Convert profiled sheet from m2 to tons. Technical characteristics of the profiled sheet for roofing - dimensions, types and advantageous advantages of the material

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

When constructing buildings, it is important to consider every detail. Of great importance is such a characteristic as the weight of the corrugated board. In this article, the mass of corrugated sheet will be discussed in more detail. It is worth figuring out what the value depends on, how to calculate it, what this data is for.

The weight of corrugated board is determined by several characteristics: the thickness of the base, the quality of the steel alloy, the shape of the wave, the width and height of the profiled sheet.
The composition and characteristics of the raw materials used in the manufacture of corrugated board have a great influence on the weight of such material. Production technologies do not stand still. Responsible manufacturers are constantly trying to improve them so as to produce corrugated board from light high-quality steel alloys without losing high strength characteristics. Not the last role for this value is played by the thickness of the corrugated board. The higher this indicator, the greater the mass of the sheet. The standard thickness of corrugated board manufactured in accordance with GOST 24045-94 varies from 0.6 to 1.0 mm. In addition, such material can be found on the market with a thickness of 0.45 to 1.18 mm. A wave (ridge) is a protrusion on the surface of a profiled sheet, and its height is the gap between two adjacent ridges. Sheets of corrugated board are the same in width, but different in height, will weigh differently. Why is there such a difference? The lower the height of this material, the less metal per unit area of ​​the sheet. In other words, the higher the profile, the heavier it is. The weight of corrugated board depends not only on the height of the crest, but also on the waveform. Let out sheets of a professional flooring can differ in relief forms, waves can be rectangular, wavy and trapezoidal. This value for a corrugated sheet with a trapezoidal shape, for example, will be higher than for a similar sheet with a wavy profile. Another characteristic of corrugated board that affects its weight is its width. This characteristic of corrugated board is of two types: working and full. They differ in the size of the overlap width. Sheets produced in accordance with GOST have a total width of 646 to 1060 mm. The width of this material is also dependent on the height of the wave. The wider the sheet, the lower its wave, and the less weight the corrugated board has.

The ratio of the size of the corrugated sheet and its weight

The highest quality materials are produced in accordance with GOST 24045-94. The document regulates the main dimensions of certain types of corrugated board, including the mass. Each type of profiled sheet described in GOST has its own marking. The first part of the marking is the purpose of the corrugated board (H - bearing, C - wall, HC - universal use), the second - the height of the corrugation. Below is a table showing the dependence of the weight of such material on its height, thickness and width.

Table 1. Standard sizes of corrugated sheet.

MarkingFull width cmThickness cmWeight 1 m length, grWeight m2, gr
H5780,1 0,06 5600 7500
0,07 6500 8700
0,08 7400 9800
H6090,2 0,07 7400 8800
0,08 8400 9900
0,09 9300 11,100
H7580,0 0,07 7400 9800
0,08 8400 11200
0,09 9300 12500
H11464,6 0,08 8400 14000
0,09 9300 15600
0,1 10300 17200
80,7 0,08 9400 12500
0,09 10500 14000
0,1 11700 15400
HC35106,0 0,06 6400 6400
0,07 7400 7000
0,08 8400 8400
HC44105,2 0,07 8300 8300
0,08 9400 9400
C1091,8 0,06 5100 5700
0,07 5900 6600
102,2 0,06 5600 5600
0,07 6500 6500
C18102,3 0,06 6400 6400
0,07 7400 7400
C1594,0 0,06 5600 6000
0,07 6600 6900
101,8 0,06 6400 6400
0,07 7400 7400
C21105,1 0,06 6400 6400
0,07 7400 7400
C44104,7 0,07 7400 7400

Why do you need to know the weight of the corrugated sheet?

As can be seen from the table, the metal profile has a small weight. For comparison, you can consider how much other materials weigh on average (1m2):
  • cement-sand tiles - 25 kg;
  • natural tiles - 50 kg;
  • slate roof - 52 kg;
  • slate - 12 kg.

