Riddles about children's furniture and adults. Fascinating riddles about bed, solve which every child will be happy complex riddles about furniture

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

She walks, walks, and in the hut does not go.

It goes daily two hundred times,
Although always stands still.

I in the house of any of you let
Touch - I am glad to knock.
But I will not forgive one -
Kohl do not give me a hand.

One hand meets everyone
The other hand is accompanied.
Who comes who leaves -
All of her hand water.

I have acquaintances - darkness,
I can not consider them myself,
Because who will pass,
He will make him a hand.


Black dog
Curling lying:
Does not bother, does not bite,
And the house does not allow.


From me take sometimes
River your source
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I am all from iron,
I climbed into the clock.
You are in the house for nothing
You will not enter without me.

Tail in the yard
Nose in a cone.
Who will turn the tail,
That and the house will enter.

He walks without attention
All day in your pocket.
Will come home without him -
You won't fall into the house.

With a short beard
With a hole survey,
I'm lying quietly,
In the pocket of the link.

I'm in the doorway, I'm in the castle,
I and in a note line,
I and nut feed,
I can, if I want,
Telegram to convey
And solve the riddle.


Without a chauffeur, without wheels,
And I brought me home.

Rolled me almost
To the doors of the apartment.
Managed them in the way
Passengers themselves.


Wooden road
Up goes a sapon.
That neither a step is the ravine.

What is this road:
Who goes on it -
That lame?

Window, windows

Not on the floor, not on the shelf,
And it looks into the house, and outside.

Wooden mix,
And glass fields.

Many neighbors nearby live,
And never see.


I'm from the house on the threshold
Only one stepped the chamber -
The door closed behind his back
There is no way in front of me.

I and at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, ka, friends,
Where am I?

House as a house
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Crickerels with flowers.


Take a look under the window -
There stretched harmonica,
But harmonic does not play -
It warms the apartment.

Under the window of harmony,
Hot, like fire.

Stretched like harmonica,
Miracle stove under the window.

Water pipes

I carry the driver in myself,
We will come in handy.
We swim without hassle
If there?..

If the river is pipe
Resorts to the house to you
And hosts in it -
How do we call it?

Water tap

Moydodyra I am a relatives,
High soon me:
AND cold water
Vivid I am asha.


Has our dough fell
In the hot place.
Fell - not lost
Rushed bun has become.

It is a hollow out of a brick,
It is cold, then hot.

Our fat Fedora
Eaten soon
But when it is fed,
From Fedor - Heat.

In the hut - hut,
On the hut - pipe,
Keen in the hut
Thugged in a pipe.

Sees the flames people
And it does not go.


On the roof of our gnome sits
And the sky is smoking every day.

Sits on the roof of all above
Smoke breathes.

the fire

Chewing does not care, but all devoured.

That, touching barely,
Turns firewood in smoke?

No matter how much
Never feel free.

Feed - lives
Let's drink - die.


The house is small, and many people.

IN wooden house
Dwarfs live.
Such kindness -
Distribute all the lights.

This is a close-close house.
One hundred sisters pumped in it.
And any of the sisters
Can break down like a fire.

In purely removed light
Dormant sisters-small
These sisters all day
Get light.


I was born in the stove,
Curled in rings
Trepaca drank
And went to the clouds.

I am a shaggy, I'm kudlaty,
I am in winter above each hut,
Above the fire and plant
Over the fire and steamer,
But nowhere, nowhere me
It does not happen without fire.

White pillar stands on the roof
And growing higher above.
Here Doros is he to heaven -
And disappeared.

Without hands, without legs,
And the hut got climbed.

Fire and smoke

Father hot and red
It happens dangerous.
And the son is caught by a bird,
It will not be returned to the father.


Lasil in the stove I'm behind the kest
I need it for the field.
What did the stove give me?
How is the treasure? ..


Black horse jumping into the fire.


Might might not be honey
Not a lantern, and the light gives.

Fire head flames
The body melts and burns.

I useful to be I want:
There is no lamp - I'll be bred.

Light bulb

It is outside the pear,
Hanging without a day
And at night illuminates the house.

