Small houses with an attic. House with an attic: Photo, projects, layout

Encyclopedia plants 02.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Ready projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks

Considering various options for materials for building buildings with dersighted floor, It can be concluded that the most popular is the development of the project of the house from the attic, photos of which it is easy to find on the Internet. Such a building is different high speed Construction and lower building materials. Unlike wooden structures, foam blocks do not have a shrinkage, and compared with bricks - much better processed, allowing you to create non-standard building solutions - from Erkers to the turrets.

The benefits of choosing this material for the manufacture of a house with an attic can be attributed to the low weight of blocks, and their increased frost resistance and fire resistance. In addition, foam blocks belong to the most eco-friendly species Building materials and possess high vapor permeability, which allows inside the building. And build the house with the attic floor - it means to make a choice in favor of reducing the cost of work and improve comfort from accommodation in such a housing.

Article on the topic:

In the article, consider Read more dome Houses: projects and prices, photos and recommendations of experienced specialists. The knowledge gained will be useful when choosing a technique for which the building will be erected.

Compact house with mansard: 6x6 layout

The standard plan of the house with an attic 6 to 6 implies a building of a building designed for 3-4 people. In this case, part of the residential area will be located at the top of the construction, since the small size of the lower will allow you to place only the economic unit in it. The benefits of the house of the house with the attic 6x6 include:

  • the minimum time for the manufacture of the building (within 1-2 months, depending on the material);
  • savings on payment of utilities - heating of such a small area (30-35 sq. M. m on the first floor, 15-25 sq. M - in the attic) will require no more energy resources than a two-or three-bedroom apartment;
  • small construction costs - especially if you choose with the attitudes 6x6 projects. A good option will be the building of foam blocks.

With the correctly selected layout of the house 6 on 6 with a attic inside, you can place enough rooms for comfortable accommodation, and for storing things. To create a storeroom, you can use space under the attic floor. The kitchen is usually combined with the living room. And the bathroom is performed in the form of one common unit located on the first floor.

Planning room accommodation in a building with a permanent stay of people, or choosing a finished project country house 6x6 with an attic, it is worth providing a non-double, but a broken roof. This will increase the size of the upper part of the construction, turning it out of the similarity of the attic room into the area for accommodation or summer holiday. Additionally, to increase the space will help the device in front of the terrace house.

Planning at home 9 to 9 with attic: photo, features

The construction of a building of 9-9 meters in size allows you to place within a much larger rooms and zones compared to compact buildings 6 x 6. For such a planning of the house with an attic, the photos of which are often found in the catalogs construction companies, You can envisage the placement of a large family - from 4 to 8 people. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building has 120-150 square meters. m, depending on the type of roof and the size of the staircase.

Model location The premises for such a house look like this:

  • on the ground floor there is a spacious living room and a kitchen-dining room;
  • on the second floor there are from 2 to 4 bedrooms, a balcony or terrace;
  • the economy block (boiler room, pantry) is arranged on the first floor, and the bathrooms are made in the upper floor, and at the bottom of the building.

On the first floor, often make a veranda for relaxing in the warm season. And, thanks to the large size of the building, there remains enough space on the first floor. If the tenants of the house with the attic own only one machine, inside you can accommodate a small garage (allocating the territory of 3 x 9 m). For two and more cars, the garage construction is made separately from the main building.

House planning options 10 on 10 with attic: photo

Almost all projects at home 10x10 with a foam block slightly differ from the buildings 9 to 9. However, due to the increase in the total area by 25-35 square meters. M Building will provide an additional place for another two tenants. The amount of bedrooms inside the house increases - on the attic floor, occupying from 50 to 80 kV. m, they can already be from 3 to 5.

It also increases the cost of construction, and the costs of insulation, communications and roofing. But the increase in the estimates fully justifies itself compared to both smaller buildings with attic and two-storey houses.

If there are enough space for residents of such a building and on the first floor, the attic part of this size allows you to place a home cinema and guest Houserooms. Heating in this case is not at the attic, which allows you to use it only in summer time. In the cold season, this space serves as a place to store clothes and other things - while the part of the floor is given.

