How to choose a high-quality bath what is better. What bath to choose for home: tips on choosing

Reservoirs 16.06.2019

Modern market Plumbing offers three main types of baths: acrylic, cast iron and steel. Intermediate with classic cast iron and bold design solutions of plumbing from acrylic are steel baths.

How to choose a steel bath and products of which manufacturers should be trusted, consider in the article.

High-quality steel baths are in great demand. They are chosen by those who do not want to install heavy cast iron plumbing at home, but at the same time he experiences distrust of the popular acrylo now.

In the manufacture of baths, manufacturers use two types of steel:

  1. Stainless. Baths of stainless steel Not widely popular due to the high cost of a special alloy. Steel having food appointmentis absolutely safe for human health and resistant to the emergence of corrosion.
  2. Structural. Models made of conventional steel are popular and affordable. The presence of an enamel coating on the body makes the product easier in maintenance and care.

Bowls made of stainless steel, over time, are able to lose their presentable appearance. In order for the metal surface, dried drops and divorces are visible, after each washing of the bowls, they have to rub the brilliance.

Steel baths can be installed without feasible in houses of the old building, where often loads on overlapping are limited.

Models covered with enamel, it does not threaten. But they are vulnerable to corrosion.

The quality of products depends on the thickness of the steel sheet used for their production. Thanks to the use of modern technology based on a stamping method using special forms, the thickness of the sheet does not change from the presence of bends.

The covering steel bowl of enamel over time is able to swell and be covered by the scattering of the finest cracks, which leads to rust

Advantages and disadvantages of products

The secret of the popularity of steel plumbing lies in a number of indisputable advantages with which it possesses:

  • Affordable price. The cost of steel products is relatively low, so that their acquisition and installation can afford even economical hosts.
  • Small construction weight. Due to the low weight, which in most cases does not exceed 50 kg, transportation and installation of the bath does not take a lot of time and effort.
  • Strength and durability. These qualities are associated with the characteristic of the steel itself. Durable and lightweight material has a significantly smaller porosity than the same cast iron. With neat operation, metal plumbing is capable of listening to more than 30 years.

Steel baths are not afraid of high temperatures, as well as their drops. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, the bowl is quickly heated and the same quickly cools. So it is so far in the bath, filled with warm water, it is possible only for a long time. Water in steel baths cools much faster than in cast iron and even more acrylic.

Due to the low porosity, the enamel coating of the bowl is less durable than applied to the cast-iron container, which is recognized as a significant disadvantage of steel plumbing

Important moment: one of mandatory conditions Installation of a jacuzzi with a steel bowl - the presence of grounding.

Steel baths are not devoid of flaws. Bowls with thin walls under the pressure of the water and the severity of the person who in them in time can be deformed. As a result, cracks and chips are formed on enamel. They require recovery or replacement of the product completely.

Enamel bowls made of steel has a smooth surface. It is very vulnerable to abrasive detergents and aggressive compositions.

When careing for such a coating, the use of alcohol, formaldehydes and acids, including lemon, sulfamine and ants should be avoided.

Some users who have already established steel baths noted that as the water filling the bowls make too much noise. This is due to the fact that metal surface If the directional water jet appears on it, performs an excellent resonator.

But this defect is easy to eliminate by imposing rubber gaskets. Successfully helps solve the problem and layer application mounting foam On the walls of the case of the bowl and the closure of the structure with a decorative panel.

A variety of assortment of plumbing

Plastic properties of steel allow manufacturers to create baths in a wide variety of forms.

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Clash form options

Due to the wide variety of forms of steel plumbing, you can always choose a compromise option, which perfectly fitted in a limited space. Bath hull shape can be any.

In addition to the baths of the rectangular form of standard sizes in the market are the so-called dimensions from 120/75/80 cm.

By purchasing steel plumbing, you get the strength comparable to cast-iron products, and modern designinherent in acrylic baths

For more discerning consumers manufacturers produce:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • corner models.

