French from scratch on your own. Learn French online for beginners at our school

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In France everyone speaks beautiful language world - French. Learning and pronouncing it is a pleasure. At the same time, there will be no difficulty in pronunciation, except for the notorious rolling “r” for a Russian-speaking person. All the difficulties lie in reading the written words, where 8 letters can be pronounced as 2. Where to start learning French if only "Salute" and "Cherchet la femme" come to mind?

The whole process of learning any language is divided into essential blocks or stages, including mandatory exercises and additional classes to broaden one's horizons and incite interest in the country, culture and history. The first step is always the setting of pronunciation, it includes:

  • The study of the alphabet, letters and sounds transmitted by them;
  • Learning simple one-syllable words, as examples for the alphabet or for building vocabulary;
  • Training in the perception of sounds by ear, getting used to French speech through audio books, music, videos.

The second stage includes reading and perception of French words "from a sheet". It’s more complicated here, the process includes the rules of phonetics and spelling. Usually at this stage, listening to speech is added:

  • Performing grammar exercises on phonetics

    The study of letter combinations, the rules for reading individual diphthongs or triphthongs. there are a great many of them in French;
    Practice pronunciation of words and phrases written in the book;
    Collecting the first words in a personal dictionary.

To reading, you also need to add writing words, so the third stage is usually writing, which in turn consists of the following additional tasks:

  • Practice writing printed and capital letters of the French alphabet;
  • Performing exercises in notebooks aimed at developing motor skills and getting used to writing French letters;
  • Maintaining your own dictionary, where you need to write down the studied words with transcription and translation;
  • French spelling, mastering the features of writing sentences and punctuation marks.

After you can write and receive basic knowledge about reading individual letters and letter combinations, you can proceed to the most important stage - colloquial speech, construction of phrases. Conversation is the most difficult moment in any foreign language.

It is necessary to express a thought, gathering together all the knowledge gained about pronunciation, grammar, sentence construction. That is why the first 3 stages go first, in order to think based on visual, mechanical and sound associations, the so-called "anchors". At the final stage, already added:

  • Adapted literature;
  • Audio materials, video materials with subtitles;
  • Personal conversation with other students or with representatives of the French-speaking nation - native speakers.

Exercises and methodological literature should be continued to be studied and mastered so that the training is comprehensive and versatile. If you choose one thing, the lessons will become boring and it will be quite difficult to spur interest. Without a significant goal, learning French on your own will be quite difficult.

Who can help you learn French

Self-study French is a complex and time-consuming task, it requires considerable patience and iron motivation, otherwise nothing will work out. You need to spend 40-60 minutes a day on classes, although be 3 times a week, regularly, without long and frequent passes. Then the result will be noticeable quickly enough. You will not speak French in a month or two, as the advertisements of some courses promise, it takes about six months for a student to start building the first meaningful expressions from scratch.

On the way to the formation of pronunciation, grammar analysis and search teaching materials it is better to consult a specialist. It will be very difficult and time-consuming to independently look through all the courses offered on the network and choose the one you need, and the teacher can correctly suggest and correct your searches. What options can you choose:

  • Ready courses full cycle, presented on the network in free or paid access;
  • Online courses of study under the guidance of an educator;
  • Classes in a language school - course of study;
  • Personal training with a teacher;
  • The toughest way is a trip to France for a couple of months with or without basic knowledge, and learning the language “in the fields”.

Any of these options can bring good results if there is a desire to learn and motivation. Without them, no teacher will make you speak.

Resources for Learning French

If you decide to start learning on your own, without the help of a teacher or with minimal participation, then you can use the World Wide Web as a source of information and knowledge. To learn French, there are dozens of websites, apps and teaching aids. The 7 most popular ones are:

  1. is a great resource for all levels, from basic to advanced. Methodical literature, tasks and audio assistants will guide you and suggest how best to build training.
  2. - offers students to learn French with the help of online lessons and specially designed materials. A popular and useful site for beginners.
  3. interesting resource for beginners and those who want to pull up old knowledge. Lot interesting materials- audio, video and exercises.
  4. is a website with a wide variety of audio content to listen to in free time. There is information on different topics and sections of training materials.
  5. offers to learn a language online with teachers. Convenient and simple site and additional sections teaching materials for self-study.
  6. allows you to learn the language in a playful way, the site has complex and simple games, tasks and rules presented in the form interesting game. Suitable for all levels, even children will be interested.
  7. - a resource for vocabulary replenishment, offers to regularly learn new words, you can subscribe, and you will receive materials by mail.

