Air conditioners with air purification system. Modern air conditioners with air purification function, their features and characteristics

garden equipment 17.06.2019
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Air cleaner or air conditioner?

So you're all set, but wondering where to start. The abundance of various household appliances on the market can scare even an experienced buyer. It often happens that it is completely incomprehensible why this or that apparatus is needed, or there are subtle nuances of the operation of equipment that significantly affect the tasks being solved. Therefore, before you go to the store, you should thoroughly prepare and figure out what exactly you want to buy.

The atmosphere at home or in the office is a very important aspect of life, because the inhaled air is very important for human health. If the air contains a lot of dust or harmful substances, then over time, immunity may decrease, a person will quickly get tired and his level of performance will decrease. It will also be uncomfortable to work or do household chores if the room is too hot, stuffy or cold. All problems with the atmosphere in the room are solved by climatic equipment, which includes air cleaners, air conditioners, ionizers, humidifiers, climate control devices. All these devices serve to eliminate certain inconveniences, so you need to know the principles of operation in order to choose exactly the one that you need.

It often happens that the house stands in such a place where, in order to get a sip fresh air, it is not enough to open windows, and often windows face the roadway, and by opening them, a person lets a lot of microbes and harmful substances into the room, so there is no opportunity to open windows often and thereby ventilate the room. In such cases, many ignorant people use the air conditioner, although this is not entirely true. The air conditioner is used to cool or, more rarely, heat the air in the room. Some models may be with humidifiers or ionizers, but the essence remains the same. The air is not filtered, it is brought to the desired temperature, of course there are filters in the air conditioner, but they only serve as mechanical air purification, that is, the air passing through the air conditioner is cleaned of coarse dust, insects, fluff, often this is not enough for a free lung breathing. Thus, it turns out that although the room has become less stuffy, the air is still polluted, and there is no feeling of crystal purity.

For the purpose of deep air purification, air purifiers are used, which also come with additional functions of humidification and ionization. It is the air purifier that is necessary for those who expect to get clean, breathable air. This is especially true for patients with asthma or allergies, since many allergens, such as pollen, animal hair, skin flakes, are carried through the air, so thorough cleaning is necessary, then the risk of exacerbation of the disease can be reduced. If we consider the ecological situation in cities, then we can advise everywhere to use air purifiers, and models with ionizers are preferable. It is worth noting that the purified and ionized air itself becomes a little cooler, and the feeling of lack of oxygen disappears.

It becomes clear that these two devices serve different purposes. The air conditioner is only for cooling the air in a sweltering heat, or if you have windows overlooking sunny side, it can also heat the air in the off-season, more advanced models support the specified temperature regime. And an air purifier is necessary to clean the air from various impurities, harmful gases, smog, smoke and any pollutants. This device is able to make the air in the room crystal clear, similar to the air on the tops of the mountains. You will be surprised how pleasant it is to breathe purified, life-giving air.

A significant deterioration of the environmental situation in large cities leads to the fact that every year the problems associated with creating a comfortable microclimate in your house or apartment become more and more aggravated. Fortunately, progress does not stand still and not only new devices appear on the market, but entire classes of devices to create a comfortable indoor climate. But the growth in the number of different models aimed at solving completely different problems leads to the fact that it is very difficult for an ordinary person to understand which device to choose in order to create a comfortable atmosphere in their apartment. In this article, we will try to explain the difference between the devices available on the market and help you choose the most suitable solution for you.


The air conditioner is a real veteran among the climate devices. The first air conditioners were released in the United States in the 30s of the last century and have since gained immense popularity among consumers. Currently, this is perhaps the most common climatic device. All air conditioners are usually divided into three key types, depending on what air they work on:

  1. Recirculating air conditioners - work only on the internal air of the room. Those. they drive through themselves the internal air in the room, simultaneously changing its temperature to the user-specified one. The main disadvantage of such devices is that they do not provide fresh air. At the same time, the room should be as tight as possible so that the cooled air does not “run away” to the outside. Despite this, due to the relatively low price - this type of air conditioner is the most common at present and occupies up to 90% of the market. It includes almost all split systems and mobile air conditioners.
  2. Supply air conditioners- work only in the outside air. Those. take air from the street and supply it to the room, simultaneously cooling or heating. These types of air conditioners are already much more expensive than recirculation ones, while the amount of air supplied is small, and if the system also has filtration, then the cost of such a solution reaches several hundred thousand rubles. Another disadvantage of these systems is the complexity of installation. If the apartment has already been renovated, then installing such a system is almost impossible.
  3. Recuperative air conditioners - work on a mixture of outdoor and indoor air. This type of air conditioners is not cheaper than supply air conditioners, but it saves on electricity due to the use of internal air to change the temperature to the set one. At the same time, the amount of air supplied to the room is so small that it is not enough even for one person. The installation problem is also relevant for this type of device.

It is very important to understand that the main goal of absolutely all air conditioners is to change the air temperature to a comfortable level for a person. Most often, this means cooling the air. At the same time, the most common recirculation systems drive a person into a sealed "jar". The user very quickly “eats up” all the oxygen from this jar and begins to feel unwell. Another problem is that air conditioners dry the air very much, which leads to the fact that the mucous membranes are dried, and this provokes the development of colds and SARS. Almost every office worker faced the so-called air-conditioning disease. And finally, we add that the air conditioner must be regularly serviced so that its working elements do not become a breeding ground for bacteria and infections.

Humidifiers and air purifiers

Low humidity is another actual problem, especially for residents of cold regions. For a comfortable stay, indoor HVAC should be about 60%. AT winter time when heating appliances are operating, the relative humidity (RH) usually drops to 30-40%. This leads to the problems that we have already described in the section on air conditioners - frequent colds and SARS. To increase the humidity to a comfortable level, it is necessary to use electric humidifiers. Another no less urgent problem of the modern metropolis is poor ecology and, accordingly, dirty air. Especially this problem torments people suffering from allergic and / or asthmatic diseases. Various air purifiers or air washers are used to clean the air from contaminants. Let's, just like air conditioners, break all these devices into classes:

  1. Steam and ultrasonic humidifiers. They work on the principle of converting water into steam (fog) due to heating or ultrasound and spraying it around the room with the help of fans. Ultrasonic humidifiers have almost replaced steam humidifiers due to greater efficiency and ease of use. These devices do an excellent job of their function, but they are also not without drawbacks. If the water is hard, then a white coating falls out throughout the room - these are calcium salts that are present in any tap water. To eliminate this problem, you must either boil the water or use purified water. Inexpensive humidifiers practically do not increase the humidity of the air and are therefore essentially useless. Therefore, we recommend choosing solutions from well-known manufacturers at a price above the average.
  2. Air purifiers. They work on the principle of recycling. Those. They take the air from the room, pass it through the filters and let the purified air into the room. To purify the air in such devices, various filters (HEPA, carbon, etc.) are most often used, sometimes in combination with ultraviolet light. In advanced systems, photocatalysis can be used, which provides almost 100% air purification. These devices do an excellent job of purifying the air, but it must be understood that no ionization and other marketing tricks will saturate the air of the room with oxygen and rid it of carbon dioxide. The most they can do is create an illusion of fresh air for you. Until recently, to saturate the air with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, we used ventilation, in which the efficiency of purifiers drops to almost 0, because. the system cannot cope with the huge flow of incoming air. And systems that can drive large volumes of air through themselves cost from $1,000. In expensive purification systems, the functions of humidification and air ionization are also usually built in.
  3. Air washers. These devices combine the functions of humidification and air purification. At the same time, air purification is carried out by supplying air to a container with water using a paddle drum. Thus, all the pollutants present in the air are deposited in the water. And the blades of the drum moistened with water give humidified air at the outlet. In our opinion, these devices are not only ineffective, but also potentially dangerous. This is due to the fact that the water tank becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and infections that thrive in water. Therefore, even daily washing of the container does not guarantee bacteriological air pollution.

