Discerning the Internet. Endless space

Encyclopedia plants 20.09.2019
Encyclopedia plants


736. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in her earlier, as well as about her future fate.

1265. Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 2
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The two brightest objects present on this photograph of the starry sky section combines what ...

Their origin and development studies the same science - cosmogony

These objects themselves and their position in the sky have practically not changed over the entire period of astronomical observations.

They have the same glow energy source - thermonuclear reactions in their depths

The main source of knowledge about their properties is the analysis of radiation coming from them

735. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.
Two brightest object in this photo made with a telescope is ...

The two brightest objects present on this photograph of the starry sky section combines what ...

solar system

Our galaxy and her satellite large Magellanovo cloud

Jupiter and his satellite gamorn

Star cluster and comet

1266. Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 3
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The objects shown in this picture consist of the same substance as we are from atoms consisting of electrons and nuclei, the latter consist of protons and neutrons, which consist of quarks. However, according to modern scientific data, in the universe, except for the conventional substance, which gives less than 5% of the contribution to the total mass of the Universe, is present ...

World ether whose contribution to the total mass of the Universe reaches 70%

« dark energy"Which causes the universe to expand with acceleration

Antimatter in an amount equal to the amount of substance

« dark matter"Whose contribution is about 25% of full mass Universe

1267. Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 1
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.



796. Substitution 3. Cosmology
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

795. Substitution 2. Origin Solar system. Common cosmogony
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

794. Substitution 1. Structural levels and systemic organization of matter
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

In the photo depicts very little plot The sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Most objects visible in this photo are ...



1268. Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 2
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The photo shows a very small section of the sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Almost all objects depicted in the photo at one time were formed in the most common cosmogonic scenario, which suggests that planets, stars and galaxies are formed ...

By compressing scattered matter under the action of gravity forces

As a result of catastrophically rapid events

During a long time

By decaying larger celestial bodies

1269. Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 3
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The photo shows a very small section of the sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Far galaxies that fell on the picture, ...

Look more red than they are

Look brighter than they are

Moving towards the earth observer

Look younger than they are

1269a. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The photo shows a very small section of the sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." If the photo of the same section of the sky was made by a billion years ago, the distant galaxies that fell on the picture would look on average ...

Less lengthy

less red

More distant

more bright

In 1929, Edwin Habble opened the law, according to which all distant galaxies are removed from the observer (wherever he was in the universe) and from each other at a speed proportional to their remoteness. Due to the Doppler effect, this leads to a shift of the spectra of their radiation into the long-wave (red) side of the spectrum. The cosmological red shift in the spectra of galaxies reduces photon energy (which is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation wave) and, as a result, the light of galaxies are more dull for the observer. Billion years ago, distant galaxies were closer to our galaxy, which should increase their visible shine. In addition, according to the Hubble law, they were removed from the observer at a lower rate, that is, the red shift in their spectra was less. Stripping easier, they looked less red. According to its size, they would look larger than now, since they were closer to the observer.

1269b.If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The photo shows a very small section of the sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." All objects visible in this photo are part of one ...


Solar system

Accumulations of galactic


The distance to the most distant objects observed using the Hubble Space Telescope is commensurate with the radius of the visible part of the Universe and therefore much more than the size of not only the solar system, but also any giant galaxy and even accumulation of galaxies. Therefore, it is possible to speak with confidence only about the belonging of objects in the picture of our metagalaxy.

If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

Planets and their satellites

Galaxies and their clusters

Asteroids and meteoroids

Cometam and meteorites

The planet must have a spherical shape, so that we are not planet. This is clearly not galaxies, since the galaxies consist of shining stars, and the celestial bodies in the figure are dark and non-emotional. These are not comets (no tails) and the more non-meteorites, since the meteorite is the result of the meteoroid drop on the planet. But under the definition of asteroids and meteoroids (compact celestial bodies, too small that under the action of their own gravity to purchase a spherical form) These objects are suitable.

751.tea: Substitution 1. Structural levels and systemic organization of matter
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.
Heavenly bodies depicted by the artist in this picture, modern classification refer to …

Planets and their satellites

Galaxies and their clusters

Asteroids and meteoroids

Cometam and meteorites

752.tea: Substitution 2. The origin of the solar system. Common cosmogony
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.
In the picture, the artist depicted one of the stages of the evolution of the solar system according to modern ideas. On the scene, highlighted by the young sun (in the right part of the picture), the viewer sees first of all ...



