Fortune telling tarot future and destiny. Values ​​​​of the layout cards

The buildings 28.06.2020
The buildings

This free fortune-telling online reveals a great secret that every person has thought about at least once in their life. Is there a meaning to our existence? Many religious and esoteric teachings say that in the life of each person there is a special mission, only his role assigned to him by the Universe. This tarot spread will allow you to discover your own destiny and understand how you can realize it. He will also talk about the strengths and weaknesses of your character. The cards will show you which direction to go in order to feel truly fulfilled as a person.

Make a deal

Why did he come to this earth?

First position "Why did he come to this Earth?" talk about the main mission of this person. The dropped card characterizes his purpose, how he should behave with others, what he should do.

What kind of person should he become?

The second position "What kind of person he should become" will more specifically reveal his personality. This card speaks of how the Universe intended it to be. The second position of this alignment, as it were, explains the first, reveals its essence.

His strengths

The third position "His strengths" speaks of the positive traits of a person's character. It is with the help of them that he is able to realize himself and achieve the greatest success.

His weaknesses

The fourth position "His weaknesses" will indicate possible weaknesses in human nature. They should not be taken as disadvantages. Rather, as those parts of the personality that require the most careful treatment.

What should he beware of?

The fifth position “What he should beware of” talks about what can distract him from his own mission, somehow interfere with it. It can be both your own weaknesses, and the influence of other people, certain circumstances.

What can help him realize his mission

The sixth position "What can help him realize his destiny" gives advice on how he should act in order to realize his mission. This card says what you can rely on: some of your abilities, help from loved ones, training, etc.

To be honest, from a young age, laying out fate is my weakness. It's amazing how a soothsayer can see a person's whole life. And are some events really inevitable? Once a clairvoyant predicted my fate, he did not use tarot. At first he looked, as if past, and spoke incessantly. I remember the exact description of the character, but now I understand that the date of birth helped him. I remember how he grunted several times, grinned, and advised not to waste time on trifles. Now I already understand the meaning of this grin (here I have to blush :)))) He also made a deal on ordinary cards and did not want to say directly that I would not get married in a year or two ... “Five, ten years, after all, it’s not term?" And when he saw me in shock, he began to reassure me that he was joking. I also remember the first phrase ... “Why did you come here? You can do everything yourself ... ". Then I was 22 years old, and I didn’t hold cards in my hands yet, I had nothing to do with esotericism. Still, a man saw ... Another woman laid out all the playing cards in a canvas 9 by 4 and read about personal, about work, how long you will live ... Now I understand that it was some kind of analogue of the large Lenormand layout. This prediction was not very accurate, but interesting. So, since I have been working with tarot, I have been looking for and testing layouts that can predict the main fateful events. There were many empty attempts, also a lot of things in the development stage. But this alignment of fate came to my liking. I found it, like some other layouts of this topic, in the videos of Ekaterina Taro Mironova. This is a layout of her authorship called "What is fate and what is not?" Of course, I tried it on myself, on friends. For the result, I can’t say anything yet, because. fortune-telling is not for tomorrow, and not even for a year. I want to show you my next test of the pen using the example of a layout for my friend. It's her birthday today, of course I want to give a small gift. The main thing is that nothing bad falls out 🙂

So, the main positions of the layout for fate (author K. Taro Mironova)

I won’t give a layout diagram separately, I’ll immediately give a layout performed on Loginov’s tarot, I’ll explain the positions in the process, or you can see in the demonstration video of the author of the alignment. The name of the querent is Natalya. She is 35 years old.

First lay out the so-called cross of fate. Two cards - by fate, here are the Lovers and the Rider of Swords. And also, two cards - which is not fate - 6g and 7k. I’ll make a reservation right away that Natalya’s personal life is not arranged, and this question interests her the most.

According to the fate of the Lovers - a card of triangles and choice. There is an initial assumption that my girlfriend will be involved in a love triangle, and unfortunately, the expected marriage may not be like that. It must be said that triangles have already taken place, but they were not significant either for Natalia, or for her partner, or for his family. Quietly came, did not last long and quietly left. In the alignment of fate, the Lovers are more important, apparently this is not just an affair, but an important decision. In addition, my friend may soon completely change her lifestyle and work. The Lovers card can also show this fateful choice.

