Mirror tiles in the interior. Mirror tiles in a modern interior: an overview of original designs with photos

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

Mirrored surfaces are able to refresh and transform the interior, highlight the most advantageous places and disguise elements that require concealment. Mirrors mask irregularities, allow you to decorate slopes, beams, columns in an original way. Mirror tiles in the interior, successfully selected and used, has become a universal tool for giving special accents to design solutions, creating a unique atmosphere. Its use is especially advantageous in narrow or low rooms, where it is necessary to visually expand the space.

Agreeing with the obvious advantageous aspects of using this material in any interior style, it is often abandoned, citing excessive fragility and wear. But the faceted mirror tiles offered by well-known companies have very high strength and wear resistance - quite comparable with the same parameters of ceramics. At the same time, the resistance to scratches and other minor mechanical defects in mirror tiles is lower than that of conventional ceramic tiles.

Due to its high resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, as well as to chemical attack, this material is ideal for rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes, on surfaces that are often treated with household chemical cleaners.

Mirror tiles in the interior can be standard or faceted. Facet differs in the beveled side, from which the chamfer is removed. This gives the product a special elegance. On the surface of the ceiling or walls, facet tiles can be laid to create a solid mirror canvas or in combination with any finishing materials.

It is believed that facets complicate the process of laying the material. But professional craftsmen Easily cope with installation in any room - in the bathroom, living room, kitchen. They will lay the individual elements of the coating with minimal gaps and seams, and after grouting the surface will be perfectly smooth.


The bathroom is a room where you can not be afraid to install an excess of mirrors, especially given the moisture resistance of such material. Any number of them may be appropriate if these elements are thoughtfully located and allow you to achieve the desired effect.

The main task when using mirror tiles in the bathroom is to visually increase the space. In most bathrooms, the area is too small, and new interior trends, the growing needs of people dictate the need to at least visually make the space wider, higher, lighter. Soft light provided by reflections for any bathroom will be a useful detail.

Designers recommend laying bathroom mirror tiles diagonally, especially if you need to increase the space, make the room visually taller. Diagonal styling creates the illusion of depth, a strong perspective, and makes the atmosphere more intimate, separate.

It is very beneficial to choose mirror elements for lovers of dark tones who cannot afford to use black and others. dark colors in a small bathroom. By combining black tiles with mirror tiles, you can achieve unique effects, while not risking doing without it. narrow space even less.


In the kitchen, mirrors, as well as in the bathroom, can be used without special restrictions on the number. With them, the room will only become brighter, more energetic, uplifting, invigorating in the morning. With subdued lighting in the evening, the atmosphere will become relaxing. And for a romantic dinner, candles are ideal, reflected in every tile on the wall or ceiling.

On the ceiling of the kitchen, mirror tiles will add solemnity to the room, increase the height. It is enough to frame the main lighting device with tiles for this.

Small or large, laid horizontally or diagonally, in combination with or without ceramics, mirror tiles on the backsplash will immediately make even the work surface more elegant and refined. Do not be afraid of the contamination of mirrors - just as easily as they get dirty, they are cleaned.

Corridor and hallway

One very advantageous use case is on walls and ceilings in narrow corridors or hallways. These important places in apartments are often poorly lit, have a small area with very high functionality. This is the place by which the guest judges the apartment as a whole and its owners.

Tiled mirrors are placed on both sides of the corridor, on the ceiling, in the niches of the walls. Even without additional lamps, the hallway will immediately brighten, because the mirrors will reflect a soft daylight coming from the living room. Appropriate, creating the effect of "hovering" in the air, will be the use of contrasting tiles. This technique is ideal for modern, light, minimalist interiors.


In the bedroom and living room, this material is also used very successfully. A small bedroom will become bright and spacious if you place a mirror panel at the head of the bed.

One of the risky decisions that designers recommend to treat with extreme caution is the placement of mirrors on the ceiling, above the bed. Such an element can rarely be appropriate, but people who love experiment and extravagance in everything sometimes find it very to their liking.

