The start of using electricity. Effect of electricity on living organisms

Decor elements 21.09.2019
Decor elements

One of the most important milestones in the history of the planet is the invention of electricity. It is this discovery that it helps to develop our civilization to this day. Electricity - One of the most eco-friendly who owns the opening of this phenomenon? How do electricity get and apply? Can I independently create a galvanic element?

The history of the invention of electricity briefly

Electricity was found in the 7th century to our era an ancient Greek philosopher Fales. He found out that grated amber wool is able to attract smaller items.

However, large-scale experiments with electricity begin in the era of rebirth in Europe. In 1650, the Magdeburg Burgomistrome von Griques built an electrostatic installation. In 1729, Stephen Gray was delivered to the distance. In 1747, there was an essay, where all the well-known facts about electricity were collected and new theories were nominated. In 1785, the law of Kulon was opened.

1800 has become a turning point: Italian Volt is inventing the first source direct current. In the 1820th Danish scientist, the Ersteen found items. The year later, Ampere found out that the magnetic field is created by electric shock, but not static charges.

Such great researchers like Gauss, Joule, Lenz, introduced an invaluable contribution to the invention of electricity. The year 1830 was also important, because Gauss was developed the theory and development of the engine operating on the current, belongs to Michael Faraday.

At the end of the 19th century, experiences with electricity were carried out by many scientists, among them Lachinov, Hertz, Thomson, Rutherford. At the beginning of the 20th century, the theory of quantum electrodynamics appeared.

Electricity in nature

Opening and the invention of electricity has already happened for a very long time. However, it was previously believed that in nature it is simply not. But the American Franklin found out that such a phenomenon, like zipper, has a purely electrical nature. For a long time, his point of view was rejected by the scientific community.

Electricity is of great importance in nature. Many scientists believe that due to the discharges of the lightning, the synthesis of amino acids was carried out, as a result of which life originated on Earth. Without nerve impulses, the functioning of the organism is not a single animal. There are varieties of marine organisms that use electricity as a means for defense, attacks, orientation in space and search for food.

Getting electricity

The invention of electricity has influenced scientific and technical progress. For electricity generation, it has been created for many decades of power plant. Electricity is created using energy generators, and then it is transmitted by LPP. The principle of current creation is to translate mechanical energy into electrical. Power plants are divided into the following types:

  • atomic;
  • wind;
  • hydropower;
  • tidal and excellent;
  • solar;
  • thermal.

Application of electricity

The invention of electricity is right the greatest discovery, because without it it becomes impossible modern life. It is available in almost every home and is applied to lighting, exchange information, cooking, heating, operation household appliances. Electricity is also necessary for the movement of tram, trolleybuses, metro, electric trains. Computer work, cell phone is also impossible without electricity.

Curious experience

It turns out that the galvanic element can be made independently, and it is done simply enough. This method gained fame in the early 20th century.

To begin with, it is necessary to cut a fairly sharp lemon in the middle enough. It is extremely undesirable to shoot or tear partitions between slices. After that, you need to connect alternately a small piece of wire, about 2 centimeters in size alternately. Copper and zinc wires should be alternate in cells. Then follows the ends of the protruding wire sequentially connect the metal wire of smaller diameter. Thus, you can get the batter. How to check if it works? To do this, you can measure voltage voltage.

One of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind was the invention of electricity. The opening date is exactly unknown. However, the experiments began to conduct ancient Greek scientist Fales. The active study of electricity began in the Renaissance. Without it, no living organism is impossible. Today, without this invention, we practically cannot submit our lives. People have long learned to receive, transmit and use electricity.


Let's start our story with the words of the Tesla himself, who wrote a wonderful essay of the history of electrical engineering "Fairy Tale of Electricity": "Who really wants to remember all the greatness of our time, he should get acquainted with the history of the science of electricity."

For the first time, the phenomena, now called electrical, were noticed in ancient China, India, and later in ancient Greece. The preserved legends say that the ancient Greek philosopher Falez Miletsky (640-550 BC. E.) It has already been known as the property of amber, grated fur or wool, attract scraps of paper, gunki and other lightweight bodies. From the Greek Name of Amber - "Electron" - the phenomenon later received the name of electrification.

For many centuries, electrical phenomena were considered manifestations of the Divine Force, while 17V. Scientists did not come close to the study of electricity. Pendant, Hilbert, Otto von Gerica, Mushenbrek, Franklin, Ersted, Arago, Lomonosov, Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta - That's not full list Scientists involved in electricity problems. Especially it should be said about the activities of the wonderful scientist Andre Marie Ampere, which marked the beginning of the study of the dynamic operations of electric current and established a number of electrodynamics laws.

The opening of Ersteda, Arago, Ampere interested in the genius English physics of Michael Faraday and prompted him to make all the range of questions about the transformation of electrical and magnetic energy into mechanical. Another English physicist James Clerk (Clark) Maxwell 1873 issued a capital two-volume "Treatise on electricity and magnetism", which combined the concepts of electricity, magnetism and an electromagnetic field. From that moment began the era of active use of electric energy in everyday life.

1. Electricity

Electricity - the concept of expressing properties and phenomena due to the structure physical tel and processes, the essence of which is the movement and interaction of microscopic charged particles of the substance (electrons, ions, molecules, their complexes, etc.).

Hilbert first discovered that the properties of electrification are inherent not only to amber, but also diamond, gray, resin. He also noticed that some bodies, such as metals, stones, bone, are not electrified, and divided all bodies found in nature, electrified and non-plays. By turning special attention to the first, he made experiments on the study of their properties.

In 1650, the famous German scientist, Burgomaster of the city of Magdeburg, inventor air pump Otto von Gerica built a special "electric car", which represented a ball from sulfur with a baby head, planted on the axis.

Figure 1 - Electric Machine Background Gerica, Advanced Wang De Count

If when the ball rotates it rubbed his hands with his palms, he soon acquired the property attributing and repel the lungs. For several centuries, Gerica has significantly improved the Englishman Hawksby, German scientists Bose, Winker and others. Experiments with these machines led to a number of important discoveries:

· In 1707, the French physicist Du Fay discovered the difference between electricity obtained from the friction of the glass bowl and obtained from friction of steepness of the wood resin;

· In 1729, the British of Gray and Wieler found the ability of some bodies to carry out electricity and first indicated that all the bodies can be divided into conductors and non-conductive electricity.

