Products from felt boots. Felting felt boots at home: a step-by-step description of the process

garden equipment 04.03.2020
garden equipment

Felting felt boots - an ancient craft in the modern world

Valenki can be not only shoes, but also an original element of decor. Today the situation has changed radically and anyone can work with wool. Moreover, you can create a lot of works from felted wool - felt boots, jewelry, berets and pillows. The felting process is painstaking, but the finished products amaze with their beauty and uniqueness, because each master puts a piece of himself into the work.

Felting felt boots at home: general information

Felting is a type of needlework that uses natural and synthetic wool. Felting involves entangling wool fibers in such a way as to give it the desired shape. The process, although not difficult to understand, is quite laborious.

Homemade felt boots are highly valued. In the old days, only very wealthy people could afford such a pleasure. They were made from sheep's wool, mostly. Now machines are used for felting. The machine makes it possible to produce more things in a short time than it would be done by hand. But machines need spacious rooms. A well-equipped workshop can make a good profit if felt boots are sold, as was done in the old days. Not a single fair was held without the sale of felt boots.

Felting felt boots was a popular but expensive activity that originates in Russia.

To make felt boots at home, you need to purchase special tools

You can make felt boots at home without any problems. But before doing needlework, you need to study general information in order to understand the intricacies of the craft. The easiest way to felt children's and decorative felt boots.

The scheme for them is almost the same, and the size is much smaller than for adults.

Felting can be divided into two types: dry and wet. When felting with a dry technique, the wool is pierced with a special needle until it becomes a uniform, dense and voluminous product. To do this, use special pads. You can decorate the finished work at your discretion, sew on ribbons or buttons, glue sequins and rhinestones. Used mainly for toys, dolls, jewelry.

In wet felting, a soapy solution is used, which needs to be impregnated with wool, and with the help of friction, the felting process takes place. According to this technique, mainly flat products are made - paintings, canvases, small decorations.

For felting, the following materials are used:

  • Wool - camel hair, combed ribbon (merino wool), angora;
  • Mesh-substrate for wool;
  • Needles for felting (for dry felting);
  • Soap solution (for wet felting);
  • Vibro-grinding machine (for wet felting);
  • Decor.

The most famous item made by felting wool are felt boots. Their popularity has decreased over time, but even now felt boots are high-quality, and most importantly, warm shoes.

Before making felt boots for family members, it is worth trying to make a small prototype of them in order to understand what problems you may encounter when working with wool. To make it easier, you can use templates and patterns of their felt.

Making a gift: felting wool - souvenir boots

Mini boots are considered a symbol of winter - frosty, snowy and beautiful! Small felt boots are an excellent gift for loved ones under the Christmas tree and for housewarming, because since ancient times, felt boots have been considered a talisman of the house, family happiness and the health of the owners of the home. Such a souvenir was given to families so that they could live in prosperity and well-being. It was believed that felt boots bring not only wealth to the house, but also beautiful healthy babies to childless families.

To change the monotonous color of boots, they must be decorated with any pattern.

They called mini-felt boots “whisperers”, because often household members whispered their most secret desires into them - to find happiness, find their soul mate, get prosperity or get rid of unwanted diseases. For this, a pair of felt boots was made, a coin was placed in one, and wheat grain in the other. Before sunrise, everyone who wished to say their wishes to whisperer felt boots and then they were hung over the entrance to the house. Everyone believed that his wishes would come true.

Today, such customs are unlikely to be found in cities, but still, felt boots often find a place in apartments, as a talisman against evil and misfortune.

How to felt felt boots for a doll by dry felting: necessary materials

Today, handicrafts are popular among needlewomen, such as souvenir boots or felt boots for a doll. Dolls are different, so the size of the boots also varies. Mini-boots can be put on the doll's legs, or can be used as decor for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Such an unusual gift can greatly please a child. Of course, such a craft is hardly suitable for a boy. To decorate felt boots, you can use decorative painting.

Making boots with dry felting is a little more difficult than with wet felting, because it is very difficult to make shoes of the same size.

