The geometric dimensions of the brick. standard size red brick

reservoirs 14.06.2019

To build a house, it is impossible to do without bricks. It began to be used decades ago. During this time, many types of this material appeared, the dimensions of which were standardized. The choice of standard sizes of facing bricks takes into account building experience, material production technology.

The sizes of imported bricks differ from Russian ones. In our country, there is a special GOST that sets certain parameters.

Varieties and brands

For different areas construction used a variety of bricks. It is divided into several groups, which differ in their technological characteristics, as well as in the material of manufacture.


The basis of the ceramic backing product is ordinary clay. Material processing is carried out by semi-dry pressing. This type of brick received a second name - ordinary. He is different high strength and low cost.

Ceramic backing products have several positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • long period of operation.

These products differ in their shape:

  • corpulent;
  • hollow.

There are no voids in a solid ordinary brick, only 13% of the total volume falls. The material has a high thermal conductivity.

During the construction of a residential building from such bricks, special masonry mortars are prepared, and additional insulation is laid.


Distinguished by its appearance, on which the formation of various defects occurred:

  • rough surface;
  • chips;
  • oblique edges.

Thanks to the relief pattern, the "loaf" perfectly adheres to concrete.

The main advantages of this type of brick are:

  • high density;
  • not afraid of mechanical influences;
  • meets modern environmental requirements;
  • does not lose its properties during temperature changes.


Among the many advantages of such a brick, the following stand out:

  • the value of thermal conductivity is much less than a similar solid block;
  • creates excellent sound insulation;
  • low density;
  • small mass;
  • economy.


The current GOST does not recommend the use of burnt bricks during construction, since its heat treatment was done incorrectly. In principle, burnt material can be called marriage. Such a brick is distinguished by its melted appearance, dark shade, violation of geometry. The product has high density excellent conductor of heat.

Since the technology was violated during its manufacture, the material is fragile and with a short service life. He is afraid of moisture, unstable at sub-zero temperatures.


One square centimeter of this material freely withstands a pressure of 100 kg. The density of a brick is directly dependent on the material of manufacture.

Brick has several subgroups:

  • ceramic;
  • one and a half;
  • hyperpressed;
  • single;
  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.


The block maintains pressure of 150 kg. The material is used for the construction of any buildings.

Basically, residential and utility rooms are built from it.


Refractory brick that was developed for the construction of structures where there is a constantly high temperature (for example, a furnace).

For individual construction, they mainly use direct SB. From it spread the casing of furnaces, in which the temperature can exceed 1400 degrees.

Specifications products comply with the requirements of GOST 390 - 96.


This is a single brick having a standard format. The material is available in different strengths. Popular brands of this variety include M100 and M200.


The material differs from analogues in its height. It is larger by 13 mm. The difference in dimensions does not affect its use.

This brick has no fundamental differences from others, so it is used for various building purposes, especially in the construction of facade walls.


Such bricks are used to decorate the facade of walls made of any material. If necessary, they are covered with an additional insulating layer.

To the advantages of facing finishing brick can be attributed:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • different texture.


This product was used hundreds of years ago. However, even today the artificially made clay block has not lost its relevance. different shape, the mass of various shades make it possible to create architectural masterpieces. This ecologically pure material remains the most popular and in demand among the population.

High strength made it possible to lay out external walls from clay blocks, which are plastered and then faced. For creating beautiful design a geometric pattern is made on the surface, which strengthens the hitch.

The disadvantage of a clay product is considered to be low frost resistance, as well as the inability to work at high humidity.


Differs from analogs in a yellow shade. The composition of the brick includes:

  • limestone;
  • cement;
  • iron oxide.

The mixture of these elements gives the brick a yellow tint. The product belongs to the silicate group. These blocks are mainly used for the construction of large yellow buildings. For the production of clinker products, clay is used that never melts. It turns out the building material is bright yellow. This refractory material found wide application in construction country houses, as it has a high frost resistance. Fireclay bricks have a rough surface, yellow and varied form.


Russian legislation has established a special standard for technological characteristics And dimensions blocks of various types.

single brick

Must have dimensions:


Today, this original brick with dimensions has become very popular and in demand:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 85 mm;
  • height - 65 mm.

Calculation of building materials

Today, there are many special online calculators that will very accurately calculate the amount of material required to build a house.

A simple calculation is based on the standard parameters of a conventional ceramic block(250x120x65 mm). One cubic meter includes 512.82 pieces. If we take into account the masonry seams with a size of about 10 mm, the number will decrease by 118 bricks.

