What does a practical person mean. Practicality Practical person (practicality)

Reservoirs 20.09.2019

There is an opinion that in modern world Only practical people can survive ... Let's try to figure out, the truth is or not, and also find out what practicality is. How do you like this idea?

Practicality is ...

First, learn the meaning of the term. Psychologists argue that practicality is a trait with the help of which it can quickly solve problems that require realism, common sense and even some composure. Practical people are always "here and now" and firmly stand on their feet. They know how to benefit from anything about themselves or for their loved ones. Such people predominantly developed concrete thinking. They set themselves specific goals and, as a rule, seek them. Practicality is a skill well dispose of money, as well as some thrift.

Indeed, a practical person is much easier to adapt to our changing world, which rushes money. He is always aware of all the events, it is easy for him to get to change, since he always looks at everything from a practical point of view. What is better, as more advantageous, as rational - such categories in most cases, a practical person thinks. He really knows what he wants. You can condemn such people, motivating this by the fact that they are guided exclusively materially that everything is beautiful and spiritual alien to them. However, it would be wrong. Practical man It may be kind, honest, sincere, sympathizing ... that is, to possess all the qualities that we call positive. The practicality of a person is rather an advantage than a flaw.

Dreamers people

The direct opposite is practical. They are dreaming, naive, more oriented inside themselves, they are distinguished by a rather rich imagination. Such people are full original ideas, you know how to create and create something new. Practical people tend to work in the economic, technical, legal sphere, where the most often needed a cold reason, and not emotions. Dreamy find themselves in writing, painting, music, humanitarian sciences.

Our world is very multifaceted, so those and other people are equally needed and in demand, so do not say that practicality is the most necessary character trait.

If you still decide that you need to become a more practical person, read the tips below.

After some time, you will become more practical person, but in no case do not dull all the creative deposits, as well as the ability to think creatively and not on the template. Be a harmonious man!

See Careful, Practical ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expression. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Practical ... Synonym dictionary

Practical, practical, practical; Practical, practical, practical. The same thing that is practical in 5 and 6 meanings. Practical man. Practical material. It is very practical (nash.) Received. Sister is more practical brother. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

- [ … Vocabulary foreign words Russian language

Practical, Aya, OE; Chen, CNA. 1. A businesslike, who knows how to deal with practical, life affairs. P. Businessman. 2. Comfortable, profitable, economical. P. Method. Clothes are practical and beautiful. | SUD Practicality, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

practical - Very practical ... Dictionary of Russian idiomatics

Arr. 1. An experienced, well-versed in life affairs; businesslike. 2. Easily used in practice, in practice; Economical, comfortable. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, ... ... Word Forms

practical - Pratch Ichny; brief Form Chen, CNA ... Russian spelling dictionary

practical - Kr.f. PRES / CHEN, PRES / CNA, CNN, CNN; practice / more ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

practical - syn: practical, businesslike; Utilitarian (effort), convenient ant: Useless ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; Chen, CNA, CNO. 1. Well-versed in life, preferring what gives real results. P. man. P. Youth. P. people. // Characterized by practicality, businesslikeness. P. Mind. P. View on art. In our nash, time ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , E. V. Dobrov. In this book speech will go About two buildings, without which it is impossible for a full, and even more comfortable holidays outside the city. No wonder the dackets call the toilet object number one, but practical and ...
  • Practical summer shower and toilet in the country, Elena Dobrov. This book we will talk about two buildings, without which it is impossible for a full, and even more comfortable holiday outside the city. No wonder the dackets call the toilet object number one, but practical and ...

See Careful, Practical ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expression. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Practical ... Synonym dictionary

Practical, practical, practical; Practical, practical, practical. The same thing that is practical in 5 and 6 meanings. Practical man. Practical material. It is very practical (nash.) Received. Sister is more practical brother. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

