We figure out which windows are better: plastic or wooden. Plastic or wooden windows? Comparison of cheap and expensive wooden windows

Landscaping 15.06.2019

Almost the most pressing question when renovating an apartment is which windows are better to install (plastic, metal-plastic or wooden). At interior decoration everything is somewhat simpler, a person proceeds mainly from his financial capabilities and aesthetic preferences. It is more difficult with windows: they have to keep warm. Moreover, the financial and aesthetic criteria work here as elsewhere. But you still have to solve the problem of windows.

Any type of window has its own advantages and disadvantages as well.

Plastic windows

The main advantages of plastic windows are tightness (which means thermal insulation, sound insulation, preventing odors, dust, insects from entering the room). In winter, such windows keep warm, in summer - cool. It is extremely easy to care for, it is enough to wipe off the dust. Do not dry out, do not deform. Easy to adjust. Better price.

Disadvantages: windows "do not breathe", collect a lot of dust, scratches and chips on the plastic are almost impossible to fix. It is more difficult to correct structural defects. The price advantage is relative, it depends on which model and which company you choose, otherwise it will cost even more than wood. The fittings must be chosen carefully, otherwise you are tortured to regulate.

Wooden windows

Advantages: environmental friendliness, ease of elimination of defects. Wood is an excellent natural heat insulator. Windows "breathe". The tree is traditional and elegant. For many, the concept of "wooden windows" is associated either with a blown-through construction of Soviet times, or with fabulously expensive elite interiors.

Both are no longer true: modern wooden windows are structurally not so different from plastic and have good air tightness, and an increase in their number on the market leads to lower prices.

Disadvantages: despite all possible impregnations, wood is still inferior to plastic in terms of service life (plastic is practically eternal). Due to impregnation and protective coatings wooden structures partly lose their environmental friendliness.

Aesthetics is a matter of taste preferences: for that matter, PVC windows can also be decorated "under a tree". And the price: plastic windows will continue to fall in price due to the improvement of the production process. Natural material cannot keep up with them.

Metal-plastic windows

They have the advantages of plastic, but are significantly stronger due to metal frame... Excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation, allow for many designs and design options, easily adjustable.

They retain the main disadvantages of plastic ones: they fog up, collect dust, and are structurally difficult. The cost can be different options: economy class, mid range, premium class.

Advice: it is worth remembering about the combined windows: wood-plastic, wood-aluminum, metal-plastic, metal + plastic + wood. Manufacturers try to combine advantages different materials and iron out their shortcomings. For example, a wooden frame with a metal or plastic coating on the outside of the window retains all the advantages of a wooden one, but at the same time it is reliably protected from the weather.

The advantages and disadvantages of windows are largely determined not by the material of manufacture, but design features... For example, plastic windows equipped with supply valves are less susceptible to fogging; the tightness of the window largely depends on the installation and the glass unit; expensive windows equipped with I-glass (UV protection, increased energy efficiency) are found in all three categories. The possibility of adjustments and the flawlessness of the fittings also most often depend on specific models.

Recently, the boom in the widespread installation of PVC windows began to gradually subside. In many construction forums, you can increasingly find the statement that wooden windows are better than plastic ones. In fact, this question is quite deep and requires study. That is why you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Plastic windows

V last years plastic models have gained considerable popularity in the glazing of ordinary and commercial real estate.


Plastic window frames are a convenient and practical design that quickly replaces the usual joinery. Separately, it is worth noting the double-glazed windows included in the design, which help to provide noise and heat insulation.

PVC windows also boast aesthetics, hygiene, ease of maintenance and no need to prepare for winter period... Modern fittings allow the opening of the window in the vertical and horizontal planes, but most of the models are devoid of vents.

PVC window frame works in swing-out mode

As for the quality of plastic windows, it directly depends on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the installed double-glazed windows and fittings. PVC models have certain requirements for installation: one of the urgent needs is the use of hydro and thermal insulation tapes, because they help to overcome fogging and the appearance of fungus. Thus, it is not enough to choose the right windows - they also need to be installed correctly.