To determine the number of bricks that fit in 1 square. meter, builders use special tables.

Consumption rate

During the construction of any building, it is very important to adhere to the developed standards regarding the consumption of standard bricks with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm. Special tables help to accurately calculate the material consumption rate. This takes into account intermediate seams per cubic meter, the type of masonry, as well as the installation scheme for brick blocks:

  • 2.5 items.

For a more accurate calculation, the thickness of the masonry in 1-2 bricks is also taken into account.

A huge variety of brick products allows you to choose desired view blocks for individual and industrial construction. Different colors bricks give designers the opportunity to realize their fantasies. Facilitate the work of calculations the right amount material standardized dimensions.

You will find all brick sizes in the following video.

An artificial stone that has rectangular shape and is used in construction - brick, an assistant of our time.

Help from history

Brick is such a familiar building material in our lives. In the form in which it is now, this material appeared in the sixteenth century in England. Before this type of building materials were used in Egypt, long before our era, in Ancient Rome, in Mesopotamia. These could be clay plates - plinths, which were made in wooden molds and fired in a kiln. Clay and straw plates were also made, but such bricks were not fired. In Rome, they used rectangular clay products measuring 450/300/100 mm (for comparison: the dimensions of a modern one-and-a-half brick are 250x120x88), which could be cut into triangular bricks (6 or 8 pieces were obtained from one, if cut radially). They also made round bricks. But modern form For more than five centuries, it has been proving its convenience and practicality in use.

Possible sizes of modern brick

By linear dimensions, building materials are divided into three types:


one and a half;


The fourth type is also gradually entering - eurobrick, it is slightly smaller in width compared to a single one.

What is characteristic: the increase in mass is disproportionate to the increase in size. And the increase in size does not occur exactly one and a half, two times. The dimensions of a one-and-a-half brick and a single one differ in 23 millimeters of thickness, and in terms of weight they are almost the same (if full-bodied). By the way, bricks can be full-bodied and hollow - lightened due to voids, which occupy no more than 13% of the volume. Why was the hollow version invented? Naturally, to reduce weight.

Red brick and silicate brick are made from different materials, but their dimensions are identical.

Features of red brick

Many houses throughout the post-Soviet space, garages and other structures were made from it. There are two main types. One of them is very heat-resistant - it easily withstands temperatures of 1.4-1.8 thousand degrees. The other is made more "responsive" to heat transfer in order to use it in the construction of stoves, fireplaces, the task of which is to heat a certain room. Production material - clay. The following ratios of length / width / thickness are characteristic of red brick:

Single brick dimensions: 250x120x65 mm;

Dimensions of one and a half bricks: 250x120x88 mm;

Double: 250x120x138mm (more than double the thickness).

The size of a one-and-a-half red brick is increased only in thickness by 35 percent, therefore the second name is thickened.

For the European standard - the width of the product is thirty percent less, the dimensions are 250x85x65 mm.

They also vary in weight, depending on whether they are full or hollow.

Single: full-bodied - about 3.6 kg, hollow - 2.3 kg or about 2.7 kg;

One and a half: full-bodied - about 3.7 kg, hollow - 3.1 kg;

Double: full-bodied - about 4.2 kg, hollow - 2.2 kg.

Features of silicate brick

White silicate brick is made in the proportion of 9 parts lime - 1 part sand. In addition to them, a small amount of impurities can be added. The properties of white brick are not the same as red ones, for the obvious reason - different materials manufacturing. Silicate has a much lower water and fire resistance, lower chemical and frost resistance. But its density and thermal conductivity are much higher, and the manufacturing time is also considered a plus. Red brick needs up to six days, while white brick needs from 15 to 18 hours. The size of the one-and-a-half, double and single silicate brick is similar to the size of the red one, the difference is only in weight.

Single dimensions: 250x120x65 mm; weight: full-bodied - 3.6 kg;

Dimensions of one and a half bricks: 250x120x88 mm; weight: full-bodied - 4.9 kg, hollow - 4.3 kg;

Double brick: 250x120x138mm; weight: full-bodied - 7.7 kg, hollow - 6.7 kg.

The name itself is borrowed from the Turkic languages. Before this name, there was a “plinfa”, which looks like a thin and wide plate of clay, about 2.5 centimeters thick.

