Standard brick: dimensions, weight and main characteristics. What can be the dimensions of red brick, as well as its varieties Overall dimensions of a brick

Decor elements 13.06.2019
Decor elements

A stone of natural origin has served as the main construction tool in the construction of capital buildings for a long time. However, the established foundations have not survived since the advent of the building material of our time - brick. People were able to completely independently convert the required characteristics into ready product. Every day we see applications everywhere of this type building materials in a wide variety of fields. Today there are no barriers, if you wish to purchase a standard brick of a standard type: you can find out the dimensions as well as the selection criteria from the materials of this article.

  • Typical brick applications, brick size and classification

Standard brick can be attributed, without false modesty, to very versatile materials that are widely used in most construction areas. Today there are a couple of varieties and standards of bricks. Rational selection of standard bricks is the basis for a good result of the entire complex of construction works.

Standard brick - types

Depending on the main components of manufacture, and on the characteristics of the material, standard bricks are classified into 3 main groups:

  • Standard red brick.
  • Silicate (white) brick.
  • Ceramic brick.
  • Brick for facing.

Areas of frequent use of bricks:

  • Removal of both load-bearing and ordinary walls;
  • Construction of foundations and plinths;
  • arrangement basements;
  • facade cladding;
  • erection of stairs;
  • removal of partitions;
  • Installation of stoves, chimneys and actually fireplaces.

The greatest demand, as well as distribution, was received by the red standard brick familiar to all of us. Its characteristics in technical terms are ideal for performing various tasks in construction. Elevator shafts are erected from it in high-rise buildings, columns, building foundations. Often a standard type of brick is taken as the basis for the foundation masonry of private houses.

If we are talking about the construction of stairs, then it is quite appropriate to use building products made of ceramics. Ceramics is much more resistant to moisture damage, temperature extremes and other atmospheric influences. Plus, ceramics are very malleable to mechanical transformations, which makes it possible, if necessary, to cut bricks without difficulty.

brick size

Today there are single, one and a half and 2nd bricks, as for the exact dimensional characteristics, we will describe them below in the text.

standard brick

During the formation of building crafts, a number of standards were developed according to which material of this type was produced. The size of a brick of the 1st type is: width 120 mm, length 250 mm, as for the height, it is 65 mm. It is these dimensions of the brick that are ideal for laying with alternation according to the longitudinal-transverse principle.

  • How is a standard brick selected? Its technical aspects and characteristics

Before purchasing a standard brick, you need to understand your ultimate goal as accurately as possible. It is she who later will assume the choice of material for construction.

The color of a brick block directly depends on the type of clay on the basis of which it is produced. At the same time, the most common type is a red-burning mass of clay. She, in the end, gives the product a final red tint. Less commonly, we can find a standard brick of white, yellowish and apricot color, for the production of which white-burning clay is used. It happens that for the desired result or shade, a specialized pigment is added to the base.

The usual one is suitable for removing wall partitions and building any construct.

  • Standard typology of bricks: 250x120x56 mm.

Subsequently, this standard brick will definitely require finishing by type, plastering. Facing, in turn, has exceptionally smooth and smooth surfaces and does not require any finishing. But with all this, the cost of both the actual type and the size of the facing blocks varies dramatically.

Brick strength

A very important aspect at the time of choosing a brick is strength, in other words, the ability of the block not to collapse under external loads. To build a house from one floor as a whole, a holding value of 100 kg per 1 cm will be sufficient. If we are talking about multi-storey construction, then the final figure should be at least 150. The strength of a single batch is indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.

There is also another indicator that affects the quality of the blocks - frost resistance. This indicator measured in cycles. Defined and set for each brand of blocks. The final product is placed in aquatic environment and then added to the freezer. The test period is 8 hours.

What could be simpler than an ordinary red brick or white color for modern people? Everyone knows that this is a building element in the form of a three-dimensional rectangle of standard sizes familiar to the eye, which is used as a basis for the construction of buildings, like a cube in a child's constructor.