When choosing a shape of the body, you should navigate the interior style of the bathroom. A bath with a rectangular case having rounded ribs choose for small bathrooms. They fit perfectly into the interior decorated in minimalism style.

Baths with exclusive round form Bowls are chosen for the arrangement of rooms with sufficient area. They are often equipped with hydromassage nozzles. Therefore, they are more perceived as element of luxury, rather than a plumbing accessory. Depending on the size of the bowl, they are single, two- and even multi-site.

If there are arched openings, dome or spherical elements and interior, you can safely choose a bath with a round shape bowl

Bowls with an oval form fit well in classic stylewhich is inherent in the layer of design, softness of forms and lack of angles. For spacious bathrooms, the models of large dimensions are often chosen, capable of accommodating two people at once. Read more about how to choose a bath for two read.

Corner models are a win-win option for small bathroom areas. At the time of buying corner models It is worth considering that they are: left and right, symmetrical and asymmetrical.

The market presents both angular baths of smooth classic forms and asymmetric models that are distinguished by their uniqueness.

When choosing such models it should be borne in mind that the lag in the step is about 200 mm. So, in a bowl of a length of 1.7 meters, the length of the lying place leaves only 1.5 meters.

White and colored plumbing

Competently selected shape of the bowl in combination with the color of enamel dictates common style Bathroom.

To cover steel baths, any shades can be used. To get the desired shades, manufacturers add to the enamel dyes that do not fade in solar rays And do not lose the saturation of the color at temperature effects.

The main advantage of colored plumbing is its non-standardity.

If you consider the psychological side of the question, then the water element prevailing in the bathroom has an invigorating effect on a person, fueling its energy, so necessary for a full life.

When water comes into contact with the color palette, it is at the subconscious level a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the person

Each color affects different:

  • Green - The color of the world of nature. It helps to get rid of anxiety and excitement, having a soothing effect and contributing to relaxation during the adoption of water procedures.
  • Yellow - Sun color. This color also calms down and relaxes, but at the same time gives energy and optimism. The only thing is that he does not affect restraint, and therefore it is not worth using in insomnia.
  • Red - The color of the maternal womb. Helps to get a feeling of security. He stimulates work of cardio-vascular system And improves metabolism. After swimming in a red bath, you feel the tide of the strength and an increase in the tone.
  • Blue - The color of water elements. He gives calm and serenity, filling with decisiveness and confidence. A blue tint derived from it helps to cope with high pressure and get rid of fatigue.

A bright bath is capable of compensating for the lack of expressive shades in the usual interior, giving it a kind of highlight.

Pink baths choose active nature, not afraid of cardinal change; The color itself gives strength and self-confidence.

If there are doubts about choosing a color, stop on the classic white version. White plumbing universal. It is harmoniously capable of fitting in any interior. And it does not matter what style the bathroom is equipped and what color is chosen as a background.

Criteria for competent selection

Since in one glance, it is impossible to determine the shelf life of steel plumbing, when choosing a bath, we recommend focusing on the criteria below.

Optimal dimensions design

Before choosing a steel bath, you should decide on the design dimensions so that it freely fit into the bathroom room. If we talk about a standard range of rectangular bowls, then the width of the products is traditionally 700 mm, and the length varies in the range of 1.4-2 meters at a step of 0.1 meters.

Standard rules for choosing plumbing suggest that the bath case must occupy no more than 30% of the entire space of the bathroom

For bathrooms, 4-5 square baths most often choose bowls with a rectangular casing. If the bathroom space is limited, stop at the installation of angular models or.

You can find models with a length of the bowl and two meters on sale. But for people of the average set to use such baths is not entirely convenient. Many have noted that they experience discomfort while in the filled bowl, if they do not feel "shores".

Thickness of the walls of the product

The main thing is to pay for when choosing - the thickness of the walls of steel plumbing. High-quality products are produced with a wall thickness within 2.5-4 mm. For people with medium weight, a bowl is suitable for the wall thickness within 2.5-3 mm, if the weight is above the average - the bathtub with a thickness of 3.5 mm and above.