Standard brick sizes

It was made in special wooden forms and dried for about 10-14 days, and then fired in a kiln. Each plinth was stamped by the manufacturer.

This production technology lasted until about the middle of the 19th century, when the first ring kiln was built, and the belt press and dryers appeared. Since that time, the production process has become automated.

To date, the size of a standard finished brick is 250x120x65 mm. However, until 1927, the normal format (NF) did not exist. Now, there are not only the main, but also the derived sizes:

  • Single NF (1) - 250x120x65 mm.;
  • Double NF (2.1) - 250x120x140 mm;
  • One and a half NF (1.4) - 250x120x88 mm .;
  • Modular single NF (1.3) - 288x138x65 mm;
  • Euro NF (0.7) - 250x85x65 mm.

The last two are used much less frequently, but, nevertheless, are also spelled out in GOST. It is also worth mentioning that there is an incomplete version. This is the following standard brick size: 1/4 - 60-65 mm., 1/2 - 120 mm., 3/4 - 180 mm. In addition, GOST contains faces that have their own name:

  1. The bed is the widest, main working part, located parallel to the base of the masonry;
  2. Poke - the smallest face of the product, which is located perpendicular to the base of the masonry;
  3. Spoon - the average area of ​​the face of the product. It is also located perpendicular to the main, widest part.

Production stages

Brick - a small link in the construction of the whole house

It is also important to note that these standard sizes are already obtained as a result, when a fully finished product is produced. Prior to this, the "raw" brick has big sizes, which decrease during drying and firing.

Initially, bricks are loaded into the dryer trolleys, which pass through successive zones with different humidity and temperature.

The sensitivity of clay to drying directly depends on the percentage of "sandy" and "clay" particles. After all, all clay is contained with water, and the more “clay” particles it contains, the more difficult it is to remove water without cracking and the stronger the material after firing.

If a lot of water vapor is formed in the “raw” brick at the beginning of the dryer, then a crack may appear due to the fact that the pressure exceeds the tensile strength of the green brick. Therefore, in the first zone of the dryer, the temperature must be such that the raw material does not break down. In the following zones, the temperature gradually rises.

After the drying process, the brick firing process begins at a temperature of 950-1050 °C. During this process, refractory minerals form a crystalline phase inside the brick, while low-melting minerals form a glassy phase. With a gradual increase in temperature, the content of the glass phase increases, since more and more refractory minerals pass into the melt.

With an increase in the content of the glass phase, there is an increase in such characteristics as frost resistance, but at the same time, the strength of the product is significantly reduced. Therefore, during the firing process, the task is to select such temperature conditions and the duration of firing, so that all this ensures maximum strength of ceramic bricks.

It is worth saying that all these standard brick sizes are extremely necessary in the construction of multi-storey and single-storey buildings and structures, administrative and manufacturing enterprises, residential buildings.

Since in these construction projects there are certain norms and standards that do not allow the use of any "homemade" bricks.

Diversity building materials allows you to recreate exactly your idea

However, if you are planning any decorative section in the form of fences, or want to give an aesthetic look garden plot in the form of small decorative buildings, then you can take full advantage of bricks that have non-standard sizes.

And in some cases, homeowners deliberately use uneven materials, bricks and stones to tell more original look design ideas.

Many are known design examples original stone fences, which were specially built unevenly and combined, for example, with the same stone paths in the garden.

Therefore, when choosing a particular brick, you should clearly know about its future purpose. And accordingly, make a choice from this, since there is great amount various types and subspecies of bricks.

Material color

The color of a brick can be very diverse. As a rule, facing brick, which has applied glaze, is the most popular. Such a brick has a characteristic luster. This shine creates a vitreous layer, the basis for which is a mineral mixture.

Material types

The above dimensions of the brick do not fully reflect the essence of this issue. It is necessary to understand what kind of brick we are talking about.

In general, there are two options for red brick, more precisely, two types:

  • Building;
  • Facing;

As a rule, building bricks are used everywhere. When specifying the dimensions of the brick above, it was about him. Building bricks are applied to the device bearing walls and various kinds of partitions, which then need to be plastered and painted, in general, to carry out various kinds of finishing work.

Since such a brick is almost always covered with a layer of finish, whatever it is, the GOST requirements for the production of such bricks are not great. Such a brick may be rough, may be smooth, may not have even outlines, may be multi-colored, and so on. Spalls up to 1 centimeter are also allowed, which can significantly reduce the standard dimensions of a brick.