However, everything is so simple only at first glance. Even such a primitive object as a brick has its own interesting story creation and evolution to becoming modern forms and materials, passing through the features of each building era in the development of mankind. What are the pyramids in Egypt worth alone, striking in the degree of cutting, the peculiarity of the breed and the fit of each building block to each other. Moreover, an opinion is expressed about the origin of these construction objects from an unearthly civilization. Maybe it’s true that bricks weren’t invented by people?

Seriously, the history of the construction "cube" deep goes into the distant cave time.

Previously, as a building unit, in addition to the brick block, there were more or less even edges and durable rocks stones various forms and dimensions. As a building material, wood was also widely used, thanks to which many architects of wooden architecture became famous. Of course, the brick is less durable, but easier and more comfortable to work with than stone, and colder but more durable than wood. However, the test of time has proved the feasibility of using bricks in construction in most cases.

Material for manufacturing

Brick was originally made of clay, scorched by the fire among primitive tribes. Trying to modify the properties, the builders constantly changed its composition. Straw mixed with clay additional water was added in different concentrations, such raw material was dried for a long time in the sun. Due to the laboriousness of the process, they later came up with plinth - firing blanks in a furnace for parameter improvements rigidity and strength, thanks to which high-rise buildings from durable brick foundations began to appear.

In modern construction, clay as the main material is not inferior to its leadership positions; sand, water, lime and additional additives.

Main types

Nowadays, two main types of bricks are widely known.

    red, ceramic, practically without additional impurities, is still made from clay rocks and fired. It is used everywhere without additional instructions on operating conditions.
  1. Silicate white-gray brick, made of sand and lime with a small concentration of binders, subjected to steam treatment under high pressure. It is used, for the most part, in the construction of walls and partitions, as it does not accept excess moisture, is not fireproof and is softer in “its character”.

Technical characteristics of the main types of bricks:

In addition, there are bricks full-bodied and with voids, perforated and porous structure with air holes to improve heat retention and reduce weight.

By function, bricks are divided into ordinary construction and cladding, curly for the decoration of walls and facades of buildings.

Size range

At hand made, brick blanks of standard sizes did not exist before. And before the twentieth century, even in factory production, especially in Europe, there were own rules and regulations in each specific case. All this only complicated the work on the design of buildings.

Known for his innovative implementations for the progressive development of our state, the great Emperor Peter I became one of the founders of the establishment one size brick price Russia | However, bulky (28×14×7 cm) and inconvenient during laying, the size did not take root in construction and began to undergo changes in the direction of decreasing dimensions.

In 1927 they installed common standards(GOST) for a brick called single with parameters 250 × 120 × 65 mm. Thanks to this, the use of bricks has become More comfortable and optimal for direct construction for the hands of laying masters, when changing types of masonry, creating projects and plans for rooms and structures, as well as when using already ready-made solutions depending on the situation.

  1. For less time-consuming work on the construction of walls, a one-and-a-half brick with dimensions of 250 × 120 × 88 mm was invented.
  2. Brick "double" 250×120×103 mm is also used to speed up the construction process in lightweight masonry.
  3. Euro size 250×85×65 mm and modular 288×138×65 mm are also gaining popularity recently.
  4. The dimensions of the facing brick correspond to the parameters of an ordinary ceramic product.
  5. Figured bricks with roundings, reliefs and their combinations often have their own dimensions, coinciding with the standard only in length.
  6. Fireclay refractory brick has its own parameters: 230 × 113 × 65 mm or 230 × 123 × 65 mm.

In view of the characteristics of shrinkage in the production of such building products, fluctuation errors allowed in terms of length up to 4 mm, width up to 3 mm, height up to 2−3 mm.

Given the latest trends in modern architecture and design art, it is possible to further create and improve new forms and materials to solve bold innovative and unique projects.

Pros and cons of using bricks

An old friend is better than two new ones, and brick house safer and warmer compared to other innovations used in today's building process.


  • the brick is sufficiently refractory;
  • practically unaffected by chemical reagents and the vagaries of nature, steadfastly resists the long-term pressure attack of the Earth's atmosphere;
  • well isolates from conducting sounds and noises;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety artificial stone long time-tested;
  • the beauty of the textured brick pattern is also an indisputable fact.

