How did a big explosion occurred. Big Explosion Theory: The emergence of the universe of a negligible small particle

Gardening 21.09.2019

Big bang riddles

Our universe arose 13.7 billion years ago, generated by a large explosion, and for several generations, scientists are trying to understand this phenomenon.

At the end of the 20s of the 20th century, Edwin Habble discovered that all the galaxies we visible are flying away - as if the garnet fragments after the explosion, at the same time Belgian astronomer and theologian Georges Lemeter nominated her hypothesis (in 1931 she came out on the "Nature" pages ). He believes that the history of the universe began with the fact that the "primary atom" exploded, and it gave rise to time, space and matter (earlier, in the early 1920s, the Soviet scientist Alexander Friedman, analyzing the Einstein equation, also came to the conclusion that "The universe was created from the point" and this was gone "tens of billions of our ordinary years").

At first, astronomers strongly rejected the reasoning of the Belgian theologist. Because the theory of a large explosion, it is impossible to be better combined with the Christian faith in God-Creator. During the two centuries, scientists stopped penetrating into science of any religious speculation about the "beginning of all began". And here is God, expelled from nature to the dimensional shaking of the wheels of Newtonian mechanics, suddenly returns. It is coming in a big explosion flame, and it is difficult to come up with a more triumphal picture of his phenomenon.

However, the problem was not only in theology - a big explosion did not obey the laws of the exact sciences. The most important thing The history of the universe was abandoned by the Grand Court. In this singular (special) point located on the axis of space-time, the overall theory of relativity has ceased to act, because pressure, temperature, energy density and the curvature of space rushed into infinity, that is, they lost all physical meaning. At this point disappeared, it was not turned into zero, not into negative values, but in the complete absence of their absence, in absolute nonsense, all these seconds, meters and astronomical units. This point is a gap that does not overcome in stilts of logic or mathematics, a hole in time and space.

Only in the late 1960s Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking convincingly showed that, within the framework of Einstein's theory, the singularity of the Big Bang is inevitable. However, it could not facilitate theoretics. How to describe a big explosion? What happened, for example, the cause of this event? After all, if there was no time at all, it would not seem to be the reasons that gave birth to it.

As we understand now, to create a complete theory of a large explosion, it is necessary to bind together the teachings of Einstein, describing space and time, with a quantum theory dealing with elementary particles and their interaction. It is likely that it may take place not one decade before it is possible to make it and withdraw a single "formula of the universe".

And from where, for example, then the grand amount of energy could appear, what caused this explosion of incredible power? Perhaps she got our universe from her predecessor, squeezed in a singular point? However, then where did it get it? Or the energy was spilled in a primary vacuo, from which - "bubble of foam" - was our universe slipped out? Or or the universes of the older generation transmit the energy of the universe of the younger generation through - those singular points - in the depths of which, maybe new worlds that we never see are born? Whatever it was, the universe in such models appears " open system"That does not fully correspond to the" classic "picture of the Big Bang:" There was nothing, and suddenly the universe was born. "

The universe at the time of education was extremely dense and hot.

And perhaps, as some of the researchers believe, our universe is generally ... deprived of energy, more precisely, its cumulative energy is zero? The positive energy of the radiation emitted by the substance is superimposed on the negative energy of gravity. Plus for minus gives zero. This notorious "0" seems the key to understanding the nature of the Big Bang. From it - from "scratch", from "nothing" - everything was instantly born. Accidentally. Spontaneously. Just. A negligible deviation from 0 gave rise to an universal avalanche of events. You can also give such a comparison: a stone ball, balancing on a thin, like a spire, the top of some jomolungma, suddenly swung and rolled down, generating a "avalanche of events".

1973 - Physicist Edward Trion from America, tried to describe the process of the birth of our universe, using the principle of the uncertainty of Heisenberg, one of the basics quantum theory. According to this principle, the more precisely we, for example, measure energy, the uncertainty becomes time. So, if the energy is strictly equal to zero, then the time may be great. So big that sooner or later in a quantum vacuum, from which the universe will have to be born, fluctuation will arise. This will lead to the rapid growth of space, it would seem, of nothing. "Just the universes are sometimes born, that's all," so unfortunately Tryon explained to the rise of a big explosion. It was a big random explosion. Only and everything.

Can a big explosion be repeated?

Oddly enough, yes. We live in the universe, which can still be fruit and generate new worlds. Created several models that describe "big explosions" of the future.