The strength and reliability of the roof plays an important role in the construction of the house. In order not to create too high a load on the foundation and supporting structures of the building, it is important to make the correct calculation of the roof. At the same time, the weight of the corrugated board plays an important role. When choosing a material, corrugated board has a great advantage due to the combination of low weight per m2 and high rigidity. Even the thickest corrugated sheet has a small mass per m2. And even with its increase, the load will be insignificant. Due to such a characteristic as sheet rigidity, the metal profile does not sag or bend. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the truss system.

Advantages of lightweight roofing materials

For roofing, the weight of corrugated board plays a big role. The rafter system must distribute the load from the components of the roofing pie. Based on its weight, calculations are made for the design of the truss system. High rigidity in combination with a small mass per 1 m2 makes it possible to reduce the pitch of the batten, dispense with the construction of a reinforcing structure, and reduce the weight of the roof itself. Thanks to this, there is a saving on the purchase of materials, the load on the walls, the foundation of the building is reduced. These characteristics make it possible to replace old roofs made of asbestos-cement sheets without reinforcing and replacing the truss system. When building buildings from scratch, it becomes possible to erect lightweight load-bearing structures and use pillar foundations exclusively for load-bearing columns. There is no need to equip reinforced concrete foundations. This significantly reduces costs.

How to calculate?

As can be seen from the above, knowing the weight of corrugated roofing is very important. In some organizations that sell roofing materials, specialists from such companies help to make calculations. Or you can use special programs on the Internet. For example, calculations can be done using the MasMat program, or using a special calculator.
If using these methods is not possible, you can make the calculations yourself. To determine this indicator for one profiled sheet, you need to multiply its mass m2 meters by the length. When calculating, it is worth considering that in the tables this value for m2 of a sheet is indicated for the working area, and not for the full one. I recommend watching the following videos

S8-1150 corrugated board is one of the most versatile profiles widely used in modern construction. C8 corrugated board is the most economical profiled sheet, it is used as a wall cladding material, as well as for the construction of fences and the installation of suspended ceilings. Despite the fact that its bearing capacity is relatively small, C8 galvanized corrugated board is often used for the installation of roofing of pitched roofs with an inclination angle of more than 30-40 °.

C8 wall corrugated board - appearance

Production of C8 corrugated board: main dimensions and quality requirements for finished products

C8 corrugated board for fence and roofing is made by cold rolling according to GOST 24045-94 and TU 1122-079-02494680-01 from thin sheet steel, with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. The following are used as raw materials:

  1. Coil cold rolled steel grades 01 and 220-350 in accordance with GOST R 52246-2004 with a zinc protective coating in accordance with GOST 14918.
  2. Color coated galvanized steel according to GOST R 52146-2003 and painted steel according to GOST 30246.

The line for the production of galvanized corrugated board C-8 includes the following equipment:

  • decoiler, on which a roll of sheet steel is installed;
  • a molding machine (often referred to as a rolling mill);
  • guillotine shears;
  • receiving device;
  • oil station;
  • remote control with automatic control system.

The whole production process is fully automated, the function of the shift staff is to control the production process and monitor the operation of the equipment.

Profiled sheet S-8 - profile dimensions

Profiled sheet c-8 has a surface with corrugations in the form of trapezoids 8 mm high, base width 62.5 mm and distance between corrugations 52.5 mm. On modern rolling mills that produce C8 corrugated board, the dimensions of the finished product sheet can be from 0.5 to 12 m.

The standard regulates the following requirements for the characteristics of metal profiled sheet C8:

  1. Profiled roofing C8 on the front side may have minor abrasions and damage that do not affect the integrity of the protective coating.
  2. Profiled sheet S-8 may have the following deviations: profile height ±1.0 mm, sheet width ±8.0 mm and sheet length ±10.0 mm.
  3. The corrugated board for the S-8 fence should not have a crescent shape of more than 1.0 mm per 1.0 m of the profile length with a sheet length of up to 6.0 m and no more than 1.5 mm with a sheet length of more than 6.0 m.
  4. 8 mm corrugated board should not have sheet waviness in flat areas more than 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm on the bends of the sheet edge.