Other options at home with attic: photo projects

In addition to the most popular options for the size of buildings with the attic floor, you can use tens of others. Starting from the planning of the house 8 to 10 with an attic, the photo of which can be seen below, and ending with the projects of 9 x 12 and 10 x 12 meters. The buildings of the larger square are rarely made with the attic floor - space inside enough and without additional rooms. Although, unlike compact houses, such buildings make it more convenient to position the staircase, the dimensions of which practically do not affect the general territory.

Projects of large houses with mansard floors require an increase in the number of bathrooms. Now on the second floor, there must be a separate toilet and the bathroom - and even two, since the number of people living in the building can reach 8-10 people. To increase the convenience of residents, two separate lifting on the attic floor can be provided - and even two entrances to the building itself.

Houses for houses with attic: photo with drawings

The preparation of project documentation before the construction of the building with the attic floor includes not only the layout of the rooms, but also the drawings of individual structures. Special attention should be paid to the roof schemes, rafter system and staircase. These parts of the building will differ from similar elements of buildings with one and two floors.

Planning a staircase planning

When planning, it should take into account approaches to it from different parts building. Design sizes are determined by the periodicity of the use of the attic floor:

  • with permanent residence in it (with the presence of heating and bathrooms), it is performed from two flights with a platform in the middle and the mandatory device of the rail;
  • for the use of the upper part of the house only in the summer and small sizes of attic in terms of the construction of a small screw (for saving space) the stairs of the half-meter width.

For a large building on the attic floor there may be two - in the opposite parts of the house. The width of the design can be up to 1 meter, which makes it even bilateral movement. It is recommended to place the staircase so that its bias remained parallel to the roof slope - this will allow you to put enough space over your head during the lifting.

Roof drawings and schemes

Design documentation of the building with an attic should include detailed description and schematic images of the roof, including its geometric shape, slopes and geometric sizes. The project should attach information about the thermal insulation of the roof, on the quality of which the energy consumption for heating and microclimate on the attic area in the cold season. The materials and thickness of the insulation are selected by calculations. For this you can use special programs - Including online applications - but only a specialist can correctly calculate the design.

Despite the importance of taking into account the thickness of the insulation, the design of the rafter system is even more responsible. Due to the fact that the attic will be used for temporary or permanent residence, the roof design will differ from the roof ordinary house. And the process of building a system will take a lot more time.

Scroll system for attic

For a broken roof (most often chosen for houses with an attic) rafters must withstand a serious load - wind and snow. For its accounting use special formulas and tables.

Table for wind load taking into account and the construction process consists of the following steps:
  1. Installation on the edges of the building of the two first racks to which the system will be relying;
  2. Checking the vertical position of the racks and bringing the twine to them, which will play the role of a reference point for other supports;
  3. Setting the remaining racks;
  4. Installation of runs and their downturn to the racks;
  5. Installation of the lower row of rafters, according to the drawings of the building. For this, inclined rafter legs are used;
  6. The device of the top using hanging rafter structures of small size.

The rafter farms are made on a special pattern and enhanced by pins. And in order to avoid sagging ceiling beamswhich should constantly withstand a large load, they are connected to rafters using suspensions. The final stage is the structure of the root, on top of which the roofing coating is stacked.

Development of projects requires a special attitude to the roof structure. Due to the fact that the slope of the broken design is too large, continue the roof in the direction will not work. A change in the roof angle can lead to a deterioration in the aesthetic characteristics of the building. Therefore, the garage can overlap one roof only for a batch option. For a more common variant with a broken roof, the garage is covered separately.


Beautiful mansard houses: photo, catalog

The projects of mansard houses of our catalog can be erected from foam concrete, gas blocks, bricks, ceramic blocks. Project mansard House Before purchasing, we recommend adapting to your site and climatic zone - It will guarantee durability and high quality buildings!

Dersighted house project plans: Benefits

Plans of mansard houses remain relevant and in 2017 due to their rationality. If you decide what to buy a project of the house, choosing between one-story, mansard and two-storey house - House with an attic is the best and optimal option. His advantages are that:

  • The planning of mansard houses makes them the warmer of one-story and two-storey: you will not warm the attic in winter.
  • Its turnkey construction will cost cheaper than one-story and two-storey residential house of the same area (with other things being equal). Since, on the same foundation, under the same roof, the house with an attic will have a large area than one-storey. For its construction, less materials will need than for two-story cottage, significantly reduce cost estimates.
  • The length of communications in the house with the attic will be less than in one-story.
  • On the site he will take less space than the one-storey house.