When making felt boots for a doll, the color of the wool should be chosen in such a way that it blends harmoniously with the shade of the clothes.

For work you will need:

  • Merino wool (combed ribbon) of any color;
  • Needles for felting of different thicknesses;
  • decor;
  • Thick handle.

The most important thing when working on felt boots is to lay out the same layers of yarn, and then form a figure of slippers.

The essence of felting is to form a shape. You can give shape to doll boots both manually and using the same doll (more precisely, its legs). After shaping, you can start dumping with the thickest needle. When it comes to the shaft, you need to insert a handle into the hole, thus forming a cavity inside the boots. We very carefully work on the outer shell of the boots, then we pull out the handle and fill them up from the inside. When working, the wool is slowly compacted, the shape of the future felt boots is looming.

How to make a pattern for felting felt boots

The manufacture of any boots - small or life-size, begins with the preparation of a template, according to which the boots will roll.

It is best to make a template from waterproof material, which is quite durable and flexible at the same time. Ideally suited for such a case is a substrate for a laminate - building insulation. You can also choose thin foam rubber, but when using it, there is a significant disadvantage - it will absorb soapy water.

The template for felt boots should be made of durable material so that it does not tear when used.

To create a good template, first, on a piece of paper folded in half, draw the shape and size of the felt boot that you would like to make. Add a couple of centimeters along the contour and draw a new felt boot. This is a supply for wool. Cut out the template along the second contour. It turns out double boots, interconnected.

We apply the template sheet to the future workpiece from building insulation and circle it with a felt-tip pen. Cut out carefully so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the contour.

Your template is ready. You can start rolling!

Felting felt boots from wool: a master class and step-by-step instructions

For the manufacture of felt boots, we will use the wet felting method. For this, ready-made colored wool is suitable. For the felt boots template, you will need a small piece of building insulation. When the whole manufacturing process becomes clear, you can choose the most suitable fixtures yourself. Also, for work, you need to have a spray bottle with soapy water and a perforated mesh for felting.

How to make mini boots:

  1. From the insulation we cut out a template for future boots. It bends, but at the same time keeps its shape quite well. We take a piece of colored wool and stretch it with both hands. You should get a wide strand of colored fibers. The strands should go beyond the edges of the template.
  2. We spread this strand across the template, the next layer is perpendicular to the first. We impose the third layer obliquely. We fix the third layer with the fourth layer, if irregularities are visible. We look so that there are no gaps between the rows of wool.
  3. Wet the workpiece with soapy water so that all layers are well saturated. We put a mesh on top and press it tightly.
  4. Gently turn the net down so that the template is on top. We wrap the wool that has protruded beyond the edges, press it tightly.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on this side.
  6. If the wool protrudes beyond the edges, turn the template over and bend it to the first side.

Before starting to make boots, it is recommended to watch a training video with a master class and study the advice of experts

Attention! The workpiece should be without irregularities, symmetrical. If there are protrusions or indentations, you need to report the wool and press it with a napkin. Don't spare the material in this case. Use as much as you need!

Further actions:

  1. The finished template is well moistened with soapy water and proceed to felting. We cover the workpiece with a perforated napkin and proceed to friction. If you have a vibratory grinder, you can use it. If not, we work with fingers or a rolling pin.
  2. You need to spend 15-20 minutes on each side if you work with your hands. Well three, we are trying to feel how the wool falls off.
  3. We cut the template in half - we get two boots, and we work out the edges well.
  4. We remove the insulation that served as a template and manually three mini-felt boots from the inside, forming their appearance.
  5. Felt boots should be of the same shape and well felted.
  6. After the boots have been felted, you need to rinse them well in clean water to get rid of the soap and dry them.
  7. You can decorate them with beads, sewing the decor to the still wet felt boots.

This technology of felting can be applied to slippers, mittens and other items of clothing.

Quick felting felt boots from wool: master class (video)

More skilled needlewomen are not limited to plain felt boots, they knock out patterns from wool, applying them to finished products. You can also embroider a pattern with beads or sequins, decorate with a ribbon or fringe. This type of work is also quite painstaking, but decorating boots will make them unique and amazing! The training won't take long. The main thing is desire and perseverance.

