What the insulation is being done. Types of insulation of their properties and characteristics

Gardening 03.03.2020

The thermal insulation materials perform one of the most important functions that are necessary to ensure the comfortable existence of a person in their home.

They allow you to protect the house from freezing, heat loss, etc. Without insulation, we would have to have very tight. It is not surprising that now all construction organizations have so seriously addressed this topic and try to popularize such materials everywhere where only you can. We are recommended by the way.

1 General Information

Insulation, if you view a special GOST, are materials for the fence of carrier and undesseaging structures of the house.

Their main task is to cut off the cold air flows and the protection of external house designs.

That is, thermal insulation materials are used to prevent hoping at home. This applies to almost all of its parts. So, most often GOST recommends to warm the outer walls. Walls come into contact with the outer temperature constantly? And the point of contact with them goes throughout the area.

If the temperature on the street is too low, then no brick can withstand it. The wall will begin to gradually blend and cool. At one moment, its temperature drops so low that the design will already give cold inside the room.

As a result, you will have to spend just the fabulous amounts for heating, although all this could be avoided if you use GOST and insulate the walls as it should be.

Similarly, roofing structures are also needed in the arrangement of thermal insulation materials, and it is best to put everything. Here, the use of insulation needs even more. After all, in contrast to the walls, the roof could never boast of high density.

It is simply stuffed on the boardwalk flooring and finishing coating. Through such structures, the cold penetrates much faster. It is not surprising that GOST recommends using heat-insulating materials for insulation, which is almost twice the thickness of those that need to be mounted for wall decoration.

Foundations, overlaps, balconies, and other similar designs are also insulated. That is, all elements of buildings that come into contact with the street, and therefore can freeze in case of decrease in temperature.

If everything is done correctly and have been taken into account all the moments that GOST indicates, the house will be protected by a kind of thermal cocoon.

Thermal characteristics and properties of rooms inside it will increase dramatically. It is proved that competent insulation of some walls alone increases the average temperature in a house by 2-3 degrees.

1.1 How does the insulation act?

After all of the foregoing, you may seem that the insulation is some kind of supercrowable material with incomprehensible thermal insulation properties, but in fact it is not so.

Characteristics of insulation are quite trivial. It is simply special materials that almost half consist of air. Such a structure is far from all thermal insulation representatives, which are presented in the modern market, but there are enough them.

First of all, such high thermal insulation characteristics are possible due to thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of insulation is a parameter that is responsible for the possibility of interaction with the environment with the environment, or rather, its temperature.

High thermal conductivity, as GOST clarifies, there are practically all building materials. This means that the material with this characteristic is quickly aligned with the environment at temperature. He quickly picks heat, but also gives him quickly.

In insulation, the thermal conductivity is extremely low. The average characteristics of all known species suggest that they have a thermal conductivity at 0.04-0.045 W / m as y. This indicator suggests that the material does not respond at all to the outer temperature.

That is why it will be very unpleasant to sit in the winter on a concrete or brick, and you can sit on the foam without any problems.

These properties allow insulation to have such characteristics. Due to their low heat transfer, thermal insulation materials protect the structures from the external temperature, forming a protective barrier from the cold.

2 types of insulation and their properties

Now we should consider the types of insulation. There is a whole table of heat-insulating materials. You can find it by looking at the current GOST, which is focused on insulation. Just remember that GOST can have a separate number, and therefore focuses on different parameters.

One GOST will normalize the size of thermal insulation materials, and also helps to calculate the thickness of the insulation, the other document can be focused on the individual grades of insulation, which are used in specialized spheres.

Select the regulatory documentation should be very carefully, then not to make a mistake when making calculations.

Types of thermal insulation can be divided into several subgroups. We indicate here far from all types of thermal insulation materials, but only the most popular. Each material has a whole list of its properties that we also consider, but only brief.

So, most often insulation are divided into:

  • Organic as;
  • Inorganized.

2.1 Organic insulation

This group includes the types of thermal insulation materials whose properties refer them to an organic. Here are present as wood insulation and polymer insulation or other similar compositions based on recently invented chemical formulas.

The organizing agent has the difference in thermal insulation properties, but it can burn on fire, and this is a serious nuance.

Allocate the following types:

  • Arbolite;
  • Polystyrene foam;
  • From slab chipboard;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Foamy;
  • Polyethylene;
  • From eco-friendly as.

Arbolite materials are created from wood chips, straw, light fillers and other similar materials.

All these components are mixed in shape and poured cement mortar with special additives. At the outlet, a ready-made heat-insulating plate is obtained, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Polystyrene foam in the view does not need - this is a slang insulation of polystyrene balls. Very cheap, with amazingly low thermal conductivity, it is extremely popular in modern construction.