The house is a glass bubble,
And lives in it - light!
In the afternoon he sleeps, but as wages,
Bright flame will light.

Sun over the ceiling
Shines late in the evening.

I led the sun
For his window.
To the ceiling hung -
It became fun at home.

Spent under the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screw the bubble -
The light caught fire.

Electricity, electric current

Who on wires
In the house comes to us?
To far villages, cities
Who goes on the wires?
Light Majesty!

On paths I run,
Without a path I can not.
Where me guys no
Does not light in the house light.


Very strict controller
From the wall looks in the focus,
Looks, does not blink:
There is only light light
Il include in the outlet oven -
Everything on the mustache winds.


Behind the White Door - Footage, Lode,
There Santa Claus, friends, lives.

Northern Pole in!
Snow and ice sparkles there,
Winter itself lives there.

Stands in the kitchen the White house,
Solemn view.
As if solid milk
From all sides is covered.

Brought the kitchen box -
White and white and brilliant
And inside everything is white.
Box is doing a cold.

Santa Claus round year
In the white house lives.
It will swell and silent,
It will wake up and grieves.

Guess soon, friend,
What kind of snow terems?
Grows in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass.


On the table it is from under the store,
I looked at the stand,
A flexible tail walked
Folds from the tie lied.

Then back, then go ahead
The steamer is walking.
Stop - Mount!
Thrink the sea!

In a plaginous country
On the river Shedna
Sails steamer
Then back, then forward.
And behind him such a smooth -
No wrinkles see.

Walk slightly hot me
And smooth will become a sheet.
I can fix shorter
And visit the arrows on the pants.

A vacuum cleaner

Goes wandering around the carpets
Drives a nose in the corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and Sorrow - His lunch.

We have a robot in the apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Loves the robot clean
And buzzing like the liner "TU".

He willingly dust inhales,
Does not sick, does not sneeze.

I inhale a lot of dust,
So that you are healthy.


With cargo go -
without cargo stop.

Fit the whole century, not a man.

All day, chevyat
And time to learn.

We walk at night, we go,
But we will not leave anywhere.

We beat it proper every hour
And you, friends, do not bother us!

The whole century goes ramushka:
Neither sleep to him nor the dense.
Steps, he leads the exact score,
And it will not get away from the spot.

Knocking, branded, spinning,
No one is afraid.
Considers all his age
And everything is not a man.

On hand and on the wall,
And on the tower in the embroidery.
Go, go smooth
From sunrise to sunrise.

We do not sleep day,
And at night we do not sleep.
And days and nights
We knock, knock, knock.

Alarm clock

I do not say in vain -
when you need, wake up.

Daily at seven in the morning
I am alarming: "Get up Porrrr!"

Clock hands

Two sisters for each other
Round circle for circle:
Soothe - only once
That, which is higher - every hour.


I sit under the arm
And what to do I mean:
Or let me walk,
Or I will be put in bed.


Capricious sandals
Once I was told: -
We are afraid of tickle
Shoe strict ..?


A plate hangs on the wall,
The arrow goes around the plate.
This arrow is awesome
We will find out the weather.

Record player

No ears, but hears.
There is no hands, but writes.


Musician, singer, narrator,
And total - a circle yes drawer.


I'm twisted, but not Yula,
And for me there is a needle,
I'm taking not tired,
I say, I sing, I play.


Build a glass eye
Click once - and remember us.


Does he - Chudak or ignorant?
At any:
Clothes are worn from above.
He has she inside.


Four legs, single hat,
Needed, if the family will be lunch.

Four brothers
under the same roof live
One belt is preoccupied.


On four legs standing
I can't walk at all:
When you get tired of walking,
You can sit down and relax.

There is a back, and never lies.

There are four legs,
And do not go and three.

Himself always stands
And everyone can sit.


At night in me Vanyatka
Before the coast of sweet,
What you do not want to get up.
What kind of thing I am? ..

During the day he sleeps on her pillow.
And at night - Andryushka.


Two abdomen, four ears.

Feather and fortune we were bent
So that we were very soft.
Lying calmly under the cheek
So that the dream was strong and peace.