Why, for example, in the same vacuum that gave rise to our universe, do not appear new fluctuations? Maybe for these 13.7 billion years, countless worlds appeared next to our universe, in no way contact with each other. They have different laws of nature, there are various physical constants. Most of these worlds life could never arise. Many of them are immediately dying, collapse is tested. But in some universes - for pure randomness! - There are conditions under which life is capable of originating.

But the point is not only in that vacuum, which resides before the start of "all times and peoples." Fredical fluctuations curved may occur in vacuo, which is spilled in our universe, - more precisely, in dark energy that fills it. This kind of model of the "renewing universe" has developed a US cosmologist, a native Soviet Union, Alexander Vilenkin. We are not threatened with these new "big explosions". They will not destroy the structure of the Universe, they will not burn out her dumb, and only create a new space outside, accessible to our observation and understanding. It may be similar to the "explosions", which marked the birth of new worlds, occur in the depths of numerous black holes, sweeping space, believes American astrophysicist Lee Smolin.

Another native of the USSR, living in the West, Cosmologist Andrei Linda believes that we ourselves are able to teach a new big explosion, collecting at some point of space a huge amount of energy exceeding a certain critical limit. According to its calculations, the space engineers of the future could take the invisible pinch of the substance - only a few hundredths of the milligram - and compact it to such an extent that the energy of this bunch will be 1015 hygaltromolt. A tiny black hole is formed, which will begin to expand on the exhibitor. So the "subsidiary of the Universe" will arise with its space-time, rapidly separated from our universe.

... In the nature of the big explosion a lot of fantastic. But the validity of this theory proves a number of natural phenomena. These include the expansion of the universe, the distribution pattern chemical elements, as well as cosmic background radiation, which is also called the "Relight of the Big Explosion".

The world does not exist forever. He originated in the flame of a big explosion. However, was it a unique phenomenon in the history of space? Or a repeating event, like the birth of stars and planets? What if a big explosion is only the transition phase from one thing of eternity to another?

Many of the physicists suggest that it was originally something, and not nothing. Perhaps our universe, like others, was born from elementary quantum vacuum. But no matter how "the minimum simply" such a state, and less than a quantum vacuum does not allow to be the laws of physics, it is impossible to call it "nothing".

Perhaps the universe we see - only the next aggregate state of eternity? And the bizarre location of galaxies and galactic clusters is something like a crystal lattice, which in the N-dimensional world, which existed before the birth of our universe had a completely different structure and which was predicted by the "Formula of all", who else would be predicted by Einstein? And will it be found in the coming decades? Scientists intensely peer through the wall of the unknown, who fenced our universe, trying to understand what was for a moment before, according to the usual ideas for us, there was nothing even account. What forms of eternal space is possible to imagine, having endowed the time and space of those qualities that are unthinkable in our universe?

Among the most promising theories in which physicists try to squeeze the whole eternity, it is possible to call the theory of quantum geometry, quantum-spin dynamics or quantum gravity. Abei Ashtechar, Ted Jacobson, Levandowski, Karlo Roveli, Lee Smolin and Thomas Timann, made the greatest contribution to their development. All this is the most complex physical constructions, the whole palaces erected from the formulas and hypotheses - only to hide the sangularity of time and space melting in their depth and darkness.

Epoch of singularity

Owl trails of new theories make us step over the obvious, at first glance, truths. Thus, in quantum geometry, space and time, before the framed infinitely, suddenly divide into individual islands - portions, quanta, less than which there is nothing. All singular points can be embired to these "stone blocks". The space-time itself turns into the weave of one-dimensional structures - "spin networks", that is, it becomes a discrete structure, in its kind chain woven from individual units.

The volume of the minimum possible looping of space is only 10-99 cubic centimeters. This value is so small that in one cubic centimeter there are much more space quanta than those cubic centimeters in the universe observed (its volume is 1085 centimeters in Cuba). Inside the space quanta, there is nothing nor energy, no substance - just as inside the mathematical point - by definition - do not find a triangle, nor Ikosahedron. But if we apply a hypothesis about the "submicroscopic fabric of the Universe", to describe a big explosion, we will get astounding results, as Ashtechar and Martin Bodjovald from Pennsylvanian University showed.

If you replace the differential equations in the standard cosmology theory of cosmology, which implies a continuous course of space, other differential equations, as follows from the theory of quantum geometry, then the mysterious singularity will disappear. Physics does not end where the big explosion begins, "such an encouraging withdrawal of cosmologists who refused to accept the truth in the last instance we visible the properties of the universe.