Primary gas-pepped cloud

Formed planets

Objects that dominate the figure is clearly not a gas molecule and not even dust. These are also not protoplants and not planets - both those and others must be spherical. Therefore, it is planezimali - quite large fragments of the substance that formed as a result of the sticking of the dust in the primary nebula, but still not large enough to give them the right spherical shape.

820. Substitution 2. The origin of the solar system. Common cosmogony
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

Among the celestial bodies on this photograph made in the visible range electromagnetic wavesThere are stars that look like a variety of point objects that differ in brightness and color. However, among the stars visible in the picture, there is probably no ...


blue Giants.

neutron stars

white Carlikov

Neutron stars are practically nothing emitted in the visible range, since the temperature is not very high, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe radiating surface is small due to the smallness of the size of neutron stars. The sun here is also probably no, because with an increase in which distant galaxies are clearly visible (and they are clearly visible in the picture), the sun would have to take most Camera view of the camera. But white dwarfs and blue giants can be visible in sight, because they are quite bright glow in a visible range and are far enough from the solar system to look just with glowing points.

Substitution 3. Cosmology
821. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

starting from a certain size of the site, the number of galaxies visible in it will be almost the same as on any other section of the same size.

It turns out that on the scale of more than a few hundred million light years, the distribution of the substance in the universe is almost uniform

The first cosmological model of the Universe developed by Einstein, the great scientist laid the so-called cosmological principle, according to which the substance is distributed over the universe is uniformly. Subsequent astronomical observations confirmed that Einstein was not mistaken: in very large scale, Hundreds of millions of light years and more, the substance is distributed homogeneously. In a smaller scale, there are heterogeneities - clusters of galaxies, galaxies, clusters of stars, stars, etc. In this task, the picture shows the accumulation of galaxies in the constellation of Hercules.

819.tea: Substitution 1. Structural levels and systemic organization of matter
If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The system that is visible in the photo of this section of the sky is ...


galaxy cluster


Saturn and his companions

Constellation is not a system at all. The metagalaxy, by definition, is all the available observations part of the universe, and in no picture of a separate section of the sky, it simply does not fit. Saturn has a very characteristic view due to its famous rings, but it is not visible in the picture. Consequently, one of the accumulation of galaxies listed in this picture may be present. This is a really famous cluster in Hercules.

Substitution 3. Cosmology
821. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

The number of galaxies visible on this photograph of the sky area with dimensions of about 0.4 ° 0.8 ° exceeds the number of galaxies visible on most other sections of the sky of the same size. In other words, at such a scale universe is heterogeneous. If you take plots all bigger sizethen ...

Starting from a certain size of the site, the number of galaxies visible in it will be almost the same as on any other section of the same size.

It turns out that the universe is uniform only on the scale of several million light years and is heterogeneous both in larger and smaller scales.

It turns out that on the scale of more than a few hundred million light years, the distribution of the substance in the universe is almost uniform

Among the sites, whatever size we consider, there is always such a much more galaxies than in any other section of the same size.

37. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

In the picture, the artist depicted one of the stages of the evolution of the solar system according to modern ideas. Events that occur on the scene highlighted by the young sun (in the right part of the figure) are dating approximately ...

2 billion years after the emergence of land

8 billion years after the emergence of the Universe

5 billion years ago

26 billion years after a big explosion

Before the formation of the solar system began, the universe should have occurred, in it - the first-generation stars, in them - chemical elements Heavier hydrogen and helium. Then the substance of these stars was supposed to be made from their subsoil explosions of supernova, to wander some time in space spaceAnd only after that the formation of the solar system from it could begin.

Considering that the age of the Universe, according to modern estimates, is 13.5 billion years, shown in the figure of the stage of the evolution of the solar system can not be attributed to the time of 26 billion after a large explosion (a big explosion is practically and there is a moment of the emergence of the universe).

A modern assessment of the time of the beginning of the formation of the solar system is about 5-6 billion years ago.

The Earth was formed synchronously with other planets, so the situation in the figure cannot be attributed to the era of 2 billion after the formation of our planet.