Compact ventilation systems.

Or in the common people ventilators. This is a completely new class of devices, which has recently become more widespread due to its high efficiency and good price / quality ratio. What are these devices for? At any modern apartment, home or office, there is a problem of stuffiness when the windows are closed. No humidifier/air purifier can solve this problem. The oxygen we need for breathing and life is found exclusively in fresh outdoor air. At the same time, for good health, a person needs 30-40 cubic meters of air per hour, and this figure is unattainable for most even very expensive air conditioners with a supply ventilation system. At the same time, when we open the window for ventilation, we immediately let all the pollutants present in the air into the room, as well as extraneous noises and smells. To solve this problem, compact ventilation systems are used. For their installation, a hole is usually made in the wall about 10-12 cm in size. Such holes can be made without coordination with the regulatory authorities. Moreover, modern building standards oblige developers to make such holes during the construction phase. An air duct is laid in this hole, the outer part of which is closed with a ventilation grill, and at the other end, inside the room, a device is installed that supplies air from the street into the room through the air duct, simultaneously cleaning and heating it, if this function is provided in the device. So let's look at what devices are among the ventilators:

  1. Supply ventilation valve. At the end of the air duct in the room, a so-called valve head is put on, which is a regular plastic plug, with which you can mechanically open or close the air supply. Also, a simple foam rubber filter is built into the head, which will protect you only from large particles. The main advantage of this solution is its affordable price. At the same time, air is supplied solely due to the pressure difference between the street and the premises, which is most often not enough for a comfortable stay. Also, in addition to weak filtration, there is no air heating in the valve, which can lead to freezing of the valve in winter.
  2. Supply compact ventilation systems. They are already a serious electrical device equipped with fans for forced air supply. Also, these devices usually have a more serious air filtration system, and the most advanced systems also have air heating. The cost of these devices directly depends on the quality of filtration and the availability of heating.
  3. Compact ventilation systems with recuperation. These systems are in many ways similar to conventional supply systems. The difference is that in addition to supplying air from the street, it also provides for the removal of exhaust air saturated with harmful carbon dioxide from the room to the street. At the same time, the heating of the air coming from the street is carried out due to heat exchange with the warm air leaving the room. This allows you to seriously save on electricity consumption for air heating and reduce the cost of servicing the device.

In addition to providing the premises with fresh air, the KVS also improve the humidity of the air due to the fact that the humidity of the outdoor air rarely drops below 60%. In addition, the air supplied by the KVS with good filtration displaces the internal air polluted with various harmful substances into exhaust ventilation, thereby providing the most healthy and clean indoor air. We also recommend that you read the article "How to choose a compact ventilation system?"

What to choose anyway?

The answer is really simple. In our opinion, in any apartment, house or office, all three devices are necessary: ​​a ventilation system, a humidifier and an air conditioner. Further, depending on the climatic and ecological situation in your city or district, you already choose the device that suits you best in terms of quality and price. At the same time, the primary problem that needs to be solved is the problem good ventilation premises.

The latest models of air conditioners are equipped with filter systems to remove dust, small particles of wool, plant pollen and even viruses. There are systems that can capture the smell of smoke. To choose climatic equipment for fine cleaning, you should understand the principles of operation and types of filters.

Why air purification is needed

The indoor air contains dust, soot, microbes, bacteria. Household appliances, household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics are sources of various chemical compounds that are in the air and enter the lungs when breathing. All this negatively affects people's health. Prolonged stay in a room with polluted air causes:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • development of asthma and allergies;
  • decrease in immunity.

In areas with high traffic, the risk of infection with viral and infectious diseases is especially high.

To avoid these problems and create comfortable conditions for work or leisure, it is recommended to install an air conditioner with an air purification function.

Types of filters and their features

Split systems are equipped with two types of filters:

  • rough cleaning;
  • fine cleaning.

The former are installed in all models of any price category, so the consumer receives elementary air purification from dust in any case. An electrostatic filter is a fine mesh, sometimes covered with a non-woven fabric. It copes with coarse debris, fluff, animal hair, thereby protecting the heat exchanger of the device.

The second category of filters is installed on more expensive models of air conditioners with the function of fine air purification. The designs are varied. Such air conditioners capture dust with particles of 0.01 microns, cigarette smoke, allergens, germs and viruses.

Carbon (deodorant) carbon filter made from coconut. Detains small particles, smells, harmful chemical compounds.

photocatalytic filter contains titanium dioxide, which acts as a catalyst. It captures unpleasant odors, viruses and even toxic impurities. Breaks down organic matter into carbon oxides, water and other harmless compounds.

Air conditioners with outdoor air purification with an ultraviolet filter destroy almost all known harmful microbes and viruses and disinfect the air conditioner itself from the inside.

AT plasma filter an ionizer is installed, which creates a voltage of 4800 volts. Under its influence, fungi, viruses, bacteria, pollen, spores, etc. are destroyed. Larger compounds stick to the filter elements.

Catechin filter contains a natural antiseptic contained in tea leaves. Destroys 98% of all known viruses.

Wasabi filter disinfects air masses with the help of a specific substance contained in horseradish. It has a powerful bactericidal effect.

Filtration with silver ions destroys the internal structure of bacteria and absorbs their cells. Thus, microorganisms disappear completely or significantly reduce activity. The Nano Silver element is responsible for the constant production of ions.

Biofilter- a novelty in the production of air conditioners with air purification. Beneficial microbes live inside the cartridge, processing 99% of dust and microorganisms. It consists of a pre-filter for antibacterial treatment and retention of large particles, a biodegrading filter to eliminate odors, an air filter that kills fungi, mold, and retains small particles.

Formaldehyde filter removes harmful volatile compounds, in particular formaldehyde, and unpleasant odors.

Air conditioner models with premium air purification are equipped with ionizers. Ionized air improves well-being, relieves fatigue, helps to normalize metabolism. Freshness and cleanliness in the room is maintained for a long time. Such air conditioners are ideal for children's rooms and for people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

In budget models, antioxidant filters are often installed, as well as those containing vitamin C.

Maintenance of air conditioners with air purification function

The electrostatic filter mesh should be cleaned twice a month when active exploitation. The frequency depends on the purpose of the room and the number of people who are constantly in it. Cleaning methods:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • washing with water.

If you do not wash the filters, the air conditioner will overheat and fail.

Wash in warm water with non-aggressive detergents. Install in place only after complete drying. Forced drying is prohibited, as the mesh is deformed under the influence of hot air.

Fine filters do not need to be washed. Charcoal cartridges are changed every 3-4 months.

Photocatalytic filters after clogging are placed under direct sunlight. The deodorizing ability is restored by 95%. The service life of such a filter is 5 years.

Many models of air conditioners have a filtration status indicator. It gives a signal when the cartridge needs to be replaced. However, the sensor does not respond to actual contamination, but to an approximate service life, which is usually 2-3 months.

Examples of well-known brands

Electrolux EACM-12– floor air conditioner with air purifier. Operates in ionization mode and provides antibacterial filtration. Works with low noise level. Easily moves around the room. Not intended for rooms with large area. The cost of the model is about 30 thousand rubles.

Midea MSE-18HR- A model with a four-layer filter and a self-cleaning function, thanks to which the cartridge is replaced once every five years. Works quietly. The price is 20 thousand rubles.

Toshiba Daiseikai N3KVR– provides two-stage plasma and photocatalytic filtration, contains an air ionizer. The self-cleaning function prevents the accumulation of moisture and mold in the indoor unit. Inverter control reduces electricity consumption. It costs about 50 thousand rubles.