Choose products whose wall thickness is at least 3.5 millimeters - this is an indicator of the strength of the structure and its ability to hold heat

Measure the thickness of the metal using the caliper in the walls of the store is unlikely to be possible. In this situation, you can do this. Since steel is almost four times easier cast iron, it is possible to determine its approximate weight.

To do this, try lift the model and slightly move it from the spot. If the task was required for the minimum of effort - this is a reason to think about it. After all, the full-size bowl can weigh 20-25 kg only if the unfinished manufacturer saved on the thickness of the metal.

If the wall thickness is less than 1.5 mm, and the enamel layer does not exceed 0.6 mm, the likelihood is greater, that during operation under the weight of the human weight, the design is simply deformed

Determine the thickness of the walls and the integrity of the design will help the test for the "sound". With a slight tapping on the body, the metal surface should make an uniform, devoid of rattling, sound.

Consider that the wall thickness determines the metal ability to retain heat. The difference in the thickness of the metal used for the manufacture of the bowl within one and a half centimeters reduces the temperature of the water for one hour of bathing by 3-5 ° C.

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Quality facial surface

One of the key parameters of steel plumbing is the quality of the working coating.

When examining the enamel surface of the product, pay attention to two parameters:

  • smooth stamping;
  • the presence of defects.

The bowl must have smooth bends, devoid of any irregularities. The presence of influx and drills, cracks and chips indicates a violation of the product manufacturing technology, which can negatively affect its service life.

Enamel coating can be of any color; The main thing is that the paint is evenly applied and had a glossy smooth surface.

On the shelves, it is not rare to meet models with self-cleaning function. When choosing such products, enamel quality should be paid to special attention. After all, even a small coating defect can be reduced to "zero" properties of self-cleaning.

With visual inspection, the product also pay for the design geometry. It must be perfect. Application modern technologies Allows you to achieve this without problems.

Additional design elements

Modern baths often establish built-in underwater massage systems.

Depending on the type of impact, they are three species:

  • - A system consisting of a pump, hoses and nozzles, which under pressure supplies a jet of water.
  • Aerome massage - It differs from hydromassage by the fact that the main element of the effects on the bodies are mixed with water bubbles of air.
  • Turbomassage - combining two systems by exposure to air and water jets.

The power of the compressor and the number of nozzles depends on the size of the bowl.

The nozzles are mainly placed along the walls and the bottom to affect the back, legs and buttocks; If you want more - choose a model with an enlarged number of sprayers

As additional features Radio, ionization, water heating, illumination can be offered.

The bathroom package can also be included:

  • plug-overflow systems;
  • headrests;
  • adjustable legs;
  • noise absorbing stands;
  • recesses for bath accessories.

Handrails for baths make metal or polyurethane. They can be performed different colors: White, blue, gold, chrome plated.

Handrails made of polished stainless steel, do not lose the presentability after a decade of service in the conditions of a wet environment

The adjustable legs of the design often equipped with rubber pads, which, absorbing noise and splash of water, perform the function of the antusonator.

Overview of leading European manufacturers

The main suppliers of steel baths in the global plumbing market are European manufacturers. The cost of their products depends on the thickness of the stamping sheet, the complexity of the shape and design design.

German company Kaldewei.

The company produces plumbing in accordance with the latest innovative methods. A distinctive feature Products of this manufacturer are the combination of steel with an enamelled trim, which in the process of firing in the furnaces becomes a strong chemical bond.

The impeccable quality of the brand is confirmed by a thirty-year warranty that the manufacturer provides customers to the entire line of products

German baths are almost impossible to scratch. They do not lose the brightness of the world, being under the sun, and do not be spoiled with random coating of cigarettes or burning candles flames.

Most Kaldewei models have antigranese "PERL-EFFEKT"Thanks to which moisture itself rolls down with enamel, having limeted limesticks and mud clusters. For safe use of plumbing provided anti-slip enamel cladding "Antislip".

Italian company GUZZINI.

The company founded about half a century ago today releases great amount Ergonomic and functional plumbing.

