What arches can be made from drywall. Installation of the arch frame for drywall

garden equipment 25.06.2019
garden equipment

And why not leave an open doorway instead?

The fact is that rectangular structures hanging over your head create strong psychological discomfort. It is much more pleasant for us to see towering vaults above us, which resemble the bent crowns of trees in a park or sea ​​waves. There are no rectangles in nature, all lines are natural, lively and streamlined. Therefore, since ancient times, architects have sought to repeat natural lines so that a person in any building feels calm and protected.

Types of arches

There are arches of various types. Separately distinguish the classic arch. It has not changed its shape for centuries. The classic arch has a radius equal to half the width of the opening and characteristic decorative elements. The perimeter of the opening has a trim made of stucco or similar materials. In the center of the vault, the arch forms a kind of decorative element - a capstone. The side parts of such an arch are often made in the form of columns, on which the base and capitals are clearly visible. The classic arch is always appropriate in the appropriate interiors.

In styles that are not related to the classics, the following types of arches are most popular:

  1. Gothic - formed by two arcs that intersect under acute angle and look like an arrow.
  2. Moroccan - strongly elongated in the center. This type of arch is common in Spanish and Moorish architecture.
  3. Oriental or Arabic style arches are characterized by an opening in the form of an onion or keel of an inverted boat. This type finds its application in the architecture of India and the Muslim countries of the Near and Middle East. Echoes of the style can be seen in ancient Russian religious buildings.
  4. Art Nouveau is distinguished by unusual forms, among which asymmetry is popular.

Modern democratic style allows the most unexpected forms and design finds. Widely used asymmetry, mixing styles and materials for decoration.

Bring to life any design idea allow new building and finishing materials - drywall, which are mounted on a frame made of wood or metal profile. These materials do not require the involvement of specialists with professional tools.

All work on the installation of drywall arches is easy to do on your own.

Arch as a way of zoning

Creating an interior arch is a convenient and practical way of zoning space. With its help, you can both highlight separate zones in one room or studio apartment, and combine small rooms into one.

Most often, arches are arranged in hallways, removing the door that darkens the room. A small hallway in this case visually merges with the next room, especially if the same finishing materials were used for them. For example, the same tiles are laid on the floor in the hallway and in the kitchen, and the room is separated with laminate or parquet. If a separate room is allocated for the dining room in an apartment or house, interior arch between her and the kitchen would be much more appropriate, since the hostess will often have to walk between them with dishes in her hands.

When combining a balcony or loggia with a room, decorate the doorway in the form of an arch.

By building regulations it is forbidden to demolish the load-bearing external wall, and the arch arrangement will allow you not to break the rules and give a twist to the interior. Below we will describe how to make an arch in a doorway.

If the arch will stand in a room with high humidity, you should purchase the appropriate drywall - its green sheets. Ordinary material under conditions high humidity after a few years it will lose its shape.

We build an arch with our own hands

Such an arch is easy to create in any room - in the kitchen, hallway or living room. If you have very little experience in finishing work, we suggest you make an arch with your own hands using step-by-step instructions and photos.

Prepare your tools ahead of time:

  • scissors for metal work;
  • knife;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • grater or grout;
  • joiner's square;
  • pencil.


  • drywall or wood blocks
  • metallic profile;
  • plywood sheet;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall;
  • putty and plaster;
  • paper tape.

Also, do not forget about personal protective equipment - goggles and a respirator.

When everything for work is prepared and a place for the future arch is chosen, the doorway should be measured. Given the size of the opening, draw the desired shape of the arch on the drywall sheet. This stage is the most responsible, so you should approach it seriously. A curve of the desired radius can be drawn by screwing a self-tapping screw into the drywall with a rope tied to it. The length of the rope should be equal to the length of the radius. When the contours of the arch are drawn on a sheet of drywall, do not forget the old rule:

Seven times measure cut once.

Cut the future arch along the contours with a jigsaw or a special drywall hacksaw. Carefully secure the sheet before cutting so that it does not move. Once the drywall has been cut, it can be set aside. It's time to make the frame. As we remember, it is made of a metal profile or a wooden beam. The frame from the profile is more suitable for brick walls, and the bars for wooden ones.

Installation of a metal frame

In order to make a drywall arch, first mount its frame. Guides of the required length are cut out of the profile and fixed to the wall as shown in the photo.

If the profile is attached to a concrete wall, holes must be drilled in it and dowels hammered in with a hammer, into which self-tapping screws are then screwed. To fasten the profile to a wooden wall, use self-tapping screws with a length of at least 4–5 cm. The optimal distance between them is 10–12 cm.

After fixing the guides, measure the profile segment for the lower edge of the arch. Since the arch has a curved shape, the profile segment will also have to be bent. To do this, its sides are cut with scissors for metal and carefully bent, each time trying on the cut out part of the drywall arch. This process looks like this:

Next, the bent part is attached to the rails either directly or using direct hangers, as in the drawing below.

Suspensions are needed for rigid fastening of the lower part of the arch. Next, the side parts of the arch, cut out of drywall, are screwed to the frame. The easiest way to do this is with a screwdriver.

Then, at several points, jumpers should be installed connecting both side walls of the arch to each other.

Installation of a wooden frame

If it is decided to make an interior arch made of wood, then first you need to determine the thickness of the wooden bars. Measure the width of the opening and subtract the thickness of the plywood and drywall from it, the resulting figure will be the thickness of the bar. Using a jigsaw, cut out the sides of the arch from plywood.

Fasten the entire structure with self-tapping screws. It should turn out something like this.

Installation of the lower part of the arch

After installing the side parts of the arch, it was the turn to sew up the opening from below. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the bottom and draw it on drywall. Since the lower part has a curved shape, the material will have to be bent. To do this, draw parallel lines across the strip with a pencil. The distance between them should be about 10 cm.

Cut the paper along the lines with a knife. Attach the drywall to the bottom of the arch with the notches facing up and gradually shape it into the desired shape with smooth, slow movements.

When bending drywall, do not apply too much force so that the material does not break.

Next, align the edges and fix the bottom with self-tapping screws.

After fixing the lower part, use a knife to clean up any bumps on the drywall.

Arch finishing

To ensure that the joints and attachment points of the screws do not shine through, they are pasted over with paper tape or masking tape. Level with putty in several layers and grind each layer with an abrasive of the desired grain size. For puttying use acrylic putty for internal works or special for drywall. Putty is applied with a spatula and leveled with grout.

If, in the process of breaking the doorway, large pieces broke off from the concrete wall, plaster is used. Unlike putty, it can be applied in a thick layer. After the plaster has dried, the surface is leveled with a thin layer of putty.

To prevent cracking, a mounting grid is strengthened over the putty.

Lastly, a finishing layer of putty is applied to cover the mesh. After drying, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned. If the mesh is still visible after drying, another layer of material is applied. The result should be a perfectly flat white surface.

