Gypsum arch in the doorway. How to make an interior arch with your own hands: step by step instructions with photos and videos

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

How to bend drywall for an arch video.

The arch in the interior opening is mounted after dismantling the door and partition. You also need either . Then drywall profiles are mounted on a leveled surface. To do this, holes must be drilled in the end of the opening. Straight horizontal and vertical profiles are fixed with dowels and self-tapping screws in increments of 10 cm. The profiles must be mounted with a recess so that the drywall is in the same plane with the wall.

The arch consists of three parts - two arched planes with cut out semicircles and a lower curved strip of drywall between them. For planes, it is better to use drywall with a thickness of 12 cm, and for the lower part - 10 cm. The width of the drywall sheet from which the arch is cut should be slightly larger than the width of the opening. The contour of the arch is a semicircle, the diameter is equal to the width of the doorway.

To draw the outline of the arch, you can use a flexible plastic threshold. Having fixed it in the corners, we draw the outline of the arch through the center of the rectangular drywall sheet. It is most convenient to cut with a jigsaw. We fix the resulting planes of the arch to the guide profiles with self-tapping screws. Below, watch the video on how to make a drywall arch with your own hands, a clear and detailed instruction.

For the lower curved part of the arch, we also install a guide profile. Cuts are preliminarily made on the walls of the profile (you can use scissors for metal) in increments of 3 cm - 5 cm, depending on the radius of curvature. Now the profile can be easily bent and screwed to the main structure with self-tapping screws.

The way to bend drywall using the dry method using cuts

Then cut a strip of drywall to size. To bend it with the required radius, punctures are made on one side. It is convenient to use a needle roller for this, but you can also use an awl. After that, the strip must be wetted with water. wetted wide brush you need to walk on the surface of the drywall 3 times. Then we put the strip at an angle, for example, resting it on a stool, and leave it for a while. A wet strip of drywall flexes under its own weight. The resulting curved strip is mounted to the main structure with self-tapping screws.

All self-tapping screw heads must be recessed into drywall. A perforated corner is fixed along the contour of the finished arch. After that, the entire structure is primed and puttied. After the putty has completely dried, the surface is polished. Now the arch is ready for further finishing work: painting, etc. Watch the video and fix the material.

Video how to properly wet and bend drywall

Video: video tutorials on how to properly wet and bend drywall. Plasterboard installation.

Video: Bending drywall in three ways

Video: How to simply bend drywall plasterboard

Video: How to bend drywall? (Full video)

An easy way to expand your space small apartment and at home - clean. It is not always possible to move or dismantle walls, and the event is quite costly and time-consuming. opening with removed door it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so it needs to be redesigned in some way.

The most popular way to do this is to decorate the arch. With the help of this element, it is possible to separate long corridor into separate zones: this eliminates the simplified geometry.

Such an architectural element can be arranged in any part of the home - in, or in the living room. It will add individuality and originality to the house, make it different from standard apartments.

Craft with my own hands the arch is quite real.

This will require certain tools, materials and detailed description process.


  • pencil, tape measure,;
  • metal scissors;
  • bucket;
  • sharp knife;
  • trowel;
  • respirator, gloves and goggles.

You can build it wherever you like, in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home. But in order for such an element to fit perfectly into the design, you need doorway not less than 2.5 meters. It will look great in any interior, but is most suitable as kitchen door alternatives or for long corridor.

most of the arches significantly reduce the doorway, which in some cases is a significant disadvantage. You can check in advance exactly how the selected type of arch will fit into the existing doorway. To do this, a blank is cut out of cardboard or paper, which is attached above the door.

When the metal profiles are firmly fixed on the wall surface, proceed to the installation of sheets.

It will be more convenient to use electric with torque. If the thickness of the material is 12.5 mm, self-tapping screws 3.5 x35 will be required, and for sheets of 9.5 mm, smaller screws will suffice.

In the same way, the reverse side of the arched frame is finished with drywall.

When screwing the screws with a screwdriver, you should make sure that their caps are in the same plane with the surface of the material. If they are wrapped deeper, then the resulting recesses will need to be covered up.

For reliable fixation on the frame of drywall parts, self-tapping screws must be placed at least every 15 cm.