The galvanized profiled sheet S-8 is marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24045-94. So, the designation "profiled sheet S-8-1150-0.5" is deciphered as follows:

  • C - wall;
  • 8 - profile trapezium height, mm;
  • 1150 - useful (working) profile width;
  • 0.5 is the thickness of the metal of the original workpiece from coiled steel;

Application of corrugated board C8

Profiled sheet C8 is not used in load-bearing structures, since the ability of a profiled sheet to withstand the load depends on the height of the wave, and 8 mm is the smallest value. Therefore, such a corrugated board is mainly used for the following tasks:

  • finishing of facades of buildings;
  • production of sandwich panels;
  • production of auxiliary buildings on the plots by private developers: a warehouse, a barn, a utility block, a shower, a toilet and others;
  • building fences in areas where strong gusty winds are not typical.

To solve these problems, the C8 profiled sheet with a polymer coating is especially relevant. It is aesthetically pleasing and has a longer service life than the galvanized version. So, polyester applied to C8 corrugated board prolongs its operation from 10-15 years to 20-30, that is, approximately twice. If, however, pural is used as a coating, then the service life of a profiled sheet can easily reach 50 years or more.

In addition to increased service life, C8 corrugated board with a polymer coating of plastisol is resistant to mechanical damage, since the protective coating is applied in a layer of 200 microns. Such a profiled sheet is good for use in areas that are characterized by hail, frequent dust storms and other atmospheric phenomena that can damage the surface of the material.

The C-8 profiled sheet with a PVDF polymer coating is not so protected from mechanical damage, but it has chemical resistance to acids, alkalis and other active substances. Therefore, such corrugated board is used in industrial regions, especially if the production is chemical, next to busy highways and on the banks of salty reservoirs.

In addition, C-8 polymeric corrugated board can be double-sided, so that the fence will look equally good both from the outside and from the inside. In addition, the double-sided coating prolongs the service life.

Profiled S-8 - specifications and dimensions

Profiled sheet C8, due to its low weight, is very easy to install. For example, when building a fence from a profiled sheet C8-1150-0.6, the weight of one square meter of the fence will be only 5.57 kg. The same applies to the roof, and the lower the weight of the roofing, the cheaper the truss system.

C8 corrugated sheet cutting dimensions can be from 0.5 to 12.0 m, which allows you to minimize the number of assembly joints when using this material for roofing residential buildings. How much the C8 corrugated board weighs can be seen in the table below.

The working width of the profiled sheet C8 is determined as the difference between the full width and the value of the mounting longitudinal overlap with adjacent sheets.

When calculating the purchase volume of C8 corrugated board, the batch weight is determined as follows: the mass of C-8 corrugated board is multiplied by the length (area) of the sheet and by the total number of sheets.

The table below shows the data necessary for calculating the strength of structures made of C8 corrugated board.

Initial data for C8 corrugated board for calculation
corrugated board
Weight 1 p.m
Reference values
per 1 m width
Weight 1 m²,
С8-1160-0.50 0,50 6.25 5.42 0.47 0.86 4.68 1250
С8-1160-0.55 0,55 6.875 5.91 0.51 0.93 5.10
С8-1160-0.60 0,60 7.50 6.41 0.54 1.01 5.52
С8-1160-0.63 0,63 7.875 6.70 0.56 1.05 5.78
С8-1160-0.70 0,70 8.75 7.39 0.61 1.15 6.37

Profiled C8 - price, purchase, calculations

You can buy profiled sheet S-8 in any store of a chain of construction hypermarkets or directly from one of the many manufacturers by placing an order by phone or e-mail.

C8 corrugated board - price for galvanized and painted C8 corrugated board, depending on the size
profiled sheet
Professional sheet S-21,
linear weight,
Profiled S8-1150,
Price with VAT,
up to 3 t 3-10 t from 21 t
slave full running meters running meters running meters
Galvanized profiled sheet S-8
С8-1150 0,4 4,4 1150 1187 187 179 175
0,5 5,4 209 200 195
0,55 5,9 237 225 220
Galvanized profiled sheet with polymer coating С-8
С8-1150 0,4 4,4 1150 1187 249 238 232
0,5 5,4 278 265 259


  1. The table shows the cost of a profiled sheet made from grade 01 rolled steel in accordance with GOST R 52246-2004 (OH steel in accordance with GOST 14918-80).
  2. For the painted S-8 profiled sheet, the price is indicated for a profile with a polymer coating made of polyester.
  3. When calculating the cost of C8 corrugated board, the price per sheet is determined by multiplying the price of one running meter by the length of the corrugated board sheet.

