Arched openings from hl. Drywall arches: design ideas (70 photos)

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

When you have an apartment, you certainly want to make it cozier, more comfortable and bigger. Currently, one of the ways to visually enlarge your home is to create arches instead of doors.

Various photos of arches show how diverse they are and how much they change appearance housing. It is about how to make an arch with your own hands that will be briefly described below.

arch types

The arch is an opening in the wall that does not have an overlap in the form of a door. Their types differ only top, or rather, how the corners are built (straight, rounded or curly).

AT modern world There are 7 types of arches:

  • classic;
  • "modern";
  • "romance";
  • ellipse;
  • trapezoid;
  • "portal";
  • semi-arc.

The first four types have rounded corners and differ only in the form of rounding.

So the classic arch is a semicircle with a radius of half the width of the opening; "modern" has a small corner radius; "romance" and ellipse are similar to each other and represent the usual rounded corners.

Another thing is the trapezoid and the portal. These two types use sharp corners. In the trapezoid, the top, respectively, represents this figure, and the “portal” is an ordinary opening without a door.

However, even an unremarkable "portal" can be made to sparkle with new colors, giving the pillars the appearance of columns in the ancient style (Greek or Roman).

Trapeze though is pretty unusual decision, but not suitable for any style, therefore it is used much less often than other arch options.

The last type is a semi-arch, as the name implies, it consists of 1 rounded and 1 right angle. This type of arch began to be used recently, but it has already gained popularity.

It is up to you to decide which arch to install in the apartment, but we will dwell in more detail on drywall arches, as the most convenient material for building.

Step by step instructions for creating an arch

Choose future shape arches. It is important that it fits general style premises that will connect.

We clean the opening from the plaster and level it. It's simple here - the cleaner the surface of the work, the more reliable the mount.

We fix the arch frame. We build the frame itself from a profile (it can be made from wood bars).

We attach a cut-out drywall arch to the frame (one side). To get an arch desired type, in the middle of the drywall base we make a hole for the nail. We tie a rope to it and get a homemade compass. Now, by changing the length of the rope, you can change the radius of rounding corners and their appearance.

We apply drywall on the other side and mark on it, as if on a stencil, an arch, after which we cut it out and attach it to the frame.

In no case should this be done on the floor, since the opening is usually asymmetrical, which has the most detrimental effect on the accuracy of one-to-one markings.


We measure the resulting arc and make a tape for fastening from the profile. After that, we attach the resulting tape to the arch of the arch with self-tapping screws.

Install jumpers. Their size is calculated simply: the depth of the arch is minus 1.5 centimeters, the material of manufacture is metallic profile, less often a tree. We attach a sheet of drywall to the end of the opening with self-tapping screws.

We spend Finishing work(we level with putty, overwrite possible holes, paint, or glue wallpaper).

Other ways to make an arch

You can also make an arch in the opening in two other ways. The difference between these methods of creating an arch in fixing drywall.

In the second variant, it is attached to the jumpers not with a whole sheet, but with specially cut pieces (set) using a special solution (water, putty plus PVA glue) and this must be done without delay, since the solution hardens very quickly.


The third option provides for wooden lintels planted on glue. Drywall in the opening to the lintels is also glued.

How to bend drywall?

In addition, the question may arise: how to bend drywall? Thin cardboard (6 mm) is best suited for this.

And there are at least 2 ways to bend it:
Method 1 - roll a roller on cardboard to break the gypsum in it, soak it in water and gradually screw it to the tape with screws.

Method 2 - make cuts on drywall every 4-5 centimeters. When you attach to the end of the opening, the material at the place of the cuts will burst and better adhere to the wall surface.

We wish you good luck with your work!

Do-it-yourself arch photo


The arch represents great way decorate the doorway in your home. It can be both an additional and the main element of the interior, while becoming the center of attention. It depends on its type and version. Arch can be made old ways, lay out of bricks and then finish everything decorative plaster, but there are easier and less time-consuming ways - a drywall arch. Today is one of the best options to create your own exclusive interior in your home. Giving it a certain fabulousness or introducing a certain harmony.

Drywall arches fit perfectly in the passages to the kitchen, dining room, living room and even at the main entrance to the house. In general, wherever privacy is required. It is quite possible to create such a miracle of design with your own efforts, even if you have no experience. It is enough to be able to hold a screwdriver, a spatula and a mounting knife in your hands. In this case, it is not necessary to contact specialists. Do-it-yourself drywall arches are an excellent starting guide to building, which will help you in the further design of your home.