- [ … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

practical - Very practical ... Dictionary of Russian idiomatics

Arr. 1. An experienced, well-versed in life affairs; businesslike. 2. Easily used in practice, in practice; Economical, comfortable. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, practical, ... ... Word Forms

practical - Pratch Ichny; brief Form Chen, CNA ... Russian spelling dictionary

practical - Kr.f. PRES / CHEN, PRES / CNA, CNN, CNN; practice / more ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

practical - syn: practical, businesslike; Utilitarian (effort), convenient ant: Useless ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; Chen, CNA, CNO. 1. Well-versed in life, preferring what gives real results. P. man. P. Youth. P. people. // Characterized by practicality, businesslikeness. P. Mind. P. View on art. In our nash, time ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , E. V. Dobrov. This book we will talk about two buildings, without which it is impossible for a full, and even more comfortable holiday outside the city. No wonder the dackets call the toilet object number one, but practical and ...
  • Practical summer shower and toilet in the country, Elena Dobrov. This book we will talk about two buildings, without which it is impossible for a full, and even more comfortable holiday outside the city. No wonder the dackets call the toilet object number one, but practical and ...

Oh yeah, a comet ... "Mumina-Mom said concern. - OduTar calculated

that she will fall in the evening in our garden. So I did not pour it.

Mumi Mom. Mumi Troll and Comet. Tuva Jansson

Practicality as personality quality - the ability to simply solve complex problems, the ability to understand well in practical, life affairs, be able to solve household tasks, show reasonable initiative and businesslikeness, preferring in their activities what gives real results.

One astrologer walked on the road and looked at the stars. He so became interested in their unusual location, which did not notice the danger and fell right into the ditch. A stranger passed by and, seeing, as he lies completely in the mud, said: "Friend, you are obliged to make a conclusion: let the stars go their dear, and you, in turn, being on Earth, must go carefully and carefully watch yourself under legs. We must not only think about the future, you should be practical in the present. "

Practicality - the ability to be effective and prosperous. Prosperity - the basis of practicality. People, striving for prosperity, seek to be practical not only in the financial sphere, but also in the field of health, building relationships with people, satisfying physiological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.

People are actively looking for authoritative, practical knowledge. They are very worried about the degree of their own practicality. Everyone wants to be successful, effective, while wishing success to be moral and environmentally friendly, clean to be harmony with himself and with foreign worldSo that rightfully could consider himself a decent, mature and holistic person.

Authoritative, practical knowledge allows you to simply solve complex problems. Knowing the causal relationships and the relationship of various phenomena and processes, it is easy to cope with the difficulties of life. In a word, you need to know for what "thread" pull so that the complex problem revealed and become clear. In other words, practicality is knowledge, for what to pull, to click, where you need to hit.

This story occurred in the last century. Once on one of the English factories, a steam generator has failed. What specialists did not invite the manufacturer, but no one could fix it. And once came unfamiliar man And he said that he could fix the generator. The manufacturer was surprised, but decided to master the chance. Gently and methodically, he began to tick the various sections of the car, listen carefully to the sounds that published metal surface. For ten minutes, he spacked pressure sensors, thermostats, bearings and connections, where, as it assumed, damage is. Then he approached one of the crankshafts and the nasty punch with a hammer. The effect was instantaneous. Something moved, and the steam generator earned. The manufacturer thanked the masters for a long time, and asked him to send an account, where all types of work would be painted. This is what was written in the account: for ten minutes of the awake - 1 pound. For knowing where to strike - 9999 pounds. Total: 10,000 pounds. This is practicality.

In India, the little boy pulls out the huge buffalo from the lake for a thin rope. And the rope for the ring is tied to the nose. The multiple buffalo obediently goes for the boy. The boy knows where to bind the rope. This is practicality. No wonder Paul Lafarg wrote: "Cold mind, calcality and practicality, an eye striking with their calm - these are features that distinguish the real man."

Man communicates with senior, equal and younger. The senior is the one who is older than us by age, by education, according to the administrative position, by professionalism, etc. Equal - these are those who pass through life tests with us in one harness. Philosopher Vyacheslav Roveov says: "It may be different age, Miscellaneous position, something else. But if we pass the same tests, we are equal, we are in the same boat. And the one who passes the same tests, he can help us very practically. And the elder can no longer help. Senior already for us will be less practical. He can give us a way. He gives us a way, some lighthouse. But the one who is equal, he can row.

