The names of scientists of physicists and their discoveries. Famous physicists

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Marri Gelle Mann (born in 1929)

Marri Gelle Mann was born on September 15, 1929 in New York and was the younger son of immigrants from Austria Arthur and Pauline (Raughterstein) Gell-Mann. At the age of fifteen, Marri entered the University of Yale. He graduated from 1948 with a bachelor's diploma. Subsequent years he spent in graduate school of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here in 1951, Gelle Mann received a doctoral degree in physics.

Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968)

Lev Davidovich Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the family of David Landau Landau in Baku. His father was a famous oil engineer ,! We worked on local oilfrisms, and the mother is a doctor. She was engaged in physiological studies. Landau's older sister became a chemist engineer.

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov (1903-1960)

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was born on January 12, 1903 in the family of a forest assistant in Bashkiria in 1909, the family moved to Simbirsk in 1912 Kurchatov moved to Simferopol here the boy enters the first class of gymnasium.

Paul Dirac (1902-1984)

English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on August 8, 1902 in Bristol, in the family of a native of Sweden Charles Adrien Ladislava Dirac, teachers french in private School, and Englishwomen Florence Hannah (Huture) Dirac.

Werner Geisenberg (1901-1976)

Werner Gazenberg was one of the youngest scientists who received Nobel Prize. The dedication and strong spirit of rivalry inspired him to open one of the most famous principles of science - the principle of uncertainty.

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)

"The Great Italian Physicist Enrico Fermi," wrote Bruno Pontecorvo, "occupies a special place among modern scientists: in our time, when a narrow specialization in scientific research It became typical, it is difficult to specify the same universal physics with which Fermi was. It can even be said that the appearance of a person on the scientist of the XX century is a huge contribution to the development of theoretical physics, and experimental physics, and astronomy, and technical physics, the phenomenon is rather unique than rare. "

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov (1896-1986)

Nikolai Nikolayevich Semenov was born on April 15, 1896 in Saratov, in the family of Nikolay Alexandrovich and Elena Dmitrievna Semenov. After graduating in 1913 real school In Samara, he entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University, where, engaged in the famous Russian physics of Abram Ioffe, showed himself an active student.

Igor Evgenievich Tamm (1895-1971)

Igor Evgenievich was born on July 8, 1895 in Vladivostok in the family of Olga (nee Davydova) Tamm and Evgenia Tamma, a builder engineer. Evgeny Fedorovich worked on the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway. Father Igor was not only a versatile engineer, but also an exceptionally courageous man. During the Jewish pogrom in Elizavetgrad, he went on the crowd of the Black Hundreds with a cane and dispersed it. Returning from distant edges with a three-year-old Igor, the family traveled by the sea through Japan in Odessa.

Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984)

Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa was born on July 9, 1894 in Kronstadt in the family of a military engineer, General Leonid Petrovich Kapitsa, builder of Kronstadt fortifications. It was an educated intelligent person, a gifted engineer, who played an important role in the development of Russian armed forces. Mother, Olga Jeronimovna, nee St Balnik, was an educated woman. She was engaged in literature, pedagogical and social activities, leaving a trace in the history of Russian culture.

Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)

Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger was born on August 12, 1887 in Vienna His father, Rudolf Schrödinger, was the owner of the oil glue factory, was fond of painting and dodged the interest in Botanic Schrödinger responded as a "friend, teacher and not aware of the fatigue of the interlocutor" in 1898, Schrödinger entered the academic gymnasium, where he was the first student in Greek, Latin, classic literature, Mathematics and physics in the gymnasium Schrödinger has a love for the theater.

Niels Bor (1885-1962)

Einstein once said: "That surprisingly attracts in Bore as a scholar thought, this is a rare alloy of courage and caution; Few people possessed such a ability to intuitively grab the essence of hidden things, combining it with exacerbid criticism. He, no doubt, is one of the greatest scientific minds of our century. "

Max Born (1882-1970)

His name put in one row with such names as Planck and Einstein, Bor, Heisenberg. Born is rightly considered one of the founders. quantum mechanics. It belongs to many fundamental work in the theory of the structure of the atom, quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

His name is often heard in the most common spacious. "Einstein does not smell here"; "Wow Einstein"; "Yes, that's definitely not Einstein!". In his century, when science was dominated, he stands a mansion, like a certain symbol of intellectual power sometimes even as if the thought arises, "humanity is divided into two parts - Albert Einstein and the rest of the world.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871 near the city of Nelson ( New Zealand) In the family of a migrant from Scotland. Ernest was the fourth of twelve children. Mother worked as a rural teacher. Father of the future scientist organized a woodworking enterprise. Under the leadership of the Father, the boy received good preparation To work in the workshop, which subsequently helped him when designing and building scientific apparatus.

