The foundation of sand bags and cement on the uneven plot. Description of the construction of earth houses from the Earth's bags to build a sand house

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

The longer a person is in the insane rhythm of urban life, the stronger he wants to get closer to nature. What only do not invent, in order to retire and translate the spirit for a while, enjoy silence and simply relax. This is a desire and led to the emergence of very original ideawhich was named Earthbag - creating a house from the grounds from the ground. About it interesting construction and will we are talking In our article.

This interesting technology Construction as it is impossible better suitable for creating children's house Or cold pantry for storing vegetables and blanks, and maybe a wine cellar or a barn for animals. With his destination, everyone will determine himself, the main thing is that there will be no time for such a construction and money. And another important side of such an unusual creation - it will become original decoration Total plot. After all, his mysterious and fabulous look will be the main highlight in the design of your oppression.

If you all decided to create your own unique and cozy corner or decorate pricework With something extraordinary, but at the same time useful and functional, then these recommendations will certainly be useful to you.

Let's consider the main stages of creating this fabulous hobbit house

1. Planning and creating a drawing

As before ordinary construction, it is necessary to designate the place where you will create, decide which height will be built, determine the diameter of the dome created, make an accurate drawing with the indication of all necessary sizes. And only after that begin to prepare the platform where the construction will be held.

2. Cooking bags with earth

First you need to decide with the composition of the soil. You can use ordinary land or add part of cement or mix clay and sand to it, but the most reliable and optimal solution - Mix of clay (30-40%), sand and gravel. If you use only land, then for practicality and ease of use, it must be moistened.

Then you need to be built by conventional polypropylene bags, which before filling it is necessary to twist so that the angles are not discharged. Ready mix In bags, it is necessary to fall asleep in 2 receptions - first place 30% of the desired volume of the soil, thoroughly tumbled, and then add the remaining part of the soil so that 15 cm remains to the top and firmly. First, prepare bags only for the first two rows, and the rest are falling asleep on the walls so that they are then high to raise it.

3. Creation of foundation

The selected area must be placed, clean from grass and other garbage, align. Inside the outlined contour of the future building, remove the layer of the Earth, approximately 35-40 cm, pack all the selected land into the bags, as described above. The deepening must be filled with gravel by 25-30 cm, which should be carefully tumped.

For the first two rows, which will serve as the foundation of the whole building, it is necessary to add cement to the soil!

To create the right circle, certainly find the center of the site, then using a wooden or metal stake and stretched the twine, outline the desired radius.

In order to avoid an arbitrary shift of the bags, you need to lay a barbed pattern and thoroughly fall asleep the outdoor side of the moistened ground.

4. Laying bags with earth

On the foundation continue to lay the filled bags with a small shift inwards. At the same time, it is necessary to check not only the correctness of the circle, but also horizontal accuracy of laying.

To do this, it is enough to set the long level on opposite wallsAnd if there is no such, then you can use the timing of the desired length on which to install the existing measuring instrument.

Bags must be tightly stacked on each other to ensure the strength of the whole building to the closure of the dome.

Each laid row must be thoroughly thoroughly and compared the protruding parts. To do this, use a special rambling, which must be held in a circle several times.

If there is no ability to fill the bags with a mixture directly on the wall, then sliders can be used to install it in the desired location. The bag is put on a piece of iron, moves on it to the place of installation, and then neatly pulls out from under it.

5. Creating a doorway

In this embodiment, the doorway was used car tire The desired diameter. To decorate the arch, you need to install the tire on the supports and from above very tightly stacking bags in the soil of which, added more clay.

For the appearance of the visor during the masonry arch need to be laid between the bags of a log or legs old furniture on the right distance. A part of the wood that will be between bags must be tightly wrapped with a film, and the protruding half to handle a special impregnation.

To set later door block, Place special metal T-shaped plates between bags at the desired distance. In which you need to drill a screwdriver for bolts that will be attached to the door frame.