Now the interior arch, made of drywall with your own hands, is ready for decorative finishes.

Examples of using arches in design

See the most successful and beautiful examples of drywall arches in interior design.

An arch of complex shape with shelves connects the room with a balcony.

Lamps are mounted in this arch between the room and the hallway. It turned out to be a spacious and bright room.

In the next photo, the arch leads to the kitchen instead of the door.

In the hallway, all doors are replaced by arches.

The photo clearly shows how the creation of an interior arch ennobles the room and emphasizes the beauty of the interior

Installing a prefabricated arch in a simple way - video

In small apartments, it is important to use arches instead of doors that help expand the space. They can be made by hand with the help of special tools and materials. You can find out about the choice of the necessary arch and its construction in this article.

arch material

To build an arch with your own hands, drywall or wood is often used. The first material will cost less, but it is easier to work with it. Only now the drywall will need to be revetted (painted or wallpapered).

Wooden arches do not need lining. It is enough to cover it with a special impregnation to protect it from moisture or varnish. But to create wooden arch you need to work hard: to build such a structure is not easy.

Necessary tools and materials

If an arch is made from drywall, then you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drywall.
  • Metal profiles (rack-mount and rails), as well as perforated arched corners.
  • Hardware (self-tapping screws and dowels).
  • Putty.

For the construction of a wooden arch, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Fiberboard sheets.
  • Boards up to 40 mm thick.
  • Hardware (wood screws).
  • Hacksaw.

The tree must be planed. All wooden elements selected with the same thickness.

For easy and quick assembly of drywall or wooden structure you will need the following tools: building level, pencil, screwdriver, construction knife, perforator, compasses.

Do-it-yourself interior arch. Step-by-step instruction

For the construction of an interior arch, you can use the instructions:

  • Prepare opening.
  • Perform measurements.
  • Draw a diagram.
  • Install arch.

Preparation of the opening begins with the dismantling of the door. If the width of the opening to create a future arch suits, then you can proceed to the next step. But if the opening seems narrow, then it needs to be widened. After that, the opening is leveled with a cement mixture.

If necessary, you can level the walls with drywall. Read about how to do it right.

After that, measurements of the opening are made, which are transferred to a sheet of paper. Then you need to decide on the shape of the future arch and calculate the dimensions of the arc.

There are several types of arches:

  • Portal (square).
  • Ellipse.
  • Classic (round).
  • Trapeze.
  • Prismatic.

If a drywall arch is made, then the easiest way is to build a prismatic vault. To do this, drywall elements are attached to each other under obtuse corners. This design is much easier to make than with a round arch. Indeed, for its construction, drywall for sheathing the lower part of the arch will have to be bent.

The vault of the arch is drawn on paper, after which you can decide on the elements of the future design.

wooden arch

For the construction of a wooden arch, you can purchase ready kit cut and machined parts. But if you want to prepare the arched elements yourself, then you can use the instructions:

  • Perform measurements.
  • Cut out details.
  • Process all items.

For the blank, a fiberboard sheet is used. A future arch of the required radius is drawn on it. If the radius of the future arch is 700 mm, and the thickness of the bars is 40 mm, then it is necessary to draw a radius on the workpiece of 740 mm (700 mm + 40 mm).

A check is made for the correct marking, after which an arc is cut using a jigsaw.

After that, the arch arch is made. It is made from wooden bars. Prepared bars of the same size are laid along an arc cut from fiberboard. They hug each other tightly. When an arch has formed from the bars, they can be glued together.

For gluing the bars, a special glue for good quality wood is used.

To do this, the ends of the bars are glued together, after which they are left in a warm place to dry.

After the glue dries, the solid arch of wooden blocks must be processed on milling machine. Due to such processing, it is possible to eliminate all irregularities at the joints and obtain smooth surface. The finished arch is treated with a special impregnation that protects against moisture.

Before installing this type of arch in a square opening, additional preparation must be performed. The opening needs to be sealed with drywall.

The square arch is made much easier. Also, an arch of the required size is cut out of plywood. According to such a blank, the future structure is formed and glued together. In this case, before cutting the blank from plywood, you need to add the thickness of the bar.

Plasterboard arch installation

A drywall arch is much easier to make than a wooden one.

Indeed, in this case, any design flaw can be eliminated exterior trim. If a wooden arch is covered with transparent protective equipment, which do not hide minor irregularities, then drywall can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted.

Drywall arches are mainly made classic - symmetrical domed ones. You can build an asymmetric one, in which the center will be shifted (you will get a semi-arch). You can also create an unusual design option - an arch unusual shape with the presence of through holes around it (one or more). The latter option is easily done in drywall partitions.

In order to make a drywall arch with your own hands, you must perform several steps:

  • Determine the location of the arch and prepare it.
  • Draw a diagram of the arch.
  • Prepare necessary materials, which in terms of parameters will correspond to the future design.
  • Install profile.
  • Cut drywall to desired shape.
  • Attach sheet to profile.
  • Perform processing.

First of all, it is necessary prepare a doorway. After that, with the help of putty, you need to eliminate all the irregularities. On the outside corners it is best to install a perforated corner that sits on the putty. Then another layer of the mixture is applied on top and leveled.

After the wall has dried, you can begin to install the structure. For this a diagram is being drawn necessary measurements are taken. Everyone is gathering the right materials, after which the next step begins.

Profile mounted at the junction of the opening to the walls (on the outer and inner corners).

After that, a long profile is taken, on which cuts are made with metal scissors. Due to such cuts, the profile can be bent and give it an arched shape.

Then drywall an arch is carved. An arched profile is laid according to this form in order to check the accuracy of measurements. If necessary, the profile is equal to the arch.

After that, it is necessary to fix the arched profile (attach it to the already installed opening profile). Connections are made using additional pieces.

Drywall fixing

When the profile structure is ready, the fixing drywall(using self-tapping screws). Drywall sheets are attached immediately from 2 sides of the opening. After that, there is a space at the bottom between the fixed sheets. It needs to be covered with drywall. To do this, the material must be given an arcuate shape.

To give drywall a curved shape, it must be moistened with a small amount of water on one side. To quickly soften the material, it is necessary to make shallow punctures on the sheet.

After softening, drywall is applied to the bottom of the arch. Then it is fixed there with adhesive tape and left for a while. Wet drywall cannot be fixed immediately. It needs time to dry completely. After drying, the drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws.

If you need to make a slight bend, then there is another way to bend the material: using small incisions. But this method will not allow you to build a perfect arch.

Material handling is the final step. To do this, all joints of the structure are filled with finishing putty. After the mixture has dried, the entire surface is covered with a primer and the entire surface of the arch is puttied. The mixture must be carefully smoothed so that bumps do not form on the wall. After drying, the surface is treated with sandpaper. And only after this stage the arch is ready for finishing.