In the dragged and still equal disputes of creationists and evolutionists there was a serious advantage. Some, as you know, adhere to the theory of supernatural intervention in the processes of the universe. They believe that the universe is the work of God. Others stand in the positions of materialism. And they argue that there is no God, and the universe appeared by itself as a result of the so-called big explosion. Sreasists say that in the beginning there was a word. Evolutionists have a certain incredibly dense point called Singularity. Like, the universe arose from it and expanded to the current sizes.

Both ideas are absolutely equally equivalent in the power of its argument. None of any other parties are still worth one hundred percent convincing arguments. Is that evolutionists slightly ahead of opponents. Because if you believe the observations and interpret them accordingly, the universe is expanding so far. What indirectly confirms materialistic ideas.

When they want to take more creators of idealists more, then lay down a simple logical chain. "Good," say, "God created everything around. And who created God? "

Creationists are angry and lost. But the most advanced and educated find than loud. And ask opponents "symmetric" question: "What was to a big explosion?"

A standard response that has had to give a couple of weeks ago, "they say, nothing was: no space or time, naturally did not suit the disputes.

And so it happened. Evolutionists-bootiers seem to furnish with creationists. Some still do not know who created God. And others have already understood that it was to a large explosion.

Long ago, in another universe ...

Before our universe was another. Previous. Roger Penrose came to this conclusion from Oxford and Wagan Gurzadyan from Yerevan physical Institute. Both are not any impersonal fasselters, and scientists with world names. They investigated the so-called relic radiation - microwave background remaining after a large explosion and preserving information about the emergence of the universe and its development. And on this background there were strange heterogeneities that looked concentric circles.

Penrose and Gurzadyan consider: Circles are not from our space-time. These are gravitational traces of collision colossal, supermassive black holes that were formed in the previous universe at the end of its existence. That is, to "our" big explosion.

If you believe scientists, the universes arise a series - one after another. And the end of the previous one becomes the beginning of the subsequent.

The main conclusion: the universe is cyclically.

In the future, our universe will return to the state in which she was at the time of the Big Bang, "Penrose says. - It will become homogeneous. And from infinitely big will turn into an infinitely small one. And black holes will evaporate.

By the way, the astrophysics of Paul Steinhardt from Princeton and Neil of Turks from Cambridge are adhered to similar opinions. And they prove that the universe first expands, and then compressing. And the problems began simply not. Since the universe passes the same cycle. It collapses and immediately restored.

Who knows, maybe, and God is cyclic? One, for example, finishes its existence, the other - immediately begins together with the universe created by him. Then the traces found by Penrose and Gurzadyan are the prints of events that happened from the previous God.

"Dark stream" in other world

But suddenly the universes are not just a guy, alone replacing another? And they appear and disappear massively, like bubbles in boiling water? And such suspicions arise. At a minimum that there is some other one next to our universe.

Two years ago, a group of NASA specialists under the leadership of Astrophysics Alexander Kashlinsky, studying microwave and X-ray radiation, found a strange behavior of about 800 remote galactic clusters. It turned out that all of them fly in one direction - to a certain part of the space - at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second. This universal movement was called the "Dark Stream".

Recently it turned out that the "dark stream" covers an increase of 1,400 galactic clusters. And carries them to the area located at the foreseeable borders of our universe.

According to one of the assumptions, somewhere there - outside, not affordable observations - there is a huge mass, which attracts matter. But this is contradictory existing theoryAccording to which the substance after a large explosion, which threatened our universe, distributed more or less evenly. It means that the concentrations of the masses with such a fantastic force cannot be. Then what's there?

An amazing hypothesis was suggested by Laura Mersini-Houghton from the University of North Carolina. According to her calculations, it turns out that our galaxies sucking another universe located nearby.

It is interesting that Laura spoke with his ideas back in 2006 - before the discovery of the "Dark Flood". In fact, predicted it. But if the universes are somewhat, then how to be with God in this case? In each - is he? Or is it alone on everything?

Instead of comment

Martin Ris, President of the London Royal Society:

"We will never understand how the universe works"

The leader of British scientists, astrophysicist and part-time Royal Astronomer doubted the intellectual abilities of human civilization. They say, do not understand the laws of the universe. And never know how the universe appeared and that she was waiting. And hypotheses, for example, about the big explosion, allegedly weighing the world around us, or that in parallel with our universe there can be many others and remain unproved assumptions.