The facing brick is applied to various facing works. As a rule, I cover the facades of the building, internal walls, and so on. According to GOST, it must have the correct geometric shape, ideal dimensions, color uniformity and so on. The deviation of one brick from its nominal dimensions should not exceed 4 millimeters.

Width standard walls, when erecting them from red building material, they can be easily calculated based on the fact that we know the dimensions of the brick itself.

So, if the wall is laid out in one brick, then the width of the wall is approximately 12.5 centimeters. If the brick is placed on edge, then the width of the hay is 6.5 centimeters.

If bricklaying is carried out in one and a half bricks, then the width of the wall is approximately 19-20 centimeters. That is, the width of one brick is 12.5 millimeters, plus the width of the rib is 6.5 millimeters, and plus a couple of centimeters of mortar.

If the laying is carried out in two, then the width of the wall may be different. For example, if two bricks are laid along a wall, then the width of such a wall will be 26-28 centimeters. That is, 12.5 millimeters one and the same amount of the second, and another solution between them. Sometimes the wall is laid out with a brick, which is placed across, that is, with its larger side. In this case, the width of the wall will be exactly 25 centimeters.

If the wall is laid in two and a half bricks, then its width, again, can be considered in different ways, depending on the method of laying.

If first two bricks are laid along the wall, and then one across, then the width of the wall will be approximately 33.5-36.5. That is, two bricks along and the mortar will be approximately 26-28 centimeters, and plus the rib and the mortar will be approximately 7.5-8.5 centimeters. Adding these two values, we get the desired width range.

In this way, you can calculate the thickness of almost any wall that is laid out from red building bricks in any way.

It should be taken into account that in Western Europe have their own standards that are accepted for them. They differ from our sizes and, moreover, there are much more of them. The most common sizes of all are the following sizes:

  • 250 millimeters by 85 millimeters by 6.5 millimeters;
  • 200 millimeters by 100 millimeters by 50 or 65 millimeters;
  • 240 millimeters by 115 millimeters by 52 or 71 millimeters;

Among other things, it is not uncommon to find that imported bricks in the same pallet have a completely different sizes. This is not a factory marriage. It's just that in Europe it is accepted that masonry, which does not have a fixed size, is considered prestigious, such masonry in a special way emphasizes the uniqueness of the building.

Often people in private construction use brick own cooking. It is generally difficult to talk about the size of such a brick. The private production of this or that material has one common positive point - it is the ability to make anything of any size and any shape. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about standards in the size of homemade bricks.

It is also worth noting that our construction market in the production of red is expanding, and more and more new types of bricks appear, which differ not only in their shape, but also in their size. Basically, the bias goes to a variety of facing bricks. Some types of such bricks are not even rectangular in shape, so there is no need to talk about their standard sizes.

All these changes are due to the fact that our industry is trying to catch up with the Europeans. Hence the fact that many sizes of such “non-standard” bricks coincide with some sizes of imported facing bricks.

Semicircular can have different radii of curvature from 60 millimeters to 120 and others. Such species do not obey any GOSTs at all. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the standardity of their sizes. However, this type is widely used in present stage construction.

Shaped is used for special design of windows, doors, cornices, to create various rounded shapes, for example door arches or window arches and so on. sometimes you can find a special shaped brick, which is used for only one purpose - the installation of jumpers over windows, doorways, and so on.

As for the thickness of the walls, there is no such concept at all, since such a brick is used for slightly different purposes, which were discussed a little higher.

If we talk about standard bricks, then we can say that the dimensions of the walls of such bricks can be made whatever you like - it all depends on the method of laying, on the thickness of the seam, on the purpose of the wall itself, and so on. In addition, it should be noted that there are no standard sizes of brick walls at all - this concept is very relative.

So, summing up, we can say that there are many varieties that are now used in construction. Accordingly, there are many sizes of such bricks and products from it. Standard brick sizes are considered to be 25 centimeters long, 12.5 centimeters wide and 6.5 centimeters high. From these dimensions, you can calculate all other masonry sizes of one and a half bricks, two bricks, and so on.

According to GOST, spoons, poke, bed are the names of the planes that form the sides of the brick. This building material has a long history. It was used in their work by ancient masons. Years passed, improved production technologies, new types of bricks appeared, but their traditional sizes remained practically unchanged.

Aspect Ratio this material- 1:1/2:1/4. Its proportional dimensions make it possible to provide the necessary strength of the masonry, and is also important. The brick dimensions tied to the standards make it easy to calculate their number for the construction of a particular structure.