But much more important opening It was described in 1729 by Mushenbrek - Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy in the city of Leiden. He discovered that the glass jar was placed on both sides by tin foil (layers of the Staniol), can accumulate electricity. Charged to a certain potential (the concept of which appeared much later), this device could be discharged with a significant effect - a large spark, which produced a strong crackling, similar to the discharge of lightning, and provided physiological actions when touched the hands to the edges of the cans. From the title of the city, where experiences were made, the device created by Mushenbrek was named by the Leiden Bank.

Figure 2 - Leiden Bank. Parallel connection of four cans

Studies of its properties were made in different countries and caused the emergence of many theories that tried to explain the discovered phenomenon of the condensation of charge. One of the theories of this phenomenon was given outstanding American scientists and public figure Benjamin Franklin, which pointed out the existence of positive and negative electricity. From the point of view of this theory, Franklin explained the process of charge and discharge of Leiden Bank and proved that its plates can arbitrarily electrify with different electrical charges.

Franklin, like Russian scientists M. V. Lomonosov and Richman, paid a lot of attention to the study of atmospheric electricity, a thunderstorm discharge (zipper). As you know, Richman died, producing experience in learning lightning. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin was invented by a lightning result. Lightning reception (in everyday life is also used by a more harmonious "threshing") - a device installed on buildings and structures and serving to protect against lightning strike. Consists of three interconnected parts:

In 1785, the main law of electrostatics was opened in the pendant. Based on numerous experiments, the pendant established the following law:

The strength of the interaction of fixed charges in vacuo is directly proportional to the product of charge modules and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them-,

In 1799, the first source of electric current was created - a galvanic element and battery of elements. Galvanic element (chemical current) - a device that allows to turn the chemical reaction energy in electric work. According to the principle of operation, the primary (one-time), secondary (batteries) and fuel cells are distinguished. The galvanic element consists of an ion-conductive electrolyte and two heterogeneous electrodes (semi-elements), oxidation and recovery processes in the galvanic element are spatially separated. The positive pole of the galvanic element is called cathode, negative - anode. Electrons exit the element through the anode and move in the outer chain to the cathode.

The works of Russian academics of Epinus, Kraft and others revealed a whole series of very important properties Electric charge, but all of them studied electricity in a state of stationary or instant times a number of it, that is, the properties of static electricity. Its movement manifested only in the form of discharge. About electric current, i.e. about the continuous movement of electricity, has not yet been known.

One of the first deeply investigated the properties of the electric current in 1801 -1802, St. Petersburg Academician V. V. Petrov. The work of this outstanding scientist who built the largest battery in the world in those years in those years, has established the ability to practice the electric current to heat the conductors. In addition, Petrov observed the phenomenon of the electric discharge between the ends of the slightly divorced coal in both the air and in other gases and vacuum, which received the name of the electric arc. V. V. Petrov not only described an open phenomenon, but also indicated the possibility of its use for lighting or melting metals and thus first expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe practical use of electric current. From now on, it should begin the history of electrical engineering as an independent industry.

Experiments with electric shock attracted the attention of many scientists from different countries. In 1802, the Italian scientist Romanosi discovered the deviation of the magnetic arrow under the influence of the electric current flowing around the conductor located near the conductor. At the end of 1819, this phenomenon was once again observed by the Danish physicist Erstened, who in March 1820 published a brochure in Latin under the title "Experiments relating to the actions of the electrical conflict on the magnetic arrow. In this essay, an electric current has been named electrical current.

Almost only Arago demonstrated at the meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences, the experience of Ersteda as Ampere, repeating it, on September 18, 1820, exactly a week later, introduced a report on his research to the Academy. At the next meeting, September 25, Ampere did read the report in which he outlined the laws of interaction between two currents flowing through parallel to the standards. From this point on, the Academy listened to the new reports of the Ampere about his experiments that completed the discovery and formulating the basic laws of electrodynamics.

One of the most important merit of the ampere was that he first united two disassembled phenomena - electricity and magnetism - one theory of electromagnetism and proposed to consider them as a result of a single nature process. This theory, encountered by the Ampere contemporaries with great distrust, was very progressive and played a huge role in the right sense of open later phenomena.

In 1827, the German scientist Georg OM discovered one of the fundamental laws of electricity, establishing the basic dependencies between the current power, voltage and resistance of the circuit on which the electric current flows ,,,

In 1847, Kirchhof formulated the laws of deploying currents in complex chains ,,,

· First Kirchoff Law

It is applied to nodes and is formulated as follows: the algebraic amount of currents in the node is zero. Signs are determined depending on whether the current is sent to the node or from it (in any case arbitrarily).

· The second law of Kirchhoff

It applies to contours: In any circuit, the sum of the voltage on all elements and sections of the chain included in this circuit is zero. The direction of bypassing each contour can be selected arbitrarily. Signs are determined depending on the coincidence of stresses with the direction of bypass.

Second wording: in any closed loop The algebraic amount of stresses in all areas with resistance included in this circuit is equal to the algebraic amount of EMF.

· Generalization of the laws of Kirchhoff

Let y be the number of circuit nodes, in the number of branches, to - the number of contours.

Figure 3 - Linear branched electrical circuit (y \u003d 3, B \u003d 5, k \u003d 6)

2. Magnetism (Magnets)

Magnetism- this is a form of interaction of moving electrical chargescarried out at a distance via a magnetic field.

The magnetic field is a special kind of matter, a specific feature of which is an action on a moving electric charge, conduirers with a current, bodies with a magnetic moment, with force, depending on the velocity vector, the direction of the current strength in the explorer and from the direction of the magnetic torque.

Permanent magnet - a magnetual material product, an autonomous source of a permanent magnetic field.
Magnets [Greek. Magnetis, from Magnetis Lithos, - a stone from Magnesia ( ancient city In Malaya Asia)] there are natural and artificial. Natural magnet is a piece iron OreWith the ability to attract to themselves near small iron items.

Giant natural magnets are land and other planets (magnetosphere) as they have a magnetic field. Artificial magnets are objects and products that have obtained magnetic properties as a result of contact with a natural magnet or magnetized in a magnetic field. A permanent magnet is an artificial magnet.

In the most simple cases, a permanent magnet is a body (in the form of a horseshoe, stripes, washers, rod, etc.), which has passed the corresponding heat treatment and pre-magnetized to saturation.