Planning of mansard houses: features

In order for a private house with an attic to be comfortable and convenient to carefully treat his features.
So, for example, changing the angle of inclination of the roof, the height of the attic wall, using falsely inside the attic, correctly choosing furniture and design of mansard houses, it is possible to make it even more cozy, turn out of the incomplete angular room into a cozy, original nest. To do this, it is better to seek help to experienced architects and designers. Our specialists of the project department for a separate cost, if necessary, will be able to make all the indicated changes in the selected house plan with the attic.
In most of our typical projects houses with an attic include the height of an attic wall 1 m - 1.2 m, which is quite optimal, convenient option. In order for the attic floor to be "stuffy" in it, the ventilation system should be properly designed correctly. It must be remembered that the attic windows give more light than lug-free. Although lug-free emphasizes the cozy nature of the attic floor.
Be sure to remember that not every private one-storey house can be turned into a mansard. To do this, in the project of such a house should be initially taken into account by many of the overlapping, rafting structures, roofing pie, other designed for future attic.

Projects of houses from foam blocks, which can be found in the catalog, can be implemented from ceramoblocks, aerated concrete, other stone materials.

When purchasing individual and typical architectural projects mansard houses in our company on average ward, customers get detailed project documentationwhich includes 5 sections: constructive, architectural and three engineering (water supply, power supply, ventilation and heating). We draw your attention to the one that the cost of the engineering section is 20% of the price specified on the site. Below you can see an example of a mansard house project.

Dersighted houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings and schemes of which are posted in this section, are protected by copyright and guarantee developers legal safety in the construction of houses on projects of our company. The certificate posted on the site is a confirmation that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500.

We offer you to watch a video selection of popular mansard projects:

One-storey house with an attic is a great option for giving. The cost of arrangement of the attic room is much lower than the construction of another additional floor. Excellent option for expanding the useful living area. The ability to create a unique design, to equip the obtained rooms for various purposes, to your taste.

Mansard B. one-story house gives extra square, but it will be much cheaper full-fledged second floors

Country structure with attic

Mansard is an attic room that is redoned under the living area. To begin with, it is necessary to all well plan, create a project cozy house With an attic. You need to construct the roof in a certain way so that there is enough space for the rooms. The height of the attic room should be no less human growth. Optimal option - 2 meters 20 centimeters.

The outer attic wall consists of the main parts:



Vertical is performed from the main materials that were used to build at home. Inclined - made of rafters and existing internal sheat. Their ratio is determined by the project project.

If the attic floor is planned to do under duscal roof, you need to take into account this when determining the height

Advantages and disadvantages

The country house with an attic has the main advantage - inexpensive arrangement. This is determined by the use of the roof structure. What it is wider, the more the framework is obtained for decoration.

The attic occupies a much less useful area than the built-in full floor. So that the attic is suitable for housing, it is necessary to make the first floor of the building quite spacious.

For arrangement, the attic need to perform a more complex roof configuration. Make attic windows.

It is necessary to install the ventilation system to create a normal microclimate. It will also entail certain costs.


    substantial economy in construction;

    an increase in the functionality of the house;

    proper use attic;

    reducing heat loss;

    simplicity in communications;

    the possibility of arrangement of any room;

    realization of designer ideas.

The house with an attic looks especially attractive, allows you to perform interesting design solutions. Huge windows can be made right on the roof to admire the stars without getting out of bed.

On the little plot small house With the attic suitable as it is impossible

You should not arrange a landfill in the attic of various things.

On it can be equipped:

    cozy bedroom;

    workshop for work;

    personal Area;

    game children's room.

Cons of residential premises in the attic:

    limitations in layout;

    complexity of roof repair;

    problematic development of windows;

    mandatory installation of ventilation;

    complex roofing device;

    strong heating of the room on hot days.