Maria Curie Sklodovsk (1867-1934)

Maria Sklodovsk was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, she was the youngest of five children in the family of Vladislav and Bronislavs Sklodovsky. Maria was brought up in a family where science classes were respected. Her father taught physics in the gymnasium, and his mother was not sick with Tuberculosis, was the director of the gymnasium. Mary's mother died when the girl was eleven years old.

Peter Nikolaevich Lebedev (1866-1912)
Peter Nikolaevich Lebedev was born on March 8, 1866 in Moscow, in a merchant family, his father worked by a trustee and treated his work with a real enthusiasm in his eyes, a trading business was surrounded by a halo of significance and romance, he attacked his only son, and at first he was successful In the first letter, an eight-year-old boy writes the Father "Cute Dad, isn't you and are well trading?"

Max Planck (1858-1947)

German physicist Max Carl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born on April 23, 1858 in the Prussian city of Kiel, in the family of a professor of civil law Julius Vilhegelm von Planck, professors of civil law, and Emma (in Maiden's Pattsig) plank. As a child, the boy learned to play the piano and organ, discovering outstanding musical abilities. In 1867, the family moved to Munich, and there the placker entered the royal Maximilian classical gymnasium, where an excellent mathematics teacher first awakened interest in natural and accurate sciences.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894)

In the history of science, there are not many discoveries that you have to touch every day. But without the Herrich Hertz modern life It is no longer possible to submit, since radio and television are the necessary part of our life, and he made the discovery in this area.

Joseph Thomson (1856-1940)

English physicist Joseph Thomson entered the history of science as a man who opened an electron. Once he said: "The discoveries are obliged to the sharpness and strength of observation, intuition, unshakable enthusiasm until the final resolution of all contradictions associated with pioneering work."

Gendrick Lorenz (1853-1928)

The history of Physics Lorenz entered as the creator of an electronic theory, in which the ideas of the field theory and atomotics were synthesized. Herrick Anton Lorenz was born on July 15, 1853 in the Dutch city of Arnham. Six years he went to school. In 1866, graduating from school with the best student, Gendrik entered the third class of the highest civilian school, approximately relevant gymnasium. His favorite objects were physics and mathematics, foreign languages. To explore French and german languages Lorenz walked in the church and listened to the sermons in these languages, although he did not believe in God since childhood.

Wilhelm X-ray (1845-1923)

In January 1896, Typhoon of newspaper reports were rolled over Europe and America about the sensational opening of Professor of the Würzburg University of Wilhelm Conrad X-ray. It seemed that there was no newspaper, which would not printed a picture of a hand, belonging to how it turned out later, Berth X-ray, Professor's wife. And Professor X-ray, locked in his laboratory, continued to strive to study the properties of the rays open them. The opening of X-ray rays gave impetus to new research. Their study led to new discoveries, one of which was the discovery of radioactivity.

Ludwig Boltzman (1844-1906)

Ludwig Boltzman, no doubt, was the greatest scientist and thinker who gave the world of Austria. In the life of Bolzman, despite the position of the zoom in scientific circles, he was recognized as a great scientist, he was invited to lecture in many countries. And, nevertheless, some of his ideas remain a mystery even in our time. Bolzman himself wrote about himself: "The idea that fills my mind and activity is the development of theory." And Max Laue later this thought clarifies this way: "His ideal was to combine all physical theories in a single picture of the world."

Alexander Grigorievich Councils (1839-1896)

Alexander Grigorievich Stoles was born on August 10, 1839 in the family of a poor Vladimir merchant. His father, Grigory Mikhailovich, owned a small grocery bench and workshop for the selection of leather. The house was a good library, and Sasha, learning to read at a four-year-old, began to use it early. At the age of five, he already read completely freely.

Willard Gibbs (1839-1903)

The Gibbs Mystery is not that he was incorrectly understood or an unpleasant genius. Gibbs Mystery consists in another: how it happened that Pragmatic America during the reign of practicality made a great theoretician? Before him, there was not a single theorist in America. However, as almost no theorists and after. The vast majority of American scientists are experimenters.

James Maxwell (1831-1879)

James Maxwell was born in Edinburgh on June 13, 1831. Soon after the birth of the boy, parents took him into their estate Glenlar. From this time, "Berloga in a narrow gorge" firmly entered Maxwell. His parents lived and died here, he lived and buried for a long time.

Herman Helmgolts (1821-1894)

Herman Helmgolts is one of the greatest scientists of the XIX century. Physics, physiology, anatomy, psychology, mathematics ... In each of these sciences, he made brilliant discoveries that world glory brought him.