Figure 4 - Types of magnets: a) horseshoe-shaped; b) strip; c) ring

A permanent magnet usually enters how component In a magnetic system designed to form a magnetic field. The tension of the magnetic field formed by a permanent magnet may be both constant and adjustable.
Various parts permanent magnet Attract iron items in different ways. The ends of the magnet, where the maximum attraction is called the poles of the magnet, and the middle part, where the attraction is practically absent, is called a neutral magnet zone. Artificial magnets in the form of a strip or horseshoe always have two poles at the ends of the strip and the neutral zone between them. It is possible to magnetize a piece of steel in such a way that it will have 4, 6 or more poles separated by neutral zones, and the number of poles always remains even. It is impossible to get a magnet with one pole. The ratio between the sizes of the pole regions and the neutral zone of the magnet depends on its shape.

A secluded magnet in the form of a long and thin rod is called a magnetic arrow. The end of the edge-reinforced or suspended magnetic arrow is the simplest compass, indicates the geographical north of the Earth, and is called the northern pole (N) of the magnet, the opposite pole of the magnet, indicates south, and is called the southern pole (s).
The applications of permanent magnets are very diverse. They are used in electric motors, in automation, robotics, for magnetic couplings of magnetic bearings, in the hourly industry, in household appliances, like autonomous sources of a permanent magnetic field in electrical engineering and radio engineering.

Magnetic chains, including permanent magnets, should be open, i.e. have an air gap. If a permanent magnet is made in the form of an annular core, then it practically does not give energy into the outer space, since almost all magnetic power lines are closed inside it. In this case, the magnetic field outside the core is practically absent. To use the magnetic energy of constant magnets, you need to create an air gap of a certain size in a closed magnetic circuit.

When a permanent magnet serves to create a magnetic flux in an air gap, for example, between poles of a horsepiest magnet, an air gap reduces induction (and magnetization) of a permanent magnet.

3. Electromagnetism

Electromagnetic interaction is one of four fundamental interactions. Electromagnetic interaction exists between particles having an electric charge. From a modern point of view, the electromagnetic interaction between charged particles is not carried out directly, but only by means of an electromagnetic field.

From the point of view of the quantum field theory, the electromagnetic interaction is transferred by a massless boson - a photon (a particle that can be represented as a quantum excitation of an electromagnetic field). The photon itself does not possess electrical charge, which means it cannot directly interact with other photons.

Electric charge particles are also involved in the fundamental particles in the electromagnetic interaction: having electric charge particles: quarks, electronics, muon and tau particles (from fermions), as well as charged calibration bosons.

Electromagnetic interaction differs from weak and strong effects to its long-range character - the strength of the interaction between the two charges only falls as the second degree of distance (see: the law of the coulon). By the same law falls with the distance gravitational interaction.

The electromagnetic interaction of charged particles is much stronger than gravitational, and the only reason for which the electromagnetic interaction is not manifested with a lot of force on space scale - Electric neutrality of matter, that is, the presence in each region of the universe with a high degree of accuracy of equal amounts of positive and negative charges.

Electromagnetic field- This is a special form of matter by which the interaction between charged particles is carried out. Represents interrelated variables electric field and magnetic field. Mutual communication Electric E and magnetic fields lies in the fact that any change in one of them leads to the appearance of another: an alternating electric field generated by acceleratedly moving charges (source), an alternating magnetic field is excited in adjacent areas of space, which, in turn, excites A variable electrical field adjacent to it, etc. Thus, the electromagnetic field extends to the point to the point of space in the form of electromagnetic wavesrunning from the source. Thanks to the limb of the propagation rate, the electromagnetic field can exist autonomously from the source that generated its source and does not disappear with the elimination of the source (for example, radio waves do not disappear with the termination of the current in the antenna radiating).

The electromagnetic field in vacuo is described by the electric field and magnetic induction. The electromagnetic field in the medium is additionally characterized by two auxiliary values: the tension of the magnetic field H and the electrical induction D. The connection of the components of the electromagnetic field with charges and currents is described by Maxwell's equations.

Electromagnetic waves are electromagnetic oscillations propagating in space with a final velocity depending on the properties of the medium (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Electromagnetic Waves

The existence of electromagnetic waves is predicted by the English physicist M. Faraday in 1832, another English scientist, J. Maxwell, in 1865, theoretically showed that electromagnetic oscillations remain localized in space, and distributed in all parties from the source. Maxwell Theory allowed a single way to approach the description of radio waves, optical radiation, X-ray radiation, gamma radiation. It turned out that all these types of radiation are electromagnetic waves with a different wavelength λ, i.e., relative in nature. Each of them has its own specified place in a single scale of electromagnetic waves (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Electromagnetic Waves

Spreading in media, electromagnetic waves, as well as any other waves, may experience refraction and reflection on the interface interface, dispersion, absorption, interference; When distributed in inhomogeneous media, waves diffraction, wave scattering and other phenomena are observed.

Electromagnetic waves of different wavelength ranges are characterized by various methods of excitation and registration, in different ways interact with the substance. The processes of radiation and absorption of electromagnetic waves from the longest to the IR radiation are quite fully described by the ratios of classical electrodynamics.

In the ranges of shorter wavelengths, especially in X-ray bands and γ rays, processes having a quantum nature are dominated and can only be described within the framework of quantum electrodynamics based on the discretion of these processes.

Electromagnetic waves are widely used in radio communications, radar, television, medicine, biology, physics, astronomy, etc. Areas of science and technology.

The opening of Ersteda, Arago, Ampere interested in the genius English physics of Michael Faraday and prompted him to make all the range of questions about the transformation of electrical and magnetic energy into mechanical. In 1821, he found another solution to the problem of converting electrical and magnetic energy into mechanical and demonstrated its device in which it obtained a phenomenon of continuous electromagnetic rotation. On the same day, Faradays recorded a return challenge to his working diary: "turn magnetism into electricity." More than ten years it took to solve it and find a method for producing electrical energy from magnetic and mechanical. Only at the end of 1831, Faraday reported the discovery of the phenomenon, called the electromagnetic induction and the component of the entire modern electric power industry.

4. Electrical machines

The Faraday and the work of the Russian Academician E. X. Lenza, which formulated the law on which it was possible to determine the direction of the electric current resulting from electromagnetic induction, allowed to create the first electromagnetic generators and electric motors.

Initially, the electric generators and electric motors developed independently of each other as two completely different cars. The first inventor of an electric generator based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, wished to remain unknown. It happened so. Soon after the publication of the Faraday report in the royal society, in which the opening of electromagnetic induction was set out, the scientist found in his mailbox A letter signed by the initials of R. M. It contained the first synchronous generator in the world and the drawing attached to it. Faraday, carefully sorting into this project, sent a letter to R. M. and the drawing in the same magazine, in which his report was placed at one time, hoping that the unknown inventor, following the magazine, would see not only his project, but also The Faraday letter accompanying him, an extremely highly evaluating invention of R. M- ,.