From the chipboard, insulation rarely, as they are quite expensive, but also such solutions are found. For insulation, the chipboard of their waste chips is used, which slightly facilitates the weight of the plates and improves their properties.

Polyurethane foam is a newly invented chemical formula. This material is applied to the walls in liquid form, where it freezes, forming an elastic soft shape.

Penosol is largely similar to polyurethane foam. In particular in the application. It is also mixed in the same way, and then apply sprayers.

Only foamizole initially has foaming agents in its structure. And its properties bring this material rather to modern mounting foam.

Foamed polyethylene has unique properties. With extremely low weight and excellent thermal conductivity, the density of the insulation is too low to use it as capital materials.

But the foamed polyethylene serves as reflective thermal insulation, in a bundle with foil, and is also an excellent vapor polypoletor.

Equata is made by their waste of paper-cellulose production as. Eco properties can not be called outstanding, but it is very cheap, completely safe for a person and almost nothing weighs. The dimensions of the insulating materials from the eco-house make it possible to use them almost everywhere.

2.2 Inorganic insulation

Inorganic materials GOST refers all insulation that were created from glass, stone, rocks, etc. The inorganic is more expensive, since it has to spend more resources in its production.

However, the characteristics of it are very high. Plus, inorganic materials are practically not lit in fire. It is also important to take into account that it does not matter which dimensions of the insulation plates from inorganizers will be used, it will be vapor permeable in any case, which is also extremely convenient.

The following samples are distinguished:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Glasswater.

Mineral wool is so popular in the modern time that almost every second house is insulated with its help. This is possible due to a unique combination of favorable characteristics.

Low thermal conductivity, convenient sizes of the final material, hydrophobicity, ease, non-hatching is only a part of the useful properties of mineral wool.

The only drawback of thermal insulation materials from stone wool is their cost. To create a heater from the basalt, and even high quality, you need to go through the full process of melting and selection of stone fibers, and this is completely expensive.

Glasswater is largely similar to the previous sample, just produce it from glass waste. It is also easy to manipulate, glass gamble has good properties, and little is inferior to other insulation, if you look solely on the table of characteristics.

Moreover, the size of fibers glass gambles are usually greater than the size of the fibers of the same mineral wool, which means that the glass gamble will better keep load on the gap.

That's just there is one extremely unpleasant flaw. Glasswater, being derived from glass, can be mounted only in protective equipment.

When mounting, the fibers tend to break out that the microscopic level leads to the formation of small particles of glass. These particles can enter the skin, into the mucous membrane and even light person, causing irritation and even disease.

2.3 Selection of stone wool insulation (video)

With the onset of autumn with its gray, cold winds and monotonous rains, more and more often you start thinking about a soft sweater, a warm tea cup and a warm and cozy house. From prehistoric times, a man tried to warm his home and keep warm in it. Since then, humanity has found many ways to protect the house from the cold.
Modern builders spend a whole complex of works on the insulation of walls, floors, roofs, facade, creating a thermal pump around the frame of the building. Building materials that reduce heat transfer process are called thermal insulation or insulation. The main characteristic is the thermal conductivity - that is, the ability to transfer heat from the warmer to less heat. The smaller the thermal conductivity, the more heat is saved.
According to the classification according to GOST, building heat-insulating materials and products are distinguished:

  • By type of raw materials:

1. Organic
2. Inorganic
3. Mixed

  • By structure:

1. Fibrous
2. Cellic
3. Grainy (bulk)

  • In form:

1. loose
2. Flat
3. Shaped
4. Cord

  • By combustion:

1. Non-regulations

By combustion material means its ability to independently burning. So non-aggravated materials are not able to completely burn independently (the gramifications class NG); Epiphany - can burn under the direct impact of the flame, but are not able to continue burning without a source of ignition or beyond its impact (the gramifications class M-1, M-2); Boeful - continue burning on their own even after removing the source of ignition (the gramifications class M-3, M-4).

With form and structure, less, understandable. To loyal, that is, a loose, porous, includes minvat and pearlit sand.
Flat - those that have a flat shape - mats, plates, blocks.
Shaped - heat-insulating materials that have been given the form (cylinder, half-cylinder, segments) in the production. Cords - cords and harnesses, small sections.

From the term "fibrous" it becomes clear that these materials consist of fibers - filamentary elements (mineral wool).
The cellular structure is characterized by the presence of macropores - cells (such a structure has gas and foam concrete, gas-silicates, as well as foam and foam glass).
Grass or bulk - differ in the presence of grains - granules or grains of different sizes (perlite sand, powder materials for backfill)

And now we will return to the types of thermal insulation materials.
The key indicator for the insulation is its base - raw materials. For the production of certain insulation, various materials are used. As mentioned above, there are thermal insulation materials on an organic basis, on an inorganic basis and on mixed.

