Silent air conditioner pumps. Silent drainage pumps SFA

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

    Aspen Mini Aqua is the smallest drainage pump.

    The presented pump is used for installation under drain pans and drains in plastic boxes; it cannot be installed above a false ceiling. To drain condensate, it is only necessary to place the pump in the evaporator unit or in a special duct designed for laying pipes and connect directly to the drain pan.

    The kit comes with 2 types of water intake tanks: for placement in the drainage pan itself and for connection to the drain pipe. When connecting the tank of the device to the drain hose from indoor unit split system and connecting the pump pump in the split system housing, condensate can be supplied to a height of up to eight meters.

    Aspen began its activity in 1992 with three engineers involved in the installation of air conditioners and refrigeration equipment.

    For their needs, they developed peristaltic pumps to remove condensate. It was from this that the opening of the market began for pumps that are quite easy to install, but at the same time reliable in condensate removal.

    Today, Aspen Pumps is the UK's leading developer and manufacturer of a dedicated range of pumps for all types of installations. Products from the Aspen brand are specially designed to facilitate the work of commissioning engineers and simplify the installation process as much as possible. The key to the success of Aspen products in the market has been great experience service engineers about the equipment and its installation.

  • Guarantee

    When buying equipment, a guarantee is provided:

    The warranty is provided subject to the following conditions:

    • The equipment is operated in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Quality installation equipment (we recommend using the services of our center for further operation of the equipment without any complaints).
    • Carrying out regular maintenance 1-2 times a year, depending on the intensity of operation.

    Additional Warranty

    • This service gives you the opportunity to purchase additional warranty service after the end of the manufacturer's warranty period.
    • The cost of 1 year of additional warranty - from 2000 rubles. depending on the product.
    • Maintenance(cleaning, diagnostics) are not included in the warranty and are made on a paid basis.

Every owner of an air conditioner knows that condensate is constantly released during its operation. Its special drainage system displays it, this is its main function. The selection of such a system must be scrupulous and precise. are able to extract all the moisture from a special evaporation unit and remove it through the routes outside the room.

The route must be laid under right angle otherwise the gravity flow of the condensate will be disturbed. In this case, the system will not work correctly. You need to take into account the selection of each, including the pump. Without it, the equipment will not be able to properly remove condensate. Choosing a drain pump for an air conditioner is another snag. We will help to disassemble in these processes in our material.

Before directly inspecting and rating models, you need to understand when you need an air conditioner for drainage. If the condensate accumulates and does not leave the room, then a whole host of problems appear. This is the mustiness of the air, bad smell, deterioration of air conditioning systems, its incorrect operation. An air conditioner drain pump can solve all these problems.

If you are wondering how to choose a drainage pump for an air conditioner, then you should understand what it is. This is a small pump that is connected to a sensor.

The device is able to easily pump the liquid accumulated in the sump and transport it outside the apartment or house. The selection of a pump for an air conditioner must be carried out together with a specialized specialist so as not to purchase an unnecessary model.

The liquid must be removed from the premises - this is the main guarantee not only fresh air but also your health. , which are released during the operation of air-conditioned equipment. The first units practically did not output it, therefore they had a very short term validity. V modern world such problems do not arise, because there is one part inside the system - an air conditioner condensate pump.

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If the condensate is not discharged correctly, the air conditioner begins to wear out quickly. His service life may decrease several times.

If you have a premium air conditioner, then a drainage system should be included. The element is very strong and rarely fails, but if this happens, you can easily contact a repair company that will help you purchase new part and replace it. If you have a budget-class split system from a little-known brand, then the pump may be missing.

It is in this case that you will need an additional purchase and installation of a drainage system for the air conditioner. All of them have different variations and characteristics, as well as disadvantages and advantages. Installing such a system is very easy. But deciding on the choice of drainage system for your air conditioner is the main task. Further in the material, we will present the best options especially for you.

Here is a great option for a drainage system that can adapt to any air conditioner. In this case, the model can be both old type and new. Pumps of this type are not inferior to equipment from other brands, but in some ways they are superior. At the same time, they have a very democratic and affordable price. The presented model is no exception, which is easy to find on Russian market.

ECKERLE EE 600 has a number of advantages, but the main one is a special emergency system, which directly concerns the regulation of the water level. A three-level sensor allows not only to predict all the troubles in advance, but also to carefully adjust and monitor the operation of the drainage system.

Main advantages:

  1. The model has small dimensions, which allows it to be mounted in a decorative box or a small niche in the body of the air conditioner itself.
  2. The ability to suck liquid from a level that lies below the pump itself.
  3. Such a drainage system practically does not make any noise during its operation. The model was specially designed for condensate removal in rooms with increased requirements for noise, for example, bedrooms.
  4. The model is adapted for direct use in an air conditioner with a condensate collection tank. It can work in an aggressive environment, it is made of very durable materials.
  5. Can be easily mounted to the drain pipe of the air conditioner, installation takes a couple of minutes.