Undoubtedly, there is an explanation to everything, "says Lord Rice," but there are no such geniuses that could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he reached its limit.

Indeed, physics and cosmologists have been trying to create the theory of everything in vain. Or so-called unified theory. Albert Einstein worked on her. But did not finish. Punished to finish subsequent generations. But they will graze.

The generally accepted so-called standard model of the Universe implies that there are four fundamental forces: electromagnetic, strong interaction, which is available in the atomic core, weak that manages radioactive decay, and gravity. The current scientist managed to link the first three forces. And the fourth - gravity - to attach the theory in no way it turns out. Equally, how to understand its nature.

We are just as far from understanding the vacuum microstructure, how many fish in the aquarium, which is absolutely non-complaint, as the environment is located in which they live, - shaped the bitter truth of the Royal Astronomer.

For example, I have reason to suspect that the space is a cellular structure, "Lord continues. - And each of its cells in trillion trillion times less atom. But to prove or disprove it or understand how such a design works, we cannot. The task is too complicated, proceedable for the human mind. As the theory of Einstein's relativity - for martyrs.

As a result, the Lord concludes: they say, believe that a single theory in principle exists. But to create it, there is no human mind. Moreover, all applicants for such authorship are probably mistaken.

their origin and development studies the same science - cosmogony

the main source of knowledge about their properties is the analysis of radiation coming from them

they have the same glow energy source - thermonuclear reactions in their depths

these objects themselves and their position in the sky have practically not changed over the entire period of astronomical observations.

Decision:The two brightest objects in the picture are a galaxy or star cluster (left) and comet (right). The mass of comets on cosmic standards is negligible and completely insufficient so that thermonuclear reactions take place in it. The passage of the comet near the Sun takes not a lot of time (a maximum of several years) and it costs it: the comet loses part of its substance due to evaporation from the surface heated sunny rays. Therefore, the change and comet itself, and its position in the Star Sky is quite accessible to observation. Cosmogony, by definition, there is a science about the origin and development of the heavenly bodies and their systems, so that comets, stars, and star clusters, and galaxies are in its jurisdiction. The main source of knowledge about the properties of almost all celestial bodies, not only comets, stars and galaxies, is the study of radiation coming from them.

Task N 37.Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 3If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate. The objects shown in this picture consist of the same substance as we are from atoms consisting of electrons and nuclei, the latter consist of protons and neutrons, which consist of quarks. However, according to modern scientific data, in the universe, except for the conventional substance, which gives less than 5% of the contribution to the total mass of the Universe, is present ...

"Dark matter", the contribution of which is about 25% of the total mass of the universe

"Dark Energy", which forces the Universe to expand with acceleration

world ether whose contribution to the total mass of the Universe reaches 70%

antimatter in an amount equal to the amount of substance

Decision:The left object is in the picture - the ball cluster of the stars M92. Studying the movement of stars in such clumps and in galaxies showed that to hold the star in these formations there is not enough attraction of all the other stars included in them. There is still something that your attraction does not give up the starry clusters and galaxies. This is something got the name "Dark Matter". At the very end of the XX century, it was found that the universe is not simply expanding, but expanding with acceleration. Answer for this should some substance that was called "Dark Energy". The mass of this substance is the lion's share of the total mass of the universe - more than 70%. As for the antimatter, since the middle of the 20th century it is known that there is no complete symmetry between them. Antimators in the Universe is much less than substances.

Task N 7.send message Developers Topic: symmetry principles, conservation lawsAmong the pictures depicted geometric shapes are the most symmetrical ...

Decision:Symmetry, by definition, is invariance of conversion. Because it's about geometric FiguresThe transformations in this case are meant geometric (turns, reflection, inversion, etc.). The most symmetric will be the figure for which you can specify the largest number of geometric transformations. Obviously, the "Flag of Switzerland" has this property. In particular, only it remains unchanged when it turns 90 degrees in the pattern plane.

Task N 1.send message Developers Topic: Evolution of Space and Time RepresentationsIn the modern scientific picture of the world, in contrast to the mechanical picture of the world, space and time is considered ...

Decision:And in modern, and in the mechanical picture of the world, space and time are recognized as a whole homogeneous, so on this basis to oppose these scientific paintings of the world cannot be opposed. The most significant difference between modern scientific ideas about the space and time from those that were suggested in the days of Newton, is that the unity of space and time is approved and the extremely close relationship of space-time relations with the presence and nature of the motion of material tel. Exactly, this connection is disclosed in a special and general theories of relativity.