The product range includes standard products and comfort class models, thanks to which you can get the maximum relaxation, enjoying the water element

Security, Comfort and Beauty are the main characteristics of the product of the Italian brand.

During the operation, the company does not cease to improve technology in order to introduce innovation into mass production. The special pride of its developers is the creation of systems "Hydrosilence" and "Hydrosonic"as well as hydromassage nozzles "Hydroline"which after installation do not protrude above the surface of the bowl.

Even the simplest models of this manufacturer have more than thirty color execution options.

Spanish Holding Roca.

The company, founded in 1917 by the Rock brothers, had time to expand so much that there was representative offices in 135 countries today.

The model range of steel baths presented in the market is quite wide: starting with "Contesa"having familiar standard dimensions, and completing the "Princess" equipped with wavy protrusions at the bottom and having a concave wall shape. Models enjoy the greatest popularity "Akira", "Haiti", "Malibu", "Continental".

Each model manufacturer produces in several options in size, so that you get the opportunity to splash in the filled container

In the process of manufacturing its products to cover the outer and internal surfaces of plumbing, the manufacturer uses pigmented enamel. Durable coating perfectly opposes impacts and corrosion.

If you consider less well-known trademarks, then the plumbing market has also proven themselves: Slovak firm "ESTAP", producing up to 80 models of steel baths, Portuguese company "BLB", French manufacturer "Jacob Delafon".

Popular domestic manufacturers

Among domestic producers, such trademarks have proven well:

  • OAO Visa (Ver-Iset Metallurgical Plant) - produces products under the brands "Donna Bath" and "Antika";
  • Novokuznetsk plant "Universal" - since 2005, it works on new German equipment, produces only stable models;
  • Kirovsky plant - has an updated German production line. The know-how developers - the creation of enamel with the addition of silver ions.

Products of these factories for the strength of products and a variety of assortment of plumbing can argue with the line of goods from leading European manufacturers.

Thick walls, durable top covering, increased area fastening of legs - All this makes domestic plumbers as convenient and reliable in operation

Thanks to the affordable pricing policy of domestic companies, even the most luxurious bath will not be ruined for the buyer's wallet. Steel baths with full snap from these manufacturers at the price costs within 4-15 thousand rubles.

The choice of the model depends on your preferences, the main thing is to trust only large and well-known manufacturers. Leaders' company will value their reputation, and therefore the risk of acquiring a poor-quality or defective product is minimal.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for choosing a steel bowl model for swimming:

Video selection of steel baths in the interior of the bathrooms:

Easy way to insolation steel plumbing:

In general, steel baths are no worse than analogs and are quite capable of competing with models. Adhering to the recommendations given, you can easily choose a plumbing that will surely serve not one dozen years.

If you have questions about familiarization with information or you can give valuable advice Our readers on choosing steel baths, please leave your comments in the block below.

The choice of bath is a key factor in the design of your bathroom, so we highly recommend approaching this issue responsibly, I have not pity time. After all, there are countless varieties of baths, practically for every taste and wallet.

In the bathroom begins our day and there ends.
Proper bath, optimally suitable for your style and needs, can define the difference that distinguishes just a good day and great!

In the past, the bath was considered the subject of luxury, which, of course you can not say about our time. The overwhelming majority of our contemporaries prefer to install baths in their apartments.

If you are planning to purchase a new bath, you need to take into account several factors:

Selection of material

Baths are made from different materials, such as copper, steel, iron,

stone and many others. The bath value is highly dependent on the material from which it is made. Therefore, you need to have a clear idea which type of bath you need.

The material will determine not only the cost, but also the weight of the bathroom, as well as how soon they will be brought to you. Light baths - from acrylic and fiberglass. They are inexpensive, but not very durable. In order to avoid damage and fading, care for such baths is necessary to carry out soft non-abrasive detergents.