Emily Khristianovich Lenz (1804-1865)

Lenz's name is associated with fundamental discoveries in the field of electrodynamics. Along with this, the scientist is rightfully considered one of the founders of Russian geography. Emily Khristianovich Lenz was born on February 24, 1804 in Derpte (now Tartu). In 1820, he graduated from the gymnasium and entered the Derpt University. Independent scientific activities Lenz began as physics in around the world expedition At the "Enterprise" gate (1823- 1826), which included on the recommendation of the university professors. In very short term He together with the rector of E.I. Parroid has created unique devices for deep-water oceanographic observations - a flush-deepwood and a bacheterial. In swimming, Lenz conducted oceanographic, meteorological and geophysical observations in the Atlantic, quiet and Indian Ocean. In 1827, he completed the processing of the data received and analyzed them.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

and the discoveries would be enough to be a good dozen scientists to indispens your name. Makel Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in London, in one of his poorest quarters. His father was a blacksmith, and the mother - the daughter of the Tenant Agriculture. The apartment in which he was born and spent the first years of his life a great scientist, was in the backyard and fastened over the stables.

Georg Ohm (1787-1854)

The Professor of Physics of the University of Munich University of E. Lommel said about the importance of Omar's research at the opening of the monument to the scientist in 1895: "Ohm's discovery was a bright torch who freshen the region of electricity, which was shrouded in darkness. OM pointed out) the only the right way Through impassable forest of incomprehensible facts. Wonderful progress in the development of electrical engineering, which we surprised were surprised in recent decades could be achieved! Only on the basis of the opening of Ohm. Only one is able to dominate the forces of nature and manage them, who will be able to solve the laws of nature, I pulled out from nature so long hidden by her secret and handed it into the hands of contemporaries. "

Hans Ersted (1777-1851)

"A scientist Danish physicist, professor, - wrote Ampere, - his great discovery laid the physicists a new path of research. These studies have not been fruitless; They attracted to the discovery of many facts worthy of all who are interested in progress. "

Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)

The history of Physics Avogadro entered as the author of one of the most important laws of molecular physics. Loreno Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Qu'nai E Di Cherreto was born on August 9, 1776 in Turin - the capital of the Italian province of Piedmont in the family of the employee Filippe Avogadro. Amedeo was the third of eight children. His ancestors from the XII century consisted in the service of the Catholic Church by lawyers and according to the tradition of the time of their profession and posts were inherited. When it came to choose a profession, Amedeo also took up jurisprudence. In this science, he quickly succeeded and already at the age of twenty received a scientific degree of doctor of church law.

Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836)

The French Scientist Ampere in the history of science is known, mainly as the founder of electrodynamics. Meanwhile, it was a universal scientist who have merits and in the field of mathematics, chemistry, biology, and even in linguistics and philosophy. It was a brilliant mind, struck by his encyclopedic knowledge of everyone closely knew him.

Charles Pendant (1736-1806)
To measure the forces acting between electrical charges. The pendant was used invented by them twisted scales. Phranzesian physicist and engineer Charles pendant achieved brilliant scientific results. The patterns of external friction, the law of thersion of elastic threads, the main law of electrostatics, the law of interaction between magnetic poles - all this entered the Golden Foundation of Science. "Coulomb field", "Coulomb potential", finally, the name of the unit electric charge "Pendant" firmly entrenched in physical Terminology.

Isaac Newton (1642-1726)

Isaac Newton was born on the day of the Christmas holiday of 1642 in the village of Wulstorp in Lincolnshire, his father died even before the birth of the son of Newton's mother, nee Ayskoffee, shortly after the death of her husband gave birth prematurely, and the newborn Isaac was strikingly Mal and Hill thought that the baby would not survive Newton, However, she lived to deep old age and always, with the exception of short-term disorders and one serious illness, was distinguished good health.

Christians Guygens (1629-1695)

The principle of operation of an anchor trigger. The flow wheel (1) is unchecked by the spring (not shown in the figure). Anchor (2) associated with the pendulum (3) includes the left pallet (4) between the teeth of the wheel. The pendulum deviates in the other direction, the anchor frees the wheel. It has time to turn only on one tooth, and the right side includes the right flight (5). Then everything is repeated in the reverse order.

Blaze Pascal (1623-1662)

Blaze Pascal, the son of Etienne Pascal and Antoinette, nee Beyon, was born in Clermont on June 19, 1623. The whole family of Pascals was distinguished by outstanding abilities. As for the blouse itself, he from early childhood found signs of extraordinary mental development. In 1631, when there was a little Pascal, his father moved away from all children to Paris, selling his position to his position and putting a significant part of his small capital to the hotel De Bill.

Archimedes (287 - 212 BC. E.)

Archimedes was born in 287 BC. greek city Syracuse, where he lived almost all his life. His father was FIDI, a court astronomer of the ruler of the city of Gieron. Archimeda studied, like many other ancient Greek scientists, in Alexandria, where the rulers of Egypt Ptolemyi gathered the best Greek scientists and thinkers, and founded the famous, the largest library in the world.