Proper felting of felt boots with your own hands (photo of the process)

It should be noted that our old felt boots are back in fashion. These are truly Russian shoes, which are perfect for winter frosts. Did you know that you don’t have to go to a remote village to get felt boots or buy them for big money in a store? Felting felt boots at home allows you to make the process fast and interesting, in our article we will tell you how to do it.

Main job

The process of felting felt boots made of wool is not easy, long, but very interesting. So, for work you will need:

  • Wool;
  • Sample;
  • A film with pimples, this is usually used for packaging fragile materials, you can buy it at a hardware store;
  • Grid;
  • Hot water;
  • Liquid soap (you can use a soap solution);
  • Towel;
  • In our master class, we also used a bath mat.

First you need to take measurements and, taking into account all sizes, make a pattern, the size needs to be increased by about forty percent, because the wool will sit down during felting. To build a drawing, you can use the template below.

We tear off the wool in small pieces and lay it on the template, the wool should “look” in one direction, with the next layer the wool “looks” in the opposite direction. We continue to lay out in this way about three or four layers.

After completing work with the first side, you need to cover the product with a net, pour the whole thing with hot soapy water, iron it and increase the pressing force.

Now the product needs to be turned over, wrap all the protruding pieces of wool and do all the same steps as with the first side.

Cover with mesh again, pour with soapy water.

We turn the product over again and bend the protruding pieces.

At this stage of work, our boots should look like in the photo below:

Related article: How to weave a parrot from rubber bands on a slingshot and on a loom with video

Now the mesh needs to be changed to a pimply film, due to its design, this film evenly distributes pressure, thereby speeding up the felting process. Now you need to press very hard, the movements must be confident.

You can even use auxiliary items:

Now we remove the pimply film and check how well our felt boots fall off.

If the hairs are easily separated, then you need to work harder, the product should not be very damp and in no case cold, if necessary, you can add a soapy solution based on hot water.

If the product began to decrease in size, the workpiece needs to be cut: we get two parts.

We continue to knock, roll, roll, it is very important to make more efforts when working with sections and nose.

Our boots are ready, you can fill them with bags, newspapers or just paper when drying, this is necessary so that the boots take the correct and beautiful shape.

By this principle, you can make wonderful souvenir boots and use them to decorate the interior for the New Year holiday or as a Christmas tree decoration.

Of course, boots, which are in fashion today, are somewhat different from those worn by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers in the old days. You yourself could see painted or embroidered felt boots in the store, you can also decorate your product by making embroidery on it, painting it with special paints, here you can give freedom to your imagination.

As mentioned above, there are many ways to decorate felt boots, and we will tell you the most popular of them.


It seems that this is an unusual option for decorating felt boots, but the product decorated with this material looks very feminine, gentle and unusual, in such shoes you will be like a real Snow Maiden. The image can be supplemented with beads. Before sewing lace to felt boots, it should be ironed well.

Today we will tell you how felt boots are made in the city of Kalyazin, Tver region. At the end there is a wonderful video about production.

Felted shoes (felt boots) have been made in the Kalyazinsky district for 200 years. After the revolution, handicraft production was replaced by industrial production - the Krasny Oktyabr factory was organized on the basis of the artel. In 2004, it merged with another, Moscow, factory "Bitsa". This is how the production that exists at the moment appears.

1. They make felt boots from sheep's wool. True, the Yaroslavl Romanov sheep is not suitable for industrial production. Therefore, white wool is brought from Mongolia, gray - from the Caucasus and Central Asia.

2. First, wool is prepared for production. It is run through a special apparatus, oiled and folded in a large container.

4. Carding unit. Wool is placed at the back by hand, combed with prickly rollers and wound on special reels in front

7. After combing the wool, the base of the future felt boot is wound, which is lapped on these machines with steam

10. You can also heat food on the machines)

11. And this is a dog. In fact, one of the factory workers is resting in the background during a lunch break, but she refused to be photographed.