Further, to enhance the rigidity of the structure, it is necessary to fix a curved metal profile along the edge of the arch. To do this, a segment of a metal profile is cut out according to the dimensions of the arc. Are used . Since the edges of the material are sharp, it is better to protect your hands with thick gloves.

How to bend a metal profile?

Only then will the arch appear before us in all its completeness. What is required? All joints and edges of drywall should be covered with fiberglass mesh or paper tape. Several layers are then applied.

AT small apartments it is important to use arches instead of doors that help expand the space. They can be made by hand with the help of special tools and materials. You can find out about the choice of the necessary arch and its construction in this article.

arch material

To build an arch with your own hands, drywall or wood is often used. The first material will cost less, but it is easier to work with it. Only now the drywall will need to be revetted (painted or wallpapered).

Wooden arches do not need lining. It is enough to cover it with a special impregnation to protect it from moisture or varnish. But to create wooden arch you need to work hard: to build such a structure is not easy.

Necessary tools and materials

If an arch is made from drywall, then you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drywall.
  • Metal profiles (rack-mount and rails), as well as perforated arched corners.
  • Hardware (self-tapping screws and dowels).
  • Putty.

For the construction of a wooden arch, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Fiberboard sheets.
  • Boards up to 40 mm thick.
  • Hardware (wood screws).
  • Hacksaw.

The tree must be planed. All wooden elements selected with the same thickness.

For easy and quick assembly of drywall or wooden structure you will need the following tools: building level, pencil, screwdriver, construction knife, perforator, compasses.

Do-it-yourself interior arch. Step-by-step instruction

For erection interior arch you can use the instruction:

  • Prepare opening.
  • Perform measurements.
  • Draw a diagram.
  • Install arch.

Preparation of the opening begins with the dismantling of the door. If the width of the opening to create a future arch suits, then you can proceed to the next step. But if the opening seems narrow, then it needs to be widened. After that, the opening is leveled with a cement mixture.

If necessary, you can level the walls with drywall. Read about how to do it right.

After that, measurements of the opening are made, which are transferred to a sheet of paper. Then you need to decide on the shape of the future arch and calculate the dimensions of the arc.

There are several types of arches:

  • Portal (square).
  • Ellipse.
  • Classic (round).
  • Trapeze.
  • Prismatic.

If a drywall arch is made, then the easiest way is to build a prismatic vault. To do this, drywall elements are attached to each other under obtuse corners. This design is much easier to make than with a round arch. Indeed, for its construction, drywall for sheathing the lower part of the arch will have to be bent.

The vault of the arch is drawn on paper, after which you can decide on the elements of the future design.

wooden arch

For the construction of a wooden arch, you can purchase ready kit cut and machined parts. But if you want to prepare the arched elements yourself, then you can use the instructions:

  • Perform measurements.
  • Cut out details.
  • Process all items.

Used for workpiece fiberboard sheet. A future arch of the required radius is drawn on it. If the radius of the future arch is 700 mm, and the thickness of the bars is 40 mm, then it is necessary to draw a radius on the workpiece of 740 mm (700 mm + 40 mm).

A check is made for the correct marking, after which an arc is cut using a jigsaw.

After that, the arch arch is made. It is made from wooden bars. Prepared bars of the same size are laid along an arc cut from fiberboard. They hug each other tightly. When an arch has formed from the bars, they can be glued together.

For gluing the bars, a special glue for good quality wood is used.

To do this, the ends of the bars are glued together, after which they are left in a warm place to dry.

After the glue dries, the solid arch of wooden blocks must be processed on milling machine. Due to such processing, it is possible to eliminate all irregularities at the joints and obtain smooth surface. The finished arch is treated with a special impregnation that protects against moisture.

Before installing this type of arch in a square opening, additional preparation must be performed. The opening needs to be sealed with drywall.

The square arch is made much easier. Also, an arch is cut out of plywood required size. According to such a blank, the future structure is formed and glued together. In this case, before cutting the blank from plywood, you need to add the thickness of the bar.

Plasterboard arch installation

A drywall arch is much easier to make than a wooden one.

Indeed, in this case, any design flaw can be eliminated exterior trim. If a wooden arch is covered with transparent protective equipment, which do not hide minor irregularities, then drywall can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted.