6. Installation of retaining walls - counterphorts

Not only to increase the stability and durability of the house, but also for the originality of the design you can install external return walls, so-called counterphorts. They are built simultaneously with the design of the arch and necessarily reinforced. For this, armature and two rows of barbed wire are laid between the rows of bags, and the special flexible metal grid is superimposed on top.

You can lay out the turf or plant the lowest plants.

From above stacked not very thick layer of clay, and then fall asleep with fertile land, which can be decorated with a turf or disembarking low-spirited trees or grass.

Your house is ready!

The next video will show how you can build a full-fledged house from ordinary earth.

To maximize the maintenance and at the same time still help environment, , What did the house be surprisingly very beautiful and comfortable.

Is it possible to build a suitable home for a thousand dollars? Did you have a skeptical smile? In vain. Member of the Forum "House and Dacha" argues that it is not a utopian idea at all

Fresh air In the room, the ability to withstand fire and earthquakes, durability, the ability to build himself. Glino- and landfit houses attract dacnons not only by this. The main advantage of such buildings is their unheavited cheapness.

Guest house

The participant of the boo50 forum went to the experiment, deciding to build a house from the bags with the Earth. Thus, he wanted to demonstrate that his own accommodation is available to everyone. And for this you will not need a solid capital, no powerful technique nor the destruction of the forest. According to the dacket using this technology, you can raise House for 35 thousand rubles . All that is necessary for this is: Earth, two kamaz with sand and clay, some wood and glass, pipes and a cast-iron furnace for heating housing.

It is believed that the construction of the construction of the Bags filled with land was originally developed for the construction of the bases on the moon and other planets. Through the use of local soil and delivery of light formwork, construction would be easier and cheap. In addition, the design of the egg-shaped form was recognized as more durable.

Two-storey house From the bags from the ground was built by four people in about two months. The diameter of the structure at the base is 4 m, the average thickness of the walls is 65 cm. Approximate weight - 100 tons.

Works began with the preparation of the site under the foundation. For this, 15 cm of the fertile soil layer was removed (continuous stones were already walked). Then they pulled out of the inner diameter of 4 m and the depth of half the meter. Its foundation was leveled in terms of level. We began to lay bags (suitable in rolls that are used for sugar and flour).

Bags over time will turn into a duch. They are a kind of temporary formwork.

A mixture for bags consists of sand, a gravel size is no more chicken egg and clay. She acts as a binder. Components are mixed and wetted with water. The optimal percentage of clay content is 20-40%, depending on its quality.

Submire the right amount Clay using a mixture testing. In a small formwork, make several tests and let them dry. Use the mixture that does not crack.

To bore the rows, barbed wire between them. Each layer of earthy bags thoroughly traam, thereby turning the mixture into a dense mass. When she dried, it became hard as a stone. For a rambling, a piece of bar 40-50 cm long was used, on which, for convenience, two handles were made.

Rows put in a circle, narrowing up the way like the pyramid.

As the walls are erected in them, there were window openings in which temporary shapes under the windows were inserted. Forumchanin notes that inserting windows into such a house - one pleasure: the openings were thrown, they put the glass several bigger size And they simply closed the saman. The first windows on the northern side were inserted. They perform more decorative function. The windows on the second floor - the bedroom was installed in the same way.

The forum users do not advise you to put round windows. They cost much more expensive. In addition, it is not so easy to replace them in case of damage.

At the end, the house was inceated by the one. He gave construction monolith and reliability. This material was deceived by a layer with a thickness of at least 15 cm. Then put the doorway. For fixing in the saman, old nails were pretabilities. The Experimental Building of Boo50 decided to use as a guest house.

For better warm-up of premises, boo50 advises to make large windows on the south side and additionally heat the house with northern, for example, bales of straw.

Earth house with traditional roof

For the same technology, the house was built another forumchanin - Krajken. The structure also was done round, with a conical roof. Inner diameter Buildings - just over 8 m. The foundation made from a boob stone with gravel. In the first two rows of bags, a sandy-gravel mixture was poured with the addition of cement. In the remaining 23 rows used sand with Earth in the ratio of 20x80. The humidity of the mixture is 10-20%. Walls were placed on the grid.