The most outstanding discoveries of humanity in physics

1. Law of falling bodies (1604)

Galileo Galilee denied almost 2000 Summer Aristotelian conviction that heavy bodies fall faster than the lungs, proving that all the bodies fall at the same speed.

2. The Law of the World Affairs (1666)

Isaac Newton comes to the conclusion that all objects in the universe, from apples to the planets, have a gravitational attraction (impact) on each other.

3. Traffic laws (1687)

Isaac Newton changes our idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe, formulating three laws to describe the movement of objects.

1. The moving object remains in motion if external force affects him.
2. The ratio between the mass of the object (M), acceleration (A) and the applied force (F) F \u003d MA.
3. For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction (countering).

4. The second law of thermodynamics (1824 - 1850)

Scientists working on improving the effectiveness of steam engines developed the theory of understanding the transformation of heat into work. They proved that the heat flux from higher to lower temperatures causes the locomotive (or other mechanism) to move, like a water flow process that rotates the mill wheel.
Their work leads to the three principles: heat fluxes are irreversible from the hot to the cold body, heat cannot be completely converted to other forms of energy, as well as systems become increasingly unorganized over time.

5. Electromagnetism (1807 - 1873)

Hans Christian Ested

Innovative experiments revealed a connection between electricity and magnetism and systematized in the system of equations that express their basic laws.
In 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Ersted tells students about the possibility that electricity and magnetism are interconnected. During the lecture, the experiment shows the truth of his theory in front of the whole class.

6. Special theory of relativity (1905)

Albert Einstein rejects the basic assumptions about time and space, describing that the clock is slower and the distance is distorted if the speed is approaching the speed of light.

7. E \u003d MC 2 (1905)

Or the energy is equal to the mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light. The famous formula Albert Einstein proves that mass and energy are different manifestations of the same, and that is not very a large number of Mass can be transformed into a very large amount of energy. The deepest meaning of this discovery is that no object with any mass other than 0 can never move faster than the speed of light.

8. The law of quantum jump (1900 - 1935)

The law, to describe the behavior of subatomic particles, was described by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner Geisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger. The quantum jump is defined as a change in the electron in an atom from one energy state To another. This change occurs immediately, and not gradually.

9. Light nature (1704 - 1905)

The results of the experiments of Isaac Newton, Thomas Yang and Albert Einstein leads to an understanding of what is the light, as he behaves, and how it is transmitted. Newton uses a prism for separating white light into components, and the other prism mixed color light into white, proving that color light, mixing, forms white light. It was found that the light is a wave, and that the wavelength determines the color. Finally, Einstein admits that the light is always moving with constant speed, regardless of the speed of the meter.

10. Opening of Neutron (1935)

James Chadwick discovered neutrons, which, together with protons and electrons, constitute an atom of a substance. This discovery significantly changed the atom model and accelerated a number of other discoveries in atomic physics.

11. Opening of superconductors (1911 - 1986)

An unexpected discovery that some materials do not have any resistance to electric current at low temperatures, promised a revolution in industry and technology. Superconductivity occurs in a wide variety of materials at low temperatures, including simple items, such as tin and aluminum, various metal alloys and some ceramic connections.

12. Opening of quarks (1962)

Murray Gelle Mann suggested existence elementary particleswhich together form compound objects, such as protons and neutrons. Quark has its own charge. Protons and neutrons contain three quarts.

13. Opening of nuclear forces (1666 - 1957)

The discoveries of the main force acting on the subatoman level led to an understanding that all interactions in the Universe are the result of four fundamental forces of nature - strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic forces and gravity.

All these discoveries are made by scientists who devoted their lives to science. At that time, MBA diploma to order to write to someone was impossible, only systematic work, persistence, pleasure to his desire - allowed them to become famous.

No matter how paradoxically sounds, but the Soviet era can be regarded as a very productive segment of time. Even in the difficult post-war period, scientific developments in the USSR were financed rather generously, and the profession of scientist was prestigious and well paid.

A favorable financial background with the presence of truly gifted people brought wonderful results: in soviet period There was a whole Pleiad of physician scientists, the names of which are known not only in the post-Soviet space, but also throughout the world.

We present to your attention the material about the well-known physicists of the USSR, who have made a high contribution to world science.

Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov (1891-1951). Despite far from proletarian origin, this scientist managed to defeat class filtering and become the founder of the whole school of physical optics. Vavilov is a co-operator of the opening of the effect of Vavilov-Cerenkova, for which, afterwards (after the death of Sergey Ivanovich), a Nobel Prize was received.

Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg (1916-2009). The scientist received wide recognition for experiments in the field of nonlinear optics and microchters; and also for research in the field of polarization of luminescence. In the emergence of common luminescent lamps, there is a considerable merit of Ginzburg: it was he who actively developed applied optics and endowed a purely theoretical discoveries of practical value.

Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968). The scientist is known not only as one of the hedlemen of the Soviet school of physics, but also as a man with a sparkling humor. Lev Davidovich brought and formulated several basic concepts in quantum theory, spent fundamental research in the field of ultra-low temperatures and superfluidity. Currently, Landau became a human legend in theoretical physics: his contribution is remembered and honored.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-1989). Co-author of the invention of the hydrogen bomb and a brilliant nuclear physicist sacrificed his health for the sake of peace and common security. The scientist is the author of the invention of the scheme "Sakharov Puffs". Andrei Dmitrievich is a bright pattern of how in the USSR treated reciprocal scientists: For many years of the dissident undermined the health of Sakharov and did not allow his talent to reveal to all power.

Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984). The scientist is quite fair can be called " business card» soviet science - The surname "Kapitsa" was known to every citizen of the USSR from Mala to Great. Peter Leonidovich made a huge contribution to the physics of low temperatures: as a result of the studies conducted by them, science has enriched in many discoveries. Such is the phenomenon of superfluidity of helium, the establishment of cryogenic bonds in various substances and much more.

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov (1903-1960). Contrary to mutual ideas, Kurchatov worked not only over nuclear and hydrogen bombs: the main direction of scientific research of Igor Vasilyevich was devoted to the development of the splitting of an atom for peaceful purposes. A lot of work scientists made in theory magnetic field: Until now, many ships are used invented cursed system for demagnetization. In addition to scientific alike, the physicist had good organizational qualities: under the leadership of Kurchatov, many of the most complex projects were implemented.

Alas, modern science I did not learn to measure fame or contribution to science in any objective quantities: none of the existing techniques allows you to make one hundred percent on reliability rating of popularity or evaluate value in numbers scientific discoveries. Perceive this material As a reminder of great personalities who have once lived with us on one land and in one country.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article, we cannot mention all Soviet physicists, known not only in narrow scientific circles, but also among the general public. In subsequent materials, we will definitely tell about other famous scientists, including those who received the Nobel Prize in physics.

Changed our world and significantly influenced the lives of many generations.

Great scientists of physics and their discovery

(1856-1943) - inventor in the field of electrical engineering and radio engineers of Serbian origin. Nikola is called Father modern electricity. He made a lot of discoveries, and inventions received more than 300 patents for their creations in all countries where he worked. Nikola Tesla was not only a physicist theorient, but also a brilliant engineer who created and experiencing his inventions.
Tesla opened alternating current, Wireless power transmission, electricity, its work led to the opening of X-ray, created a car that caused oscillations of the earth's surface. Nicola predicted the offensive of the era of robots capable of performing any work.

(1643-1727) - one of the fathers of classical physics. Substituted the movement of the planet Solar system Around the Sun, as well as the onset of tides and sings. Newton created a foundation for modern physical optics. The riding of his works is the well-known law of global gravity.

John Dalton - English physico-chemical. Opened the law of uniform expansion of gases when heated, the law of multiple relations, the phenomenon of polymeria (on the example of ethylene and butylene). Cold of atomic theory of the structure of the substance.

Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) - English physicist and chemist, founder of the exercise on the electromagnetic field. I made so much scientific discoveries for my life that they would have enough dozen scientists to indisure their name.

(1867 - 1934) - physicist and chemist of Polish origin. Together with her husband opened elements of radium and polonium. Engaged in radioactivity problems.

Robert Boyl (1627 - 1691) - English physicist, chemist and theologians. Together with R. Townle, the dependence of the volume of the same mass of air from pressure at a constant temperature (Boyle - Mariotta law) was established.

Ernest Rangeford - English physicist, solved the nature of induced radioactivity, opened the emanation of thorium, radioactive decay And his law. Rutherford is often rightly called one of the titans of the physics of the twentieth century.

- German physicist, creator of the general theory of relativity. Suggested that all the bodies do not attract each other, as it was thought from the times of Newton, but twist the surrounding space and time. Einstein wrote more than 350 physics works. It is the creator of special (1905) and the general theory of relativity (1916), the principle of equivalence of mass and energy (1905). Developed a lot of scientific theories: a quantum photoeffect and quantum heat capacity. Together with the bar, developed the basics of quantum theory representing the basis modern physics.

Alexander Tabletov - Russian physicist, found that the magnitude of the saturation photocurrent is proportional to the light flow falling on the cathode. It approached the establishment of electrical discharge laws in gases.

(1858-1947) - German physicist, the creator of a quantum theory, which committed a genuine revolution in physics. Classical physics as opposed to modern physics now means "physics to the plank".

Paul Dirac - English physicist, opened statistical distribution Energy in the electron system. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics "For the opening of new productive forms of atomic theory."

