A new chief came. How to establish relationships with the boss

Reservoirs 11.10.2019

60% of managers - dictators. That is what has been recent studies. Therefore, the answer to the question "What to do if the chief monster?" - "Dimk" - we will be considered wrong. Where to go, if you go right - tyrant, left - dictator? Is it possible to learn how to get along with such a boss?

You can prove as many ways that much more magnificent flowers and the results of the work of the Democrats are better growing from democracy. However, as it was said, someone has not yet met a cat who wondered what mice think about him. It is more important for us - what the boss think about us. And if he is a despot, then how to build a relationship with him, so that the dignity does not suffer, and do not fall on the scandal?

Dictators are different: one suits scandals and spreads to subordinates, others like a rope for laying asphalt, pressing you multiplying requirements. The most funny thing is that many of them consider themselves the kindest soul by people who are simply driving.

First of all, do not disappoint the boss. If he considers himself a democrat, unobtrusively let him understand what you perceive it that way. If he likes to think that he is terrible and Grozny, do not harm, run him up and strengthen at least for the species.

The style of behavior and work of the subordinate should be the same as the boss. The chef goes to work in white shirts and with a tie - catch a silent clerk. By the way, the chiefs-despots generally attach great importance to the formal side of life, small things.

Carefully take advantage of the chef attempts to establish informal contact with you. First, do not cake extra. Everything you tell him, he can then use against you. You need to find such a line between the seeming openness (it is impossible that the boss thinks that you are hiding something from him that you are a dark horse) and protecting you the misfortune of information about yourself. Secondly, the couple seems to be human phrases that you transferred with the chief do not mean anyone. In any case, for you. It is funny to think that after that the boss will start listening to your opinion.

Do not gossip and do not try to serve. The Chef will think that you are "six," and will frankly wipe your legs about you. You should not be something else. And so that the colleagues do not feel and have not been angry. Elegant, calmer, lucky. Smarter and more professional. You must have respectable acquaintances and relatives (in the blue eye, do you think that your mother is an offacious architect and noble, even if she is the whole life of the soap floors).

Do not protest when you are reported. Do not scandal. Do not prove that the chef is wrong. On the contrary, agree with him, blunt yourself for mistakes, say that it's all right now. By this you disorganize the despot: if if you all understood and agree with him, what else to talk about?

If a serious lap was allowed - do not wait for a call to the carpet. Tell me the first to tell the chief about the annoying mistake and come yourself on what the light is worth. In work, refer to its recommendations. Despot - Apology of subordination. No relationship through his head with the head of the despot itself can not be. In any case, at work. Do not try to beat the team to the uprising against the despot. Wait for Tyran getting bored with your boss. And if someone from colleagues try to involve you in a plot, gently remove.

Even if you are now completely nothing to do at work - do something at least. Disassemble the paper, make the desired calls, etc. Despota with great respect belong to authorities. The more necessary business dating will be in your arsenal, the more chef will be considered with you. Talk to colleagues about your brilliant connections. And the chef to you will noticeably warm. Read the special literature and discuss it with the chief. It turns out that your boss seems to review smart and famous people. And he is nice.

If the despot praised you for a good job, know: you have achieved these heights only under his wise leadership. Tell the nasty about other chiefs - let the despot feel how you appreciate it. By the way, do not think to frighten the despot that you will be fired if it does not handle you respectfully, do not write provoking statements about leaving. First, from the harm to sign, secondly, will perceive as a betrayal. Search a new place must be unnoticed for the team. Report and envy. And last. With authoritarian chiefs, women are better work. If you are a lady with character and business fight, disguise these advantages with gentle voice and feminine manners.

Since childhood, many have learned a lesson: well, when you are a pet, and when you were not loved - bad. A favorite child in the family is more often forgiven with oversight, all whims are performed. A favorite student teacher makes tips, and good estimates get to him without difficulty ... And then adult life begins, but the principle of the pet remains unchanged.

The director at work still has the same workers and not very. The first more often get premiums, they charge responsible tasks, and there before the increase not far. The second, as it were, did not climb out of the skin, bad remain, and they treat them, at least dismissively. It is in such workers who managed to get into disfavor, as the way, the advice can also come to how to establish relations with the boss and in general in the team.