General Climate GC / GU-F10HRIN1– Equipped with silver ion filter, bio-filter and air ionizer. The status indicator of the indoor unit indicates the need to replace the cartridges. Turbo mode allows you to short time set the required temperature. There is an automatic restart function in case of a sudden power outage.

Carrier 42QCP007713VG- air conditioner with a fine air filter. Ionizes and disinfects. The self-diagnosis function will point to a specific problem and allow you to quickly eliminate it. Built-in motion sensor.

Allergy, as an exacerbation, can be caused by various factors. In most cases, it is provoked by an increase in the concentration in the inhaled air of dust, fluff and fluff of animals, plant pollen, microorganisms and, as a result, their metabolic products. First of all, for people suffering from allergic diseases, allergists, in addition to medications, recommend purchasing an air purifier from a well-known manufacturer, such as Daikin. Their cost is comparable to the cost of an air conditioner of the same well-known manufacturer, and much higher than the cost of an air conditioner of a lesser known brand. In recent years, air conditioner manufacturers have increasingly expanded their range of multi-stage filtration systems, which include air conditioners for allergy sufferers, and which take on the functions of an air cleaner, and some of them can even completely replace it. Of course, the functions of the air conditioner are fully preserved, and at the same time you enjoy blissful coolness - on the hottest days! Let's try to figure out how to choose an air conditioner for your home, which will also deal with unpleasant allergy symptoms.

From what can we choose which one is better?

Air conditioners for allergy sufferers today exist in two versions - floor (mobile) and wall air conditioner. Structurally, the advantages are on the side of the wall-mounted air conditioner. Due to the peculiarities of its design, a much more complex and efficient multi-stage filtration system is installed in it for finer air purification - in other words, the split system better captures the smallest bacteria and particles. A mobile air conditioner has another advantage - it captures more! Moreover, a mobile air conditioner captures bacteria, which are usually located at a distance of 0 to 1.5 meters from the floor - this is true, for example, if your family has children or you often use the floor as a surface, for example, for exercise.

Incoming filtering indoor unit the air conditioner starts for all systems with a coarse dust filter, which traps fairly large dust particles. Any air conditioners for allergy sufferers also have this filter. And of course it is not enough for the well-being of people with allergies.

The next stage in the development of the air conditioner filtration system took place after the development and installation of additional filters in them that fight cigarette smoke, microorganisms and the smallest dust particles of both organic and inorganic origin. Such filters are non-renewable, have a short service life, and require constant replacement. The most important rule for their effective use is the timely replacement with new ones.

The next stage in the fight against air pollution that causes allergies is associated with the development and installation of photocatalytic and plasma filters in air conditioners.

The photocatalytic zeolite filter is already effective against allergens and has a long service life. Its working principle is the same as that of activated carbon microporous filter, but thanks to special additives, this filter is more efficient and can eliminate foreign odors, chemical substances and microorganisms without replacement for 3-5 years. A photocatalytic filter based on titanium oxide is more efficient in terms of filtration, but it has a much shorter life; according to the standard, it needs to be replaced once a year. The zeolite filter needs to be washed and dried under direct sunbeams for 3-4 hours every 1000 hours of its operation, the titanium oxide filter cannot be washed, it is required to place it under direct sunlight much more often, every 300 hours. The photocatalytic properties of their recovery under direct sunlight are constantly decreasing from cycle to cycle, so both filter options constantly lose their cleaning and antibacterial properties during operation.

The plasma filter is also the next effective type of filter in the fight against allergens. In the plasma filter, air is ionized under a voltage of several thousand volts, foreign particles receive a charge and are retained by an electrostatic filter of the opposite charge. That is, the particles are not delayed by a mechanical principle, but in an electrostatic field. It goes without saying that the particle size does not play any role here. The quality of filtration is affected by the strength of the charge received by the particle and its ability to stick together with other similar particles. The plasma filter does not require regular replacement or cleaning, and its efficiency reaches 95%. Based on this, the plasma filter is considered very effective in combating allergens of both organic and non-organic origin. Air ionization with negative ions is very beneficial for the body's immune system. With it, the atmosphere around is filled with freshness, similar to the freshness in the mountains or in the forest after a thunderstorm. In addition, due to ionization, the harm from exposure to digital technology is reduced, and the level of static electricity in the air is reduced.

In summary, air conditioners for allergy sufferers should at least be equipped with photocatalytic and/or plasma filters.

An additional and parallel decrease in the concentration of allergens in the air is carried out by an air humidifier installed in the room. Allergens in humid air do not become electrified, becoming "heavier" will settle faster. The next step in the development of the filtration system in air conditioners was the creation of air conditioners with a system of humidification and regulation of the relative humidity of the air in the room (Daikin FTXR / RXR series).

The next step in creating more effective air conditioners for allergy sufferers was a special antibacterial filter. Bacteria and viruses can be destroyed in different ways. You can trap, neutralize or kill them, while preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria and viruses in the air conditioner itself. Air conditioners for allergy sufferers are designed not only to destroy bacteria, they decompose them into radicals and compounds that are harmless to allergy sufferers. The catechin filter traps and destroys most types of bacteria and viruses. Catechin is a natural antiviral and antibacterial substance that can neutralize viruses and bacteria, preventing the spread of infectious diseases. The Antibody filter decomposes organic matter, such as mold, spores, into simple radicals and compounds that are harmless to an allergy sufferer.

As an addition to the main filtration system of the air conditioner, a deodorizing filter is used. Such a filter has a high surface area in volume, and cleans the filtered air from odors and smoke. If you smoke or want to get rid of unpleasant odors in the room, choose a home air conditioner with a deodorizing filter. The deodorizing filter does not renew. It needs to be replaced with a new one on average once a year.

Requirements for air conditioners for allergy sufferers

Of course, first of all, this is a well-known manufacturer. You should not trust your own health to brands that have recently appeared on the market and have not yet had time to comprehensively work out and collect statistics on the effectiveness of the filtering system for specialized models.

Further, this is the presence of a proven system of multi-stage high-quality air purification. Not all air conditioners are able to remove the full range of harmful impurities (allergens, microbes, etc.) from the indoor air. Ask the seller about the availability of the cleaning system you need in the proposed model.

The ability to maintain a stable microclimate with the selected air conditioner. Often, the condition of allergy sufferers is worsened not only by the allergens acting on them, but also by such factors as sudden changes in temperature, excessive dryness or humidity of the air.

Thus, the best air conditioners for allergy sufferers are inverter air conditioners with a full-stage filtration system and with the ability to maintain the desired humidity of the conditioned air. Such devices will allow you to create and maintain a unique specified microclimate in any room.

What air conditioners for allergy sufferers should be taken into account when choosing?

Air conditioner Daikin FTXZ25 N / RXZ25 N "Ururu Sarara" (R32)

The newest member of the Daikin range of air conditioners for allergy sufferers.

The indoor unit is the winner of the prestigious Reddot design 2013 design award.

One system combines unique technologies for humidifying, dehumidifying, ventilating, purifying, cooling and heating the air.

The first R32 heat pump in Europe.

Heat pumps get 80% of their heat energy from the ambient air

Energy efficiency class A+++ for all sizes.

High level of comfort thanks to the 3-zone Intelligent Eye sensor, improved air distribution pattern and user-friendly interface.

The need for manual cleaning of the filters has disappeared: thanks to the unique design of the dust collection system, all dirt accumulated on the filter is automatically collected in a special container.

Air conditioning control via Internet connection using smartphones, tablet computers with support for a weekly scheduler and uploading weather data (additionally, an online controller KKRP01A must be installed).

Daikin outdoor units are designed with no frills, they are highly reliable and can be installed on the roof, terrace or wall.

The outdoor units are equipped with a swing type compressor, which features quiet operation and high energy efficiency.