This video will help all beginners to study in detail all the stages of installation. The recommendations of experts for the construction of an ideal design are presented.

In order to make a neat and beautiful arch made of wood or drywall, professionals advise:

  • For gluing a wooden arch, use a transparent sealant. If he speaks at the seams, then he will practically not be noticeable.
  • For drywall arches, you can use water to soften the material. Due to this, drywall can be bent and given any shape. But it is impossible to moisten strongly with water, otherwise you can spoil the material.
  • To attach drywall to the profile, take a step of at least 10 cm.

Such recommendations for the construction of a wooden or plasterboard arch allow you to independently make a structure. You can perform both a classic arch and the most unusual shape. You must follow the instructions and use quality materials.

The great popularity of drywall arches (gypsum plasterboard) is due to its properties. The article describes the types of arches, materials and tools used during installation. The preparatory operations are described. The main attention is paid to the question - how to make drywall arches with your own hands, with the application of video material. Installation advice is provided.

Drywall (GKL) - sheet composite material, consisting of two layers of cardboard and a layer of gypsum with fillers between them. The main advantages of the material, causing its widespread use:

  • the possibility of bending;
  • ease of processing;
  • environmental friendliness, fire safety;
  • low price.

Types of arches

Among the variety of arches are:

  • classic arches with a constant radius - variants of the arc of a circle.
  • elliptical arches - the arc of an ellipse.
  • arch-portal and arch-romance - rectangular arches, etc.

The most popular are the first two types. Complex shapes are possible, it all depends on the imagination. Arches are arranged in interior openings as an alternative to interior doors (most often) or in wall niches.

Materials and tools

For the installation of arches, two types of plasterboards are used - ceiling and arched. The second is more expensive, but more convenient to use.


  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife or electric jigsaw (preferably) - for cutting sheets;
  • scissors for metal - profile processing;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;

Auxiliary materials:

  • Profile - special arched (for example, PN 28/27), ceiling and guide can be;
  • dowels 6×45 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • serpyanka, putty "uniflot", "fugenfüller";
  • a sheet of cardboard - as a future template (optional).

All about mineral wool - characteristics and application.

Material preparation (cutting and bending)

The arch has three elements:

  • 2 identical side walls;
  • arc element - a rectangular strip, bent along.

Side sheet cutout defines arch profile. A profile with a constant radius is easy to make with a homemade compass. This is a string of the required length with a fixed center (for example, a screwed in screw) and a pencil on the other side. An elliptical profile can be made using any flexible rail. If you fix the ends along the width of the arch, then by changing the length of the rail you can get the desired profile (ellipse arc). It is enough just to outline the contour of the rail with a pencil.

Cutting sheets is done with a jigsaw. The knife requires more effort and time, especially for a curved surface, the edges will have to be finalized. Drywall thickness for installation:

  • 6-10 mm- bent sheet;
  • 10-12 mm- side pieces.

GKL bend

This is the most painstaking and responsible operation that can be performed in two ways:

  • dry bend- gradual bending of the sheet as it is attached to the profile. Recommended for beginners.
  • wet bend- wetting the inner surface of the profile and giving the desired shape on the template. Before wetting, the sheet is perforated with a needle roller in two directions. Humidification is done with a spray or sponge. The sheet gradually, under its own weight, takes the form of a template. Drying time is at least 12 hours.

In both cases, you must keep in mind the thickness of the drywall, which affects the bending radius:

Do-it-yourself installation of an arch from GKL

Installation of arches various kinds and forms general principles. As an example, the sequence of installing an arch in an interior opening is given. Actions at any stage may vary somewhat at the discretion of the performer. The installation site must be prepared: wallpaper, paint, etc.

  1. Determine the main dimensions of the arch with a tape measure.
  2. Draw on the sheet the overall lines of the wall of the arch. Mark the cut line with a compass or with a flexible strip.
  3. Cut out the side wall with a jigsaw or knife. Cut the second part according to the first (sample).
  4. Cut the guide profile with scissors for metal: along the width of the opening - 2 and along the height of the arch - 4 pieces.
  5. The frame is mounted on dowels with self-tapping screws, the distance from the edge of the wall must correspond to the thickness of the plasterboard. Holes are drilled with a perforator - depth 5-7 cm, step 40 cm.

  1. Fasten the cut sheets to the frame with drywall / metal self-tapping screws, pitch 10-15 mm. Drown the heads of the self-tapping screws into the drywall.
  2. Measure the circumference (ellipse) with a tape measure and cut off the guide profile. It should be slightly shorter than the measurement, taking into account the installed side profiles.
  3. To bend the U-shaped profile on the edges with a step of 1.5-5 cm, make cuts.
  4. Bend the profile and attach it to the plasterboard walls from the inside.

  1. Cut a strip of drywall to the measured cutout length and arch (opening) width.
  2. Bend the strip dry (cross cuts) or wet. As a template for the wet method, you can use any suitable material, it should be in the shape of an arch. For example, fragments (see figure) after cutting out the side walls or the walls themselves, then you need to do this before installing them (the order of this instruction changes slightly). If the radius is large, you can simply install the strip, sequentially screwing it to the profile.
  3. After drying (about half a day), attach the strip to the guides.

The arch is ready. It remains only to putty it, you can glue the joints and corners with sickle before that. After final finishing edge-to-edge installation plastic corner(optional).

Detailed installation guide for plastic windows.


Despite the variety of types of arches, the general installation procedure does not change, only small digressions in sequence, applying templates, etc.

When using the dry method with notches, the surface of the arch takes on a broken look (not smooth, as with other methods). This makes the design more original. The number of fractures depends on the pitch of the notches.

With the wet method, complete drying of the GKL is required.

Do not forget about the allowable radius of curvature of the arch.

You can watch a film about the installation of arches here:

The doorway will look more aesthetically pleasing if you arrange it in the form of a semicircular arch. You can make it from drywall yourself, without resorting to the services of professional builders.

arch markup

A significant disadvantage of this design is the reduction in the size of the doorway. To see if the arch will fit well into a particular doorway, it is better to first cut out a piece of paper or cardboard and fasten it above the door. If the height of the opening is less than 2.5 m, it may be necessary to reduce the bend of the arch or make small bends only at the corners of the arch.

Installation of an arch with a small bend radius

To draw the upper part of the arch on the workpiece, we will use compass. You can make it from improvised means: a self-tapping screw or an awl fixed in the center of the circle, a thread and a pencil. Pulling the thread evenly, we draw the required arc. The longer the thread, the flatter the arch will be.

Construction of a circle

You can also make a compass from trimming a metal profile

cutting drywall

1. First, cut through the first layer of cardboard and the gypsum core. To do this, a ruler is applied to the intended line, and a ruler is drawn along it several times. with a sharp knife or saw for metal.