Of course, the disadvantages of such material are also obvious, for example:

  • in winter conditions, freezing and poor resistance to drafts of seams of brick walls are possible with insufficient quality compliance with certain technical issues during their construction;
  • in addition, the brick is subject to mechanical damage, especially during its transportation and improper storage.

Brick installation technology

To create a brick wall, in addition to the building blocks themselves, they use building mixture from cement and sand. Moreover, the greater the percentage of cement in it, the less mobile the mixture is, which is usually used when working with hollow bricks. to save solution.

The bonding layer under the brick among experts is called a bed, on the sides - seams with the maximum required width no more than 12 mm.

Laying in width should be commensurate with the parameters of the brick and be equal to the thickness of the future wall. Thickness options are available from half a brick to two and a half in increments to the minimum thickness.

When building a wall, the most important thing is first row laying bricks parallel to the horizon, leveled special devices or devices, for example, using a rail. Every brick necessarily control using a level.

The second most important wall corner masonry, also serving in the future as a guide. For its correct execution, ordering is used - a flat corner, usually made of metal.

The brick drawing itself is called a dressing, which provides overlap the upper bricks of the seams under them, evenly distributing the load on the entire future structure.

There are spoon, chain and cross dressings, which have their own characteristics and advantages. Choice specific way will depend on the decorative load being performed, and possible variant masonry in two layers will increase the thermal insulation wall properties premises.

In conclusion, it can be noted that with constant scientific and technological progress and the emergence of the latest developments and materials, sometimes with fantastic properties, such a simple element as a brick is likely to will not lose its relevance and in the future. Although its further modifications and improvements in properties and forms cannot be ruled out.

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P Brick is used in the construction of most houses. This word was borrowed from the Turkic language. Before this material was used in construction, people built houses from plinth. This is a wide plate of clay, having a thickness of 2.5 cm. Brick walls are very durable. But it takes a lot of time to put it together. Especially popular is the standard brick, the dimensions of which are determined by GOST. Before you start construction, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties and sizes of this material.

Standard product

Brick is one of the most common materials in construction, which are used for practical and decorative purposes. There are several varieties and standard sizes of the product on the construction market.

Most often used for the construction of houses and laying the foundation. The main areas of application include the following:

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  • Arrangement of the foundation and basement floors.

Brick staircase is the most budget option

  • Laying stoves, columns and fireplaces.

Red brick is in great demand. According to the technical parameters, it is suitable for many jobs. This material is obtained by firing clay. About 10% of the market falls on the silicate type, which is produced from a lime mixture.

Helpful information! When choosing products, you should pay attention to the quality of the product. You need to see if there are cracks, chips or uneven coloring on the surface.

Product standard parameters

The brick is selected according to the following parameters:

  • strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation characteristics;
  • dimensions;
  • Colour.

Materials depending on the dimensions are divided into one and a half, single and double. At the same time, the size of the standard product was developed over time. At the same time, the height of the product is 65 mm, the width is 120 mm and the length is 250 mm.

Standard sizes different types products

The height of the double element is 103 mm, and the one and a half element is 88 mm. At the same time, double products have a "perforated" look.

Helpful information! Brick can be hollow or solid. In the latter version, voids occupy about 13% of the area. Solid elements are used for arranging columns, foundations, basements and fireplaces. Half of the hollow product consists of voids. It is used for walls so that the load on the base is less.

Video: standard product sizes

Ordinary red brick: dimensions and main characteristics

It is a versatile material. It is in demand for the construction of walls, stove structures, fireplaces and many other buildings.

This product is of two types:

  • Simple perfectly withstands temperature changes. Suitable for creating walls, as it heats the house with high quality.

  • Refractory is made from very durable grades of clay. It is used where the temperature is very high.

Standard brick with dimensions 65/120/250 is optimal for the transverse-longitudinal method of laying surfaces. Each side of the product has a specific name: spoon, bed, poke. Do not purchase burnt products that have scorched edges and a burnt middle. Such a product can only be used for the foundation.

The weight of a full-bodied product varies from 3.5 to 3.8 kg. The packaging displays information about the pressure that the material can withstand when compressed.

