How to improve relations with the boss: secret ways. The secret of success or how to build effective relationships with the leader

garden equipment 11.10.2019
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When it comes to bosses For some reason, there are more bad ones than good ones. Normal relations with the chief - the big rarity. The phrase is very common: got a position, then shit came out of him and flooded. Why do relationships deteriorate with such people? And how can you improve your relationship with your boss?

Let's remember what bosses are usually accused of?
. Strict and picky
. Gives assignments in the evenings, especially on Friday
. Humiliates
. Sets non-specific tasks
. Appropriates the results of my labor
. Doesn't make decisions

I will share my experience of turning normal people into bosses and how to improve relations with the boss and benefit from it. First, let's define the concept of A leader is someone who is able to set goals and achieve their fulfillment. Now let's look at the accusations one by one.

Strictness and nit-picking. The main reason is to improve the quality of work to acceptable performance. Perhaps the boss or his boss has different quality requirements. And the work is forced to redo again and again, polishing all sorts of little things. Moreover, a good leader uses the right motivation personnel. There is a second reason - a demonstration of power and keeping subordinates in good shape. If the employee knows that he will be strictly asked, the approach to work will be very serious, no one will relax. And you can improve your relationship with your boss simply by improving your attitude towards work!

Assignments in the evenings, especially on Friday. The explanation is very simple. Big bosses often work late and on weekends. Their work is provided by smaller bosses - preparing documents, organizing meetings, etc. Sometimes tasks can be given from a different time zone. Example. On Friday, the governor called the director of the plant for Saturday morning on the construction issue.
Questions. Where will the assistant director and OKS employees spend the night from Friday to Saturday? Is the director of capital construction a bastard?

What to do if the boss humiliates: shouting, rude, presses. This happens for the following reasons. The leader is under strong pressure from all sides, he also has a boss. And the higher the level of management, the less ceremony with people. In such a situation, it is very easy to break loose and transfer your stress to the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. And many people indicate mistakes made in a rude way, they believe that the boss humiliates them. In addition, the boss thinks in categories of a larger scale than the subordinate, and the mistakes of the subordinate always infuriate - because of the little things, a big deal does not move forward.

The boss sets non-specific tasks. Sometimes it happens. When there is only a goal, but how to achieve it is not clear. Sometimes it's from a lack of time to think about an idea, sometimes it's from an inability to clearly explain it. It happens that a fundamentally new task is posed, where ready recipe no. Very rarely a good leader sets a task like this: “I myself don’t know what I need, but the results should be something like this…”. It remains only to come up with a scheme and draw up a plan. And sometimes leaders use the following technique - chaotic actions are performed on intuition. Based on the responses, conclusions are drawn and specifics are added to the plan. And until some point, subordinates move in the fog, not understanding what is happening.

The boss appropriates the results of the work of subordinates. In addition to the obvious reasons - the retention of power and self-promotion - there are two more. Firstly, the result belongs to the boss too, because he is responsible for possible jambs. Nobody listens to excuses like "it's not me, it's my employee who screwed up." Secondly, no one wants to "shine" good subordinates - they can take away or lure away. The laws of relations between a boss and a subordinate are also true for the boss!

The boss doesn't make decisions. I came across three reasons. The draft decision has not been worked out, that is, there is not enough information to make a decision. The solution is minor compared to the current problems. For example, the annual report is on fire, and the subordinate demands a decision on the vacation schedule. Finally, an obvious solution may not be acceptable for a reason that the subordinate is unaware of.

What to do so that the authorities appreciate and promote you? How to build a relationship with your boss? To answer this question, it is enough to understand its purpose. They have already been mentioned above. This is the retention of power, self-promotion and promotion - both professionally and career-wise. Therefore, any boss will appreciate a subordinate who helps in achieving these goals.

How to use the feedback of the boss, even if it is given in a rough form? How free education! The leader communicates with people at a higher level, he decides more challenging tasks he is more experienced. So why not take advantage of his experience and knowledge?! Many self-development books have a “get yourself a mentor” chapter. I also came across the phrase “they shout at those whom they still hope for.” That is, on whom they waved their hand, they no longer spend energy on that.