Cutting through the first two layers

2. To finally break the gypsum core, drywall is placed on the edge and the cut is lightly tapped. If the part to be cut has a small width, you can break the plaster by simply pressing on the edge of the sheet.

Cutting the second layer

4. To remove roughness along the edge of the cut, it is processed sandpaper or rasp.

Important! For perfect joining of sheets along the edges of drywall with a sharp knife, remove chamfer 45°.


Cutting blanks for the upper vault of the arch

It is most convenient to work with electric jigsaw or a special planer for drywall. With the help of them, you can cut out any shapes from drywall. Moreover, with this method, gypsum practically does not generate dust, and the resulting edges require almost no additional processing.

Jigsaw cutting

You can also trim curly edges with drywall knives saw-shaped or metal saw blade with fine teeth. However, this will require some skill. A knife or a saw is drawn along the intended line so that the blade penetrates as deeply as possible into the sheet. In this case, the tool must go strictly perpendicular to the surface. Next, tap the place of the cut with a hammer, if necessary, draw a knife over it several more times.

Cutting with a knife-saw for drywall

Then cut through reverse side of the sheet, on which traces from the pressure of the knife are already visible. Then the excess pieces are cut off, and the edges of the sheet are trimmed with sandpaper. If the cut line is large enough, it is better to cut the sheet inside the outline into segments.

For getting holes(for example, for mounting lamps or sockets), you can use an electric drill with a crown-shaped nozzle.

drill bit

Cutting and bending metal rails

Aluminum rails are cut with conventional scissors for metal. To fix the upper part of the arch, you will need a special arched profile. It can be purchased at the store or do it yourself.

To bend the profile on it are made incisions. The distance between them depends on the bending radius - the larger it is, the more often notches should be made. For bending, it is better to choose an L-shaped profile - it will be much easier to work with it, and incisions will have to be made only on one side.

Profile bending

Drywall bending

For the device of the arch can be purchased arched drywall . It is more plastic and, since its thickness is less than ordinary sheets, it bends easily. However, buying a whole sheet is quite expensive. Some stores sell such material not in sheets, but in segments, which is very convenient. If it is not possible to purchase a small piece, you can also bend a regular drywall sheet.

Thin arched drywall bends easily but costs more

To do this, you can use two methods: wet and dry. In the first case, in order for moisture to better penetrate deep into the sheet, the drywall blank should be rolled before bending. needle roller.

Before bending, the workpiece is rolled with a needle roller

Further sheet evenly moistened with water and laid on a curved surface, repeating the shape of the arch, pressing down with a load. A device for drying the workpiece can be cut from the remains of drywall or plywood.

wet bending

Important! With any bending method, it should be noted that drywall bends well only along the length of the sheet.

At dry bending cuts are made along the entire length of the fold. Moreover, the larger the bending radius, the more often such notches should be applied. You can do this quickly with a grinder, however, since this produces a lot of gypsum dust, it is better to do the work on the street.

Dry bending drywall

Frame installation

At the top of the doorway are mounted two curved profiles. If necessary, they are also interconnected by jumpers.

Fixing the top part of the profile

Fastening the profile with jumpers

Between themselves, the sections of the profile are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Drywall fixing

Drywall installation

Corner fixing

Important! So that the screws do not protrude above the surface, they should be sunk into the sheet by a couple of millimeters. In the future, the holes from them are covered with putty.

The finished structure is plastered with a wide spatula first starting, and then finishing putty. The solution is applied to the inside of the arch, and then, after it has completely dried, to the side walls. At the joints of drywall, to protect the mortar from cracking, it is attached with a putty paint mesh.

After the installation is completed, the arch is covered with putty

Attaching the paint grid

Related video: Do-it-yourself drywall arch

Do-it-yourself drywall arch: step by step instructions

Once upon a time, only a professional could make an arch. This was before the advent of drywall. Now a beginner can make an arch from drywall. You do not need a special tool for this, the technology itself is simple and straightforward - just follow our instructions.

Where to begin

The most common are arches of simple shapes - parts of a circle or an oval. They are best suited for most traditional interior styles, where correct forms and symmetry. In addition, they are the easiest to make with your own hands.

1. Classic rounded arch. 2. Modern. 3. Romance. 4. Ellipse. 5. Trapeze. 6. Semiarca

But first you need to decide whether the height of the vault will be sufficient. And if for a niche in the wall the dimensions do not play a special role, then for the passage between the rooms the ratio of the width of the arch and the distance from the floor to the point of junction of the arch with the wall of the opening means a lot.

The wider the opening in which the arch is formed, the greater the bending radius will be required so that the shape of the arch is proportionate

Usually guided by a simple ratio of the standard interior door- 80–100 cm wide by 200 cm high. That is, a rectangle of such dimensions should be inscribed in a “pure form” in the plane of the opening, taking into account the arch. Following this rule, you can determine that the width of the opening:

  • 100 cm corresponds to the height of the lower points of the arch about two meters;
  • 200 cm - about 180 cm;
  • 300 cm - about 160 cm.

It follows from this that if the arch is made where the standard interior door stood, then the height of the opening will have to be increased.

The easiest way is to arrange an arch in a new place during redevelopment, when they re-install interior partitions. And here we must already remember the recommended distance from the top point of the arch to the ceiling - usually it is 40-60 cm. Often the height of the ceilings does not allow the arch to be “fitted” in accordance with this rule, and this point is raised a little higher. But even in this case, you should not reduce the clearance to the ceiling level of less than 30 cm.

Once the indicative values ​​for the junction points with the opening and for the height of the vault are set, the arch in the opening can be modeled from improvised means and make sure that it corresponds to the general plan.

It is convenient to use a special plastic corner for arches, which will ultimately be used when finishing the opening.

One simple modeling technique is to use a long strip of flexible material as a template, such as a plastic skirting board with hard edges. The plinth is applied with edges at the lower points of the arched opening, bent to the height of the arch, if necessary, change the shape of the arch by adjusting the degree of bending. They mark the junction points of the arch with the opening and put the corresponding marks on the plinth.

Drywall blanks

For the walls of the arch, you need to cut out two rectangles from the plasterboard. The dimensions of the workpiece are the width of the opening and the distance from the junction point of the arch in the opening to the overlap of the opening itself (or to the ceiling for new partitions).

Then, on one of the blanks, with the help of a plinth, the shape of the arch is modeled. To do this, aligning one of the marks on the plinth with the corner of the workpiece, it is bent until the second mark is aligned in the corner of the workpiece opposite in width. Draw an arc on the workpiece with a pencil and cut out the first wall. And already it will serve as a template for cutting the second wall.

To get a sector along the radius, it is better to use an awl, a nail and a pencil tied with a thread or rope. The length of the thread from the pencil to the nail will determine the radius of the sector.