If you have clearly decided to build an acre at home, then you should decide on its type and method of construction. It often depends on the presence of one or another building material and, of course, the ability to handle them.

Types of arches by type of construction

There are two main types of arches depending on the type of construction:

  1. from a metal profile;
  2. from wood.

Here, preference is given to the material with which you are most familiar and have more experience with it.

There are also some types of drywall arches, depending on its shape:

  • with a small bending radius;
  • with a large radius;
  • simple, using a single curve;
  • complex, having several types of curves and bends;
  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

The choice of the type of arch depends on the desired result and the effect it creates. A simple do-it-yourself drywall interior arch will fit perfectly into a calm and simple interior, simply replacing the doors with a rounded opening. The degree of its roundness and symmetry depends on the preference of the owner.

Instructions for making arches

How to make a drywall arch? Before answering this question, let's get acquainted with both types of its design.

Wooden frame

  • The first step is to plan the shape of the future arch directly on the drywall sheet. Its width is quite enough to draw any shape on it. The design of drywall arches, as mentioned earlier, can be the most diverse, which mainly depends on its width and height. If the opening is wide enough, then it is better to use a large radius or rectangular shape with rounded corners. To draw the perfect shape with correct dimensions you can use a circle. To do this, it is not necessary to run to the stationery store, it can be constructed from a self-tapping screw, lace and a pencil. First of all, a rectangle is drawn on the sheet, corresponding to the size of the opening at the current moment. Next, it is necessary to mark the middle on the sheet with a tape measure and screw a self-tapping screw into the mark. The curvature of the arch and its profile depends on the height of this mark. The higher it is to the arch, the steeper the bend will be. If you need to make a do-it-yourself drywall arch asymmetrical, then you should shift the center in the required direction, thereby shifting the slope of the arc. If you need to depict two or more bends, then several centers will be used.
  • The next step is to cut out the resulting shapes. It will be better and more dexterous to do this with a jigsaw, while the sheet must be firmly fixed so as not to injure itself and damage the material.
  • Next, the installation of a drywall arch with your own hands begins with the help of wooden blocks. First of all, they are attached around the perimeter of the future arch. Cut sheets of drywall are mounted to them using self-tapping screws.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to fix the middle parts of the sheets with the help of bars, for this they must be cut into small pieces and attached to the sheets in the radial direction. The bottom sheet of drywall is already attached to them at the end.

Metal frame arches

Making a drywall arch with your own hands using a metal profile differs only in the method of fixing bottom sheet. It is mounted on a profile curved in the shape of an arch.

To give the metal profile the necessary curvilinear shape, it is necessary to make cuts at a distance of every 10-12 cm, while it successfully bends in both directions.

Then, using self-tapping screws, the resulting arc is fixed in the lower parts of the frame to the perimeter of the structure. After this procedure, you can begin to fix the drywall walls to the metal arc.

But the installation of the arch structure does not end there, because it does not have strength. To ensure this, it is necessary to fix the transverse pieces of the profile using the same self-tapping screws. Their number is proportional to the length of the arch. If it closes an opening of 80 cm, then 5-6 pieces are enough.

At the next stage, you can proceed to the fastening of the lower facing sheet. But if a drywall arch is made with your own hands, then, naturally, it needs to be given the same shape.

Instructions for the manufacture of a curved arch element

How to make an arch with your own hands from curved drywall, while making it a perfectly rounded profile? The answer to this question is quite simple and has several ways to solve it:

Notching. This method consists in marking the sheet into perfectly even segments perpendicular to its edges. This can be done using a level, ruler and pencil. Using a mounting knife, cuts are made on the top layer of paper on one side. This will allow the sheet to bend in the opposite direction, which will allow you to get the necessary arc.

Do-it-yourself drywall archesusing this method is quite painstaking work, so you need to pay maximum attention and caution.

The second method is to soak the sheet and bend it, and then dry it afterwards. But this option is only suitable for large bend radii and takes more of your time. But on the other hand, it has a significant difference from the first, which consists in a lower consumption of finishing mixtures to obtain an ideal rounded shape. This will help you

If we make a drywall arch with our own hands using the wetting method, then an ordinary chair or stool can be used to give the necessary curvature. And just laying a sheet on it, slowly lowering the edges to the floor and fixing it in this position for the time of drying.