In the table below, the cost of profiled sheet C8 is indicated based on average market prices. You can buy C8 corrugated board after specifying its cost at the time of purchase from the seller or a regional representative of the corrugated board manufacturer.

S-8 corrugated board with a polymer coating is more expensive than galvanized, and the price may differ by 20% or 200% - it all depends on the type of polymer used. So, the most expensive pural costs 500-550 rubles per 1 m² with a metal profile thickness of 0.5 mm, which is more than twice the price of a simply galvanized version. On the other hand, the price of C8 corrugated board with polyester coating is shown in the table, and the difference is only 30%.

When buying a C8 profiled sheet, the price of which is significantly lower than the average market price, be sure to ask for a certificate in order to check the origin of the goods by the batch number.

Sometimes corrugated board manufacturers sell substandard products at reduced prices. Such material can be used to install a fence on the internal boundaries of the site or the construction of sheds and various outbuildings. However, do not purchase polymer C8 corrugated board if there is damage to its surface - in this case it will corrode very quickly and will not last very long.

Combining C8 corrugated board of various colors and shades, you will make the house attractive and elegant, and the fence of the personal plot of this material will be quite durable and reliable.

For the first time, corrugated board was invented and put into production at the beginning of the 19th century in England. Since then, this corrugated material has gained a strong position in the construction market of many European countries.

For finishing walls, building fences, roofing, corrugated board is successfully used. Its weight allows its use in many sectors of the construction industry.

Decking is a metal sheet that is made from galvanized steel on a rolling mill. Subsequently, it is subjected to pressing in order to give the surface a ribbed profile. This is done to increase the rigidity and strength of the material. On the cut, the ribs can have a wavy, square or trapezoidal appearance.

For the reconstruction of old walls and the construction of new fences, corrugated board is used. Its weight does not weigh down the structure and serves as excellent insulation. The weight of a corrugated sheet depends on the thickness of the base, the height of the ribs and the type of polymer coating.

Profiled sheets depending on the application

Approximate weight m2 of corrugated board

  • Sheet C21 has a thickness of 0.50-0.72 mm, the weight of m2 of corrugated board is 5.8-7.5 kg with a width of 1250 mm.
  • C44 is a professional sheet. The weight of 1 m2 is 7.4–8.4 kg with a thickness of 0.72–0.83 mm and a width of 1250 mm.
  • sheet H60-845 has a thickness of 0.71-0.93 mm, a strip width of 1250 mm. Weight m2 of corrugated board is 8.8-11.1 kg.
  • Profiled H75 is made with a thickness of 0.70–0.91 mm, weighs 1 m2, respectively 9.8-12.5 kg. Strip width 1250 mm.

Types of profiled sheet depending on the coverage

Division into types according to the type of coating used

The layer on profiled sheets plays a protective function to extend the service life without being corroded by corrosion. A variety of colors allows you to create aesthetically finished designs and be used by designers in any combination.

polymer coating. The materials obtained as a result of such a coating combine two useful properties: the strength of the metal and the corrosion resistance of zinc and polymers. It turns out effective material with a beautiful appearance. This processing of the sheet can be performed in one or two layers. For different purposes, a profiled sheet is made with a coating on one side or two-sided.

acrylic coating specially designed to protect the material from ultraviolet radiation in addition to the standard anti-corrosion protection. The service life of corrugated board coated with acrylic glaze is determined up to 25 years in a seaside aggressive climate with salty rains. This is 7 times longer than the life of the sheet without treatment.

PVC e (plastisol) coating is a balanced mixture of polyvinyl components and plasticizers. Such a profiled sheet is used for the manufacture of pipes of various configurations, gutters, ducts and fittings for the roof. The material is resistant to mechanical damage, but quickly ages under the influence of the scorching sun, therefore it is not recommended for use in the southern regions.

The coating of profiled sheets has a greater resistance and resistance to chemical attack. from the pural. This is a relatively new material and has been used recently. In its production, polyamides are added to the polyurethane base. The protective layer is famous for the fact that it easily tolerates a sharp change in temperature without loss of quality. It can be used at temperature thresholds from -25ºС to 100ºС.