L is the width of the opening, H is the height of the arch, R is the radius of the sector, D is the stock of material equal to the thickness of the finish of the ends of the opening

If an ellipse is needed, then two nails are fixed on the blank under the arch along the long side, stepping back the same distance from both sides by about 10–15 cm. A thread is tied to the nails so that it sags freely, and when pulled along the edge of the sheet, reaches its edge . The pencil is wound up by the thread and the shape of the arch is outlined.

For the vault of the arch, you can use a strip of ceiling plasterboard (it is thinner, only 9.5 mm), but the remainder of standard sheet, since with a small bandwidth to give it necessary form not difficult. The size of the blank for the arch is equal in length to the distance between the marks on the plinth, and in width - to the thickness of the wall in the opening. The narrow sides of the workpiece are cut at the ends along one side of the corner so that the vault fits snugly at the ends of the walls of the opening.

Arch frame formation

The supporting frame for the walls is usually made of a metal rack profile. Depending on the materials of the partition and its thickness, the width of the profile may vary.

So if the arch is mounted in an opening where the walls are made of plasterboard, then use the same CW rack profiles that are in load-bearing structure. In this case, the profiles are fixed in the opening with metal screws.

For walls made of bricks, building blocks (gas or foam concrete, gypsum), monolithic concrete the width of the rack profile is selected individually. It is often easier to use a double frame (one for each wall of the arch) from a narrow CW profile with a 50 mm back than to select a wide profile for a single frame. For fastening to the wall, dowels are used, and for each material they select their own type of fastener. If the frame is mounted from a narrow profile, the holes for the dowel are drilled at an angle so that the edge of the opening does not crumble.

For side posts, the profiles must have a length equal to the distance from the opening overlap to the junction points with the arch. Since the arch “fits” in the opening to the partition at an angle of less than 90 °, the lower corners of the profile are cut so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the arch walls.

If the frame is mounted in a plasterboard partition, then it is clearly visible how it should be fixed so that the arch is flush with the wall surface.

For partitions made of other materials, when attaching the frame, it is necessary to step back from the edge of the wall by a distance equal to the thickness of the plasterboard plus the thickness of the finish (and this is at least 1-2 mm per putty layer for wallpapering or painting).

If the wall has a layer decorative plaster or lined with wall panels, then the frame must be fastened to the main wall material so that the arch walls are in the same plane with the surface of the partition itself, and not with its decorative finish. This rule is performed on each side of the arch.

Arch installation

The walls of the arch are fixed with self-tapping screws with a distance between the attachment points of 15 to 25 cm, but not less than three points on each side. The distance from the corner to each extreme attachment point should be within 5–10 cm, and the attachment line should be 15–20 mm away from the edge of the arch wall.

If the arch has built-in lighting, then the wires should be laid in advance, leaving leads or loops at least 15 cm long

After both walls are fixed, two strips of an arched profile are screwed to them from the inside through drywall to fasten the arch. If there is no arched profile, then it is made from a CD profile, symmetrically cutting wedges on the sides at a distance of 4–5 cm from each other.

To bend the strip of the workpiece in an arc, it is moistened with a sponge on both sides before installation. Then, on the one hand, it is rolled with a needle roller (another way is to prick with an awl over the entire surface by 1/3 of the thickness of the sheet) and moisten again only on the perforated side. They put it on the floor at an angle to it and the wall. When the workpiece begins to bend under its own weight, it is screwed into place to the arched profiles.

Finishing work

The final stage begins when the vault dries:

  • the surface of drywall is primed;
  • seams and joints with the wall are reinforced with sickle, and the ribs of the vault are reinforced with a plastic perforated corner;
  • putty, rubbing attachment points, seams and joints;
  • "bring out" the corners at the ribs;
  • dry and grind.

The arch is ready. You can start decorating.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch: step by step instructions

With the help of drywall, you can make arches of any configuration - oval, semicircular, arcuate, trapezoidal, lancet. Interior arches are able to visually expand the space and divide it into separate functional areas, as well as give the living space a design personality. To carry out the installation of a drywall arch with your own hands is within the power of any inhabitant, there would be a desire. And in order to remove all the questions that may arise during work, I give detailed instructions below.

Preparation of material and tools

We begin the work with the preparation of tools and materials. You will need:

From the tools we will prepare:

  • level;
  • tape measure, marker or pencil;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife and scissors for metal.

We draw a sketch and cut the blanks

We begin work on making an arch with our own hands from drywall by drawing a sketch and preparing blanks:

1. We measure the existing opening, from the top point to the place where the arch arch will end.

2. From drywall we cut out two rectangular elements corresponding to our previous measurements.

Advice: Cutting the material is very simple, for this you need to mark with a simple pencil or marker, we cut through the markings with a clerical knife with strong pressure upper layer material, then we slightly break the sheet along the cut, connect it, turn it over and finally cut it on the reverse side.

3. We find the center on the cut blank and, stepping back from the bottom edge of about 1 cm, screw in the self-tapping screw, tie a fishing line or cord with a loop at the end to the self-tapping screw, insert a pencil into the loop, determine the desired radius of curvature, stretch the fishing line and draw a semicircle with a pencil.

4. With an electric jigsaw, we cut out the blank of the arch arch clearly along the drawn line. Then we combine the resulting blank with the second sheet, draw markings on it with a pencil and cut out a semicircle.

Arch installation

After preparing the blanks, you can proceed directly to the installation of the arch with your own hands from drywall:

Step 1. We cut according to the size of the prepared workpiece right amount p-shaped profile 60 * 27. You should get 4 vertical and 2 horizontal elements equal in height and width to our workpiece.

Step 3. We attach both drywall blanks to the prepared frame. For a more reliable fastening, we keep the interval between the screws at 15 cm, screw the screws to the surface without pressing them into the base, otherwise we will have to fill in the depressions with putty, which will add unnecessary work.

Important: For mounting GKL with a thickness of 12.5 mm, the craftsmen recommend using wood screws with a size of 3.5 * 35; for thinner GKL sheets, you can use smaller screws.

Step 4. To stiffen the entire structure and fasten the lower part of the arch, it is necessary to install a curved profile 28 * 27 along the edges of the fixed sheets. This is done as follows: we carefully measure the arch and cut off the necessary section of the profile with scissors for metal, then we make cuts on the side edges of the profile every 10 cm and give it a bend in accordance with the contour of the arch. then we fasten its edges to the frame and every 10 cm we fasten it to the walls of the drywall.

Step 5. We fix the lower part of the arch. For this purpose, we need a curved strip of drywall, in order to bend the GKL, we need to do the following: measure the length and width of the arch, cut out the GKL strip corresponding to the dimensions taken, mark vertical lines with a pencil every 10 cm, it is very important that the markings was perfectly even, and along the marked lines with a clerical knife we ​​cut through the paper layer of the GKL.