I'm lying under your feet,
Touch me boots,
And tomorrow in the yard, take me
And Bates me, pound me.
So that the children could sow on me,
Raened and tumble on me.


When I'm lying on the spot,
Without revealing the mouth
In me, I will say but honor,
Such emptiness!
Early, the summer would be more
! And people will put
Road objects
To my greater mouth.


Who came out with me under the rain
For that, I like the roof.

He reveals himself,
And he closes you.
Only the rain will pass,
Make the opposite.

From the rain saves,
And wets himself.
Although wet
But it does not wash.

I'm under a small roof
A walk in the rain came out.


Cold rubber,
And he can warm.
Nallate boiling water -
Then will warm.


On the rope fingers
Hold a blanket.


How watermelons are great
That as if apples, crayons.
They can't talk
But can determine everything.


Mushroom pickers are very necessary
Without it, do not weld dinner,
You won't go hunting.
What is this?..

If sharpened
Everything is easy, it cuts very:
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and oil.


Two ends, two rings,
In the middle of the carnation.

Tool Current -
Not big, not small.
He is full of worries,
He cuts, and cuts.

See, we revealed the mouth,
To her paper can be put.
Paper in our grazing
Split into parts.


How to take a kum for business
Hang and sang,
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broke the tooth, tooth.

Rides - rides back-forward
In the teeth will take
Two parts disperse.

If pine yes ate
Run and jump kneely
They are from me without looking back
I would like
And more with me
Never met
Because - I will tell you
Not whip -
I am steel and evil

Wood eats eats,
One hundred teeth in one row.


Left to the screw
Lost talker rest.


Where the tail will be strengthened
Will be a hole later.


He rang all day in Bor
Thick, from Inea Beles,
And at night, going to the fire
Fell asleep, in a log bouncing his nose.

There is a man from the forest,
Mirror behind the belt.

Bowed, bowed
Will come home - it stretches.

In the forest I go - I look home,
I go home - I look at the forest.

Wonderful buddy:
Wooden church,
Yes iron babes
Yes, Kaneni scallop.

He is in width
Every day with him at work.

Although the growth is small,
And accustomed to honor:
In front of him oaks, and maples,
And birch beat bows.

A hammer

Tit came to work,
Everyone heard.
He himself is thin, head with powder,
How to hit - it will become firmly.


I'm all made of iron,
I have no legs or hands.
I'm in a hat in a piece of boards,
And for me, all Tuk and Tuk.

Beat the boyfriend
So that he lived in a tree.

Without head, but in a hat.
One leg, and that without boot.

Hammer knock-knock -
Sticks on the wall of the bit.
Knocked again -
Will not see.

Hammer and nail

Thick full beat -
Thin something will whistle.

Big I worker
In workshop.
Sofa i have urine
How envy lesion
What is lying without proc
I suck him to the board
Yes like a knock on the head!
Poor hide in the board
Slightly visible his cap.

Iron Someone
On him hit hard,
And he disappeared
The cap remained.


Body spy as a snake
I screw in the board.


Skate at the Gorboon
Wooden sides.
How to hear him in hand -
Rolling on the board.

On a wooden river
Runs new boat,
Twist in rings
His smoke pine.

I'm on bald run -
Kudri with Lysin Stream.

Glass cutter

On a mirror rink
On the sole skate
He drove once,
And there was a whole rink.


This stone circle
Tools best friend
Sprinkle sparks
Sharp will make stupid.


They have hard work,
All the time something squeezes.

Sewing machine

In the glade wool
Beaten the tonky.
From under steel shoes
Crashes stitch.

Needle with thread

Little growth I,
Thin and acute
Nose to myself looking for myself,
Behind his tail Thaw.

Keep girlfriend
For my ushko,
Stretcho one
The century runs after me.

Steps Master
On the slate yes on the Citz,
As a small chamber!
He is called - Stitch

I am the same old old woman
I jump on the canvas
And the thread is long from the ear,
As a web, I'm pulling.

Needle, needles

They are usually for sewing;
And he had seen them at her.

I am on the pine, on the tree,
And called -? ..

All over the world
What saves - does not wear.