12. After grinding the workpiece, the head of the felt boot is manually formed - toe, heel and sole. Then fluffy wool is rubbed again with steam

13. Now the blanks need to be assembled in batches and sent to the rolling machine. Rolling, squeezing, pressing - wool becomes inseparable

14. Then the shape is stretched and given the appearance of a felt boot. Only it is so far 2 times larger than the size that will turn out in the end.

16. The blanks are thrown into a wooden drum filled with water, where the initial wool roll or felting takes place. That's why boots are called boots!

18. And then the blanks are stretched again on a machine, which is called a “crocodile” at the factory. The workers were simply amazed by the synchronicity of actions

20. By the way! Now we have a Go Pro camera, she shot a great video for you about the production of boots and wants to show it at the end of the post

21. This "baby" with its own mounts can be mounted on tripods using the Tripod adapter. And at the end we will see the whole factory process, filmed with a wide-angle lens of 170 degrees!

22. A cool video is already waiting, and our felt boots are moving on. Now they need to be moistened, shaped and sized on special pads. And in the oven to dry

26. Giving the final shape by tapping the last

27. Determining the intermediate size of boots

29. After shaping and sizing, the pads are no longer needed, they are stored until a new batch

31. Now there is not much left. Need to cut off excess hair

Making felt boots is not easy, but a survivalist
you need to have the skills to do it.
This process consists of many steps:
wool must be cleaned, combed, “broken” into villi, rolled up, soaked in boiling water and saline, chipped on a triangular shape, and then knocked down on a block to the desired size, dried ..

* It is not surprising that before the mechanization of their manufacture, felt boots were an expensive pleasure. In peasant families, the whole family took turns walking in one pair. Felt boots are shoes designed primarily for dry frosty weather. If you want to wear felt boots in slush, you will have to purchase galoshes in addition to them.
In different parts of Russia, felt boots had different names: felt boots, felt boots, felt boots, felt boots, wire rod, scooters, boots, pimy.

Russian peasants had considerable experience in making felt boots at home, which they also passed on to us.

The production of felt boots is based on the peculiarity of wool being easily tangled. The ability of wool to fall off (to form felt) is enhanced if it is simultaneously, on the one hand, loosened by heating in warm water or influenced by some chemical substance (acids or alkalis), and on the other hand, to increase the influence of mechanical force, which causes wool fibers to intertwine between themselves.

THE HOME PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING OF BOOT FETS consists of the following operations:

To make one pair of felt boots, you need to take 2.2-2.4 kg of heterogeneous coarse wool, preferably an autumn clip, and separate the flower manually. Then vegetable and mineral additives are removed from it, for this:

Wool is soaked in warm water (35 ... 40 °) with the addition of 1% of its volume of soda ash or synthetic powder for washing woolen products. Keep wool in liquid for at least 30 minutes

Hand-squeezed wool is washed three times in a soap-soda solution with a concentration of soap 0.3 and soda 0.2% of the volume of water, or 3 g of soap and 2 g of soda per 1 liter of water. The temperature of the washing solution should be 45-52 ° C. After washing three times, the wool is rinsed in clean water and dried.

Washed dry heterogeneous wool is manually cleaned of burdock, straw and other impurities.

Then the wool is combed with special combs - manual carders (see video 3)

A pattern is cut out of the resulting dense canvas, which should be 1.8-2 times larger than the finished felt boot. The knocked down wool is evenly placed on top of the pattern moistened with water. Where the sole of the felt boot will be, they put more wool (see video 1)

The edges of the pattern are folded inward and exactly the other side of the workpiece is laid on top of it, wrapped in the same fabric and they begin to roll on the table with effort, while spraying the workpiece with hot water.

The process of turning a cotton-like mass into felt under the influence of hot water and the mechanical action of the hands occurs within 10 minutes

The boot obtained in this way is immersed for 4-5 hours in a weak solution of sulfuric acid (50 g per 2 liters of water), in which the wool is degreased and "falls off" even more.