Brick dimensions according to GOST - height, length and width

Modern construction does not stand still. With the growth of requirements for the construction of houses, the range of brick sizes has also expanded:

  • Single- 250x120x65 mm (fixed by GOST 530-2007). According to the European marking, they have the designation RF.
  • Double- 250x120x138 mm.
  • One and a half- 250x120x88 mm.
  • Modular- 280x130x80 mm.
  • Euro bricks h - 250x85x65 mm.

The most popular bricks in Europe are NF (normal) - 240x115x71 and DF (thin) - 240x115x52, less common sizes - 250x85x65 mm and 200x100x50 (65). Today you can buy material up to 500 mm long. Every year the choice of standard sizes grows.

By shape, bricks are divided into:

  • corpulent,
  • hollow (slit)

However, in addition to the basic dimensions, such as height, length and width, permits for deviations from the norm (defects) are also used. Their size depends on the type of building material - building or facing. More stringent requirements are imposed on the latter, since the aesthetics of the building depend on its characteristics.

For building solid bricks it is allowed:

  • The presence of dullness and chips of ribs and corners no more than 2 and no more than 1.5 cm in size along the length of the rib;
  • Curvature of faces and edges up to 0.3 cm;
  • On the side longitudinal (spoon) faces, a crack up to 3 cm long along the width of the brick is allowed.

For the building hollow option, it is allowed:

  • No more than 2 bruises at the corners or ribs 1-1.5 cm long, provided that they do not reach the voids;
  • Full thickness cracks on the bed. In width, they can reach the first row of voids;
  • One crack each on bonder and spoon (transverse side) faces.

For facing bricks it is not allowed:

  • Chipped corners, the depth of which exceeds 1.5 cm;
  • The presence of cracks;
  • Broken ribs, the width of which is more than 0.3 cm, and the length exceeds 1.5 cm.

At the same time, it is considered suitable for work facing material, having:

  • No more than 1 broken corners up to 1.5 cm deep;
  • Department of handwriting, which in total does not exceed the length of 4 cm;
  • No more than 1 broken ribs, in depth - not exceeding 3 cm, and in length - not more than 1.5 cm.

Architectural design often involves the use of different textures and colors. Modern Choice building materials is almost limitless. If desired, artificially aged, colorful and textural options can be combined in masonry without compromising the durability of the house.

One and a half and double bricks are produced mainly hollow. This reduces the weight of the structure.

Most popular in modern construction porous large-sized blocks are used. Ceramic brick is lighter and warmer than the usual building option. Its use makes it possible to simplify and speed up construction, while reducing the consumption of masonry composition.

For laying 1 m 3, 512 single-type bricks will be required, and one-and-a-half bricks are 26% more - 378 pieces.

Red, silicate and facing bricks - dimensions and purpose

According to the type of material are divided into:

  • Red (ceramic).

This type of building materials is obtained by firing briquettes from pressed clay. This is a versatile material. It is widely used in the construction of foundations, wall structures, partitions, fences, laying furnaces. Solid red brick comes in the following grades - 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 75. The grade indicates how much pressure the brick can withstand (kg / cm 2). Weight 1 cubic meter of this material is 1700 kg (480 pieces).

  • White (silicate).

It is produced on a silicate basis. Compared to red brick, it is a softer and lighter material with lower strength than its red counterpart. In addition, the silicate version is inferior to the red one in versatility. It can only be used in the construction of walls and partitions. As a material for the foundation and plinth, for laying fireplaces and stoves, use white brick Not recommended.

By appointment:

  • Private.

Brick providing performance characteristics masonry.

  • Clinker.

It is characterized by low water absorption and high strength, which ensures proper masonry performance even in highly aggressive environments. Clinker brick perfectly copes with the functions of a decorative material.

  • Chamotte (refractory).

For domestic purposes, the refractory fireclay version is most often used, which is marked "Sh". For example, W-5 has dimensions of 230x114x65 mm, W-6 - 230x115x40 mm, W-8 - 250x124x65 mm.

  • Facing.

Facing brick can be chopped, smooth, imitating wild camel. Below are the main dimensions:

  • 290x140x85 mm;
  • 250x85x65 mm;
  • 250x120x88 mm;
  • 250x80x65 mm;
  • 250x60x65 mm;
  • 250x120x65 mm.