If you are a visual type of perception of information, and learning is easier while watching video materials, then the following resources are for you:

  1. Video lessons from the Kultura TV channel using the Polyglot system are located on the network at the address TK Kultura. Here you can get basic knowledge of the pronunciation and grammar of the French language in 16 lessons using a specially developed methodology.
  2. The site is needed for beginners who decide to master pronunciation on their own. Here you can find a lot of videos about the rules for sounding basic words and phrases.
  3. A treasure trove of videos in all languages ​​of the world - the BBC website, where you can find scientific programs, interviews, funny and educational materials in French.
  4. The interview can be viewed in French with subtitles at The material will be enough to master the features of pronunciation and improve reading speed.
  5. Interesting material is presented by the website in the form of a training series, where all the information is presented simply and clearly, each video has subtitles.

For maximum immersion in the culture and everyday life of the French, you can join the print and online publications of France, watch national television and listen to local radio stations.

  • Television France-,,;
    All radio stations of the country
    French daily newspapers and their online versions- Le Figaro and Le Nouvel observateur.

These resources will be enough to diversify boring lessons and exercises, to learn a lot of different information about life and the situation in the country, to study the peculiarities of culture, important milestones in history and the mentality of the French.

  1. Learn to enjoy the lessons. Boring memorization of the rules and monotonous repetition of the same words will not bring results, because something else must be put into the work. Dilute the materials with funny videos, reading books, watching movies, combine pleasant pastime and lessons. Find an interesting interlocutor and work out the acquired knowledge in a personal, relaxed conversation.

  2. Set aside 30-60 minutes a day for French. Regular, even short, sessions give huge results if carried out productively and to the point where they get bored. The ideal time is 40 minutes, of which 10-15 are for repeating old material, the rest of the time for new knowledge. Choose the time of the greatest activity of your brain. For someone in the morning it is easier to learn and remember, someone is an owl and new material fits in my head only at night.
  3. Don't try to learn everything in one sitting. It is still possible to sit over the lessons on the first day of training for 4-5 hours, but such a volume will quickly get bored and become a burden. Accordingly, productivity will quickly drop to zero. Break the lesson into blocks of an hour and practice every day.
  4. Get a dictionary. A notebook with notes performs several functions at once: mechanical memorization of the material covered, words are always at hand and available for repetition, all the studied information is in one place. You can duplicate new words on separate sheet and stick it in a conspicuous place. You can periodically look at what you have written out of boredom and refresh your memory.
  5. Review what you have learned. Set aside 20-30% of the lesson time for yesterday's topic, and it is better to look through everything recorded at first. If you spend 15 minutes a day on this, then the material will not have to be taught again in a couple of months.
  6. Read more literature. Reading books broadens horizons, distracts from problems, calms and helps in learning. French authors have worked as productively as in any other country, so there is material for everyone. On the initial stage you will need to look for adapted literature and read with a dictionary books of your level or higher. With the growth of vocabulary, the range of works will increase and expand.
  7. Try to speak as often as possible. Without practice, one cannot learn a language, not in six months, not in a lifetime. The meaning of training is precisely in the opportunity to maintain a dialogue and communicate with representatives of another country. You can get the opportunity to communicate on special forums, in language schools, in social networks, on trips. At first, communication will be primitive, but with the help of an interlocutor, you can learn stable turns of speech, words often used in dialogue, analogues standard phrases and much more.
  8. Find like-minded people. A person needs to always nurture his interests and find strength for further development. The best way to do this is to show off the knowledge gained and the evolution of knowledge. In language schools, on forums and among friends, you can find the opportunity to share the results. Nothing motivates as much as the desire to do better than someone else.