Perhaps the main disadvantage of plastic windows is complete tightness.... They will not let the frost from the street in winter or dust in summer, however, so that the air does not stagnate in the room, it will have to be regularly ventilated. The deteriorating microclimate will first affect indoor plants that will start to fade. In addition to the deterioration of air circulation, the humidity in the room is significantly reduced. A humidifier can solve the problem, albeit partially.

The high tightness of the glass unit can provoke such a phenomenon as the formation of condensation on the glass, which can cause mold on the window and wall

Do not discount the material itself from which such windows are made. Of course, manufacturers are constantly improving the composition of the plastic to make it as harmless as possible, but under the influence of heat from sun rays polymers can still be precipitated. This problem is not so significant if you are going to choose country windows when you are out of town only a few days a month, but you should not discount it.

Deformations, scratches and chips of plastic cannot be repaired

Finally, the last, but also an important problem is the impossibility of restoring the window after damage: chips from impacts, abrasions, scratches, etc. In this case, a complete change of frames will be required. And here again the homeowner will have to choose what to install: wooden or plastic windows.

Wooden windows

Analyzing the properties of wood, let's try to figure out which windows are better - plastic or wooden. Many people prefer wooden models in pursuit of environmental friendliness. However, besides this, there are other advantages to wooden windows.


Wood itself has been used for the production of household items for many centuries and has managed to establish itself as one of the better solutions- beautiful, aesthetic and in harmony with many other materials.

The classic wooden frame looks aesthetically pleasing and is cheaper than analogs

Today, there are two options for wooden windows on the market: ordinary carpentry, familiar to everyone, and euro windows. The first is cheaper and is, in fact, a modified version of the classic frames. The new fittings and impost system allows to achieve excellent thermal insulation and protects from street noise, and a special sealing contour helps to forget about the annual preparation for the winter season.

One of the features of wooden windows is that the frame itself seems to "breathe": even if the doors are completely closed, this will not make them airtight - air from the street will penetrate through the structure of the tree... As a result, the problem of stale and excessively dry air disappears, therefore, wooden windows are better than plastic ones, especially for people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, allergy sufferers, small children.

Although the installation of wooden windows is fraught with a number of difficulties, in general it is somewhat easier work with PVC windows.


Perhaps the main argument in favor of choosing plastic windows over wooden ones is the impossibility of adjusting the latter. It is impossible to install and fix the sashes in a certain position. In windy weather, the open sash will start flapping, and the glass may break.

The doors of conventional carpentry are not adjustable

Manufactured modern windows from solid wood. As already mentioned, this guarantees environmental friendliness, which is good, but at the same time fraught with a certain threat. The quality of the windows will directly depend on how well the wood has been dried. Minor manufacturing error and the frame will crack or warp, resulting in a heap unpleasant consequences.

In the production of wooden frames, it is necessary to use well-dried wood.

It is quite easy to clean wooden windows, but this process will take a lot of time. Attention has to be paid to all glasses on both sides. Cleaning is very important, as dust and dirt inevitably accumulate in the gap between the sashes.

Wooden euro windows

If you are still hesitant about what to install: wood or plastic windows, the following option may suit you. Euro windows made of wood are a kind of hybrid between plastic and woodwork. They combine the merits of each other and neutralize the disadvantages.


Let's consider the pluses of euro windows. Unlike ordinary carpentry, the number of their disadvantages is much lower. In the domestic market, such models began to appear not so long ago, which did not prevent them from rapidly gaining popularity among buyers. They have a completely natural material (as opposed to plastic models), high-quality double-glazed windows, and advanced fittings.

European wood window combines the comfort of plastic models and the environmental friendliness of wooden

In the manufacture of such windows, the quality of the wood used is at the forefront. The main material for production is glued laminated timber, which ensures compliance with the geometry and strength of the structure. There is no need to be afraid that the material will dry out over time or lose its qualities due to exposure to humidity or temperature extremes.

Comparison of plastic models and eurowindows demonstrates that the latter also have a sash fixation system, which allows using the ventilation mode. Modern fittings allow you to open windows in two planes, so there is no need for additional equipment vents.

Euro windows are equipped with the most modern fittings

Unlike plastic wooden double-glazed windows do not create stuffiness in the room, since air particles are able to penetrate the street and back through the smallest natural pores of the material.