Heat insulators on an organic basis

To understand the terminology, we recall that the organic basis can be something belonging to the plant or animal world, or a chemical compound, which is based on carbon. So the heat insulator on the organic basis includes materials based on woodworking industries (sawdust, chips); paper waste paper (cellulose); sheep wool; Corks and some other natural materials. However, all of them gradually absorb moisture, can lose volume (Compress) And quickly flammable, therefore, in the modern world they are rarely used.

The most popular organic insulation are expanded polystyrene) and foamed polyethylene. The latter, to a greater extent, is used for insulation of pipes and communications. All the reflex insulation are gaining great popularity, that is, reflecting (armofol, ecoofol brands, porilex, foam), one of the components of which are foamed polyethylene, and the second polished aluminum. These insulation are very subtle, but effective. Due to the ability of polished aluminum to reflect up to 97-99 heat and polyethylene (the thickness of the final material of 1-2.5 cm) obtains a similarity of a thermal barrier capable, according to manufacturers, replace from 10 to 27 cm of fibrous thermal insulator.

The polystyrene foam, still called the foam, began his way as a thermal insulation material in the 60s of the 20th century (although it was in 1928 in France in 1928) and from those times it was not particularly changed.
The polystyrene foam is a cellular material of white, consisting of a plastic mass of polystyrene, filled with 98% air, due to which he has high indicators of thermal insulation, as well as low weight, that is, does not affect the plantation shrinkage and facilitates installation.
Generally accepted designation - PSB - PeNOPOLISTIROL. FROMassumenzione manufactured B.espress method, an additional letter "C" after the abbreviation of the PSB means FROMazatuhaling, and " F."- Facade, follow-up numbers talk about sheet thickness specified in centimeters (10, 15, 25, 30, 50).
Polystyrene foam is a very comfortable and popular insulation. However, he has a number of minuses, namely:

  • relatively fragile;
  • the combustible - needs special processing;
  • not "breathing" - requires additional ventilation;
  • insects and rodents easily arrange labyrinths and moves in it - additional means are needed to protect the edges of insulation to eliminate direct pest access;
  • from direct sunlight, over time, is shed and painted - it needs the finish coating (plaster, paint).

In trying to eliminate the disadvantages of foam invented - The initial raw material is the same, but the method of production of the material is different (extiz method). The result was a material with a uniform, closed structure, very durable (it is allowed to use even as a material for auxiliary structures), light, with a low thermal conductivity, minimal water impairment, frost-resistant, harmless to a person, not subject to rotting and resistant to chemical substances.
In extruded polystyrene foam ne was able to eliminate only two drawbacks - bad vapor permeability and high flammability.

Despite the flaws, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam is considered almost universal insulation, since they are environmentally friendly, moisture empty, resistant to temperature drops, practically does not have the shelf life, and equal success is suitable for insulation of the roof, walls, gender, and even the facade.

Inorganic heat insulators

Inorganic-based insulation materials include thermal insulators, for the manufacture of which mineral substances (rock, glass, metallurgical slags) were used. As a result of spraying of the molten mineral substance, the fibers are chaotic, mineral wool (Minvata).

Depending on the initial mineral substance, glass gambler (based glass), stone or basalt cotton wool (based on rocks) and slag cotton wool (metallurgical slags) are distinguished.
The main advantages over the heat insulators on the organic basis are: high fire safety, good sound insulation, the ability to pass air and steam, which does not allow condensate formation, as well as resistance to bioorganisms (mold, fungi, insects, birds, rodents).
Earlier in the construction, the use of glass gambles was widespread, the facades, flat roofs, floors, ceiling, internal floors were insulated.
However, the glass wool faster loses the form and volume when compared with other heat insulators, and the moisture is "afraid", so over time loses its characteristics.
It is also important to understand that how does the manufacturers do not try, but it is impossible to completely eliminate fibergusts. When entering the skin, it causes itching and irritation; Inhalation affects the lungs; If you get into the eyes, the cornea scratches, which can lead to serious vision issues. Therefore, when working with glassware, special safety is recommended. Clothes - pants and jackets covering skin, mittens, glasses and respirator. Now the glass gamble is more often used for the insulation of urban communications and to increase sound insulation in the premises.

Stone wool on the application, structure and flammability indicators does not differ from glass grooves, but has an advantage as low water absorption and minor loss of form and volume, due to which the use of stone or basalt wool has become more popular. In addition to the insulation of floors, walls, scanty and flat roofs, it is used for fire protection of steel columns and beams, air ducts, reinforced concrete partitions. Shelotted in "residential" construction does not apply, since it contains sulfur harmful to humans. It is used as fire-resistant thermal insulation of wagons, tanks, boilers, steam pipes, metal structures.