Next, we combine the incised strip, with cuts upwards, with the edge of the arch, moving towards the opposite edge, we give the gypsum board the desired bend. Then, in the middle, we fasten it with screws to the guide profiles and, moving from the center to the edges, we fix the entire remaining strip with screws. The interval between fasteners is kept at 10 cm. Protruding edges, carefully cut with a clerical knife.

In principle, on this, the assembly of a do-it-yourself arch from drywall can be considered complete, the question remains only about its finishing, but this topic is too extensive and we will talk about it in the next publication.

Video on the topic "do-it-yourself arch made of drywall":

Drywall arches - do-it-yourself replacement of standard rectangular doors with an original design

taking away swing doors, hosts increase usable area. The device instead of them drywall arch - the easiest and most affordable option.

Plasterboard arches create the most different shapes, which differs mainly top. Many styles have been developed - from the simplest to the most complex. We will focus on those that even people without special skills can do. Having mastered the basics of creating arched openings, you can move on to more sophisticated designs.

One of the popular styles is classic with a strict top shape. This is a semicircle with a radius equal to half the width of the doorway. It looks good in an apartment of sufficient height when the doorway is at least 2.5 m. Suitable for any interior, but the best use is the entrance to the kitchen or a long corridor.

close to classical style portal, only has a strict rectangular shape over the entire height. Ideal option for wooden houses, apartments with clear horizontal and vertical lines. Right angles in this design look elegant. Often give additional originality to wooden decorative elements threaded.

The style of the classic semicircular arch is practically preserved in the elliptical one. Its vault is performed at different heights. Formula: the height of the vault is half the width, does not apply. Ideal for apartments with low ceilings.

An even more simplified vault is characteristic of the romantic style. The masters gave her the name "with rounded corners." The shape allows you to create designs of large width and relatively low. Ideal for decorating the passage to the balcony connected to the room.

The top of the Art Nouveau arch has a small radius of curvature, a sharp transition at the junction with the vertical parts. Looks good in rooms simple design. Often installed instead of a door to a balcony or office.

Trapezoidal shape attracts supporters of non-standard design. The asymmetrical interior arch also emphasizes the original taste of the owners. A popular form of recent times is the semi-arch. One side of it is semicircular, the other remains straight. Fits into modern styles of minimalism, hi-tech, art decor.

The form and design must comply overall design. The width of the arch, the height of the room are taken into account. Before making the arch, we determine the parameters, especially those relating to the radius of curvature. Classic is suitable for apartments with ceilings from three meters. For arches in place of standard doorways rounded corners are recommended. A wide opening is best designed in modern style.

Tip: to visually evaluate how door arch fit into the interior, make a template and apply to the doorway.

We start with a project that we draw to scale. We outline the location, the type of arch. We indicate the dimensions and all the distinguishing features. It is even better to make a template that will help for further work, especially for a novice master.

In the work you will need tools: a puncher with a drill, a screwdriver or a drill, a jigsaw, a drywall knife, a hammer. For measurements, you need a tape measure, a level. We fasten everything with self-tapping screws, if the opening is brick - with dowels. We purchase UD and CD profiles from materials. For a wooden frame, you will need pieces of timber. We buy drywall for ordinary rooms simple, for places with high humidity - moisture resistant.

Next, we prepare the doorway: we dismantle the canvas and the box. Depending on the intended size, you may need to expand the space. Plastering the sidewalls is not worth it: everything will be covered with sheets of drywall. We remove the exfoliated plaster, align the side parts. We do not achieve an ideally vertical state: it is important that the sidewalls are more or less even for reliable fastening of the profile rails.

If we plan the backlight, we bring the wiring in advance. On the uneven walls the depth of the arch is determined by the greatest thickness. All measurements are carried out in several places, so as not to be mistaken. The arched arch takes up to 15 cm, and the distance to the ceiling is required at least 20. Do not forget about this when calculating and marking the arch.

We cut two pieces of a metal profile along the width of the arch. Four more will be needed for the sidewalls. Their length is equal to the height minus the thickness of the profile rail. For installation on concrete or brick wall we make holes with a perforator, install dowels, fasten the profiles with self-tapping screws. For fastening to wooden walls, we do without dowels, we use self-tapping screws 50 mm long.

We retreat from the plane of the wall to a distance equal to the thickness of the drywall. For plaster, add another 2 mm. After 50 cm, we install reinforcing crossbars that reach from below to the place where the upper arcuate piece of drywall will join the sidewalls. To fix the arcuate element, you will need to install additional profiles, but at this stage we do not mount them. We have a base to which we will attach the skin.

For some reason, for many, the arcuate part causes special difficulty. You can read a lot of instructions for its manufacture with calculations and formulas. Maybe math lovers use them, but in practice everything turns out much easier, you don’t need to remember the school course.

We take a piece of plasterboard, equal in width to the doorway, from which we will cut an arc. You need a straight line, better wooden lath, at one end of which we drive a carnation. On the sheet we find the middle, draw a line. For a classic arch, from the second end of the rail, we also drive in a carnation at a length from the first, half arch width.

Along the centerline, we retreat from the top of the sheet so that the top nail is at its edge, and the bottom one is pressed into the drywall. We have a kind of circle. We take the planks by the top and draw a semicircle, leaving a trail from the top stud. We have outlined the dimensions of the upper part of the classic arch. If you need an oval one, move the lower point down along the axis, as much as you want to reduce the height, and outline the cut line.

Cut out the arc along the outlined outline. We do this with a drywall or metal file. You can use a jigsaw, but there is a lot of dust from it. An uneven cut, which may turn out, is leveled with sandpaper, ensuring that the curve comes out in perfect shape.

We perform further actions in the following sequence:

  1. 1. Using self-tapping screws, we fasten a rectangle with a cut-out arc to the frame. On the opposite side, we temporarily screw the same one.
  2. 2. We take a square, apply it to an unmarked sheet and draw points with a pencil that correspond to the cut out arc. We make them larger in order to draw the most accurate curve on them.
  3. 3. We remove the cut of the sheet and draw a line along the points. We cut off the excess and set the second arc to a permanent place.

A copy of the first arc should not be made: asymmetry is not ruled out, so installing a second sheet with an absolute match of the contours is problematic.

We take a trowel so that its width is enough for two sheets, and align them. Then we set profiles between them. They need to be bent. We make cuts on the sidewalls with scissors, bend, adjust in place. We fix it with screws to drywall, holding the rail with a bar so as not to injure our fingers. We expose the back of the profile rail at the same level with the edge of the arcuate element.

Having attached both strips, we install jumpers between them. We cut the profile into pieces with a length that is 1 cm less than the depth of the arch. In the places where the jumpers are attached to the installed profile, we cut out the sidewalls from the inside and install the prepared fragments. Jumpers give the necessary rigidity.

Next, we mount the sidewalls on both sides. The arc also needs to be closed with drywall. To do this, you have to bend it. To the ignorant, this may seem impossible, because they are convinced that the standard GKL is both fragile and rigid - it does not want to bend, it breaks. How to give it the desired bend, speech ahead.