An ideal model for the domestic consumer, which has a reasonable price - prices start at 4 thousand rubles. That is, it is available to any potential consumer and owner of the air conditioner. Our score is a solid four.

BluDiamond is a line of high-tech drainage systems and this model occupies the main place in it. The brand has been testing the rotary diaphragm for fifteen years and was able to perfectly tune it to work with modern air conditioners. It is she who is used in the presented unit and allows you to install the pump in any position. This is an undeniable convenience and advantage over competitors.

The main difference between this pump and other options is its silent operation. It is inaudible, as if it does not work at all. Even in dry mode, the unit will produce minimal noise. This allows those that are in children's rooms or bedrooms and this will not disturb the peace of users.

Main advantages:

  1. Very interesting system condensate handling. It is sucked by the pump with the help of vacuum and then aggregated with mechanical assistance guides him to the exit. All this is done with the help of pressure, which creates a reinforced elastomeric diaphragm.
  2. Suspended solids and minor slag - the pump is so powerful that it allows these elements to be present in the condensate. Other drainage systems simply fail, but not this model.
  3. Given the above, it is perfect for rooms with high levels of dust.
  4. Has easy installation and long term operation.
  5. It can work in an aggressive environment and practically does not break. You will avoid problems with a dirty valve and a stuck piston if you buy this particular model.
  6. The case is very light, compact, mounting can occur in any position of the element. Often this is carried out precisely in a decorative box or in a corner element, which is located in close proximity to the freon pipeline.

The EconoMini Drain Pump is a great choice for someone who really understands pumps. It is difficult to ignore it, because the manufacturer offers very attractive prices, which start from 4 thousand. Given the value for money, this is a good option. We rate the model four out of a possible five points.

The model is produced in France, where the Sauermann brand has firmly taken the lead in the creation of mini-pumps. The demand for the company extends to the whole of Europe, and has not bypassed Russia and all CIS countries. All products of the company, and our model is no exception, are made from the highest quality and reliable materials. The units are compact, easily remove condensate liquid and can really work for many years.

Sauermann Si 82 has a high performance, has a centrifugal type of drainage system. During the creation of the model, the main emphasis is on the quality of all components of the structure. This makes it a really great choice for modern market. The model is most often used to remove condensate from air conditioners, less often from refrigeration units and other equipment.

The power of the model allows you to remove condensate from several units at once, which can be used by the user. The pump can be used in a refrigerated display case and even in gas boiler. But the main application is powerful air conditioners.

Main advantages:

  1. A serious power level that allows you to remove condensate from several elements at once.
  2. Compact size and .
  3. An alarm that can turn the unit on and off at any time.
  4. The above item would not be possible without special level sensors, of which there are several in the model.
  5. The main part of the design is a powerful centrifugal pump.
  6. Improved valve tip shape as well as check valve makes connecting the neutralizing cartridge easy and effortless.
  7. The model can be installed both on the floor and on the wall or ceiling suspension.

The Sauermann Si 82 drainage pump also boasts a favorable price - from 3,500 thousand rubles. Summing up all the pluses and democratic prices, the model gets 5 points.

The main advantage of such a pump is its small size. It is really very small and can be installed right inside the air conditioner unit. It can also be used in industrial and semi-industrial technology. It has a number of advantages, but due to its small size it does not have high level power. For this reason, it is suitable for small air conditioners, apartment type.

Main advantages:

  1. Very quiet operation due to noise isolation.
  2. High level of thermal resistance.
  3. Under increased load, the engine practically does not heat up.
  4. Has a comfortable hose.
  5. Can be installed on any model of air conditioner.

SLIM BOX is an ideal option for those who want to save on drainage system for air conditioner. If you search, then such a pump can be bought for 2500 rubles. But its characteristics are very limited in comparison with competitors, so our score is three points.

Perfect option for owners of small air conditioners that have limited inner space. Wall-mounted split systems and cassette-type units are suitable for this category. The sensor of the model can be easily mounted to the drain pipe of the air conditioner.

The main advantages of the model:

  1. Almost complete absence of noise during operation.
  2. High functionality, a float switch is used.
  3. The fine design makes it possible to mount the drain pump close to the unit without compromising the appearance.
  4. The element can be installed even in the pallet design.
  5. It is made of plastic, which perfectly dampens all the noise.

Swiss quality right in front of you. Ideal for those who are willing to pay for really standing model. The price in our market starts from 9 thousand rubles. But every penny invested in this unit is worth such expenses. Our rating is a solid five.

Final rating and conclusions


From 4 thousand rubles

Can be used in units with condensate tanks, easy to install, small in size

From 4 thousand rubles

Solids handling capability, unique condensate recovery system, good value for money

From 3500 thousand

Availability centrifugal pump, high engine power, compact dimensions, emergency on/off, sensor

From 2500 rubles

Noise isolation, easy installation, small size, the engine is practically not heated

From 9 thousand rubles

Silence, great design, possibility of installation in a pallet, rare and unique material

Summarizing all characteristics, the best way, of course, Sauermann Si 82. French quality for a very low price in modern realities. But if you care about design and visual performance, then you should consider TATTOO 10. This is perhaps the only model that does not spoil the air conditioner and the room with its appearance. But its price can scare off a potential buyer.