In the theory of quantum gravity, it is assumed that our universe (like all others) was born in as a result of the random fluctuation of a quantum vacuum - a global macroscopic medium in which there was no time. Each time in a quantum vacuum there is a fluctuation of certain sizes, a new universe is born. She "buds" from the homogeneous environment in which it was formed, and starts his own life. Now she has its own story, its space, its time, his time arrow.

In modern physics, a number of theories were created, showing how from the ever-existing environment where there are no macro, but at certain points of which the world flows, such a huge world as our.

For example, Physics Gabriele Venetsiano and Maurizio Hasperini from Italy, within the framework of the theory of strings suggest that it initially existed the so-called "string vacuum". Random quantum fluctuations in it led to the fact that the energy density reached a critical value, and this caused a local collapse. Which ended with the birth of our Vacuum Universe.

As part of the theory of quantum geometry, Abey Ashetechar and Martin Bodjovald showed that space and time can arise from more primitive fundamental structures, namely "spin networks."

Eckhard Reban from Düsseldorf University and - regardless of him - George Ellis and Roy Maartens from Cape Town University are developing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "static universe", which Albert Einstein and British astronomer Arthur Eddington were thought of. In his desire to do without the effects of quantum gravity, Reban and his colleagues came up with a spherical space, staying in the midst of eternal emptiness (or, if you want, empty eternity), where there is no time. In view of some instability, the inflationary process is developing here, which leads to a hot large explosion.

Of course, the listed models are speculative, but they fundamentally comply with the modern level of physics development and the results of astronomical observations of the last few decades. In any case, one thing is clear. The big explosion was the rather ordinary, natural event, and not the only one in its kind.

Will it help this kind of theory understand what could be to a big explosion? If the universe was born that she gave rise to it? Where in modern theories of cosmology, the "genetic imprint" of her parents appear? 2005 - Abey Ashetar, for example, announced the results of his new settlements (Tomas Pavlovski and Parapritis Singh helped them helped them. Of these, it turned out that if the initial parcels are correct, then the same space-time existed to a large explosion as the same event. Physics of our universe, as if in the mirror, reflected in the physics of the world of other. In these calculations, a big explosion, as if a mirror screen, dispelled eternity, having a number of intact - the nature and reflection. And what is the authenticity here that the ghost?

The only thing that is possible to see "on the other side mirror glass"That the universe then did not expand, and shrinking. The big explosion became the point of her collapse. At that moment, space and time stopped for a moment to reflect again - to continue - Phoenix is \u200b\u200brebeling already in a world known to us, that the universe, which we extinge our formulas, ciphers and numbers. The universe literally turned out itself inside out, as if a glove or shirt, and from that time steadily expanding. The big explosion was not, according to Ashtekar, "the creation of a whole universe of nothing", and was only a transition from one dynamic form of eternity to another. Perhaps the Universe is experiencing an endless series of "large explosions", and these tens of billions (or how many) years, separating its individual phases, are only the periods of "space sinusoids", according to the laws of which the universe lives?

The theory of a large explosion has become almost as common as a cosmological model, as well as the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. According to the theory, about 14 billion years ago, spontaneous oscillations in absolute void led to the emergence of the Universe. Something comparable in size with a subatomic particle has expanded to unimaginable sizes for a split second. But in this theory there are many problems on which physicists are fighting, putting forward new and new hypotheses.

What's wrong with the theory of a big explosion

From theory follows That all planets and stars were formed from dust, sprinkled in space as a result of an explosion. But that preceded him, it is unclear: here our mathematical model of space-time ceases to work. The universe originated from the initial singular stateTo which not apply modern physics. The theory also does not consider the causes of singularity or matter and energy for its occurrence. It is believed that the answer to the question of the existence and origin of the initial singularity will give the theory of quantum gravity.

Most cosmological models predict that the full universe has a size much greater than the observed part is a spherical area with a diameter of about 90 billion light years. We see only the part of the universe, the light from which I managed to achieve the Earth for 13.8 billion years. But telescopes are becoming better, we discover increasingly distant objects, and there are no reason to believe that this process will stop.