Internet Test Analysis

Hearing error

Task N 36. If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate. The artist illustrated the main features of the solar system device with this picture. Historically, the first scientific hypothesis of the origin of the solar system, the hypothesis of Kant - Laplace, was able to explain the following features of its device ...

the orbits of all planets lie almost in the same plane

all planets appeal around the sun in one direction.

all planets are clearly divided into two classes: small stony planets and gas giants

light chemical elements predominate in all planets giants

Decision: According to the hypothesis of Kant - Laplas, the solar system was formed from a rotating gas-pepped cloud, which was compressed under the action of its own gravity, while turning into a flat disk. From the central part of this disk then the sun was formed, and from the peripheral - planet. Since all the planets were sometime for the united integer parts, they must maintain the same direction of appeal around the center. Since they were formed from a flat protoplanetary disk, they must continue to move in its plane - common to all. In this case, Kant's hypothesis - Laplace considered the formation of the solar system as a purely mechanical process, and the processes of another nature are chemical, optical, nuclear, etc. - did not take into account in principle. So she did not explain the difference chemical compositions The planets of the earth group and planets giants.

Task N 9.send message Developers Topic: Special theory of relativitySignal transmission rate carrying information ...

can not be more speed light

maybe any depending on the transmission method

in all cases equal to the speed of light

can not be less speed

Decision:According to the theory of relativity, no material object, no signal can be transmitted at a speed exceeding the speed of light - otherwise the principle of causality would be disturbed. On the transmission of signals and movement of bodies at a lower speed of nature no limitations

Task N 36.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 2If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the Universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate. In the photo shows a very small section of the sky, shot with A very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Almost all objects depicted in the photo at one time were formed in the most common cosmogonic scenario, which suggests that planets, stars and galaxies are formed ...

during a long time

by compressing scattered matter under the action of gravity forces

as a result of catastrophically rapid events

by decaying larger celestial bodies

Decision:According to modern concepts, the main mechanism for the formation of celestial bodies and their compact systems is that due to gravitational instability, the matterium is homogeneously distributed in space under the action of mutual attraction forces (gravity). Against this background, of course, other scenarios are possible - the collapse of a large heavenly Body On small fragments or even an explosion (for example, a supernova explosion), but they are considered less common.

Task N 33.send Message Developers Representation that the symposium is organized using the time machine on which outstanding thinkers and scientists of various eras can meet and exchange views. In the discussion about the essence of matter, movement, interaction mechanisms: one of the first atomists of democritus, ancient Greek philosopher Herclite, the most universal antiquity thinker Aristotle, the founder of the first scientific picture of the world (mechanical) Newton, the creator of the molecular-kinetic gases theory and the founder of the electromagnetic picture of the world Maxwell , one of the creators of the atomic molecular teaching of Lomonosov, the creator of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein, the founder and the inspiration of the development of quantum mechanics Nils Bor, an outstanding physicist of the 2nd half of the 20th century Richard Feynman and known physicist Modernity Stephen Hawking. From the names of the symposium of the symposium about the fact that there are fundamentally different, not convertible to each other forms of movement, divided ...

Aristotle and Feynman

Maxwell and Aristotle

Heraclit and Democritis

Maxwell and Newton

Decision:Atomists believed that all the world's happening was reduced to the mechanical movement of atoms. The same idea was dominated in the mechanical picture of the world. In the electromagnetic picture of the world, which arose on the basis of Maxwell's electrodynamics, there was already a clear idea of \u200b\u200bprocesses that are not condicted to the movement of any particles - for example, the propagation of electromagnetic waves. In the modern scientific picture of the world, there was (of course, at the new level) return to Aristotelian ideas that the movement is any change in general, including high-quality, and not just a change in space in space over time.

