Download industrial 1.7.10. Changing the original Minecraft blocks

Engineering systems 03.07.2020
Engineering systems

An excellent modification for the Minecraft game, which greatly expands the gameplay and adds a whole bunch of different useful and interesting items to the game. With the Industrial Craft 2 mod, you can install electrical appliances in your house that significantly speed up the processing of resources and even increase their volume: for example, using a grinder and an electric furnace, you can get two iron ingots from one block of iron ore. He will also help you in the extraction of resources, in gardening and in hunting monsters. On our site you can download Industrial Craft 2 mod for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. Its possibilities are truly endless. Find out what he's capable of!

For example, if you've ever wanted to jump like a kangaroo or run like a cheetah, you'll definitely love Industrial Craft's Quantum Armor. Having collected a full set of such armor, you will become practically invulnerable to any damage, and you will also be able to run fast, jump high, fall from a great height without harm to health and swim underwater for a very long time. However, to collect such armor, you will need a lot of time and resources, which you constantly need to look for in caves and mines.

You can download Industrial Craft 2 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4 or 1.5.2 and install it on your client. On our site you will find many different mods that you will surely like.

Video guide to fashion Industrial Craft

How to install

  1. Download Minecraft Forge of the correct version and install it.
  2. Next, you need to download the Industrial Craft 2 mod for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 or 1.7.10 Place the file in the /mods/ folder in the game directory.
  3. Launch the game and enjoy!

When you are engaged in production in the game, you really need Mod Industrial Craft for Minecraft. He helps in metallurgy, and in electronics, and in the agricultural industry. He just adds different types of energy, the right tools and new devices. But this is only suitable for a single player game in multiplayer.

How to make items in Industrial Craft

Of course, everyone is only interested in one question, how to make items in Industrial Craft. Well, initially, you need the Minecraft Forge add-on for this. Well, then you have to use the blocks and items that this modification provides you with Minecraft. You should understand that there are many of these blocks. From them you can build different structures.

In general, the industry is difficult and responsible. So everything needs to be well thought out. It should be borne in mind that in the test version of the mod there are no a number of blocks and tools. But in the full version it will be all at once.

  • There are all sorts of original blocks here: obsidian, anvil, water, lava, cactus, red dust.
  • There is a hevea tree, from which you can get cool derivatives: wood, foliage, seedlings, rubber.
  • Various liquids.
  • Composite metals
  • Diamonds, clay, stones, lapis lazuli, sulfur, coal.
  • Energy savers, energy carriers.
  • Various wires.
  • Heaters.
  • Generators.
  • Transformers.
  • Four types of energy: rotational, kinetic, thermal, electrical. Everything can be implemented.
  • Radioactive elements: lithium, plutonium, tritium
  • Metals: iron, bronze, gold, lithium, copper, tin, hardened iron, silver, lead, uranium.
  • Four types of ores.

All this and much more will definitely be in this modification. Do you want to build? You need to download the Industrial Craft mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and higher, install it and come up with some kind of active activity.

Here it is. Future fashion IC - IC². Feel at home as you rediscover the elements of the game you loved from the first game.

In addition, once you start the mechanisms, you will immediately notice how smoothly and thoughtfully everything works.

Wiring is simpler, batteries are more useful, there are new cables, gears, recipes for rubber and MUCH more.

Create an obstacle course with metal poles and trampolines, explore the Nether with a jetpack, or blast the entire landscape with a nuke. Blow up your house and burn your hands as you explore the more complex mechanics of nuclear technology. Or put on a good old composite vest and start hunting for creepers, armed with a powerful nanosaber.

Mod Recipes:

  • Go to

How to install the Industrial Craft 2 mod:

Requirements:(you can use other versions of the game, but this may cause bugs)
  1. First install all of the above mods, then move the "industrialcraft-2.jar" file to the "mods" folder located in ".minecraft".

  2. Do not extract the contents of "minecraft.jar".

  3. Do not move the client or downloaded archive to "minecraft.jar".

  4. Don't forget to delete the META-INF folder if you didn't delete it before.

A truly global mod Industrial Craft 2 adds to Minecraft 1.7.10 a lot of devices and tools to diversify the gameplay, facilitate the processing of resources and more profitable extraction, as well as electricity and other types of energy for their work.