Marri Gelle Mann (born in 1929)

Marri Gelle Mann was born on September 15, 1929 in New York and was the younger son of immigrants from Austria Arthur and Pauline (Raughterstein) Gell-Mann. At the age of fifteen, Marri entered the University of Yale. He graduated from 1948 with a bachelor's diploma. Subsequent years he spent in graduate school of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here in 1951, Gelle Mann received a doctoral degree in physics.

Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968)

Lev Davidovich Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the family of David Landau Landau in Baku. His father was a famous oil engineer ,! We worked on local oilfrisms, and the mother is a doctor. She was engaged in physiological studies. Landau's older sister became a chemist engineer.

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov (1903-1960)

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was born on January 12, 1903 in the family of a forest assistant in Bashkiria in 1909, the family moved to Simbirsk in 1912 Kurchatov moved to Simferopol here the boy enters the first class of gymnasium.

Paul Dirac (1902-1984)

English Physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on August 8, 1902 in Bristol, in the family of a native of Sweden Charles Adrien Ladislava Dirak, French teachers in private school, and Englishwomen Florence Hannah (Huture) Dirac.

Werner Geisenberg (1901-1976)

Werner Gazenberg was one of the youngest scientists who received the Nobel Prize. The dedication and strong spirit of rivalry inspired him to open one of the most famous principles of science - the principle of uncertainty.

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)

"The Great Italian Physicist Enrico Fermi," wrote Bruno Pontecorvo, "occupies a special place among modern scientists: in our time, when a narrow specialization in scientific research has become typical, it is difficult to specify the same universal physics that Fermi was. It can even be said that the appearance of a person on the scientist of the XX century is a huge contribution to the development of theoretical physics, and experimental physics, and astronomy, and technical physics, the phenomenon is rather unique than rare. "

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov (1896-1986)

Nikolai Nikolayevich Semenov was born on April 15, 1896 in Saratov, in the family of Nikolay Alexandrovich and Elena Dmitrievna Semenov. After graduating from a real school in Samara in 1913, he entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University, where, engaged in the famous Russian physics of Abraha Ioffe, manifested himself an active student.

Igor Evgenievich Tamm (1895-1971)

Igor Evgenievich was born on July 8, 1895 in Vladivostok in the family of Olga (nee Davydova) Tamm and Evgenia Tamma, a builder engineer. Evgeny Fedorovich worked on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Father Igor was not only a versatile engineer, but also an exceptionally courageous man. During the Jewish pogrom in Elizavetgrad, he went on the crowd of the Black Hundreds with a cane and dispersed it. Returning from distant edges with a three-year-old Igor, the family traveled by the sea through Japan in Odessa.

Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984)

Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa was born on July 9, 1894 in Kronstadt in the family of a military engineer, General Leonid Petrovich Kapitsa, builder of Kronstadt fortifications. It was an educated intelligent person, a gifted engineer, who played an important role in the development of Russian armed forces. Mother, Olga Jeronimovna, nee St Balnik, was an educated woman. She was engaged in literature, pedagogical and social activities, leaving a trace in the history of Russian culture.

Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)

Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger was born on August 12, 1887 in Vienna His father, Rudolf Schrödinger, was the owner of the oil glue factory, was fond of painting and dodged the interest in Botanic Schrödinger responded as a "friend, teacher and not inventive fatigue interlocutor" in 1898, Schrödinger entered the academic gymnasium, where was the first student in Greek, Latin, classical literature, mathematics and physics in the Schrödinger Love for the theater.

Niels Bor (1885-1962)

Einstein once said: "That surprisingly attracts in Bore as a scholar thought, this is a rare alloy of courage and caution; Few people possessed such a ability to intuitively grab the essence of hidden things, combining it with exacerbid criticism. He, no doubt, is one of the greatest scientific minds of our century. "

Max Born (1882-1970)

His name put in one row with such names as Planck and Einstein, Bor, Heisenberg. Born is rightfully considered one of the founders of quantum mechanics. It belongs to many fundamental work in the theory of the structure of the atom, quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

His name is often heard in the most common spacious. "Einstein does not smell here"; "Wow Einstein"; "Yes, that's definitely not Einstein!". In his century, when science was dominated, he stands a mansion, like a certain symbol of intellectual power sometimes even as if the thought arises, "humanity is divided into two parts - Albert Einstein and the rest of the world.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871 near the city of Nelson (New Zealand) in the family of a migrants from Scotland. Ernest was the fourth of twelve children. Mother worked as a rural teacher. Father of the future scientist organized a woodworking enterprise. Under the leadership of the Father, the boy received a good training for work in the workshop, which later helped him when designing and building scientific equipment.

