But he's not practical. Practicality A practical person (Practicism)

Engineering systems 20.09.2019
Engineering systems

Oh yes, a comet ... - Moominmamma said anxiously. - The muskrat calculated

that it will fall into our garden in the evening. So I didn't weed it.

Moominmama. Moomintroll and comet. Tove Jansson

Practicality as a quality of a person is the ability to simply solve complex problems, the ability to be well versed in practical, life affairs, to be able to solve everyday problems, to show reasonable initiative and efficiency, preferring in their activities what gives real results.

One astrologer walked along the road and looked at the stars. He became so interested in their unusual location that he did not notice the danger and fell right into the ditch. A stranger passed by and, seeing how he was lying completely in the mud, said: “Friend, you must draw a conclusion from this: let the stars go their own way, and you, in turn, being on earth, must walk carefully and carefully look under yourself. legs. We must not only think about the future, we must be practical in the present.”

Practicality is the ability to be efficient and prosperous. Prosperity is the basis of practicality. People, striving for prosperity, strive to be practical not only in the financial sphere, but also in the field of health, building relationships with people, satisfying physiological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.

People actively seek authoritative, practical knowledge. They are very concerned about the degree of their own practicality. Everyone wants to be successful, efficient, at the same time they want success to be moral and environmentally friendly, clean, so that there is harmony with oneself and with outside world so that he can rightly consider himself a worthy, mature and holistic person.

Authoritative, practical knowledge makes it easy to solve complex problems. Knowing the cause-and-effect relationships and interrelations of various phenomena and processes, one can easily cope with the difficulties of life. In a word, you need to know what “thread” to pull so that a complex problem opens up and becomes clear. In other words, practicality is knowing what to pull, what to press, where to hit.

This story took place in the last century. Once, a steam generator failed in one of the English factories. What kind of specialists the manufacturer did not invite, but no one could fix it. And then one day came stranger and said he could fix the generator. Fabrikant was surprised, but decided to give the master a chance. Carefully and methodically, he began to tap various parts of the car, carefully listening to the sounds that the metal surface. In ten minutes he tapped pressure gauges, thermostats, bearings and connections where he suspected the damage was. Then he approached one of the elbows and gave a light blow with a hammer. The effect was immediate. Something moved, and the steam generator started working. The manufacturer thanked the master for a long time, and asked him to send an invoice, where all types of work would be scheduled. Here's what was written on the bill: For ten minutes of tapping - 1 pound. For knowing where to hit - £9999. Total: 10,000 pounds. This is practicality.

In India, a little boy pulls a huge buffalo out of a lake by a thin rope. And the rope for the ring is tied in the nose. A multi-ton buffalo obediently follows the boy. The boy knows where to tie the rope. This is practicality. No wonder Paul Lafargue wrote: "A cold mind, prudence and practicality, a look that strikes with its calmness - these are the features that distinguish a real man."

A person communicates with elders, equals and juniors. The elder is the one who is older than us in age, education, administrative position, professionalism, etc. Equal are those who go through life's trials with us in the same team. Philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov says: “It may be different age, different position, something else. But if we go through the same tests, we are equal, we are in the same boat. And the one who goes through the same tests, he can help us in a very practical way. And the older one can no longer help. The older one will be less practical for us. He can give us a way. He gives us a way, some beacon. But he who is equal, he can row.

Therefore practicality comes from fellowship with equals. That is, communication with equals brings practical solution our problems. Communication with elders provides a theoretical solution to our problems. Associating with equals provides a practical solution to our problems. Therefore, conceptually, we solve our problems quickly if we can communicate with equals. This is a separate category ... Very practical - communication with equals .... What someone has done is very practical. If you can’t make some kind of dumpling or toast, everything spreads. You saw a man, he feeds you this toast or dumpling: - Listen, what do you add? He says: this is it. It's clear. We tried it - it worked. What's the problem? Those. this practicality is very effective. When a person really does this every day, then you can simple advice solve this situation, simple! There's no great philosophy, no big theory. It's just that the person is already doing it. He just knows how it all ends. He already does it. Therefore, since you are in the same situation, he just gives advice: do it like this, and that’s all. He says: is everything clear? This is practicality. Therefore, if a person is already doing it - yes. If he does stupid things, don't. You have to be reasonable. Therefore, if a mother says that she calms the child by adding beer to his milk. Maybe you shouldn't take this advice. There are such mothers. But I still hope that we are reasonable and do not take advantage of such advice. Correctly? But if, indeed, everything is practical, why not apply?