According to the fate of my friend, to conflict, to make sharp and quick decisions. Here I will make a reservation that her profession is male and fully corresponds to the image on the map, as well as her character, somewhat tough and impulsive.

Not according to the fate of Natalya, the card of 6 wands is a victory. I think that she will never take leadership positions at her current place of work, most likely she will not receive a significant increase either. I think that the chosen path is not exactly her dream, this is the fulfillment of duties, it should be so, it should be so. But she herself does not burn with her activity, not by vocation, so to speak. Although those around now and then rise, are translated, strive for something. This is not her path. She is also not subject to illusions. She clearly knows why and what she is doing, rose-colored glasses have long been removed. It is difficult to catch her on some promises, it is difficult to captivate her, you cannot fool her brains and you will not tempt her to dubious events. The man has chosen a titmouse in his hands and holds it confidently. The crane on the menu can not even be offered.

The recent past of my Querent is shown by the Hermit card. Yes, lately life has not spoiled Natalia with a variety of partners, useful and extensive contacts. I must say that Natalya underwent surgery and underwent rehabilitation for some time. This was not even five years ago, however, the Hermit often shows difficulties with the musculoskeletal system and diseases of age. In principle, it is. The hermit went from the alignment to his past. Natalya is no longer worried about this topic, although of course some echoes remain. Let us rejoice that the period of loneliness and illness departs from her.

Dreams and thoughts - 4 cups. And also a map of the current situation - 4 swords. Fours - stability and even some boredom. The period now for Natalia is not too significant. Well, life goes on as usual and well. Of course, I would like to have more fun, but no one does anything for this, prefers, pardon the expression, to let snot go. A person wants to isolate himself from life at the moment, to pause, I think that fate provides her with just that. There is a small respite until the next fateful events. Let it gain strength.

The near future is the Sun of Wands. By occupation, Natalia constantly has to move and be in shape. And now she has to go, and tomorrow she has to go again, and go to and from work too ... You never know which of the trips the map showed. But all this takes place and there will still be some time, at least until spring for sure. By the way, Sun Well often shows love affairs. Perhaps Natalya will get acquainted and communicate with a person younger than her in age, who still wants and can. Well, of course, it does not promise love to the grave, but boredom can be dispelled and a surge of young energy will not interfere with my querent in any way.

And now the most interesting, the triplets of fateful cards.

The bottom three means that fate promises in your personal life.
7 of wands, Devil and 2 of cups

What can I say, marriage is not visible in this trio, but there is a confirmation of the Lovers card. The devil shows that the temptation will be strong. And despite her resistance on the 7 of Wands card, it will be very difficult to resist, because. the feelings will be mutual. This will be the beginning of a new stage in her life. She will pin high hopes on this relationship. But because of the triangle, everything will not be so simple. The man is most likely wealthy, connected with her at work. It is possible that she will refuse this person for a long time or for a long time the relationship will not be personal. A man can help her financially and spoil her in general, I would even say, in a sense, buy her favor. However, a long unofficial status will greatly strain Natalya. I'm afraid to guess, but there is a small chance that by setting a goal, she will be able to achieve marriage with him. Although, around the marriage card, cards of leftist relations stubbornly go. I can't say anything about kids. No aces, no pages, no other pieces.

In the financial area, the cards Moderation, King p, Ace m

Most likely, Natalia's financial situation will be quite tolerable, as they say, corresponds to the average figures. My friend should not worry about poverty, the money will come to her regularly. However, there will also be an additional source of income. This is a man. Or it will be a man with whom she will communicate personally. Either the employer, but money, this is the thing that will bind her tightly. The Ace of Swords shows that she can always achieve what she wants if she makes an effort herself. So, Natalia's financial situation will greatly depend on her ability to get along with the male sex.

The last three cards are community cards of fate.
Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, Priest.

Ahead of Natalia is still a very flourishing and prosperous period. She will always be with money, well-groomed. I would like to warn you about one thing, do not get too carried away with the material. The only problem that will hang over her is the lack of marital status. For Natalia it is very important what people say. She was tired of enduring constant questioning, oohs and aahs about it. The last card shows that she will have a relationship that can be called marriage. If not for the previous triangles, I would definitely say that she will get what she wants. But still I will refrain and say that the person who will be next to her will treat her like a wife, with care and with all responsibility.