Which sump pump will you choose?

Mounting a split system in such a way as to fulfill all the requirements and norms of modern legislation without exception is not an easy task. Its solution requires high-quality tools for the installation of air conditioners, which are being developed by responsible manufacturers of components and consumables.

Let's consider a standard situation. With the traditional scheme of installing a split system, the length of the freon route does not exceed five meters, and the condensate is drained to the street through a drainage hose laid at an angle in the wall strobe or in the cable channel. But what if any regulations Is it forbidden to drain condensate outside or is it undesirable for aesthetic reasons? In such situations, drain pumps are used, which can drain condensate to long distance from anywhere, even if the output location is higher than the indoor unit. In addition, the pump allows you to organize the drainage of moisture into the sewer. The advantages of this scheme are obvious: flowing water does not damage the facade of the building, does not freeze when sub-zero temperature, the reverse flow of condensate is excluded in case of clogging of the drain hose.

Today, several types of drainage pumps are presented on the Russian market: flow (separate), accumulative and peristaltic. When installing domestic air conditioners, pumps are most often used flow type, according to their technical characteristics, they are ideal for air conditioning systems of small capacity. In addition, flow pumps are also the most economical, although they work more intensively than other types of drainage pumps. And if for installers the main requirements for flow pumps are performance, compactness and reliability, then for the end user, the key characteristic is, first of all, the noiselessness of the pump, especially if the air conditioner is installed in the bedroom or in the children's room.

One of the proposals that meet all the requirements is the products of the SFA company (France). This manufacturer is widely known for its innovation in the field of sanitary products and today is considered the undisputed leader in the field of production. household pumps. In 2009, the company began to actively apply the accumulated experience in the climate equipment market by developing and launching professional condensate removal pumps. special attention deserving pump flow type Sanicondens Clim Mini. During its development, SFA achieved the maximum reduction in noise performance (noise level does not exceed 21 dB), while maintaining optimal specifications. As a result, with high condensate pumping capacity (up to 10 liters per hour), the Sanicondens Clim Mini pump runs even quieter than the indoor unit of the air conditioner. The compactness of the model allows you to install the pump part for false ceiling, mount it in the indoor unit or in the cable channel.

The company has sales subsidiaries in Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Benelux, Sweden, Poland, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic, Canada and the USA. In another 150 countries SFA has a network of importers and distributors.

In Russia, SFA products can be found at any point of sale building materials. The Russian representative office of SFA has more than 30 authorized service centers located throughout the country - from Anapa to Vladivostok.

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The smallest and quietest drainage pump.

Drainage pump Aspen Mini Aqua Silent is designed for installation:
- under the drainage tray;
- in a plastic box;

NOT designed for installation above a false ceiling

To drain the condensate, it is enough to place the pump inside the evaporator unit or in a piping box and connect it to the drain pan. The kit comes with two types of water intake tanks: one for placement directly in the drain pan, the second - for connection to the drain pipe of the drain pan.

By connecting the pump reservoir to the drain hose of the split indoor unit and installing the pump pump inside the split indoor unit housing, condensate can be pumped up to a height of 8 meters.

Specifications Drainage pump Aspen Mini Aqua Silent

  • Supply voltage 230V, 16W
    Max. productivity 14 l/h
  • Max. height of the water column 8 m
    Maximum water temperature 40 °C
    Noise level when the water rises by 1m 19 dB(A)
    Alarm contact - potential-free, changeover, 3(5)A, 230V
  • Solid-state level sensor based on the Hall effect
  • Completely sealed
  • Motor thermal protection
  • CE conformity
  • Height 28 mm Width 165 mm Depth 28 mm Weight 0.19 kg.

Installation site Aspen Mini Aqua Silent

  • - under the drainage tray;
    - in a plastic box;
    - inside the body of the wall-mounted indoor unit of the split system.
    NOT intended for installation above a false ceiling.

About Aspen

Aspen was founded in 1992 by three engineers who installed air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

With the pumps currently on the market, the installation of the equipment was often inconvenient, and sometimes it was extremely difficult to remove condensate from the installations. Therefore, to meet their own needs, they developed peristaltic condensate removal pumps. This started the opening up of the market for pumps that are easy to install yet reliable in condensate removal.

Aspen Pumps is now the UK's leading company in the design and manufacture of a range of pumps for all types and types of installations. The BBJ product line is an excellent addition to numerous pump types and includes condenser block brackets, protective fuses and a range of pipe brackets and fasteners. Aspen's products are specially designed to make the job easier for service engineers and to make the installation process as easy as possible. The key to the success of Aspen products in the market is the experience and knowledge of service engineers about the equipment and its installation.

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