Now about incomprehensible or non-specific tasks. What is so good about it? Very simple - this is an opportunity to be in the shoes of your boss, try yourself in solving difficult problems. From this follows the conclusion of what to do in case of failure to make decisions. Prepare a draft solution in detail. Offer several options and justify one of them. In such a situation, any normal leader will make a decision very quickly.

Attention to detail and control of all processes in which you are involved are very important. Small shoals make the boss angry and work for you. In addition, the leader can be accidentally substituted. I have concentrated all my experience in 10 life principles. This also needs to add the ability to foresee the development of the situation. For example, competent specialists are ready to provide information on request very quickly, because the necessary drafts and access to sources are always at hand. An experienced secretary always books the manager another ticket for the next flight (in case he doesn’t have time to fly on this one).

Finally, the manager should feel comfortable and safe working with you. In this case, it is not necessary to follow all the traditions of chivalry. It is enough just to properly establish a relationship with the boss. If he is sure that his tasks will be carried out competently and with enthusiasm, criticism will be received with gratitude, and emotions - with understanding, he will appreciate it very highly. They are afraid to lose such subordinates, as a rule, they grow together with the boss. And there is nothing humiliating in such an approach. If the boss is viewed as a client, and the subordinate as a service provider, then everything automatically falls into place. The boss is not an enemy to fight. He is a client with whom you need to earn!

60% of leaders are dictators. This is exactly what the latest research has shown. Therefore, the answer to the question "What if the boss is a monster?" - "Fire" - we will consider it wrong. Where to go if you go to the right - a tyrant, to the left - a dictator? Is it possible to learn how to get along with such a boss?

You can argue as much as you want that much more magnificent flowers grow from democracy and the results of work of the democrat bosses are better. However, as was said, no one has yet met a cat who would be interested in what the mice think of him. For us, it is more important what the boss thinks of us. And if he is a despot, then how to build a relationship with him, so that his dignity does not suffer, and he does not run into a scandal?

There are different dictators: one makes scandals and reprimands for subordinates, others, like an asphalt skating rink, press you with multiplying demands. The funny thing is that many of them consider themselves kind-hearted people that subordinates just ride.

Above all, don't disappoint your boss. If he considers himself a democrat, gently let him know that you perceive him that way. If he likes to think that he is scary and formidable, do not be mean, play along with him and tremble at least for appearances.

The style of behavior and work of the subordinate should be the same as that of the boss. The boss goes to work in white shirts and a tie - pretend to be a dapper clerk. By the way, despot bosses generally give great importance the formal side of life, the little things.

Be wary of your boss's attempts to establish informal contact with you. First, don't talk too much. Anything you tell him, he can then use against you. You need to find such a line between seeming openness (you can’t let the boss think that you are hiding something from him, that you are a dark horse) and the stinginess of information about yourself that protects you. Secondly, a couple of seemingly human phrases that you exchanged with your boss do not mean anything. In any case, for you. It's ridiculous to think that after that the boss will start listening to your opinion.

Don't gossip or try to please. The boss will think that you are a “six”, and will frankly wipe your feet on you. You must be like no other. And so that colleagues do not feel it and do not get angry. More elegant, calmer, more successful. Smarter and more professional. You should have respectable acquaintances and relatives (lie with a blue eye that your mother is a hereditary architect and noblewoman, even if she washed floors all her life).

Do not protest when you are scolded. Don't make a fuss. Do not prove that the boss is wrong. On the contrary, agree with him, curse yourself for mistakes, say that right now you will do everything anew. By this you disorganize the despot: after all, if you understand everything and agree with him, what else is there to talk about?

If you made a serious mistake - do not wait for a call to the carpet. Be the first to tell the boss about an unfortunate mistake and cover yourself on what the light stands. In your work, refer to his recommendations. A despot is an apologist for subordination. There can be no relationship through his head with the head of the despot himself. At least at work. Don't try to incite the collective to revolt against the despot. Wait for the tyrant to get tired of his boss. And if one of your colleagues is trying to involve you in a conspiracy, gently withdraw.