Mixed-based insulators

Thermal insulators from mixed feedstock are those that produced on the basis of asbestos with the addition of dolomite, vetericulite, perlite.
Such insulators have a dough consistency (apply to the surface and leave until complete drying) or are produced in the form of plates and shells. Such materials demonstrate good thermal insulation characteristics, non-care, incompetence of rotting, but asbestos insulation, as well as the foam, does not miss steam and air, so they require additional ventilation, and as glass gamble, specials require special. Clothes (asbestos dust can cause lung defeat, especially in allergys). The last factor often becomes decisive, and not at all in favor of asbestos insulation.

Written with words above, we reduced to Table 1 (compared the most popular types of heat insulators)

Table 1. Types and characteristics of popular insulation

Glasswater Stone \\ basalt wool Polystyrene foam
Application area Facade, Walls, Paul, Flat Roofing, Ceiling Facade, Walls, Paul, Flat and Scope Roofing Facade, Walls, Paul, Ceiling, Flat and Scope Roofing
Original raw materials inorganic inorganic organic organic
Structure fibrous fibrous mesh mesh
The form loose, extruded in mats loose, extruded in mats flat flat
Spray NG NG Mr., M-4 Mr., M-4
Water absorption high low relatively low low
Loss of volume and form high low low low
Resistance to bioorganism high high low high
Ability to "breathe" passes air and steam passes air and steam does not let air and steam does not let air and steam
Influence on human health harmful harmless harmless harmless

Even clarifying the nuances of those or other insulation for themselves, having come to the store to immediately navigate it difficult, because many manufacturers offer to the modern buyer with different means of thermal insulation. At one brand, the products of only one species, in another whole line of different, form, structure, how not to be confused? We offer to familiarize yourself with Table 2, in which you can find the names of manufacturers by type of insulation or in its intended purpose (compared the brands of manufacturers, popular in the Saratov region).

Table 2. Insulation and their applications

Glasswater Stone Vata. Polystyrene foam Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

Roofing scope, attic URSA Geo; Ursa Terra; Ursa Pureon. Rocklaight; Technoflor; Knauf insulation scope roofing; Knauf insulation thermo stove; Rockwool Standard; Rockwool Light Batts; Rockwool Ruf Batts; EcoRock; Baswool Light; Isover frame house PSB-S. URSA XPS; Pleeping scope roof; XPS TEKHNONIKOL.
Roofing flat Technoruf; Rockwool Ruf Batts; Baswool Ruth URSA XPS; Penoplex Comfort Penoplex Balcon
Facade ventilated Basalt Vin; Warmknauf; Knauf insulation facade; Rockwool Vod Batts; Baswool VENT facade; Technovent; Penoplex geo
Facade "Wet" Technofas; Knauf insulation facade; Rockwool Facade Batts; Baswool Facade PSB-F. Penoplex facade; Polyurex base; XPS TEKHNONIKOL.
First floor, base HeatKnauf. PSB-F. Penoplex facade; Penoplex base
Foundation PSB-F. URSA XPS; Pleeping foundation; Penoplex geo; XPS TechnoNIKOL;
Floor Isover warm house; URSA Geo; Ursa Pureon. Rocklaight; Technoflor; Warmknauf; Rockwool Standard; EcoRock; Baswool Flor; Isover frame house PSB-S. URSA XPS; Penoplex geo; Penoplex Comfort; XPS TechnoNIKOL;
Walls Isover warm house-stove; URSA Geo; Ursa Terra; Ursa Pureon. Rocklaight; Knauf insulation thermo stove; Warmknauf; Rockwool Standard; Rockwool Light Batts; Baswool Light; Baswool Standard; Isover frame house PSB-S. URSA XPS; Penoplex facade; Penoplex Comfort; Pleesoplex wall; Penoplex base
Blockets, loggia Ursa Geo. Rocklaight; Rockwool Standard; Rockwool Light Batts PSB-C; PSB-F. URSA XPS; Penoplex Comfort; XPS TechnoNIKOL;
Frame house Isover Warm House Plate Rocklaight; Rockwool Standard; Rockwool Light Batts; EcoRock 30; Baswool Light 45; Isover frame house Pleeping Wall
Hyperships with high humidity Ursa Geo. Rockwool insulation; Rockwool Light Batts; Rockwool Sauna Batts. Penoplex Comfort.

To choose the right choice of the insulation, it is important to understand what you want to get as a result? And what is originally for you, and what is secondary? And we, for our part, tried to help you figure out what the pros and cons of modern frequently used insulation.

The selection of insulation for wooden houses, they can be insulated the house outside, and some even inside the house. What types are suitable for a skeleton house? What is the best, consider their characteristics in this article! Correctly spent will not be superfluous in any climatic conditions.