House with attic and terrace, in spite of everything, enjoys great popularity. This is a great opportunity to build housing and save the territory of the site. Perform the planning of the attic in accordance with your preferences. Create an additional cozy nnoveshko right under the roof.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Arrangement of the attic

Projects dacha Domikov The attic includes the presence of heat insulation. From above, the building is exposed to precipitation and temperature drops. It is necessary to take care of the waterproofing of this room in advance.

For the attic and roof it is better to choose more lung materials. In order not to overload the foundation. Interior decoration also should not be massive.

The attic area is better to leave as one large space. If partitions are needed, they are performed from drywall. It is light and does not carry any burden on the base.

If the area is small on the attic floor there is one whole room

Installation of windows on the roof design is a rather complicated and cost-consuming process. But the opportunity to admire the sky in any weather justifies the costs.

How to build

Ready projects Houses with an attic should provide for all the features of such a construction. To ensure that the building is beautiful and reliable, it is necessary to follow the rules:

    It is necessary to strengthen the walls before starting construction.

    When designing, it is necessary to take into account the correctness of the roof design. If you raise it by 1.5 meters, the area will increase by 100%.

    Maximum height Mansard - 2.5 meters.

    Communication at home and attic must be connected.

    It is worth considering the layout of the stairs and partitions.

    It is necessary to comply with fire requirements.

The first, where the construction begins is a well-thought out project

Video Description

In the video review one-storey house With a attic with a single roof and auxiliary garage:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that have components for houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Selection of material

Before starting construction, it is necessary to solve what material will be the house.

It is worth considering a few points:

    Create estimates.

    If you make walls from lightweight materials, the foundation does not have to dig deeply.

    For year-round accommodation you need to perform thermal insulation.

    Consider the cost of work. Install block structures are much faster and cheaper than making a brickwork.

    Interface options are calculated at the design stage. Decor elements need to be thought out in advance.

The most popular materials that use:

    Brick - keeps the form well, do not affect various temperatures, its service life is up to 100 or more years.

    Corramoblocks - modern practical material, characteristics are not inferior in quality brick, the cost is much smaller.

    Tree - natural and comfortable, breathable material. Be sure to comply with its processing technology during the construction of the house.

    Gas blocks have excellent thermal insulation, their thickness is 30-40 cm.

    Frame method often applied to build simple designsthey are quickly mounted. May be wooden or metal.

Frame single-storey house with attic and auxiliary garage

Houses made of foam blocks

The roof of the structure is performed in the form of a triangle or polygon, is made symmetrical or not. To build enough inexpensive building use foam blocks.

The advantages of this light material:

    quick installation;

    refractory qualities;

    mold and fungus are not formed;

    high heat insulation;

    small installation costs.

You must perform:

    hard foundation;


    installation must produce experts;

    in the cold area you need to warm the walls.

The house of foam blocks requires not only interior decoration, but also a mandatory external

One-storey houses

The attic in these buildings is placed under the workshop, bedroom or office. It is especially convenient to make in an isolated room with a fairly low ceilings.

In the attic you can do:

    different rooms;

  • cozy bedroom;

House size 8 to 10

The house is made of brick or ceramzite concrete. The space is highlighted due to large windows.

Brick house with big attic

Cozy wooden house

Projects of cottages with an attic is a fairly spacious, cozy option.

You can place in the attic:

  • small lounge;

A wide staircase is installed for the upstairs. Below is the output to the street veranda. The house will be an excellent option for a large family.

Brous house warm and reliable

House size 9 to 9

On the first floor of the structure there is a living room and dining room. At the top you can make three rooms and small bathroom. The living room is performed in the form of Erker, it looks good on the roof mansard window. Excellent project for pleasant rest and work.

Such a house is quite spacious, it will be a spacious large family

Small house with attic and small balcony

In this building there is enough free space for three bedrooms and a bathroom. A wide staircase leads to the top floor.

At the bottom of the building houses:

    dining room;


At the top you can do:

    several rooms;

    cozy bathroom.

On the first floor building windows different sizes, There is a door to the balcony. Another balcony is located directly under the duplex roof.

Little looks, but spacious inside the house is suitable for a family of 2-3 people

House 9 on 10

Suitable option for family. This building is intended for a particularly comfortable stay outside the city. The entire room at the bottom can occupy a cozy living room.