Finally, eurowindows can boast of the widest variety of colors and shades. Some people will like the solid color, while others will prefer a model with a coating that emphasizes the texture of the wood. Artful imitation will create the feeling that the frames are made of the most valuable breeds wood.

The covering of the euro window creates an imitation of valuable wood species

Euro windows, unlike plastic ones, can be repaired if necessary... In this case, wood putty comes to the rescue. It allows you to mask scratches and chips that will not reappear if you apply a varnish over the top.


Despite the impressive list of advantages, wooden euro-windows also have a disadvantage. It consists in the need for periodic renewal of the frame cover. You don't have to do this so often - once every few years, so when choosing them, you should be ready for this. In this case, it is better to choose high-quality paints and varnishes from branded manufacturers that guarantee the high sustainability of their products.


So, should you install wooden windows instead of plastic ones? As you can see, the tree has several undeniable advantages, but there are also very, very many disadvantages, so everyone can decide for themselves - it all depends on taste and needs. It should be noted that if wooden windows or plastic double-glazed windows are installed and operated correctly, then the main criterion will be price policy... If funds allow, then it is better to opt for Euro windows.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The demand for the installation of plastic windows, which were recently at the peak of popularity, began to subside. Wood structures became their competitors. Moreover, both types of products have their own strengths and weak sides... We offer to conduct a detailed comparative analysis and find out which windows are better to install: plastic or all the same wooden.

Ability to keep warm

The first step in choosing new windows is how well they are able to maintain the temperature in the room.

The lower the thermal conductivity of the material, the less heat it releases into the environment.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is used for the manufacture of plastic windows, ranges from 0.15–0.2 W / m · K. The thermal conductivity of a wooden structure depends on the type of wood: for pine and oak it is 0.15 W / mK, for larch it is 0.13 W / mK. It has become a daily practice to make frames of wooden euro-windows from glued beams, in which this coefficient is 0.1 W / m · K.

Conclusion: wooden window structures retain heat in the room more efficiently than plastic ones.

Which windows breathe better

The cracks in the previous generations of windows brought a lot of inconvenience, but on the other hand, there were no problems with the inflow. fresh air... Tightness modern designs with double-glazed windows seriously interferes with air exchange, and, as a result, the humidity in the premises increases, the oxygen content decreases.

Where plastic windows are installed, regular ventilation is necessary, since PVC does not allow air to pass through. But there is no reason to hope that the current wooden structures will save the situation. The amount of oxygen that overcomes the thickness of the wood is negligible compared to human needs. In addition, the wooden frames of the euro windows are impregnated with a variety of protective compounds, covered with varnish, which becomes another obstacle for the air.

Conclusion: from the point of view of air permeability, the properties of plastic and modern wooden euro-windows are the same, their use requires frequent ventilation.

On a note: the way out will be the installation of ventilation valves that ensure the flow of fresh air when the shutters are closed. There are several options for such devices. The air-conducting valve can even be installed in the place of the window handle, where it will cope with both functions.

Speaking about the environmental friendliness of wooden windows, do not forget that wood is treated with numerous impregnations: from insects and mold, unwanted effects of moisture and ultraviolet rays. All such compounds are of chemical origin.

Conclusion: to date, both types of windows, produced in strict compliance with the technology, the content harmful substances does not exceed the permissible standards.

Aesthetic requirements

Windows should be attractive, harmoniously fit into the interior and facade of the building. Structures of any configuration are made of PVC, including arched ones. The only limitation is the size: too small, as well as very large sashes, are difficult to manufacture. The plastic is given any color, laminated to the selected texture, the desired type of wood. Of course, imitation will be visible to the naked eye, therefore, for thin aesthetes, plastic is an unacceptable option.

TO appearance wooden structures no complaints. Natural material looks good in any case: wood windows are placed in country cottages, they are organic in the architecture of old city buildings, found a place in the interior of modern apartments.

On a note. The color is usually determined by the type of wood. But in some cases, a special primer is used to create the desired shade. With its help, an inexpensive pine product is visually transformed into oak, ash and even rosewood. Another option is to cover the frame with decorative veneer made of fine wood.

Wooden windows are also given the shape of an arch, but here the variety is limited by the size of the bending radius.