When it is competent, then under her "protection" not only in winter in the house will be warmer, but also in the summer noticeably cool.

Installation of the insulation will create a comfortable microclimate in the room of any destination - in a residential building, office or in the manufacturing workshop.

In addition, heat saving is the obvious economy of finance. It is quite unreasonable to dump the street despite the fact that technologies used today provide the opportunity to make energy resources saving already at the initial stage of construction work. Most of all in the use of insulation, those parts of the building are needed, which are more adjacent to the external environment - and.

The material produced by this method has excellent, besides, it is not a fuel, and therefore does not pose a hazard in fire. But the huge part of the wonderful qualities of the insulation may be irretrievably lost during its wet. This should be considered.

Stone wool

Stone Vata.

This fibrous material that comes on sale in the form of rolls and portion plates, and having an extremely low thermal conductivity.

The highest quality product is made from rocks called gabbro-basalt. This non-combustible material is equal to successful in the construction of private facilities and the construction of various production. A wide range of use is also explained by the possibility of its use with extremely high t, reaching an indicator of one thousand degrees.

Complete immunity of insulation to fire is complemented by its excellent resistance to humidity. This is a hydrophobic material whose feature is that it does not absorb water, but repels it.

This ensures that the insulation will still be dry even after a long period of time. This, in turn, will allow it to maintain its high performance. The unique properties of basalt wool make it possible to use it even in boiler rooms, baths and saunas, where large humidity are combined, and high temperature. The strength in this case is not directly dependent on the density of the material.

This is a rather soft material with a sufficient margin of strength. Its structural stability is due to the special location of the individual components of the fibers - chaotic and vertical. The material is characterized by high anti-corrosion properties.

It can be quite peacefully adjacent to concrete and metal, without the occurrence of various kinds of chemical reactions. High biological stability ensures that it is immunity to various biological pests: damage insects and rodents, the emergence of fungal diseases,

Basalt insulation test test, and organic insulation burned

Basalt breed is the main raw material for the production of this type of wool. The treatment of formaldehyde resins gives the material to the sufficient level of strength, and the modern technologies used in this case guarantee the complete elimination of harmful phenols at the stage of production.

The final product falling towards the consumer is a harmless and environmentally friendly material with high insulating qualities.

It is actively used for the insulation of floors of residential and industrial premises, for thermal insulation of the roof and facades, including as an outdoor insulation.

It has found wide use of indoors with extreme indicators of humidity and temperature. The best basalt insulation, stone wool made from rocks - a guarantee of high-quality for a long time.

Glass wool

The missing 7% comes to the share of specially added flames. The insulation fibers contain lignin, with increasing humidity done by sticky. All the elements are incoming non-toxic, absolutely not volatile and harmless to health. Cellulose insulation is not combustible, rotting processes, has excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation indicators.

It can hold approximately 20% of humidity, while maintaining their working quality. The material gives moisture outside and quickly dries, keeping all its operational qualities. The disadvantage of EcoWats can be considered the difficulty of its manual application to the surface, as well as the impossibility of arranging the "floating gender" due to its inherent softness.


Another name of the material is the foam of the carbamide. This is a modern material with high sound and insulating characteristics, which is a cheap insulation. This is a cellular organic foam with a highly low density and low thermal conductivity. The material has a high resistance of fire, resistance to microorganisms, low price. It is easy to process, the air content reaches 90% in it.

Warming attic Peniosol

The tests carried out demonstrated the possibility of material. It turned out that the time of its operation, as the middle layer of the frame structure, the actual is unlimited. The tests of its fire resistance have shown that the material can be safely attributed to difficulty.

This is the only of the heat-insulating materials of the polymer nature used, which is not at all adapted to independent burning. His indicator of fire-resistant refers it to a subgroup of flammability.

Even in the event of the highest temperature during the fire, when the metal starts to melt, the carbide foam will only become evaporated, and without the release of poisonous or harmful substances.


This is a special folgized material (on both sides or only one). It is a fabric of foamed polyethylene, covered outside well polished aluminum foil. These are multilayer pair-sound and heat insulating material, combining completely different qualities.

With the minimum thickness of the insulating layer, it provides remarkable properties of reflection of heat flow, successfully combined with the highest (almost maximum) indicators of thermal resistance. For a properly installed material, it is characterized by an exceptionally effective thermal insulation of the building throughout its contour.

This is harmless, eco-friendly material that is not carrying the threat to the ozone layer. It does not contain glass or other fibers, unsafe for the health of people and animals.

Without changing its exceptional properties, it serves about 50 years, not deformed and without being spoiled during the whole time.

Installation is quite simple and very convenient: it does not need special technique. Excellent protection against steam and moisture. It is applied almost everywhere.