The presence in the block of two air intake holes in the upper and lower parts eliminates the intersection of the flows of warm and cold air in the room due to convection. - An additional air inlet at the bottom of the unit provides more efficient air circulation in the room and uniform distribution temperature.

Effective hydration.

A unique sorption disk built into the outdoor unit absorbs moisture from the outdoor air and sends it through the sleeve to the indoor unit. Thanks to this system, humidification is carried out without the use of an additional water tank, solely due to atmospheric moisture.

Ururu: "Humidify + Heat" for optimal comfort

The fact that the unit combines all the advantages of an air conditioner and a humidifier allows you to ensure that the room is humidified at an ideal level.

Thanks to Ururu technology, up to 450 ml of moisture per hour enters the room. This is enough to humidify the air of a spacious living room. Humidification is carried out only at the expense of atmospheric moisture, without the use of an additional container with water, which often becomes an ideal place for the growth of bacteria.

Humidification without additional water tank

When the air in the room becomes dry, you feel cold even at high temperatures, and this forces you to additionally heat the room. When there is enough moisture in the air, you feel

warm. Thus, by humidifying the air, energy consumption can be significantly reduced. Being in a room with moderate humidity is good for the respiratory system, moderate relative humidity prevents the reproduction of viruses.

When the relative humidity is high, you feel that the temperature in the room is much higher than it actually is, you feel hot and uncomfortable. And vice versa: when using the normal dehumidification program, the humidity and temperature in the room decrease at the same time, a feeling of coldness appears. Sarara technology allows you to reduce the humidity in the room without changing the temperature.

Comfortable air distribution

Thanks to the Coanda effect, a more uniform air distribution and an optimal air throw are achieved. The specially selected shape and angle of rotation of the shutters direct the air flow along the ceiling at a high speed (0.3 m/s).

Thus, neither furniture nor other objects in the room interfere with the distribution of the air flow: it evenly covers the entire room, allowing you to reach the set temperature values ​​in a short period of time.

Fresh air supply

The system has the ability to supply fresh air into the room through a special sleeve with the possibility of humidifying it. The air passes through the indoor unit of the system, being cleaned of dust and harmful impurities,

thus, fresh air enters the room in a volume of 25 m3 per hour, which allows you to completely renew the air in a small room within two hours

Streamer Discharge Source

The new Ururu Sarara purifies the air passing through the heat exchanger. The first step is to clean up smallest particles dust and pollen. The photocatalytic filter then decomposes unpleasant odors such as cigarette smoke.

In the company "Ekokond group" you can always order spare parts for air conditioners! The service center of our company also repairs air cleaners, air conditioners and ventilation.

At the last stage of cleaning with a stream of fast electrons, formaldehyde vapors, viruses and fungi are completely destroyed.

The sensor is automatically activated if there are no people in the room for 20 minutes. If a person returns to the room, the system turns on with preset parameters. This technology can significantly reduce the power consumption of the system.

High-tech control panel

The system control panel is not only ergonomic, but also has a friendly interface, thanks to which you can set the operating parameters of the air conditioner with maximum convenience.

The aesthetic component of this control element also plays an important role: the control buttons are highlighted for ease of operation at night.

Automatic filter cleaning

Filter contamination leads to a decrease in the intensity of the air flow passing through the heat exchanger and a decrease in the performance of the device, therefore, in order to maintain it at a given level, the compressor of the outdoor unit is forced to operate at high speed, which leads to excessive consumption of electricity.

Regular manual cleaning of the filter is required to maintain performance at a stable level. Daikin's innovative technology eliminates the need for manual filter cleaning: all dust accumulated on the filter is automatically collected in a special container. Thus, working with clean filters reduces energy consumption by up to 25%.


Operating mode cooling / heating;

Compressor control type - inverter

Serviced area: 25 m2;

Cooling power: 2.5 kW;

Heating power: 3.6 kW;

Power consumption during cooling: 0.41 kW;

Power consumption during heating: 0.62 kW;

Minimum noise level (indoor unit): 19 dB;

Maximum noise level (indoor unit): 38 dB;

Air exchange: 10.7 m3/m;

Dimensions of the indoor unit: 295x798x372 mm;

Indoor unit weight: 15 kg;

Outdoor unit dimensions: 693x795x300 mm;

Outdoor unit weight: 50 kg;

Refrigerant brand: R-32;

Minimum working temperature for cooling: +10 ... +43 °C;

Minimum operating temperature for heating: -20 ... +18 °C;

SEER coefficient (cooling) / Class: 9.54 / A+++;

Coefficient SCOP (heating) / Class: 5.90 / A+++;

Height difference: 8 m;

Maximum pipe length: 10 m;

Supply voltage: 220 volts;

Warranty: 5 years.

Air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric MSZ- LN25 VG(W/ R/ V/ B) / MUZ- LN25 VG (R32)

The latest representative of a range of air conditioners for allergy sufferers from Mitsubishi Electric.

The design of the MSZ-LN indoor unit is a combination simple shapes, strict geometry of lines and a special combined plastic, which, like a metallic paintwork, has a deep structure and a transparent top layer. There are 3 color solutions based on combined plastic:

ruby red MSZ-LN*VGR;

black onyx MSZ-LN*VGB;

pearl white MSZ-LN*VGV.

Also available as MSZ-LN*VGW in white without clear top coat. The color and type of plastic of the wireless controller supplied with the kit matches the color of the indoor unit.


R32 refrigerant provides improved energy efficiency. For example, the MSZLN25VG system

has a seasonal energy efficiency coefficient in cooling mode SEER=10.5.

The 3D I-SEE sensor creates a three-dimensional temperature picture of the room and finds the position of people in it. This data is used for the automatic deflection or airflow guidance modes, as well as the energy saving mode.

A sophisticated louvre system creates the optimal shape and speed of the air jet in cooling and heating modes. Separate air damper control provides a wide coverage of the room, as well as comfortable conditions for several users at the same time.

The Plasma Quad Plus air purification system allows you to quickly get rid of bacteria, viruses,

allergens and dust, as well as trapping fine PM2.5 particles in the air near busy urban highways, factories or thermal power plants. The built-in deodorizing filter effectively removes unpleasant odors.

Low noise level - 19 dB (MSZ-LN25/35VG).

The indoor units are equipped with a deodorizing filter and a bactericidal filter with silver ions.

Installation on old pipelines: when replacing old systems with R22 refrigerant, these models do not require replacement or flushing of pipelines.

Two-stage plasma air disinfection and filtration system Plasma Quad Plus

*In case of intensive use in heating mode at negative outdoor temperature, it is recommended to install an electric heater in the sump of the outdoor unit to prevent condensation from freezing or use a special outdoor unit MUZ LN_VGHZ with a built-in heater.

MSZ-LN indoor units are equipped with a two-stage plasma air filtration and sterilization system "Plasma Quad Plus". Ionized gas (plasma) forms a curtain that destroys bacteria, inactivates viruses, and denatures allergen proteins. The built-in plasma air purification device will help reduce seasonal morbidity in children and adults, eliminate allergic reactions, including those on pets.