A curved or incised sheet is fastened gradually starting from one edge to the other. At this stage, the installation of the arch is completed. Then the arch is finished with the obligatory use of building stacks and putty. At the same time, having previously smeared all the seams and joints.

Pivot structures in the form of arched openings have already become familiar in the interiors of houses. With simple, straight-line models from plasterboard, with certain skills, many can handle it on their own, but it often becomes difficult to make a frame for a plasterboard arch.

An example of mounting a frame for a drywall arch The process of manufacturing such a product is more laborious, requires accuracy of calculation, patience, but the result will bring satisfaction from your work.

In addition to rectilinear forms of drywall, they make different types arch structures.
Types of arches:

  1. Classical, with the same arcuate equilateral bevels.
  2. Asymmetric, roundings differ from each other in shape.
  3. Semi-arch, beveled surface on only one side of the opening.
  4. Gothic shape with a pointed shape in the middle of the arc.
  5. Wavy from several arcuate elements.
  6. Arch in oriental style, dome-shaped.

  7. In addition, openings, wall structures vary in size. All of them are made according to the same principle, but the craftsmen use different tricks, techniques.

    An example of the design of a doorway with a plasterboard arch

    The choice of drywall and profiles

    To make a frame for a drywall arch, an arched profile and drywall are produced in the manufacture of curved structures. The sheet is reinforced with fiberglass, unlike the wall GKL, it is easily bent, does not break.

    The profile for the manufacture of curved structures is a perforated tape with notches and bending stiffeners, outward and inward.

    It differs by:

    The standard height of the side shelf is 27 mm. Sizes vary depending on the manufacturer.
    from specially designed materials greatly facilitates the process. But not always in building markets, especially in peripheral areas, you can purchase an arched profile and plasterboard.

    Masters adapted to make curved structures from wall metal racks, drywall. An alternative to a profile can be wooden beam.

    Materials and tools

    Before proceeding with the manufacture of arched structures, it is necessary to determine the method of its manufacture. Will specialized materials be used (flexible plasterboard and profiles) or ordinary wall gypsum, profile. This will depend on the purchase of materials.

    Scheme with the dimensions of the drywall arch frame

    1. (flexible, wall).
    2. Profiles, wooden beam.
    3. Fasteners.

    Arch manufacturing sequence, methods

    The sequence of actions in the construction of arched structures is the same, they differ in the methods used for assembly.

    A drawing with the dimensions of a frame for an arch made of plasterboard

    1. Determined with the size and shape of the future design.
    2. Then they prepare an opening under it.
    3. Make measurements of the length of the profile, prepare it.
    4. Attach the guide profile to the opening.
    5. GKL sheets are cut in the shape of an arch.
    6. Screw the bent profile to the cut drywall.
    7. Attach the prepared structure to the guides.
    8. Then the sidewalls are sewn up with bending, pre-prepared sheets.
    9. Process the ends of the arch.

    Consider the methods of assembling arched structures.

    How to make a drywall arch frame: installation process

    pay attention to next moment. With an opening height of up to 2 meters, it is not advisable to make an arch in it, as it makes it visually lower. Functional standard opening must be at least two meters.

    We prepare the opening

    Align and sew up with drywall, less often with wood or plywood. GKL sheets are glued to the walls, checking or with a building corner.

    If the width of the opening allows, or the entire partition is made on, racks are set up and sewn up.

    Guide profile installation

    The next step is to fix the guide profile. More often used for this brand is PN (bearing profile) 50/40 (wall), self-tapping screws 3.2 x 45 (35) mm, for metal drywall constructions. Fasten along the upper perimeter of the opening on both sides. 1.2-1.3 cm recede from the edge (gypsum board width).

    Before fixing the guides, it is necessary to mark the horizon points from which the construction of the arch structure will be repelled. The floors may not be perfectly flat, so it is not always possible to build on them when measuring. To do this, mark an equal distance from the floor and draw a horizontal line. From it mark the height of the fastening of the guide profiles.

    Arched cutting

    We decide on the shape of the future arch. Measure the width and height.