Indeed, after almost half a year, R. M. sent additional clarifications to the editor of the magazine and the description of the electric generator design proposed by it, but this time wished to remain unknown. The name of the true creator of the first electromagnetic generator remained hidden under the initials, and humanity is still, despite the careful search of electrical engineering historians, remains in the ignorance, to whom it is obliged to be one of the most important inventions. The machine R. M. did not have a device for straightening the current and was the first alternator. But this current seemed to could not be used for arc lighting, electrolysis, telegraph, which were already firmly included in life. It was necessary, on the thought of the constructors of that time, create a car in which it would be possible to get a current permanent direction and magnitude.

Almost simultaneously with R. M. Constructions of the generators were engaged in the brothers of the University of London and a member of the Royal Society V. Ricci. The machines created by them had a special device for straightening alternating current into a constant - the so-called collector. Further development of DC generator structures was extremely rapid pace. In less than forty years, the Dynamo Machine acquired almost completely the form of a modern DC generator. True, the winding of these dynamo machines was unevenly distributed in the circumference, which worsened the work of such generators - the voltage in them increased, it decreased, causing unpleasant shocks.

In 1870, Zenobi Gram offered a special, so-called ring winding of the Dynamo machine anchor. Uniform distribution The anchor windings made it possible to obtain a completely uniform tension in the generator and the same rotation of the engine, which significantly improved the properties of electrical machines. In essence, the invention has repeated what was already created and described in 1860 by the Italian physicist of Facinati, but passed unnoticed and remained unknown 3. Gramma. Machines with ring anchor were particularly widely distributed after the Vienna World Exhibition was detected in 1873 the reversibility of the Gram Electric Machines: the same machine during the anchor rotation gave an electric current, during the flow of current, the anchor rotated and could be used as electric motor.

From this time, the rapid increase in the use of electric motors is beginning and all expanding electricity consumption, which a lot was facilitated by the invention P. N. Apple method of lighting with the help of the so-called "Candle of Apple" - arc electromamp with a parallel coal arrangement.

Simplicity and convenience of "apple candles", replacing expensive, complex and bulky arc lights with regulators for continuous convergence of burning coal, caused their widespread distribution, and soon "the light of the apple", "Russian" or "Northern" light, illuminated the boulevards of Paris, embankments Thames, prospectuses of the capital of Russia and even the ancient cities of Cambodia. It was a true triumph of the Russian-inventor.

But to power these electricity candles, it took the creation of special electrical generators, which are not permanent, and alternating current, that is, the current, at least not often, but continuously changing its magnitude and direction. It was necessary because the corners, connected to different poles of the DC generator, combed the uneven - anode, connected to the positive, burned twice the cathode faster. Alternating current alternally turned the anode into the cathode and thereby ensured uniform combustion of coal. Especially for food "Candles of the Apple" and was created by P. N. Apple, and then enhanced by French engineers Lonten and Gram AC generator. However, thoughts have not yet arisen about the AC motor.

At the same time, for separate nutrition of individual candles from the AC generator, the inventor created a special device - an induction coil (transformer), which allowed to change the voltage of the current in any chain branch in accordance with the number of connected candles. Soon the growing needs for electricity and the possibility of obtaining it in large quantities A conflict with the limited possibilities of transferring it to the distance. The low voltage (100-120 volts) of the DC and the transmission of it on the wires of a relatively small section was caused by a relatively small cross section on wires in the transmission lines. Since the end of the 70s of the last century, the main problem, from the successful solution of which all the future of electrical engineering depended, was the problem of electricity transmission for considerable distances without much losses.

The first theoretical substantiation of the possibility of transmitting any amounts of electricity for any distance on the wires of a relatively small diameter without significant losses by increasing the voltage was given by Professor to the physics of the St. Petersburg Forest Institute D. A. Lachinov in July 1880. Following this, French physicist and electrical engineering Marseille Depe in 1882 at the Munich Electrotechnical Exhibition carried out the transfer of electricity to several horsepower at a distance of 57 kilometers with a usefulness ratio of 38 percent.

Later, the depart was made another number of experiments, having transferred electricity to a hundred kilometers through a hundred and bringing the transmission power to several hundred kilowatt. Further increase in distance required a significant increase in voltage. Delete brought him to 6 thousand volts and made sure that the insulation of the plates in the manifold generators and DC electric motors does not allow to achieve a higher voltage.

Despite all these difficulties, in the early 80s, the development of industry and the concentration of production more and more strongly demanded the creation of a new engine, more perfect than a widespread steam engine. It was already clear that the power plant was beneficial to build near coal deposits or rivers with a large drop in water, while the factory rarely to the sources of raw materials. This often demanded the transfer huge amounts Electricity to objects of its consumption at considerable distances. Such a transmission would be appropriate only when using voltage in tens of thousands of volts. But it was impossible to get such a voltage in DC generators. A variable current and transformer came to the rescue: using them, it began to produce a low voltage current, then increase it to any required value, transfer to a distance with high voltage, and at the point of consumption again reduce to the required and used in current collectors.

There have not yet been an alternating current electric motors. After all, in the early 1980s, electricity was consumed mainly for power needs. DC electric motors for the drive of a variety of machines were still applied more and more. Create an electric motor that could work on alternating current, has become the main task of electrical engineering. In search of new paths always need to look back. Is there anything such in the history of electrical engineering such that could tell the path to creating an AC electric motor? Searches in the past were crowned with success. Remembered: Back in 1824, Arago demonstrated experience, which began a set of fruitful studies. We are talking about the demonstration of "magnetism of rotation." Copper (not a magnetic) disc was fond of the rotating magnet.

There was an idea if it is impossible, replacing the drive with turns of the winding, and the rotating magnet with a rotating magnetic field, create an alternating current motor? Probably, it is possible, but how to get the rotation of the magnetic field?

During these years, many different ways of using alternating current were proposed. The conscientious historian of electrical engineering will have to name the names of various physicists and engineers who tried in the mid-80s to create an AC electric motors. He will not forget to recall the experiments of Bailey (1879), Marseille Depe (1883), Bralli (1887), about the works of Weston, Haselvander, and many others. The proposals were undoubtedly very interesting, but none of them could satisfy the industry: their electric motors were either cumbersome and uneconomical, or difficult and unreliable. The principle of construction of simple economical and reliable alternating current electric motors was still found.