Design techniques

One of the spectacular techniques in the design of the bathroom, kitchen, living room is a combination of mirror and ceramic tiles. The room becomes elegant, solemn, an original panel is formed, unique in each case. This decor is often used in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, this solution looks great in any living room.

The use of mirror tiles has its limitations. It is undesirable to install such elements on a surface exposed to direct sun rays. Under the sun, the material can quickly lose its attractiveness.

Not only the entire surfaces of the bathroom or living room, decorated with mirror tiles, look impressive, but also individual elements of the interior. It won't hurt the design to use this material on the back of a mantel or collection shelves.

It is undesirable to hang a mirror next to the picture. The lines of the joints of the mirrors should not be in line with the eyes. The exception is small tiles, in which the face is reflected in several elements.

Mirror tiles with facet in the form of bricks, perfect for decorating walls in the hallway or an apron in the kitchen

When using a mosaic of alternating ceramic and mirror tiles, or placing a ceramic and mirror surface side by side, try to choose elements of the same size so that they are interchangeable. Subsequently, you can quickly transform the room by replacing a few tiles.

To clean the mirror tiles, you can use ordinary glass cleaners. To preserve the surface, in order to avoid cloudiness due to micro-scratches, use wipes made of natural materials and non-abrasives.

One of the great features of modern quality mirror tiles is the affordable price. Without allocating fabulous budgets for repairing a living room or hallway, using tiles even to even out defects or hide flaws, you can not only create the room of your dreams, but also save a lot at the same time. But it must be taken into account that the mirror is a specific element, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to predict what effect it will create ahead of time. Before using a mirror tile, it is advisable to consult with professional designers to help you choose perfect option and show you what the space will look like before you make the final decision.

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The question immediately arises: how do future interior unusual and modern. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends in interior design is sometimes very difficult. After all, as soon as you find on the Internet an image with the design of the room you like, how, in just a couple of weeks, eminent designers find even more interesting options finishes. Still a win-win method mirror tiles in interior. We will give some tips on how to use it in various premises and consider its main types.

1. Classification of mirror tiles

The range of shapes and textures of this facing material in fact, much more diverse than it might seem at first glance. The very first criterion by which mirror tiles are distinguished is manufacturing material. There are three options in total:

  • Tile from mirror glass;
  • From polished metal;
  • Made of high quality hard plastic - polystyrene.

The second and third types of material only serve as the basis for applying a mirror coating. The reflective surfaces of such tiles will be worse than those of a real mirror. In addition, metallic paint can slightly distort the reflection. But the cost will also be lower. The base in these cases can be self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies the laying process and the costs associated with it. Tile from real mirror glass is classified according to the following parameters:

It is sometimes simply impossible to distinguish what material this or that type of tile is actually made of, simply by its appearance. If your goal is to purchase exactly the mirror version, then you can determine it by weight. It will be much heavier than a plastic or metal base.

Standard sizes of this finishing material allow you to easily choose the most suitable option– 10×10, 15×15, 18×18, 20×20, 25×25, 30×30, 40×40, 50×50, 20×30, 30×45, 30×60 cm. However, some manufacturers can offer you a tile size from 6×6 cm under the order. The standard thickness is 4mm. Such a wide choice makes it possible to combine it with the usual one, avoiding a large difference in the lengths of the faces. An interesting option is ready-made kits, which, after laying, form whole panels. They can convey a wide variety of images or create a pattern using elements of different sizes.

Concerning mosaic version execution, then standard sizes one fragment can be - 20 × 20, 42 × 20, 50 × 50, 149 × 10 mm. This type of tile is sold in sheets. The basis is a flexible mesh material, on which squares of the above dimensions are glued. Between them there is a gap for seams, the standard width of which is 2 mm. Thanks to this structure, with the help of mosaics, it is easy to veneer radius surfaces. Pillars designed in this way look especially elegant.