Helpful information! When struck, a quality product makes a ringing sound.

White brick: dimensions, applications and parameters

White or silicate brick is produced by autoclave synthesis. In this case, a mixture of lime and fine sand is pressed and this product is made.

similar material There are two types: facing and ordering. The latter type involves further decorative trim. The front version itself is a finish. It can also be full-bodied and hollow. The hollow element is used to lighten the load on the foundation. Silicate also differs in size, like the red counterpart.

Ceramic brick: dimensions and properties

Ceramic products are popular. Such material is divided into facing and building. The view for cladding in some cases is done manually. It is used for various restorations of ancient structures. To create a more reliable masonry, products with voids are used, which contribute to an increase thermal properties buildings.

This product can have a variety of decorative surfaces: matte, with different textures and absolutely smooth.

One of the types of ceramic bricks is kiln. It must be of high quality and refractory material. When building furnace equipment, products even with minor defects cannot be used.

Facing brick: dimensions, characteristics and where it is used

The facing option has a smooth and neat surface. The most important tasks of bricks include protecting buildings from atmospheric precipitation, as well as creating an attractive appearance. In the front version, two sides are decorated with a decorative surface.

Depending on the size, the facing material can be one and a half, single or double. Single varieties can have the following height sizes: 65, 52 and 50. The dimensions of one and a half options may also vary. Non-standard products are used for restorations and difficult places during construction.

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How to choose a quality standard brick: dimensions and technical parameters

Previously, during manual construction, the most suitable sizes were selected. But in the factory, reference parameters are required. There are uniform standards for a single version - 25/12 / 6.25 cm. Other types differ in thickness. The reference weight of a single model is 3.4 kg.

Standardization made masonry more convenient. This brick product fits well in the hand. The color depends on the clay used. The most commonly used red mixture. Also, clay products can have yellowish, white and terracotta shades. In some cases, pigments may be used to obtain the desired shade.

To important criteria material selection refers strength. This indicator is indicated on the surface of the package. Frost resistance is measured in cycles. Each brand has its own meaning. Large and industrial buildings are built from materials that have an indicator of at least 35 cycles.

Appearance criteria

When purchasing products, you need to pay attention to the color. This indicator depends on the feedstock. The traditional options include red clay. The white-burning mixture is rarer and has a higher cost.

Product weight

An important parameter is the weight of the product. Standard weight - 3.8-4 kg. If the product has voids, then its weight will be less. When designing, it is not the weight of an individual building element that is taken into account, but the weight cubic meter masonry and mass of cement mortar. The specific gravity value varies from 600 to 1800 kg per cubic meter. Knowing the weight of the structure, it is possible to provide a suitable foundation for the structure.

Dimensions of brick structures

The size of the planned structure depends on the width of one building element. The standard width is 120 mm, so the width of the wall, depending on the number of layers, will be 120, 250, 510. This takes into account a gap of 10 mm between the elements. If laying is carried out from thin partitions, then the thickness of the structure is 65 mm, since the brick is laid on the edge.

Brick has taken its place of honor in the world modern construction . Without this material, it is difficult to imagine any object, so foremen always take into account its type, texture, manufacturer, color, and many more factors.

But, the size of a single brick also plays an important role in determining the amount of the required product. This material is obtained by firing clay briquettes, which were previously subjected to the action of a press.

This brick has long been used in construction, during foundation work, in the construction load-bearing structures and barriers to them. Briquettes are placed around stoves and fences. Perhaps it will be difficult to find a more universal material.


If the material is of high quality, it will make a specific sound during impact. It happens that the brick was kept in the oven for too long, in which case its core will be black, and the edges are deformed.

Such material is forbidden to be used for the construction of load-bearing structures; it is most suitable only for foundation masonry.

The weight of a full-bodied red briquette of classical parameters is four kilograms. The packaging also indicates the pressure that the material is able to withstand when compressed.