It was during this period that began, as we already know, the search for the solution of this task Nikola Tesla. He walked his way, by reflection on the essence of the experience of Arago, and suggested a fundamental solution to the problem that was immediately acceptable for practical purposes. In the spring of 1882, the Tesla clearly presented himself that if in any way to power the windings of the magnetic poles of the electric motor with two different variable currents, differing from each other only phase shift, then the alternation of these currents will cause the variable formation of the Northern and South Poles or Rotation magnetic field. The rotating magnetic field should captivate and winding the rotor of the machine.

By building a special source of two-phase current (two-phase generator) and the same two-phase electric motor, Tesla performed its idea. And although it was very imperfect, the principle of the rotating magnetic field, applied in the first models of the Tesla, turned out to be correct.

Having considered all possible cases of phase shift, Tesla stopped on a shift of 90 °, that is, on a two-phase current. It was quite logical - before creating electric motors with a large number of phases, it was necessary to start with a current of two-phase. But one could apply another phase shift: 120 ° (three-phase current). Without analyzing theoretically and not comprehend all possible cases, without even comparing them between themselves (this is the big mistake of Tesla), he focused all his attention on a two-phase current, creating two-phase generators and electric motors and only a glimpse mentioned in their patent applications on multi-phase currents. and their uses.

But Tesla was not the only scientist who remembered the experience of Arago and the found an important problem. In the same years, italian physicist Galileo Ferraris was engaged in research in the field of variable currents, the representative of Italy at many international electrician congresses (1881 and 1882 in Paris, 1883 in Vienna and others). Preparing lectures on optics, he came to the thought of the possibility of setting the experience demonstrating the properties of light waves. For this, Ferraris strengthened the copper cylinder on the fine thread, which was acted by two magnetic fields shifted at an angle of 90 °. When turning on the current in the coil, alternately creating magnetic fields, in one, then in the other of them, the cylinder was rotated under the action of these fields and twisted the thread, as a result of which rose to some value up. The device is perfectly modified the phenomenon known as the polarization of light.

Ferraris and did not assume to use his model for any electrical purposes. It was just a lecture device whose wit was in the skillful use of an electrodynamic phenomenon for demonstrations in the field of optics.

Ferraris did not limit himself to this model. In the second, more advanced model, he managed to achieve a cylinder rotation at a speed of up to 900 revolutions per minute. But for certain limits, no matter how increasing the power of the current, creating magnetic fields (in other words, no matter how increasing power increases), it was not possible to achieve an increase in the number of revolutions. Calculations showed that the power of the second model did not exceed 3 watts.

Undoubtedly, Ferraris, being not only optical, but also by the electrician, could not but understand the values \u200b\u200bof the experiments produced by him. However, he, according to his own confession, and did not occur to apply this principle to the creation of an AC electric motor. The biggest thing that he intended to use it to measure the current strength, and even began to design such an appliance.

March 18, 1888 in the Turin Academy of Sciences Ferraris made a report "Electrodynamic rotation produced using variables". In it, he told about his experiments and tried to prove that obtaining in such a efficiency coefficient device was impossible for more than 50 percent. Ferraris was sincerely convinced that, proving the inexpediency of using variable magnetic fields for practical purposes, it has a large service science. The report of Ferraris was ahead of the message of Nikola Tesla in the American Institute of Electroints. But the application filed to receive a patent back in October 1887 testifies to the undoubted priority of Tesla in front of Ferraris. As for the publication, the Ferraris article, accessible to all electricians in the world, was published only in June 1888, that is, after the well-known report of Tesla.

For the approval of Ferraris, that work on the study of a rotating magnetic field began in 1885, Tesla had all the grounds to object that he was engaged in this problem in the Grace, I found it in 1882, and in 1884, in Strasbourg, there was a valid model of its engine in Strasbourg But, of course, it's not just a priority. Undoubtedly, both scientists have made the same discovery independently of each other: Ferraris could not know about the patent application of Tesla, as well as the latter could not know about the works of Italian physics.

The fact that the city of Ferraris, discovering the phenomenon of the rotating magnetic field and to build its model with a power of 3 watts, and did not think about them practical use. Moreover, if the erroneous conclusion of Ferraris about the inappropriateness of the use of variables of multiphase currents was adopted, then humanity would have been aimed at a false path for several years and deprived of the possibility of widespread use of electricity in a wide variety of industries and life. The merit of Nikola Tesla and is that, despite many obstacles and skepticity to variable current, it has practically proved the feasibility of using multiphase current. The first two-phase current motors created by him, although they had a number of disadvantages, attracted the attention of electrical engineering around the world and opened interest in his proposals.

However, the article Galileo Ferraris in the journal Attici Di Turino played a huge role in the development of electrical engineering. Her reprinted one large english magazineAnd the number with this article fell into the hands of another scientist, now deservedly recognized by the creator of modern three-phase current electrical equipment.

5. Tesla transformer

Known by various constructs of Tesla transformers from the simplest with the arrester to modern schemes with specifying high-frequency generators for its primary winding, made on semiconductor and on the lamp diagrams.

Scheme of the simplest Tesla transformer:

In the elementary form, the Tesla transformer consists of two coils, primary and secondary, and strapping consisting of a discharge (interrupter, often occurs the English version of Spark Gap), a condenser, toroid (not always used) and the terminal (on the diagram is shown as "output") .

Figure 7 - the simplest Tesla transformer scheme

Figure 8 - Tesla transformer in action

The primary coil is built of 5-30 (for VTTC - the coils of the tesla on the lamp - the number of turns can reach 60) turns of the wire of a large diameter or copper tube, and the secondary of many turns of the wire smaller diameter. The primary coil can be flat (horizontal), conical or cylindrical (vertical). Unlike many other transformers, there is no ferromagnetic core. Thus, the intention between the two coils is much less than that of conventional transformers with a ferromagnetic core. This transformer also practically no magnetic hysteresis, the retention of a change in magnetic induction relative to the current change and other disadvantages made by the presence in the Ferromagnet transformer field.

The primary coil together with the capacitor forms a oscillating circuit, which includes a nonlinear element - the arrester (spark gap). The arrester, in the simplest case, ordinary gas; Made usually from massive electrodes (sometimes with radiators), which is made for greater wear resistance when leakage of high currents through an electric arc between them.