2. Advantages and disadvantages

Like all finishing materials, mirror tiles have a number of pros and cons that you should be aware of. Let's start with good:

Now oh disadvantages:

  • The material is very brittle and its edges are prone to chipping. With careless installation and transportation, this cannot be avoided;
  • If the mirror fragments are not correctly positioned on different surfaces, may occur labyrinth effect, which has a depressing and overwhelming effect on the human psyche;
  • The surface is easily scratched and does not tolerate contact with abrasive substances;
  • If the room is bad, over time, the surface of the tiles may darken.

As you can see, the cons are easily eliminated and can only arise from ignorance of features work with this material. Choose trusted sellers who value their reputation and treat their own products with care. This can guarantee the availability of individual packaging and cargo insurance during transportation. So you, in turn, will be safe and insured against the purchase of damaged goods. Installation of tiles can be entrusted to experienced professionals who provide a guarantee for their work. And our article will help to avoid mistakes in the use of mirror tiles in the interior.

3. Recommendations for using mirror tiles on various surfaces

Designers just love working with this kind of material. All thanks to the fact that with its help you can instantly change the interior in the most incredible way. Even small fragments can bring a new mood to the atmosphere of the room. The most common surface for the implementation of ideas, of course, are the walls. But many recommend using reflective elements on the ceiling and even on the floor.

secrets wall decoration

It is unlikely that the owners will deny themselves two pleasures at the same time - it is beneficial to emphasize individuality premises and make it more spacious. All this will be possible if you stick to easy tips:

  • Main rule using tiles on the walls - do not trim two opposite walls with it. This will create the illusion of an endless corridor. It is in this case that it will appear negative impact on psychological health. Such an optical illusion distorts the space makes our brain work actively in search of a way out of the resulting maze. You can forget about rest in such a room.
  • Finishing can only be subjected to part of the wall or a small fragment of it. Think about which of the walls you want to highlight, what you want to show your guests. After all, such an element will immediately attract attention. Even a small panel above is already a self-sufficient decoration. For the background, it is better to use neutral or. And to further emphasize this highlight of the interior, you can dress it in beautiful frame.
  • To visually raise the ceiling lining is performed in the form of vertical stripes of small width. Elements can be either paired or single. Repeating elements should have a smaller thickness, while a single stripe should occupy about 1/3 of the wall surface. In this case, the most optimal location such an element - on the longest wall.
  • A solid mirrored wall enlarges the room, and a few narrow stripes make it cozier.
  • To fill with light dark room, place a mirror panel on the wall opposite the window opening.
  • , the back wall of which is laid with a mirror mosaic, will appear deeper. And with the right lighting, this effect will be transmitted to the entire room.
  • Looks very original combination ordinary tiles with a mirror. For best results, very important choose the same size of the two elements. Subject to this condition, the composition will be holistic and harmonious.
  • For facing two adjacent surfaces, for example, the corner between two walls or the junction of a wall and a ceiling, use different variants tiles. One can be plain, the other with a pattern, color and plain.

And remember that the effect of increasing space is achieved precisely due to the presence of reflection in the mirror elements. Therefore, it is very important object of reflection. The interior must be carefully thought out. After all, you must admit that if a massive wardrobe is reflected in your mirrored wall an infinite number of times, then you will get the feeling that you are in a cave. And a completely different impression will be created by the reflection of the window opening and sunlight. Attentively choose location is the key to a successful outcome. Be careful with placement as well. lighting fixtures. Glare and sunbeams can interfere and tire your eyesight. So lamps it is better to place on the edges, and not opposite the mirrors. Then the light from them will be reflected from the surface more gently, tangentially and not create discomfort.

Mirror ceiling - yes or no?

This unusual technique is very rarely seen in the interior of apartments. This is due to the fact that it has not yet gained due popularity and requires a competent approach. When is it appropriate to use mirror tiles on the ceiling?

Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment

This is probably the most custom solution for finishing floors. However, there really is a special kind of floor mirror tiles. It is made from a mirror cloth of increased strength and wear resistance, which at the same time has a very large thickness. Its surface is not subject to mechanical influences. All these factors combined do this type of cladding material incredibly expensive.

With regard to residential use, you should think twice before deciding to take such a step. Laying on such a floor is simply impractical, given its cost. This means that you will always see the reflection of the ceiling on the floor…. Feelings will be quite strange, it is possible appearance of dizziness and disorientation. Therefore, no matter how interesting and attractive this crazy idea may seem to you, it is better to abandon it in time. Not only that, you will spend a large amount on the purchase of material, so over time you will spend no less than dismantling, buying and laying another coating.

The only thing you can safely do is use small mirrored elements, to diversify the usual tiled masonry. They have the shape of a square, 50×50 mm or more in size and are inserted between tiles that are stacked with an offset. This method is quite acceptable for apartments or houses. Fully mirrored floors very rare, but can be found in huge shopping centers. This is a great way to attract clients. Whether you like it or not, you can go and look at the upturned windows and buy something.

4. In what rooms is it appropriate to use mirror tiles

If you have definitely decided for yourself that there should be such an element in your apartment, it's time decide in which same room it is worth placing a similar decor, and in which not. Let's start with the main - not a place mirror tiles in children's interior rooms. Let's immediately answer the question "why?":

  • This material is quite easy to break, crumble into small sharp pieces and get hurt. Even if you use not real glass, but plastic, its fragments can also be very dangerous.
  • Appreciate fashion and current trend the baby will definitely not be able to do it for the first 15 years. So, you are doing this exclusively for yourself. In this case, place a mirror panel in your room.
  • Children's unstable psyche can ambiguously perceive such a technique. Reaction the child may be unpredictable.
  • From the point of view of comfort, this is not the "warmest" material for decorating a child's room.

In all other rooms, you can not limit your own imagination. Let's consider in more detail.

Mirror interior dining room or bathroom

Thanks to their positive qualities, this kind of tile is great solution for use in areas where present constant humidity and temperature change.

for bathroom, whose often do not allow full use of various techniques to increase space, it's just find. You can not only diversify the interior, but also make it more spacious. In addition, if you choose a tile that is suitable in shape, you can replace her usual, without which you simply cannot do. The rest of the walls can be decorated with ornamental or plain tiles mixed with tiles. It is only in this room that the concept of "too" completely disappears. Most interesting cladding options mirror tiles in the bathroom:

the only disadvantage use of mirrors in the bathroom is their fogging, when used hot water. You will need to constantly wipe all the walls dry so that there are no soap and lime marks from hard water.

AT canteen mirror tiles look equally good as in working area, as well as in the dining room.

double benefit. The place will seem much larger, and the need for an ordinary mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example, in the middle of the wall from floor to ceiling, lay out the usual mirror, and on the sides - tiles with patterns.

Mirror tiles in the design of the living room or bedroom

Use Case ceiling mirror elements looks most appropriate in living room.

Bedroom means complete rest and healthy sleep Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use mirrors in large quantities here. This means that only one wall should be allocated for them. But it will be completely covered with tiles or not - a matter of taste.

This is because for many people, the copious amount of reflective surfaces can be embarrassing.

Many are accustomed to doing everything repair work at home with your own hands. Someone, thus, saves money, someone simply does not trust unfamiliar masters. Whatever the reasons, if you decide to install mirror tiles yourself, you need to know the key points. The surface must be prepared as before. And here is the process installation has some peculiarities:

After successful completion installation work, you can enjoy the unique design made by your own hands.

How stylish, fresh and elegant the mirrored tiles in the interior! Photos and ideas may well inspire to change the design of both one of the rooms and the whole apartments. The presence can radically change the appearance of any room, add light, volume, dynamism and depth to it.