1200 bags and kilometers of barbed wire were spent on the construction of one wall. The sand was used bridally, from the local career. The land was partially taken from the trench for the foundation and drainage, the remaining 15 cubes died nearby. To prevent germination of seeds, the land was taken from a depth of 20 cm, below the turf layer.

Since it was the first experience of the owners, the roof was done standard. Its cost amounted to 70% of the cost of the house. However, the dome with a diameter of 8 meters and it would be difficult to build the same height from the bags of two-three workers. Outside, the house was plastered by the cement-sandy mixture.

This technology has already appeared on the forum many supporters and opponents. But the majority converge on what to try to work with such a material. Even if someone else will live in the house from the bags, the idea for an inexpensive summer bathhouse is quite attractive.

Forum users advise to try out this technology on small buildings, for example, smokers or rabbits.

" (№7, 2014)

Did you know?
For the first time in the literature, a description of the technology of building houses from the "Unyty Earth" is found in the book of Francois Quantomero "School of Rustic Architecture, or instruction, how to build strong houses about many housing from Earth alone, or from other ordinary and cheap materials." (M.: Univ. Type. Ridigra and Claudia, 1794).

Vintage houses From the ground in Europe
The technology of building houses from the Earth was different from the methods of the construction of samanny or milling structures: the walls of land houses contained no more than half of the clay in their composition, and straw was not used as a reinforcing aggregator. Instead of clay for the construction of houses from the Earth, the adhesive types of soil are used in a sand mixture, which should be in a mixture of 50-70%. The fitness of the Earth for construction in the Middle Ages was determined by the following features: the land should not crumble when rolling between the palms, the culberies from the Earth should not crumble, and when the earth is soaked in a glass, the "stickiness" should be descended for a day. A suitable earth usually had cracks in drought and good hard ruts from TV wheels were formed in it. If used different types Earth, they were pre-mixed together. Mineral additives added to the oily land (clay): sand, lime and road dust. French architect Francois Quantomero wrote:
All kinds of land are good (for the construction of landland houses), if neither hopeless, nor Torshi, nor too fat.
1) All lands that occur from the kingdom of plants.
2) all adhesive land; It is called the same clay.
3) all solid Earth, mixed with sand, is the most capable of earthwork.

To work it was ground with a depth of 1 meter. With the help of rakes, large stones, roots and other inclusions were filled. Between the teeth, the robber should have passed the soil particles are not more than the value of the magnitude. The land for the construction should not be too dry, nor too wet. In the first case, it does not connect, in the second is done by the testicular as the dough.
The classic medieval technology of the construction of houses from the Earth was known in three versions: layer-by-layer rambling of rugged walls with a low rearrangement formwork with vice (boards with a twist, compressing formwork when twisting the grease), post-walled walls of walls with a high rearranged formwork with visets, and the rambling of earth units for Subsequent masonry of them walls.
In the first embodiment, a 2-meter long formwork was used for the construction of the walls and about 80 cm high. The walls began to erect on the foundation from limestone (it has a property of absorbing water from the walls) at least 60 cm high. . After the layers of the Earth are 7-10 cm. The land in the formwork slightly moistened. The land was tramped at the beginning around the perimeter, then the middle and after once again the entire backfill across. The layer of the Earth was to be able to skip one and half or twice from the initial height. Then the formwork was rearranged to the next section of the wall. On top of the layer nanosili mortar. The junctions of the Earth's tramblable in the walls were arranged with depths of 30 degrees for better dressing of trambluble sites. In this way, you can build sufficiently high walls. With the height of the walls of the wall of 3.5 meters, its thickness at the base should have been at least 45 cm, and under - 35 cm.
With the second method of construction, the height of the walls is limited to the height of the formwork. This method was applied to the construction of household buildings. The walls were obtained more homogeneous - without linakes. For the connection of the walls, unleisited boards were used, which were carried out inside. Also, the boards were lined up under the beams of overlaps and mauers.