Maria Curie Sklodovsk (1867-1934)

Maria Sklodovsk was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, she was the youngest of five children in the family of Vladislav and Bronislavs Sklodovsky. Maria was brought up in a family where science classes were respected. Her father taught physics in the gymnasium, and his mother was not sick with Tuberculosis, was the director of the gymnasium. Mary's mother died when the girl was eleven years old.

Peter Nikolaevich Lebedev (1866-1912)
Peter Nikolaevich Lebedev was born on March 8, 1866 in Moscow, in a merchant family, his father worked by a trustee and treated his work with a real enthusiasm in his eyes, a trading business was surrounded by a halo of significance and romance, he attacked his only son, and at first he was successful In the first letter, an eight-year-old boy writes the Father "Cute Dad, isn't you and are well trading?"

Max Planck (1858-1947)

German physicist Max Carl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born on April 23, 1858 in the Prussian city of Kiel, in the family of a professor of civil law Julius Vilhegelm von Planck, professors of civil law, and Emma (in Maiden's Pattsig) plank. As a child, the boy learned to play the piano and organ, discovering outstanding musical abilities. In 1867, the family moved to Munich, and there the placker entered the royal Maximilian classical gymnasium, where an excellent mathematics teacher first awakened interest in natural and accurate sciences.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894)

In the history of science, there are not many discoveries that you have to touch every day. But without the Herrich Hertz, modern life is no longer possible, since radio and television are the necessary part of our life, and he made the discovery in this area.

Joseph Thomson (1856-1940)

English physicist Joseph Thomson entered the history of science as a man who opened an electron. Once he said: "The discoveries are obliged to the sharpness and strength of observation, intuition, unshakable enthusiasm until the final resolution of all contradictions associated with pioneering work."

Gendrick Lorenz (1853-1928)

The history of Physics Lorenz entered as the creator of an electronic theory, in which the ideas of the field theory and atomotics were synthesized. Herrick Anton Lorenz was born on July 15, 1853 in the Dutch city of Arnham. Six years he went to school. In 1866, graduating from school with the best student, Gendrik entered the third class of the highest civilian school, approximately relevant gymnasium. His favorite subjects were physics and mathematics, foreign languages. To explore the French and German languages, Lorenz went to the church and listened to the sermons in these languages, although he did not believe in God since childhood.

Wilhelm X-ray (1845-1923)

In January 1896, Typhoon of newspaper reports were rolled over Europe and America about the sensational opening of Professor of the Würzburg University of Wilhelm Conrad X-ray. It seemed that there was no newspaper, which would not printed a picture of a hand, belonging to how it turned out later, Berth X-ray, Professor's wife. And Professor X-ray, locked in his laboratory, continued to strive to study the properties of the rays open them. The opening of X-ray rays gave impetus to new research. Their study led to new discoveries, one of which was the discovery of radioactivity.

Ludwig Boltzman (1844-1906)

Ludwig Boltzman, no doubt, was the greatest scientist and thinker who gave the world of Austria. In the life of Bolzman, despite the position of the zoom in scientific circles, he was recognized as a great scientist, he was invited to lecture in many countries. And, nevertheless, some of his ideas remain a mystery even in our time. Bolzman himself wrote about himself: "The idea that fills my mind and activity is the development of theory." And Max Laue later this thought clarifies this way: "His ideal was to combine all physical theories in a single picture of the world."

Alexander Grigorievich Councils (1839-1896)

Alexander Grigorievich Stoles was born on August 10, 1839 in the family of a poor Vladimir merchant. His father, Grigory Mikhailovich, owned a small grocery bench and workshop for the selection of leather. The house was a good library, and Sasha, learning to read at a four-year-old, began to use it early. At the age of five, he already read completely freely.

Willard Gibbs (1839-1903)

The Gibbs Mystery is not that he was incorrectly understood or an unpleasant genius. Gibbs Mystery consists in another: how it happened that Pragmatic America during the reign of practicality made a great theoretician? Before him, there was not a single theorist in America. However, as almost no theorists and after. The vast majority of American scientists are experimenters.

James Maxwell (1831-1879)

James Maxwell was born in Edinburgh on June 13, 1831. Soon after the birth of the boy, parents took him into their estate Glenlar. From this time, "Berloga in a narrow gorge" firmly entered Maxwell. His parents lived and died here, he lived and buried for a long time.

Herman Helmgolts (1821-1894)

Herman Helmgolts is one of the greatest scientists of the XIX century. Physics, physiology, anatomy, psychology, mathematics ... In each of these sciences, he made brilliant discoveries that world glory brought him.