The effectiveness of antibacterial and antiviral air treatment has been researched and confirmed by independent organizations and laboratories. Testing of antibacterial properties was carried out in the Research Center environment them. Kitasato (Japan) on Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are responsible for many dangerous diseases and well adapted to the action of antibiotics. The main routes of penetration of staphylococcus into the human body are airborne and airborne. They also enter the body through damage to the skin and mucous membranes. In the test lab, after 3 hours of antibacterial air treatment with the MSZ-LN25 air conditioner, the concentration of viable bacteria decreased by 99.39% compared to the control study when the plasma cleaning function was turned off. According to the results of the study, the conclusion KRCES-Bio No. 2016_0118 was issued. Antiviral efficacy was confirmed by the Center for the Study of Viruses of the Clinical Research Unit of the Medical Center in Sendai (Japan). For this, an aerosol containing a full-fledged H3N2 influenza virus was sprayed in a room with a volume of 25 m3 (although it is usually limited to testing substances that mimic the virus in a small chamber with a volume of 1 m3). The "Plasma Quad Plus" system proved its effectiveness in "combat conditions", it neutralized 99% of viruses in a 25 m3 room in 72 minutes, which was officially certified No.28-002. The Environmental Allergen Institute in Tokyo, Japan has confirmed (ITEA Conclusion No.T1606028) that the MSZ-LN Block Filtration System reduces

the concentration in the air of the smallest cat hair and dandruff, as well as pollen, is more than 50 times. Of particular danger in modern cities are small solid particles. They are called PM (from the English particulate matter - "solids"). PM2.5 particles are less than 2.5 microns in size. Many of these particles are found in the exhaust of diesel engines, as well as in tobacco smoke. The human respiratory system is not capable of retaining them, therefore, through the lungs, they enter, together with oxygen, directly into the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation investigated the collection efficiency of PM2.5 fine particles using the DUTTRAK II Model 8530 handheld laser photometer. The source of the fine particles was cigarette smoke. The initial concentration of PM2.5 particles recorded by the device was 1.5 mg/m3. The experiment was carried out in two versions:

in a ventilated room with a volume of 28 m3 and an air exchange of 14 m3/h, as well as in a room without ventilation. In the first case, it took 68 minutes to reduce the PM2.5 concentration by 90% and 145 minutes to reduce it by 99%. In a non-ventilated room, cleaning took slightly longer, with a 90% reduction achieved in 83 minutes and a 99% reduction in 166 minutes. This property of the new MSZ-LN systems will be appreciated by owners of apartments located near busy city highways, enterprises or thermal power plants.

Built-in thermal imager "3D I-SEE"

The indoor units MSZ-LN of the Premium Inverter series are equipped with a 3D temperature sensor. It captures radiation in the infrared range, remotely determining the temperature at various points in the room.

With this technology, called "3D I-SEE", hypothermia can be avoided in the lower part of the room in summer, and in winter, for example, the area near the floor where children play can be evenly heated. The air conditioner is able to determine the location of people in the room and automatically deflect or direct the air flow towards the user. Automatic deflection of airflow away from the user can be useful in cooling mode when the direct airflow seems too strong or cold. The direction of the air flow directly to the user is necessary to quickly create a comfort zone. For example, in heating mode, when most of the room has not warmed up yet. The energy saving function is based on determining the presence of a person in the serviced premises. If the sensor detects that there is no one in the room, the system automatically switches to energy-saving mode. The air guide drive provides dual-zone air distribution. Combined with a built-in thermal imager (“3D I-SEE” sensor) capable of locating the position of people in a room by their infrared radiation, the system directs or diverts the flow from the user, depending on his preferences. The use of a flat, rectangular design necessitated a more complex internal structure. In the non-working position, the elements of the air distribution system are completely retracted into the body, resembling the mechanization of the wing of a jet aircraft.

Unique hybrid coating for protection against dirt and dust (Dual barrier Coating)

It is very important that pollutant particles do not linger on the internal surfaces of the air conditioner. For this, the Dual Barrier Coating technology was applied for the first time.

The surfaces of the fan impeller, the aluminum fins of the heat exchanger, as well as the plastic parts in contact with the airflow, are a "chessboard" of alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic miniature cells. Hydrophobic areas containing fluorine compounds repel hydrophilic contaminants: dust, fabric fibers, etc., and hydrophilic areas prevent the adhesion of hydrophobic contaminants such as oil aerosols, cigarette smoke particles, soot, etc. Thanks to this coating, the internal elements remain clean in for a long time, and there are no conditions for the growth of bacteria or the appearance of unpleasant odors. "Dual Barrier Coating" reduces the so-called degradation of energy efficiency and air consumption of the indoor unit during operation, as well as to increase the intervals between routine maintenance work.

Built-in Wi-Fi interface

The built-in Wi-Fi interface provides 2 control options: direct and remote.

In the first option, you can use your smartphone as a wireless remote control with a user-friendly interface and advanced features. The air conditioner will instantly respond to commands. Remote control is implemented through the MELCloud cloud server, which is convenient for controlling remote objects, for example, a country house.


Warranty: 3 years;

Air conditioner type: Wall mounted;

Operating mode: Cooling / heating;

Cooling power, kW: 2.5;

Heating power, kW: 3.2;

Room area, sq.m.: 25;

Indoor unit:

Power supply voltage: 220–240 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz;

Power consumption during cooling, kW: 0.485;

Power consumption during heating, kW: 0.580;

Seasonal Energy Efficiency SEER: 10.5 (A+++);

Seasonal Energy Efficiency SCOP: 5.2 (A+++);

Sound pressure level, dB(A): 19-23-29-36-42;

Sound power level, dB(A): 58;

Air consumption, m3: 258-714;

Maximum operating current: 7.1;

Dimensions of the indoor unit (WxHxD), mm: 890×233×307 (+34);

Weight of the internal block, kg: 15,5;

Drainage diameter, mm: 16;

Outdoor unit:

Outdoor unit dimensions (WxDxH), mm: 800×285×550;

Outdoor unit weight: 35;

Sound pressure level NB: 46;

Sound power level NB: 60;

Liquid pipe diameter, mm/”: 6.35 (1/4);

Diameter gas pipe, mm/”: 9.52 (3/8)

Freon pipeline length, m: 20;

Height difference, m: 12;

Cooling outdoor temperature range: -10 ~ +46oC DB;

Heating outdoor temperature range: -15 ~ +24oC WB (-20 1 ~ +24oC WB);

Refrigerant brand: R32.

Air conditioner Daikin FTXR28E/RXR28E “Ururu Sarara”

The world's first Daikin Ururu Sarara air conditioner capable of maintaining all microclimate parameters: humidity (dries and humidifies), temperature (cools and heats), ventilation (provides atmospheric air flow). The world-renowned representative of Daikin's range of air conditioners for allergy sufferers.

DAIKIN offers a high-tech wall-mounted split system, which is an ideal option for creating a microclimate in the room - FTXR28E/RXR28E Ururu Sarara. What do the last two mysterious Japanese words in the model name mean? Everything is simple to the banal - they contain the principle of operation of a split system, which distinguishes it favorably from others. Ururu is the ability of the air conditioner to humidify the air with increased uncomfortable dryness, and Sarara, on the contrary, to dry it. Moreover, both functions are available with heating.

The FTXR28E / RXR28E model is also different in that it has a system for supplying fresh atmospheric air to the room, that is, it constantly pumps it, so that updated air always “walks” around the apartment or office, and does not distill stagnant air from corner to corner.


In the indoor unit FTXR28E and outdoor RXR28E, the atmospheric air is cleaned in two stages. Clean air, which plays such an important role in creating a comfortable microclimate, contributes to the presence of a photocatalytic cleaning filter, equipped with a streamer discharge source in the indoor unit. The filters are quite durable, their service life with proper handling is up to three years. The volumetric air flow 3D Flow in combination with the Autoswing mode and the comfort air spray mode will create coziness and comfort in your room, evenly distributing the air.

For more convenient use, DAIKIN FTXR28E/RXR28E is equipped with a self-diagnostic function that will allow you to identify all possible problems. This is very convenient: even before calling the master, you can stop using the air conditioner, knowing that something is wrong.

Fresh air supply system up to 32 m3/h.

Two-stage purification of atmospheric air in the outdoor and indoor units.

Photocatalytic cleaning filter with streamer discharge source in the indoor unit.

The service life of filters is up to 3 years.

Heated air humidification (Ururu).