In the manufacture of landfit units, wooden forms were used in which the adhesive ground was tumped. This method was closest to the construction of global houses.
For framing and securing window and door openings Used stone or brick. After the completion of the stuffing of the walls, they were treated with turpentine water to impart waterproof and dried several months, to force the precipitation of the roof. The roof was most often satisfied with the tiled over the deceased alabaster of the boards (such a design made a landforn house by fireproof). After drying the walls, they were slightly wetted, they were soldered and wrapped with lime, a mixture of lime with sand (1 to 2) or a mixture of lime, clay and wool. From the inside was plastered by alabaster on the nails previously clogged into the wall for the best connection of the walls and plaster. After drying the plaster, the walls were blenced by lime.

Earthbag Building walls (Earthbag Building) - a relatively fast and low-cost way of construction, and more recently becomes more famous, especially in the circles of "alternative" builders and creators of environmental settlements.

Using the soil is a material that literally lies under the legs, as well as the maximum simplicity of the process makes such a method available to many beginner builders.

Continuing the theme of houses built from the Earth, it is impossible not to tell about the architect of the nauder of Khalili, who invented the original method of construction from this eternal material.

In the eighties of the last century, fashion came to America samanny houses. Earth construction enthusiasts went to England, where the sacred houses built 500 years ago were preserved and, despite their old age, are still used.

An example of the British so inspired the Americans that they began not only to build, but also to develop new methods of saman construction. The product of such an increased interest was Cal-Earth, the Institute in Southern California, which is engaged in developing and teaching the construction system from the Earth. His founder and leader was the American architect of Iranian origin Nadher Khalili.

The most noticeable development of the institute was the technology of Earthbags, or "Supersaman". Actually, Earthbags are bags filled with land, of which it can be defined in a certain way. Instead of bags, tubes are sometimes used. Build this method is very easy and much faster than from the traditional Samana. The only thing that can confuse the builder is the straight walls of this technology to build much more difficult than curvilinear or dome-shaped.

For buildings, raw land is used, which is filled with standard bags of fabric not subject to rotting, for example propylene. If the land is pushed, it is moisturized. The bags are stacked by rows as it should be a wall, we are tamped by legs or any brass tool. The second line is laid out the second, slightly narrower. And so on, while the dome-shaped building is ready.

If a cloth tube is used for construction, it is not very tightly filled, and then they laid, wrapping the spiral. Between the layers are placed by the usual barbed wire. It helps to fasten the layers of bags or pipes, as well as ordinary brick walls Cement fastens.

The windows and doors in such houses are done, leaving the bags in the form of arches when laying. After drying, the building is plastered or smeared outside cement mortar.

If the land in this area has a composition that, after drying, it will not crack or crumble, you can use any, even the most dilapidated bags. After the trim, they will become unnecessary. Bags are also used for the foundation device, but they are not stuffed with earth, but rubble or ground mixed with stones.

In addition to the speed of construction, these houses are also interesting because, in contrast to ordinary saman structures, they can be put in areas poured by flood waters. After all, the ground bags are traditionally used to combat floods and setting dams.

House-domes are very durable. Their form balances the external load in all directions. In addition, the load perceived by the dome creates normal membrane stresses with the effect of bending on relatively small sites Surfaces. In modern practice, the domes are most often used, the middle surface of which is described by the equation of the ball, the ellipsoid of rotation or a circular cone (the conical dome is simpler in the manufacture, but less economical than spherical).

Naturally, the house building from the bags with their own hands does not always have an ideal form, but the magic is that the dome, even not perfect, is still quite reliable. Hali's himself argues that a traditional square house with vertical walls is almost doomed once to fall, and with the arch (domes) can never happen anything. In addition, to strengthen the construction in soil mixture Sometimes cement is added.

Another technology developed by the architect is houses from burned clay. Dome House It is laid out of water, land and clay, dried and burned in about the same way as a ceramic pot.

And houses from bags, and ceramic houses are grated surprisingly quickly. Three people can build a house from beginning to end in a week without having any practical skills in construction.