This number starts from seventy and ends in the region of three hundred and characterizes the withstand pressure in kilograms on square centimeter. single: 250x120x65mm.

white silicate

White briquettes have also found their application in the construction of load-bearing structures. They are made on the basis of silicates, from which they received such a name of the same name. Bricks are as light and soft as possible, but they are inferior to their red counterparts in strength and versatility of use.

Most of all, white briquettes are suitable for laying walls and partitions, while they cannot be used for foundation work and for laying basements.

Silicate briquette is not suitable for stoves and fireplaces, because its fire resistance is not as strong as that of the red counterpart.

According to GOST single: 250X120X65, where the first number indicates the length, the second the width, and the third the thickness.

Standard briquette: 250X120X88.

Standard size of a double white silicate briquette: 250X120X138.

Ceramic briquette

Recently, in order to save money, ceramic bricks have also found their application in construction. its pros and cons. It is also called a double stone and it very different from the single counterpart Red. This is especially evident in the height, which is several times greater.

The dimensions of a single ceramic brick are 250x120x65 mm;

Dimensions of a double ceramic briquette - 250x120x138 mm.

Recently, builders have begun to actively purchase one-and-a-half ceramic briquettes. Their size is 25x12x8.8 cm.

It immediately becomes clear that the cost of ceramic bricks is directly proportional to the dimensions: a brick of 250x120x65 mm is especially popular among builders.

Red full-bodied ceramic briquette is considered the most versatile. It is actively used for finishing the ground floor, for the construction of load-bearing structures.

It has excellent impact resistance sub-zero temperatures and low thermal conductivity. The percentage of moisture absorption is 14% - this will be enough to use it in regions with frequent rains.

Majority construction companies opt for ceramic briquettes, the cost of which is relatively low. The reason for this choice is quite obvious:

  • ceramic red briquette It is considered a classic building material that is used for the construction of residential buildings.

  • The material has gone through many tests. The history of its application goes back many decades, during which time it has established itself in the modern construction market.
  • environmentally pure material. Ceramic briquettes are made from environmentally friendly components. As a rule, chemical impurities are not added to the composition.
  • lasting. The material under consideration is extremely difficult to destroy. In this respect, it is identical to natural stone, it is rational to use it for the construction of multi-storey structures.
  • high resistance to moisture. In addition, the material dries as quickly as possible, while it creates an optimal climate in the room.
  • does not absorb moisture. This figure is not more than six percent.
  • unaffected negative factors environment.
  • fire resistant. It is difficult to call it a combustible material.
  • resistant to sub-zero temperatures and practically does not let in extraneous sounds.
  • thanks to him, the heat in the room will remain even without the use of additional insulation.
  • optimal cost. This construction material durable.

Building a house is hard to imagine without building a basement. This is a special area between the first floor and the foundation. Often they are considered to be the ground floor itself.

The load is increased several times: the weight of the structure itself, the aggressive impact of atmospheric changes, the accumulation of melt and rain water, the change in the state of the soil. All these changes negatively affect the wall and base materials. And therefore, increased attention is always paid to the finish of the basement.

For the construction of a ground floor in construction, a stone with a low pore ratio is suitable. It is this characteristic, in addition to strength, that is able to provide maximum resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.

A porous briquette will absorb moisture as much as possible, and it is in the ground floor that its excess accumulates on the walls. As the temperature rises, moisture begins to naturally evaporate. As a result, due to the constant heating and freezing of the stone, it quickly deforms and collapses.

It is rational to use briquettes for arranging plinths.based on clinker. This brick stands out for its excellent sound and heat insulating characteristics. Its heat conductivity is 0.7 W/m K. It is 250x120x65 mm.

The briquette is durable to elevated temperature, is not exposed to ultraviolet rays, and practically does not contain pores.

It is made on the basis of clay and dunite. For its production, a special technology is used, thanks to which the briquettes are distinguished by increased resistance to aggressive environmental factors.

During the laying of such briquettes, they must be treated with a special material that protects the brick from the formation of acids and alkalis.

The moisture absorption of the brick in question is no more than eight percent, while it will withstand more than one hundred and fifty cycles of freezing and thawing.

For facing works, it is rational to purchase a straight-shaped stone, which will correspond to the dimensions 230X113X65mm. In addition to straight stone, companies also produce other forms that are widely used at the stage of construction of chemical industry premises.