How to establish relationships with the boss

When the word guide causes one horror, it is worth thinking if such a job is needed at all. It is pointless to establish relationships, if not satisfied with the wages, the nature of the activity, the busy schedule, an uncomfortable location of the office and a lot more.

If, in general, the working conditions are arranged, you will have to change the tactics of behavior.

Be prepared to forget about your own antipathies, dislike, learn a little to hypocrite and adapt to the team. The recipe for success consists of the following components: the perfect performance of your duties, an individual approach to the authorities, exchange of courtesies with colleagues, indispensability.

Head man. Male management style

The atmosphere in the office and relationship in the team is largely dependent on the head. It is believed that men and women are distinguished by the control style. Representatives of strong floors are more characteristic of such features:

To obtain the result of a man tend to choose the tactics of coercion. Most effective at the highest levels of management. Not inclined to pay attention to the trifles and relationships in the team.

Head woman. Features of the female control style

A successful leader always combines women's and male features. If you look at the situation objectively, the control style depends more on the temperament, the nature of the person, gender stereotypes. Classically women's leadership strategy is inherent:

  • relationship orientation;
  • caution;
  • flexibility.

Women more often encourage their subordinate remuneration. They can act intuitively. The assessment is often guided by personal sympathies and antipathy.

What style of behavior to choose

To build a good relationship with the bosses and the team as a whole, it is important to develop tactics of behavior that will satisfy everyone and at the same time, do not contradict your own principles.

Running to frankly flattering, lies, pulling the blanket for yourself, you risk to grow unfintellers. Subsequently, this may turn into the fact that an employee or employee will begin to stick sticks into the wheels, substitute at the right moment.

How to build relations

You need to seriously think about this issue from the first working day. Opinion, compiled in the first weeks, change then later it is very difficult. To build good relationships, listen to the following advice:

At the same time, do not forget that the basis of everything is a quality work, responsible attitude towards it. Try to perform the entire volume on time if something does not work, ask for help. Be punctual.

Causes of conflict

Non-understanding can occur in any team. But if employees or head of neurotic, the risk of conflict increases at times. You can learn such a person by incontinence, quick and sharp movements, mood drops. There is no need to look here, it always will be.

Among the relatively cohesive team, conflict, conflicts may arise for such reasons:

To make a relationship at work well, it is important to learn to avoid conflicts, to solve them correctly. This is not the place where it is worth openly get involved in the war. The ability to stand up for itself, Honor at any time can turn out the dismissal.

Conflict resolution

For relations with colleagues with colleagues, you need to constantly develop our social skills, learn to communicate with different people. Try to calmly perceive the negative features of your colleagues, as a particular feature. If it does not work, limit communication to the maximum. Working questions can be solved by phone, internal Internet network.


Respect - the basis of any respectable relationship. It is necessary to respect the work and time of others, opinion, experience and knowledge. At work should be observed subordination. It is unacceptable to argue or in Hamski talk to the leader. The woman's head should be perceived as an official, from gender stereotypes should be rid of.

In addition, it is important not to discuss your duties or instructions of the head, but to fulfill them responsibly and unquestioned. If, in your opinion, the result can be obtained more attractive, the question must be raised on the glider.

Meet the expectations

In order for working relationships to please you and others, it is important to cope with all the amount of work in a timely manner. Perform the tasks and prove that you can rely on you. Try to do your work at ease and easily. This is the first step to the increase.

Be in sight

Feel free to express your point of view, offer new ideas. Reports and paper Transfer to the manual personally.

If the situation has, use the moment and tie chatting on interesting topics. For example, such an opportunity can be introduced by the corporate. Try not to miss such events. You should have an opinion about you, as a soccerbelny and friendly person.

Praise Chief

Do not think that praise can only sound from the manual. You can also make a compliment to the chief. For example, it can be noted its ability to find the optimal solution, organize a workflow. With a sufficient level of dating, it is necessary to praise the taste, style of clothing, hairstyle.