For surfaces with curved lines, thin drywall is available. You can buy a sheet and set the required segment. But the logic turns on: why buy a whole one if you need a small piece, which is full of purchased sheets of standard thickness? In general, everything is correct: a thick sheet can also be bent.

Usually a simple and fast method is used. The cut-to-size workpiece is laid on a flat surface with the right side up. We take a square and after 10 cm across we draw lines with a pencil. We make cuts along them, approximately ⅔ of the thickness. The square is not mandatory, but desirable: along the parallel, the bend will turn out to be of better quality. For arches with large bends, this method is most suitable.

We turn the workpiece with cuts up, apply it to the arch. We fix the upper part with screws. From the center we gradually move to the end. We screw in the screws every 10 cm on both sides. The effort required is small, the sequence is mirrored. We do everything gradually, slowly, then the GKL will bend almost perfectly.

For those who do not like or do not know how to plaster, another method is recommended. Indeed, on drywall, curved according to the previous method, you will have to apply more than one layer of plaster. A very steep bend in the proposed method, which is called wet, is difficult to obtain, but possible. Its advantages are that the bent fragment remains intact, it is not necessary to mask the damage with plaster: a regular finishing layer is applied.

You will have to buy a roller with needles and make a template for bending. No special skills are required, but the process is lengthy, technological breaks must be observed. We do it as follows:

  1. 1. Cut out semicircle templates from a fairly rigid material. We install them vertically and fasten them together.
  2. 2. A sheet of drywall of the desired size is laid on a plane and rolled with a roller. Moisten with water, but not too much so that it seems slightly wet.
  3. 3. After 10 minutes of exposure, put the workpiece on the template - the non-rolled side from the bottom. The workpiece itself begins to sag, we carefully help, without applying excessive effort.
  4. 4. We wait about half an hour until moisture is felt to the touch. You don’t need to wait any longer, it can dry out and brittleness will return.

The frame sheathed with drywall is a semi-finished product, it was better not to start without a high-quality finish at the finish line. Many do not like this stage - it is better to cut, drill, fasten than to deal with mortar and sandpaper. Yes, the work is not easy, but necessary, since they undertook to do everything with their own hands.

First, apply a primer and let it dry. Those who ignore this step, wanting to save money and time, are wrong. It is the primer layer that allows the plaster to adhere securely to the surface and not be torn off over time. We use acrylic putty, but it is better to apply a special one for drywall joints to the seams. It is more durable, does not crack later.

We seal the joints possible defects on drywall and self-tapping screws. We try not to apply a lot of putty, otherwise you will have to remove it later. We pass with a spatula, taking away the excess. To hide irregularities, to give strength, to prevent cracking, we glue the joints with fiberglass mesh. We impose segments of the desired length on fresh putty. We make sure that there are no wrinkles. If it doesn't line up, it's best to tear it off and try again.

We glue the bend of the arch with a mesh. There are bound to be wrinkles here. To eliminate them, we cut the mesh in these places and glue it. Immediately apply the second layer on the grid. We wait until it dries: it will turn completely white. sandpaper smooth surfaces. Do not overdo it: the grid should not be exposed. If this happens in separate places- undesirable, but not terrible.

We clean from dust and apply the next layer over the entire surface. Again, we wait until it dries, and we grind, but with paper with a finer grain size. The final layer is applied on a thoroughly cleaned surface. We are waiting for a long time for the putty to dry well. The next day we are engaged in grinding, using the finest sandpaper.

Sometimes it is enough to paint the arch to give it a finished and elegant look. But many want to achieve originality using the following techniques:

  • sheathed with wood or plastic;
  • paste over with wallpaper, veneer;
  • use artificial stone trim;
  • decorate with mirrors, mosaics;
  • decorate with stucco, columns;
  • arrange lighting.

You can use any option, the main thing is harmony with the general style.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

To transform a house or apartment inside, it is not at all necessary to break walls, lay bricks or pour concrete. Drywall is able to replace messy construction activities and easily create complex architectural forms. This material is very popular today, as it is convenient to mount it. Drywall makes it possible to create on the surface of the ceilings and in the opening, to build columns various forms and sizes, or arches. Do-it-yourself drywall arch is a real and not complicated project. Observing the right technology, using special tools and following clear instructions, the arch can be equipped in 2-3 days.

Able to emphasize the style of the interior of the room, introducing new architectural solutions and original changes. In addition, a well-mounted arch can easily hide such a defect in the ceiling as a problem in the mismatch of the slabs in the ceilings. The arch should be equipped if you want to get rid of the interior door, but do not leave door frame in the opening. The installation technology will vary depending on the measurement of the opening and the characteristics of the material from which the walls of the house or apartment are made.

In the opening between rooms it can also be installed on a solid wall. AT this case you will have to cut an opening in the wall, coinciding in height and width with the right size. The edges of the opening may be uneven; in any case, they will be hidden by an arched structure.

Types of arches

A material such as drywall is very convenient to use, allows you to build complex structures of various shapes. It lends itself well to cutting, easy to install, and when wetted, it can bend and take the desired shape. The material has a smooth, even surface, so most often it does not require additional finishing and puttying. Drywall is lightweight, so work can be done alone without anyone's help.

Due to its functional properties, drywall makes it possible to build arched openings the most complex, original and bizarre forms, also creating carved through holes and decorative shelves in the design. What design is better to choose, and how to make a plasterboard arch:

Choose the design of the arch should be based on your interior. The design must complement big picture and fit into the style of the apartment. Technology for the construction of a drywall arch with step by step instructions shown in this video.

Advantages of drywall constructions

Drywall is the material that is increasingly being chosen for the construction of door arches. Plasterboard constructions today they are popular and in demand among builders and designers, they are widely used in interiors due to their many advantages:

Most often, door arches are installed in the living room, hallway, corridor, balcony or loggia. An elegant do-it-yourself arch made of drywall is shown in the photo.

Before you begin the process of mounting the arch, you should not forget about a few questions:

Necessary materials

  • Drywall sheets. It is better to purchase two types: special thin arched plasterboard sheets up to 6.5 mm thick and wall plasterboard 12 mm thick.
  • Gypsum-based putty mortar.
  • Fiberglass mesh.
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  • Rack metal profiles.
  • Paint or wallpaper.

Do-it-yourself construction of a drywall arch is shown in this video.

Necessary tools

  • Drywall saw or electric jigsaw
  • simple pencil
  • Roulette and carpenter's square
  • Grout grater
  • Perforator, drill and screwdriver
  • pliers
  • Metal shears
  • Building level
  • Putty knife
  • Needle roller
  • Sandpaper
  • sharp knife

arch toolkit

For construction metal frame for arches made of plasterboard, you will need several types of aluminum U-shaped profile guides: rack for straight parts (60 * 27), guide for contours (28 * 27), arched and reinforced corners.