Emily Khristianovich Lenz (1804-1865)

Lenz's name is associated with fundamental discoveries in the field of electrodynamics. Along with this, the scientist is rightfully considered one of the founders of Russian geography. Emily Khristianovich Lenz was born on February 24, 1804 in Derpte (now Tartu). In 1820, he graduated from the gymnasium and entered the Derpt University. The independent scientific activity of Lenz began as physics in a round-the-world expedition at the "Enterprise" gate (1823-826), which included on the recommendation of the university professors. In a very short time, he together with the rector of E.I. Parroid has created unique devices for deep-water oceanographic observations - a flush-deepwood and a bacheterial. In swimming, Lenz conducted oceanographic, meteorological and geophysical observations in the Atlantic, quiet and Indian Oceans. In 1827, he completed the processing of the data received and analyzed them.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

and the discoveries would be enough to be a good dozen scientists to indispens your name. Makel Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in London, in one of his poorest quarters. His father was a blacksmith, and the mother - the daughter of the Tenant Agriculture. The apartment in which he was born and spent the first years of his life a great scientist, was in the backyard and fastened over the stables.

Georg Ohm (1787-1854)

The Professor of Physics of the University of Munich University of E. Lommel said about the importance of Omar's research at the opening of the monument to the scientist in 1895: "Ohm's discovery was a bright torch who freshen the region of electricity, which was shrouded in darkness. OM pointed out) the only right way through the impassable forest of incomprehensible facts. Wonderful progress in the development of electrical engineering, which we surprised were surprised in recent decades could be achieved! Only on the basis of the opening of Ohm. Only one is able to dominate the forces of nature and manage them, who will be able to solve the laws of nature, I pulled out from nature so long hidden by her secret and handed it into the hands of contemporaries. "

Hans Ersted (1777-1851)

"A scientist Danish physicist, professor, - wrote Ampere, - his great discovery laid the physicists a new path of research. These studies have not been fruitless; They attracted to the discovery of many facts worthy of all who are interested in progress. "

Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)

The history of Physics Avogadro entered as the author of one of the most important laws of molecular physics. Loreno Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Qu'nai E Di Cherreto was born on August 9, 1776 in Turin - the capital of the Italian province of Piedmont in the family of the employee Filippe Avogadro. Amedeo was the third of eight children. His ancestors from the XII century consisted in the service of the Catholic Church by lawyers and according to the tradition of the time of their profession and posts were inherited. When it came to choose a profession, Amedeo also took up jurisprudence. In this science, he quickly succeeded and already at the age of twenty received a scientific degree of doctor of church law.

Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836)

The French Scientist Ampere in the history of science is known, mainly as the founder of electrodynamics. Meanwhile, it was a universal scientist who have merits and in the field of mathematics, chemistry, biology, and even in linguistics and philosophy. It was a brilliant mind, struck by his encyclopedic knowledge of everyone closely knew him.

Charles Pendant (1736-1806)
To measure the forces acting between electrical charges. The pendant was used invented by them twisted scales. Phranzesian physicist and engineer Charles pendant achieved brilliant scientific results. The patterns of external friction, the law of thersion of elastic threads, the main law of electrostatics, the law of interaction between magnetic poles - all this entered the Golden Foundation of Science. The "Coulomb Field", "Coulomb potential", finally, the name of the unit of electric charge "Pendant" firmly entrenched in physical terminology.

Isaac Newton (1642-1726)

Isaac Newton was born on the day of the Christmas holiday of 1642 in the village of Wulstorp in Lincolnshire, his father died even before the birth of the son of Newton's mother, nee Ayskoffee, shortly after the death of her husband gave birth prematurely, and the newborn Isaac was strikingly Mal and Hill thought that the baby would not survive Newton, However, she lived to deep old age and always, with the exception of short-term disorders and one serious illness, was distinguished by good health.

Christians Guygens (1629-1695)

The principle of operation of an anchor trigger. The flow wheel (1) is unchecked by the spring (not shown in the figure). Anchor (2) associated with the pendulum (3) includes the left pallet (4) between the teeth of the wheel. The pendulum deviates in the other direction, the anchor frees the wheel. It has time to turn only on one tooth, and the right side includes the right flight (5). Then everything is repeated in the reverse order.

Blaze Pascal (1623-1662)

Blaze Pascal, the son of Etienne Pascal and Antoinette, nee Beyon, was born in Clermont on June 19, 1623. The whole family of Pascals was distinguished by outstanding abilities. As for the blouse itself, he from early childhood found signs of extraordinary mental development. In 1631, when there was a little Pascal, his father moved away from all children to Paris, selling his position to his position and putting a significant part of his small capital to the hotel De Bill.

Archimedes (287 - 212 BC. E.)

Archimedes was born in 287 BC in the Greek city of Syracuse, where he lived almost all his life. His father was FIDI, a court astronomer of the ruler of the city of Gieron. Archimeda studied, like many other ancient Greek scientists, in Alexandria, where the rulers of Egypt Ptolemyi gathered the best Greek scientists and thinkers, and founded the famous, the largest library in the world.

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