Well, the alignment turned out not so bad and very encouraging. I will be very happy if it comes true, and Natalia still finds her female happiness.

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This ancient layout, created, according to some sources, in the 18th century by the French Tarot connoisseur Eteyla, presents a complete picture of the life of the questioner, that is, his sweet, future and present, while considering separately the events of his external, worldly, life and internal, spiritual. Here too, the standard preliminary steps are performed, the significator is selected and thirty-two cards are randomly selected, which are laid out as follows:

The interpretation of the alignment is carried out using the following instructions:

  • S - this is, as always, a significator,
  • cards from 1 to 6 and from 13 to 16 will tell about the past of the questioner;
  • information about the present will be given by the analysis of cards from 17 to 21 and from 26 to 32,
  • while cards from 7 to 12 and from 22 to 25 will show the future of this person.

Moreover, the cards of the outer row inform about the most important matters, and the cards of the inner row supplement this information. In addition, the outer row is more related to the events taking place in the outer world of the questioner, and the inner one shows his inner experiences.

Attention: you must use both groups of Arcana or Major Arcana from two decks.


This alignment is one of the oldest among the surviving tarot divination systems, the Spanish gypsies used it as early as the 18th century. This is a rather complicated alignment, but it also provides an opportunity to analyze the past, present and future. First, a significator is selected. The interpreter then separates the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana, shuffles the Minor Arcana, and asks the questioner to randomly select twenty cards to join with the Major Arcana. In total, he has forty-two cards in his hand. The rest are set aside, as they will no longer be needed this time.

Now the cards must be shuffled again, allowed to be shifted to the questioner and then laid out into seven piles of six cards each. After that, the cards are laid out in accordance with the following scheme:

The card values ​​are interpreted according to their numbering using the key below:

S- significator;

Cards from sequence A - the past of the questioner;

Cards from sequence B - what is currently happening;

Cards from sequence C - a description of those current events that will determine the future of the questioner;

Cards from the sequence D- dreams, expectations and inclinations of the questioner,

characterization of his personality;

Cards from sequence E - inform about what will happen as a result of the collision of these desires with what the outside world brings;

Cards from the sequence F- show the future of the questioner.

Note: A full tarot deck is required.


This very complex alignment, developed not so long ago by Ya.V. Suliga, is based on philosophy and raja yoga. "Mandala" tells about the past, present and future of the questioner, describing even one hundred births and deaths, and also helps to determine at what stage of spiritual development this person is.

The "Mandala" consists of nine elements: eight columns, indicated on the diagram in capital letters of the Latin alphabet, and a central field consisting of three circles. Starting the layout, we separate the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana. Then we shuffle the Major Arcana and take one card from them, which, without opening, we put in the center of the field. Then, in the same way, we select the next five cards and lay them out in accordance with the numbering shown in the diagram. This is how we create the central circle of the Mandala. The remaining cards of the Major Arcana are laid out at the base of individual columns. Then we shuffle and shift the Minor Arcana and also stack them in separate columns, thus creating an outer circle. Cards are opened in accordance with the specified numbers.

Spread interpretation starts from the central circle in accordance with the scheme numbers. The meanings of the corresponding cards:

  • 1 - a card symbolizing the questioner, representing the essence of his being;
  • 2 - represents what worries the questioner at the present time and determines the development of his personality;
  • 3 - speaks of a way to transform vital energy into a targeted search for vital energy;
  • 4 - shows sexual problems and what a person represses into the subconscious;
  • 5 - characterizes the attitude of a person to the outside world.

Now let's move on to the sequential analysis of the columns:

  • column A "Crown" - the state of mind of the questioner at the present moment and the image of consciousness at the moment of death, understood as a transition to another form of existence;
  • column B "Roots" - birth, infancy, lineage and earliest impressions, as well as health problems and general condition;
  • column C "Implementation" - the intentions of the questioner, the reactions of other people to his activities, professional, social and creative activities, contacts with the external, material world and other people;
  • column D "Unconscious" - transitional age, intuition, fantasy, imagination, parapsychological abilities, as well as the unconscious of the questioner;
  • column E "Picture of the world" - the near future of the questioner, probable mistakes and ways to avoid them;
  • column F "First breath" - events that have been erased from the memory of the questioner, the first impulses that form the personality;
  • column G "Ego"— consciousness and self-consciousness, then. what determines the present and the intellectual inclinations of the questioner, the baggage of his accumulated experience;
  • column H "Life Expression" - the future of the questioner, what he will be able to achieve, how his fate will turn out.