Dehumidification with heating (Sarara).

Mode of comfortable air distribution (Comfort).

Volumetric airflow (3-D Flow) with Autoswing mode.

High performance mode (Powerful).

Auto restart function.

Self Diagnosis Function.

The maximum distance and height difference between the blocks is 10 m and 8 m (respectively).

Air hose included as standard (Dout/in = 37/25 mm, L = 8 m).

To provide a 10 m route, you can additionally order a 2 m hose KPMH942A402 with a set of L-shaped connectors KPMH950A4L or a 10 m one-piece hose KPMH942A42.


Indoor unit FTXR28E:

Cooling capacity, Min.~nom.~max., kW: 1.55-2.8-3.6;

Heat output, Min.~nom.~max., kW: 1.3-3.6-5.0;

Power consumed by the system:

Cooling: Min.~nom.~max., kW: 0.25-0.56-0.8;

Heating: Min.~nom.~max., kW: 0.22-0.7-1.41;

Energy Efficiency:

EER (cooling)/Class: 5.00/A;

Coefficient COP (heating)/Class: 5.14/A;

Annual energy consumption, kWh: 280;

Air flow:

Cooling: Max/Min/Quiet, m3/min: 11.1/6.5/5.7;

Heating: Max/Min/Quiet m3/min 12.4/7.3/6.5

Sound pressure level: Cooling: Max/Min/Quiet dBA 39/26/23

Heating: Max/Min/Quiet, dBA: 41/28/25;

Refrigerant piping: Max. length/height difference, m: 10/8;

Pipe diameter, liquid/gas, mm: 6.4/9.5;

Overall dimensions (H/W/D), mm: 305x890x209;

Weight, kg: 14;

For premises area (approximately), m3: 28;

Outdoor unit RXR28E:

Dimensions, (H/W/D), mm: 693x795x285;

Weight, kg: 48;

Sound pressure level:

Cooling Max./min., dBA: 46;

Heating Max./Min. ,dBA: 46;

Operating temperature range:

Cooling, from ~ to C, dry temp.: -10~+43;

Heating, from ~ to C, vl. term: -20~+24;

Refrigerant: R410A;

Power supply (VM), V: 1~, 220-240 V, 50 Hz.

Air conditioner Toshiba RAS-10N3KVR-E/RAS-10N3AVR-E

The air conditioner of the middle price segment of a series of air conditioners for allergy sufferers from "Toshiba".

The first Toshiba inverter air conditioners appeared on the market in the 80s of the last century. Three decades later, the company is still one of the leading manufacturers of inverter split systems.

Inverter split system with wall-mounted indoor unit Toshiba Daisekai RAS-10N3KVR-E


Thus, the RAS-10N3KVR-E model of the N3KVR Daisekai series is highly energy efficient even in comparison with many analogues - for 1 kW of consumed energy it is capable of producing up to 4.18 kW of cold or up to 4.27 kW of heat. Inverter technology allows the model to save up to 40% of energy, maintain the set temperature with high accuracy and at the same time work very quietly.

N3KVR Daisekai works for cooling and heating, and it can heat the air even at low outdoor temperatures - up to minus 15 degrees Celsius. It is also able to dry the air without changing its temperature. The model supports several modes, including economical and automatic. You can set the parameters of the most comfortable climate for users, so that with one press of a button on the remote control, the split system will be switched to the operating mode according to these settings.

N3KVR Daisekai comes with a specially designed remote control. It is equipped with a removable cover that hides rarely used buttons. When the lid is closed, only the most essential keys and displays remain outside.

Toshiba split systems are known for their outstanding air cleaning quality. The N3KVR is equipped with an active plasma filter that captures not only mechanical particles down to 0.01 microns (including most of the existing allergens, microorganisms and fungal spores), but also odors.

At the same time, it cleans the air faster than traditional electrostatic filters, does not require replacement of components. The N3KVR Daisekai plasma filter meets the Japanese standard for household air purifiers, which also indicates a high quality of cleaning. The Toshiba IAQ filtration system provides additional protection against pollution, and the built-in ionizer increases the concentration of negatively charged ions in the room.

The model does not require complex maintenance, it is equipped with a washable front panel and supports a self-cleaning function that protects against excess moisture and mold in the indoor unit.


Power supply voltage: 220-240/1/50V/phase/Hz;

Country of manufacture: Thailand;

Warranty: 3 years;

Air conditioner type: Wall mounted;

Operating mode: cooling / heating;

Cooling power, kW: 2.50 (1.1-3.1);

Heating power, kW: 3.20 (0.9-4.8);

Served area, sq.m: 25;

Indoor unit:

Power consumption during cooling: 0.6 kW;

Power consumption during heating: 0.75 kW;

Minimum noise level (indoor unit): 26-38 / 28-39 dB;

Dimensions of the indoor unit: 275x790x225 mm;

Indoor unit weight: 10 kg;

Drain diameter: 16.30mm;

Outdoor unit:

Outdoor unit dimensions: 550x780x290 mm;

Outdoor unit weight: 35 kg;

Seasonal energy efficiency EER: 4.18;

Seasonal Energy Efficiency COP: 4.274;

Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 (1/4”) mm/in;

Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 (3/8”) mm/in;

Freon pipeline length: 20 m;

Height difference: 10 m;

Outside temperature range for cooling: -10 to 46;

Range of external temperatures during heating: from -15 to 24;

Refrigerant brand: R-410A.

Air conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy SRK25ZS-S / SRC25ZS-S

Air conditioner of the middle price segment of a series of air conditioners for allergy sufferers from "Mitsubishi Heavy".

Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners of the SRK-ZS-S series are new split systems operating on the basis of a DC-inverter compressor. As a result of its application, climate systems are able to create a powerful air flow, with a very low noise level of only 21 dB. In the super-low speed mode for heating, the noise level drops to a minimum value of 19 dB. In addition, the DC inverter has reduced the noise level of the outdoor unit by 3 dB, which will be noticed by people with especially light sleep. Air conditioners of the SRK-ZS-S series have high energy efficiency and correspond to the "A ++" class.

To quickly cool the room in the heat, the split system is equipped with an enhanced HI POWER mode. By pressing the corresponding button on the remote control, the room will be filled with coolness in a matter of seconds.

The 3D-AUTO function is responsible for the uniform distribution of the blown flow. 8 options for the location of the blinds will allow you to most productively adjust the outflow, thereby creating the most comfortable conditions for those present. Automatic swaying of the blinds in two directions: up-down, right-left - allow cold streams to mix even at the outlet of the air conditioner with the warm air of the room and, thereby, avoid the formation of cold zones with the risk of catching a cold.

Heating in the cold.

Split systems of the SRK-ZS-S series operate in an extended temperature range and are able to heat / cool a room in frost down to -15 °.

A new function with split systems is the "Standby heating" function, which allows you to maintain a constant temperature in the room + 10 °, even in your absence. This feature is of particular relevance in country houses. With its help, your house will not freeze, and household appliances and plumbing located there will not fail. At the same time, the mode itself is quite economical.

New timer features.

The weekly timer has 28 programs, with which you can set the operating mode, set the temperature, turn on and turn off the air conditioner for each day of the week. The air conditioner will operate according to the set parameters until the owner cancels or changes the settings.

Fresh air.

Toshiba's two-stage active plasma filter purifies the air of pollen. smoke, bacteria, viruses, mold spores 10 times faster than conventional electrostatic filters


Ionization of the air with negatively charged ions promotes a healthy metabolism.


High seasonal efficiency

Low noise

Preset settings

Quiet airflow with 3D-Auto.

Wi-Fi control.

Improved Cooling/Heating

The brightness of the LEDs can be adjusted.