Watch your appearance

Work is an official place where it is necessary to look like. It is welcome to the strict style of clothing, inhabitant tones, tidy. If you want to stand out, it is enough to use one interesting accessory. Your appearance should not eclipse personal and performance. Women should apply a moderate daily makeup, wearing skirts and dresses of sufficient length, make laying. Stockings and tights must be present even in the summer, this is an office dress code.

So, how to establish relationships at work in the team? It is necessary to realize that working relationships require a certain contribution, both emotional and physical (just like family or love). At first it can take a lot of strength, pulling hard and empty. But over time, efforts will bring fruit, and your reputation will start working for you. Communication with colleagues and bosses will be comfortable, you can count on a high assessment of your works, a premium or an increase.

Stella, Rostov

Work is an important part of our life. Therefore, everyone wants to be a valuable employee and have a favorable climate in the office. Finding mutual understanding with colleagues is usually not difficult, but the relationship with the authorities sometimes leave much to be desired. Although it is these relationships - the key to your productivity, career growth and achieving the goals of the company. On how to establish relationships with the bosses, we will talk today and talk.

Why does the problem arise?

Often the conflict with the leader comes down to two positions of the employee: a person either considers himself independent of the head and resist his decisions purely from the sense of contradiction, or, on the contrary, does not express discontent and does not enter into discussions. The first type, naturally, it is difficult to manage, and mutual understanding problems reduce the quality of collaboration. The second type also will not cause delight from the progressive leader, since such people do not argue, even when the head wishes to hear counter-arguments. What is the problem? Both types of employees do not understand that the boss is the same living person with his goals and plans, which is also able to make a mistake. In order for your work to be productive, you need to understand the manager and use this information correctly.

We establish relationships with the manual - where to start?

So, first, you need to learn your boss. What are his workers habits, how does he prefer to receive information from employees, as far as he agrees to delegate the authority, how conservative is in the leadership? What does he want to achieve, what goals for him are paramount? What is his work style? Alas, but the chance to get the boss, who from the first meeting will lay out you all the above information strive for zero. It is possible to find out this with the help of independent observations, proven information from colleagues or through informal conversations with the head itself. One way or another, you must understand your head and adjust it under it - believe me, you will be done much easier than trying to change the authorities.

Let us give an example: a little observant, you can find out how your manager belongs to: "Listener" or "reader". The first one would prefer to receive information orally and immediately subjected to its discussion, and the second - written detailed reports, which he can carefully examine, rereading several times. Such a question can even directly ask the boss, or to look at his reaction to a particular method of obtaining data.

But what should be avoided

A smart leader will prefer honesty and direct, rather than flattery and evaporation. Do not try to crumble before the boss, be polite and specific in our statements. Ignore the manager is also not worth it if you value your place. In discussions with the head, follow the facts, your arguments should be quite a wiggle, so that you are accepted as a promising employee and introduced in a circle of trust. The location of the authorities should not be neglected, but it is not necessary to produce relations beyond the scope, otherwise spoil relations with the rest of the team.

For the boss, there is no worse circumstances than an unreliable employee. The leader's confidence is difficult to wake, it is easy to lose, and it is almost impossible to restore. In all its actions, consider that not only you depend on the leadership, but it is from you. Business sensitivity in relations with the boss and understanding of his desires is the basis of joint productive work, which cannot but affect your career ladder. Yes, and with the support of good relationships, it will be much easier for you to solve the issues of vacation, comers, business trips, premiums and rapidations to the salary with your supervisor.

According to psychologists, relations with the bosses depend on whether the man is a leader or a woman. The head of the head, depending on his psychotype, has a number of qualities that are not inherent in men. Therefore, relations with the head of the woman are not always folded well.

If the subordinate is expensive its workplace, it is important to learn how to contact with the new boss.

Features of the female management style

The main distinctive black management is a tendency to democratic. The organization of work and its implementation is aimed at applying the command forces of subordinates. Women are more located to cooperate. Often depend on the emotional attitude. Men is inherent in using the command and administrative style, aimed at the phased structured fulfillment of tasks.

Work in the team, where the manager is a man, will develop strictly according to the instructions. It is characteristic of the qualitative performance of tasks in the time limit. Women are inclined to relationships and leadership in them. Often they are less strict with subordinates, but vintage. For any mistakes, they may not punish the employee, but they will create their negative impression.