Studying the properties of practicality, Anatoly Len singled out the following nuances: “ practical man able to turn everything to his advantage - and even losses and betrayal. Acting practical is the rule of common sense. A practical person knows a lot about everything, he will find a way out in any situation, he is down to earth with reality. Fantasizing, fascination with higher matters is a hindrance to practicality. Practicality is not a friend to illusions, it cannot be penetrated by empty ideas, it does not fly in the clouds.

Practicality says: - Trust, but verify! You always need to analyze, compare, compare, try, observe the development process, correctly apply your mind. This is practicality.

Practicality is the ability to see several steps ahead. Terry Pratchett writes: “If you kill merchants, if you rob too much, they will never come back. Get stupid. And if they are released, they will become rich again - and our sons will rob them. This is wise. - Hmmm ... that is, everything is as in agriculture? said Vimes. - Right! But if merchants are planted in the ground, they do not grow very well.”

Practicality: Three sons lived with their father. And they rented out their apartments ...

Practicality in family relationships:

He always blew a speck of dust from his wife,
And that was the reason for sure -
Well, you must admit that that way half
Much easier to carry...

Practicality can be in demand even at a wedding. One student was preparing for the wedding. Out of compassion for the poor, she persuaded her parents to act contrary to generally accepted rules. It was announced that at the banquet the poor guests would sit at the head of the table and the rich at the door. The girl looked at the Master, expecting to see approval in his eyes. After some thought, the Master said:
- This is a very unreasonable decision. Such a wedding will not please anyone. Your parents will be embarrassed, the rich guests will feel insulted, and the poor will be left hungry, because they will feel awkward being in front of everyone.

Petr Kovalev 2014

See careful, practical... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. practical ... Synonym dictionary

- [ … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

PRACTICAL, oh, oh; chen, chna. 1. Businesslike, able to understand practical, vital matters. P. business executive. 2. Convenient, profitable, economical. P. way. The clothes are practical and beautiful. | noun practicality, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

practical- very practical... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

App. 1. Experienced, well versed in life affairs; businesslike. 2. Easily applied in practice, in practice; economical, convenient. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, ... ... Forms of words

practical- practical; briefly form chen, chna... Russian spelling dictionary

practical- kr.f. prakti / chen, prakti / chna, chno, chny; practically/more… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

practical- Syn: practical, businesslike; utilitarian (amplified), convenient Ant: useless ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; chen, chna, chna. 1. Well versed in the affairs of life, preferring what gives real results. P. man. P. young man. P. people. // Characterized by practicality, efficiency. P. mind. P. view of art. In our time… encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , E. V. Dobrova. In this book we will talk about two buildings, without which a full-fledged, and even more comfortable, rest outside the city is impossible. No wonder summer residents call the toilet the number one object, and practical and ...
  • Practical summer shower and toilet in the country, Elena Dobrova. In this book, we will talk about two buildings, without which a full-fledged, and even more comfortable, rest outside the city is impossible. No wonder summer residents call the toilet the number one object, and practical and ...

    PRACTICAL, practical, practical; practical, practical, practical. Same as practical in 5 and 6 digits. A practical person. practical stuff. He acted very practical (adv.). A sister is more practical than a brother. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Exist., m., use. max. often Morphology: (no) whom? person, to whom? man, (see) whom? person, by whom? person, about whom? about a human; pl. who? people, (no) whom? man and people to whom? people and people, (see) whom? people who? people and... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    BUT; people; (obsolete and joking) people; m. (with quantitative words only indirect plural: man, people, people, about people). one. Creature possessing thinking, speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social labor. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    human- a; lu / di, (obsolete and joking), people / ki; m. see also. human, human, human, little man with a quantity. sl. only cosv. pl.: man / k, man / kam, man ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Aya, oh; chen, chna, chna. 1. Well versed in the affairs of life, preferring what gives real results. P. man. P. young man. P. people. // Characterized by practicality, efficiency. P. mind. P. view of art. In our time… encyclopedic Dictionary

    practical- oh, oh; chen, chna, chna. see also practicality 1) a) Well versed in the affairs of life, preferring what gives real results. Practical person. Practical young man. Practical people. b) resp. Character… Dictionary of many expressions