Cast iron bath Very durable, but expensive and heavy. It is resistant to corrosion and retains the water temperature well. Marble and tree need additional care due to cracks and scratches, but they look very unusual and elegant. Enameled steel is an affordable and durable material. However, water in it cools faster than in cast-iron baths. Copper baths are an elegant solution, but its metal glitter can darken over time. What would not happen, use special detergents.

Acrylic bath. Acrylic is very durable and practical material. It is well held heat, resistant to chemical impacts. Until recently, acrylic baths were considered an elite plumbing, but thanks to high competition among suppliers, the last time the cost of such baths has decreased significantly.

Bathroom style

Think about your style. You want a bath in old style Or modern, like a jacuzzi?

Baths on legs.Baths on the legs are a traditional option, popular from the 1800s. As a rule, they are made of cast iron.

Retro style bath in the form of a boat with a single shower head

Hydromassage baths.Very popular bath type for today. The market presents a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors, including models that fit into

standard 5 - 6-meter bathroom. Hydromassage bath is normal bath, in the walls and the bottom of which the nozzles are mounted.

In the hydromassage baths, a pump is used to recycling water, which under pressure is pushed in the form of jets through these nozzles. Nozzles are located in such a way that it would provide a massage of those areas of the body that most of it need: Lumbar Department, a pelvic area, neck, legs

How big is your budget?

Obviously, your budget will be another factor that will determine which bath you will choose. Do not be afraid to spend a little more for a high-quality bath. After all, you acquire it for a long time, and you will use regularly. Therefore, it is worth paying a little more for comfortable and attractive bath. Remember that in addition to the cost of the bath, it is also necessary to take into account the cost of sanitary and installation work. If the budget is small, then you can choose inexpensive acrylic or fiberglass-made baths. The most expensive are baths made of copper.

Bathroom space

When choosing a bath, you need to take into account the space of the bathroom. The bath should not be too big or too small, in comparison the room itself. Bath installed should not cause interference in the use of the bathroom. You can consider proposals offered by designers. Professionals can help choose a bath without any "surprises".

When choosing a bathroom, make sure that the width, length and depth are suitable for your family members. It is useful to know that in the bathroom deeper than 70 cm it is not very convenient to keep your head at the water level.

Constructively baths most often represents a metal (cast-iron or steel) enameled capacity of about 250-300 liters. Baths are seated and lying - respectively for washing sitting or lying. The last previously differed in length - 1500 and 1700 mm, which was associated with installing them in standard apartments. Now the requirements for the size of the baths are not so tough, besides the bath can be made to order.

How to choose a bath video

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Despite the rapidly growing popularity of shower cabins, most people cannot deny themselves enjoy receiving a bath. The times, when I had to be content with that plumbing, which was installed in the apartment during construction, or her scarce choice in stores, was kanuli in the fly. Now much more relevant questions: how to choose a bathroom bath, than they differ, what are the pros and cons of each type. You will find answers to them below.

Where is it better to start a choice of bath

The service life of plumbing is sufficiently long under the condition of proper operation and care. Therefore, most often people think about what bath it is better to choose, before settling in new apartment Or when repairing. It is important to take into account not only your own needs and financial capabilities, but also the dwelling parameters in which it will be located.

Before you choose a bath, it is worth determining the place where it will be placed, and make the necessary measurements. It is important to take into account the location of other plumbing products and household appliances. If the room has a challenging configuration, the choice of a suitable shape bowl can help save space and burn it in harmoniously into the interior.

How to choose a bath suitable size

Choosing a bath size, you need to focus not only on the characteristics of the room, where it will stand, but also on the growth and physique of its future users. Sometimes it is necessary to compromise, especially if the inhabitants of the apartment are several, and the bathroom or bathroom is small in the area, or have a small length and width.

From the point of view of comfort, the higher the human growth, the longer there should be a bathhouse. A man with an increase in 175 cm can be freely accommodated in the middleside position (knees are hidden under water, rib cage Above the water level) in a bath with a length of 170-180 cm. At a smaller length will have to either sit or bend the legs in the knees. A longer product is worth buying if the user's growth is over two meters, and the dimensions of the room allow it to be installed. For a comfortable use of a single bath, its width must be 10 cm more than the width of the body. People with a dense physique it is better to make a choice in favor of a wider bath, or pay attention to the product of another form.