Task N 11.send message Developers Topic: micro, macro-, megamirThe object that occupies the bulk of the field of view in this photo cannot be our galaxy ( Milky Way), insofar as …

we are inside our galaxy, and the picture is clearly made from the outside.

our galaxy is elliptical, and in the photo shows a spiral

Galaxy has wrong shapeand in the picture shows spiral

our galaxy yellow colorand the galaxy in the picture is mostly blue

Decision: Our galaxy (Milky Way) belongs to gigantic spiral galaxies, that is, it is neither elliptical or incorrect. However, the conclusion was made on indirect data. Nobody led to any of the people to look at the galaxy from the outside, since it would take for this to be removed from our position inside the galaxy at least several tens of thousands of light years. As for the color, it is not a certain characteristic for galaxies, since the typical galaxy includes dozens and even hundreds of billions of stars that differ in color.

Task N 37.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 3If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the Universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate. In the photo shows a very small section of the sky, shot with A very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Far galaxies that fell on the picture, ...

look more red than they are

look younger than they are

look brighter than they are

moving towards the earth observer

Decision:In 1929, Edwin Habble opened the law, according to which all distant galaxies are removed from the observer (wherever he was in the universe) at a speed proportional to their remoteness. Due to the Doppler effect, this leads to a shift of the spectra of their radiation into the long-wave (red) side of the spectrum. The cosmological red shift in the spectra of galaxies reduces photon energy (which is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation wave) and, as a result, the light of galaxies are more dull for the observer. Since the galaxies in the picture are very removed from us, their light needed considerable time to achieve the Hubble name telescope and form this image. Therefore, the picture of the galaxies look more young than they are now.

Task N 12.send message Developers Subject: system levels of matterThe system differs from the aggregate by the fact that ...

the nature of the interaction between the elements of the system more important properties Elements themselves

the properties of the system are fully determined by the properties of the system elements.

the number of elements in the system is always much larger than any combination

the system, in contrast to the aggregate, is sustainable, unchanged education

Decision:The main attribute of the system is the presence of integrative properties that, by which its element, taken separately, does not have and which occur as a result of the interaction of the system elements among themselves.

Task N 16.send message Developers Topic: Dynamic and Statistical Patterns in NatureThe figures depict the trajectories of the various systems: with a mess, with dynamic chaos and quite deterministic. The trajectory of the system with dynamic chaos is presented in the picture ...

Decision:Dynamic chaos is not a mess. If we knew exactly the initial state of the system with dynamic chaos, we could accurately calculate, in what condition it will be a given time period. On the other hand, the system with dynamic chaos differs from the usual deterministic dynamic system like a stone abandoned at an angle to the horizon, the fact that the order inherent in it turns out to be very thin and very fragile: it is necessary to make a mistake in determining the initial state on a negligible value, and now you Already hit another trajectory, which after some time will lead you into a completely different state. Thus, the system trajectories with dynamic chaos should not be too raw, but not too simple and smooth.

Task N 19.send message Developers Subject: self-organization patterns. Principles of universal evolutionismThe result of the process of self-organization is (in) ...

european Beaver

"Ladder of Giants" in Ireland

easter Islands Easter

Aral Sea

Decision:Self-organization is the process of spontaneous emergence of complex ordered structures due to the objective laws of nature and society. The structures arising from self-organization are called dissipative, since they occurred in the nonequilibrium system themselves are highly non-equilibrium and rapidly dispel (dissipated) energy, that is, they translate it into low-quality forms. In accordance with the results of self-organization, it is impossible to include structures: - equilibrium (non-dissipative); - less complex and ordered than their predecessors; - The arisers are not spontaneously, but as a result of an external focused impact (for example, by human or animals).

Task N 32.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 1 subtask 1Imagine that the symposium is organized using the time machine on which outstanding thinkers and scientists of various eras can meet and exchange views. In the discussion about the essence of matter, movement, interaction mechanisms: one of the first atomists of democritus, ancient Greek philosopher Herclite, the most universal antiquity thinker Aristotle, the founder of the first scientific picture of the world (mechanical) Newton, the creator of the molecular-kinetic gases theory and the founder of the electromagnetic picture of the world Maxwell , one of the creators of the atomic molecular teaching of Lomonosov, the creator of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein, the founder and inspiration of the development of quantum mechanics Niels Bor, an outstanding physicist of the 2nd half of the 20th century Richard Feynman and the most famous physicist of modernity Stephen Hawking. From the names of the symposium defended the concept of long-range ...