Drywall arches are mainly made classic - symmetrical domed ones. You can build an asymmetric one, in which the center will be shifted (you will get a semi-arch). You can also create an unusual design option - an arch unusual shape with the presence of through holes around it (one or more). The latter option is easily done in drywall partitions.

In order to make a drywall arch with your own hands, you must perform several steps:

  • Determine the location of the arch and prepare it.
  • Draw a diagram of the arch.
  • Prepare necessary materials, which in terms of parameters will correspond to the future design.
  • Install profile.
  • Cut drywall to desired shape.
  • Attach sheet to profile.
  • Perform processing.

First of all, it is necessary prepare a doorway. After that, with the help of putty, you need to eliminate all the irregularities. On the outside corners it is best to install a perforated corner that sits on the putty. Then another layer of the mixture is applied on top and leveled.

After the wall has dried, you can begin to install the structure. For this a diagram is being drawn necessary measurements are taken. Everyone is gathering the right materials, after which the next step begins.

Profile mounted at the junction of the opening to the walls (on the outer and inner corners).

After that, a long profile is taken, on which cuts are made with metal scissors. Due to such cuts, the profile can be bent and give it an arched shape.

Then drywall an arch is carved. An arched profile is laid according to this form in order to check the accuracy of measurements. If necessary, the profile is equal to the arch.

After that, it is necessary to fix the arched profile (attach it to the already installed opening profile). Connections are made using additional pieces.

Drywall fixing

When the profile structure is ready, the fixing drywall(using self-tapping screws). Drywall sheets are attached immediately from 2 sides of the opening. After that, there is a space at the bottom between the fixed sheets. It needs to be covered with drywall. To do this, the material must be given an arcuate shape.

To give drywall a curved shape, it must be moistened with a small amount of water on one side. To quickly soften the material, it is necessary to make shallow punctures on the sheet.

After softening, drywall is applied to the bottom of the arch. Then it is fixed there with adhesive tape and left for a while. Wet drywall cannot be fixed immediately. It needs time to dry completely. After drying, the drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws.

If you need to make a slight bend, then there is another way to bend the material: using small incisions. But this method will not allow you to build a perfect arch.

Material handling is the final step. To do this, all joints of the structure are filled with finishing putty. After the mixture has dried, the entire surface is covered with a primer and the entire surface of the arch is puttied. The mixture must be carefully smoothed so that bumps do not form on the wall. After drying, the surface is treated sandpaper. And only after this stage the arch is ready for finishing.

This video will help all beginners to study in detail all the stages of installation. The recommendations of experts for the construction of an ideal design are presented.

In order to make a neat and beautiful arch made of wood or drywall, professionals advise:

  • For gluing a wooden arch, use a transparent sealant. If he speaks at the seams, then he will practically not be noticeable.
  • For drywall arches You can use water to soften the material. Due to this, drywall can be bent and given any shape. But it is impossible to moisten strongly with water, otherwise you can spoil the material.
  • To attach drywall to the profile, take a step of at least 10 cm.

Such recommendations for the construction of a wooden or plasterboard arch allow you to independently make a structure. You can perform both a classic arch and the most unusual shape. You must follow the instructions and use quality materials.

For interesting interior apartments can be selected East style, which is distinguished by its unusualness and beauty. And quite often, as an element of this style, they use hand-made interior arches, which home craftsmen can also do.

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The arched doorway gives the room some freedom, as well as an increase in space. Therefore, many people use this type of finish, performing these works after the completion of the main repair. At the same time, you can use different materials for work, which allows you to make the interior arch more accessible to any person.

What is needed for work?

It will not be possible to build an arch with bare hands, so it is worth preparing necessary tools, without which it would be impossible to do. In any case, you will need:

  • hacksaw
  • hammer and scarpel
  • tape measure and pencil
  • ladder
  • liquid nail gun

Regardless of the material used, the listed tools will make all the work much easier. In addition, the speed of work, as well as their quality, will be much higher than when working without using a power tool.

Materials for interior arches

For such interesting design, which is definitely an arch, you can use various materials. In addition to wooden arched structures, plastic interior arches, which are produced in factories, are quite popular today and are put on sale already in ready-made. But this is not the only material that is used during the renovation of apartments. are also quite popular with the population, especially since they are able to repeat any form. The use of other materials is allowed as a finish. arched structure, which allows you to get unusual and interesting options interior design.