Therefore, practicality is given from communication with equal. That is, communication with equal brings practical solution Our problems. Communication with senior gives the theoretical solution to our problems. Communication with equal gives a practical solution to our problems. Therefore, conceptually we solve our problems quickly, if we can communicate with equal. This is a separate such category ... very practical - communication with equal .... The fact that someone happened is very practical. If you can't do some kind of dumpling or crouton, everything is spread. You saw a man, he feeds you with this crown or dumpling: - Listen, what do you add? He says: That's it. Clear. Tried - it turned out. What is the problem? Those. This practicality is very effective. When a person really does it every day, then you can simple Council Solve this situation, simple! There is no big philosophy, no large theory. Just a man is already doing. He just knows how it all ends. He is doing it already. So because You are in the same situation, he gives just advice: like this, and that's it. Says: everything is clear? This practicality. Therefore, if a person already does it - yes. If he does nonsense, do not. It is necessary to be reasonable. Therefore, if Mom says that she soothes a child in that he adds beer to milk. Maybe you do not need to use this advice. There are such moms. But I still hope that we are intelligent and do not use this advice. Right? But if, really, everything is practical, why not apply?

Studying the properties of practicality, Anatoly Len allocated such nuances: "A practical person is able to pay all - and even loss and betrayal. It is practical - a rule of common sense. A practical person knows everything in anyone, in any situation will find a way out, it is landed for reality. Fantasy, passionate to higher matters - a hindrance to practicalism. The practicality of illusions is not a friend, it does not pour it empty ideas, it does not fly in the clouds. "

Practicality says: - Trust, but check! You always need to analyze, compare, compare, try, observe the development process, competently apply your mind. This practicality.

Practicality is the ability to see a few steps forward. Terry Prachtrat writes: "If you kill merchants, if you rob too much, they will no longer return. It turns out stupid. And if they release them, they again get rich - and our sons rob them. This is wise. - GM-M ... That is, everything is like in agriculture? - Vaims clarified. - Right! But if merchants put in the ground, they do not grow very well. "

Practicality: Father's three sons lived. And their apartments handed over ...

Practicality B. family relationship:

Always blown off his wives of his dust
And in this there was sure for sure -
Well, agreed that there is a half
Wearing much easier on your hands ...

Practicality can be in demand even at the wedding. One student was preparing for the wedding. From compassion to the poor, she persuaded parents to act contrary to the generally accepted rules. It was announced that there were poor guests at the desk at the head of the table, and the rich - at the door. The girl looked at the masters, waiting to see in his eyes approval. Thinking a little, the master said:
- This is a very unreasonable solution. Such a wedding will not be joy. Your parents will be embarrassed, the rich guests will consider themselves offended, and the poor will remain hungry, for, being in sight of everyone, will feel embarrassed.

Peter Kovalev 2014

Practicality is good quality. As a rule, a person has a high speed solution various tasks, focused on external reality. The imagination works in a certain given key, but it is not inherent in dreaminess, but realistic.

Practicality always relies on experience, serves as a beneficial "soil" to create a career. It needs a strong will and hardworking. Practicality promotes an inquisitive, clear, flexible and sharp mind. And without confidence and creativity, she is defective. It is also a guarantor of material well-being, even with small income. The one who is constantly taught has difficulty in "cultivating" in itself this amazing quality. First of all, this should be led by nature. That's what practicality mean.

Among the synonyms can be allocated: landiness, productivity, businesslikeness, utility, convenience. The first three applicable to people, the last two are relevant when describing qualitative assessment Things and items.

People about people

The presence of practicality characterizes its owner as a serious, reasonable and far-sighted person. Practical people never buy unnecessary things, not spend money wasted. They are very economical and calculating, however, some can call it misfortune and greed. Reliable, thinking head, not a heart, they are characterized by rationality in everything. Reality they perceive the one that it is, soberly assess the situation and accept the deliberate decisions. Riskiness and adventurism manifests itself extremely rare.

A practical person is such a person who knows how to competently use all possible tools and methods for achieving goals. It organizes his actions so as to make them as quickly as possible and greater efficient. Develop this quality, because even in sorrow, such people find benefits.

If you interpret the concept of schidness as cunning and care, then in some extent it is characteristic of practical people. Showing preciseness, pursuing only their personal goals using other people, a person implements both of these qualities. However, in most cases, evidence means mockery, mockery, evil wit. Such a person to strive to annoy others, "hurt" and simply offend. In such a way, this concept is difficult to linet with the concept of practicality.