Consider the features of the mod, new blocks, items and game mechanics that it adds.

Gameplay Changes

After creating a new world with Industrial Craft 2 installed, you can immediately notice a number of innovations.


The mod introduces new ores that are generated in the thickness of the stone, along with the ores of vanilla Minecraft.

Name What does it look like At what height to find How to get
Copper 70–10 A stone pick or tool is better
Tin 40–1
Lead 64–1
Uranus 80–1 Iron pick and above

You can also find iridium in treasure chests, which is needed to create high-tech items. It is not generated as an ore.


Another innovation of fashion is a new breed of rubber trees called hevea. You can recognize it by light foliage protruding 2-4 blocks above the crown, and dark wood with orange spots-streaks (they can also hide under the leaves).

Most often in nature, heveas are generated in forest biomes and swamps. When the foliage and trunk are destroyed, there is a small chance of falling out not only seedlings and blocks of wood, but also rubber, but for its effective extraction it is better to make a faucet:

With a single click of the RMB with a faucet, rubber will fall out on the smudge, with a double click there is a chance to get more with the complete disappearance of the smudge. From the heveas found, it makes sense to get a few seedlings and plant them closer to the house.

Harvested rubber, in addition to being used in IC crafting, can replace coal in crafting torches and slime in crafting a sticky piston.

Changing the original Minecraft blocks

For some vanilla Minecraft blocks (water, lava, obsidian, enchantment table, anvil and Ender chest), the mod significantly reduces explosion resistance. When creating a reliable base and to protect against the consequences of an explosion of nuclear reactors, it is necessary to use special fortified blocks.

Cactus and sugarcane can now be used as fuel for a furnace and a basic generator, and lava burns much faster.


Perches can be a good help at the beginning of the game:

They have very cheap craft:

The perches are installed by right-clicking on a plowed hoe and, preferably, a moist and well-lit garden bed. After that, they need to plant wheat, reeds, melons and other crops from standard Minecraft. Once a plant is fully matured, you can right-click on it to harvest an increased yield, and the plant will enter a new growth cycle and will not need to be planted again.

Weeds can grow on empty perches and can quickly take over neighboring beds, so at the beginning of the game, plant everything you need immediately after they are planted.

If you stick perches in the same bed twice, double perches are formed. Placed between two adult plants, they will become a platform for their crossing - obtaining new species. The cultures added by the mod allow you to get new or scarce items (rubber, gold, iron, redstone, etc.). For successful selection, simple perches are not enough; fertilizers, weed control agents and an analyzer of the parameters of the obtained seeds will be required.


The main type of energy in Industrial Craft is electricity. Thermal, kinetic and rotational energy are used much less frequently in special mechanisms.

Electricity is generated in generators of various types and transmitted to consuming mechanisms through wires. To measure it, units of energy (Eu or EU) are used. Voltage is measured in units of energy per cycle - 1/20 of a second, which are denoted EU / t or EU / t.

The value of eE allows you to estimate how much energy is stored in a generator or other mechanism. You need to pay special attention to the voltage required for the operation of the mechanism: if it is exceeded, the device explodes, and you can lose many blocks and the resources that were in them.

Basic components of mechanisms

The mod complements Minecraft with more complex crafts for iron ingots and other metals. Now they can be turned into plates, shells, wires and other items.

To create the main mechanisms of the mod at the beginning of the game, you must do the following:


Name crafting recipe What will you need
Hammer At the initial stage, it allows you to turn metal ingots into plates, and plates into shells.
metal plate Used for more complex crafting.
metal sheath
wire cutters Serve to cut the plates into wires at the beginning of the game. By pressing the RMB on the wire installed in the world, it is isolated (there must be rubber in the inventory), and by pressing the LMB, the insulation is removed.
Wires (copper, tin) Needed to power mechanisms with electricity from generators and more complex crafts. In an uninsulated form, they “beat” with current if the player comes into contact with them.
Rubber The rubber obtained by burning rubber in a kiln is used to insulate wires and in other recipes.
Insulated wires (copper, tin) Needed for crafting and creating safe electrical wiring.