Since the large explosion, the universe expands with acceleration. The most complicated mystery Modern physics is the question of what causes acceleration. According to the working hypothesis, the universe contains an invisible component called "Dark Energy". The theory of the Big Bang does not explain whether the universe will expand infinitely, and if so, then what it will lead to - to its disappearance or something else.

Although the Newtonian mechanics fastened relativistic physics, It can not be called erroneous. Nevertheless, the perception of the world and the model to describe the universe has changed completely. The theory of the Big Bang predicted a number of things that were not known before. Thus, if another theory comes to her place, it should be similar and expand the understanding of the world.

We will focus on the most interesting theories describing alternative models of the Big Explosion.

Universe as a mirage black hole

The universe arose thanks to the collapse of the star in the four-dimensional universe, scientists from the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" are considered. The results of their research published the SCIENTFIC AMERICAN magazine. Niayesh Afshorddi, Robert Mann and once Purhasan say that our three-dimensional universe became the similarity of the "holographic mirage" when collapsed by a four-dimensional star. Unlike the theory of a large explosion, according to which the Universe arose from an extremely hot and dense space-time, where the standard laws of physics do not apply, the new hypothesis about the four-dimensional universe explains both the causes of the origin and its rapid expansion.

According to the scenario, formulated by Afshord and his colleagues, our three-dimensional universe is a kind of membrane that floats through an even more voluminous universe that exists already in four dimensions. If there were four-dimensional stars in this four-dimensional space, they would also explode, like three-dimensional in our universe. The inner layer would become a black hole, and the external threw into space.

In our universe, black holes are surrounded by a sphere called the horizon of events. And if in three-dimensional space this boundary two-dimensional (like membrane), in the four-dimensional Universe, the event horizon will be limited to the sphere that exists in three dimensions. Computer modeling of a collapse of a four-dimensional star has shown that its three-dimensional event horizon will gradually expand. That is what we observe, calling the growth of the 3D membrane by the expansion of the universe, believes astrophysics.

Big frost

An alternative to a large explosion can be a big frost. The team of physicists from the Melbourne University, headed by James Kvtych, presented the model of the birth of the universe, which more resembles the gradual process of freezing amorphous energy than its splash and expansion in three directions of space.

Foreforming energy, according to scientists, was cooled to crystallization, creating the usual three spatial and one time dimension.

The theory of large frost calls in doubt the approval of Albert Einstein on the continuity and smoothness of space and time. It is possible that the space has an integral part - indivisible standard blocks like tiny atoms or pixels in computer graphics. These blocks are so small that they are impossible to observe, however, following the new theory, you can find defects that should refract the streams of other particles. Scientists have calculated such effects with the help of a mathematical apparatus, and now they will try to detect them experimentally.

Universe without start and end

Ahmed Farag Ali from the University of Bench in Egypt and Sauri Das from the University of Letharridge in Canada offered a new solution to the problem of singularity, refusing a large explosion. They brought to Friedman's equation, describing the expansion of the Universe and a big explosion, ideas famous physics David Boma. "It's amazing that small amendments could potentially solve so many questions," says Das.

The resulting model combined the overall theory of relativity and quantum theory. It not only denies the singularity preceding the big explosion, but does not allow the fact that the universe will be squeaked in time back to the original state. According to the data obtained, the universe has a finite size and infinite lifetime. In physical terms, the model describes the universe filled with a hypothetical quantum liquid, which consists of gravelitons - particles providing gravitational interaction.

Scientists also argue that their conclusions relate to the latest results of measuring the density of the universe.

Infinite chaotic inflation

The term "inflation" denotes the rapid expansion of the universe that occurred on the exhibitor in the first moments after a large explosion. By itself, the theory of inflation does not refute the theory of the big explosion, but only in a different way interprets it. This theory solves several fundamental problems of physics.

According to the inflationary model, shortly after the nucleation of the Universe is very a short time Expanded on the exhibitor: its size has long doubled. Scientists believe that for 10 B -36 degrees of seconds the universe increased in size at least 10 in 30-50 times, and possibly more. At the end of the inflationary phase, the universe was filled with super-ray plasma from free quarks, gluons, leptons and high-energy quanta.

Concept impliesthat in the world there is many isolated from each other universes with different device

Physicists concluded that the logic of the inflation model does not contradict the idea of \u200b\u200ba constant multiple birth of new universes. Quantum fluctuations are the same as those due to which our world appeared - can occur in any quantity if there are suitable conditions for this. It is possible that our universe came out of the fluctuation zone formed in the predecessor world. You can also assume that ever and somewhere in our universe is formed a fluctuation, which "blows out" the young universe of a completely different kind. According to such a model, the subsidiaries can be renewed continuously. It is not at all necessary that the same physical laws are established in the new worlds. The concept implies that in the world there are many isolated universes from each other with a different device.