Decision:The long-range concept argues that the interaction between the bodies is transmitted without a material intermediary, through the void, instantly. It was peculiar only by the mechanical scientific picture of the world and was based on the law of the World Health, Open Newton. Newton himself, the idea of \u200b\u200binstant action through the emptiness did not really like it, but he emphasized that she follows from the knowledge available then and allows you to accurately calculate the movement and mutual attraction of heavenly tel.

Task N 33.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 1 subtask 2Imagine that the symposium is organized using the time machine on which outstanding thinkers and scientists of various eras can meet and exchange views. In the discussion about the essence of matter, movement, interaction mechanisms: one of the first atomists of democritus, ancient Greek philosopher Herclite, the most universal antiquity thinker Aristotle, the founder of the first scientific picture of the world (mechanical) Newton, the creator of the molecular-kinetic gases theory and the founder of the electromagnetic picture of the world Maxwell , one of the creators of the atomic molecular teaching of Lomonosov, the creator of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein, the founder and inspirer of the development of quantum mechanics Niels Bor, an outstanding physicist of the 2nd half of the 20th century Richard Feynman and the most famous physicist of modernity Stephen Hawking. From the names of the symposium proved that One material object cannot move at a speed greater than a certain amount, which is determined by the properties of our world as a whole, ...

Einstein and Feynman

Feynman and Nils Bor

Aristotle and Maxwell

Democritis and Newton

Decision:The idea of \u200b\u200bthe maximum possible velocity of the material boding was developed by Einstein in the theory of relativity, at sunset the popularity of the electromagnetic picture of the world, and has not changed since then. In the preceding scientific and naturophilosophical paintings of the world, the issue of limiting speed was not even put.

Task N 34.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 1 subtaskaya 3Imagine that the symposium is organized using the time machine on which outstanding thinkers and scientists of various eras can meet and exchange views. In the discussion about the essence of matter, movement, interaction mechanisms: one of the first atomists of democritus, ancient Greek philosopher Herclite, the most universal antiquity thinker Aristotle, the founder of the first scientific picture of the world (mechanical) Newton, the creator of the molecular-kinetic gases theory and the founder of the electromagnetic picture of the world Maxwell , one of the creators of the atomic molecular teaching of Lomonosov, the creator of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein, the founder and the inspiration of the development of quantum mechanics Niels Bor, an outstanding physicist of the 2nd half of the 20th century Richard Feynman and the most famous physicist of modernity Stephen Hoking On the issue of void (vacuum). 1. Democritus 2. Aristotle 3. Hawking

emptiness exists and, along with atoms, is an independent beginning of the universe

there is no void, the universe is tightly filled with matter everywhere.

vacuum is not emptiness, but one of the forms of matter defining the appearance of the Universe

vacuum is empty space, devoid of matter, which is easy to create with pumps

Decision:Atomists, including democritus, believed that everything consists of indivisible atoms, and everything that occurs is reduced to the movements of atoms. But then it is logically necessary to exist that separates one atom from the other and what atoms move - emptiness. Aristothel also believed that the matter had a continuous structure, because of which fills the most narrow slits and would no place anywhere else. It was very popular in its time a latinized form of his statement on this subject: Nequaquam Vacuum (no emptiness does not exist!). The modern scientific picture of the world in this matter is closer to Aristotle: it is believed that the absolute emptiness, the absence of matter does not happen, and it is impossible to create it. And the fact that it was previously considered to be synonymous with absolute void - vacuum - turned out to be one of the forms of matter with a rather complex structure and properties. The emergence and development of our universe are determined in many respects precisely the properties of the physical vacuum.

Task N 36.send message Developers Case tasks: Case 2 subtask 2If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo, you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate. When the most bright objects present at this photograph of the site Star sky, unites what ...

The photo shows a very small section of the sky, filmed with a very large increase in the Space Telescope named after E. Hubble. Photograph is known as "Portrait of the most distant depths of the visible universe." Far galaxies that fell on the picture, ...

look more red than they are

moving towards the earth observer

look younger than they are

look brighter than they are

Set the correspondence between the image of the heavenly body and the category to which this body belongs.