Now the collection of the central circle and columns is analyzed G and H, which show the life path of the questioner, then columns A, C and E are jointly analyzed, telling about how the higher consciousness of this person was formed, his vision of the world and where activity is manifested, and we join columns B and D, getting a picture of the subconscious layers of personality. On this, the interpretation of the layout can be completed, or one more element can be added - analysis from column B through the central field to column A. This direction of interpretation allows you to see the journey of a person to the Absolute, that is, the evolution of his soul.

Attention: the use of a full deck in this case is necessary.


This is one of the best spreads for a very detailed and accurate prediction of the future in all areas of life. It is used most often in cases where the client cannot clearly name one specific problem of interest to him, but wants to get a general picture of what awaits him in the future, and find out which areas of his life he should pay more attention to. After carrying out preliminary procedures and choosing a significator card, sixteen cards must be drawn out and laid out as shown in the diagram:

The meanings of the corresponding cards:

S - significator;

1 - the identity of the questioner;

2 - material sphere;

3 - environment;

4 - questions concerning parents and family;

5 - entertainment and pleasure,

6 - health;

7 - enemies and rivals;

8 - significant changes;

9 - trips;

10 - professional questions;

11 - friends, employees;

12 - obstacles and difficulties;

13 - the influence of the past on the present;

14 - the influence of the present on the future;

15 - what is inevitable;

16 - the final result of the development of the situation.


This alignment shows the situation of the questioner as a whole, presents a panorama of his life to the present and in the future. Each vertical row of cards (in the diagram they are indicated by the letters of the Latin alphabet) tells about a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of the questioner. Having chosen the significator and having performed the preliminary procedures, we take thirty-six cards and lay them out in accordance with the scheme:

The interpretation of the layout is carried out as follows:

S - significator;

row Arepresents issues related to family and home, with the first card of each vertical row talking about influences from the past, the second about the current situation, the third about external influences, the fourth about the influence of the questioner on this area of ​​life, the fifth about the possibilities of something then change, and the last - about the development of the situation in this area of ​​life in the future;

row Bconcerns the sphere of feelings and emotions;

row Cinforms about the professional field;

row Dpresents financial matters;

row Etalks about the health of the questioner;

Row Fdeals with matters related to education and travel. Attention; both groups of Arcana must be used.


This alignment is used for a complete analysis of the personality of the questioner, as well as his past, present and future. This is one of the most difficult alignments, its multi-level interpretation simultaneously covers all spheres of the life of the questioner. For the "Grand Tarot Spread" one full deck and the Major Arcana from the second deck are used. Since the interpretation of this layout takes many hours (sometimes several days), I advise you to write down the location of the cards so that, returning to it in free minutes, you can extract all the information from it. First you need to take the Major Arcana from the deck, the Minor Arcana of which will not be used in the future, shuffle them, shift and lay them out in the form of a large circle, as shown in the figure, so as not to get confused, the cards of this circle are indicated on diagram with letter A.

These cards will show the path of the questioner from the Jester to the Initiate, his inner, spiritual development, tell about his psyche, complexes and innate talents. In this scenario, the location of two cards plays a very important role - the Jester and the Hermit, these are a kind of determinants of the moment of the spiritual development of a given person. Therefore, we begin to analyze the layout from the Jester and end with the Hermit, paying special attention to the cards lying next to them. Having carried out this part of the analysis, we take a complete Tarot deck, carry out preliminary procedures, find the significator, randomly select forty-four cards (in the diagram they are additionally indicated by the letter B) and add them to the cards forming a circle, as shown on the diagram:

The cards marked with the letter B, surrounding those cards that were laid out earlier and marked with the letter A, tell how a person is realized in the areas of life symbolically determined by the archetypes of the Major Arcana. Suppose that the card lying in place ZA is the Emperor, then cards 5B and 27B will show the questioner's attitude to power and authoritative people, as well as his aspirations and ambitions.