Cyclic theory

Paul Steinhardt, one of the physicists who laid the foundations of inflationary cosmology, decided to develop this theory further. Scientist, which is headed by the Center for Theoretical Physics in Princeton, together with Naile Tew, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" outlined alternative theory in the book Endless Universe: Beyond The Big Bang Infinite universe: Beyond the Grand Explosion "). Their model is based on the generalization of the theory of quantum superstrun, known as M-theory. According to it, the physical world has 11 measurements - ten spatial and one temporary. In it "float" spaces of smaller dimensions, so-called branes (Reduction from "Membrane"). Our universe is just one of these Bran.

The model of Stainhardt and Tewoon argues that the big explosion occurred as a result of the collision of our Brahn with another marriage - unknown to us the Universe. According to this scenario, the collision occurs endlessly. According to the hypothesis of Stainhardt and Tyun, next to our marriage "floats" another three-dimensional Brana, separated by a tiny distance. It also expands, is compacted and empty, but after a trillion years, breasts will begin to get closer and eventually encounter. At the same time stand out great amount Energy, particles and radiation. This cataclysm will launch another cycle of expansion and cooling the universe. From the model of Stainhardt and Tyunka, it follows that these cycles were in the past and be sure to be repeated in the future. Why these cycles began, the theory silent.

as a computer

Another hypothesis about the universe device states that all of our world is nothing more than a matrix or a computer program. The idea that the Universe is a digital computer, for the first time put forward a German engineer and pioneer of CONDAY CONDA TSUZ in the Calculating Space book ("Computing space"). Among those who also considered the Universe as a giant computer, the physics of Stephen Tolfram and Gerard "t Hoo.

The theorists of digital physics suggest that the Universe is essentially information, and therefore it is calculated. From these assumptions it follows that the Universe can be viewed as a result of a computer program or a digital computing device. This computer may be, for example, a giant cellular machine or a universal machine of Turing.

Indirect evidence virtual nature of the Universe call the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics

According to the theory, every subject and event physical world It comes from the formulation of issues and registration of answers "Yes" or "No". That is, for all that surrounds us, a certain code is hidden similar to the binary code of the computer program. And we are a kind of interface, with which access to the data "Universal Internet" appears. Indirect proof of the virtual nature of the Universe is called the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics: particles of matter can exist in an unstable form, and "fixed" in a particular state only when observing them.

A follower of Digital Physics John Archibald Wieler wrote: "It would not be unreasonable to imagine that the information is in the kernel of physics as well as in the computer's kernel. All from the bit. In other words, all the existence is each particle, each power field, even the spatial-temporal continuum itself - receives its function, its meaning and, ultimately, its existence itself. "

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Moscow State Open University, branch

Cosmology is the physical doctrine of the universe, which includes the theory of everything covered by the astronomical observations of the world as part of the universe.

The greatest achievement of modern cosmology was the model of the expanding universe, named the theory of a large explosion.

According to this theory, all observable space expands. But what was at the very beginning? All substance in space at some initial moment was alporated literally into nothing - compressed in a single point. It had a fantastically enormous density - it is almost impossible to imagine it, it is expressed by the number in which there are 96 zeros after a unit, and as unimaginably high temperatures. Astronomers called such a state of singularity.

Due to some reasons, this amazing equilibrium was suddenly destroyed by the action of gravitational forces - it is difficult to even imagine what they had to be with an infinitely huge density of "Povnovnisy"!

This moment the scientists gave the name of the "big explosion". The universe began to expand and cool.

It should be noted that the question of how the birth of the Universe was "hot" or "cold," was not immediately solved unequivocally and occupied the minds of astronomers for a long time. The interest in the problem was far from idle - because from the physical condition of the substance in the initial moment depends, for example, the age of the universe. In addition, at high temperatures, thermonuclear reactions may flow. Hence, chemical composition The "hot" universe should differ from the composition of "cold". And from this, in turn depend on the size and pace of development of heavenly bodies ...

For several decades, both versions - "hot" and "cold" birth of the universe - existed in cosmology on equal, having and supporters, and critics. The case remained "for small" - followed by their observations.