The depth of the bowl of all baths are approximately the same and amounts to 40-50 cm. Deeper are also found on the market, but do not forget that the edge of their sides will also be located higher from the floor. This feature can create certain difficulties using children and the elderly.

Varieties of baths in the form of a bowl

Bowls Baths are:

  • oval and round;
  • angle (symmetric and asymmetric).

If the dimensions and the configuration of the room allow, the choice in favor of this or that form, first of all, the taste. It should be borne in mind that the baths of a round, oval and angular form will have to be filled with water longer because of the larger volume, they will take a lot of space, and they will be higher. In addition, it significantly narrows the available range. But from the point of view of comfort and functionality, such baths usually exceed the classic rectangular, if necessary, several people can simultaneously accommodate.

Inside the bath also vary. Most often, they have the shape of the bed, but even at the same time, the opposite of the wall in relation to the hole for draining the wall can be cool and canopy. Sometimes the bowl is adapted for seating, equipped with head restraints, restraints, handrails and shelves for all sorts of accessories.

Which bath is better: steel or cast iron, acrylic or coniferous

Modern baths are made from various materials: steel (ordinary and stainless), cast iron, acrylic, kvaril, artificial marble, ceramics.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. To understand which bath it is better for you, you need to decide on the qualities of the greatest value.

Cast iron baths

The cast iron is characterized by a number of outstanding qualities, including significant hardness and low thermal conductivity. At the same time, such products are difficult to give the necessary formtherefore cast iron baths are usually rectangular or oval. Protection against corrosion and smoothness surface provides double layer enamel.


  • durable;
  • durable;
  • scored water slowly cools;
  • does not make noise when filling.
  • severe (over 100 kg);
  • limited choice of forms;
  • the complexity of the surface repair during damage.

Bathroom is not just a place to wash. For many, this is an opportunity to soak in warm bath, relax and relax after heavy day. Having drawning up their home, all early or later face the question: "What bath it is better to choose?".

Bath - the ability to soak in warm water after a difficult day. There are many selection criteria

We will try to reveal all the disadvantages and obvious advantages of various types of baths.

What parameters the bath is selected

How to choose the right bath, which requirements makes a consumer, choosing a "dream bath", to which you should pay attention to not regret it is time to buy:

  1. The quality of the material. Here is the strength of the design and coating itself. For many plays a role as the maximum weight of the bath can withstand. An important parameter is the durability and deformation of the deformation, because few people want to change the plumbing.
  2. Size and appearance. To properly select the design, you need to make accurate measurements (length, width and depth), decide on the location of the plumbing, decide which form and color should be a bath. It may be, it must have any features or modifications.
  3. Regular care. Plumbing needs systematic leaving. It may be that this moment will be decisive in the question, which bath is better, because not all cleaning agents are equally suitable for different types of surface. A significant role is played by the quality of water in the house.
  4. Delivery and installation. According to surveys, this item pays special attention because the difference between the species of colossal and each of them has its pros and cons. Light designs require more lasting installation, heavy monolithic is easy to install, but require efforts to delivery.
  5. Easily use. It is estimated here at the blow of the jet and heat capacity - the rate of cooling the water cooling rate, because the soul is also enough for a simple hygienic procedure, and some time you want to lie down in the bath.
  6. Question price. One of the main criteria is the possibility of a budget. On the market of goods you can find many copies of domestic or Chinese production, quite suitable for the price of medium and economy-class. Lovers of brand things are suitable plumbing of proven brands.

Variety of species and materials

Solving, from which material to choose a bath, you need to carefully examine all the characteristics and relate them to your requirements and capabilities. But first consider what kinds of baths enjoy the greatest demand:

  1. Cast iron is a classic version, durable, covered with a thick layer of enamel, heavy structures. Until recently, the basis of domestic plumbing was founded, but did not lose competitiveness and in the present days.
  2. The steel was also leaders of domestic products, today they rapidly lose their positions.
  3. Acrylic - one of the best options, striking the variety of forms, color selection, sizes. We are in demand as inexpensive standard models and improved.