Even if you have absolutely nothing to do at work right now, do at least something. Sort out the papers, make the necessary calls, etc. Despots have great respect for authority. The more necessary business acquaintances you have in your arsenal, the more your boss will reckon with you. Tell colleagues about your brilliant connections. And the boss will warm up to you noticeably. Read specialized literature and discuss it with your boss. It turns out that your boss, as it were, reviews the smart and famous people. And he is pleased.

If the despot praised you for Good work, know: You have reached these heights only under his wise guidance. Tell nasty things about other bosses - let the despot feel how much you appreciate him. By the way, do not try to scare the despot that you will quit if he does not treat you with respect, do not write provocative resignations. Firstly, out of harm, he will sign, and secondly, he will perceive it as a betrayal. It is necessary to look for a new place imperceptibly for the team. They will bring and envy. And the last. Women work better with authoritarian bosses. If you are a lady with character and a business fight, mask these advantages of yours with a gentle voice and feminine manners.

Relationships between leaders and subordinates are different. The situation is influenced by a lot of factors - from the size of the team and the type of activity of the company, the education of employees to the psychotype of the boss and his gender. Male leaders and female leaders behave very differently.

So, it is women who “sin” with the desire to build a friendly model of behavior, especially if the distance between them and their subordinates is not too great. More frivolous relationships between the boss and the lower level develop in the creative environment (designers, journalists, artists).

boss is a friend

The leader builds friendships. In this situation, the manager knows what is happening in the families of subordinates, does not confuse the names of the children and easily releases the employee if he needs to take his mother-in-law or his pet to the veterinarian for an appointment with the dentist.

What does this lead to? On the one hand, a warm atmosphere reigns in the team. Subordinates are grateful for such an attitude and at the right time do not mind “repaying” the authorities with the same “coin”. They are ready to work as productively as possible (sometimes without lunch or lingering until late in the evening), literally “turn mountains” for the sake of their beloved boss. On the other hand, subordinates will inevitably begin to abuse the friendliness of the boss, and take what is happening for granted. They will easily ask why the bonus is less than the usual amount, take offense at a remark, or even allow faux pas in discussing the boss's personal life.

To prevent this from happening, you will have to periodically mark the boundaries of subordination. How? Let's say a boss addresses subordinates by name. But as soon as he calls the employee full name, name and patronymic, or switches to “you” - this is a signal: now he is only the boss and requires unquestioning obedience.

The boss is emotionally dumb

The manager does not take into account the emotions of his employees at all. Usually this is done by an overly authoritarian boss or a "dry" pedant. He is not interested in the emotional experiences of the employee, the state of health and other “little things”. The end result is put at the forefront, and he judges the quality of work by specific numbers. Such a leader does not delve into the employee’s domestic problems at all, he will not pay any attention to tearful eyes or, conversely, will be too critical of appearance subordinate.

What does this lead to? In a stressful state, a subordinate may not be able to cope with the usual work and let the entire department down. It is difficult to work with such a leader for people for whom the emotional component is important, and good specialist can go to competitors, where the boss is more "human".

How to find the "golden mean"?

The ideal leader knows how to build compromise relationships. He is not an insensitive cracker, he is ready to delve into the problems of employees, but he always remains the boss - wise, calm, tactful, and his instructions are perceived with due respect and diligently carried out.

With this approach, the team demonstrates excellent performance, but everyone feels like a person who is considered. Motivation can be either a “carrot” (cash bonus, verbal encouragement, promotion) or a “stick”:

  • reduction in the amount of material remuneration;
  • transfer of vacation from summer to winter time;
  • refusal to agree on specific vacation dates;
  • rebuke;
  • exclusion from interesting projects;
  • transfer to another position.

Is it necessary to motivate subordinates and what method of influence works best?

It is believed that the “carrot and stick” method is the most effective. Ideally, positive methods of motivation are used much more often than penalties. Moreover, encouragement can be not only material. It is very important for an employee to understand that he is valued, his opinion as a specialist is valued. Praise, sincere words of gratitude, especially spoken in front of other employees, can work wonders. At the same time, it is important not to single out someone from the team, giving him more rights and opportunities. An example of positive motivation is congratulations on important date providing holidays in the summer.