Conclusion: in terms of aesthetics, plastic window structures are not competitors, although they provide designers with an endless field for creativity. But in any performance they will not achieve natural sophistication. natural material.

Today's wooden windows, in contrast to previous generations, do not unstick, do not dry out, but they are not without drawbacks. For example, light wood frames gradually darken under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Rain, hail, sun, frost eventually leave merciless marks on them. Even with all kinds of impregnations, they cannot withstand fire.

Note: window structures made of wood and aluminum have shown themselves well, at the same time possessing the advantages of wood and the ability of metal to resist the adverse effects of the environment.

Conclusion: in terms of strength and durability, wooden frames are somewhat inferior to plastic ones. PVC windows are shock-resistant, do not need painting or varnishing, and are impervious to moisture. But all this applies to profiles from high quality raw materials, made in compliance with technology.

Care features

Today's timber windows do not require the labor-intensive maintenance they used to do, but the frame coverings need to be updated from time to time. With plastic, things are simpler: it does not require special procedures, everything is limited to removing dust with a damp cloth.

Conclusion: plastic windows are easier to care for and maintain than wooden ones.

Terms of operation

According to various reviews, the time of use of plastic windows ranges from 20-30 to 45-50 years and depends on the properties of the thermoplastic polymer (compound) used in the production of profiles and operating conditions. Some German companies have specially developed technologies for the production of PVC profiles in relation to the Russian climate, which is characterized by frequent and extreme temperature changes.

The lifespan of wooden windows exceeds that of plastic windows. But this is possible only in the case of high-quality performance, with special compounds that increase resistance to external influences. Also, durability depends on the type of wood. Larch frames will last 50 years, pine frames - 55-60 years, oak frames - at least 90 years.

Which windows are better - wooden or plastic? This question is asked by every consumer who faces the choice of windows for an apartment or a private house. Since the windows are not installed for one year, such an investment must be carefully analyzed. The portal WINDOWS MEDIA will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of window structures made of wood and PVC.
It is rather difficult to answer definitely the question of which windows are better - made of wood or PVC, and in the given time it's mostly a matter of taste. Modern wooden and plastic windows, if equipped with the same double-glazed windows, fittings, and so on, can have very similar acoustic properties, energy efficiency and tightness. Therefore, experts do not give an unambiguous answer, but only help to dispel some doubts generated by ignorance. modern technologies... For example, the opinion that PVC windows are better is most often based on a complex of old wooden windows from the times of the USSR.

Everyone has different priorities when buying windows

When buying new windows, it is important to consider all the pros and cons of the products offered on the market, as well as to clearly define your own expectations. Each client has individual needs. One needs to buy cheap plastic windows for the country, which will not need additional care. Another expects aesthetics and a warm climate in the house from the windows, so he chooses wooden windows. Periodic maintenance is not the most important issue for him.

Looking for an answer - wooden or plastic windows, which is better? - each person has different priorities, and they should be the main clue in making the final purchase decision. In any case, the choice of windows should always be deliberate, so that after several years of operation you will not regret the previously made decision.

Wooden and plastic windows: comparison

Domestic manufacturers offer a wide variety of wooden and plastic windows, a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of which will help determine what exactly will be best for your house or apartment.

Advantages of PVC windows

First of all, plastic windows are attracted by a more favorable price scale. A variety of products from economy to premium segment allows you to choose the best option for each type of building and room.

Currently, most of the plastic windows sold on the market are quite durable and resistant to weather conditions... A wide range of colored windows, including tree-like ones, imitating the structure of a tree not only visually, but also by touch, opens up unlimited possibilities for decorating a home.

PVC windows do not require additional maintenance, painting and impregnation. After installation, they need almost only basic cleaning and lubrication of the fittings, which housewives do on average twice a year.

Disadvantages of PVC windows

PVC windows are made of plastic material, which creates several problems, which are systematically voiced by most users after several years of operation. First of all, this is the fallout of condensation. "Plastic windows are crying" is one of the most common complaints during the heating season. Allow you to successfully deal with this various systems window ventilation, which are becoming more perfect every year.