Modern astronomy to the question of whether there is evidence of the hypothesis hot universe And the big explosion, can give an affirmative answer. In 1965, the discovery was made, which, as scientists believe, directly confirms that in the past the substance of the universe was very dense and hot. It turned out that space space There are electromagnetic waves that were born in that distant era, when there were no stars nor galaxies or our solar system.

The possibility of existence of such radiation was predicted by astronomers much earlier. In the middle of 1940. The American physicist George Gamov (1904-1968) engaged in the problems of the emergence of the Universe and the origin of chemical elements. Calculations performed by the Gamov and his students made it possible to submit that in the Universe in the first seconds of its existence there was a very high temperature. The heated substance "glowing" - emitted electromagnetic waves. Gamov suggested that they should be observed in the modern era in the form of weak radio waves, and even predicted the temperature of this radiation - approximately 5-6 K.

In 1965, American scientists Radio Engineers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson registered cosmic radiation, which could not be attributed to anyone else's cosmic source. Astronomers came to the conclusion that this radiation, having a temperature of about 3 K, is a relic (from the lat. "Residue," hence the name of the radiation - "Relicate") of those distant times when the universe was fantastically hot. Now astronomers were able to make a choice in favor of the "hot" birth of the universe. A. Penzias and R. Wilson, received in 1978 Nobel Prize For the opening of the cosmic microwave background (such, the official name of the relict radiation) on the wave of 7.35 cm.

A large explosion is called the phenomenon of the universe. Within the framework of this concept, it is assumed that the initial state of the universe was a point called the point of singularity in which all substance and energy were concentrated. It was characterized by an infinitely large density of matter. The specific properties of the point of singularity are unknown, as is unknown, both preceded the state of singularity.

Approximate chronology of events that followed from the zero time - the beginning of the expansion is presented below:

Time since the start of the explosion Temperature (degrees Kelvin) Event Corollary
0 - 5 * 10-44 seconds 1,3*1032 No reliable information
5 * 10-44 - 10-36 seconds 1,3*1032 – 1028 The beginning of the actions of famous physical laws, the era of inflationary expansion Expansion of the universe ongoing and so
10-36 - 10-4 seconds 1028 – 1012 Era of intermediate bosons, and then - hadron era, the existence of free quarks
10-4 - 10-3 seconds 1012 – 1010 The occurrence of particles and antiparticles from free quarks, as well as their annihilation, the emergence of transparency of substances for neutrino The occurrence of baryon asymmetry, the appearance of neutrine relict radiation
10-3 - 10-120 seconds 1010 – 109 The flow of nuclear reactions of the synthesis of helium nuclei and some other light chemical elements Establishing the primary ratio of chemical elements
Between 300 thousand - 1 million years 3000 – 4500 Completion of the era of recombination The appearance of relic radiation and neutral gas
1 million - 1 billion years 4500 – 10 Development of gravitational heterogeneities of gas Education of stars and galaxies

Regarding the conditions and events that took place before the onset of the moment 5 · 10-44 seconds - the end of the first quantum of time - there is no reliable information. You can only say about the physical parameters of that era that the temperature was 1.3 · 1032 K, and the density of matter is about 1096 kg / m3. The values \u200b\u200bare limit for use. existing theories. They arise from the ratios of the speed of light, gravitational constant, permanent plank and boltzmann and are called "Plakoving".

Events of the period from 5 · 10-44 to 10-36 seconds reflects the model " inflationary universe", A description that is difficult and cannot be given as part of this presentation. However, it should be noted that, according to this model, the expansion of the universe occurred without a decrease in the volume concentration of energy and with a negative pressure of the primary mixture of the substance and energy, i.e., as if, repel the material objects from each other, which caused the expansion of the universe, continued and understood.

For understanding the processes that occurred in the period 10-36-10-4 seconds from the beginning of the explosion, deep knowledge of physics is required elementary particles. During this period, electromagnetic radiation and elementary particles - different kinds Mesons, hyperons, protons and antiprotons, neutrons and antineutrons, neutrinos and antineutrino, etc. existed in equilibrium, i.e. Their volumetric concentrations were equal. A very important role at this time was played at the beginning of the fields of strong, and then weak interactions.