In addition to rectangular bricks, they can be wedge-shaped. This type building materials are used in the laying of vaults and semicircular arches of different curvature radii. End wedge Sh-22 has dimensions of 230x114x65/55 mm, and for example end wedge Sh-45 - 230x114xx65/45 mm.

The use of decorative (facing) bricks allows you to perform flawless laying of external walls, as well as to produce interior decoration premises. Using facing bricks for internal walls, stitching seams should be given special attention.

A very long time for the construction of buildings used various natural materials, including stone. IN modern world, stone is sometimes used in construction, but buildings from it are expensive. Brick has become a good alternative, it is a more durable material for construction. Bricks are made according to certain standards. There are more than 15 thousand color and texture compounds. The universal sizes of a brick allow to use in different variations. Before starting work with a brick, it is necessary to study its types, sizes and types.

Used to be bricks
made from clay, which was subsequently fired in kilns. Over time, the recipe for making bricks changed, various ingredients were added to the composition, such as straw, the drying time and the volume of water were increased. Fired blanks (plinths) have high strength, so they are used for the construction of tall buildings.

IN modern production bricks also use clay, sand, lime and various additives are also used.

There are two different types bricks:

For the manufacture of such bricks, sand, lime and binders are used in small quantities. The brick has a gray-white color. In the production of bricks, steam is poured over high pressure. The disadvantages of silicate bricks are not fire resistance and not moisture resistance, so it is used in the construction of walls and partitions indoors.

Ceramic or red. It is produced from almost one clay, the number of additives is not large. The blocks are fired. Such a brick is not whimsical, in use and can withstand up to 1.8 thousand degrees of heat.

Red brick is of two types:

Refractory. This type of brick is made from more resistant clay, it differs in the type of hardening. Such a brick is heat-resistant, suitable for buildings where high temperatures are used.

The blocks have voids, due to the porous structure, heat is retained, and the weight of the structure becomes less. From the method of application, bricks are divided into simple(for building walls and partitions) and facing(for decoration).

Initially, bricks were made by hand, and there was no talk of any technologies and norms. At the beginning of the 20th century, the situation changed, as bricks began to be produced in factories. Each plant set certain standards for its products, so the construction of facilities progressed slowly. The situation was changed by Peter I, he gave the order to make bricks according to one standard, but such a brick turned out to be very cumbersome and not convenient for construction.

Types of brick sizes

United state standards for the production of bricks, were introduced in 1927, and they are still used to this day.

There are main requirements for the manufacture of bricks:

  • Length approximately 4 mm;
  • Height is not more than 3 mm;
  • Width 3 mm and no more.

In addition to double, one and a half and single standard bricks, bricks are also made in the size of 250x120x138 mm, they are commensurate with two layings of ordinary bricks.

Sometimes blocks are taken instead of bricks, they are released from lightweight concrete with cells. The second option is concrete with expanded clay filling. Such blocks have a size of 390x190x188 mm. It will give a beautiful, finished look to the building; there are no certain standards for its size.

Silicate bricks were produced much later than red bricks; they are produced by autoclave synthesis. In the production of silicate bricks, sand, lime are used, these components are mixed and pressed into bricks. In order for the brick to have a color, and special properties, dyes are added to the composition. The formed blocks are placed in an autoclave, where the blocks are doused with high-pressure steam.

Silicate bricks come in three varieties:

  • Single. Standard, not often used (250x120x65 mm), euro version, its width is smaller and is 85mm;
  • One and a half (250x120x88 mm);
  • Double (250x120x138 mm).

In construction, a double or one and a half type of block is more often used. Silicate brick of any size, it can be hollow or solid, their weight differs by about 1 kg.

In a hollow brick, holes can be through and perpendicular to the bed. Depending on the material, the weight of the silicate or standard bricks is approximately 4 kg. due to cavities in hollow brick its weight becomes smaller.

In the blocks, voids can be different forms and dimensions, for this reason, the weight of the brick must be measured individually.

Facing bricks are produced with a smooth beautiful surface especially for external finishing works and to protect the walls from snow and rain. To create unique and original buildings, they are produced with different colors.

Facing brick happens:

  1. Clinker. It is made from the best materials which have high attractiveness and durability.
  2. Ceramic. It happens with and without voids. From hollow blocks, the structure is lighter, structures from solid bricks become heavier and more durable.

For finishing doorways, windows, plinths, garden paths etc., clinker bricks are used, as it has special strength and frost resistance.

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