Opening preparation

Before starting the manufacture and installation of the arched structure, it is necessary to prepare the doorway. For this you need to remove door leaf and dismantle the old door frame that was part of door block standing in the opening.

To get a semicircular upper part of the doorway, you need to round the edges of the opening itself. This can be done using a frame, especially in cases where drywall will serve as the finishing material.


For a wooden structure, a frame is also required, which must be made of wood.

These works need to be done at the next stage of creating an arched structure.

Arch frame

Before you make an arch with your own hands, you need to do work on the device of its base. For drywall arches, metal profiles are used for the frame. To make the base even, and both sides the same, you can prepare a template that will completely copy the final shape of the future design.

The profile itself must be prepared for bending. This can be done by cutting the side elements of the profile, after which it can be bent in any radius. The more cuts you make, the rounder the opening will be. It remains only to fix all the elements on the wall.

What can be used for fastening?

In order to make a metal frame for an arched structure, it is necessary to have nails that fasten the guide profiles. But to connect the profiles into a single structure, you need to use self-tapping screws with a press washer, which have a flat and wide cap, due to which they allow you to fix all the profiles with each other much more firmly.

To tighten the screws, a screwdriver is used, on which a bit with a cross slot is installed. The type of slot is selected depending on the configuration of the self-tapping screw, so when buying the necessary nozzle for a screwdriver, you should also take a self-tapping screw with you, which will need to be tightened.

Wireframe creation

Finished items

Interior arches made of wood also require the installation of a frame, on which everything will need to be fixed. wooden details arched structure. To work with wood, you need to prepare a jigsaw or a sharp hacksaw. This is necessary in order to qualitatively and accurately cut, varnished or laminated, finished parts future arch.

Quite often in stores you can find cashing for arched structures, which has a groove on the inner surface into which you can insert any part ready for use. For example, an extension for a door frame, which has sufficient rigidity, and at the same time has an attractive appearance.

cutting drywall

When the frame is fully prepared, you can begin to sheath it with plasterboard sheets. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hacksaw or a jigsaw to cut out two identical elements of the opening. If a template was previously made to facilitate the assembly and installation of the arch frame, now it can serve as a model for the side details of the future arched opening.

Use a pencil to mark the cut line. In order for the door arch to be as even and symmetrical as possible with your own hands, you must use a template that can serve door frame if an arched door should be installed in the opening. If there is no such template, then you need to cut out one side part of the arch, and cut the second part along it.

Frame sheathing

Drywall installation

The side parts of the arch are ready, which means it's time to install them on the frame of the opening. To do this, use self-tapping screws with fine threads, the length of which is 35 mm. During the tightening of the self-tapping screws, you need to carefully monitor the force of attraction of the self-tapping screw to the drywall sheet.


If it is exceeded, then the self-tapping screw will pass through the drywall sheet and the fastening will not be achieved.

After completing the installation of the side parts, it is necessary to close the space that was formed after their installation. To do this, you need to take the size of the width of the opening and measure its length. You can cut an insert for an arched opening using simple knife. But the edges of the insert must be processed with a planer so that they are even and neat.

How to bend drywall?

After the drywall part is cut out, it must be installed in the interior arch. But mounting smooth drywall bending the arch can damage the installed part. Therefore, before installation, it must be bent. Only in this case do-it-yourself interior arches will look stylish and beautiful.

In order to bend the drywall element, it is necessary to slightly moisten it with water. After it dries, there will be a slight bend in a natural way. Once this happens, you can begin to install this element in place. Curved drywall will freely accept new form, which has an arch frame. It remains only to finish the new section of the interior of the room.

Plasterboard sheathing

Puttying, painting, gluing

The finished arch must be given an attractive appearance. To do this, it must be puttied and painted with paint to match other interior items or covered with wallpaper. The corners of the arched structure need to be reinforced. This can be done using a special paint corner, which, due to its design, takes the form of any corner.

The corner is installed on the applied putty, which is used to putty the entire surface of the interior arch. After installing the corners, the arch is puttied again, and after it dries, they start grinding. The final stage will be painting the entire structure or full or partial wallpapering. This is how interior arches are installed with their own hands and their subsequent finishing.

How to make an arch with your own hands video:

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