Tonkonogaya Gelila
All dressed-dressed up.
On the poor thing,
There is even no shirt.


Little head
On the finger sits,
Hundred eyes
In all directions it looks.

On finger one
Vedeno upside down.


Two slender sisters
In the hands of the Master
All day dived in the loop
And here he is a scarf for Peten.

Handling brush

Who can not be called me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I am from dust and from spots;
We guard your dress.

Brush sex

All day dance ours
Glad to dance
Where does what he will assist
Neither saunks do not find.

Like hedgehogs in appearance
But does not ask for food.
On clothes run -
Clothes will be cleaner.


Many friendly guys
At one post are sitting.
How they will begin to frolic -
Only dust around smoke.

Twisted, connected
At stake planted,
And the street is dancing.

The old grandmother in the courtyard
Clean keeps.


Football Egorka
Used for cleaning:
In the dance on the room went,
Looked back - clean floor.

It is Herosha
Lochmat and rumped!
On the hut bother -
Pedikov waves.
For dicky dance
Scroll subsidence.

Little Erofece
Subscribed short,
On the floor of the SCOK -
And got into the corner.

Football Egorka
Used for cleaning:
In the dance on the room went,
Looked back - clean floor.


Crap into the yard snake,
Black and long,
Snow water watered,
At work did not yawn
Worked for a day -
The yard is opened in the yard.

Many puzzle children are always interesting. Adults are fun to watch, asking an internal question: "Surprise this time right answers or not?", And for children, riddles are another kind. entertaining game. Riddles are used not only for fun, but also for children's Development During thematic classes in children's garden or at school. So, for example, it will be useful to occupation about the objects around us, during which it is possible to guess for children riddles about the table, chair, door, window, bed, wardrobe, mirror, sofa, balcony - about everything that fills our house.

How to help your child to solve?

In any case, the preparation is important. Children are not born with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, adults help them with a holistic picture. Teach to analyze what has seen and heard, help draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bfurniture objects - the task of adults. If you decide that your crumb is time to move away from simple mysteries about a doll and a hare, help him to realize what he sees every day many times.

Top best riddles about furniture

This beast is familiar to you,

So he is:

He has a big back,

And he permits

And write, and draw.

Lives in the cabinets

Unusual this beast

He has a door on his body:

And for the door there is a place

For textbooks, tetradok,

Circular and chocolate.


On him you can sit down

Kohl tired standing and if

Suddenly they called to the table,

Do not drown in it like in a chair,

Do not touch at all:

Stranna proper landing

Save your posture.

He is serious, even gloomy.

The back is strict straight,

But try to sit differently -

Like a horse, let him jump.

Back to heart press

At him, the riding sid boldly:

Now another thing!

If you are tired of playing,

Then we go to ...

At sunrise and sunset

Sweet sleeping on ...


Four legs, one body and two backs.


From worries and from work

We rest here we,

Well, and Lododr - that is ready

Live in this place

Here we sleep and here are lying,

If you get sick,

Person can't live

Without his ...


He has four legs,

At the horse look like a little bit,

But not jumping anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And beautiful food

On his back is wide

We are located without difficulty.

(Dinner table)

Decorate an apartment, but not furniture.

Lit bright, but not fire.

Rings, but not a bell.

Plugs and sparkles, but not diamond.

Hanging, but not fruit.

Hood for light bulb.

What allows things to hang between heaven and earth.


Long guy at the wall,

Bones with ribs are visible

Hands thin like sticks

Looks funny and sorry,

All of him want to want

And coats, raincoats and jackets

Fish him in hand.


Lies on the back -

No one needs it,

Leaning against the wall -

Get up to her.


She let me in the house

And releases won.

At night - under the lock

She keeps my dream.

She neither in the city nor into the courtyard

Does not ask for a walk:

On the moment will look into the corridor -

And in the room again.

One handle meets everyone

The other handle escorts.

In our house under the window

There is a hot harmony:

Does not sing and does not play -

she heats the house.

Battery heating

Stretched like harmonica,

Miracle stove beam,

He warmed us the whole house.


I really need hostess

I am very friendly with dishes,

I'm glad to dishes

I call me ...