Acrylic bath - the most popular model among consumers

Exotic views of the baths expensive, but durable:

  1. Kvarilov - a mixture of acrylic and quartz sand - light but durable design. It is not afraid of mechanical damage, a variety of forms and sizes are manufactured.
  2. Ceramic is a fragile thing with high heat capacity and practically no shelf life.
  3. Stone is manufactured from natural materials With the addition of quartz or granite crumb.

Weight "For" and "Against"

To determine preferences, you need to thoroughly weigh all the positive and negative quality of products.

We looked at what baths are, and now we will analyze the most popular species in detail.

Cast iron bath

The massive design of the classic oblong form. The obvious advantages can be attributed to:

  • high-strength metal is little prone to strain and wear, resistant to mechanical damage, is distinguished by a long service life;
  • high-quality enamel will not fade, at chips and scratches, it is possible to restore;
  • due to heavy weight has elevated stability;
  • the lack of vibration allows the bath in the "quiet mode";
  • it has the highest heat capacity, the cooling of water (with full set) occurs in about half an hour;
  • cast iron baths It is beneficial to stand out at the price, but if we are not talking about design projects.

The cast-iron bath is profitably highlighted by the price.

What are the shortcomings of the selected models:

  • weight of 100-120 kg - a big problem for transportation and installation of construction;
  • enameled coating requires special care and careful circulation;
  • cast iron is a complex material processing, so the baths are obtained by the same type, according to unified standards.

Baths of steel

Despite the smaller popularity among consumers, this product also has their advantages:

  • steel baths in comparison with other much more affordable for the price, which attracts buyers;
  • steel - lightweight material, so independent delivery and installation do not deliver hassle;
  • enamel has a good shine and, thanks to the technique of application, is not subject to detachal;
  • despite the lightness and a small wall thickness (only 3 mm), it is a durable material.

Consider negative points:

  • because of the ease of design, it needs additional fastening;
  • many annoys the "wild roar" when setting water to correct the situation use gaskets from rubber or mounting foam;
  • fast heat loss;
  • it is possible to deformation at the thickness of the walls less than 3 mm.

Baths from Acryla

About new Trend., quickly gaining popularity than they attract:

  • a small weight helps to deliver the design without difficulty on any floor and quickly carry out installation;
  • can be restored with not significant mechanical damage;
  • long holds heat, has a non-slip surface;
  • not "noise" when setting water;
  • saves consumption of care products, often enough rinse with clean water;
  • it has many modifications of both color and form.

Acrylic bath has many advantages

The disadvantages of the structure are more often associated with the following facts:

  • high price, if compared with cast iron or steel;
  • service life rarely exceeds 15 years;
  • acrylic is elected in cleansing means, chemistry containing solvents or abrasive substances can damage the surface;
  • the washing of colored linen in the bath is changing the color of acrylic, as well as there is no low-quality tap water;
  • since the material is flexible, it is not suitable for people with overweight Body.

Baths from Kvaril

It is the same acrylic, but the fortified and more durable, the wall thickness is 10 mm. The kvaril has all the advantages of acrylic structures, but the "weighting" gives greater stability and reduces the risk of deformation. Unfortunately, such a material is much more expensive.

All bath materials and types of designs have their own positive parties. Therefore, solving which bath is better, it is relying not only to fashion, but to more personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Compare and choose

Looking before choosing which bath to choose: acrylic, steel or cast-iron, spend comparative analysis By basic parameters.