The remaining thirty-two cards tell about the future of the questioner in the four most important areas of life. In the diagram, they are indicated by Roman numerals. In this way: Group I- the future in the sphere of feelings, partnerships, love;

Group II- the future in the family sphere, children, grandchildren, household chores, changes of residence;

Group III— future in the professional and financial sphere, career;

Group IVRelationships and contacts with other people, friendships, trips.

The layout requires a very thoughtful analysis, you must first interpret each individual card, then take into account pairs of cards, later move on to triples, and so on, while we must not forget how important it is in what environment the card lies, that is, the neighborhood, and also that the cards of the Major Arcana are more significant than the cards of the Minor Arcana. It is difficult to interpret such a spread for a client, but if you lay it out for a loved one or for yourself, it can provide invaluable information.

Attention: one full kolola is used (both groups of Arcana) plus the Major Arcana from the second deck.

Before proceeding to the interpretation of the cards, to the layouts, one should be reminded of how to properly handle the cards in order to obtain the correct information from them and not harm either oneself or others.

Card safety rules

There are several prohibitions that have existed for more than one century:

  1. You can guess for one person no more than once a day.
  2. You can’t turn to cards for nothing, for fun, out of boredom, out of nothing to do.
  3. In general, guessing every day is categorically not recommended. Only professional fortune-tellers, gypsies who know how to reset the negative, or fortune-telling with several decks, to one person only once a day, can work this way.
  4. If you didn’t like the result of fortune-telling, you can make a clarifying alignment, but in no case should you guess! Other times, the cards may not respond.
  5. One and the same desire cannot be guessed two or more times. In this case, the plan may not come true or be fulfilled exactly the opposite.
  6. The same deck of cards cannot be used daily - they should be given rest.
  7. It is impossible to give a deck of cards for divination to other hands, to strangers.
  8. It is categorically impossible to guess if there is no desire, if "the soul does not lie." In order for fortune-telling to work out, to be true, you need an internal mood for fortune-telling, for a topic, for a person, for his problem.
  9. More than six or seven layouts per day cannot be done - the cards will begin to lie.
  10. If the cards gave an incomprehensible answer, if it could not be read, fortune-telling should be postponed for a more favorable time.
  11. Cards fall from the hands when shuffled: they are unlikely to give the correct answer this time; divination should be postponed.
  12. You can’t guess with cards that were played in different games (poker, fool, bridge, etc.).
  13. You can not guess in order to make money on fortune telling.
  14. When guessing at another person, it is better not to think about your problems: you can get false information.
  15. You can’t guess at night (the time of rampant evil spirits), with the exception of a very urgent solution to a vital problem.
  16. It is impossible to guess on the main church holidays, on the days of remembrance, on Sundays. Moreover, it should be recalled that, according to the church canon, a day begins at 3 pm (for example, Sunday begins at 3 pm on Saturday).
  17. Do not guess when the moon is waning.
  18. You can’t guess on satanic lunar days (determined by the lunar calendar).
  19. Periodically, cards should be cleaned of excess information (preferably with salt).

Safety regulations apply to any fortune-telling with any cards (playing, Tarot, etc.).

The meaning of the cards

The value of playing cards can be found on the Internet, you can ask those who know how to guess. Each fortuneteller, despite the fact that she seems to adhere to the generally accepted meanings of each suit and its denomination, still has her own attitude to each card and its meaning. T

which approach and knowledge is developed over the years, practice, developments. The same card for different fortune-tellers will have its own meaning, different from that adopted by others.

Each card is ambiguous: a big role in getting an answer from it depends on where, in what place, next to which cards it is still located.

It is very important to understand the fortuneteller of his deck of cards for fortune telling. In fact, the cards serve as a kind of antennas for connecting to the information field.

For Vanga, for example, a piece of sugar served as such an antenna, which those who came to her, kept under their pillow the night before the visit. For any professional, real astrologer, the horoscope chart serves as an antenna. For a fortune teller, her cards in the deck serve as antennas.

Destiny alignment

The alignment is performed both for the future and for the near future (both of which are fate). A deck of cards is desirable new or unplayed. The cards must be shuffled very well.