For example, a radial longitudinal small briquette is 113X70X65 mm. Its length is 2.3 cm, while the dimensions of the wedge double-sided ribbed briquette are 113X65X65 with the same length.

Before painting the walls, it is imperative to putty drywall. all about puttying drywall for painting.

Today, crushed stone of various sizes has found its wide application in construction. specific gravity of crushed stone 20 40.

Cement is a mineral building material that, when diluted with water, becomes very strong and durable. By clicking on, get acquainted with the specific gravity of cement grade M400.

Standard brick sizes became the basis for the emergence of mass production, as well as for mass capital construction.

In 1925 of the last century, standard brick sizes were prescribed in the USSR: 250x120x65mm, while the weight of the product should not exceed four kilograms. Today, this standard is enshrined in GOST. If you pay attention to the European marking, then the most common sizes are:

  • NF (norm);
  • DF (thin).

They are slightly smaller than domestic counterparts. Their sizes are respectively:

  • 24x11.5x7.1cm;
  • 24x11.5x5.2cm;
  • 20x10x5 (6.5) cm;
  • 25x8.5x6.5cm.


Construction companies and manufacturers of relevant materials, as a result of long negotiations, reached a compromise regarding the typical size for the material considered in the article.

A single brick has standard dimensions: length - 250, width - 120 and height 65 mm.

These parameters are considered optimal, because it is easiest to carry out alternate placement of bricks with such material. This is carried out longitudinally and transversely relative to the masonry axis.

For more information about the dimensions of a single brick, see the video:

As a result of the development of the construction business in modern world became no less popular and other sizes of bricks.

So on the market you can find one and a half briquettes. Their: 250x120x88 mm.

But at the same time, the size of a single red brick remained unchanged.

Double briquettes

The double brick also took its place of honor in masonry work. It is almost impossible to find it on the market full-bodied, it is produced with cavities and is used to facilitate masonry. Briquette dimensions: 250x120x103 mm.


To ensure optimal conductivity and heat retention, brick walls should be as thick as possible. A completely different matter is slotted material.

This ceramic briquette has through holes (regardless of shape), which is why it is as warm as possible, which has a logical explanation: the increase in the number of voids increases the thermal conductivity of ceramic bricks. And as a result, the walls of it can be as thin as possible.

In addition, a ceramic briquette with slots is much lighter, so it does not load the foundation and plinth so much. The standard dimensions of a brick are known to every builder, because this indicator must be taken into account.. Initially, this must be done in order to correctly calculate the amount of material used.

Therefore, knowing certain numbers, and skillfully substituting them under the formula, you can quickly and accurately determine the amount of money that will be spent during repairs or construction.

When ordering materials, you need to know their parameters. Even this good known material, like a brick, has a large number of types and varieties. The good news is that its parameters are standardized. The standard brick size and its qualitative characteristics are determined.

Types of building bricks

According to the material, the brick is ceramic (clay, red) and silicate (white). By appointment - ordinary (construction) and finishing (facade). An ordinary one is used for laying walls, it involves subsequent finishing, therefore a notch can be applied to the side faces (spoons) - in order for the plaster to hold better.

Types of bricks - ordinary and special

According to the method of molding, the brick is corpulent and hollow (hollow). Full-bodied is molded from a homogeneous composition. They are used where mechanical strength is important - foundations, load-bearing walls.

Hollow has a certain percentage of voids, due to which the weight of the structure is reduced, and thermal conductivity characteristics are improved. But the presence of voids significantly reduces sound insulation performance - voids work as resonators. So you have to use them wisely.

Ceramic brick size

Ceramic bricks are fired parallelepipeds molded from clay. The quality is largely determined by properly maintained firing parameters, as well as the composition clay mortar. High-quality ceramic bricks can be used for any construction operation: for the construction of the foundation (solid), the construction of external walls and internal partitions.