On the upper attic floor:

  • small bathroom;

    open balcony.

The windows can be performed by the erker, supplement the structure of the balcony. The hallway leads to the hall, the staircase is provided for the lifting.

Beautiful I. spacious home For living outside the city

Houses with attic and garage

Combining the garage and main construction under the common roof - very favorable option. This location allows you to save well. It is quite convenient, you do not need to go out to go to the garage. The main building is connected to it through the storage room.

The room seems light due to the installed large windows. You can also relax on the attached terraces.

When designing it is worth remembering that residential rooms should not be above the garage

    Second option

Performed in a mirror form. The overall roof combines the terrace and the garage construction, relies on wooden beams. The windows are made in the classic version.

Two bedrooms and a small bathroom are placed on the attic. The garage is a continuation of the structure.

Video Description

In video more examples single-storey houses with attic:

Projects can be made individually to order. They are performed depending on the size of the area land plot, specific wishes and financial capabilities of the client. The number of rooms and their location is determined in advance.


House with an attic - most suitable option for country construction. Additional floor is an ideal solution for using free space. The ability to make it useful, create a unique interesting design. Make a cozy corner right under the roof.

House with an attic is now a very common option. People, not wanting to lose the priceless space, equip the attic. So small one-storey house Will be able to turn into a full cottage. This article will feature the benefits of the house with an attic, and tips on the planning of such a structure and presents projects of houses.

Important moments during the construction of a house with an attic

Must under the construction of the attic need to think about good thermal insulation and implement ideas in life, because top part The buildings are subjected to a constant temperature drop. Also important aspect will be waterproofing.

All materials should be light. No need to overload the walls and the foundation of heavy roofs, furniture and insulating materials.

Usually this room is a spacious one-piece room, sometimes it is necessary to equip partitions. It is possible to do this from light drywall, again, so as not to overload the design.

The windows are performed on the inclined surface. And the installation of such windows is expensive, so it is necessary to calculate the cost in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. It is difficult to do it difficult and you can spoil the whole design, so it is best to pay extra and consult professionals.

Pros and cons of the attic in the house

Everything large quantity People want to equip atmosphere in their house and there are weighty explanations:

  • Savings for construction and finishing
  • Increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house
  • Simplicity of communications on attic
  • Reducing thermal loss through the roof
  • With the arrangement of the attic no need to move on to repair, all residents can calmly be on the first floor
  • Ability to place an extra bedroom or non-residential room
  • The ability to show your own creative skills When designing such an unusual room

But, despite all the pros, such houses have a number of shortcomings:

  • If you build a attic not according to the rules, then the emergence of problems associated with the freezing and heat loss.
  • High cost of houses for attic
  • Ability to reduce lighting during a snowy winter

Planning a single-storey house with an attic

One-storey house in all its apparent simplicity is not so simple and has a lot of nuances that must be resolved at the design stage.

The main rules for designing a house with an attic

When creating a plan of a single-storey house with an attic one, you need to take into account the following rules that will help in the future to get a beautiful and durable house with high functionality:

  1. Additional load is necessarily calculated. If the house is ready and decided to make a attic, then you need to calculate the load in advance, which will be produced on the walls, as if this is not considered, then the first floor can simply be able to endure what will be higher.
  2. It is necessary to design in such a way that the roof is high enough, approximately 2.5 meters, so that an adult person is comfortable in this room.
  3. Right roof. When designing the roof, it should be taken into account that the roof of a binary type can enlarge useful space Premises by 67%, but the broken roof will make space 90% more in relation to the first floor. Most. the best optionwhich will make one hundred percent increase in the area will be the rise of the roof by 1.5 meters.
  4. Heating, electricity, water and other communications should be thought out. All this is tolerated from the first floor and should be displayed in the plan initially.
  5. Be sure to, if there is a need for partitions, their places are fixed in the plan, like places under the windows.

Important! All fireary requirements must be met and the evacuation plan with attic.

Device staircase

Projects of houses with an attic must contain a staircase planning, with which it will be possible to get on the attic. If there is no comfortable lift and descent, then accommodation in such a house will be uncomfortable for his owners.

