Install a metal door 3 hinges. Self-installation of hinges on the door - a detailed guide

landscaping 03.03.2020

Installing a door and a door frame is an obligatory stage of repair in your own home. In particular, it will be necessary to hang the structure on hinges. To do everything with your own hands with high quality, read the instructions and select the preferred technology. Inserting loops is not a difficult process, but you first need to familiarize yourself with its details.

Attention! More often the door is hung on two hinges. However, this is only suitable for lightweight canvases that are made from MDF, plastic or chipboard. For door panels made of natural wood or heavy materials, three canopies are required. This will eliminate sagging and guarantee the proper quality of operation.

Overlay hinges as the most versatile option

Professional method and application features

Many prefer the professional method, the advantage of which is the speed and ease of implementation. More often this method is used by professional workers to ensure quick installation.

This job requires the right tools. First, you will need a manual milling machine. It is used for arranging a clean cut. Also, arm yourself with tools in advance that will allow you to perform the tie-in itself. This tool involves a kind of overlay, the task of which is to prevent damage to the door leaf.

You will need tools that will allow you to withstand the dimensions for the canopies. This will simplify the installation process. Equipment that helps create a groove on both the box and the canvas. This allows you to connect the two parts of the door frame. The result is that there is no need to use slot alignment.

If there are no such tools available, as they are professional-type equipment, do not be discouraged. It will be possible to complete the work with the help of a milling machine. No specialized skills are required for this. you can learn how to work with the device in the process of using it. The disadvantage in this case is the need for a large amount of time.

Treat the mechanism itself with care. This will prevent scratches from appearing on the canvas. The appearance of the door structure will remain unchanged. The coating of the milling machine with a special protective material will help in this. You can give preference to felt.

Various loop options

Handicraft method and its main features

The artisanal method is also in demand, but its difference is the low result when compared with the previous option. To complete the installation, prepare a hammer and chisel. No other tools are needed, which is convenient for self-assembly.

Consider the possibility of sloppy edges when installing hinges for a laminated sheet. The principle of operation involves the following steps:

  • Marking for mounting the groove. To do this, the element is attached to its position and circled. In this case, you should act seriously, achieving the accuracy of the markup.
  • Fringing of connection of grooves. Use a chisel and a hammer. The edging must match the markup.
  • Groove connection selection. For this, a chisel is used. It is mounted under a certain slope, and the notch itself is knocked out with a hammer.

As a result, it remains to put the loops in the holes obtained and fix them. To get rid of the resulting selections or roughness, use the staining method. This will eliminate the external negative manifestations of self-assembly and significantly improve the appearance.

Hidden hinges on interior doors

How to put the door on the hinges yourself?

If there is no experience in tapping loops, look for other universal and simple ways. They are based on the use of canopies, which eliminate the need for special grooves. There are two methods for such an installation. The first involves the use of special loops without tie-ins.

Their installation is simple, because there is no need for a tie-in. It is enough to install the hinges on the door itself and the door frame by screwing. They are stacked on top of each other with the door closed. Due to the fact that the thickness is about 0.25 cm, a technological gap may form. A significant drawback is not the aesthetic appearance.

The second method, which involves the use of screw loops, is also becoming relevant. In this case, the grooves are replaced with ordinary holes, the creation of which will not be a problem for any person. Each of the three hinges requires two holes in the box and one in the door itself. Outwardly, such loops look interesting and attractive.

The last possible option, which can easily replace the creation of grooves, is the use of trunnion loops. They are cut into the canvas itself. At the same time, the design of the product, which hides the installation site, becomes a distinctive feature. The result is an attractive design. A noticeable loop will only be in the position of the open door. This is due to the fact that it is represented by two plates that are installed at the bottom and top of the door.

Hidden hinges and necessary fasteners

What if the door is made of metal?

All of the above methods are effective for conventional door structures - made of wood or its analogues. For a metal door, you will have to look for alternatives. These include welding loops, which will result in a convenient and silent opening. You can do everything with your own hands, if you listen to the instructions.