10. Main driving power The geological evolution of our planet is ...

continuing differentiation of matter in terrestrial depths

vital activity of earthly organisms

continuously incoming solar energy

erosion caused by air, water and glaciers

11. The similarity between the large explosion (the process, during which our universe was formed and acquired and acquired its properties) and the usual explosion of the artillery projectile is that ...

the distances between the galaxies are increasing over time, just as they fly into different sides Shards of the exploded projectile

and the fragments of the shell, and the galaxies fly away from a certain point in space - the explosion center

the driving force of the expansion and universe, and the proof of the projectile explosion is the pressure of hot gases

extension occurs only in limited area (which he managed to cover the shock wave from the explosion), and no expansion outside this area

The mass of a conventional substance available to direct observations in telescopes and focused mainly in the stars is ______________ from the total mass of matter in the universe.

almost 100%

13. Almost all earthly atmosphere focused in the layer whose thickness ...

much less than the radius of the Earth

comparable with land radius

much more land radius

still remains completely uncertain

14. Scientific cosmology began to develop in ...

XX century based on the general theory of relativity

Ancient Greece Based on the natural philosophical picture of the world of Aristotle

renaissance Epoch based on the Copernicus Helio Center

XVII century based on classical mechanics Newton

15. Latest of the listed stages of the evolution of our planet is ...

ocean formation

formation earth crust

16. The figure shows a map of relict radiation, built according to the results of satellite measurements. Each card point corresponds to a certain direction of the celestial sphere from which relic radiation was taken, the color of this point corresponds to the radiation intensity from this direction. The transition from one color to another corresponds to a change in the intensity of about 10-6 (that is, 0.000001) from its average value in all directions. The map allows you to conclude that relict radiation ...

practically isotropic

fully isotropic

strongly anisotropic

has basically greenish color

17. The internal structure of the Earth is correctly depicting a drawing ...

18. Our galaxy is ...




incorrect form

19. In the state of the present fluid there is the only inner shell of the Earth, which is called ...

external kernel

inner core


20. B. last years Increasingly, the subject is not fantastic novels, and scientific discussions are hypotheses about the possibility of the existence of other universes, in addition to ours. These discussions are conducted within the framework of the scientific discipline, which is called ...





21. In the drawings, the artist portrayed the Earth into different epochs of its evolution. To the earliest era of the existence of the land applies drawing ...

If you imagine that the Universe exists one day, then the person appeared on the ground just a couple of seconds ago. Therefore, watching the sky, we see an instant snapshot, frozen the photos of the Universe in one of the moments of its evolution. However, in this photo you can say a lot not only about what is in the universe now, but also about what happened in it earlier, as well as about her future fate.

In this picture, the artist depicting the device of the Solar System allowed serious mistake. It lies in the fact that ...

the proportions between the dimensions of different planets are strongly distorted.

the proportions between the sizes of the Sun and the dimensions of the planetary orbits are strongly distorted.

it is confused by the order of the planets from the Sun

the proportions between the sizes of the sun and the dimensions of the planets are strongly distorted.

23. The Latest of the Listed Stages of the Evolution of Our Planet is ...

formation of the earth's crust

the formation of a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere

ocean formation

gravitational compression and heating protofablet

24. According to modern ideas, in about 5 billion years, the sun exhausted the main reserves of its thermonuclear fuel and ...

fall inside yourself, leaving a black hole

will be blue giant

exploded as supernova

will turn into a white dwarf

25. A fantastic fighter is removed, according to the scenario of which hostile aliens cut out our sun. Considering that the distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 8 light minutes, to match the film with modern ideas The interaction should be shown that after the aliens tunneling the sun into their system, our land ...

immediately plunge into darkness, but another 8 minutes will experience the strength of the sun, forcing it to move along an elliptical orbit

another 8 minutes will remain lit and experience the strength of the sun, forcing it to move along an elliptical orbit

another 8 minutes will remain illuminated, but immediately will stop attracting to the Sun and fly along the rectilinear trajectory

will continue to stay illuminated and move at its usual orbit for a long time

26. The object that occupies the main part of the field of view in this photo cannot be our galaxy (Milky Way), since ...

we are inside our galaxy, and the picture is clearly made from the outside.

our galaxy is elliptical, and in the photo shows a spiral

The galaxy has an irregular shape, and in the picture shows spiral

our yellow galaxy, and the galaxy in the picture is mostly blue

27. Sources of cosmic radio emission with a very large stability of the period - this is:

a) Pulsary

b) X-ray

c) quasary

d) black holes

28. Our sun is:

a) black hole

b) white dwarf

c) red dwarf

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