Building bricks have certain dimensions defined by standards. The most commonly used single brick size is 250 * 120 * 65 mm

The main disadvantage of this building material is some variation in geometry. It is explained by the peculiarities of clay - it can be of different "fat content", which makes it difficult to accurately predict how much the size will decrease during drying / firing.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a red brick, you should pay attention to its color. It displays the quality of the batch along with a parameter such as brick size. It is unburnt or burnt. The second option is not bad in operation (it looks darker than usual), and it is better not to use unburned brick (lighter and looser) at all - it falls apart very quickly.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the absence of extraneous inclusions. Most often there are light points and expanded clay. Both lead to the rapid destruction of the brick. So we choose only batches with a uniform color without any additives.

More quality criteria

That is, the requirements for ordinary building bricks are quite loyal. The presence of these defects does not affect the quality of the masonry, and the decorative component is unimportant, since it is assumed that there is a finish. Do not forget to check the size of the brick - in one batch, the run-up should not be more than 3 mm.

The requirements for finishing (facing) ceramic bricks are more stringent. Invalid:

  • Chips of edges with a depth of more than 1.5 cm.
  • There should be no cracks.
  • The ribs should not have bruises more than 3 mm wide and more than 1.5 cm long.

To meet these requirements finishing brick stacked on pallets, the corners are protected with boards knocked down by an angle, the entire structure is wrapped with a film. It is transported in this way.


The optimal size of a clay brick (red, ceramic) was determined historically. It has been produced for thousands of years, as a result perfect combination lengths, which is reflected in the standard. It was adopted only in the last century. There are three standard options available:

Of the features - a single brick is full-bodied, hollow. One and a half and double - only hollow, otherwise they turn out to be too heavy for comfortable work.

In addition to the standard ones, there is a reduced brick. It is produced in Europe, but it also comes to us. Its parameters and international designation are summarized in the table.

Markingbrick sizeConsumption
D.F.240*115*52mm64 pieces/m2
RF240*115*65mm54 pcs/m2
NF240*115*71mm48 pcs/m2
WDF210*100*65mm59 pcs/m2
2DF240*115*113mm32 pcs/m2

What size is better

In the post-Soviet space, a single brick is most often used. It is very familiar to our eyes; many masonry schemes have been developed for it. It is worth learning from such material.

One and a half bricks are used less frequently. It provides some economic benefit. Firstly, a cubic meter costs a little lower. Secondly, since the masonry fragments are larger, less mortar is consumed. Thirdly, work goes faster. Time is saved due to the larger size. But it is more difficult to work with a brick and a half, even if it is hollow - it is hard to hold in your hand. And the appearance of the wall is unusual.

Double brick is more often called ceramic building stone. When using it, the most tangible effect is the speed of construction. In addition, the solution savings are also increased. But it will not work to grab such a brick with one hand. Therefore, it is better to work with an assistant. Appearance masonry leaves much to be desired, so exterior finishes are desirable.

If we talk about other countries, then in Europe the most popular ones are NF and DF. Imported ceramic brick NF has almost the same proportions as the domestic one. Category DF - thinner, masonry looks elegant.

Silicate brick dimensions

Silicate bricks are made from quartz sand(9 parts) and lime (1 part), some additives. This building material is best performance in terms of thermal conductivity (conducts heat worse), less weight. The technology is such that it is easier to endure geometric dimensions so there are usually no problems.

But it is not as hard as red brick, besides it is afraid of moisture - with prolonged contact with moisture, it begins to crumble. Because of this, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is for the construction of walls and partitions. Not for the foundation, not for ground floor, nor can it be used for laying a chimney.

The second area of ​​application is as finishing material. The base composition has a white, slightly grayish color. You can add any dye to it and get a colored brick.

The dimensions of the building silicate brick are the same as those of the ceramic one: single has a height of 65 mm, one and a half - 88 mm, double - 138 mm.

Single and one-and-a-half silicate bricks can be solid and hollow. Single corpulent weighs 3.6 kg, hollow - depending on the size of the voids 1.8-2.2 kg. A full-bodied one and a half has a mass of 4.9 kg, and a hollow one - 4.0-4.3 kg.

Double silicate brick is usually made hollow. Its weight is 6.7 kg. Full-bodied are rare - because of the large mass (7.7 kg), it is difficult to work with them.