In 2001, two employees of the UN, Omar Beckhate and Lorenzo Jimenez de Luis, visited the Institute in California and conducted an experiment to accommodate in earth houses of high-speed facilities. They spent in buildings and carried the verdict: the buildings of the Khalili are quite suitable for living. And considering the ease of their construction and reliability, the construction was recommended to solve the housing problem of refugees in the Middle East. By the way, besides that, quite earthly, the use of architect buildings are waiting in the hour to go to the moon. NASA has long been accepted them as possible variant For the construction of lunar colonies.


Brief step-by-step instruction

You are reading brief step by step description How our first experimental house-dome from the burdens was created. We called it "Riceland", that was the name of the company, printed on polypropylene bags that we used. The inner diameter turned out to 4.3 meters.

Such a dome can serve as a model for garden Arbor, studios, house, and also become a prototype emergency refuge For people affected by PE. This design is sufficiently stable in seismic conditions, withstands floods and hurricanes, and can be used to help people who lost her knead due to natural Disasters, such as in Pakistan, Turkey, India, Indonesia, etc.

Align the plot

First you need to choose right place For the dome, on the hair dryer and in the stars, and also well-drained, where the water does not flow and is not going to go. Then it is worth noting on the ground a central point of the base of the dome and stick to a vertically pant or rod. Tied to it a rope long in the radius of the base of the dome (taking into account the thickness of the walls, in this case We took a little less than 3 meters), mark the perimeter, inside which the site will need to be aligned. Next, using hands, eyes, shovel and water level, bring the selected area to a more or less flat state. Do not forget about the value of the organic layer of the soil: neatly lay out humus together with roots and herbs in a pronted place or use for compost in the garden.

Dock the ditch around the perimeter

In places where heavy soils may be overgrown with moisture, it is important to lay a drainage for the dome in the form of a ditch with a rubble. This will prevent wetting bags, and will also help solve winter problems with the freezing of soil. Wreaty circles around the same central pole, mark the internal and external diameter Walls (wall thickness depends on the width of the bags that will be put). Do not forget to note where the entrance will be located, leaving enough space for door Piece. Note - the base of the input here goes inward so that you can insert the door vertically, despite the slope of the main wall. After everything is posted - again came the cereals to hold for a shovel.

Put a ditch to stones

Collect or bring the stones from somewhere to fall asleep the drainage trench. It can be pebbles, gravel, small cobblestones or "will be removed" (hawken waste concrete construction, brick, slagoblock, etc.). The photo shows that the walls of the ditches are closed with a shallow wire mesh - in this case it protects the lung sand sad From shuffling and clogging in the voids between the stones of the trench, which could worsen its drainage properties. If you dug a ditch in dense clay soilThis technological detail may be optional.

How much to pour into the ditch?

It depends on what level you want to lay the first row (or rows) of bags. We laid, starting with the level of the ground, falling asleep trench completely. If the floods and straws are not excluded, the first row of bags in the ground will be reliable, so even if the soil layer around the structure is blurred or destroyed, the dome itself will have to survive.

What to take bags?

We used standard 50-pound polypropylene bags for rice (in our latitudes probable analogues - 50-kilogram bags for flour / sugar, "woven" from the same polypropylene; you can also take a used - approx. Transport), they are sold Thousands of pieces. Polypropylene bags are particularly preferred if you are going to fill them with something relatively loose. In the event that an adobe (a mixture of wet clay) or a filler will be stabilized (for example, cement), and more natural options Fabrics like burlap, because after installing such a wall, the storage strength will be not so important. The size of the 50-pound bag is very convenient, the thickness of the walls of the wall is 38 centimeters (our usually more, although you can also search different sizes Or fill out not completely - approx.). If different types of bags are available to you, then big will go well for the base, and with less better work to the top of the dome. You can also (and sometimes it can be very convenient) use polypropylene handov, which are produced by integers, but we prefer bags for the following reasons:

1) bags cheaper
2) you can work alone
3) Each bag is separately easy (in our case - 16 kg)
4) The bag with a seam at the bottom is where they set, and the sleeve, especially with something loose, loves to roll aside.