Initially, prepare a number of tools:

  1. Locksmith's hammer.
  2. Records.
  3. Welding.
  4. Bulgarians.
  5. Steel door hinges.
  6. Electrodes.
  7. Special protective clothing, as well as gloves and masks.

Hinges on metal doors

Attention! Using plates is a great way to make welding as easy as possible for people who haven't experienced it before. A laser level will also help to check the correctness of the installation. With its help, they determine the place of installation of subsequent loops after one of them has already been welded.

Three hinges on metal doors are cylindrical or hexagonal. The first option is easy to install and is based on the use of plastics. Work is carried out on the street, laying the door horizontally. The plate is selected so that it matches the size of the loop. Before the start of the welding itself, the accuracy of the markup is checked. To do this, the door is installed vertically.

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Not everything is so simple. Let's try to figure out how much there should be and on what criteria the number of hinges in the door depends. The main thing here:

The weight of the door must be evenly distributed between the hinges.
“Loop strength” is the mass for which it is designed. The “strength of the hinge” determines the number of hinges in the door structure.

Myth 2: The lock manufacturer is not important

In fact, the reliability of the lock is not affected by the size, but by its design features.

Each lock is tested for burglary resistance with the assignment of a security class from 1 to 4.

The most reliable and secure locks correspond to the 4th security class. At the same time, each of the manufacturers develops its own lock security system, and the more production experience, the more complex and reliable the protection will be.

Advice: choose locks from manufacturers that have been on the market for a long time, so you can be sure that the locks are not only tested for security, but also tested for durability. Specify which class the locks installed in the door belong to. Optimally, if two different types of locks are installed in the door, it will be twice as difficult to open the door.

Myth 3: hardware is the same for all doors

This myth is easy to verify in practice. If you install a door with ordinary fittings on the “street-house” border, then, most likely, already in the very first winter you will be able to observe irreversible consequences. From exposure to strong temperature changes and from exposure to high humidity, the coating of the handle will be erased, faded or covered with rust.

Tip: when choosing a front door for, ask the representative of the outlet for the resistance of the fittings to various kinds of temperature influences. If, for example, moisture-resistant fittings are produced, then they are made of a special multi-layer coating, which is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, high humidity and sunlight. thanks to the use of this type of fittings, your doors will retain their perfect appearance all the time they are in operation.

Outcome is this: when choosing an entrance door, pay special attention not only to the design of the door itself, but also to hinges, locks and fittings.

The safety of the owners depends on the correct choice of entrance doors, and further comfort and coziness in the house depends on the successful selection of interior doors. But it is important not only the canvas itself, but also the high-quality installation of fasteners. Using the most suitable canopy guarantees a long service life for the entire door.

Varieties of canopies

A variety of door hinges allows you to choose which side the door will open. Therefore, in order not to regret the decision made after its installation, it is important to decide in advance on the type and principle of operation of the loops.

Loops are a fairly simple device that allows you to do all the work with your own hands.

Loop butterfly

They are the most practical for interior doors. Butterfly loops got their name because of their characteristic shape - when open, they resemble butterfly wings. When folded, the canopy is one card thick. This is achieved thanks to a special shape ─ when closing, one “wing” of the butterfly is accurately marked in the cutout of the second.

When installing such hinges, it is very important to choose suitable screws. Since the two parts of the "wings" of the butterfly will be in direct contact with the tree, you should use such self-tapping screws, the hat of which will be ideally hidden in a special loop groove. With the right choice, the sash will close well and there will be no additional difficulties during its use.

Simple mortise

This is the most widely known type of canopy. It is used in almost every home. It consists of two parts and is fixed with ordinary wood screws.

Since doors can be of various sizes, such hinges must also meet the requirements for use.


Structurally, they are not much different from the previous ones, but there are still some differences. The main nuance that should be considered when installing these canopies is the method of installation. If the previous version is attached simply to the end of the door, then for this type of hinges it is necessary to make special recesses (embed). This is necessary in order to hide the mounting plates and make a smaller gap between the door frame and the jamb.