Enclosures and parts

Name crafting recipe What will you need
The main body of the movement It serves as the basis for the simplest mod devices.
Improved mechanism case Needed to create advanced mechanisms.
Battery The simplest device for transferring electricity (capacity 10 thousand EU). It is also used to create electrical appliances and electrical tools.
wiring diagram Serves to create basic components, mechanisms and tools.
Improved Wiring Similar to the usual one, needed for crafting advanced items.

Resource Handling

If in vanilla Minecraft resources existed only in the form of ores, items or ingots and blocks, Industrial Craft 2 significantly expands this chain. The new states are shown in the table:

Name View (iron) How is it used
crushed ore While only one ingot can be obtained by smelting a metal ore in a furnace, crushing the mined ore in a crusher produces two crushed ore, each of which can be fired into an ingot or processed further to obtain side resources.
refined ore In the ore-washing machine, crushed ore is cleaned by a stream of water, additionally forming piles of dust of the same metal and stone dust. Refined ore can also be fired to an ingot.
Dust It is formed during the grinding of non-metals in a crusher and during the processing of purified metal dust in a thermal centrifuge.

Additionally, a pile of impurity substance is formed, which differs from the original metal. Metal dust can be smelted into an ingot or used in recipes, non-metal dusts are only used for crafting.

Pile of dust Nine piles of dust form one dust, as nine ingots or items form a block.


To produce electricity, you need to create a generator and supply a resource to it, on the basis of which it produces electricity, or fulfill other conditions. A brief description of the commonly used types of generators is given in the table:

Type of Name craft Application
Base Generator Fuel (coal and other combustible items) is needed to work. Generates up to 10 EU/t, stores 4 thousand EU. Needed for crafting other types.
On natural energies geothermal generator Produces 10k EU by burning 1 bucket of lava (stores up to 8 in an internal tank). Output voltage up to 20 EU/t. Suspends operation if no power is being consumed, unlike a conventional generator. Lava can be supplied in buckets, capsules (disposable ones disappear), through a pump installed nearby, or pipes from the mod and the like.
Solar battery Generates electricity (1 EU / t or 13050 EU from morning to evening) when exposed to sunlight. It does not work at night and in the rain, you can not close it with opaque blocks from above. Practically useless in a single instance, and a large number of panels in one area causes lags. If you want to use solar energy, it is better to install one of the modifications that add more expensive and efficient panels (Advanced Solar Panels or CompactSolars).
hydro generator Generates electricity from ambient or loaded water. In the surface mode, it generates 500/1000 EU with a voltage of 1/2 EU / t from the buckets / capsules of water loaded into it (all types of capsules disappear). Does not support chests, pipes or pumps. Produces 0.01-0.25 EU/t in underwater mode when surrounded by water blocks or currents. In the latter case, the hydro generator must be installed only in the river or ocean biomes, equipped with a rotor for operation (there should be no other blocks in the path of the rotor).
Kinetic wind generator It produces kinetic energy due to the rotation from the wind of the rotor inserted into it. A kinetic generator installed nearby converts it into electrical power, while the maximum output voltage can reach about 160 EU / t. The performance depends on the weather (rain increases EU production by 20%, thunderstorm - by 50%), installation height (permissible 80–180, optimal 160) and the type of rotor inside. Wind generators can be installed so that the rotor blades do not intersect, within the plane (exactly one behind the other or one above the other). A distance of more than 35 blocks must be maintained between adjacent planes.
Kinetic generator Generates electrical energy (1–512 EU/t) from kinetic energy received from other generators installed close to it. Built-in storage has a capacity of 200 thousand EU. An indicator of the correct installation of devices is a red lightning bolt on the back of the device.
Other sources and types of energy Stirling generator It produces electricity from heat coming from heat generators of various types or a liquid heat exchanger.
Semi-fluid generator Generates electricity from biogas (32 thousand EU per bucket) with a voltage of 16 EU/t. Stores up to 10 buckets of fuel and up to 30 thousand EU. Can burn fuel from other mods. The generator achieves its highest performance with Biofuel from Forestry or Diesel from BuildCraft.
Atomic Energy Nuclear reactor A nuclear reactor is an expensive, powerful and customizable generator. It generates electricity at the expense of objects placed in it (TV elements - rods filled with recycled uranium - and other elements). Power depends on the circuit used. You need a redstone signal to activate. When working, it emits radiation (kills a player without a protective suit in a few seconds), can heat up, setting fire to blocks and causing damage, or even explode.
reactor chamber They are placed close to the nuclear reactor (1-6 pieces) and expand its internal space.