Absolute "taboo" for a good leader- raising the voice, using obscene language, vindictiveness. In no case should there be “whispering” and informing in the team, although some bosses welcome this state of affairs and encourage “whistleblowers” ​​in every possible way.

Beginners require a special approach

Increased attention on the part of the manager to the newly arrived employee is an absolutely normal phenomenon. It needs to be presented to the team, familiarized with official duties and subtleties technological process or secrets of communication with clients. It is especially difficult to build relationships if the new employee got a job “by pull” - this is an old acquaintance (relative) of the immediate boss or higher manager. In this case, it is important not to demonstrate the degree of kinship or acquaintance and adhere to business etiquette.

In order not to cause jealousy on the part of other personnel, you should try to involve the newcomer as much as possible in labor process, starting with feasible tasks, and then moving on to more responsible assignments.

A good solution is to explain to the person to whom and with what questions he can turn, to attach an experienced mentor to the newcomer, who will take on the duties of training.

The easiest way to help a newcomer join the team is to communicate in an informal setting (corporate or team building, sports competitions, a trip to nature or an educational excursion). All of the above tools are good for building relationships between the leader and other subordinates.

Over time, each team develops a special atmosphere, their own traditions are born. The task of the leader is not only to create comfortable conditions for each individual employee, but also to organize effective teamwork .

Our work is a place where we not only perform our official duties, but also communicate with colleagues and the manager. And quite often, relationships with the boss do not line up the way we would like. Today, conflicts with management are one of the common causes stress, scandals and "noisy" layoffs. Therefore, many ask themselves the question: “How to normalize relations with the leader?”

In order to establish contact with the boss, follow a few simple tips

Today, many people are dissatisfied with their jobs. People often work either for a lot of money, or out of necessity, because there is simply no other work. Therefore, if you have problems in relations with management, but a decent salary and understanding with colleagues, then most likely you will work in this place for a long time. If relations deteriorate with both the team and the management, then soon you will have to quit.

Hence the first advice: the main thing is to maintain and strengthen relationships with colleagues who will always support you and help you solve production problems, and stand up for you in front of your boss. To come on new job find mutual language with colleagues and management, follow the rules adopted here. Pay attention to the style of communication and behavior, notice how your colleagues treat leaders, and try to do the same as they do.

You must understand that criticism of management is inevitable. It will be much easier to transfer it if you do not judge the boss, think about the responsibility that lies with him. It remains to be seen how you yourself would have behaved in his place. If it is uncomfortable for you to communicate with the manager even on business matters, then in no case should you shift this responsibility to others. Look for approaches to the boss, but never ignore him. Otherwise, your boss may get the impression that you are not working or are hiding something.

Remember, the more you show up in front of the head of the case, the more he will think that you are working and fulfilling your duties in full. At the same time, you do not need to flash in front of the authorities too often. So you may be suspected of sycophancy and intrigue. And most importantly, those who do not get out of the boss's office begin to deteriorate relations with colleagues. Such a person quickly gets the glory of a sexist in the team.

When communicating with the leader, always pay attention to the subtleties of his reaction in certain situations and various issues. Learn to approach at the right time, determine the state of the boss, choose the most appropriate situation for signing papers and communicating on work issues. Never prove to your boss that you are right, even if your point of view is one hundred percent correct. It is very difficult for a leader to accept someone else's opinion, in addition, it is difficult for him to apologize. Therefore, your dispute will develop into a conflict; in any case, you will have to confess.

Never get involved in gossip. Nowadays, many enterprises have video surveillance and audio recording, so that your conversations can be with the boss at any time.
Never go face-to-face with your boss, especially in those cases when the manager communicates with you in a friendly way, goes on vacation in your company, calls you “you”, and so on. Remember that if the attitude of the boss changes at some point, he may take your friendly handshakes, hugs and jokes for familiarity.
If your supervisor is elderly and started his career in Soviet period , try to look and behave according to his representation. It doesn’t hurt to put on a business suit more often, be more punctual and forget about discussing YouTube videos with colleagues.
The main thing is to always remember conflicts with superiors are inevitable and will not affect your career in any way. Oral remarks and nit-picking do not contribute to work book, and this does not prevent you from becoming a professional. Think first and foremost about doing what you love. And this is the key to a successful career.