Stages of construction of the arch

The arched structure is created in several stages, following the sequence of which will bring you the desired result:

  • Creation of a project plan.
  • Preparing the doorway.
  • Profile setup.
  • Preparation of material for work.
  • Installation work.
  • Additional finishing.

Let's consider each stage in detail:

  • Installation work.

Sometimes you want to ennoble the resulting arched structure. They are especially attentive to the design of the arched opening, if it is the main focus in the interior. Designers recommend paying attention to the options for the most winning finish:

Building the arch of your dreams on your own is not difficult. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions and carefully think over the design of the arched structure in advance.

It is far from always necessary to separate rooms with closing doors, sometimes it is much more preferable and more beautiful than an open opening in which a spectacular door arch is built with your own hands.

Beautiful do-it-yourself arch

The passage from the corridor to the living room or from the library to the office can look much more original than the usual door leaf hung on metal hinges, regularly requiring lubrication from the squeak. In particular, the opening can be left completely open, which will provide convenience, due to the absence of obstacles, and give aesthetic completeness to any design. Proponents of monumentality for the construction of the arch usually choose brick, because it can be used to finish the opening with a hint of the Middle Ages, with a keystone and other related touches.

However, more practical people prefer simplicity and efficiency, giving preference to chipboard and drywall. That's just from the last arch with your own hands can be made the fastest, but how - this master class will tell you. First you need to decide what type of arch you want to see in the interior wall (this can be not only a door, windows can also be made in the same style). There are 4 main options: classic, modern, ellipse and portal.

The first type includes arches, the upper curved part of which is a regular semicircle. The second type in its upper part looks like a small segment of a semicircle, the radius of which is much more than half the width of the opening. The elliptical version does not require any extra comments, it resembles an egg in shape. And the portal is an ordinary opening, only slightly larger than the standard size and ennobled with decorative trim. However, we will consider the usual classical type.

How to make an arch with your own hands - practical instruction

The most common and easily processed material today is drywall, it is from it that we will build an arched structure. It is most convenient to do this in the gap between the two walls, where the opening is completely absent, that is, the entire clearance from floor to ceiling is available. In extreme cases, before making an arch in the wall with your own hands, in a house or apartment, you can hollow out a wall above the opening, at the same time expanding it as much as possible. The thing is that we need space for mounting aluminum profiles. Having determined the scope of work, we make an arch with our own hands in order to ennoble the passage between the rooms.

Do-it-yourself massster class arch - step by step diagram

Step 1: Markup

We measure on the inside of the opening from both edges a distance equal to the thickness, put marks near the ceiling and near the floor.

With the help of a plumb line and a coated thread, we beat off the lines between the markers. We perform the same operation on the ceiling and floor. If the arch is located in the corner of the room, and one side of it will be transverse wall, we transfer the markup to it indicating the thickness of the drywall sheet.

Step 2: Mounting the rails

Along the lines made with an indent under the skin, we fasten aluminum profiles to the walls and ceiling with self-tapping screws, leaving a gap for wiring if necessary.

During installation, the markings made earlier should remain on the outside of each of the two rows of guides. The vertical details should be duplicated, you will need the "copies" later.

Step 3: Determining the Width of the Arch

On the floor, we measure the required distance from the wall opposite the vertical profiles and put marks on which we then draw a transverse line. This operation is carried out on both sides of the opening. Further, according to the markup, we fasten short profile trimmings to the floor, the length of which should correspond to the distance between the lines along which the vertical guides are screwed.

Step 4: Installing the frame profile

We insert the prepared parts into the trimmed on the floor, identical to the guides mounted on the wall earlier.

The difference is only in the position, we turn the frame metal profiles by 90 degrees, mounting surfaces to the premises. We fix each with two screws.

At the top, we fix it to a horizontal rail screwed to the ceiling.

Be sure to use a plumb line and a level so that every detail of the frame is level.

Step 5: Trim one side

On top of the resulting structure, we fix drywall sawn to size with self-tapping screws, vertical strips are mounted on the sides, for which waste can be used. If there is not enough material for the upper part, you can use a narrow fragment under the ceiling or directly above the opening.

Step 6: Making a compass from improvised means

You most likely do not have at hand (and there is no way to get) a class teacher's compass, which is usually used in geometry lessons to draw circles with chalk on a blackboard. Therefore, we propose to make this tool on our own just for our case.

We measure half the width of the opening (we put a marker on the edge of the drywall) and get the radius of the future arched arc. Now we take a rail of a slightly longer length and screw a self-tapping screw from one end a centimeter from the edge. We screw the second same screw exactly at the previously measured distance, determining its position using a construction tape measure.

Step 7: Marking the Arch

If you put a marker by measuring half the width of the span, you can immediately proceed to drawing the arch line, otherwise we apply the tape measure again and find the desired point. A centimeter above the edge, we stick one self-tapping screw of our compass, and with the second we draw an arc from the upper corners of the portal.

Step 8: Shaping the Arch

Using a hacksaw (manual or electric), we cut the drywall along the line and get an arched passage.

It remains to strengthen it, for which we measure the length of the arc from the sawn-off fragment with a construction tape measure and take a profile of the same size (for the speed of the process - a couple). Every 5 centimeters we make cuts in the guides and carefully bend one of the parts along our arch, successively screwing it with screws.

We fasten the curved part to the ceiling profiles with two guides of the appropriate length.

On the sides we fasten strips of drywall

Another fragment, cut along the length of the arc, is abundantly moistened and processed with a needle roller on both sides.

We pause for a few minutes so that the material is slightly saturated with moisture. Then we set the previously cut one vertically, put a strip on it, and it itself slowly bends under its own weight.

When the process stops, we gently help with light pressure on the ends, after which we let the material dry a little and screw it onto the bend of the arch.

In no case should drywall be allowed to soak strongly, since there is a high probability of internal or external defects.

Do-it-yourself arch installation - original solutions

A less common type is a semi-arch, when half of the arc in the highest part rests against the wall. It can be either classic or elliptical, or completely irregular in shape. There is an option called "romance", these arches resemble portals, but have rounded upper corners. Also, those who want something original install trapezoidal arches between the rooms, top part which has the shape of a corresponding geometric figure.

And, finally, a rather curious version of the eastern arch is quite rare, when the upper part of the opening sharply expands into a horizontally oriented oval or ellipse. Do-it-yourself arch installation is possible, whichever option you choose, although the classic one is the most easily doable. However, upon completion of the installation of the structure, you can continue to work, this time in the direction of design.

To finish the arched openings today there are many ready-made solutions, for example, wooden or plaster trim, half-columns for the sides of the opening. You can decorate with tiles, artificial or natural stone(if the construction is made of drywall, it is advisable not to abuse the cladding, in order to avoid deformation). Also on the inside of the arch, you can mount small shelves for flower pots or figurines.

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