Energy consumers and other equipment

Generators are only the first link in the production chain in Industrial Craft 2, electrical appliances working with them add new features. For example, processing mechanisms make it possible to automate the processing of resources mined in the mine and make it more profitable, while energy savers and transformers make the operation of the power grid more stable and more economical.

Type of Name craft Application
energy savers energy saver They accumulate electricity (40 thousand / 300 thousand / 4 million / 40 million EU) from generators installed near the usual input sides or batteries placed inside. They can give it with a voltage of 32/128/512/2048 EU / t, respectively, through the output - the side indicated by a dot (the position is changed with a wrench).
transformers LV transformer Reduces or increases the voltage in the mains. Five voltage settings are available: 32, 128, 512, 2048 and 8192 EU/T. Each type of transformer works with a pair of neighboring values. By default, it accepts a higher voltage through the input marked with five points (adjustable with a wrench), and gives out a higher voltage through the other sides - it works down. To switch to boost mode, you need to connect the redstone signal to any of the outputs. Then the side with five points will give a higher voltage, and the rest will receive a lower one.
CH transformer
HV transformer
SVN transformer
Resource Handling Crusher Grinds ores, ingots and other items into dust.
Extractor Allows you to extract rubber from hevea wood and transform 1 rubber into 3 rubber.
Compressor Compresses various objects and fills the capsules with air.
ore washing machine Purifies crushed ores by consuming water and electricity.
Thermal centrifuge Splits crushed ores, refined dust, spent fuel rods and other resources into components of various types. To activate, you need a red stone signal; before operation, the centrifuge must warm up to the desired temperature.
iron furnace A slightly faster (25%) analogue of the vanilla oven.
electric furnace Burns items slightly faster than iron, consuming electricity.
Induction oven Equipped with two slots for fireable items. The speed of work depends on the degree of its heating. It starts to warm up due to electricity when a red stone signal arrives, if the signal is not turned off, it will not cool down.
Blast furnace It is used for the production of hardened iron (similar to steel from) and iron slag in the form of ingots or dust. To work, it must be connected to any heat generator, it is also necessary to load capsules with air inside (6 pieces per ingot). Activated by a red stone, it warms up for 5 real minutes.
metal molder Makes the crafting of plates, wires and sheaths more profitable, allows you to create capsules, shafts, compacted plates and other items.
Filler Allows you to fill cans with food, capsules with liquids, fuel rods with enriched uranium, etc.
Utilizer Recycles most items and blocks from vanilla Minecraft and the mod, with a 1/8 chance of generating salvage needed to speed up the production of matter or receive random rewards.


The mod adds a number of durable blocks that allow you to protect yourself from creepers, TNT and explosions of nuclear reactors.

Name How to create Peculiarities
reinforced glass Serves as a blast-resistant and atmospheric alternative to conventional glass.
reinforced doors Open/close at the signal of a red stone. Protective in both states.
fortified stone Spray construction foam on iron scaffolding. For maximum protection, it is necessary to create "boxes" from it with corner blocks.
foam concrete Similar to hardened stone, only needs to be sprayed onto wood scaffolding or directly into the world. Can be dyed in different colors or covered with texture. To speed up the hardening, you need to click on the block with sand.

Armor, tools, weapons

The mod adds a lot of more durable and comfortable items than the standard ones.


Bronze armor and tools are crafted similarly to iron, but are 30% stronger and save iron, which is needed to create mechanisms in large quantities.

Bronze itself is created from three parts copper and one part tin:

Crushed ore, refined and ordinary dust of these metals are suitable for crafting.