If the attic thinks still during the construction of the house, then you need to immediately think about where to install the staircase, depending on the correctness and convenience of placement. It is worth considering the fact not only a comfortable lift and descent, as well as taking into account the cost savings on the rise.

Attic in a one-story house is, as a rule, the room in which the bedroom or a children's room are located. In such houses, you can not install a large massive staircase, and save the precious area by installing the staircase with a small width or screw type, with minimal sites between marchs.

If it is planned to build a house 6 * 6 or 8 * 8, then the output will be profitable about the roof ridge. Projects of houses 8 * 10, 9 * 9 and 9 * 12, as well as 10 * 10 less sensitive to the arrangement of the staircase structure, as it will occupy a smaller percentage of the entire ground floor area and better fit into the design and project.

When designing the stairs, it should be remembered that the space also should include approaches to it. In many projects with an attic offered now, at first glance, everything is in order, but the weak point is the stair device.

Even if the house is built on a ready-made and verified project, it is necessary to pay attention to how the design of the ladder is located, whether it prevents freely to move freely and leave other rooms at home.

Examples of projects of single-storey houses with an attic

Mansard can act as a residential or non-residential premisesBut regardless of the appointment, it is necessary to do it according to the rules and is previously designed. Below are a photo of several most common with the attic.

Projects of houses with an attic 8 * 10

This size of the houses is suitable for those whose plot is not too extensive, but there is a desire to build a full-fledged house.

Project 1.

After the construction of construction on this project, it turns out a completely full and very functional attic floor with several rooms, which, at the discretion of the owner, can be redesigned for children or guest bedrooms, a bathroom and the main bedroom. The presence of large windows helps better illuminate the attic even in winter days.

Project 2.

This is a natural-style cottage project. On the first floor of the house there is a spacious dining room. On the attic floor there are three rooms, a bathroom, a lounge and a balcony. Following this project will help create a full-fledged house for a large family.

Projects of houses with attic 9 * 9

If the area allows you to increase the size of the house slightly.

Project 1.

At first glance, it is - ordinary house, not different from all others. But inside his first floor there is a study and a living room - a dining room, and in the attic part three relaxation rooms and a bathroom. A distinctive feature of this design is a mansard window with a balcony over the entrance.

Project 2.

A small village house with a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet on the first floor and recreation rooms and an extra bathroom on the second. The attic is widely comfortable for descent and lifting the staircase. Perfectly fit into the landscape of a relaxed rustic village.

Projects of single-storey houses with an attic 9 * 10

These houses in their size are more and require sufficient area, but at the same time inside the functionality of the planning.

Project 1.

Laconic house with a large living room on the first floor and bedrooms with a bathroom on the second. Manzard is equipped with a balcony. Spacious windows do not interfere with the flow of light inside the premises. This option is not too expensive, but incredibly beautiful and practical.

Project 2.

Simple House S. calm designThe look stops on the presence of Erker and the balcony. The house is intended for a large family. On the first floor there is an entrance hall, smoothly turning into the hall, from where you can get into the nursery, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a wide staircase on the attic, where the bedroom is located, 2 rooms for dressing rooms and a fairly large bathroom.


There is nothing better than spacious and cozy house. In order not to disappear effective area, you can equip an attic room under the attic, where they can be perfectly located spacious premises Different functionality. It is enough to see projects of houses and choose a good, embody it into life and new house Will please our owners for many years.

Construction own housenot easy task. It should be thought out all starting from the project and ending with nails for interior decoration. It is important at the first stage to choose a suitable plan and decide on the number of floors. Stopping attention, additionally mounted ground floor And attach the garage to increase the functional area. To increase the residential premises, choose a house with an attic, projects, photos of which will be shown below. Such structures do not require large additional material investments, it is enough to plan a large bone roof.

The attic is an attic that is converted to a residential premises. It is planned at the project development stage: it is necessary to construct the roof so that inside there is enough room for the room, and sometimes not for one. Below are photos finished houses With the attic floor:

Beautiful, convenient and additionally made loggia

Option modern country house

Classic country variant

Union of the house and garage under one roof

In classical projects of houses with an attic in the photo it is clear that it takes the whole floor, however, there are options, partial roof classes. Here are some examples:

Two-storey construction, where half is a mansard floor

Wooden designwhere only part of the roof is given under residential premises

Original project: A few sections of the room are derived.

