials;
● functionality.

● minimum items and accessories;
● versatility of furniture;
● light colors.

● a lot of light;
● pastel colors;
● natural finishing materials.

● open space;
● a lot of light;
● imitation of urban motifs (brickwork).

● simple wall decoration in the interior of the hall;
● furniture without excessive decor;
● there are small floral ornaments.

● symmetry in everything;
● light colors;
● the presence of a fireplace.

Lighting in the hall

Let's talk about lighting in the interior of the hall - an important question, because the mood that appears in the room largely depends on it. The bottom line is that for each specific function it is worth choosing a special lamp. For example, floor lamps or sconces should be placed near sofas. Exposed brickwork on the walls can also be highlighted for added texture. Multi-level illuminated ceilings look great - they create their own color accents.

Light in plasterboard ceiling

Large chandelier in the center

Floor lamp

Lamps + candles

Warm light

big lamp

Paintings on the wall and other decor

You can decorate the interior of the hall in the apartment not only with paintings - for this there are a huge number of different materials. For example, an original approach can be seen in decorating the walls with pages from books. They can also mask some of the flaws in the finish - this method is good for lovers of the shabby chic style.

  • Murals look good on the walls of the hall - for this, the walls should be plain, in which case the painting will not be lost against the background of bright drawings.
  • Plaster figures will also look extremely beneficial - especially if the style of the room is brutal (for example, country or Scandinavian style).
  • You can experiment with garlands - they are made independently from colored paper, they will perfectly decorate the wall in the hall and give the interior notes of Brazilian warm nights.
  • Wall wooden panels look spectacular - they can be made from an unnecessary wooden door or board. Drawings on them can be depicted freely, however, options with engraving look more interesting.

Picture on the wall

Large painting on the wall of the hall in the apartment

Image in modern style

Painting over the fireplace

Finally, some good advice from designers:

  • focus on functionality combined with beauty;
  • do not overload the interior of the hall in the apartment with furniture and accessories;
  • add rich colors and light;
  • choose furniture and decor items that match in style with each other.

Features of creating a design interior of a small hall

If you have a small hall area, but still want to make it unusual in terms of design, use the following tips:

  1. Pay attention to the size - small rooms can be visually expanded using light shades in the design. It is not worth littering rooms with furniture of this kind - the feeling of spaciousness is much more valuable than decor elements.
  2. If the room has a large window, use it. Do not cover it with curtains completely - it is better to let in the light.
  3. If it is possible to remove interior walls, replacing them with partitions, do it. Zoning the premises here will come in handy. Using shelving instead of cabinets will help free up space in the hall and use it rationally.

A budget option

In the case of a limited budget, you can still create a unique and inimitable interior of the hall:

  • use cheaper materials - plastic, fabric, various coatings;
  • combine materials. Thanks to this, you can decorate your room favorably;
  • try to do most of the work with your own hands. Often, renovating your apartment is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Explore our site - there are many useful materials on this topic.

Easy option

In a small Khrushchev

With wall and coffee table

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