Next, everything must be done so that a large-sized felt boot, consisting of a loose felt mass, is compacted ... Compaction is carried out with force by rolling a board with a ribbed surface (rubel) over the felt boot blank

The felt boots are immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes, then laid out and wrinkled by hand. This process is reminiscent of washing clothes and "rolling" on a ribbed surface.
When the product has cooled down, it is placed in boiling water and the same operation is carried out again, "washing" and rolling.
This process is repeated 3-4 times within one and a half to two hours. The felt boot becomes more and more compacted, decreases in size and acquires the appropriate shape of the finished product.

* The formation of felt boots is carried out after their sufficient compaction. A block (the shape of a boot) is inserted into a wet felt boot, consisting of five separate parts. In this form, it is placed in an oven or oven and dried at about 70 ° C for a day. The block is taken out, and the felt boots are cleaned with pumice stone and fired to remove protruding villi.
After these final operations, the boots are ready.

* Only very patient and calm people can do felting felt boots, because this is a very painstaking and long-term process that requires full dedication.

- using a stencil
- with the help of bulk workpiece

To felt boots using a stencil, you need to decide on a pattern, because natural wool shrinks a lot.
Thick cardboard is suitable as it is - it is necessary to lay out woolen layers on it, moreover, this must be done simultaneously on both stencils.

The first layer of wool is laid out arbitrarily, and the subsequent ones should be located strictly perpendicular to the previous ones. Do not be greedy - let the wool protrude a little beyond the borders of the pattern; at the end of the felting, the edges will still have to be bent down.

Wool can move and slip, so you need to carefully monitor this and lay it out as tightly as possible. For ordinary felt boots, six layers of wool are usually enough, but if you want to make very warm felt boots, then increase the number of layers to eight or ten.

Wet felting felt boots made of wool involves processing blanks with hot soapy water until the desired thickness of the product is formed. Then the felt boots should be washed, cut, the stencil removed and thoroughly washed in the same soapy solution until the desired shrinkage. The final step will be stuffing the boots with paper and drying.


The process of felting felt boots is similar to the previous one, only rubber shoes, not a cardboard pattern, act as a shaping element. Only boots need to be selected at least a few sizes larger than desired, as wool shrinks a lot. Rubber boots should be one third larger than the size of future boots.

Just like in the case of cardboard, the wool layers are laid out perpendicular to each other - this is necessary for better adhesion of the fibers. Particular attention should be paid to the sole, as well as the uniformity and uniformity of the layers, otherwise the thickness of the boots will be different in different parts and it will take a lot of time to correct the defect.

To finally fix the shape of the product, use a hot soapy solution (the hotter the better). Wrap the felt boot in mesh or calico and start spraying it with soapy water, smoothing the surface with your hands or rolling it with a wooden massager, rolling pin.

However, do not overdo it, if you immediately start to crush too much, then holes may form in the boots. The whole process takes about 40 minutes - if you decide to simplify the work, then nothing good will come of it. It is necessary to thoroughly roll the felt boots, otherwise the layers may move and become disheveled. That's when you feel that the layers are fixed and do not move at all, the boots are ready.
It remains only to fill it with suitable size bottles and dry it.

Felt products, including boots, are found during excavations of fairly ancient burial mounds. The original design was not as perfect as the one we have today: the top was rolled separately and sewn to the shoe, so they did not differ in great strength. Only at the beginning of the 13th century, the artisans of the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, invented a four-piece prefabricated block, which made it possible to make a whole felt boot.

* Valenki played a strategic role during the Great Patriotic War, protecting Soviet soldiers from severe frosts.
They kept the health of millions of people in the winter cold.

* Felting products are still in great demand among the population. They are especially necessary for builders, fishermen, elderly people living in rural areas and very often in cold apartments.

In industrial production, rolls are made using felting machines, in which wool or products made from it in a wet state are subjected to pressure at a moderate temperature (30 ... 40 °). As a result of the action of external forces, the fibers are mixed, intertwined and compacted. The villi of wool fibers contain them, preventing displacement in the finished product. The strength of the product is thus increased.

1 - how to make felt boots on a stencil
2 - wet felting
3. we scratch wool for felt boots
4 + 5 - felting with a blank.