PVDF coating contains up to 30% acrylic in its composition, which causes its high resistance to corrosion, fading, destruction by moisture, salts, alkalis. The covering keeps the properties at a frost below 60ºС, resistant at ultra-violet rays.

Advantages of corrugated board material

Disadvantages of Profiled Steel Sheet

  1. Decking is a "sounding" material, large raindrops, hail, bird entertainment on the roof surface create inconvenience. To eliminate soundproofing with cotton wool, which well reduces audibility.
  2. When transporting and cutting sheets to size, care must be taken to ensure the integrity of the coating, otherwise the protection against corrosion and other harmful effects will be violated.
  3. The professional flooring is by far the most demanded material for roofing and wall covering in terms of price-quality ratio.

The weight of a profiled sheet is one of the technical characteristics of a modern facing building material for outdoor work. Roofs, fences, railings and more can be built from scratch or simply upgraded.

1 Profile sheet facts

Typically, this building material is made from galvanized rolled steel, which is molded in a certain way until stiffeners appear. Such a unique design, together with the initial strength of the feedstock, endows the profiled sheet with special technical properties, the main of which can be considered resistance to corrosion, high strength, and, importantly in construction, low weight of the material.

The entire profile sheet is divided into wall (marking C), universal (NS) and roofing (H). According to the type of corrugation, a wavy, rectangular and trapezoidal material is made, which is covered with a protective layer of acrylic, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane or not covered at all.

Rolled metal with a color coating looks aesthetically pleasing and does not violate the overall harmony of the surrounding landscape.

The profiled sheet meets the requirements of modern architecture and design for a construction site and is resistant to external influences and natural phenomena.

This building material also differs in:

  • the width of the sheet, which is divided into full (overall) and useful (working);
  • the thickness of rolled metal, which is possible in the range of 0.4–1.5 mm;
  • the height of the corrugations, where for grade C the rib height is 8–21 mm, for NS - over 44 mm, for H - 57 mm or more.

2 Weight is one of the most important characteristics of the material

This technical characteristic gives the profile material several unique properties:

  • the light weight of 1 m² of building material can significantly reduce the load on the bearing supports, which increases the life of the facility;
  • greatly facilitates installation;
  • allows you to carry out construction or repair work without the involvement of special equipment.

The weight is influenced by several parameters of the profiled sheet: the thickness of the galvanized steel sheet, the height of the corrugation wave and sometimes the quality of the alloy. There are already industrial technologies that allow this building material to be produced from stronger steel grades with less weight than before. But the main production is still carried out according to the state regulatory document GOST 24045-94, which regulates the main characteristics and parameters.

For the most popular brands of corrugated board, there is a specific table in which it is calculated how much it will weigh. The weight is determined both for a running meter of material and for a useful 1 m²:

  1. Wall decking grades C8, C10, C15, C17 and C21, where the height of the rib varies from 8 to 21 mm, respectively, and having a sheet thickness of 0.4 to 0.8 mm, can weigh from 4.45 to 8.37 kg per 1 linear meter and 3.87–8.37 kg for a useful one.
  2. The universal material of the HC35 and HC44 brands weighs like a wall material - 4.45–8.37 kg for a galvanized sheet thickness of 0.4–0.8 mm. Sheets of the HC44 brand are heavier, as they have a greater rib height. With a sheet thickness of 0.7–0.8 mm, its weight will be 8.3 and 9.4 kg for a working and linear meter, respectively.
  3. The profile sheet of grades H57, H60, H75 is made from thicker galvanized steel, and therefore weighs more. For a sheet thickness of 0.6–0.9 mm with a profiled sheet edge height of 57, 60 and 75 mm, the weight of 1 linear meter will be 5.62–9.3 kg (with 1 m² weighing from 7.5 to 12.5 kg).
  4. H114 profiled sheeting, having a rib height of 114 mm, is significantly ahead of other brands in terms of weight, because even with a sheet thickness of 0.7 mm, the weight of 1 linear meter will be 7.39 kg. With an increase in the thickness of the steel sheet to 1 mm, this figure will increase to 10.3 kg. The maximum weight of 1 m² (useful) will be 17.2 kg with a thickness of 1 mm.
  5. H153 is one of the heaviest brands of corrugated board, with a rib height of 153 mm. The sheet from which this brand is made can have a thickness ranging from 0.7 to 1.5 mm, so the weight of 1 linear meter varies between 8.66–18.08 kg, and 1 useful square. m weighs from 10.3 to 21.52 kg.