  9. Learn the language comprehensively. Exercise, writing, reading, audio materials, video materials - everything should be included. For independent study of French, you need to paint a program where all types of classes will be harmoniously combined. Then the training will be productive and interesting.
  10. Try not to learn individual words, but phrases in the context of everyday conversation. Concepts vary greatly in meaning depending on the neighborhood. Words taken out of context have little to do with real speech. Try to study exactly the phrases in order to memorize the features of the construction of sentences, the use of individual words, phraseological units and idioms.
  11. Develop a reward system for yourself. In the classroom with the teacher, this function is performed by assessments, praise, and prizes. Any incentive activities can be suitable for self-study. Learned the block - treat yourself to ice cream, a trip to the park or a new trinket. Pick some nice little things for yourself and celebrate small victories. While waiting for a prize, a boring lesson will go much faster and more productively.

  12. Don't quit at the first difficulty. The most difficult months will be 3-6 months, when the first fuse has passed, and little material has been studied yet. Then laziness begins, the search for excuses and the first absences from classes. Find the strength to overcome them, in six months it will be much easier, the brain will get used to portioned loads and will begin to perceive new information more calmly.

How to learn French on your own?

Summing up, it is necessary to say about motivation. The main thing is to want to learn French, materials and courses are freely available online and in bookstores. Find an hour a day for classes and have fun, combining learning with watching movies. reading books, meeting interesting people. Then the process will be as productive as possible, without even resorting to the help of teachers and other linguists.

It is said that the more languages ​​a person knows, the more human he is. There is a certain amount of truth in this, and it is quite difficult to argue with this. We see and understand the whole world through the word, it is the language that forms our consciousness, connecting images with sound. From time immemorial, polyglots were considered the most valuable employees, acquaintances and figures. This attitude towards them has continued to this day.

A bit of history

Recall, for example, the global desire of the Russian people to master the French language. His knowledge was considered a sign of belonging to a noble, aristocratic family and raised higher in the eyes of the whole society. In almost every more or more governesses and tutors lived, teaching children this language from childhood.

The desire to join Europe in this way was extremely great, and the consequences of this are felt even now.

Romantic France

It is quite natural that, listening to the songs of Edith Piaf, smelling French croissants, buying perfumes, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this magnificent country, recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world.

In addition, a huge percentage is associated with France. cultural heritage all over the world. The country of revolutions and pantomime has always been a trendsetter not only in fashion, but also in literature, art in general and, of course, etiquette. It is difficult to find a nation with more refined manners than the French.

stumbling blocks

First of all, before a person who decides to master the French language (like any other), the question arises of material investments. Good certified courses are quite expensive today, not to mention private lessons that few can afford.

Naturally, for many, this fact becomes the biggest problem and a weighty reason to give up and put off learning the language on the back burner, until better times.

Another is our fear in any of its manifestations. We may be afraid to seem stupid or never master the grammatical wisdom, not realizing that absolutely nothing is given in this life right away.


Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation. In order for the problem to be solved, it is enough to ask yourself a simple question: "How to learn French on your own?" A single collision with him easily motivates to action, and the first rung of the ladder, at the top of which is knowledge in perfection, will be overcome.

Several variants

To learn how to learn French on your own, you can refer to the relevant literature. Fortunately, in our age of civilization, such benefits exist simply great amount, and the answer to them can be found on absolutely any question.

It is great to explain how to learn French on your own, a teacher or consultant, who is sure to be found in any linguistic school, can. Finally, the same question can be asked to a friend who has already passed this way. It is not necessary that he comprehend this system of signs without anyone's help. A person who has achieved results in the study will always be able to give a few good advice about what to pay attention to.

A few suggestions

So how do you learn French on your own? First of all, make it your goal to which you will go every day. You need to be prepared for the fact that the process will be long, but the result is especially pleasant.

Secondly, learning French from scratch without someone's help is quite difficult, so it would be a good idea to seek advice from someone who has already mastered it. I mean, of course, not tutoring. V this case it is a simple explanation of the basic principles of grammar, syntax and spelling. There you can also ask about literature that may be useful in your business.