In the period of 10-4 - 10-3 seconds, the entire set of elementary particles occurred, which, converting one to others, and constitute the entire universe. Annigulation of the overwhelming majority of elementary particles and anti-patches existed earlier. It was during this period that a baryon asymmetry appeared, which turned out to be a result of very small, only one billion share, exceeding the number of barione over antibarions. It arose, apparently, immediately after the era of the inflationary expansion of the universe. At a temperature of 1011 degrees, the density of the universe has already decreased to the value characteristic of atomic nuclei, during this period a decrease in temperature was twice as much as the thousandths of seconds. At the same time, the existing relic neutrino radiation was born. However, despite its significant density constituting at least 400 pieces / cm3, and the ability to get crucial information about the period of the universe formation, its registration is not yet implemented.

In the period from 10-3 to 10-120 seconds, as a result of thermonuclear reactions, helium nuclei and a very small number of nuclei of some other light chemical elements were formed, and a significant part of protons - hydrogen nuclei - united in atomic nuclei. All of them remained immersed in the "Ocean" of free electrons and photons electromagnetic radiation. From that moment on, a ratio was established in the primary gas: 75-78% hydrogen and 25-22% of helium - for the masses of these gases.

In the period between 300 thousand and 1 million years, the temperature of the Universe decreased to 3000 - 45,000 to and the era of recombination was occurred. Free before the electrons merged with the light atomic nuclei and protons. Atoms of hydrogen, helium and some number of lithium atoms were formed. The substance has become transparent and relic radiation, observed so far, "separated" from him. All the most observable features of the relic radiation, for example, fluctuations of the temperature of its flows coming from different sections on the celestial sphere or their polarization reflect the picture of the properties and distribution of the substance at the time.

During the subsequent - the first billion years of the existence of the universe, its temperature decreased from 3000-45,000 to 300 K. Due to the fact that the sources of electromagnetic radiation - stars, quasars, etc. were not yet for this period of time in the Universe, and Real defects have already cooled, this era is called the "dark age" of the Universe.

Even modern scientists cannot say with accuracy what was in the Universe to the Big Bang. There are several hypotheses that open the curtain of mystery over one of the most difficult issues of the universe.

The origin of the material world

Until the XX century, there were only two supporters of a religious point of view that the world was created by God. Scientists, on the contrary, refused to recognize the man-made universe. Physicists and astronomers were supporters of the idea that the cosmos always existed, the world was static and everything will remain the same as billions of years ago.

However, accelerated scientific progress at the turn of the century led to the fact that researchers had opportunities to study extraterrestrial expansion. Some of them were the first to try to answer the question of what was in the Universe to the Big Explosion.

Studies Hubble

The XX century destroyed many theories of past eras. New hypotheses appeared on the released place, explaining the accompanied secrets. It all started with the fact that scientists have established the fact of expanding the universe. Made it was Edwin Hubble. He found that distant galaxies differ in their light from those cosmic clusters that were closer to Earth. The discovery of this pattern formed the basis of the law of expansion of Edwin Habbla.

The big explosion and the origin of the universe were studied when it became clear that all the galaxies "run away" from the observer, in no matter how much it was. How could this be explained? Once the galaxies move, it means that some energy pushes them forward. In addition, physics were calculated that all worlds were once located at one point. Because of some shock, they began to move in all directions with an unimaginable speed.

This phenomenon and got the name "big explosion". And the origin of the universe was explained precisely with the help of theory about this long event. When did it happen? Physicists identified the speed of the movement of the galaxies and brought the formula for which they calculated when the initial "push" occurred. No one to call exact numbers, but approximately this phenomenon took place about 15 billion years ago.

The appearance of a large explosion theory

The fact that all galaxies are sources of light, means that with a large explosion there was a huge amount of energy. It was she who spawned the very brightness that the worlds are losing along their distance from the epicenter of what happened. The theory of the Big Explosion was first proven by American astronomers Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias. They found electromagnetic relic radiation, the temperature of which was equal to three degrees along the Kelvinskaya scale (that is, -270 Celsius). This find confirmed the idea that at first the universe was extremely hot.

The theory of a large explosion answered many questions formulated in the XIX century. However, new ones now appeared. For example, what was in the Universe to the Big Bang? Why is it so homogeneous, while with such a huge emission of energy, the substance should operate in all directions unevenly? Wilson's discoveries and Arno questioned the classical Euclidean geometry, as it was proved that the space has zero curvature.