In the manufacture of profile material according to special standards, where copper or aluminum is taken as the basis instead of steel, there are calculation calculators to determine the weight of the finished product.

To calculate the total, you need to know the weight of 1 linear meter and multiply it by the full length of the material. This indicator is taken into account not only during the installation of building structures, but also during the transportation of building materials. It is a small indicator of weight, which greatly simplifies its delivery to construction sites, provided corrugated board with another advantage over other materials.

The professional flooring is the material most applied in construction. In fact, profiled flooring is a sheet of galvanized metal coated with a polymer film and having a relief profile. At its core, a profiled sheet is a thin sheet of metal with extruded longitudinal recesses. Thanks to the profile, the sheet acquires rigidity, which allows it not to vibrate, sag or sag. These properties make it possible to use this building material to give spatial strength without the use of an additional frame. Profiled sheet, or as it is sometimes called, corrugated sheet is manufactured in the factory. The video below will give you an idea of ​​the production process.

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • low weight;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • design;
  • environmental friendliness.

Varieties of corrugated board

This building material is distinguished by the type of application and by the polymer material with which the sheet is covered. The marking uses letter designations indicating the main area of ​​​​application: "C" - wall, "H" - bearing, and "NS" - bearing-wall. Wall profiled sheet is used for cladding the facades of buildings and structures, erecting fences and as a roofing. The small thickness of the metal facilitates and speeds up installation. Bearing corrugated board is used as floor and ceiling cladding and interfloor coating and in the construction of ceilings. This sheet is often used in the construction of garages, hangars, prefabricated industrial premises. The load-bearing wall can be called a universal material, it withstands loads higher than the flooring of other brands and is used in all of the above cases.

The main parameters of the profiled sheet

The thickness of the sheet, depending on the brand, can be from 0.4 to 1.5 mm. Weight of zinc coating per 1 sq. m. is 275 grams, and the thickness of the polymer coating is 25-200 microns. Profiled sheets can also be made according to individual sizes based on the characteristics of the object under construction. It should still be noted that the use of sheets of standard size simplifies installation and calculation and has standard technical characteristics. Here is the marking of the most common profiled sheet: C8 1150/1200, here "C" means the scope - wall, "8" is the height of the profile, and 1150 is the useful width of the sheet. Brand C8 is the leader in sales. A feature of this profiled sheet is the low thickness and width of the profile shelves, which exceeds the height of the profile.

Profiled sheet weight, tables

An important parameter when choosing a building material is its weight. The weight depends on the alloy, profile height, sheet thickness. The professional flooring of the brand "C" is the lightest, one linear meter of it weighs in the range of 4.46-8.38 kilograms. For a load-bearing wall profiled sheet, the weight also starts at 4.46 kg. per linear meter and can reach 9.5 kilograms for sheets with high corrugation. The supporting profiled sheet is made of thicker rolled metal, therefore it has the largest weight. Starting from 5.63 kilograms for H57 sheets and reaching 18.09 kilograms of H153 grade. You can easily find out the weight of corrugated board on the Internet. As an example, we give several tables of the most common material of different brands.

Table 1

table 2

Table 3

To determine the weight of a square meter of a profiled sheet, the mass of one linear meter is multiplied by the total length.

When buying profiled material, it must be borne in mind that the installation of sheets is overlapped. Be sure to check the quality of the sheets, they must be with smooth edges and the same thickness. For the roof, a professional sheet should be used, the weight of which is 5-6 kg. per sq.m. The use of corrugated board in construction makes it possible to independently carry out a large amount of construction work, for example, on a personal plot or in a private residential building. Knowing the main parameters of the sheet, such as thickness, weight, length, allows you to choose the best option from those offered on the market.

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