Good luck and patience in dealing with the authorities!


The working day almost came to an end, all the employees were tired and relaxed a little. You are tired and relaxed. However, if you just gape at the water cooler, or run "bringing to life" solitaire on the computer as the boss suddenly enters the office. It's good if you and your boss have developed a normal relationship, and you can at least not twitch, trying to immediately remember all your blunders over the past few days.

If your boss is a dark horse for you, which inspires you only with horror and fear, then a few unpleasant minutes and lost nerve cells you are guaranteed. Is there any way to make your office life more peaceful? avoiding that nasty feeling of guilt (even if it's not your fault at all)? In fact, there are at least five ways you can keep your Olympian calm even when facing the biggest bosses.

1. You should look for a common language with your boss by studying him.

As soon as you got a new job, or came to you new boss(or, even more so, both of you have been working at the firm for a long time), do not be too lazy to make inquiries about your boss. For this, it is not necessary to hire a private detective.- you can use, for example, search engines social networks. After all, even psychologists say that students at school initially study not so much the subject as the teacher himself!

Once you know what kind of bird your boss is, who he is friends with, what his preferences and hobbies are, it will become much easier for you to communicate with this person. You will have a chance to learn to understand what can be expected from your manager at any given time, and you will certainly be able to successfully cope with panic attacks when meeting with the boss. However, try not to go to his page in Odnoklassniki from your real profile. And even more so, you should not post nasty things about your boss!

2. To connect with your boss, put yourself in their shoes.

So, let's imagine that you already know what kind of person you have to deal with, and you also know something about your boss's personal environment. Perhaps you have learned something about his weaknesses, punctures, shortcomings. Do not immediately treat all this as compromising evidence, and to your boss - as to an unfulfilled and overthrown idol. Remember - no matter how professional this person is, he is only a person, which means that he is characterized by mistakes and human weaknesses.

This approach will not only reduce the level of criticism with which subordinates usually relate to their superiors, but will also give you the opportunity to feel in the shoes of your leader. You will begin to realize that this is quite normal. that your boss may well not know the things that you or your colleagues know. This approach will be especially useful for those who have a need to accept a new boss, adjusting to it.

3. Find out exactly what your bosses expect from you

Stop making assumptions about what your manager expects from you. If it seems to you that the level of his claims exceeds the scope of your powers, it makes sense to try to get to the boss for an appointment (preferably not in the midst of the working day), to try to discuss your job responsibilities again, outlining some boundaries. At the same time, you should try to soberly assess your own capabilities so as not to take on too many promises and responsibilities.

Among other things, try to understand not only your duties in the workplace, but also try to find out the goals that your boss personally sees in front of you. Special attention pay attention to those priorities, which your superiors see for your activities in the company for the next period of time (a week, two, a month). It makes sense to make a list of the highest priority tasks, which will allow you to complete them on time.

4. Be open to change if you're looking to connect with your boss

It often happens that leaders come up with new ideas that, in your opinion, only interfere with effective work. However, it is no secret that employees often just don't want any changes, getting used to the known routine day and familiar directions. Most often, a new boss is capable of “destroying” everything, who has a lot of new ideas on how to make everything and everyone work effectively.

The simple secret is that being positive about your boss's proposed changes will help you get along with your boss. If you categorically do not see anything good in the innovations offered by your boss, try to understand at least what he wants to achieve. Perhaps you really were at first glance unable to understand his aspirations. Offer your opinion on this issue. In general, do something, but just do not lock yourself into your own distrust and skepticism.

5. Don't wait for changes - propose them yourself!

Be proactive and forward-thinking. For example, if your manager constantly scolds you and your colleagues for unsatisfactory work, and you think his attitude is unjustified, go to meet the aspirations of the boss. Don't wait for your boss, pissed off by yet another bad month, to come up with ways to improve productivity. Instead, come forward yourself, so to speak, with a preventive proposal.

This method is suitable mainly for those employees who really know their duties perfectly and are able to bring more value in their workplace than they bring now. Don't be discouraged if your bosses don't like your ideas. First, this may not be the case; and secondly, the main thing is your sincere desire to do something truly useful, and not stupidly sit in the office for days and months on end.

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