The automatic movement of the blinds for these models is possible not only in the horizontal but also in the vertical direction, thereby providing a three-dimensional control of the air flow. With inverter drive direct current provides record-breaking quiet operation of the air conditioner and high energy efficiency. Indoor units can be used as part of multi-split systems.

The noise level of the indoor unit - 21 dB, external - 43 dB.

Anti-allergic air purification system.

Washable Titanium Oxide Photocatalytic Deodorizing Filter - To restore the deodorizing function, wash the filter with water and dry in the sun.

Self-cleaning mode.

Illumination of remote control buttons.

Silicone coating of control boards - increases service life and provides protection from adverse weather conditions.

Energy class "A".

3D-AUTO function - three-dimensional airflow control.

Ability to connect to the SUPERLINK system - centralized control of several air conditioners, the ability to connect to the "smart home" system using the LonWorks and BACNet protocols.

Work in the mode of cooling and heating to -15 °C.

Automatic mode with fuzzy logic.

The operating mode and temperature are determined automatically using fuzzy logic. The inverter frequency changes accordingly.

Automatic work.

In this mode, there is automatic selection between heating, cooling and drying.

Intensive mode (Hi power).

This mode is useful if you want to quickly reach the desired temperature. The air conditioner can operate in intensive mode without interruption for 15 minutes.

Automatic damper control.

In any mode of operation, the optimal angle of the damper is selected. COOLING, DRYING - Horizontal blowing, HEATING - Inclined blowing.

Vertical swing damper.

When swinging, the damper can be adjusted to any angle from 0° to 90°. FLAPPER SWING - The vane swings up and down.

Horizontal swing damper.

The automatic swing of the damper to the right and left allows you to send refreshing air to one part of the room, then to another. You can stop the damper at any desired angle.

3D - Three-dimensional airflow control.

The use of 2 horizontal and 1 vertical blind motor allows you to choose the most comfortable mode of operation.

On Timer mode (timer operation).

Intelligent functions allow you to turn on the air conditioner some time before the set one, so that at the set time the temperature has already reached the desired value. This mode is activated by the ON TIMER button (only for cooling and heating modes).

Programmable 24 hour timer.

By setting the air conditioner on and off timer, you can set two timer operations per day. Once set, the timers will turn the system on and off at the correct time each day.

Sleep mode.

Mode for increasing comfort during sleep.

When working for cooling, during the first hour after switching on the mode, the temperature drops by one degree relative to the set value, during the next hour the temperature is maintained equal to the set value, and during the subsequent time the temperature increases by one degree relative to the set value.

When working for heating, the temperature drops every half hour by one degree relative to the set one (during the first hour), then by another one degree during the second hour.

Dry mode allows you to reduce the humidity in the room without changing the temperature in it.

Off Timer mode (work without a timer).

Allows you to set the time to turn off the air conditioner within a 24-hour period in 10-minute increments.

Economy mode.

In this mode, the intensity of cooling or heating decreases due to, respectively, an increase or decrease in the set temperature according to a certain algorithm.

Button illumination.

With the help of an infrared remote control, the buttons of which glow in the dark, you can conveniently control all the functions of the air conditioner.

Backup switch.

The main unit has a back-up switch. It can be used to turn the air conditioner on and off if the remote control cannot be used for any reason.

Automatic inclusion.

If there is an unexpected power failure of the air conditioner, the auto restart function saves the operation settings that were in effect immediately before the power was turned off, and after the power is restored, the system will automatically resume operation with the saved settings.

Defrost controlled by a microcontroller.

This mode automatically removes frost from the air conditioner. It allows you to avoid unnecessary operation of the air conditioner in other modes.

Removable room air intake panel

If necessary, clean the filter. The internal air intake panel is easy to open and close. The panel covering the intake air hole is also removable.

Self-diagnosis function.

In the event of a malfunction of the air conditioner, the microcontroller that controls it automatically starts the self-diagnosis function. (The air conditioner should be inspected and repaired by authorized dealers.)

Washable photocatalytic filter.

Effective air deodorization. Reusable filter: to restore the functions, it is enough to wash the filter with water and dry it in the sun.

Allergen filter.

The allergen-free air filter destroys plant pollen and allergens from animal hair. The secret of decontamination is the action of the composition of the enzyme and urea.

In addition to allergens, the filter completely destroys all types of bacteria, mold and viruses, so the indoor air remains clean.


Outdoor unit: SRC25ZS-S;

Indoor unit: SRK25ZS-S;

Refrigerant: R410A;

Operating mode: cold / heat;

Energy Efficiency Rating: A;

Cooling capacity, kW: 2.5;

Heating capacity, kW: 3.2;

Noise level, dB(A): 21;

Power supply, V/f/Hz: 220-240/1/50

Rated consumed cooling current, A: 3.2;

Rated consumed heating current, A: 4;

Consumed cooling power, kW: 0.62;

Power consumption of heating, kW: 0.8;

EER (energy efficiency ratio) cooling: 4.03;

EER (energy efficiency ratio) heating: 4;

Size of the internal block, mm: 294x798x229;

External block size, mm: 540x780x290;

Weight of the indoor unit, kg: 9.5;

Mass of the external block, kg: 32;

Height difference, m: 10;

Operating range ext. cooling temperature, C: -15 ~ +46;

Operating range ext. temperatures during heating, С: -15 ~ +21;

Fresh air supply: no;

Presence of an inverter: yes;

Piping size, mm: 6.35/9.52;

Maximum pipeline length, m: 15.

Air conditioner General Climate GC-EAF09H GU-EAF09H (Inverter series "Africa")

Air conditioner of the "budget" price segment of a series of air conditioners for allergy sufferers from "General Climate".

This is a representative of the improving line of General Climate models with inverter design from year to year. Modern ergonomic design, rapid cooling of the room, economical energy consumption. Reaching the desired temperature, the device switches to work at minimum power.

The most important indicator of the General Climate GC-EAF09H GU-EAF09H air conditioner is its admittedly quiet operation. In addition, the air conditioner does not make clicks from switching. Even when working for cooling at minimum speed, the noise level is only 24 dB. This silent air conditioner has a very attractive price compared to other analogues from other manufacturers of inverter models.

Ideal as a silent air conditioner for the bedroom and in areas with increased comfort requirements, ideal for operation at latitudes middle lane Russia - work for cooling down to -15˚С.

special low-noise execution;

Cold Plasma ionizer;

catechin and photocatalytic filters;

remote control with the possibility of blocking, turning off the backlight of the indoor unit;

automatic blinds control;

increased efficiency; Designed in Japan!

Compressors - GREE-Daikin, Mitsubishi.

Technical details:

Type: wall split system;

Inverter: (smooth power adjustment);

Maximum communication length: 15 m;

Basic modes: cooling / heating;

Max Airflow: 10cc m/min;

Cooling capacity: 9000 BTU / h;

Power in cooling mode: 2600 W;

Power in heating mode: 3500 W;

Power consumption during heating: 950 W;

Power consumption during cooling: 810 W;

Additional modes:

ventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic mode, self-diagnosis of faults;

Dry mode;


Remote control: yes;

On / off timer: yes;


Air conditioner indoor unit (WxHxD): 77x28.3x20.1 cm;

Outdoor unit air conditioner (WxHxD): 71x55x31.8cm;

Noise level (min/max): 22 dB / 41 dB;

Coolant type: R 410;

Phase: single phase;

Fine air filters: yes;

Fan speed control, number of speeds: 4;

Other functions and features:

deodorizing filter, anion generator, adjustable airflow direction, anti-icing system, settings memory function;

Covered area: 25 sq. m;

Mobile air conditioner Electrolux EACM-14 ES/FI/N3

Mobile premium air conditioner of a series of air conditioners for allergy sufferers from General Climate.