The Nano Armor reduces damage dealt to the player by 72% due to its charge, and the Nano Sword deals 20 damage (32 if it procs a critical hit). They are crafted like this:


Quantum armor is the most expensive and durable of all that the mod adds.

This is an advanced version of the nanosuit with additional features:

  • the helmet has the effect of night vision, restores oxygen under water and hunger;
  • the vest has a jetpack mode - a switchable flight;
  • leggings increase the speed of walking on land and water by more than 3 times;
  • boots allow you to jump high and prevent you from dying when you fall.

Quantum armor is crafted like this:

Protective suit

This is the only armor that protects the player from radiation in Industrial Craft.

It is also able to neutralize poisons, the effect of fire and suffocation when it enters the block, and complete with oxygen capsules in the inventory, it makes it possible to breathe underwater.

Basic power tools

These are "eternal" analogues of vanilla Minecraft and IC tools, instead of durability, they consume battery power. The main ones are shown in the table:

Name craft Functions
Chain Saw Allows you to cut trees, cut leaves and wool from sheep. Has good damage (9 units).
miner's drill Combines a pickaxe and a shovel, allowing you to mine most natural blocks (those available with an iron pickaxe and below).
Electric faucet Used to extract rubber from hevea drips.
electric key Allows to dismantle mechanisms in two modes. The normal one consumes little energy, but there is a chance to destroy the block. In the "lossless" mode, you are guaranteed to get the original mechanism, but the electric key will be discharged almost to the end in one operation.
electric hoe Like a regular hoe, creates beds from blocks of earth and grass. It can also plow the mycelium block.

List of addons

Add-ons or add-ons are mods that work together with Industrial Craft and expand its capabilities. Some interesting options that support Minecraft 1.7.10 are shown in the table:

Name What brings into play
Advanced Generators Improves standard generators and introduces several new mechanisms for processing resources.
Adds more efficient but expensive mechanisms.
Introduces new advanced solar panels and a number of devices and materials for their creation.
Adds several types of armor and tools with useful features.
Allows you to combine groups of standard solar panels from Industrial Craft into single blocks with improved characteristics.
CompactWindmills Replaces obsolete wind turbines (not kinetic) from the mod with more efficient compact units.
Adds advanced versions of quantum armor and power tools.
Portable Recharger Introduces portable chargers capable of recharging equipped inventory items.
Adds a number of devices that allow you to remotely monitor the parameters of nuclear reactors and control their operation.
IC2 Tweaks "Fixes" what the creators of IC2 missed: introduces new blocks and items that were missing in the original mod.
IHL Tools & Machines Adds more realistic mechanisms and a new tool.
A global addon that changes the generation of the world and diversifies the mechanisms from IC, as well as the principles of their work.



The mod requires only the presence of . To install, unpack the downloaded file into the mods folder inside the game client.

The industrial mod Industrial Craft 2 Experimental (also called IC 2) is designed to create machines, devices and objects necessary to automate the processing of resources and farming in Minecraft. It adds new resources and ways to extract energy. Players will be able to use electricity and run various industries.

The mod allows you to build watermills, solar panels and windmills that will provide energy to houses and factories. Armor and weapons made of new types of materials with unusual properties will protect the character from the aggressive environment. Players will be able to fly an electric jetpack or learn about nuclear power, but first they need to learn the basics of using it from the wiki or video reviews.


Due to the great popularity of IC 2 on Minecraft servers, a huge number of different addons have appeared that add new blocks, materials and items.

Consider the most interesting:

  • Advanced Machines- improved versions of the chopper, extractor and compressor.
  • Advanced Power Management- control and automation of electrical equipment charging.
  • Advanced Solar Panels- powerful solar panels.
  • CompactSolars- combined solar panels.
  • Compact Windmills- improvement and combination of windmills.
  • Gravitation Suite - addon for Industrial Craft 2 Experimental with very expensive things that will allow you to gain complete control over the world of Minecraft.
  • Gregtech- an add-on that complicates the gameplay by changing crafting recipes.
  • MFFS- protective fields.
  • nuclear control- a control and warning system for a nuclear reactor.

Add-on files will be added in the future.

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