Filling bags

Now the binding can be filled with your favorite material. We used the local chopped volcanic rock called Skalie, easy and well thermal insulating. For snowing bags, anything is apparent, obviously - local soil can be used, but it should be borne in mind that it can be a bad heat insulator, and additional thermal protection will be required in a fairly cold climate. As examples warm materials For sweating in bags, perlite and rice husks can be brought. Note - the bag is supported in the photo open video With great steel pipe (Spare from the former feeder for chickens). Disturb every bag from above by 20-25 cm, you will wrap this free edge when the bag will already be in a row so that its contents will not crumble.

Laying bags

Gently laid the first row of bags into the line over the drainage ditch cobblestones. Carefully put each bag so that the woven the upper edge be cooled in front of the bottom of the previous bag, "so everything will be reliable. Also, before putting every bag, it is possible to stretch under it to a half-one-meter piece of polypropylene rampage - you take another two or three subsequent laying levels.

Murbs of sacks

After a series of bags is laid, it should be carefully tumped, so that the wall of the dome saw as little as possible. We used all sorts of ways, from the sweeping shoes before use homemade trummers. In the picture - our favorite tamping is quite heavy, and besides, its base roughly corresponds to the bag width.

Laying barbed wire

Before starting the installation of the following level, you need to pave two rows of 4-thorny barbed wire over already tampering bags. Make an indent to 10 cm from each outer edge of the wall. Teach the wire with stones or bricks temporarily, let them lie until the new series of bags will be laid. Barbed wire carries two functions:

1) helps bump bags,
2) Warns the possible sprawling of the wall due to gravity pressure from above.

If you need to raise as quickly as possible summer house Or your own hands with your own hands, pay attention to a fairly interesting, cheap, but so far the construction technology has not been common from the grounds.

House from the bags with the ground - frequent phenomenon in Thailand and in others asian countriesThey have proven themselves very well, such houses can survive both earthquakes and floods, they are environmentally friendly and fire-resistant. Another indisputable advantage of houses from earth bags is very low cost. In this article we will tell you how to build a house from the bags from the ground.

Cooking materials and tools

  • many polyethylene bags
  • wooden bars, rails, boards of different sizes
  • cement, Sand, Water, Clay, Gravel or Ceramzit
  • straw mats or any soft roofing material
  • sledge hammer or hammer
  • drill-screwdelt
  • fastener
  • barbed wire
  • several galvanized metal strips
  • outputs, sockets, wiring, switches
  • armature
  • windows, doors
  • trumpet
  • rope
  • materials and tools for finishing work
  • moodovka do-it-yourself: construction technology

Moodovka do it yourself

1. Layout the foundation. Before making food with your own hands, you need to think over the foundation for it. For the construction of the foundation we use gravel bags. This type of foundation has a number of advantages converted: it is very easy to construct, you do not need to knead the concrete, set the formwork, do not need a heavy technique, it is cheap. If the house will be operated in cold climatic conditionsInstead of pebbles, bags can be filled with clay or pemp.

Usually, dual polyethylene bags with gravel are used for such foundations. Such a filler will provide sufficient strength and will be well to resist moisture. If polyethylene is not exposed to sun rayHe can serve not one hundred years, so there will be no problem with the durability of problems. Fill the bags of gravel, squeeze them or simply end the edges. Place the bags in the pre-prepared round trench close to each other. After laying each row, tamper the surface of the bags and lay on them two row of barbed wire. Place the bags with gravel until the foundation rises above the earth for a distance of about 15 cm above the level of possible sublopulations.

2. Pour the threshold and install the frame for mounting the door frame. How to make a threshold? Install the formwork and fill in the form of concrete. It is desirable that the height of the threshold coincides with the height of the floor. In order for water to do not register, the top of the threshold can be done with a small bias. In the liquid concrete, insert the wooden racks to which you can then attach door box. Set the struts, so that the racks did not play on the sides.