Today, the market offers the consumer various types of insulation, characterized by cost, installation and thermal conductivity coefficient. In addition to these indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to other characteristics to have the presentation of the proper use of thermal insulation during the construction of the house.

Competently pick up the insulation for the house will help the integrated assessment of the material. The use of different types of thermal insulation depends not only on their properties, but also from the architectural features of the building, the thermal conductivity of individual elements of the structures, as well as the alleged wool bridges. The insulation of each house node is performed by different materials.
The outer insulation of the loggia, the balcony, the base is made by the penplex. Due to the fact that it is withstanding the load up to 0.5 MPa and resistant to moisture, the insulation is optimally suitable for the outer decoration of the basements. Penoplex, being under the soil, is protected from fire and retains all its properties.
The heat insulators for the external finishing of the house walls are chosen depending on the material from which the design element is built. Wooden houses are best to poison foaming. The foam applied under high pressure fills all the cracks, and its structure allows wood to breathe. High price does not always allow the use of foamizole. As a replacement option, you can lay minvatu. Walls made of concrete, gasoblocks and other similar materials are insulated with penplex or glass gamble. Although, in state construction, glass gambled is more inclined to use it because of its resistance to fire.
Inside the house of the wall and ceiling are insulated with non-flammable materials. Usually these are Mats Minvati, laid in the frame. From above, they are closed with vapor insulation, which prevents the penetration of moisture to matam and the dilated fiber inside the room. If there is a lag, the overlap is placed by an emotory. For the insulation of the floor makes 100 mm filling with clay, plus put the plates of the fastener. The concrete screed poured on top prevents the warming of the insulation, and the reinforcing mesh gives the strength of the floors.
Modern and very practical for the roof insulation is polyurethane foam. It is applied by spraying. But his high price is not for everyone to pocket. Most often, a traditional insulation is used for the roof - Minvatu. It produces different sizes in the form of mats and rolls.
Properly chosen in its characteristics, the insulation will create in indoors comfortable living conditions.

Review of thermal insulation materials

Preventing types of insulation are most often used to finish different elements of the construction of the house. They have a low thermal conductivity.
The insulation on the organic basis is made of wood and agricultural waste. To improve properties, cement and plastic are added to natural raw materials. The result is insulation, resistant to ignition and moisture. It is withstanding the heating to 150 degrees. The scope is extensive, but is mainly used as an internal insulation of a multi-layer roofing or facade design.

  • white agglomerate is made of branches of oak branches;
  • black agglomerate produce from a bark removed from the tree trunk.

Cork can be used as a basis for wallpaper or as a finish. Thin rolled material found its use as a substrate for laminate. The price of such natural material is quite high. Depending on the modifications, the cost ranges from 800 to 4 thousand. Rub. / m2.

Cotoplast thermal insulator

The structure of the material consists of hexagon cells like beesh cells. Inside, they are filled with fabric or paper filler bonded by epoxy resin. Phenolic resins can be used as a fixer. The type of celloplast panels resemble plastic. The characteristic of the material depends on the raw materials used in the production of the base. For example, a sheet density can be from 230 to 500 kg / m2.

Foam polyvinyl chloride

The thermal insulator of PPVH is made of foam resins. This structure gives them the method of pouring. The material is made soft and firm, which gives him versatility. PPVH is suitable for the insulation of the roof, floor and walls. Its density is 0.1 kg / m3.

Many believe that chipboard is simply building material. But as a heater, the plates have proven themselves from the good side. Their base is small wood sawdust bonded by a synthetic resin. Plate density ranges from 500 to 1 thousand kg / m3, and water absorption is 5-30%.
The use of chipboard as a heater is justified for the floor, walls and ceiling. The cost of sheets is quite low, comes on the pocket to each developer. Depending on the size of the sheet, you can buy for 400-900 rubles. Plates are used as a base for mounting a soft roof.

Warfather plate

Plate DVP appearance resembles a chipboard. Its base consists of fibers of straw, corn, or any wood. Perhaps even the use of waste paper. Synthetic resins are added as adhesive. The density of fiberboard compared to the chipboard is small, just up to 250 kg / m3, and thermal conductivity - 0.07 W / m / m, plus a small strength.
Scope is similar as for chipboard. Low cost varies up to 800 rubles. per sheet.

Light heat insulation has a unique closed structure, which creates the lowest thermal conductivity indicator compared to other insulation. PPU is formed From the interaction of liquid components, polyester and MDI. The effect of catalysts creates a chemical reaction, the result of which is the formation of a new substance. The density of the insulation is 40-80 kg / m3, and the thermal conductivity indicator of the PPU is about 0.028 W / m / s.
PPU is applied to the insulated surface by spraying, which allows you to process any complex sections. The optimal use of PPU is insulation of the roof and wooden walls of the house. The value of the material together with the work on the spraying is quite high and can reach $ 200 / m3.