And mirror tiles are considered unique at all. finishing material, with which you can visually transform the space, beat sections of a complex or irregular shape, complicate the interior, make it more thoughtful, sophisticated. This decor is equally well suited for living rooms, cuisine, hallway, and among the many forms and options it is easy to choose products desired design, ideally complementing interiors of various styles.

Types of mirror tiles

Modern mirror tiles can have a variety of shapes, not limited to standard rectangles. It can be large or mosaic squares, rhombuses, triangles, crescents, bricks, planks.

For its manufacture use:

  • glass;
  • polished metal;
  • high-quality plastic, such as polystyrene.

Depending on the material, the laying method will change. But in most cases, installation is carried out on a special glue or ordinary liquid nails. There are also options with a self-adhesive layer.

Main types

Even tiles made from the same material can differ significantly from each other. Among the most popular options are:

  1. Smooth mirror tiles without any relief. When laying it, the joints are almost invisible, which makes possible creation solid mirror surface, not limited by the shape of a standard mirror. This finish is perfect for modern styles interior (, ).
  2. With facet. A small bevel of the edges (chamfer) of such a mirror tile greatly facilitates installation, but most of all this type is valued for the ability to create a complex surface that reveals the full potential of the interior. Mirror tiles with facet look expensive, elegant in the interior, give any room a noble and luxurious look, and the light refracted on the edges creates a lot of highlights. Perfectly similar decor will complement classic interiors, especially made in the palace or baroque style, as well as neoclassical and
  3. With imitation metal surface. Polished bronze, copper, silver, gold, chrome will perfectly fit into both modern and classic interiors. On the surface may be patina or other "traces of time".
  4. Tinted mirror tiles, in which the color of glass or amalgam can be any shade - from smoky grays or beiges to rich pinks or blacks.
  5. With drawing. All sorts of ornaments, drawings and patterns on such a tile are obtained by sandblasting or using a laser. This option will give the interior individuality, expressiveness.
  6. With textured surface. Volumetric drawings, pronounced texture or unusual relief will serve perfect decor for a variety of interiors.

  7. Advice! Not costs abuse abundance mirror surfaces in home, This maybe depressingly affect on the psyche, call irritation, feeling anxiety. room with big quantity reflections will uncomfortable.

    Techniques for using mirror tiles in the interior

    Mirror tiles effectively cope with the tasks when you need to transform the interior as much as possible, make it more comfortable, thoughtful. Located on the walls, it will help to visually expand the space, creating the illusion of continuing the room, which is especially important for rooms that are small or too narrow.

    Thus, it is worth making long wall, thereby correcting the wrong proportions of the room. It can also be just part of a wall, for example, opposite a window to let in more light.

    Advice! Simultaneouslydoroomhigherandwidercladding will helpone andhwallsmirrortiles, laid downdiamondsordiagonally.

    On the opposite walls it is better not to place areas with mirror tiles directly opposite each other in order to avoid the appearance of "endless corridors".

    With the help of mirror tiles on the ceiling, you can make the room taller, but it is better to veneer not the entire surface with it, but limit yourself to the perimeter or center, complementing everything. The main thing is that the effect of "inverted space" does not occur when entering the room. You should also carefully consider the situation, which will be reflected on the ceiling.

    Advice! For too much big premises decor ceiling with help mirror tiles not recommended, insofar as maybe create Effect emptiness, coldness.

    Composition basics

    To make the interior look harmonious, with the help of mirror tiles it is better to focus on one of the walls or ceiling, column or wall. In this case, reflective elements can occupy both the entire area and individual sections.

    Advice! Tomirrortileworkedon theattractionandreflectionSveta, hercostsdisposeagainstwindows, lamps, to complement.

    An interesting effect can be achieved if adjacent surfaces are tiled with mirror tiles, for example, a wall and a ceiling or two adjacent walls. But in this case, it is recommended to use products of different types (with facet and contrasting shades or smooth and patterned).

    Finishing using mirror tiles should be done taking into account that a minimum of objects is reflected, otherwise it will not work to visually expand the space, giving it lightness, on the contrary, there will be a clutter effect.