High-tech cottage

For such beauty, buildings are preparing for such beauty. Moreover, several aspects are necessarily included in them:

  1. Architectural section - Displays the external and idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect.
  2. Constructiveaccurate plans With the size of each floor, roofs or base.
  3. Connecting to communications. Details described the schemes of all postings of electricians, and.
  4. Project passport - a copy of the author's license to develop the structure, photos of facades and floors of floors.

Important! By ordering a finished project, make sure that all the documentation is in order, because the strength and reliability of the whole home depends on it.

The attic floor is actively used not only in homes for permanent residence, but also removal of construction on dumart sitesWhere in a small area I want to see a comfortable cottage.

Dual houses with attic: Benefits and Disadvantages

Equipped space under the roof for life or rest - good decision Not only for cottages, but also for cottage houses. Typically, areas in cooperatives are not distinguished by large sizes, but I also want to leave to the place.

Consumers stop at small buildings With an attic 6x6 or 9 × 9 m s. This is enough to rest the whole family, and adding the heating system not only in summer, but also in winter.

The use of the attic floor laid in the project gives the owners of the structure at once a few advantages:

  • an increase in residential area through the arrangement of the attic;
  • with the right construction in the house there will be a longer heat due to the additional premises;
  • the general view of the house looks concise and beautiful;
  • on the attic floor you can implement interesting.

However, the designs of this type have both negative sides:

  • not all architectural design ideas in the appearance of the house can be implemented using attic;
  • should closely monitor the correctness of the roof so that the attic floor is comfortable at any time of the year;
  • with large precipitation in the winter period, the amount of natural lighting can decrease.

In compliance with all requirements for construction, additional residential premises will be comfortable, comfortable and beautiful. Here are some projects country houses With attic and:

Article on the topic:

In the article, consider: projects and prices, photos best models houses, how to choose the material and subtleties of the construction of the dome structure, the construction instructions non-standard constructions And other useful recommendations.

Photo of single-storey houses with attic: choose material for construction

Thinking about the construction of your own house, it is worth determining not only with the floor, the presence, attic, veranda and garage, but also with the materials of the manufacture. Answering the question, from which it is better to build a house, it is worth considering a few points:

  • Material costs. Properly prepared estimate will save on construction. So, when choosing a lightweight material for walls, you can make less deep.

  • Heat insulation. If you plan permanent accommodation in the house, pay attention to that choose the material under climatic conditions. It will take a large layer on the cold walls, which is unprofitable.
  • The cost of building. The total cost proceeds not only on the amount of material, but also from the spent work force and time. For example, block structures are much faster than making brickwork.
  • External and interior decoration. This item is also calculated at the project preparation stage. The decor is thought out in advance so that the output is to obtain a building suitable for operation.

Among the materials that are used for projects of single-storey houses with an attic and garage, as well as simple cottages allocate:

  • : service life from 100 to 150 years, perfectly holds the form and is not amenable to the effects of temperature drops;

  • caramoblock - modern material, cheaper than the first option, but it is not inferior in its characteristics;

  • - the thickness of the element 30 ÷ 40 cm, has a good indicator of thermal insulation;

  • - naturalness and comfort, but the need to strictly observe the technology of building the house and processing the material;

  • Perfectly suitable for simple country houses, easy and quickly mounted, there are options from wood or metal.

To make it easier to estimate the final version of each material, here are some photos of finished buildings with an attic:

Brick house with a nursery floor

Curtain housing from the ceramoblock

Small house of aerated concrete blocks

Country wooden cottage

Projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks: the advantage of the material

By construction athenium roof It may be triangular or polygonal. In the form of symmetric or not, at the same time occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe roof or only its site. If you want to build inexpensive and, stop the selection on the foam blocks.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • it has refractory properties and is not subject to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • build the walls simply and quickly;
  • high rates of thermal insulation, which means that no additional costs are required;
  • lower consumption of labor costs, as one block is quite light and can be raised without special equipment.