A few myths

In the open spaces social networks For a long time and often there is a statement that learning French from scratch is easiest through TV shows and programs. Of course, there is some truth in it, but a person who is not even familiar with the alphabet, not to mention the vocabulary, simply will not be able to extract absolutely nothing from such an activity.

Another myth is the tempting offer to learn French on your own in a week or even a month. It's impossible because... impossible at all. In fact, a lifetime is often not enough to know a language, and mastering a new one requires long, thorough preparation and constant practice.

Multiple Strategies

If we are learning French on our own, we must follow a certain plan. First of all, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need dictionaries and all kinds of teaching aids. You can’t do without them, since they will give a minimal basis for understanding the very structure of the language.

Learning French from scratch on your own should start with getting to know the organization of this language. There are a huge number of books, lectures, videos and audio recordings on this topic. In general, whoever seeks will always find.

The next point will be mastering the order of words in a sentence, pronouns and temporary forms - this will be the very base on which we will build the whole process.

Further, when the basics, basics, a priori knowledge are mastered, you can work on expanding your vocabulary. The easiest way to do this is block, thematically, as taught at school. It is very easy to do this - even the lack of a special textbook is not a hindrance. You can search for new words on a particular topic in a dictionary and learn them 20-30 times a day.

So our vocabulary will grow rapidly, allowing us to form sentences and even texts over time. And then it's up to the small - books in the original, TV shows, films, audio recordings - all this will become available and raise to a new level.

Finally, one of the most powerful formulas for happiness in this regard is the so-called translation of curiosity. The method lies in the fact that, meeting this or that object, you need to immediately turn to the dictionary and find out the French analogue of the word. The more it is repeated, the more firmly it will settle in the memory.

In a word, there is nothing difficult in self-learning a language - just make it your goal, approach the process with curiosity and believe that everything will work out.

Many people have a blue dream, called - I want to learn French. Many dream, but are afraid, as they are overcome by many questions and doubts.

In this article, we will address questions such as:
- Is it easy to learn French online,
- the best way to learn French from scratch,
- how to quickly learn spoken French online for beginners and many others.

Why you need to learn French

  • Someone wants to own it in order to talk while traveling in France, to be able to understand the French.
  • Someone loves its very sound - so melodic and beautiful, and wants to understand the meaning of songs and poems, quoting them for friends.
  • Someone considers it romantic and would like to be able to whisper words of love in French to their loved one in the ear.
  • Someone wants to start new life in a French-speaking country and for this you need to pass an interview at the embassy.
  • Someone has French business partners, and for business communication You just need to be able to communicate fluently in French.

The reasons for learning French for beginners can be many, they are all varied and beautiful.

But immediately a lot of questions arise - how to learn French yourself from scratch, where to start and what to do, how to approach this, what are the most common mistakes during training, etc.

Below in the article we will try to answer most of these questions.

Is it difficult to learn French - available options

When asked whether it is difficult to learn French on your own, there can be no definite answer. After all, all people are different and each person has his own potential, his own motivation, each has a different willpower.

It is easy for someone to sit down for daily activities, someone needs a check and a constant reminder, it is difficult for someone to pull themselves together and force themselves to learn French, doing several exercises every day and memorizing dozens of new words and phrases.

For those who still decide to learn French, we offer some of the most common learning options.

OPTION 1: Tutorials, phrasebooks, textbooks and other book aids

If you have great willpower and motivation, then you can learn French from scratch on your own, at home. To do this, it is enough to buy various modern textbooks, methodological kits, phrasebooks, dictionaries and so on in the store.

We have selected for you the most effective and good textbooks that will help YOU in this good undertaking.

TOP 3 textbooks for learning Franaçais:

1. I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakov and G.M. Kovalchuk French language. Manuel de Francais.

2. Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M. “Initial course of the French language”.

3. Textbook by Gaston Mauger "French Course".

MINUSES: However, most often it happens that a person sits down at the table, opens these very books, runs through the first pages with his eyes study guide and ... closes it, because he understands that it is unrealistic to figure it all out on his own without the help of a knowledgeable specialist.