    In order not to overdo it with mirror tiles, it is recommended to combine it with other materials. For example, wall decoration can be done in the form of a checkerboard or honeycomb, where mirrors alternate with wood, ceramics, cork, metal,.

    Mirror tiles in the interior of the house

    You can use mirror tiles in the interior absolutely in any room, regardless of its purpose. It could be , or , or , hallway or . But in everything you should know the measure, carefully considering where, how and in what quantity the reflective surface will be located.

    Living room

    Mirror tiles in the interior of the living room will help to correctly zone the space:

  • You can design a multi-level ceiling by decorating its individual sections with tile inserts. This will slightly raise the height of the room, add volume to it.
  • emphasize the sophistication of the situation, expand the space, add depth. Such a wall will look best opposite the window or to the side of it.

  • If the living room has interesting furniture or interior items, flowers, then you can “double” them by arranging them so that they are reflected from the tiled areas. Such mirror elements can be located inside bookshelves, in piers, niches.
  • or can also be highlighted by tiling above them various forms and flowers.

Kitchen and dining room

Mirror tiles in the interior of the kitchen look equally good both in the work area and in the dining area. The working area will be decorated and complemented by a practical one from different elements. It may be petty mosaic, bricks or large diamonds - it all depends on the size of the kitchen and the desired effect. With such an apron finish, you will need a good one so that the decorative surfaces are not covered with a layer of fat and soot.

Advice! Mirror tile wonderful combined with ceramic and even , That's why apron and all wall in working zone can trim with using straightaway two materials, picking up them on size.

Also, an interesting effect will be obtained if you make 2-3 vertical stripes or large rectangles of mirror tiles on one of the walls of the dining room, imitating windows in some restaurant or cafe.


Mirror tiles in the interior of the bedroom should be located in such a way that it will not reflect the bed and sleeping people. Therefore, it is not recommended to veneer the entire ceiling and walls with it.

It is best to use it to decorate the wall at the head of the bed or the wall near the window, as well as wall niches, plot next to, .

For a bedroom, both smooth tiles and those with facet or ornaments are equally well suited - it all depends on the style of the interior.

Advice! Before how do choice in benefit mirror tiles for decor bedrooms, costs attach to necessary plots mirror. This is will help to avoid discomfort in future, insofar as like decor fits not to each.

Bathroom and toilet

Mirror tiles in the interior of the bathroom will be most welcome. A mirror in this room is already necessary, and with the help of tiles you can make the situation more interesting. She can lay out one of the walls (above the bathtub or), while using ordinary ceramic on the rest. It will look spectacular:

Advice! AT bathrooms effectively will look mirror tile with aged effect, which complement plumbing, mixers and others accessories in vintage style.

Hallway and passage areas

Mirror tiles in hallway interior- it is not only beautiful and stylish, but also very convenient, especially if the room itself is not very large and there is no place to install a standard mirror. Such a finish should be used on the walls of the hallway so that a person can fully see his reflection, and it is not necessary to be limited to standard forms. For example, you can completely decorate one of the walls with mirror tiles, supplementing it with suitable lighting, or lay out vertical, inclined or complex shapes.

In the hallway, mirror tiles can be combined with finishes made of wood, stone, porcelain stoneware, etc. Small-sized products, such as mosaics or chamfered rhombuses, will look interesting in the interior.

Advice! At design hallway consider, what not costs dispose reflective surfaces against entrance. According to philosophy Feng Shui, This adversely affects on the energy streams. Except Togo, incoming Human maybe simply get scared his reflections.

It is also recommended to use mirror tiles when finishing walk-through rooms, for example, stairs, transitions from one room to another. As a rule, such areas are poorly lit, and the presence of reflective surfaces with competent lighting will add coziness, make the space comfortable, less closed.