I am a little bit like a table

There is in the kitchen and in the hallway,

In the bedroom I am rarely

And I call me ...


Did not look into the window -

There was one Antoshka,

Looked in the window -

There is the second Antoshka!

What is this window,

Where did the Antoshka watched?


Like a festive product,

You put it on it shoes:

And sneakers and boots,

Sandals, sandals,

In order not to dust

And easily worn.

(Shoe regiment)

No way in front of me -

I and at home, and not at home,

Between heaven and earth.

Guess, ka, friends, who am I?


From me take sometimes

River your source,

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle.

If you are tired of playing,

Then we go to ...

At sunrise and sunset

Sweet sleeping on ...


I am ready for training starts,

Soon I sit for ...

Smoler yesterday Nikolka

For your toys ...

I really need hostess

I am very friendly with dishes,

I'm glad to dishes

I call me ...


Game as a form of training

Want to unobtrivatefully tell about your furniture your preschooler? Play. Let your dolls and toys want to play hide and seek, but each of them wants to hide in a certain place. Let them request players in the closet, under the table, under the bed or sofa, behind the mirror, under the chair, outside the door, on the balcony - you can get around the whole house. At that time, while dolls are hiding, talking about those furniture objects to which you are approaching.

Here is the table - how do we learn what is the table? He has 4 legs and roof. What is it needed for? To eat or write behind it. Where can he stand? In the kitchen or in the room. Here is a chair. What is it needed for? To sit. How do we learn that this is a chair? He also has 4 legs and a lid, only he is small, and he has a back. Chair always goes side by side with the table.

Here is the door. It can be wooden, iron, plastic, big and small. What is the door for? To separate one room from another, it can open and close. Here is the door to the balcony. What is a balcony? This is part of the house where you can stand out on the street. The balcony may be on any floor.

Improve the children and allow them to climb into the closet along with a toy. Who are they now? Books or clothes? After all, the closet is needed to fold things. The cabinet can be book, linen, big - in the whole wall or small.

Here the mirror hangs on the closet. But in the wall window. What are they like? And in the mirror, and look at the window. But looking into the mirror will see himself, and the one who looked out the window will see the street. And if you look at the picture on the wall, you will see what I saw the artist when I was drawing.

The doll hides behind the sofa, and the bear under the bed - how do we learn where to carry? The sofa has a soft back and armrests. The bed is no, but she has a mattress. The sofa is needed to comfortably sit and sometimes sleep. The bed is to sleep comfortably and sometimes sit.

Walk around the whole house to create in the child's head overall picture All furniture items. Talk about the concept of "house". What does the room be able to call the house? The house is where you sleep, or something more?

All toys hid in their places? And now start looking for them. Make the riddles of the relevant subjects and in turn find the hidden toys. Now your sun will easier to surprise you with the right answers to not such ordinary riddles on household items.

Why do you need riddles?

Riddles for children in general, including furniture, are involved in the guys from younger age learn to analyze what has seen, think logically, to allocate the most significant signs of objects, make it clear that you can say about each subject different words.

Start with mysteries about objects simpler. Let the table be the first on the queue. He is well familiar to all children. The riddles of him will configure the child to the desired way, and it will be easier to guess. It will be better if the first riddles are with stamped endings: so finding the right answer will be easy.

If the parents do not have enough fantasy to compile cheerful and interesting entertainment For Chad, you can arrange an entertainment event for a son or daughter with questions that you need to answer. Riddles about bed, armchair, other furniture items are great ideaAfter all, each and small, and the adult will be able to find an answer to such tasks.

Fascinating and developing event for a child

Riddles about the bed can be presented not as a complex and driving lesson, but in a light form. It is easy to do it. It is necessary to find things in the house by which the space of the room will be decorated. The scenery will immediately create a feast sensation, an interesting event.

For each correct response, daughter or son can give points. At the end of the game, count the number and give the specified pre-present predetermination. And boys and girls will be happy to participate in the entertainment event, after which they will be able to get gifts, because it is very stimulated.