Installation of overhead loops

This work is not difficult, due to the simplicity of the design of the loops. Outwardly, they are quite simple: two parts (“father-mother”) are connected into one, which facilitates installation. In order to evenly and correctly fix the door on the canopies, you first need to screw the hinges to the door frame. Such an installation must be carried out extremely accurately, otherwise curvature will appear as a result, and they will not be able to open normally.

Next, you should correctly install the door on the substrate of the desired height and at a slight angle relative to the overhead canopies. Then you need to open and lean it against the end of the frame. It is important to accurately fix the position of the door. You can do this with an ordinary plumb line. After the final adjustment, you can fix it with self-tapping screws.

They need to be tightened strongly, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the tree.

Universal loops are quite simple in design. Their main difference is that they are non-detachable. Often they are small in size, which undoubtedly gives them a certain elegance. Their installation will not take much time, because it does not require any additional work. Such hinges have a small thickness, so even with the door closed, the gap between it and the opening lining is small. When using universal canopies, the beauty of the doorway and the invisibility of the joint are preserved.

How to install hinges correctly

No matter how beautiful and attractive the door may be, improperly installed hinges will spoil not only the impression. If it does not close ─ the benefit will be small. Therefore, at the markup stage, it is important to take the work seriously. Many of this work is done either in a hurry or hastily. But most often, after that, you have to twist the canopies many times and spoil the wood of the door. To avoid this, you need to know some of the nuances regarding the installation of loops.

Number of loops. It all depends on the size and weight of the installed door. Since its weight can vary from 2.5 to 8 kg, the number of canopies will also be different. The standard height of interior doors does not exceed 2.3 m, the most correct decision would be to install two canopies.

However, there are designs that have large dimensions. In this case, you need to increase the number of loops.

If there are three of them, you can combine them as follows:

  • Two on the edges of the door (15-20 cm from the edge), and one in the center;
  • Two at the top (the second is 10 cm below the first);
  • Two at the bottom (the second is 10 cm higher than the last).

Markup is recommended to be carried out in several stages. To facilitate the work, it is best to divide the hinges into two parts ─ upper and lower. The second canopy element (the one with the stud) must be mounted on the door frame, while the first (with a special groove for the stud) will be mounted on the door frame.

Getting directly to the markup, it is advisable to arm yourself with a sharp pencil. In order to make the markings on the door frame as correctly as possible with your own hands, you can simply attach one of the parts of the canopy in the place where it will be attached. Then you should circle it along the contour with a pencil.

It is important to do this as close to the edges of the loops as possible. Since special recesses are often cut out for them on the frame and on the door frame, the further operation of the interior door will depend on the accuracy and quality of the markings.

After the markings are made on the frame, you can proceed to the door frame. In order to choose the right place in height for the second part of the canopy (the one with the hairpin), you can resort to one trick: put a plank under the door, the width of which corresponds to the height of the desired gap between the door and the floor; after which you need to transfer the dimensions of the canopy to the door jamb so that they coincide with the first part of the hinges screwed to the frame.

Inserting hinges into interior doors

To make the canopies look beautiful, they can be cut into a tree ─ both the door frame and the door itself. Many choose to do this work with their own hands, because there is nothing complicated in it. It will require several tools:

  • Chisel;
  • A hammer;
  • Pencil;

Before starting, it is important to correctly and accurately circle the canopy from all sides. Further, according to these measurements, you need to make a recess, with a depth equal to the thickness of the loop material.

The whole process can be seen in the following video:

In order to qualitatively and correctly perform the grooves, it is important not to rush and approach this matter responsibly. It is necessary to perform exactly such a depth that will ideally correspond to the thickness of the plate. After all, if the groove is deeper, the frame protrusions will catch on and the opening and closing will not be smooth. And vice versa ─ if it is too small, then there simply will not be room for loops.

So, having more complete knowledge in the matter of choosing loops, you can make a more confident choice. It is worth remembering that no matter how high-quality the hinges are, timely lubrication of the rotation elements will only extend their service life. Moreover, the installation and insertion of canopies will serve as a good experience and will come in handy in the future.

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