After a while, he again approaches the books, opens them again, reads thoughtfully and tries to memorize new sounds and words, writes down some rules and does the first exercises .... But then different thoughts begin to arise -

And again the textbook is closed and already put aside. After a couple of days, when the question arises again, how to learn French at home, the person decides to seek the help of professionals.

OPTION 2: Language schools and groups

When there is a need for an experienced teacher, teacher, tutor, many begin to look for where, at what courses they teach French for beginners in the city, or look at ads where an experienced teacher offers his services.

Of course, learning French is easier and more understandable under the guidance of a specialist teacher who will set the pronunciation, teach the rules of reading and writing, explain the grammar and check the correct understanding of the new material. But the study of Franaçais in groups also has its pitfalls.


1. Average quality of education.

You must understand that in each group in language schools there are approximately 10-12 students.

One person needs to explain new material once, and he has already understood and understood everything, while another is incomprehensible even from the third time. Or it is enough for one person to read the rule to remember it, and another needs to schematically explain the same rule, or hear its interpretation from the teacher.
In the classroom, the teacher always focuses on the average student, and the scope of the academic hour does not allow you to linger more on one or another moment. As a result, the quality of education often suffers.

2. Travel time.

Any language group requires time to get to a certain time in a certain place. After work, during rush hour, drive through traffic jams to another part of the city, in order to learn French with others for an hour or two, and then again through traffic jams to get home.
In total, together with the round-trip trip, one such activity takes three to four times more time than planned. Is it worth learning French in such language groups if it is so expensive?

OPTION 3:Personal teacher-specialist

the wisest and correct option, to learn French is to find an individual teacher. Then you don’t have to worry about the fact that some moments of training will remain misunderstood, or under-learned.

Personal study is always more effective than group study.

MINUSES: The travel time to the teacher and back, taking into account traffic jams and the cost of travel, will not go anywhere, which again increases both the cost of one lesson and the time spent on it.

OPTION 4: Try in learn french from scratch online.

You and I live in an amazing time, when everything around us is developing at a rapid pace, we need to be in time everywhere, and saving time is very acute for each of us.
The same is true in training: we want to get the result quickly, efficiently, inexpensively and in the shortest possible time. Now there is no problem in learning French online, at home, via the Internet.

Is it difficult to learn French online, what methods of online learning exist, how to learn French online more effectively, we will describe below.

Learn French online - effective ways

Today, there are quite a few resources on the net offering to learn French online for beginners from scratch for free or for little money. Consider the most popular of them.

1. BBC French

An excellent portal for learning many foreign languages. There are plenty of grammar exercises, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a complete video course for self-learning Franaçais from scratch, dictionaries, reference books, and even access to French TV and radio. Each lesson is provided with detailed comments and audio files so that you can memorize the pronunciation correctly.

Attention! Website on English language, so it is suitable for those who are good at it.


The site is a French language tutorial, which contains not only all kinds of textbooks, dictionaries, tutorials, phrasebooks, but also online lessons on various topics that help you learn French online. Each online lesson is equipped with theory, audio materials, exercises and many other useful things. You can choose which moment you need to parse, work out and fix. For each problem, the resource will find several utilities.


Great podcast site on Franaçais. You can learn French online by listening to one audio lesson every day, which is additionally provided with an interlinear. There are various levels - from zero to advanced. You can choose different areas of study - conversational, grammar, reading, phonetics, and so on. They also have a full website and mobile version, which is very convenient on the go.

A free site for those who decide to learn French online. Here you will find a large number of texts, exercises for them, games, songs, dictionaries and other things that will help you quickly gain basic knowledge.


A very popular YouTube channel for French learners online. This resource is built as a radio conversation between a native French speaker and his English-speaking friend. They discuss various themes, followed by exercises, games and quizzes to learn new phrases.
There is also a website of the same name, where you can find a bunch of additional information, exercises, games, online lessons and much more, however, you will have to pay a subscription.

Is it easy to learn French from scratch online using free online resources?

The answer is that nothing is impossible.

But independent study is always associated with certain difficulties, because there is no one to evaluate your learning. Therefore, there is always a risk that you will do something wrong.

It is best to learn French online from scratch under the guidance of a specialist. And when you have a basic base, an entry level, then you can already switch to independent online learning.