The riddle of pro should be set forth in a form understandable and accessible to child perception. So the kid can easily find answers to the questions asked. The tasks should be diverse and versatile so that the competition does not become boring. You can also attract to the participation of other inhabitants of the house, for example, grandparents, or a second parent, who is not leading. The spirit of competition will cause an even greater incentive to active guessing of the riddles.

Such events help to get close and better understand their child and its degree of development. Therefore, one should regularly arrange small holidays for their boys and girls.

Riddles about the bed for the smallest

It is necessary to pre-burn the task paper on a sheet so that the game process is flowing with a stream, without delay and thinking script. To account, you can take the following riddles about the bed:

You lie very happy on it,

Because you have a very comfortable ... (bed).

In the morning it is difficult to raise you from it,

Because you really want to sleep on it.

She has four legs, but they do not walk along the path.

There is still a mattress, blanket and frame.

How do you come from school, you look at it immediately.

But you will not go to it, because you will fallone, without saying even the phrase.

On her lay down, the blanket is above,

Under the head pillow

And she herself is on four legs.

On it you watch dreams about birds and animals.

The blanket is covered, there are many pillows on it.

Soft, comfortable, for sleep perfectly suitable.

Which furniture has 4 legs, soft mattress and pillows?

Put on her pillow

And in the dream immerse yourself, hugging her toy.

Only on it are gaining strength,

Who spent the day.

Lay down and sleep you on her until the morning

So that sleeping, go to classes.

Pillow, blanket on it found place.

Sleeps dad there, and mom, and their little favorite men.

For such riddles about the bed, your child will definitely find the answer. It is worth reading with an expression and accents so that questions are better perceived by Chad.

Sophisticated riddles about the crib for children

Of course, it is not always necessary to give the opportunity to the child for the manifestation of weakness and children's perception. In fact, the mystery about the bed is quite sutured even little child. Their logic is much more developed than in adults. For the experiment, you can take the following tasks:

She has no tail, no head,

But there are four wooden legs.

Afternoon on me lies the bed

And at night, Andreyka sleeps.

Four legs, top roof,

And on the roof sweetly sleeps Marisha.

Playing with a child, parents can show their love and attention. For boys and girls, there is nothing more important than making mom and dad. The prepared game for the kid will definitely be assessed.

Each child from early childhood has many questions related to the device of the world, things, the body of the living being and many other phenomena, forcing something more complex, and sometimes high. Parents only have to throw firewood into the fire of curiosity with the help of developing tasks. There are all beloved riddles among these. There is a huge set of risks about a variety of items. The most, perhaps, the common task option for children can be called riddles about furniture.

Riddle about bed

1. On it a pillow, blanket.

If Masha is tired,

This soft thing

It will not give away from fatigue to fall.

You rest on it,

Pens, specks pull,

And then play again.

And her name is ... (bed)!

2. At night I - your girlfriend,

Not a cat and a toy

If you want to sleep,

Then you lie on ... (bed)!

3. During the day the boys do not sleep on it,

And girls: all kids.

At night, after a day of heavy -

On the pillow head.

Again day on her pillow,

And then - again Andryushka!

The parent must ensure that the child can guess any tasks inherent in his age, even riddles about furniture. With the answers at first, you can help, suggest, hint. Only after the baby learns to navigate in different bonding items, compare their signs and try on different objects, it is worth a few chances for guessing.

Riddle about the table

1. I put the dishes on it,

A chair will not forget

I will teach lessons:

Books, handles will decompose.

And if I want to play,

This item can become a house!

2. It is usually

In the house a resident is familiar

At the horse look like a little bit,

Only saucer, cups, spoons

On his back always

Place without difficulty.

3. Horse with a wooden back

Each house is worth.

He has four legs,

But it does not run anywhere.

On his back, he permits a lot of things:

And write, and cut,

And sculpt, then play.

In order for the child to be interested in guessing riddles and that this matter was not an excess reason to reveal for him, the parent can come up with a kind of game on the points. For example, will be evaluated in 2 points. And if the child does not bother her, then the same number of units is removed from his account. The riddle about the table is a bit more complicated than the task about the bed, so it is possible to give 4 points for it, etc. Following the game, your child is simply obliged to get a prize, it may be a candy (for the minimum number of items), as well as several chocolate bars ( per maximum amount paragraphs).