Another name of the insulation is Mijor. It is obtained on the basis of a whipped aqueous emulsion of urea-formaldehyde resin. Glycerin and sulfonic acid are used as additives. Mijor's consumer enters blocks or crumbs. It is used on the construction site. Poured into the prepared cavities of the Mior is hardening at a positive temperature.
Low density up to 20 kg / m3 promotes strong water absorption. The thermal conductivity indicator is 0.03 W / m / m. Not afraid of the effects of fire.

Polyfoam and extruded polystyrene foam

These two insulation consist of 2% polystyrene and 98% air. The thermal conductivity indicator is 0.037-0.042 W / m / m. Differ from each other by the structure. The foam consists of small balls, and the polystyrene was reminded when failing reminds the foam rubber.
Polystyrene combustible, while highlights toxic smoke. Polyfoam is afraid of moisture, so it is used more for the insulation of facades. Extruded expanded polystyrene can be in the wet soil for a long time, so it is more suitable for the outer insulation of basements. The cost of material is low.


A common insulation for walls and roofs is minvat. It happens two types:

  • slag is made of waste of heterogeneous metal;
  • stone wool is made from rocks, such as basalt, limestone, etc.

The material is not a fuel, resistant to chemical exposure, has a low cost. Made by plates and rolls.


The material differs from the Minvati fibers of a larger size. The basis of production is the raw material used for the manufacture of glass. The thermal conductivity indicator is from 0.03 to 0.052 W / m / k, and the density is no more than 130 kg / m3. Glasswater is also popular with roofing and walls.

Ceramic Wat.

It is performed by the method of inflatable zirconium, silicon or aluminum oxide. Wool resistant to high temperatures and is not deformed. The thermal conductivity indicator at + 600 ° C is from 0.13 to 0.16 W / m / k, and the density is not more than 350 kg / m3. It is used for the insulation of facades and roofing buildings.

Insulation of mixed type

Produce materials from asbestos mixtures with the addition of perlite, dolomite and other components. The initial condition of the material resembles the dough. They cover the surface prepared for insulation and leave until complete drying.

Asbestos is resistant to fire and withstands heating to 900 ° C, but it is afraid of moisture, so such thermal insulation requires mandatory waterproofing.

An example of a mixed type material is a volcanic and sign. Their thermal conductivity indicator is 0.2 W / m / m. The cost of the insulation is low, but it is dangerous to human health.

Reflective materials

A foil is used as a reflector, and the foamed polyethylene creates a heat barrier. The material has a thin structure up to 25 mm thick, but its effectiveness is equal to 100 mm thickness of the fibrous insulation. One of the popular examples is Penophol.
Reflective thermal insulation simultaneously plays the role of vaporizolation, so it is convenient to use it in the baths and saunas. The cost of material is low and accessible to everyone.
Considered today, the main types of insulation and their characteristics will help make the right choice of material for certain construction needs.
In the next video, you can get acquainted with the characteristics of some varieties of insulation.

One of the priorities that is solved at the construction stage or repair of commercial and private housing is insulation. Today, this question is not so much comfort how much saving on expensive energy. Therefore, all sorts of insulation for the walls are relevant, which are used inside and outside buildings.

The market of thermal insulation materials

The modern market of thermal insulation materials demonstrates high growth rates. The reason is the proven effectiveness of the use of energy-saving technologies, which allows to save up to 40% on heating resources. This task is usually solved comprehensively, but one of the important stages is invariably the thermal insulation of walls and facades with such materials:

  • mineral and glass gamble;
  • cellulose insulation;
  • polystyrene foam (foam);
  • fibrolite;
  • liquid ceramic insulation;
  • cork and other materials.

Choosing the insulation for the walls, buyers pay attention to the thermal conductivity, the cost of a unit of the area, the complexity of installation and operational characteristics.

Mineral wool is an affordable and popular insulation. This material with a chaotic fibrous structure obtained by melting magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Mineral wool is used for the insulation of frame structures and walls intended for different degrees of load, contours of structures and structures. Her advantages:

  • high resistance to fire;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • biological and chemical stability;
  • soundproofing of premises;
  • the ability to repulse moisture without saturation it (hydrophobicity);
  • mechanical strength;
  • resistance to temperature deformation;
  • easy installation.

And now about the minuses of mineral wool. This insulation contains harmful components in its composition, which negatively affect the human body. Especially susceptible to them organs of breathing, leather and mucous membranes. Phenol in a mineral wool, which is insulated with walls, causes nausea, weakness and headaches. To prevent the adverse effects of this building material, it is isolated from direct contact with the air circulating indoors.