Learn French online for beginners at our school.

In ours, we learn French from scratch with personal tutors.

That is, you can learn French right at home, via the Internet, personally with your personal teacher, online tutor.

We have noticed that being at home, the student is more relaxed and better tuned for deep immersion in the process. Then the learning itself takes place naturally, in the mode of friendly conversation, the material is better absorbed, words and phrases are better remembered.

Agree, this method is the most comfortable and takes into account all the features of both the student himself and his lifestyle.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. In doing so, you can -

  • change start times,
  • duration of study,
  • frequency of these activities
  • you can even adjust the program if you have specific deadlines or goals.

And all this without leaving your home, at a convenient time for you.

At our school, we are very sensitive to the quality of teaching. Our online tutors are constantly training and improving their level, and they are constantly mastering the latest teaching methods.

Another nice moment - the opportunity to take a free trial demo lesson.

In this demo lesson, you -

  • get to know your teacher
  • ask him all your questions,
  • and go through a demo lesson to understand what kind of methodology this specialist has, how he explains the material, what exercises he gives, how he answers your questions.

And after that, you can decide whether it is convenient for you to learn French online, whether this learning method suits you or not. If everything suits you, then you can further pay for the classes of this online tutor and start classes.

You can right now by leaving a request.

In our school we study French from scratch, for beginners. There are courses for continuing, separate courses for tourists, for children and for schoolchildren.

Learn French for children and schoolchildren online

V modern schools increasingly begin to learn French as the main foreign language. And so many parents face a number of questions -

Yes, learning French is difficult, especially for children. It is more difficult than English in grammar, in pronunciation. But all these difficulties pale before its beauty. And after Franaçais, it will not be difficult for your child to learn any other language of the Romano-Germanic group.

Often in schools, the quality of teaching a foreign language leaves much to be desired. When there are 25-30 students per teacher in a class, he physically cannot control how one or another student has mastered the material.

The teacher is simply unable to clearly explain the new rule to each student. Therefore, most often, you have to look for a private teacher-tutor who, in an accessible and playful way, will help the child learn both the compulsory school curriculum and delve into the intricacies of the subject being studied.

The modern parent, keeping up with the times, will offer his child to learn French remotely with an online tutor who teaches French for children online.

And this will be a great option to save time, because not many parents have the opportunity to take their child to a specialist, and those teachers who come themselves ask for an additional fee.

Considering all the pros and cons options helping children learn Franaçais, you will find that learning French online at home for children is the most appropriate way.

For parents this training option also has advantages, because in this case they will be able to control the learning process -

  • see and hear how their child behaves in the classroom,
  • what does he do during class
  • What is the teacher's methodology?
  • what is the relationship between the child and the teacher,
  • what difficulties and difficulties arise.

Thus, the parent can help his child in time and facilitate the learning process for him.

Learning French for tourists online

Usually, for those who travel or are about to travel to France, the question arises of knowing the Franaçais.

After all, everyone knows the fact that the French do not like English. Indeed, they often pretend that they do not understand English and prefer to answer only in French. Many tourists try to prepare for the trip and master at least the most common phrases in French.

There are specially designed programs focused on French for tourists, where the main points of phonetics, pronunciation, grammar are explained, as well as the basic colloquial phrases necessary for any traveler in France.

Note that the French language for travelers is a truncated and most basic course, which in many ways intersects with the main program for those who decide to learn French from scratch.

Vocabulary will be the most basic, it will only be enough to:

  • check into a hotel
  • fill out a form with personal data,
  • ask for directions and not get lost in the city,
  • be able to order food in a restaurant
  • and call for help if needed.

Tourists sometimes have enough of this knowledge to feel calm and relaxed while traveling in France.

You can right now and find out if it is difficult to learn French online.


Of course, any language is easiest and most effective to learn in special courses or with an individual teacher. But often adults do not have the opportunity to attend classes, so you have to study. Fortunately, with high motivation and perseverance, it is quite possible to learn a foreign language perfectly on your own.