  1. Then, with your left hand to your heart, remove some of the cards and shift them to the bottom of the deck.
  2. You need to find your (or someone who is being guessed) card. If the person is unmarried, the queen or king of diamonds is taken. If married - a queen of hearts or a king.
  3. The deck is shuffled. You can take 3 cards from it until you find your own. As soon as it opened, putting it on the table, you should pay attention to what other cards fell out with it.
  4. It is necessary to mentally ask about the future (cards, through cards - heaven, Higher powers, etc.).
  5. Remove the first card and put it on your own: she will answer - that the heart is worried.
  6. Then the cards (a quarter of the deck) are placed above their central head; the second quarter - underfoot; the third quarter of the deck is on the right; the fourth is on the left.
  7. Remove two cards from each quarter of the deck, leave them in the same places, put the rest of the cards in a separate pile and put them aside.

It is important to follow the order: top-bottom-right-left.

  1. From the deck set aside, you should take 2 cards each, lay them out in the corners (according to the Andreevsky or oblique cross pattern - the letter “X”): top-left and bottom-right, then top-right and bottom-left.
  2. So around the central card, 16 cards are obtained.
  3. The rest of the deck should be shuffled well, remove 3 cards from above (put them aside); still remove the 4th and put in the center. This action must be performed three times.

Result: in the center should be: the main card (1), face up - 1; closed - 4th (under the heart).

What do the cards mean in their location

Depending on where the cards are, they will tell about their own:

  1. The most significant: central - they talk about the near future;
  2. Overhead (3): about the future, but not soon.
  3. Top left (9): about the events that are happening now, but the one they are guessing at is not concerned.
  4. Left (6): what happened
  5. Bottom left (10): long past.
  6. Bottom, underfoot (4): events that will not affect a person in any way.
  7. Right-bottom (8): what happened recently.
  8. Right (5): what lies ahead.
  9. Right-top (7): what will happen in the future, but the person will not be hurt.

The meanings of each card of a certain suit (from the images) can be found on the Internet or in fortune-telling books.

Cards: their meaning

The main thing worth mentioning is the meaning of card suits, which works both in the layout of playing cards and in gypsy fortune-telling.

Four suits correspond to four elements (and each element corresponds to the signs of the Zodiac):

  1. ♣ Clubs (crosses): Fire (power) - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; material relations, business. It can wait for fun, joy, finding happiness, achieving a goal.
  2. ♦ Diamonds: Earth (material interests, benefits) - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; plans, news, news, more often - about money, papers. They can promise stagnation in business.
  3. Hearts: Air (feelings) - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; love relationships, all sides of them. Love experiences are possible, therefore it is better to listen to the mind.
  4. ♠ Peaks: Water (emotions, intuition) - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; more often - negative emotional reactions, sadness, grief, all sorts of troubles (except for figures).

You need to look - what suits fell out.

For example: if all rolled out:

  1. ♦tambourines: we should expect an improvement in financial situation;
  2. ♠peaks: business plan issues will be resolved, changes in career growth are possible;
  3. worms: soon there will be happiness;
  4. ♣ clubs: big troubles will fall. However, if a person tries to carefully weigh all his intentions and decisions, he can avoid trouble.

The most common:

6 Sixes: they promise a road (clubs - evening, spades - night, worms - an easy walk, diamonds - a fast road) if all four fall out. If one at a time: diamonds - the road, worms - a date, clubs - a meeting, spades - a loss

7 Sevens: clubs - empty chores, worms - a love message, spades - troubles, tambourines - empty talk.

8 Eights: tambourines - someone will show interest in a person, spades - to tears, worms - there will be a meeting with a very desirable person, clubs - useless conversations.

9 Nines: clubs - to disappointment, worms - to joy and happiness, spades - to tears, tambourines - about material wealth.

10 Tens: clubs - to small troubles, worms - a very pleasant, joyful event will happen, peaks - to illness, tambourines - to receive money.

Jacks: to the chores (what - look at the suits).

Ladies: girlfriends, friends, women (also see by suit). Queen of spades - to longing, sadness, frustration.

Kings: men who are interested in the one they are guessing at.

Aces: clubs - to failures, spades - to unpleasant surprises, surprises, even fear, worms - you should wait for a letter, tambourines - to receive news.

If more cards of large value fall out, the more saturated the future will be, the more the financial situation will improve.