    The design option and shape of the drywall arch You can immediately cut out a square, screw it to the guides and draw a structure on it, correct its shape and cut it out. But it’s more difficult to work on weight, it’s easier to assemble an arch on the floor or table.
    For this:

    No need to rush, since the GKL sheet is a rather fragile material, chips may appear on it with sharp jerks of a jigsaw or saw.

    Mounting the profile to the workpiece from GKL

    When an arched profile is used, measurements of the arched part of the arch are sufficient. Then cut the workpiece and attach with self-tapping screws (TV or TN length 25 mm). But often craftsmen make a profile for wall racks.

    The assembled frame of the interior arch from GKL How to prepare a stand for the arch:

    The corners at the ends of the profile are cut at an angle of approximately 45⁰. The design is thus ready for attachment to the arched opening.

    Arch installation

    All stages of installation work must be checked with a level and building corner.
    Sequence of work:

    In general, the main structure of the arched opening is ready, it remains to sew up the side concave surface with drywall. See in the video detailed process making a frame for a plasterboard arch.

    We sew the lateral concave surface of the plasterboard

    In the case of using an arched plasterboard, it is enough to cut a piece to size and attach it to the structure.
    If wall, ceiling gypsum is used, then there are two ways to bend it dry and wet.

    dry method

    On a blank cut to size, transverse cuts are made construction knife cutting through paper and lightly plaster. Apply it to the side surface, breaking along the incisions. The step of the notches depends on the angle of flexion, on average from 4 to 8 cm.

    Dry bending drywall method for arches

    wet method

    A blank from a GKL sheet is placed on a stool or in a form specially knocked down from the boards, which corresponds to the size of the arch. Frequent small notches are made on the inner surface or a spiked roller is used for this purpose. Wet the surface with inside wet sponge, put a damp cloth on top. After 15 - 20 minutes, the gypsum will begin to sag, and after 1.5-2 hours it will take the desired shape.

    Then it is carefully removed or removed from the stand, applied to the side surface of the structure, and fixed. It is necessary to handle the material extremely delicately, it is better to carry out this stage of work with an assistant.

Do you want to do something original in the interior? We will tell you how to make drywall arches with your own hands. The article will describe two main ways to bend the GKL, many photos and useful tips will be given.

What are arches for?

Rounding corners in rooms always adds some charm. home comfort. It doesn’t matter if it’s a vertical angle or a horizontal one, but finishing it with drywall sheets is much faster and cheaper than doing this work in other ways.

In addition to purely decorative functions, the arches have a hidden “under the arched” space. It easily accommodates engineering communications and hidden elements of the lighting system. Thus, you can use this opportunity for light division different rooms. The method is original, and requires scrupulous technical solution in terms of choosing the color of the fixtures, but the result will be very impressive.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a fashionable trend in design as rounding all the corners in the room. The bending radius is made small 10-12 cm, but the result is a room without corners. At the same time, everything is removed in general, both vertical and horizontal. Skillfully organizing the lighting of a room without corners, designers achieve stunning effects.

How is the arch

In any case, the arch is a frame made of a metal profile, which is sheathed with sheets of drywall. Frame specifics in this case, due to the fact that the metal profile has to be bent, giving it the desired radius of curvature.

In the standard version, a special arched profile is provided for these purposes. This is a product subtype specifically designed to bypass and create curved sections. They are metal and PVC.

But domestic ingenuity helped develop a very simple way to bend the ceiling profile. He does not look so presentable, but his performance characteristics saves 100%. Taking into account that after the completion of work no one will see it, then in the instructions we will describe the work with a standard ceiling profile.

Ways to bend drywall

There are two ways to bend a sheet of drywall: dry and wet. With the dry method, on the GKL, perpendicular to the bend line, cardboard cuts are made on one side. The gypsum splits and the sheet can bend.

In the wet method, the material is saturated with water and cuts are made on the side of the bend. The sheet is then gently bent, fixed and allowed to dry in that position.

It should be clarified that drywall of any thickness can be bent. It's just that for arched GKL, the process is carried out mainly in a wet way.

Bending drywall in one way or another is decided individually in place. But with a wet method, work lasts longer, and more dirt is bred.

Sequence of work

The whole process of making a drywall arch is divided into two stages:

  1. Seating preparation;
  2. Drywall processing.

The seat sets the curvature of the bend and, in general, the whole appearance of the arch, therefore, due attention is paid to its formation. What is especially important, the primary bend is set empirically, "in place".