For a person who owns a computer, the most the best option learning French will be one of the multimedia programs that are currently released quite a lot. A computer disk will allow you to take a language course almost identical to full-time in the classroom. You can buy a multimedia course via the Internet or in a bookstore that sells educational literature and computer programs.

Using a computer application, you will also receive explanations of the grammar and syntax of the language as if under the guidance of a real teacher, you will listen correct pronunciation and complete tasks. The program itself will check them, point out errors and help fix them. However, in addition to computer software, you will in any case need a French textbook, a grammar guide and a French dictionary.

If it is not possible to use a professionally designed multimedia course, you can learn French on your own in another way. Although in this case, the work will be more difficult and progress will become slower. First of all try to acquire a good French language. When choosing it, pay attention to what style the book is written in, how difficult it is for you to understand the material presented. Try to choose the most accessible literature.

Additionally, be sure to purchase a large French-Russian and Russian-French dictionaries, a grammar guide and, preferably, a French phrasebook for tourists. With the help of a phrase book, you will learn the most common phrases and set expressions. You will also need notebooks to take notes. It is better to have separate notebooks for doing exercises and for writing down new words. Working on the tutorial, try to consistently go through each lesson, completing all the exercises and tasks. If something is not clear to you, do not try to skip the topic and move on, be sure to understand the difficult material.

For better vocabulary acquisition, make it a rule to learn 10 new words every day. Words should be studied in this way: make small cards of thick paper about a quarter of an A4 sheet in size. On one side, write 10 new French words, on the back, the same 10 words with language. Learn the words by looking at the French originals, and look into the translation only if you don't remember their meaning at all. Cards are convenient because they can be carried with you everywhere and with every free minute. For example, while traveling in transport or while waiting at a bus stop.

Not less than effective method– Record French words and phrases with translation into an MP3 player and listen to them on the go throughout the day. Thus, you will imperceptibly gain the necessary lexical volume. Almost from the very beginning of your studies, try to watch as many films in French as possible and read simple books or newspaper articles. This experience will give you the necessary skill in understanding the language and its application in Everyday life.

Useful advice

Any language without practice is dead, so from the very first months of learning French, try to find the opportunity to communicate in writing or verbally with native speakers on the Internet or in real life.

French language is the second most common after English, in many EU countries it is official. Learning French language and help you communicate better on your trips around Europe, you will be able to make contact with new business partners and make new friends. There are many French tutorials language y, however, there are several basic recommendations for its study.


First of all, pay attention to. French language- one of those language ov, in which pronunciation is of key importance. Read aloud every day, even those texts that you cannot translate. Accustom your speech apparatus to French speech, remember that the more often you pronounce


September 2008- a naive young lady with a level of French: under A2. Random scraps of knowledge in my head after foreign language courses. Phonetics, grammar, vocabulary - the initial level, conversational skills and listening comprehension tend to zero.

November 2010- level of French: B2 according to the young lady, or C1 according to DALF.

Hello, my name is Galya, I am the same young lady and I learned French on my own (almost). Two important caveats:

  • I was taught to read (and in French this is important!)
  • I was not raped by Popova-Kazakova (this is about the second part of the title of the article).

After documenting my knowledge, I taught and continued to learn French, and now I have become so bold that I give out advice on self-study. So, best advice, which so far I can give - go to the country of the language being studied! I did this in my time with French and never regretted it. Now I am learning Spanish, and I would love to wave to latin america for a year, if not for a million “if only”. If your “ifs” don’t let you do it yet, another piece of advice: create a language environment at home.

What is a language environment? If we take away the romantic and enthusiastic cries about “aaa there are French around”, “aaa I saw Paris and did not die” what did I do differently? It took me 5 years of teaching to understand: NOTHING.

I just devoted more time to the language than at home.

No magic pills and secret secrets. There are no miraculous introductions of language into the brain in the language environment. I did the same things as in the courses, the same things as at home, I just spent a lot more time on it.

I read a lot

First, children's books were used (I worked as a nanny, and my wards were 4.5 and 10 years old). First of all, I dealt with preschool publications, then with comics, then switched to teenage literature. Then I began to look at the library of my parents, but this happened after the first 3-4 months of being in the environment. But even without the environment, you can download yourself interesting adapted books.