3. Place the bags with the Earth. The walls build on the same principle as the foundation. But for their construction, bags of earth are used. Instead of land, clay is perfect.

4. Control the smooth walls. So that the walls are smooth, each bag should be at the same distance from the center. At the central point, install a tube, put the rope with the loop on it and adjust the length. Now just lay the bags so that the edge edge touched them.

5. We will tamper and align the surface of the bags. First, sink bags that perform the most. Then go around the perimeter of the entire row several times. If you pour out the same number of land buckets in each bag and accurately stack them, then there will be no big drops, therefore it does not have to take place. Do not forget between the rows to lay two barbed wire rods.

6. Install metal or wooden mortgages. The mortgages are needed in order to securely fix the windows and doors. They are best made from leaf galvanized metal. The mortgages need to be simply screwed to the bags of galvanized screws or nailing.

7. Install mortgages for outlets. You can use the segments of a wooden bar or a log of a small diameter to the outlets. If you forgot to establish mortgages during the construction of the walls, you can simply sharpen one edge of the bar and drive it between the bags. The mortgages need to be dried to the socket after applying the plaster turned out to be closed with a wall. Podrothettans are simply screwed to the mortgage two screws, and the wiring is packed in the gaps between the bags. Wiring must be paved until shuttering.

8. Install the frames for windows. Decide with the height of the windowsill. When the wall reaches this height, set the window boxes, align them in terms of level.

9. Pour Armopoyas. Aropoyas is preferably pouring right above the window boxes. On the perimeter of the wall, install a formwork from plywood, put fittings inside. Fill concrete. Pouring is desirable to produce continuously that the belt turns out to be monolithic. In Concrete, it is necessary to immediately lay metal bar, with which the roof will be fixed. Give concrete a few days to grab.

10. We build a roof. In our case, the roof frame is made of a metal ring to which wooden bars are screwed. As roofing material can be used reed, straw, rubberoid or bituminous Tiled. It is desirable that the sinks of the roofs are 80-90 cm wide, so the walls will be securely protected from rain.

The most difficult in the roof round House It is coating it straw. To make it easier to facilitate the task, you can use ready-made straw mats. Remember that the straw roof is short-lived and it will have to be changed every 3-5 years. If the house will be operated in cold weather, it is advisable to make the roof and additionally inspire.

11. Install windows and doors. The frames are already installed, so it remains only to install the boxes and windows in them, set them up and fix it with screws. Remove after installation door leaf And close it with a film. So you can save it from plaster.

12. Covered cement plaster The outer surface of the wall:

  • get cement stucco seams between bags
  • apply a thin layer of plaster on bags
  • apply another layer
  • then another one
  • gladlinka Align the Plaster
  • treat the surface with a moistened with a sponge, so the walls will be as smooth as possible.

Each short layer of plaster needs to be applied until the previous one is not enough. The adhesion of plaster to bags is quite decent, but the situation may change if you put too thick layer. So that the plaster is stronger, you need to periodically make it possible. Be sure to make sure that the solution does not freeze.

13. Interior walls Enjoy the clay plaster. Clay stucco - very cheap MaterialWith which it is quite easy to work. Experiment with the composition of plaster, varying the amount of water, clay and sand. If the plaster does not want to stay on the bags, you can add glue into it. The procedure for action is the same as in the case of cement plaster. True, at this stage it is desirable to smoke the plaster grid on the sections around the windows and doors (it is here that cracks are most often formed).

14. We produce finishing work. Finishing works - one of the most important stages Construction. It is their quality most noticeably and able to make the house comfortable and cozy or vice versa. Therefore, the interior as a whole and the course of work at each stage of the finishes should be thought out thoroughly. If you want to get a house in ethnic style, clay stucco You can leave as it is. On the floor you need to make a concrete screed, and later lay the laminate, carpet or mat.

From the outside of the wall you can paint the facade paint.

The scale and complexity of finishing works are completely dependent on your imagination.

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