Another problem is the temperature difference, which Russia has to face at a certain period of the year. Indoor temperatures in winter differ significantly from those prevailing outside the building. In theory, PVC windows should withstand such stresses, but this is not always the case. The frame deforms due to temperature differences, and prolonged frosts can lead to increased fragility.

The white color of a PVC profile after several years of operation does not always retain its original appearance, and the colors of laminated windows fade due to sunlight... Such windows cannot be repainted, so there is only one way out - to replace them with new ones.

The above phenomena are observed mainly in the case of inexpensive plastic windows, so think carefully before buying the cheapest option.

Benefits of wooden windows

Wooden windows have the main advantage: they are made of natural material, which allows them to merge with the atmosphere of the house and make the interior warmer. These windows have slightly stronger frames. Wooden windows are warmer than plastic ones, which are made of PVC profiles with steel reinforcement.

In the case of wooden structures, it is always possible to change their color, both from the interior and exterior side, which is a big plus during cosmetic or overhaul... Correct Maintenance will allow you to enjoy their beauty even longer. Through processing special means outside window profile made of wood can serve for a longer time. Thanks to such prevention twice a year, you can significantly extend the service life of windows, and increase the frequency of their painting.

Disadvantages of wooden windows

The disadvantage of wooden windows is the need to periodically (on average once every 5-7 years) renew their surface. Varnishes and paints that cover modern wooden windows are vapor-permeable, they do not flake or crack, so the frames do not need to be scraped before renovation. It is enough to clean the rough layer sandpaper or cover with a special paint agent and you can already apply a new layer of paint.

As for the myth that wood breathes, after all the processing steps, wooden windows are actually not particularly breathable. Their frames are impregnated with various chemicals to make the wood profile more durable and weather-resistant. It is fair to say that old wooden windows, painted oil paint, could not really "breathe". Manufacturers say that wooden windows breathe, rather in the context of a paintwork that allows water vapor to pass through, absorbed to some extent. wooden frame, and gives off moisture, due to which paintwork does not flake off.

Not all types of wood are ideal for the Russian climate. Mahogany, larch and oak windows work best. When relying on pine windows, you should expect the risk of resin leakage or damage to the frame due to moisture, and they require especially careful maintenance.

When buying wooden windows, it is very important to remember about the available variety of materials from which they are made to make right choice... It is also worth considering that higher quality wood is more expensive.

Hello dear friends!
My name is Dmitry Provorov, I work as the head of the client department at Prosto Okna. As you may have guessed, I will talk about windows in my blog. And I understand the windows.

There are a lot of offers on the window market: there are just not so many! And there are not so many areas where the range of prices for the same order would be as great as in the windows. And this is if we talk about honest companies. I will tell you in detail about the dishonest ones and how to recognize them in the future. I'm going to reduce the essence of my blogs to one thing: how to understand which windows you need, how to recognize really useful suggestions from advertising "chips", and choose the most the best way in terms of price and quality ratio. With all this, we will destroy marketing myths) I hope it will turn out to be interesting and informative.
So let's get started. Let's start with what to choose: plastic windows or wooden windows? Many articles have been written about this topic. But the point is that they are written by marketers of either a company dealing with plastic windows, or by their rivals - "woodworkers". Well, and, of course, marketers are very far from building physics and practical experience. Well, I have more than enough knowledge in these areas. At the same time, I will try to maintain neutrality and objectivity of assessments.
Plastic windows, I think, everyone imagines quite clearly, since at the present time this is the most common option. These windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (pvc). Naturally, the composition also contains various stabilizers, pigments, and more. Many people think that it is not environmentally friendly. But I am sure there is not a single chemist who would think the same way. Because all these materials strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological standards, guests, snips and others. However, I still do not recommend eating or smoking plastic windows, but I think you were not going to do this anyway)

A small nuance. The windows are positioned as German, English, Austrian and God knows what. It does not matter. Absolutely all pvc profiles are manufactured in Russia. There is, of course, the same Rehau Brilliant or Geneo, which many are positioning as brought from Germany itself. I know only one company that carries Rehau Brilliant from Germany, but their price will be about 25 thousand for square meter window. And I know many companies that deliberately mislead the client, simply by deceiving. They can even make fake certificates.