DIY boots

Demand felt boots is continuously growing. This is facilitated by the "aging of the population" - for the elderly, felt boots are a favorite home shoe. On the other hand, the middle class, growing in number and leading a healthy lifestyle, is moving from city apartments to cottages, where felt boots are comfortable home, yard and walking shoes. The demand for children's felt boots is also growing. The factories that have remained since Soviet times produce mainly "oak" black and gray felt boots, while now the main demand is for white and colored felt boots, for felt boots with embroidery and appliqué, for beautiful multi-colored children's felt boots.

Needlework master class: "Production of felt boots-whisperers by wet felting"

Fakhurtdinova Larisa Anatolyevna, technology teacher of the MAOU "Obdorsk Gymnasium", Salekhard.
The master class will be of interest to technology teachers, teachers of additional education, children of middle school age.
In Russia, there was a belief that if you hang whisperer boots on the front door and whisper your wish, it will come true.
Purpose: felt boots can be presented for the New Year or hung on a Christmas tree, on a bag or in a car.
Target: production of a product by the method of wet felting from wool with one's own hands.
Learning how to work with wool.
Formation and development of cognitive interest in the subject, needlework, development of independence.
Development of creative abilities and aesthetic taste of students.

Materials and tools for work:
1) wool for wet felting natural (any color);
2) bubble wrap;
3) foam rubber for template;
4) dishwashing liquid or liquid soap, a spray bottle;
5) towel;
6) ribbons, cords, felt, lace, beads, sequins, threads

Operating procedure:

1) We print a template for felt boots on the printer.

2) Cut out the felt boots template from paper.

3) We apply the cut out template of felt boots from paper to a piece of foam rubber, circle and cut out the template for felting boots.

4) Pour warm water into a spray bottle, drip a few drops of dishwashing liquid into it.
5) Cover the table with bubble wrap. The work will be done on film.
6) We take a ribbon of wool in our left hand, with our right hand we pinch the very ends of the wool and pull out the wool. We spread the wool on the template for felting boots.

7) We lay out the wool on the template for felting felt boots, first across, and then along the template.

The ends of the wool should extend beyond the edges of the template.

8) Next, spray the wool laid out on the template with soapy water from a spray bottle.
You don't need to wet it very much. If you wet the wool too much, it will not fall off badly. Excess water must be removed with a towel.

9) We put our fingers on the lined wool and lightly press. We begin to rub the wool with our fingers.
Three lightly, the wool has not fallen off yet.

10) Then turn the template over with the wool.

11) We bend the wool that goes beyond the edge of the template. We try to avoid wrinkles.

12) From above, we again begin to lay two layers of wool, one layer across and the other along.

13) Spray the wool laid out on the template with soapy water from a spray bottle.
Three fingers wool.

14) Turn over the pattern with wool.

15) Again we bend the wool that goes beyond the edge of the template. We try to avoid wrinkles.
16) We rub the template with wool on the pimply film for about 20 minutes. Where it is impossible to walk with the film, with three fingers: gently at first, and when the wool has fallen off harder.

17) Cut the template with wool with scissors into two equal parts.

18) We take out the template. We won't need it anymore.

Until the boots hold their shape. After wilting, they will decrease in size.

19) We put our fingers inside the boots, moisten them with soapy water and continue to rub the boots on the film with bubbles, helping in hard-to-reach places with our fingers. At this stage, you can already rub hard.
In order to make it easier to felt the tops, you can use markers or caps from thick felt-tip pens.

20) Periodically check that the boots are the same. If some felt boots turn out to be larger in size, it is necessary to roll it separately.
21) Whether the boots are ready or not, it’s very easy to check: you need to try to pinch off the wool with your fingers, if only a few woolen hairs are separated, then the boots fell off, but if more is hooked, you need to roll on.
22) Rinse our felt boots from dishwashing liquid. You can blot with a towel, remove excess water.
23) We straighten the boots and put them to dry, but not on the battery.
24) You can decorate whisper boots in different ways. You can make patches, thin felt soles, felt appliqués, decorate with satin ribbons, rhinestones. Sew on braid or lace. Then tie the boots with a thread. Do-it-yourself souvenir boots-whisperers are ready!

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