Fortune telling

People sometimes ask themselves: what is destined for me? Nothing happens in the world by chance, nothing happens by chance: chance is just an unknown necessity. And many seek to know it, moreover, by different methods. in particular card fortune telling. Everyone has their own path in life, with someone on this path, the fate of a person brings together, with someone divorces.

And fortune-telling helps to understand this and determine at least the approximate timing of the onset of events, expected and undesired; find out where to lay the straw, and what to do so that unwanted events do not happen; whether a lucky chance will fall and how to use it correctly.

However, here it must be recalled that a person is always responsible for the choice made. It's like in a fairy tale: if you go wrong, you will find happiness, if you go to the left, you will be killed, but if you go straight, etc.

Here is a card layout for fate and answers in much the same way: if you choose one, it will be so-and-so, if you choose another, such-and-such will happen, and so on. However, it should be remembered: if something is gaining somewhere, then it is decreasing elsewhere, and vice versa. Therefore, understanding, knowing the most complete picture of the probable future, it is so important to make the right, conscious and deliberate choice, and not act headlong.

Even happiness does not go "unpunished" - for something we are "punished" with kindness, and for something we pay too high a price. There are no free cakes - for some reason they often forget about this, they catch luck, a freebie, and then they ask “Why am I like this ?!”.

Ritual fortune-telling can help prepare you for accepting the inevitable. The magical rituals of different peoples are basically similar in essence. This is especially true of the gypsy people, with very ancient history, traditions, magic.

Cards for a gypsy - a kind of antenna with which you connect to the information field of the Earth, are a kind of analogue of a crystal ball, and the fortuneteller sees everything or almost everything with their help.

Gypsy fortune-telling

To try to perform gypsy fortune-telling on your own, you should try very carefully to first study the meaning of all kinds of card combinations, because only the correct interpretation can benefit, not harm.

In such a gypsy fortune-telling-prophecy, the face value of the dropped cards, the predominance of any suit, the proximity of cards, and not only single ones, but also in pairs, in triples, are very important and of great importance.

So, for example, if they fall out:

  • more cards of hearts suit: fate will give joy, happiness;
  • if there are more peaks: a warning about upcoming trials, difficulties, troubles;
  • but if there are four cards of the same category: the value of a certain event becomes most important;
  • tens or aces: they promise the fulfillment of desires and a blessed period in life;
  • kings mean stability at a certain stage;
  • ladies: predict confusion, even confusion;
  • four jacks: they promise troubles in the future, greater or lesser, sometimes empty, meaningless (which ones depend on other cards that have fallen out);
  • sevens, eights: they predict a rather gray routine, a series of monotonous everyday life, lack of money, a long streak of various kinds of failures;
  • but dozens: they promise amazing events, more often unexpected, with amazing consequences, but whether they are good or not depends on the neighboring cards that have fallen out.

Now on the Internet you can find many options for gypsy fortune-telling, an explanation of the interpretation of cards and their combinations in fortune-telling. Before you decide to guess like this yourself, you need to learn to understand the meaning of as large combinations of cards of different suits and denominations as possible, learn not only to understand, but also to feel the energies emanating from the cards, because from each radiates only its inherent energy-information wave. It is in this case that it will be possible to obtain correct and accurate information about the probable future.

You need to tune in to fortune-telling, activate it in the process of fortune-telling, connect all your feelings, thoughts, desires, strength, intuition and will to the action. It is necessary to renounce everything everyday, earthly, it is also useful to perform certain rituals before divination that help you tune in to work with cards.

If fortune-telling is performed not on oneself, but on one of the friends, relatives, relatives, special attention should be paid to the choice of the main (main central) card:

  1. boy or girl, young, unmarried: tambourine king or lady;
  2. married or married: hearts king and lady;
  3. man or woman of mature age: club king and queen;
  4. but the peak ones are service people: the military, officials, in a word, state-owned people.