Inflationary theory

New questions raised showed that modern theory The emergence of the world is fragmentary and incomplete. However, for a long time it seemed that it would be impossible to advance further open in the 60s. And only quite recent studies of scientists allowed to formulate a new important principle for theoretical physics. It was the phenomenon of ultrafast inflationary expansion of the universe. It was studied and described using a quantum field theory and the general theory of Einstein's relativity.

So what was in the Universe to the Big Bang? Modern science Calls this period "inflation". Initially, there was only a field that filled out all the imaginary space. It can be compared with the snowball, pasted down the slope of the snowy mountain. Whom will roll down and increase in size. Similarly, the field due to the random oscillations throughout the unimaginable time changed its structure.

When a homogeneous configuration was formed, a reaction occurred. In it, the biggest riddles of the universe are concluded. What was to a big explosion? The inflation field, which was not at all like the current matter. After the reaction, the growth of the universe began. If you continue the analogy with a snowball, then after the first of them, other snowballs rolled down, which also increased in size. The moment of the big explosion in this system can be compared with the second when a huge boulder collapsed into the abyss and finally faced the Earth. At this instant, a tremendous amount of energy was separated. It can not dry up so far. It is by continuing the reaction from the explosion that our universe is growing today.

Matter and field

Now the universe consists of an unimaginable number of stars and other cosmic bodies. This set of matter exudes huge energy, which contradicts the physical law of energy conservation. What does he say about? The essence of this principle is reduced to the fact that throughout the infinite time the amount of energy in the system remains unchanged. But how can this be combined with our universe, which continues to expand?

Inflation theory was able to answer this question. Extremely rarely, similar riddles of the universe are rare. What was to a big explosion? Inflation field. After the occurrence of the world, the matter of us came to his place. However, in addition to her, the universe also exists that negative energy. The properties of these two entities are opposite. This compensates for the energy emanating from particles, stars, planets and other matter. This relationship also explains why the Universe has not yet turned into a black hole.

When a big explosion occurred, the world was too small so that something could collapse in it. Now, when the universe has expanded, local black holes appeared on its separate sections. Their gravitational field absorbs all surrounding. Even light can not get out of it. Actually, because of this, such holes become black.

Expansion of the universe

Even despite the theoretical substantiation of the inflationary theory, it is still incomprehensible, as the universe looked to a large explosion. Human imagination can not imagine this picture. The fact is that the inflation field is intangible. It is not amenable to explain to the familiar laws of physics.

When a big explosion occurred, the inflation field began to expand in the pace, which exceeded the speed of light. According to physical indicators, there is nothing material in the universe that it might move faster than this indicator. Light extends to existing peace With ended numbers. The inflationary field has also spread with even greater speed, just due to its intangible nature.

The current state of the universe

The current period of the evolution of the Universe is not suitable for the existence of life. Scientists find it difficult to determine how much this time segment will continue. But if someone was taken for such calculations, then the figures received were at least hundreds of billion years. For one human life, a similar segment is so large that even in mathematical calculus it has to be recorded by using the use of degrees. This studied is much better than the prehistory of the Universe. What was to a large explosion, in any case will remain only the subject of theoretical surveys and bold calculations.

In the material world, even time remains relative. For example, quasars (view of astronomical objects) existing at a distance of 14 billion light years from the Earth, lagging behind our usual "now" on the same 14 billion light years. This temporary colossal gap. It is difficult to define even mathematically, not to mention the fact that it is simply impossible to clearly imagine this with the help of human imagination (even the most dusty) is simply impossible.

Modern science can theoretically explain all our lives material worldStarting from the first fraction of the seconds of its existence, when the big explosion has just happened. The full history of the Universe is complemented so far. Astronomers open new amazing facts With the help of upgraded and improved research equipment (telescopes, laboratories, etc.).

However, there are also not understandable phenomena. So white stain, for example, is dark energy. The essence of this hidden mass continues to bargain the consciousness of the most educated and advanced physicists of modernity. In addition, it did not have a single point of view of the reasons why in the universe particles is still more than antiparticles. On this occasion, several fundamental theories were formulated. Some of these models enjoy the greatest popularity, but none of them have been accepted by international scientific community as

On the scale of universal knowledge and the colossal discoveries of the XX centuries, these gaps seem very insignificant. But the history of science with enviable regularity shows that the explanation of such "small" facts and phenomena becomes the basis for the entire representation of humanity on discipline as a whole (in this case We are talking about astronomy). Therefore, future generations of scientists will certainly be what to do and what to discover the universe in the field of knowledge.

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