Steam number 1: Acrylic and Steel:

  1. Both materials are light, so the delivery passes without additional trouble. Both structures require proper Installation and strong fixation. But unlike acrylic, the steel needs a "softening layer", which can drown out noise from the blow of a jet of water.
  2. Acrylic, like a more plastic material, is manufactured in a wide range of colors and shapes. Steel has a smaller range of diversity.
  3. Acrylic has a greater heat capacity, the water in the steel bath cools around in about 15 minutes, and this does not fit lovers to soak.
  4. Acrylic care is quite simple, the steel surface will require more effort and detergents.
  5. With a gentle approach, a good acrylic bath will last up to 20 years, the steel will have to replace much earlier.
  6. Often the decisive moment in the purchase becomes the price, and here steel in the leaders.

Therefore, in the choice of acrylic or steel bath, More advantages at acrylic.

Steam number 2: cast iron or acrylic bath:

  1. The quality and strength of pig-iron products is undoubtedly. This metal is not deformed at high temperatures, withstands a significant mechanical impact, its durability is 40 years and above. Acrylic for these parameters is inferior unconditionally.
  2. Deliver and mount the cast-iron design alone is not real. Acrylic is the complete opposite, it is easily installed on the frame, or on a brick basis.
  3. Cast iron is a heavy material in processing, so the baths do not differ from it variety, are produced more often in the standard rectangular form In white color. Acrylic products can be chosen on "every taste".
  4. Cast iron is the most "quiet" material, lasting the water temperature for a long time. However, acrylic slimming inferior to him.
  5. Caring for cast-iron surfaces is not more complex and mainly depends on the quality of enamel.
  6. The cost of high-quality acrylic product is always higher than cast iron, which plays a significant role in the task.

The cost of high-quality acrylic bath is higher than cast-iron

In a cast iron dispute or a better acrylic bath, the winner did not decide, so the choice will depend on the preferences of the buyer.

Manufacturers and Trading Stamps

We studied all kinds of baths, their shortcomings and the best sides, decided on the choice. Another question arises: "What manufacturer is better to prefer?"

Existing models can be divided into elite, medium price and low-budget.

Proven manufacturers of cast iron baths:

  1. French Jacob Delafon and Oxame have long been working on russian marketare considered one of best manufacturers Plumbing giving a guarantee of 25 years to their products.
  2. The Italian Goldmen is characterized by a special coating of products, giving resistance to mechanical damage.
  3. Spanish Roca works in many European countries, is a major producer of cast iron baths at an affordable price.
  4. What plumbing to choose from domestic brands: Novokuznetsk plant "Universal" produces high quality products and affordable prices; Kirov enterprise - supplier of cast-iron baths with improved silverplant.

The best acrylic models:

  1. The Russian company Aquanet is a manufacturer of expensive, but high-quality plumbers of high comfort.
  2. The domestic brand BAS is distinguished by a favorable price, a variety of structures. This is a simple, but durable option for a small budget.
  3. Polish manufacturers of Kolo and Cersanit large suppliers of all kinds of plumbers are a variety of shapes, colors and sizes.

Choose a bath of steel. The basis of this product is the model of Lipetsk production, imports from Kazakhstan, China, Slovakia. There are elite "works of art" from Germany and Italy.

How to choose a bath and not mistaken

A large purchase is always performed on a long period. How to choose the right bath and not disappointed in the purchase, to pay attention to:

  1. When choosing an acrylic bath, you need to slightly press on its bottom, the high-quality bath does not bend. If this happens, then the wall thickness is less than 3 mm or you are trying to sell ordinary plastic. Choose a more traditional option, models of an unusual design less durable. Acrylic does not differ with glitter, but the surface should not have roughness, and the color is uniformly distributed. The presence of a low price, which should not be in the case of acrylic baths, should inspire alertness.
  2. How and by what criteria to choose cast-iron bath. It is important to pay special attention to the parameters and integrity of the enamelled coating. If the bath on the legs is bought, select those that can be adjusted in height.
  3. How to choose a bathroom made of steel. The main point is the wall thickness, if it is less than 3 mm, such a product is deformed with time. In addition, you should immediately foresee the fasteners for which you put the bath. The optimal depth of the steel bath is 60 cm, and the weight of at least 30 kg.

You can argue about the advantages of one or another plumbing for a long time. But remember that this is your bath and what to choose to solve only you.

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