The secondary coil also forms a oscillating circuit, where the role of the capacitor performs the capacitive bond between the toroid, the terminal device, the coils itself and other electrically conductive elements of the contour from the ground. The terminal (terminal) can be performed as a disc, sharpened pin or sphere. The terminal is designed to obtain predictable spark discharges of long length. The geometry and the mutual position of the parts of the Tesla transformer strongly affect its performance, which is similar to the problem of designing any high-voltage and high-frequency devices.


We have become familiar in our daily life that use electricity are the fruits of the scientific and technical thought of many generations of scientists. Often an understanding of the practical value and significance of open phenomena came to belated or came with the next generation of scientists.

However, it should be noted that it was the development of electrical engineering that contributed to the acceleration of technical progress. The creation and development of electric direct and AC machines made it possible to design flexible control systems, which could not be implemented on engines using gas and liquid energy. The development of microprocessor equipment made it possible to create powerful computers involved in the experiments of theoretical physicists discovering the secrets of the universe (tank at CERN).

In my deep conviction, there are still no little mysteries, secrets and great discoveries in the field of electrical engineering.

Back Updated: 03/31/2019 09:28

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. (History of opening phenomena)

Until 1600the knowledge of Europeans about electricity remained at the level of the ancient Greeks, which repeated the history of the development of the theory of steam jet engines ("Eleopyl" A. Geron).

The founder of the science of electricity in Europe has become a graduate of Cambridge and Oxford English Physicist and Court Door of Queen Elizabeth - William Gilbert(1544-1603). With the help of his "Version" (first electroscope), W. Hilbert showed that the ability to attract light body (straws) is not only grated amber, but also diamond, sapphire, carborund, opal, amethyst, rhinestone, glass, slates, etc. that he called "Electric" minerals.

In addition, Hilbert noticed that the flame "destroys" electrical properties The bodies acquired by friction and first investigated magnetic phenomena by installing that:

Magnet always has two poles - North and South;
- the poles of the same name are repelled, and the variepetes are attracted;
- sawing magnet, it is impossible to get a magnet with only one pole;
- Iron objects under the influence of the magnet acquire magnetic properties (magnetic induction);
- Natural magnetism can be enhanced with iron fittings.

Studying the magnetic properties of the magnetized ball with a magnetic arrow, Hilbert concluded that they correspond to the magnetic properties of the Earth, and the Earth is the largest magnet that explains the constant inclination of the magnetic arrow.

1650: Otto von Gerica (1602-1686) Creates a first electric machine that has retrieved from a stripped ball, cast from sulfur, significant sparks, whose injections could even be painful. However, the mystery of the properties "Electric fluid"As this phenomenon was called at the time, did not receive any explanation then.

1733: French physicist, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences , Charles Francois Dufe (Dufay, Du Fay, 1698-1739) opened the existence of two types of electricity, which called "glass" and "smolyan". The first arises on the glass, a mountain crystal, gemstone, wool, hair, etc.; Second - on amber, silk, paper, etc.

After numerous experiments, Sh. Dudoufly, for the first time, electrified the human body and "got" from him sparks. The area of \u200b\u200bhis scientific interests included magnetism, phosphorescence and double bemprane in crystals, which subsequently found the basis for creating optical lasers. To detect the measurement of electricity, used Vermina Gilbert, making it much more sensitive. For the first time, a thought was made about the electrical nature of lightning and thunder.

1745:graduate of Leiden University (Holland) physicist Peter Van Mushchenbruck (Musschenbroek Pieter Van, 1692-1761) invented the first autonomous source of electricity - Leiden Bank and conducted a number of experiments with it, during which he set the interconnection of an electric discharge with it physiological effect on a living organism.

Leiden Bank was a glass vessel whose walls outside and from the inside were saved by lead foil, and was the first electric capacitor. If the edge of the device charged from the electrostatic generator O. von Geric was connected to a thin wire, then it was quickly heated, and sometimes melted, which indicated the presence of an energy source in the bank, which could be transported away from its place of charge.

1747: Member of the Paris Academy of Sciences, French Experimentator Physicist Jean Antooman Nolle (1700-1770) invented first Device for Evaluation of Electric Potential - Electroscope, I registered the fact of a faster "runoff" of electricity with sharp bodies and for the first time formed the theory of electricity theory on living organisms and plants.

1747-1753:american State Affairs, Scientist and Enlightenment Benjamin (Veniamin) Franklin (Franklin, 1706-1790) publishes the cycle of work on the physics of electricity, in which:
- Entered the generally accepted state of electrically charged states «+» and «–» ;
- explained the principle of action by Leiden Bank, establishing that main role It plays a dielectric that shares conductive plates;
- established the identity of the atmospheric and obtained by friction of electricity and led the proof of the electrical nature of the zipper;
- it established that the metal island, connected to the earth, remove electrical charges from charged bodies, even without contact with them and offered a lightning track;
- put forward the idea of \u200b\u200ban electric motor and demonstrated an "electric wheel", rotating under the action of electrostatic forces;
- For the first time applied an electric spark for an explosion of powder.

1759:In Russia, physicist Franz Ulrich Theodore Epinus (Aepinus, 1724-1802), for the first time puts forward a hypothesis about the presence of communication between electrical and magnetic phenomena.

1761:Swiss mechanic, physicist and astronomer Leonard Euler(L. Euler, 1707-1783) describes a new electrostatic machine consisting of a rotating disk from insulating material with radially glued leather plates. To remove the electric charge to the disk it was necessary to bring silk contacts attached to the copper rods with spherical endings. Approaching the spheres to each other, it was possible to observe the process of electrical breakdown of the atmosphere (artificial zipper).

1785-1789: French physicist Charles Apusten Coulomb (S. Coulomb, 1736-1806) publishes seven works. In which describes the law of interaction of electrical charges and magnetic poles (the law of the coulon), introduces the concept of the magnetic moment and polarization of charges and proves that electrical charges are always located on the surface of the conductor.

1791: In Italy, a treatise is published Luigi Galvania (L. Galvani, 1737-1798), "De Viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari Commentarius" ("Treatise on electricity forces with muscular movement"), which proved that electricity is produced by a living organism And most effectively manifests itself in contact of heterogeneous conductors. Currently, this effect underlies the principle of operation of electrocardiographs.