EACM-14 ES/FI/N3 is a new mobile air conditioner with multi-stage air purification function. Air Gate Filtration System: Ionizer + 3M™ HAF filter. Air Gate series air conditioners are the quietest among Electrolux mobile air conditioners and one of the quietest in the Russian market (max noise level up to 45 dB, which complies with GOST sanitary standards).

The conditioner fulfills the modes of cooling, ventilation, dehumidification. It has a simple control panel The standard three fan speeds are well suited to the needs of the consumer in terms of noise level and air mixing speed. It has an IR remote control integrated into the case. No air conditioner needed drainage system, moisture in the form of water vapor is automatically discharged to the outside along with warm air through the duct. At high humidity in the air conditioner, the second built-in drainage pump. Ceramic heating elements have a low temperature and large area heat transfer, thus not burning oxygen and not reducing the level of humidity in the air. The ultra-modern design of the case fits easily into modern interior concepts and emphasizes the delicate taste of its owner.

The control panel contains everything for setting the necessary operating parameters. On the back of the air conditioner housing are a washable air filter - evaporator and condenser filter, a washable 3M™ HAF filter, as well as a built-in emergency drain pump, power cord, corrugated air outlet hose, hose connector, air outlet nozzle.

The design of the air conditioner also includes an electronic high-precision thermostat, a 3-speed fan and a daily on/off timer. The conditioner is equipped with convenient rollers for movement. Supplied complete with air outlet hose (1.3 m long) and remote control.


Country of origin: China;

Air conditioner type: mobile monoblock;

Installation of the internal block: floor, moved;

Modes: cooling, ventilation, drainage;

Number of speeds: 4;

Air conditioning area (sq.m): 38;

Number of indoor units: 1;

Max air flow, cu. m/min: 8.5;

Air purification: Yes;

Energy class: A;

Phase: single phase;

Max noise level of the indoor unit, dB: 54;

Remote control: Yes;

White color;

Warranty: 3 years;

Width of the internal block, cm: 49.6;

Height of the internal block, cm: 85.5;

Depth of the internal block, cm: 39.9;

Weight of the internal block, kg: 37;

Maximum cooling power, W: 4100;

Power consumption during cooling, W: 1100;

Automatic mode: Yes;

Filtration: washable air filter, 3M HAF filter;

Ionization mode: Yes;

Presence of the timer: Is;

Work timer, hour: 24;

Display: LED;

Button on / off: Yes;

Timer control: Yes;

Max length of communications, m: 15;

Refrigerant: R410A.

Thus, if you are choosing an air conditioning system for an allergy sufferer, we recommend choosing from a range of allergy air conditioners equipped with at least photocatalytic and/or plasma filters. Air conditioners with humidification significantly increase the efficiency of air purification from allergens. Air humidification directly affects floating allergen particles of any size. Allergen particles in humid air settle faster, and then the question remains how often to carry out wet cleaning premises.

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Air conditioners have a large functional spectrum. In addition to the fact that they are able to create a comfortable temperature in the room, their role in improving the quality of the air itself is important. The current environmental situation has an extremely negative impact on our health. Coming home, I want to give the body a break from exhaust gases, dust and polluted air. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the system of its cleaning indoors, in megacities. The latest developments of engineers from manufacturers of household air conditioners come to the rescue in terms of the air treatment function.

Cleaning methods and their effectiveness

Equipped with various filters, modern air conditioners have acquired the ability not only to collect dust, but also to effectively fight pathogens, including influenza viruses, purify the air of harmful formaldehydes, and neutralize unpleasant odors, such as tobacco smoke. Even if there is no need to change the temperature, it is enough just to turn on the indoor unit of the air conditioner in the air circulation mode, while the electricity consumption will be minimal, and the air conditioner will work as a purifier. In this article, we will consider what air purification options are found in modern models household wall-mounted air conditioners, which are the most popular among buyers. They are subject to the most stringent requirements in terms of air filtration, design and functionality.

Mechanical air purification

In fact, mechanical cleaning air is basic, since absolutely all types and models of air conditioners are equipped with this function. The filter, which is a fine mesh, does not allow dirt, dust, animal hair to pass through, thus performing mechanical air filtration. The advantage of this filter is its durability, since it does not need to be replaced. It is necessary to clean it of accumulated dust by rinsing with plain water at least once a month, depending on how often you use the air conditioner. This will keep the heat exchanger clean and normal performance and efficiency of the air conditioner, as well as avoid unpleasant odors from packed dust.

Bacterial treatment and air sterilization

In addition to the standard coarse mesh filter, air conditioners are equipped with a variety of filter inserts impregnated with active substances that carry out bacterial air treatment. The service life of such filter elements is up to three years, after which they must be replaced. Let us consider in more detail the most popular types of antibacterial filters that can be equipped with different models of wall-mounted air conditioners. For example, all models of GREE wall-mounted air conditioners are equipped with additional filters.

  • photocatalytic filter. Has high efficiency of destruction of bacteria and viruses. Neutralizes bad odors very well. Also, this filter has the ability to saturate the air with oxygen. It is the only filter that does not need to be replaced, as it is completely restored under UV rays within a few hours of exposure to the sun.
  • catechin filter. Part of green tea, catechin is a strong antiseptic that has a high destruction efficiency. a large number viruses, bacteria and microbes known to date.
  • Active carbon filter. It belongs to fine filters and effectively neutralizes a variety of unpleasant odors, such as tobacco smoke, pet odors.
  • Silver ion filter. The disinfecting properties of silver have been known since ancient times. The silver ions included in the filter are able to destroy bacteria, viruses, as well as get rid of unpleasant odors and fight mold.
  • Multifunctional filter (3 in 1). Some manufacturers make filters with three different components. Such filters combine complex processing and air disinfection. The three-in-one filter combination removes unpleasant odors, kills harmful bacteria and viruses, and saturates the air with vitamin C.

Self-cleaning function

Every modern air conditioner is equipped with a self-cleaning function. During operation in cooling mode, condensation will form on the inside of the unit. When turned off, the air conditioner does not immediately stop its work, since the moisture accumulated inside can lead to the formation of mold spores, fungus, which in general will adversely affect the health of the respiratory system later. In order to prevent such troubles, the automatic function of drying the internal elements of the air conditioner unit was invented. After the air conditioner has been turned off, the fan continues to work for some time, draining the remaining moisture by blowing.

Air conditioners with air ionizer

In the range of some manufacturers there are models of wall-mounted split systems, in the indoor unit of which a special unit is built that generates negatively charged ions. When this function is turned on, the air becomes more saturated with precisely negatively charged particles, and resembles mountain air in a forest after rain with thunder. Lightning is the main natural source air ionization. You can choose the model that suits you and get acquainted with the prices by clicking on the link.

Air conditioners with "Cold Plasma" function

Some models of wall-mounted air conditioners are equipped with the most efficient air purification system - Cold Plasma. This evolutionary development has a high degree of air purification from various harmful substances, and also saturates it with active ions, both with a negative charge and a positive one, unlike an ionizer. In addition to high-quality processing, the indisputable advantage of this type of cleaning is the absence of any consumables or replaceable elements. "Cold Plasma" is designed for the entire life of the air conditioner. Plasma or high-voltage discharges between two electrodes sterilize and kill more than 90% of microorganisms, saturate the air with oxygen ions, as well as molecular level destroys the structure of odors and allergens. The high level of purification has been repeatedly confirmed by a variety of independent laboratory studies. You can get acquainted with the prices and models for such split systems in the catalog.

To enhance the effect of air disinfection, a combination of "Cold Plasma" with ultraviolet lamps can occur, which destroy most pathogens. The use of ultraviolet lamps is most often found in medicine for the sterilization of premises.

By choosing an air conditioner with an air purification function, you take care of your health and stable maintenance of a comfortable microclimate at home.

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