Using the example of how to make a do-it-yourself plasterboard arch for a doorway, 20 cm wide, we will describe the entire process. And in order not to deviate from the main task, we will assume that the walls and corners around the doorway have already been plastered and all edges are brought out at an angle of 90˚.

We create a seat under the arch

For work you will need:

  • Profile guide 28/27;
  • Ceiling profile 60/27;
  • Pencil, tape measure, rule;
  • Laser level;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hacksaw with a small tooth or electric jigsaw;
  • Self-tapping screws 16 mm and 55 mm.

Work begins with the manufacture of patterns for the end part. To do this, fix a piece of plasterboard, on the top of the end of the doorway. This is a temporary location to determine the curvature of the bend of the arch. At this point, the main task is to create a fillet profile. The dimensions and the center of the opening are marked on the sheet in order to draw a median line through this point. At the same time, on the walls of the doorway, mark the places where the arch will begin.

Please note that the vault of the arch can either touch the top of the doorway or be below. In addition, the bend may correct form, that is, to be a segment of a perfect circle, or an irregular one. In the second case, it may be a segment of an ellipse.

Having marked the outlines of the arch on a piece of plasterboard, it is required to give this image geometric symmetry so that the right and left sides are identical. For this purpose, a primitive compass is made from cutting a guide profile, a self-tapping screw and a pencil. Then, a point is found on the median line, from which it is possible, with the help of a compass, to describe the roundings of the arch on both sides. If the arch shape is correct, then the circle segment is described in its entirety. And if the arch is stretched or flattened, then roundings are described by segments, alternately moving the “center of the compass” up/down along the midline.

Now we make a duplicate of the pattern. We impose on this sheet of drywall another, of the same size, and fix them together. With the help of a hacksaw, or an electric jigsaw, everything superfluous is cut out of the double structure. After all the manipulations, there should be two end patterns on the hands.

The queue for the design of the profile. On the inside of the doorway, along each end of the arch location, a guide profile is fixed. ATTENTION: between the side wall of the profile and the plane of the wall, there must be a gap equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet. It is thanks to this gap that the end parts arched structure, will be flush with the wall after installation. To fasten the profile, use 55 self-tapping screws and, if necessary, plugs. Fixed fixtures resemble two U-shaped brackets.

The next step is bending. ceiling profile. It will repeat the rounding, and serve as a fixation point for the arched drywall. To bend the ceiling profile, it is required to make parallel cuts on the side shelves. The pitch of the slots is determined in place, consistent with the radius of the arched circle. TIP: make cuts every 3 cm. This frequency is enough for any arch radius.

IMPORTANT: Prepared ceiling profiles are first screwed to the patterns along the curved section.

Fully prepared patterns are installed and fixed with self-tapping screws in the doorway, on the guide profiles.

To strengthen the structure, these two patterns are sewn together with segments of the ceiling profile. Arrange these elements in such a way that the back of the metal profile is oriented down. Subsequently, a curved GKL will be sewn to these segments.

Preparation of drywall "dry" method

According to the size of the future arch, a drywall pattern is cut out. It is best to cut sheet material with a jigsaw, but a hacksaw can also cope with this task.

In the standard version, the GKL pattern for the arch is a rectangle, with two short sides and two long ones. The bend will be carried out along the long sides. For this, the cooked piece sheet material lay on a flat surface, and mark lines parallel to the short side. The step between the lines is determined depending on the radius of the rounding of the arch. For example, for a regular arch in a doorway 90 cm wide, the line pitch is 4 cm.

Along the marked lines, it is required to make a deep incision with a construction knife. The penetration depth of the knife is 2-3 mm. The main task is to cut one layer of cardboard and make a groove in the plaster.

Then, very carefully, we break the sheet of drywall along each slot. In the drywall prepared in this way, only one layer of paper remained intact. It is this side that will be oriented down when fixed to the arched metal profile structure.

It remains only to fix this element on seat in the doorway. It is advisable to screw each segment on both sides, to a curved ceiling profile.

Preparation of drywall "wet" method

In this case, this stage should take place before fixing the end patterns to the seat. They are necessary to accurately maintain the bending radius.

For work, you will need an already fitted pattern from the GKL. On one of its sides, with the help of a spiked roller, frequent punctures are made. Too much pressure is not required, but force must be applied.