Choosing the material for the construction, it is worth considering both negative points:

  • needed good layer ;
  • the foundation should be tough;
  • the masonry is carried out using amplification and compensatory seams, which requires certain knowledge in construction;
  • in a climate with strong frosts, the external walls must be insulated with polystyrene foam.

Here are several interesting photos Houses of houses with attic of foam blocks:

Choosing projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

If you want to order a ready-made project of the house with an attic, consider that there are typical and copyrights. Among small typical solutions Allocate:

  • build 6 to 6;
  • 9 × 9 m;
  • 10 × 10 m;
  • 8 10 m.

Individual projects are developed under the order and are preparing taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and your wishes to appearance Buildings. The number and location of the rooms is also thought out in advance in order to correctly distribute overlaps and calculate depth.

Here are some options for planning in different houses:

House with an attic: Planning 6x6 m with photos

The smallest and neat house. Such a design will fit into a plot of any square, perfectly suitable for giving. In the layout of the house 6, 6 m with an attic practically no corridors. Most often place one bedroom, living room and kitchen. The "attic" floor is equipped under a children's room or a rest area.

The plan of the house with a mansard 6 to 6 m should be well thought out to live or spend the summer in it was comfortable. The classic option, when the hallway immediately has access to the bathroom (it is made by combined to save space) and to. For hidden bedroom or kitchen. To increase the living room, it can be combined with a place to cook, making it.

By ordering the project of the country house of 6 × 6 with an attic, pay attention to the number of rooms, the material of the house manufacturing and the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper floor. If there is no connection to the central sewage in the cooperative, it is optional, since it can be taken to the street and arrange elsewhere on the site. And you can also make a kitchen and one large room recreation. The second floor is discharged for sleep.

Here are several interesting projects Houses with an attic 6 × 6 m:

For dacha optimal in terms of price and quality, there will be frame houses with an attic 6 × 6, projects and cost finished structures Presented below:

Name Photo Short description Cost, rub.
Frame house K-5
Living space36 m²405 000
General45 m²
Terms of construction2 weeks
Thickness of walls182 mm
Seal15 cm
Exterior finishDry lining
One-storey house in the company "Russian Decoration" project - 1
Living space35 m²460 000
General44 m²
Terms of construction25 days
Thickness of walls20 cm
Seal10 cm
Exterior finishObsek out

Dmitry, Tula: "Ordered a house K-5 for giving, built quickly. The inner finish had to be refined, and the rest of the excellent option. "

Maria, Moscow: "Ordered for the cottage" Project - 1 "turnkey, built quickly and efficiently. Additionally asked to do and interior decoration. The guys work well and qualitatively. "

Depending on the element, the thickness of the walls, the layer and time for performing the work will change. The thinner of the wall, the cheaper the building. You can watch a video review of the finished frame house 6 6 m with internal and exterior finish:

Photo planning houses 9 on 9 m with attic

Among the design options, consumers prefer, which are cheaper bricks, but at the same time possess good properties Thermal insulation, so designs are obtained inexpensive.

Options for planning with an area of \u200b\u200b9 to 9 m are already greater. You can make a small corridor, divide the space for 2 bedrooms and a living room, withdrawing a separate bathroom and a kitchen. Here are some simple and comfortable models of partitions for partitions:

An interesting layout option is 8 to 10 m with an attic, the photo of which are presented below. According to the residential and total area, this design corresponds to an option 9 × 9 m, but more convenient for the location on the elongated areas.

Photo planning at home 10 on 10 m with attic: features of structures

Projects at home 10 × 10 with a foam block attitudes are most affordable in price, compared with other materials for construction. The plan itself with detailed documentation costs from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, and the construction of the house of the turnkey fluctuates in the region of 1,500,000 - 2,400 000 r.

Buying a project, be sure to pay attention to the wiring of communications. It should include:

  1. Connection to electricity, wire distribution and floors.
  2. Water supply. If there is no next to the main water pipeline, then the possibilities of installation and place for water intake on the site.
  3. Heating. How will the house: gas, water, solid fuel will be heated. And where they will stand the batteries.
  4. . Are there a highway or requires septic installation.

Arrangement of engineering communications

All these nuances are thought out at the design stage of the project, estimates and all necessary documentation.

As for the distribution of rooms, it may be different. Here are some photo examples:


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