Weight of one piece: ceramic, silicate, ordinary, facial

The weight of the brick is needed firstly, to calculate the foundation, this parameter is especially important when; secondly, for cargo transportation; and thirdly, to determine the quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

brick typePurposeViewNominal dimensionsemptinessThe weightWater absorption
Ceramic GOST 530-2007private (worker)single, full bodied250*120*65 0% 3.3 - 3.6 kg10 -12%
single, hollow (hollow, slotted)250*120*65 30-32% 2.5 - 3.0 kg (at 6% voidness weight 3.8 kg)12 -17%
one and a half, full bodied250*120*88 0% 4 - 4.3 kg12 -17%
one and a half, hollow250*120*88 30-32% 3.5 kg (at 6% voidness - 4.7 kg)12 -17%
double, full bodied250*120*140 0% 6.6 - 7.24 kg12 - 17%
double, hollow250*120*140 30-32% 5.0 - 6.0 kg12- 17%
facing (facial)single, full bodied250*120*65 0% 2.6 kg9 - 14%
single hollow250*120*65 30-36% 1.32 - 1.6 kg9 -1 4%
one and a half hollow250*120*88 30-36% 2.7 - 3.5 kg9 - 14%
Silicate GOST 379-95private (worker)single solid250*120*65 0% 3.7 - 3.8 kg (according to GOST)
single hollow250*120*65 15-31% 3.1 - 3.3 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 4.2 - 5.0 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 4.2 - 5 kg
double hollow250*120*140 15-31% 5.3 - 5.4 kg
facing (facial)single solid250*120*65 0% 3.5 - 3.9 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 3.7 - 4.3 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 3.7 - 4.2 kg

Except brick standard size there is a large number of finishing lightweight bricks. For example, there is a silicate one and a half, which weighs only a little more than a standard single - 4.1-5.0 kg.

There is the so-called "American" - with a standard single size and a weight of only 2.5 kg. Lightweight versions can be used in case of lack of foundation bearing capacity. Although, it is better to use a lighter finish - facade slabs, for example.

Fireclay brick parameters

For the construction of stoves, fireplaces in the zone of contact with fire, a special fire-resistant brick is used. In its production, a special grade of clay is used - fireclay. Therefore, such a brick is also called fireclay. The production process is the same as building red bricks - shaping, drying, firing in a kiln. But, due to special properties fireclay, the resulting building material can easily withstand prolonged contact with open fire. In everyday life, two brands of general-purpose refractory bricks are used - ShA and ShB. ShA can withstand temperatures up to 1690°C, ShB - up to 1650°C, all other parameters are identical. Therefore, they have the same scope - this is the molding of fireboxes for fireplaces and stoves.

The size of the refractory brick is to be coded in the number after the abbreviation:

  • ShB-5, ShA 5 - 230 * 114 * 65 mm;
  • ShB-6, ShA 6, ShA 14 - 230 * 114 * 40 mm (bream);
  • ShB-8, ShA 8 - 250*125*65 mm;
  • ShB-9, ShA 9 - 300 * 150-65 mm;

Most often, they use ShA 8 or ShB 8. They coincide in length and thickness with the ceramic red brick from which the rest of the furnace is laid. There is also a wedge-shaped refractory brick - to form the vaults of the firebox and smooth curves in the horizontal plane.

There are two types of wedge refractory bricks:

This is not all sizes and types of fireclay bricks. You will find more in GOST 8691-73.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick is another special type of ceramic brick. In its manufacture, a special type of clay is used - refractory shale. The molded blocks are fired at a very high temperature of 1200°C. As a result of this processing, the clay acquires the properties of ceramics, the color - from dark red to rich brown.

The clinker brick has a very high strength, abrasion resistance. From it you can pave roads, finish the porch. And they will serve for centuries. The surface of the clinker is even, smooth, shiny. That allows you to use it also as a finishing brick - for finishing facades, etc.

The shape and size of clinker bricks can be very different - there are a lot of them, since there are not only standard ones - in the form of a parallelepiped, but also with rounded edges beveled at different angles.

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