If there is no roller at hand, then you can get by with a construction knife. With its help, parallel to the long sides of the pattern, every 2-3 cm, notches are made 2-3 cm long and 1-2 mm deep. The step between these lines of notches is 1.5-2 cm.

Two end patterns, it is necessary to fasten the long side to wooden block in such a way that a construction of two parallel patterns is obtained, with a distance between them slightly less than the width of the GKL pattern. It should be stable on the floor when laid on its long sides.

From above, it is thrown over and squeezed polyethylene film. It will protect these elements from the effects of water.

Here on this design of patterns, you need to put a pattern with notches. In this case, the side with notches is located up.

With the help of a sponge or a spray bottle, this drywall is moistened and saturated with water. To make the process go faster, you can put a well-moistened (but not wet) towel on top.

After about 25-30 minutes, the beginning of the bending of the sheet will be noticeable. And after 2-3 hours, the wet pattern, gently bending under its own weight, will fit snugly against the end patterns.

If any curvature flaws are noticeable, they can be corrected manually. But do it with great care.

To keep drywall new form, in this position, the curved sheet should remain for about a day.

IMPORTANT: it is not recommended to speed up the process by blowing hot air or heating from a heating radiator. Since such accelerations can significantly increase the fragility of gypsum.

A day later, the end parts of the arch are sewn onto the seat, and a curved drywall sheet is sent after them. It is not possible to fasten a curved GKL so often.


If you are making this arch for yourself, then we strongly recommend that you paste over it entirely with a “spider line”. This will prevent cracks from appearing.

Then you can putty everything with finishing putty. We recommend using Vetonite or Volma finishes. They are bred strictly according to the instructions on the package. IMPORTANT: the finishing putty dries quickly, so dilute it in small portions.

5-6 hours after puttying, the arch is completely ready.

Arches for the doorway have been used since ancient times. The arch is very aesthetic, today it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to save space, complement the interior and do the work yourself, with your own hands.

As a rule, drywall is used, it is not expensive, it is easy to work with it and you can make any arched opening. The framing of the arches can be anything, you can put a platband and a variety of finishing materials.

Shape selection

The type of arch can be any, even from several levels, with different rows and functionality, the correct measurement of the doorway is initially made. The main types of arches are presented in the table:

arch type: Description:
Parabolic arch: Beautiful and easy to make arch. It is made of flexible plastic, for example, a threshold. A mark is made in the middle, which will be the top point of the arch. Further, the material bends in the form of an arc. The arc is applied to a plaster or other sheet and a template is made, on which the arch blank will be ready.
Circular arch: AT wooden material(bar) it is necessary to fasten the self-tapping screw and tie the twine to make a compass. They can make an arch pattern. Next, with a compass, you need to draw a circle of the arch on the sheet.

When the contours of the arch are drawn, the shape should be cut out using a jigsaw or a regular knife. All cuts are made exactly along the lines, the quality of the arched opening depends on this. The classic version of the arches is made according to the following principle:

  1. It is necessary to measure the doorway and calculate the material.
  2. The instrument is being prepared.
  3. A template of arches is cut out, a semicircular view, round, oval and others.
  4. The frame is mounted in the opening using a metal profile or wood.
  5. Polyurethane, drywall, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, foam plastic or other selected material is installed.
  6. The bottom of the arch is cut out and screwed to the side parts.
  7. Puttying and finishing, decoration of the arch is carried out.

Important! When deciding on the type of arches, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the ceiling and the width of the door opening. Some types are suitable for a wide but low opening, the other vice versa.

The main forms are as follows:

  1. Portal - U-shaped arch, according to the device it can be in the form of waves or with many angles, one of the most popular types of opening.
  2. Classic arch - recommended for ceilings from 3 m, with a passage width of 90 cm.
  3. Romance - it is recommended to set if the width of the opening is large, but the height to the ceiling is small.
  4. Modern - an alternative to any type of arches, can be used in Khrushchev, where every centimeter of space is important. The corners of the arch are made sharp or rounded.
  5. A semi-arch is an ideal arch for zoning rooms.
  6. Straight arch - suitable for loft, hi-tech, modern style.