What to do if the relationship with the authorities no longer wondered: psychologists advise to explore some rules that will help the subordinate. We will have to pay attention not only to its professional qualities, but also appearance. Women are pedantically belong to the dress code.

How to build relations

Features of control depend on the psychological type. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. "Men in a skirt." Tough both subordinate and regarding work.
  2. "Mommy". Appreciates friendship with subordinates, listens to their opinion and often gives in to emotions.
  3. "Enthusiast". Puts goals and goes to their implementation. This workaholic, who trusts its ideas and experience, and employees leave the fulfillment of secondary tasks.

All these psychological types unites one: women are more sensitive and aimed at psychological orientation. You can situately adapt to the requirements.

Male management style

The main feature is a misfortune for emotions. During working hours there is no place for mental conversations, revelations, etc. She is authoritarian in communication and seeks to be tough.

Creative ideas and free expression of thoughts are excluded. Weak employees go with the posts themselves, without holding the rigor, or are trying to adapt to. The key to the normal attitude of such a guide will be:

  1. Ability to be silent, keep yourself in your hands.
  2. Doing dialogue strictly for work. Any references to personal punishment.
  3. The ability to convince without excessive factories and emotions. All arguments should be built on professional experience.

This is the most rigorous and complex psycho. It is better to try to establish relationships in the first days of work, what to show yourself with a bad side and lose because of this work.

Chief Mommy

The main weapon against it is the charm and expression of respect. It is not difficult to find a common language with it, even the most lazy staff. It is worth making several compliments and express admiration, the relationship will be established. Recommendations will help:

  1. You can handle any problems.
  2. Maintaining a dialogue on work can be carried out without the use of technical details. It should be expressed by their thoughts in creative emotional form.
  3. In the event of a quarrel, it is possible to establish relationships with simple apologies and pleasant presents.


It goes to the fulfillment of the goal, without noticing small nuances. She is a workaholic and demands from their subordinates the same. Due to the constantly loading work, the enthusiast chief may forget about some events, the need for reports, etc. This can take advantage of subordinates.

Build business relationships with such a manager is easy. The easiest option is to show your hardworking. It is necessary to fulfill all its requirements. It is not worth disturbing the boss on trifles.

Causes of conflict

The most common cause of a quarrel with leadership is the incomprehension of opinions in solving professional tasks. Those employees who allow themselves to argue with the bosses, talk to him on elevated colors or refuse to perform some tasks, can be dismissed. The boss will take such actions as an active confrontation of its professionalism and experience.

Some causes of quarrels can concern personal hostility. Variants of bad relationships can be a lot. The most popular of them:

  • age factor (when an employee is older and more experienced his leader);
  • open hostility worker to management style, lack of punctuality and desire to work;
  • failure to follow a professional etiquette staff.

In order not to lose work, it is important to learn to contact with the manager. You can improve relationships in different ways: learn to control your emotions, fulfill all the requirements and know some tricks of attracting attention.

Conflict resolution

To establish relationships with the manager, it is necessary to determine its guilt in conflict. It is important to keep your emotions and find a way out of the current situation.

It is necessary to make it right after a quarrel. This can help knowledge about the rules for the success of the establishment of relationships with the authorities.


It is necessary to accept the causes of conflicts and hold their point of view. Sometimes it may seem difficult to work, but, only expressing its respect for the superiors, you can count on a normal attitude.

A woman is often emotional: to make it easier to make it easier than it would happen to a man. Information about her hobbies, a circle of communication, etc. can be helped. Find the key to mutual understanding, you can even through a simple apology.

Meet the expectations

No need to annoy your negative attitude to work. In order not to run on trouble, it is necessary to remember that any guide appreciates in his employee:

  • punctuality;
  • professionalism;
  • reliability.

Perform the tasks in a timely manner, do not be late for working events. Women are attentive, so such qualities will not remain unnoticed.

Be in sight

Manifold yourself only on a professional field. Active participation in corporate events, at various meetings and trainings will be shown an employee from the best party.

This is a great way to show your initiative and professional perseverance.