    Personality typology, according to Spranger- (Spranger, founder of "understanding psychology", 1882 1953) - provides for a distinction between 6 types of personality or forms of understanding, knowledge of life: 1. a theoretical person is a type of people who knows "only one passion ... for a problem, for a question ... ,… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    - (new lat.). 1) a person who takes advantage of circumstances, an intelligent, dexterous person. 2) political figure cleverly adapted to the circumstances. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. OPPORTUNIST ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Entrepreneur- (Businessman) Entrepreneurial activity Actions and profit of the entrepreneur Contents Contents Section 1. Concept. Section 2. Statements about entrepreneurship. A businessman is a person who own business having its own ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    London Business School. Entrepreneur A person running his own business, having his own business in order to obtain ... Wikipedia

    London Business School Entrepreneur, businessman in modern meaning any person who personally economic activity and entering into market relations with other economic entities solely of their own free will. ... ... Wikipedia


  • Stalking practice. Workshop on hacker stalking, part 1-2 (number of volumes: 3), Sajina Elena. The set includes the following books. "Stalking Workshop". This book was created by the efforts of many people. It was born in the process of intense purposeful practice and is designed to…

See careful, practical... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. practical ... Synonym dictionary

PRACTICAL, practical, practical; practical, practical, practical. Same as practical in 5 and 6 digits. A practical person. practical stuff. He acted very practical (adv.). A sister is more practical than a brother. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

- [ … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

practical- very practical... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

App. 1. Experienced, well versed in life affairs; businesslike. 2. Easily applied in practice, in practice; economical, convenient. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, ... ... Forms of words

practical- practical; briefly form chen, chna... Russian spelling dictionary

practical- kr.f. prakti / chen, prakti / chna, chno, chny; practically/more… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

practical- Syn: practical, businesslike; utilitarian (amplified), convenient Ant: useless ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; chen, chna, chna. 1. Well versed in the affairs of life, preferring what gives real results. P. man. P. young man. P. people. // Characterized by practicality, efficiency. P. mind. P. view of art. In our time… encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , E. V. Dobrova. In this book, we will talk about two buildings, without which a full-fledged, and even more comfortable, rest outside the city is impossible. No wonder summer residents call the toilet the number one object, and practical and ...
  • Practical summer shower and toilet in the country, Elena Dobrova. In this book, we will talk about two buildings, without which a full-fledged, and even more comfortable, rest outside the city is impossible. No wonder summer residents call the toilet the number one object, and practical and ...

There is an opinion that in modern world only practical people can survive... Let's try to figure out whether this is true or not, and also find out what practicality is. How do you like this idea?

Practicality is...

First, let's find out the meaning of the term. Psychologists say that practicality is a trait with which he can quickly solve problems that require realism, common sense and even some composure. Practical people are always "here and now" and firmly on their feet. They know how to benefit from any business for themselves or for their loved ones. These people tend to have concrete thinking. They set themselves specific goals and, as a rule, achieve them. Practicality is the ability to manage money well, as well as some thrift.

Indeed, it is much easier for a practical person to adapt to our changing world, which is ruled by money. He is always aware of all events, it is easy for him to get used to changes, as he always looks at everything from a practical point of view. How better, how profitable, how rational - in most cases, a practical person thinks in such categories. He really knows what he wants. You can condemn such people, motivating this by the fact that they are guided exclusively by the material, that everything beautiful and spiritual is alien to them. However, this would be wrong. A practical person can be kind, honest, sincere, sympathetic ... That is, possess all those qualities that we call positive. Human practicality is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

dreamer people

Being the exact opposite of practical. They are dreamy, naive, more inward-oriented, they are distinguished by a fairly rich imagination. Such people are full original ideas are able to create and create something new. Practical people, as a rule, work in the economic, technical, legal fields, where cold reason is most often needed, not emotions. The dreamy ones find themselves in writing, painting, music, and the humanities.

Our world is very multifaceted, thus, both those and other people are equally needed and in demand, so it’s not worth saying that practicality is the most necessary character trait.

If you still decide that you need to become a more practical person, read the tips below.

After a while, you will become a more practical person, but in no case do not dull all the creative inclinations, as well as the ability to think creatively and out of the box. Be a harmonious person!

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