1795:Italian professor Alexander Volta. (Alessandro Guiseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, 1745-1827) examines the phenomenon contact difference potentials various metals And with the electometer of its own design, it gives a numerical assessment of this phenomenon. The results of their experiments A. Volta first describes on August 1, 1786 in the letter to his friend. Currently, the effect of the contact potential difference is used in thermocouples and the anode (electrochemical) protection systems for metal structures.

1799 g:. A. Volta invents the source galvanic(electrical) current - volts pillar. The first volts of the pillar consisted of 20 pairs of copper and zinc circles separated by closed slices, moistened with salted water, and presumably could produce voltage 40-50 V and current to 1 A.

In 1800in the magazine "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. 90 "called" On the Electricity Excited by The Mere Contact of Conducting Substances of Different Kinds "(" Electricity, obtained as a result of a simple contact of different substances ") was described by the device called" Electrical Apparatus ", A. Volta believed that The basis of the principle of operation of its current source is the contact difference of potentials, and only after many years it has been established that the cause of the occurrence of EDs In the galvanic element is the chemical interaction of metals with a fluid conductive - electrolyte. In the fall of 1801, the first galvanic battery was created in Russia, consisting of 150 silver and zinc discs. A year later, in the fall of 1802, the battery was made of 4,200 copper and zinc discs, which gives voltage in 1500 V.

1820:danish physicist Hans Christian Ersted (Ersted, 1777-1851) In the course of the experiments on the deviation of the magnetic arrow under the action of the conductor with the current, established the connection between the electrical and magnetic phenomena. A message about this phenomenon, published in 1820, stimulated research in the field of electromagnetism, which ultimately led to the formation of the foundations of modern electrical engineering.

The first follower of H. Ersted was the French physicist Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) Formulated in the same year, the rule of determining the direction of the electrical current to the magnetic arrow, named by them "The Rule of the Swimmer" (Ampere Rule or right hand), after which the laws of interaction of electrical and magnetic fields were identified (1820), in which the idea of \u200b\u200busing electricity was first formulated for the first time magnetic phenomena For remote transmission of the electrical signal.

In 1822 A. Ampere creates the first electromagnetic field amplifier - multi-coils from copper wire, inside which placed mild iron cores (solenoids), which became technological basis For invented them in 1829electromagnetic Telegraph, who opened the era of modern telecommunications.

821: English physicist Michael Faraday(M. Faraday, 1791-1867) I got acquainted with the work of H. Ersted about the deviation of the magnetic arrow near the conductor with current (1820) and after the study of the relationship between electric and magnetic phenomena, set the magnet rotation fact around the conductor with a current and rotation of the conductor with a current around the magnet.

Over the next 10 years, M. Faraday tried to "turn magnetism into electricity", which became the result opening in 1831 electromagnetic inductionWhat led to the formation of the foundations of the theory of the electromagnetic field and the emergence of the new industry - electrical engineering. In 1832, M. Faraday publishes the work in which the idea that the spread of electromagnetic interactions is a wave process occurring in an atmosphere with a final rate, which has become the basis for the emergence of a new industry knowledge - radio engineering.

In an effort to establish a quantitative relationship between different types of electricity, M. Faraday began research on electrolysis and in 1833-1834. Formulated his laws. In 1845, exploring the magnetic properties of various materials, M. Faraday opens the phenomena of paramagnetism and diamagnetism and establishes the fact of rotation of the plane of the polarization of light in the magnetic field (Faraday effect). This was the first observation of the connection between magnetic and optical phenomena, which was later explained in the framework of the electromagnetic theory of Light J. Maxwell.

In about the same time, the properties of electricity studied the German physicist Georg Simon Oh. (G.s. Ohm, 1787-1854). Having a series of experiments, Ohm in 1826, formulated the main law electrical chain (Ohm's law) and in 1827 gave his theoretical justification, introduced the concept of "electromotive force", the voltage drop in the chain and "conductivity".

Ohm's law establishes that the power of constant electric current I. In the conductor directly proportional to the difference in potentials (voltage) U. Between two fixed points (sections) of this conductor, i.e. Ri \u003d U. . Proportionality coefficient R. In 1881, the name of ohmic resistance or simply resistance depends on the temperature of the conductor and its geometric and electrical properties.

Research Ohm Completes the second stage of the development of electrical engineering, namely the fomation of the theoretical base for calculating the characteristics of the electrical chains, which became the basis of modern electric power industry.

Modern world is impossible without electricity. Now no one is thinking about the technology of its production, and in ancient times they did not even know such a word. But the inquisitive minds were then. In the 700th year BC, the observant Greek philosopher Falez noticed that the amber began to attract light items when friction was friction. On this knowledge has been suspended.

Further development of knowledge

Only after many centuries, this industry has received further development. English physicist and part-time doctor at the royal court William Hilbert, who graduated from the best universities of Oxford and Cambridge, became the founder of the science of electricity. It invented the first type of electroscope Under the name Vermin and with his help found out that not only amber, but other stones have properties to attract small items (straws). Among the "electric" minerals:

  • diamond;
  • amethyst;
  • glass;
  • opal;
  • carborundum;
  • shale;
  • sapphire;
  • amber.

With the help of the device, the scientist was able to do several interesting discoveries. Among them: the serious effect of the flame on the electrical properties of the bodies that were acquired by friction. And the Hilbert suggested that thunder and lightning - the phenomena of electrical nature.

The very concept of "electricity" first sounded in the XVI century. In 1663, a special machine for research was created by Burgomistrome Magdeburg, named Otto. With it, it was possible to observe the effect of attraction and repulsion.

First experiments with electricity

In 1729, the first experience in the transfer of electricity for a small distance by scientist Stephen Gray was held in England. But in the process it was determined that not all bodies can transmit electricity. 4 years after the first serious studies, scientist from France Charles Dufe revealed that there are two types of electricity charge: Glass and resin, depending on the material used for friction.

In the middle of the XVII century in the Holland, Peter Van Mushchenbrook creates a condenser called "Leiden Bank". A little time later, the theory of Benjamin Franklin appears and first studies are being conducted, which is experienced by the theory. The studies have become the basis for creating a thunder.

After that was open new Sciencewhich is starting to study. And in 1791, "Treatise on the power of electricity during the movement of the muscles" by the author of the galvana is produced. In 1800, the Italian inventor of Volta became those who created a new current source called a galvanic element. This apparatus is an object in the form of a column from zinc and silver rings separated by paper moistened with salt water. After a couple of years, the Russian inventor Vasily Petrov opens the Voltov Arug.