What does a practical person mean?

Vitenka Prack

He who deals with something specific, not abstract and comes to everything in business and not from the position of the dreamer. Plumbing and plumber or engineer is more practical than fashion designer or poet. It is ideafully expressed in the fact that a person better controls his emotions, prefers the facts, and not opinions, it is planning everything in advance, and does not hope in case.

Nikolai Isaev

A person who does everything exclusively for the benefit of the case.

That's what he implies under the word "case" and shows his personality ...

If under this word he understands the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the work and career, then this does not mean that in family relationship it is also "practical" and vice versa.

It can be practical in family and conduct household, saving and planning family life, but not practical at work.

There were no more people who could be practical and there, and there.

Maybe I am not lucky in my life, but maybe they can be called a different word, such as "Cynic", "Careerist", whining "," Rug ", etc.

You can (with stretch) attribute these categories of people to the word "practical" (in their own).

Why is the practicality of good quality person?

Because the practicality allows you to clearly realize that a person needs in this life, which will bring him good, and what is not, what will make it truly happy.

Practicality allows you to realize the problem and find ways to solve it.

Practicality allows you to use resources efficiently as possible (time, money, finance, information).

Practicality allows growing professionally and with the least costs to achieve goals.

Practicality allows you to competently choose a full ration and moderate physical exertion, which positively affects well-being, etc. :)

Julia Muromskaya

I consider practicality - one of best qualities After all, it is thanks to him a person can be successful in many matters, to succeed everywhere, and at the same time spent by the minimum of resources. I believe that practicality must be instilled in children from childhood, because it will help correctly and rationally dispose of not only material resources, but also time for example.

Is it easy for not practical person?

(+ ..... INMA

I want to answer from the reverse ...)))
What is practicality? That's what I found on the Internet unlimited:
What is she, a practical woman?
The collective image of a practical woman looks like this:
- "She does not spend money on nonsense; always knows how much money in the wallet; In the course of prices for food, clothing, services, cars, apartments, rest, lunch in a cafe, restaurant "..
- "A practical woman does not vita in the clouds, soberly looks at things, knows how to distribute the budget, and from the old thing is able to do something interesting, new"
- "Being practical means to enjoy well-organized life"
Characteristic for practical woman features and features:
1. A practical woman always has a blank on good table For guests (even if the budget is at all any).
2. A practical woman will not give her husband the right to keep household.
3. A practical woman will not buy a cheap household appliances.
4. It will not allow her husband to glue new wallpapers, if plumbing flows in the house.
5. She thrills in advance about purchases for holidays.
6. A practical woman will not make her husband when he wants to invite to the house " necessary people", And even leads" friendship "with the corresponding half of the right person.
7. The practical woman will not work if it allows the material state. The extreme case is something "for the soul" without a strong departure from the house.
8. A practical woman will always find a way to make money at home (knitting, articles, cooking, Internet anywhere).
9. A practical woman will always follow his appearance by a fruit.
10. During strong stress, a practical woman satisfies its natural need for shopping more functionally. For example, she will buy not expensive bauble, but, for example, a computer, washing machine or good shoes (depending on the means).
Accordingly, an impractical person is the complete opposite of the previously outlined)).
Honestly, before that, I personally did not think about the ease or difficultness of the life of an impractical or practical person ... how, in fact, and what is impracticality or practicality ... And now I understood: if practicality or impracticality is her (his) inner state of the soul, and the person lives in harmony with one of these qualities, not advancing his throat, he lives easily. The man simply does not think about it ... But if practicality or impracticality come forcedly (life is forcing, and people surrounding, close to her ...), have to control themselves, to be such as circumstances, it is not easy to live. Internal conflict arises primarily .. And this applies to any quality, not necessarily impracticity or practicality. Happy one who lives in a state of spiritual comfort. For some reason I remembered the Weller "I want to be a janitor" ...

It's me!))
If you believe the words of those who are near, then. .
.. I live easily)
What if they are right?
I do not buy Sani in the summer. .
In winter, I must definitely give them!
.. But their color .. how will always upset me ..)

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