In addition to books, I read everything I saw: for example, after museums I took booklets with me to different languages with a description of the paintings and the plan, and then translated the French version, looking into the English / Russian translation. But what is stopping me now from opening the Louvre website and doing the same?

I listened a lot

I listened to radio and TV, understanding only 10% for the first couple of months. I watched news, series and cartoons. I never believed in “passive listening” before, but it really improved my listening skills and helped me to speak faster.

If only I knew about this magical “immersion”, I could do this from the very beginning and accompany my studies with daily listening, and not once a week 5 minutes in courses. I could choose the right level of listening: listen to the news en français facile, for example. Listening to French is not only important, it is required condition, unless of course you want to understand not only written speech.

Speaking of writing. Although the French themselves can sometimes scare you with their spelling, deal with all superscripts from the very beginning and learn how to type correctly.

I spoke with the natives.

You will say: it is easy to look for carriers when there is no choice. But there was a choice. There are plenty of Russian-speaking people in Paris: ours are everywhere and you yourself choose with whom to communicate.

My classmate moved to New York and for the first year of her life did not speak English at all. She knows the language perfectly, it was just that there was no one to practice it with. Her employers, colleagues and friends spoke Russian. Here is the language environment. If you create it at home, then you have excellent italki, polyglotclub and many more places where you can find a friend to chat on Skype to talk with native speakers.

I studied according to authentic textbooks.

This will not surprise anyone now, however, some prefer Popov-Kazakov. Let tomatoes and slippers fly at me, but how good it is that no one gave me this famous “base”. Then I still had to go through it, but I'm sure that you need to start with a modern textbook, from the very beginning gaining live vocabulary and listening to live dialogues.

Conclusions of this story:

  1. Intensive is the best pace for taking the language. Stretching pleasure, we lose the fuse, desire and, accordingly, regularity.
  2. You can create a language environment without leaving your computer. For this you need the Internet, desire, and also concentration. So stop reading about how others learn languages ​​and start doing it yourself!

If you decide to immerse yourself in French next year, then keep an action plan for beginners:

  1. We are looking for someone to teach you to read or check your well-read texts. If you understand yourself, then this is the only exception when it is better to take a Russian-language textbook. But in any case, let someone control you and correct the mistakes. The worst thing you can think of is not knowing the rules of reading and taking on the Passé Composé. Learn the pronunciation once and for all. It is logical and also beautiful.
  2. We take the Latitudes 1 textbook - it will be the basis of your program. Follow it, in no case skipping the audio and tasks in workbook. The answers to all this wealth can be found for free, as well as the manuals themselves.
  3. You can “dilute” this textbook with the books Grammaire en dialogues and Vocabulaire en dialogues, pulling up grammar and vocabulary. But no more than one chapter a day, because the learned material must be repeated. To practice new words, use the method that suits you.
  4. Every day we listen to French speech - the more the better. You can start with Coffee Break French podcasts, Extra series. Watch movies with subtitles, sing karaoke songs, watch interesting interviews or musicals. Dive in, in a word. Here is a list of resources you can choose from.
  5. After the first month of classes, we begin to read regularly. First, adapted or children's literature, like Petit Nicolas, then light books that you read in Russian, then something from modern authors. Balzac and Flaubert will wait for your confident B2.

In moments of despair, read Kato Lomb's "How I Learn Languages" and you will understand how lucky you are in the age of the Internet. There are so many authentic materials of excellent quality now that it will last more than one life.

P.S. If you have already started, quit or are in the process of learning a language, then all these tips are already clear to you, and you, of course, have not learned anything new.

I just wanted to say that the language environment is not a panacea. In the language environment, laziness is exactly the same and “I will do it tomorrow” in the same way. Moreover, neither the collection of references to valuable resources, no advice from polyglots, no unlimited internet. It's all about motivation and discipline, and then you'll be able to learn French on your own!

As for me, I didn't stop studying foreign languages although she returned home. My little secret: like-minded people from Language Heroes. It's more than a language environment :)

Many thanks to Galina Lyapun for writing this article. More great and useful materials in French you can find it on

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