The photo shows ready-made false arches from Leroy Merlin, which do not need to be framed:

Knowing what types of ready-made arches for doorways exist, you need to decide on the materials and start working with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch (video)

Work materials

You can’t just build an arch, you need to choose the material and prepare all the inventory. More commonly used drywall sheet, it is easy to use, if desired, you can redo the arch, its cost is low. Therefore, an example of working with GCR will be described step by step below. Arched interior opening requires:

  1. GKL 9.5 mm.
  2. Profiles 27x28 mm and 60x27 mm.
  3. Self-tapping screws to fix drywall 3.5x25 mm.
  4. Dowels to fix the frame in the opening 6x60 mm. Used for brick or concrete.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a press washer 4.2x12 mm.
  6. If the doorway is made of timber, then wood screws are needed.
  7. Putties for GKL.
  8. Needle roller.
  9. Perforated corners.
  10. spatula.
  11. Pencil and tape measure to measure and make a drawing.
  12. Screwdriver.

Having prepared the material, you need to mark and measure everything.


Before , how to make a drywall arch doorways measurements are taken. The size of the opening itself is taken in height and width. When there is a width, it is divided in two to create a perfect semi-circle arch. The shape of the arch is determined, for classic version you will need to additionally level the walls using putty and beacons. Naturally, the opening must be completely disassembled, prepared, removing dirt and dust from it, and, if necessary, seal cracks and voids with mortar. When the opening is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

Installation of an interior arch

On the GKL, an arch design is made for a private house or apartment, the necessary picture is drawn, and then cut out with a knife, strictly along the lines. When one piece is cut out correctly, then it is drawn along its contours new side and cut another piece. Having prepared both pieces, you can mount them on the frame, but before that, the correct frame is built. Step by step, the work will look like this:

  • At the top of the opening, profiles are fastened using dowels if the opening is brick. After that, the profile must be installed on the walls of the opening. The frame is mounted at two points in the doorway.
  • Next, a profile is made in the form of an arc. Scissors need to cut through the metal every 5-10 cm, after which the metal is bent in the desired shape. For the template, previously cut pieces of drywall are used. Installation is carried out with dowels, and the frame is sheathed with drywall using self-tapping screws. For arches you need 2 arcs.

  • In order for the frame to turn out to be strong, bars or profile pieces are installed between the arcs.
  • The frame is ready, but the arch itself has not yet been made. You will need to bend drywall for installation in the lower part of the arch or make a typesetting element, the prefabricated bottom is made from pieces of drywall, and when bending, you need to cut off a piece, adding 10 cm in size from the sides. So that the material does not crack, it is moistened with a little water, passed with a needle roller and left for a couple of hours so that it is flexible. After that, you can bend the material and attach it to the frame, using initially adhesive tape, and then self-tapping screws.
  • After 12 hours, a beautiful arched opening will be ready and it remains to decorate and decorate the arch.

Here's how easy it is to install an arch in a doorway with your own hands. Using these tips, the production of arches will be fast. All voids in the arch can be left unchanged, or you can use mounting foam, pouring it inside, according to the instructions. Next, you need to veneer your creation.

Decoration of the doorway

What to make arches from doorway it is known, but how to finish the arch in the doorways? Decorate finished structure can different materials. Often the design is done using MDF, you can finish modern material, for example, artificial stone, wood, wallpaper, paint and apply array. When the arch enters the kitchen, it is recommended to fix the curtain by installing fasteners in the arch immediately. Before sheathing and decorating the arch, you need to do a number of works, step-by-step instructions below:

  • The surface of the arch is sanded with sandpaper, removing irregularities, creating a rounded edging.
  • Seams, joints and places of self-tapping screws must be sealed with putties, but before that it is placed on a perforated corner plastic corner, you need to fix it directly into the putty.

  • When the putty dries, everything is sanded again with sandpaper to remove irregularities.
  • The arch is smeared with a primer and when it dries, it is applied finishing putty and polished for the last time.

The arrangement of the arch is completed, you need to pick up the finish and put it on the finished opening. As you can see, it is easy to make a home-made arched opening, any person, not necessarily a master, can assemble the frame and fix the drywall, even if the work experience is small. It is recommended to make an arch, the same as the window in shape, so that the interior is uniform, although the opening itself can be modernized so that the house or cottage is transformed and functional. Finally, a video showing the process of work, how much material is needed and how a rectangular arched opening with a rounded top is made:

Photo gallery of finished works

Related materials on the topic:

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for installing a drywall arch with your own hands
Arches in the apartment: what is it, varieties, advantages
Interior arches to the kitchen: varieties and design

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