Riddle about chair and chair

1. I stand with a spin

And I will support yours.

Legs are and handles too,

But not alive, what am I like? (Armchair)

2. My older brother is a table.

Children eat on it.

Well, I am another subject,

The form is the same, but dinner does not prepare on me.

I have another task -

They are sitting on me, I am not remembering. (Stool, chair).

3. It will raise you with warmth,

Whether you are a child or an old man,

It is a bubble, shaking.

But it is sitting in it, and this is not a sofa,

What is this? Guess the ka myself! (Rocking chair).

Riddles about furniture are for children the most difficult, because they are not yet so developed in this topic to quickly call all items. Do not be upset if the baby can not be guessing, what we are talking about in a poem - do not worry, but help him. In order for the riddle about the bed and other furniture items seemed easier for him, show him pictures with answers, and then intelligently explain why the answer was the chair, not a table or sofa.

About furniture

1. With four legs, but without knees.

With two elbows, but without hands.

With back, but without spine. (Armchair chair).

2. It is worth four legs, but you can not call the beast.

Harves on the back, but not a car and not a bike.

There is clothes, but not a person. (Bed).

3. She has four legs, two backs, but the body is one. (Bed).

4. Four persistent brothers live under one roof and wear one hat. (Table).

Such can not be called poetic, they are more likely to go to logical tasks, so they need to make them necessary to children who have already been 7-8 years old. But even if at this age your child can not guess one or another riddle, it is not necessary to scold him, because even an adult does not immediately guess the riddles about furniture for children. It should be remembered that children only study this world will become this process to remember and cheerful or boring and full of tears and hysterics, depends not only on the child, but also from the parent.

Riddles about other furniture items

1. He is probably an eccentric.

He is bridewrd and fool!

You think, see:

All clothes outside,

And he is wearing her inside! (Wardrobe, wardrobe).

2. He lives in the kitchen,

Stores cookies, candy, dishes,

And if you need something,

It is worth getting on the chair - it is clear a camel.

After all, he hangs high on the wall

And just not to get it.

Provides only to dad

Something from it to take. (Buffet, kitchen cabinet).

3. Lies on the shelves of clothes,

It is also shoes here,

All the time of the year little

In this big box there are:

Here and fur coat, and pants,

Saratan, sandals,

Cloak, Spring Boots

His time was waiting. (Wardrobe).

Try to make guessing mysteries more fun! Whether it is a riddle about the table, a chair or a wardrobe, refer to the chad, let it feel the dialog form.

Why is it important to make riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that since the rest of the child begins to crawl, he draws attention to each trifle, for every item that meets on his way. That is why you need to maintain the interest of the baby to the world and subjects in it with the help of games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because all of my childhood, we strive to absorb everything that we say, that is why psychologists and teachers consider children up to 15 years older than learning. Riddles about furniture can also be a source of knowledge, they will develop logic and help to cope with the tasks more comprehensive.

Logical thinking is such a type of thinking that is formed by the child the very first, so it is important to pay it special attention. Riddles about furniture - this great way Training for your baby.

Each child from early childhood has many questions related to the device of the world, things, the body of the living being and many other phenomena, forcing something more complex, and sometimes high. Parents only have to throw firewood into the fire of curiosity with the help of developing tasks. There are all beloved riddles among these. There is a huge set of risks about a variety of items. The most, perhaps, the common task option for children can be called riddles about furniture.

Riddle about bed

1. On it a pillow, blanket.

If Masha is tired,

This soft thing

It will not give away from fatigue to fall.

You rest on it,

Pens, specks pull,

And then play again.

And her name is ... (bed)!

2. At night I - your girlfriend,

Not a cat and a toy

If you want to sleep,

Then you lie on ... (bed)!

3. During the day the boys do not sleep on it,

And girls: all kids.

At night, after a day of heavy -

On the pillow head.

Again day on her pillow,

And then - again Andryushka!

The parent must ensure that the child can guess any tasks inherent in his age, even riddles about furniture. With the answers at first, you can help, suggest, hint. Only after the baby learns to navigate in different bonding items, compare their signs and try on different objects, it is worth a few chances for guessing.