Praise Chief

She is moderately emotional and loves when she put in an example. It is necessary to find in it the best qualities and speak about them before colleagues. Do not be fed. Everything should be in moderation.

The praise of the chef can also be done at a personal meeting.

Watch your appearance

Compliance with the dress code makes a person more confident in herself, emphasizes his professionalism and leaves a pleasant impression not only from customers, but also from the leadership.


The bosses are less selfish in work, more emotional and try to solve problems collectively. It is necessary to take into account when establishing relationships.

Depending on the psychotype, as well as the features of the workflow, it is necessary to adapt to those requirements that the authorities put. Show your professionalism and always adhere to business etiquette.

Finexecutive RUSSIA Site 2019-03-18

Secret of success or how to build effective relationship with the head

Correctly built relationships with management can be excellent support for your career staircase. It would seem that in this complex? After all, communication at work primarily depends on ourselves.

A lot of articles are dedicated to this topic. Their authors are unanimously that it is necessary to be competent in its field, to be able to cope with the tasks set on time and become a team player. But is it just just actually? How to develop an effective strategy and learn how to bypass sharp corners.

Your leader is, above all, a person with his feelings, priorities and values. So, in most cases, it is quite realistic to find a common language. What is needed for this?

5 valuable tips how to build relationships with management

  1. Look for contact points. Most likely, the interests of your boss are not limited to work. Perhaps he has a hobby that is close to you. Just do not try to deceive. If the leader is an avid mushroom, and you barely distinguish the champignon torm, find another topic for dialogue.
  2. Remember the subordination. Whatever your relationship, do not forget that the last word should remain as a leader. If you are confident that your idea will benefit the company, argued by defending your point of view. Observe the clock and remain correct. Even if you are responsible for refusal, do not hurry to write a letter of dismissal. After all, the responsibility for the accepted (or not accepted) decisions always falls on the shoulders of the chief.
  3. For criticism - taboo. Criticism is one of the most serious errors of the subordinate. Even if you have something to say, hold on to the temptation to take part in the discussion of the behavior of the leadership. After all, among the interlocutors there may be a "friend", which soon in detail will retell the boss. And it is unknown in what form, with what colorful turns this information will be filed.
  4. Adjinate experience. This is a great way to enhance your professionalism. After all, these methods allowed the boss to achieve success. Therefore, analyze the course of his thoughts, the method of work, which technologies he preferences. It is possible that soon your personal productivity will increase significantly.
  5. Calculate the development of the situation. When you get a job to find out the information or make the analysis of the figures received, think that it may be needed to be needed. Promotiveness, information possession testify to your professionalism.

How to be when everything is not so smooth?

Unfortunately, in practice, the situation does not always develop favorably. To do this, there may be many reasons. After all, each of us has its own character, experience of communication, rhythm, familiar techniques that we purchase at the previous job site.

Maybe you are accustomed to perform tasks to qualitatively and thoughtfully, and now you are waiting for a lightning reaction and an instant report on the work done. Or a new boss seeks to control you at all stages of the task, and you are used to independently plan your actions and only to show the final result.

In any case, negative emotions are removed from equilibrium and interfere fruitfully work. Sometimes, in order to deal with the reason for disagreements and eliminate them, it is enough to analyze what situations annoy the head, listen to his opinion and try to make adjustments to their behavior.

It may be useful to observe colleagues. Unless you experience difficulties in communication, and the rest manage to find a common language with the boss, then the reason for trouble is accurately lies in you. Ask, perhaps, someone has already been in your place in your place. Then it makes sense to talk to this person and take advantage of his experience.

If, despite the applied efforts, I cannot achieve productive cooperation, try to choose the right moment for a conversation with the leader alone. Correctly ask what your actions he considers not correct. Ask his opinion how to fix it and take into account the answer. After all, from how much you can listen to can depend on your further career.

In this situation, it is important to be able to choose the right time for conversation and manner of behavior. When an important report is on the verge of checking or burning, the leadership will hardly be configured to the dialogue. Yes, and the question "Why are you shouting at me?" It will not help to establish contact. It is much more constructive to formulate the phrase: "What is my mistake?" At the same time, demonstrate the desire to make efforts to correct it.

Remember - a frank conversation with the head saved not one career.

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