Properties and Characteristics Glasswater

Glasswater is a kind of mineral insulation. Its production uses the waste of the glass industry. Fiberglass fully consists of fibrous inclusions and is distinguished by high elasticity, durability and vibration resistance. Its thermal conductivity varies from 0.030 to 0.052 W / (M · K).

The glass gamble is available in the form of mats and rolls. Thanks to pressing technology in a rolled or compressed form, it takes a small volume, which simplifies its transportation, storage and installation on a construction site. Properties Glasswater:

  • high soundproofing ability;
  • mechanical strength;
  • flexibility and elasticity;
  • resistance to mold and fungus;
  • environmental Safety.

The main disadvantage of glass gamble - the need to strictly observe personal safety equipment when working with it. Thin and sharp fibers are subject to fragrance, and, falling on the skin or mucous membrane, they cause irritation, traumating them. Therefore, processing the walls with glass gamble is needed in overalls, which does not leave open areas of the body (the use of mittens required!).

Properties and characteristics of cellulosic insulation

Equata, or cellulosic insulation is a loose and light insulating material that is covered with walls, roofs, partitions and separate designs. 80% in its composition occupy paper waste (recycled waste paper), the rest is boric acid or a bora, which provides low burning ability.

The popularity of cellulose as insulation is due to the available cost and environmental friendliness (it gives the second life of waste, which clog the planet). Its main characteristics:

  • density - 30-65 kg / m 3;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.032-0.041 W / (M · K);
  • parry permeability - 0.3 mg / (m · h · par);
  • sound absorption - 36-45 dB.

Cellulose does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it, has low breathability, hypoallergenne and hygienic. During the installation, it fills the available hollow spaces, forming a seamless coating on the wall. When laying a dry method, you can work at a minus temperature.

Advantages of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a synthetic gas-filled polystyrene-based material, which foamed by pairs of low-boiling liquids. It looks like a huge amount of finely cellular granules, on among themselves. The higher the material density, the more durable. Other properties of polystyrene foam for insulation of walls:

  • low thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.034 W / (M · K);
  • mechanical strength;
  • chemical and biological resistance;
  • low vapor and moisture permeability;
  • sound absorption capacity;
  • long service life (up to 30 years).

Extruded expanded polystyrene: properties and characteristics

In the extruded polystyrene foam for the walls, the same structure as in the pressed, but at the same time closed pores have smaller sizes - 0.1-0.2 mm. The main thing is that it distinguishes these two material - the technology of manufacturing granules. Because of it, extruded expanded polystyrene was obtained less flexibility and a margin of strength than foamed species, other vapor permeability - 0.013 mg / (m · h · par), but retained high thermal conductivity indicators - 0.029-0.034 W / (M · K).

Properties and characteristics of fibrolite

Fibrololite - insulation in the form of plates made of wood fibers and binders. On the cut, the base is visible from natural fibers and a portland cement layer (60 and 40%, respectively). Fibrolity characteristics for walls:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.08-0.1 W / (M · K);
  • humidity - up to 20%;
  • water absorption - 35-40%;
  • bending strength - 0.5-1.3 MPa.

FiBrololit is a non-combustible insulation, provides excellent sound insulation, does not rot, it does not affect the fungus and mold, and the service life is up to 60 years.

Environmentally friendly cork materials

If you choose an ecological insulation for the walls, it is worth paying attention to cork materials. They are 100% natural, as they are produced from the bark of oak. The structure of the cork cloth resembles microsts that are filled with gases.

The heat transfer coefficient at the tube is 0.043-0.050 W / (M · K). The insulation does not burn, does not rot and does not absorb foreign smells. It can withstand the temperature differences, absorbs sounds and vibration, easily placed on the wall without special knowledge and devices.

Liquid ceramic insulation: properties and characteristics

Liquid ceramic insulation is a modern insulation in the form of liquid suspension-foam. This is an innovative product that replaces classic solutions to reduce heat losses across the walls. The coating is obtained flexible and dense, evenly fills the affordable cavities. The maximum effect of thermal insulation is achieved due to vacuum in the microfibration of the substance.

The advantages of liquid ceramic isolation as insulation for walls:

  • high anti-corrosion properties;
  • durability (up to 15 years);
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • flexibility in thermal expansion;
  • simplicity of application;
  • ecology.

Liquid foam plastic is made of polymer resin, which solidifies the air. To apply it, you need to use special equipment. This is a practical and inexpensive option to reduce heat loss through the walls, roof or foundation. Liquid foam plastic has the following properties:

  • excellent adhesion with any surfaces and materials;
  • minimal preparation of the base (cleaning and drainage of the wall);
  • high vapor permeability;
  • no overpressure after drying;
  • simple applying and removal of surplus.

The liquid foam is ideal as a heater for horizontal and inclined surfaces, but also has proven itself in the insulation of the walls.

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