Advice! With help mirror tiles can issue risers on the , deaf wall

The mirror is the most mysterious piece of furniture and at the same time quite versatile and mundane. For designers, it is an excellent tool, thanks to which unique design solutions are born. In standard interiors, a mirror can only be found in the hallway or bathroom, but we suggest using it additionally in the bedroom, living room and even the kitchen. Consider what kind of mirror "things" exist to decorate the interior.

Mirror mosaic of pieces of different sizes

This is the most fashionable and popular interior decor. A certain ornament is laid out from mirror pieces of the same or different shapes. Mosaic can decorate any room in the house:

  • bath;
  • hallway;
  • bedroom
  • living room;
  • kitchen.

Mirror panel in the bathroom

Usually a fragment of a wall, floor or ceiling is pasted over. Often in the interior there are decorated with mirror pieces:

  • vases;
  • furniture;
  • doors and other accessories.

Mirror panel on the ceiling and wall of the living room

The advantages of mirror tiles in the interior

Mirror elements in the apartment are not only beautiful, but strangely enough, they are also practical. If the room is properly decorated with mirrors, then in the end you will get a lot of advantages:

  • a large influx of illumination and brightness in the room;
  • mirror fragments can be easily decorated uneven areas walls;
  • mirrors adorn the niche;
  • with the help of this design, the space of the room can be visually expanded or narrowed;
  • the room acquires the effect of an illusion;
  • wear-resistant surface;
  • mirror mosaic is easy to care for.

Fully mirrored wall in the living room

Types of mirror material for interior decoration

Mirror mosaics and tiles are found not only in the standard silver color. On sale you can find other colors:

  • gold;
  • bronze;
  • black mirror.

Any mirror tile and panel can withstand high temperature and chemical exposure. Mirrors differ not only in color, but also in:

  • form;
  • size;
  • type of processing;
  • fastening method.

You can buy this panel at ready-made or individual tiles. If there is a desire and time to work, then it is on sale in loose form, that is, it must be glued on the prepared surface on its own.

Mirror mosaic of different types of pieces

Equally important is the processing of mirror products. There are three types of it:

  • grinding;
  • polishing;
  • facet.

The first type of processing is used in budget options mosaics. The polished edge looks stylish and impressive. Facet gives the product additional volume.

Mirror mosaic with facet processing

It is worth remembering that before you make a mirror panel in a room, you need to carefully consider the ventilation of the room. Otherwise, the mirrors will constantly sweat.

In addition to the main advantages, mirror surfaces have one drawback - the laying technology is complex with huge amount nuances. And if, moreover, it is also design work, then it will be expensive.

As soon as such decor appears in the room, an atmosphere of solemnity immediately appears. Mirrors look very good in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

Caring for mirror surfaces in the interior

Miniature mirrors do not need special care. The tile is not very dirty, but on occasion it is easy to clean. In addition, it has additional advantages:

  • abrasion resistant;
  • shines for a long time and does not fade;
  • does not burn out;
  • does not fade.

If mirrors are chosen for the kitchen or bathroom, then it is better to purchase tiles that have an additional protective covering. It will not darken for a long time and will retain its original appearance for many years.

Mirror wall in the room

Living room design with mirrored walls or ceiling

Decorating the living room with mirrors depends on the size of the room. If the room is small, then it is better to decorate not the entire wall with mirrors, but only the cabinet doors. Thus, large and bulky furniture turns into an inconspicuous piece of furniture.

Living room with mirrored ceiling and walls

It is allowed to design one small wall with mirror tiles. The joint must be decorated with plaster molding. Thanks to this, the decoration seems finished and concise.

Mirror tiles in the living room

If you are determined, bold and decisive, then you can decorate the walls with mirrors, placing them opposite each other. You will get a mirror effect. But if you are an ardent supporter of Feng Shui, then this method does not suit you at all.

Convex mirror wall panel

In order for the mirrors to do their job, you need to carefully consider the lighting of the living room. Ideally, the luminaire should be positioned above a reflective surface. Light fixtures must be original. Plafonds should be large.