Riddle about the table

1. I put the dishes on it,

A chair will not forget

I will teach lessons:

Books, handles will decompose.

And if I want to play,

This item can become a house!

2. It is usually

In the house a resident is familiar

At the horse look like a little bit,

Only saucer, cups, spoons

On his back always

Place without difficulty.

3. Horse with a wooden back

Each house is worth.

He has four legs,

But it does not run anywhere.

On his back, he permits a lot of things:

And write, and cut,

And sculpt, then play.

In order for the child to be interested in guessing riddles and that this matter was not an excess reason to reveal for him, the parent can come up with a kind of game on the points. For example, a riddle about the bed will be assessed in 2 points. And if the child does not bother her, then the same number of units is removed from his account. The riddle about the table is a bit more complicated than the task about the bed, so it is possible to give 4 points for it, etc. Following the game, your child is simply obliged to get a prize, it may be a candy (for the minimum number of items), as well as several chocolate bars ( For the maximum number of items).

Riddle about chair and chair

1. I stand with a spin

And I will support yours.

Legs are and handles too,

But not alive, what am I like? (Armchair)

2. My older brother is a table.

Children eat on it.

Well, I am another subject,

The form is the same, but dinner does not prepare on me.

I have another task -

They are sitting on me, I am not remembering. (Stool, chair).

3. It will raise you with warmth,

Whether you are a child or an old man,

It is a bubble, shaking.

But it is sitting in it, and this is not a sofa,

What is this? Guess the ka myself! (Rocking chair).

Riddles about furniture are for children the most difficult, because they are not yet so developed in this topic to quickly call all items. Do not be upset if the baby can not be guessing, what we are talking about in a poem - do not worry, but help him. In order for the riddle about the bed and other furniture items seemed easier for him, show him pictures with answers, and then intelligently explain why the answer was the chair, not a table or sofa.

Complex riddles about furniture

1. With four legs, but without knees.

With two elbows, but without hands.

With back, but without spine. (Armchair chair).

2. It is worth four legs, but you can not call the beast.

Harves on the back, but not a car and not a bike.

There is clothes, but not a person. (Bed).

3. She has four legs, two backs, but the body is one. (Bed).

4. Four persistent brothers live under one roof and wear one hat. (Table).

Such kinds of mysteries cannot be called poetic, they rather go to logical tasks, so they need to make them necessary for children who have already been 7-8 years old. But even if at this age your child can not guess one or another riddle, it is not necessary to scold him, because even an adult does not immediately guess the riddles about furniture for children. It should be remembered that children only study this world will become this process to remember and cheerful or boring and full of tears and hysterics, depends not only on the child, but also from the parent.

Riddles about other furniture items

1. He is probably an eccentric.

He is bridewrd and fool!

You think, see:

All clothes outside,

And he is wearing her inside! (Wardrobe, wardrobe).

2. He lives in the kitchen,

Stores cookies, candy, dishes,

And if you need something,

It is worth getting on the chair - it is clear a camel.

After all, he hangs high on the wall

And just not to get it.

Provides only to dad

Something from it to take. (Buffet, kitchen cabinet).

3. Lies on the shelves of clothes,

It is also shoes here,

All the time of the year little

In this big box there are:

Here and fur coat, and pants,

Saratan, sandals,

Cloak, Spring Boots

His time was waiting. (Wardrobe).

Try to make guessing mysteries more fun! Whether it is a riddle about the table, a chair or a wardrobe, refer to the chad, let it feel the dialog form.

Why is it important to make riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that since the rest of the child begins to crawl, he draws attention to each trifle, for every item that meets on his way. That is why you need to maintain the interest of the baby to the world and subjects in it with the help of games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because all of my childhood, we strive to absorb everything that we say, that is why psychologists and teachers consider children up to 15 years older than learning. Riddles about furniture can also be a source of knowledge, they will develop logic and help to cope with the tasks more comprehensive.

Logical thinking is such a kind of thinking, which is formed by the child the very first, so it is important to pay special attention to this. Riddles about furniture is a great way to workout for your baby.

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