It's okay, of course, that the profiles are made in Russia. But everyone positions the profile differently. And this often happens with a loss in quality in order to reduce the cost. Therefore, the company that will implement your order must be chosen very carefully. I think my next post will be about this.

Everything is much more complicated with those windows that are made of wood.

They can be divided into several types: old Soviet (carpentry); new cheap (these are sometimes put in new buildings); wooden euro windows; Swedish; Finnish.
The old Soviet windows must have been seen by everyone, and many still have them. Sometimes they stand for decades. They knew how to build then! But everything comes to an end and they also need to be changed.
In new buildings, sometimes, rather rarely, they put wooden windows with installed double-glazed windows and fittings, of a modern design. The quality of the wood and the workmanship is simply disgusting. I myself once lived in a new student dormitory with just such windows. Cold winter, then a hot summer - and the windows were incredibly warped. The cracks are such that the birds almost flew in. This option is even worse than the cheapest plastic windows from the developer.

Wooden euro windows... They are exactly what they mean when they ask: which windows are better - plastic or wooden.

According to the principle of operation and the sash with a frame, such windows are similar to plastic ones. Double-glazed windows are installed there the same. They differ only in the material of the profile.

Such windows are made of three-layer glued beams of various, usually valuable, wood species. (Pine, larch, oak). Exact technical characteristics, for example, you will not find sound insulation or resistance to heat transfer. Each case is different. But, approximately, according to these two indicators, these windows correspond to the middle class of plastic windows.

Everywhere they write that such windows "breathe" and are environmentally friendly. This is pure marketing. Nothing breathes there - it's not just an untreated solid wood, it's a three-layer glued beam. Which is carefully processed with aseptics, fire protection, paint and so on. Environmental friendliness is questionable here, it's like inserting a wooden bar inside a PVC profile.

These windows are 3-4 times more expensive than plastic ones.

It would seem then: why are they needed at all? But, for example, in Germany, where plastic windows were already everywhere in the 70s, they are being replaced by wooden Euro windows. Here, of course, it is worth making an amendment that in Germany everything is in order with the quality, but in our country they can be deceived. It is not so easy by sight to distinguish an ordinary pine near Moscow from Siberian larch. Although, perhaps, in 20 years, plastic windows will be perceived as now Soviet carpentry.

In the meantime, wooden windows are a matter of image. It's expensive, it's cool. It's like an insert into a dashboard in a Maybach made of Karelian birch. Otherwise, they are definitely no better than many plastic ones. At the same time, more careful care is required.
Well, now let's move on to the exotic) Swedish windows ... Sweden is a country where there are clearly no fools in natural conditions with a climate similar to ours. Therefore, their windows are really cool) If we talk about ordinary euro-windows, then the principle of their construction is about the same as that of pvc. Everything is clear here.

Swedish windows have a different design. There are two double doors. The inner (the one in the room) sash is equipped with a single-chamber double-glazed window. And this sash is paired with another sash, which is 10 centimeters less than the inner one. And there is no longer a double-glazed unit, but sheet glass. The very same outer sash is attached to the inner one and can be opened to, for example, wash windows. Does this design, by the way, resemble our carpentry?)

It turns out that the frame there is kind of double: one for the inner sash and one for the outer. There are more connection points between the frame and the sash compared to the classic design. This, of course, is good) Plus, a wide space is obtained between the outer and inner sashes. The truth is not hermetically sealed. And due to convection, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is good or bad, that there will be a wide distance. But you can install blinds there)

There is also finnish windows) They are almost the same as the Swedish ones, only the valves are not paired there. That is, two separate flaps. The rest is the same.

In my opinion, the most significant difference between Swedish / Finnish windows and Euro windows / PVC is a wide box. Due to this, the slopes freeze less. Another big plus is the more sealing points of the frame and sash. If money allows - a very good option.

Well, and again about the price. Swedish / Finnish windows will cost 2 times more expensive than wooden euro windows. At the same time, very few people in Russia are still doing this. Therefore, it is necessary to search in very large cities.

In general, a start has been made. I will regularly add new posts. In the meantime, this is a test of the pen. Happy renovation to all. And remember, in fact, windows are not that difficult. I would even say, Simple)

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