Mirror ceiling tiles for the living room

If you are a supporter classical style, then you should take a closer look at the mirrors that are installed on the half-columns. They will diffuse the reflection of light throughout the living room.

Mirror column and wall in a studio apartment

If you like plants, then you need to place them in a room with mirror decor in a separate corner. Otherwise, they will block the whole light. Thus, a feeling of a greenhouse is created.

Room divider framed with mirror tiles

Bedroom design with mirror surfaces

If you want to transform a small bedroom, it is best to use a mirror panel. It is best to install it opposite the window. The room will seem bright and spacious.

Mirror columns in the interior of the bedroom

If the room has niches and uneven walls, then be sure to stick a mirror tile in them. The result will be very original.

Built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors

But in everything you need to know the measure. You can not glue the mirror tiles randomly and throughout the room. You run the risk of getting an uncomfortable and cold room, which is most like a dance hall. Remember, bedroom mirrors play the role of additional design, not the main one.

Wardrobe with mirrored door

If you are a person subject to all sorts of superstitions, then mirrors in the bedroom cannot be installed in the following way:

  1. You can not install a mirror design in front of the bed. During sleep, a person gets rid of all the negativity accumulated during the day, and the mirror will return it back. And if a married couple sleeps in front of a mirror, then they will soon have a breakdown in their relationship.
  2. It is not recommended to install mirror surfaces opposite front door to the bedroom. Thus, favorable energy will not enter the room.
  3. In the mirror installed in the bedroom, a person should be reflected in full height. If for some reason this is not possible, then the reflection should be logical.

Mirror headboard by the bed

To decorate the bedroom with mirror panels, use the following tricks:

  • decorate with mirror fragments of coal and the perimeter of the room along the bottom;
  • to increase the height of the room, make a mirror panel on the ceiling;
  • you can decorate the head of the bed with mirrors, this will give the room depth;
  • install symmetrically two high mirrors from floor to ceiling in the area of ​​bedside tables;
  • for the bedroom it is better to choose mirror elements of a round or oval shape;
  • install a backlight near the mirror cloth or hang a garland.

Mirror wall of tiles in the interior of the bedroom

Kitchen design with mirror tiles and mosaics

Not so long ago, mirrors have become a popular decoration in many kitchens. At first glance, this seems like an impractical and unnecessary decoration in this room. But at right approach mirror panel will be a real highlight kitchen interior and will breathe a lot of light and brightness into a small and nondescript room.

kitchen apron from small mirror tiles

There are several options for decorating the kitchen with mirrors that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  1. Built-in mirrors in the facade of the headset. Most often they make an apron. The room will immediately become deep, wide and comfortable. If you think an apron is an impractical element, then you can hang mirrored strips so that they intersect with furniture.
  2. For a compact kitchen, choose mirrors in a bright small frame or without it at all.
  3. Mirror elements will emphasize the overall style of the kitchen. They can highlight one of the zones in the kitchen.
  4. If you are the owner of a large and spacious kitchen, then be sure to hang a mirror in the dining area in front of the table.
  5. A refrigerator with a mirror surface looks very original and luxurious. It will reflect the entire interior of the kitchen.

Mirror panel in the dining area

Mirror mosaics and panels are usually used in the following styles and directions:

  1. Art Deco or Empire. In these styles, it is preferable to use round or figured mirrors.
  2. The frame should be large and massive. Such accessories should decorate the dining area.
  3. Modern. This style uses streamlined mirrors. Usually they decorate the side wall of the room or the one opposite which the set stands. The presence of mirrors in the facades of the headset is allowed.
  4. Minimalism and high-tech. Mirrors should be of unusual shapes, without frames. Lighting is allowed.

Original mirror in the interior of a modern kitchen

If you are a supporter of experiments and everything unusual in the interior, then, of course, you should try this design idea, as mirror panels and mosaic. Reward your home large quantity light and brightness.

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