In about the same decade, the physicist Jean Antooman Nolle invented the first electroscope, which registered a faster "dragging" of electricity from the bodies of acute form and formed the theory about the effect of current on living organisms. This effect was the basis of the invention of the medical electrocardiograph. Since 1809, a new era has begun in the field of electricity when the British Deliary invented the incandescent lamp. After 100 years there are modern light bulbs with a tungsten spiral and filling in inert gas. Their developer became Irving Langmür.

Sophisticated research and great discoveries

At the beginning of the XVIII century, Michael Faraday wrote a treatise on an electromagnetic field.

Electromagnetic interaction was found during the experiments of the Danish scientist Ersteted in 1820, and after a year, the Ampere physicist connects electricity and magnetism in its theory. These studies have become the basis for the appearance modern science - Electrical engineering.

In 1826, Georg Simon Ohm on the basis of the experiments was able to formulate the basic law of the electrical circuit and introduced new terms of electrical engineering:

  • "Conductivity";
  • "electromotive force";
  • "Drop the voltage in the chain."

The follower of Ersteda was Andre-Marie Ampere, which formulated the rule definition rule on a magnetic arrow. This pattern received many titles, one of which is "the rule of the right hand." Exactly he invented the electromagnetic field amplifier - Multi-shot coils consisting of copper wire with mild iron cores. Based on this development in 1829, electromagnetic telegraph was invented.

New round of research

When the famous English scientist in physics, Michael Faraday, got acquainted with the work of H. Ersteda, he conducted research in the relationship of electromagnetic and electrical phenomena and found that the magnet rotates around the current conductor and, on the contrary, the conductor is around the magnet.

After these experiments, a scientist has tried to transform magnetism into electric current, and as a result opened electromagnetic induction and foundations of the theory of electromagnetic fieldAnd also helped to form the basis for the emergence of a new branch of science - radio engineering. At the 20s of the last century, when organizing a large-scale electrification was launched on the territory of the USSR, the term "Ilyich Light" appeared.

Since many developments were conducted in parallel in different countries, historians argue about who invented electricity first. In the development of the science of electricity invested their strengths and knowledge, many of the inventors: Amp and Lenz, Joule and Ohm. Thanks to such efforts modern man Does not have problems with the organization of electricity supply to their homes and other premises.

Who invented electricity and when did it happen? Despite the fact that electricity firmly entered our lives and drastically changed it, most people find it difficult to answer this question.

And there is nothing surprising in this, because humanity went to the electricity era for thousands of years.

Light and electrons.

Electricity is customary to call a set of phenomena based on the movement and interaction of tiny charged particles called electrical charges.

The term "electricity" itself comes from the Greek word "electron", which means "Yantar" translated into Russian.

This name was not available for physical phenomenon, because the first experiments on the receipt of electricity refer to the ancient times when in the VII century. BC e. ancient Greek philosopher And Mathematics Fales came to the discovery that the shabby about wool a piece of amber is able to attract the paper, feathers and other items with a small weight.

Attempts were performed attempts to get a spark after the rubbing finger on the glass. But knowledge available to people in those long-standing times was clearly not enough to explain the nature of the origin of the physical phenomena.

Noticeable progress in the study of electricity was made after 2 millennia. In 1600, the Court leakage of the British Queen William Gilbert issued a treatise "On magnets, magnetic bodies and a large magnet-land", where for the first time in history used the word "electrician".

In his work, an English scientist clarified the principle of the compass based on a magnet, and described experiments with electrified objects. Gilbert managed to come to conclusion that the ability to electrify was characteristic of various bodies.

The continuer of research of William Gilberta can be called the German Burgomist Otto von Gerica, who in 1663 it was possible to come up with the first in the history of mankind electrostatic machine.

The German German was a device consisting of a large sulfur ball, placed on the iron axis and attached to a wooden tripod.

To obtain an electric charge, the ball was rubbed into the tissue or hands. This simple adaptation allowed not only to attract light items to themselves, but also push them.

In 1729, the experiments on the study of electricity continued the scientist from England Stephen Gray. He managed to determine that metals and some other types of materials are capable of transmitting an electric current at a distance. They began to call the guides.

In the course of his experiments, Gray found out that in nature there are substances that are not able to transmit electricity. These include amber, glass, sulfur, etc. Such materials were subsequently named with insulators.

4 years after the experiments, Stephen Gray, the French physicist Charles Dufe opened the existence of two types of electrical charges (resin and glass) and studied their interaction among themselves. Later, the Douffes described, the charges became negative and positive.

Of the inventions of the last centuries

Mid XVIII century. marked the beginning of the era of active exploitation of electricity. In 1745, Dutch scientist Peter Van Mushchenbrook creates a device for the accumulation of electricity, which was called "Leiden Bank".

In Russia, at about the same period, the electrical properties of Mikhail Lomonosov and Georg Richman were actively studied.

The first person who tried to give a scientific explanation of electricity was American politician and scientist Benjamin Franklin.

According to his theory, electricity is an intangible liquid present in all physical matter. In the process of friction, some of this fluid moves from one body to another, thereby causing an electrical charge.

To other achievements of Franklin can be attributed:

  • introduction to the use of the concept of a negative and positive electric charge;
  • invention of the first lightning conduction;
  • proof of electrical origin of lightning.

In 1785, the French physicist Charles Pendant formulated the law explaining the interaction between dotted charges in real-state status.

The law of Kulon became the starting point for studying electricity as an accurate scientific concept.

From the beginning of the XIX century, many discoveries were made in the world, allowing better to study the properties of electricity.

In 1800, a scientist from Italy Alessandro Volta invented a galvanic element, which is the first in the history of mankind by the source of DC. Shortly after him, the Russian physicist Vasily Petrov opened and described the discharge in the gas, called the volt arc.

In the 20s of the XIX century, Andre-Marie Ampere introduces the concept of "electric current" into physics and formulates the theory of the relationship of magnetic fields with electrical.

In the first half of the XIX century, James Joule, Georg Ohm, Johann Gauss, Michael Faraday and other scientists with world names are discovered. In particular, Faraday has the opening of electrolysis, electromagnetic induction and the invention of an electric motor.

In recent decades of the XIX century, physics detect the existence of electromagnetic waves, invent the incandescent lamp and proceed to the transmission of electrical energy over long distances. From this period, electricity begins slowly, but correctly spread through the planet.

His invention is associated with the names of the greatest scientists of the world, each of which at one time had attached a maximum effort to study the properties of electricity and transferring their knowledge and discover the subsequent generations.

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