Fortune-telling cannot be started just like that. First, a special conspiracy is read:

“36 sisters, godfathers, brothers and associates. Do me a faithful service, an unchanging friendship. 36 cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth, what should I expect, expect, what to fear, what business to take. I call all of you, and I call, and I pronounce: The word is strong and the cards are molded. Amen

The deck then needs to be mixed well; think of a king or a queen to yourself, which correspond to the one for whom the alignment is being made:

  1. Lay out cards (4 rows) 9 in each row.
  2. In the interpretation of the “What fate has prepared” layout, only those cards that fell out in the row where the main one lay down are taken into account.
  3. Events are predicted by the cards in this series sequentially.
  4. Initially, information is taken into account for each card; then - in pairs; then three.
  5. Now the column with all these cards must be shuffled, the main hidden one must be laid out on top. Under it, the rest are stacked in pairs - they are interpreted in pairs.
  6. Again, they are all shuffled, stacked already in threes.
  7. Each card itself indicates a certain event.
  8. In paired consideration: on people or on actions related to the events seen.
  9. A trio of cards: prompt or directly indicate what to do with the events seen, how to behave when the events come.

Once a Epiphany Eve

The period of Christmas time from Christmas to Epiphany is the time when almost everyone guesses, and whoever wants, can. Card fortune-telling on Christmas and Christmas time takes on special strength and significance. Therefore, it is very important, if a person has already decided to guess these days, to approach the process seriously and responsibly.

The simplest of Christmas fortune-telling for fate and the future with a man: put cards with four kings under the pillow in the evening; while saying: " Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, that dream to me in a dream«.

If you see in a dream:

  • king of spades: the groom will be old and jealous;
  • the king of the cross: it will turn out to be a businessman or a military man;
  • king of diamonds: the groom is exactly the same, desired;
  • king of hearts: betrothed rich and young.

If you decide to guess in more detail and make a layout, you should prepare for it in the same way as for layouts at other times.

At Christmas time, you can also complete the alignment for the coming year " 12 months »:

This layout can be done for the New Year, Christmas, Christmas time. The deadline for its implementation is Baptism. Each card is associated with a specific month of the year, conventionally the layout is divided into four quarters (three months each). Each card tells about the nature of the next month - what it will be like, what to expect.

The interpretation of cards by suits and denominations works well in any scenario.

The explanation of the cards must be looked at not only one by one, but also in pairs, triples, in rows - to do an analysis and synthesis of the ones that have fallen out so that the interpretation is correct.

You can also do fortune-telling for fate and the future with a man (Tarot cards) these days. The presented layout diagrams show which questions about love, about relationships with a partner can be answered:

Important! Tarot cards give an accurate answer and forecast only when the question is vital, when the question is on the verge of life and death. These cards should not be laid out for fun, from nothing to do, just to pass the time.

But in critical situations, these cards will give an accurate forecast - what is destined for a person.

Gypsy divination

An ancient mysterious and mysterious people with an amazing history owns unique divination techniques, especially on cards.

10 card spread

Unlike many ordinary fortune-telling, a gypsy layout of 10 cards. The full layout is shown in the photo.

It should be added that in this scenario:

  1. peaks: show those problems, difficulties, obstacles, anxieties, etc., which may be obstacles to a person's achievement of his goals, aspirations, dreams.
  2. Clubs: this is a career, work, a business that a person is engaged in or wants to do.
  3. Tambourines: here they look at the thoughts of the person they are guessing at, about his feelings, beliefs
  4. Worms: show love, relationships with a partner, feelings.

The interpretation of the layout here also has its differences: much in understanding the resulting picture depends on where the icon (its tip) is directed on the central map. For example, if up - the situation, problems, tasks will develop; if down - the situation may move to its end, the relationship may end, the situation will decline.

It should also be taken into account which suit or card prevails in the series under consideration.

And of course, the closest attention should be paid to the main fate card: its suit and face value.

Ancient layout for Fate

In addition to the layout of 10 cards, there is also a very significant old gypsy fortune-telling on the cards (for 32).

It should be specially noted here that in this divination, the definition of the suit and dignity of the card, which will be identified with the person on whom the alignment will be made, is somewhat different from the usual one - the method of portrait similarity is used:

  1. A dark blond woman is the queen of clubs.
  2. The brunette is the queen of spades.
  3. The blonde is the queen of hearts.
  4. Light blond - lady of the tambourine.

Accordingly men:

  1. Dark blond - jack of clubs.
  2. Brunet - jack of spades.
  3. Blond - jack of hearts.
  4. Light blond - jack of diamonds.

The selected card of the client (the person who is being guessed) must be returned to the deck and you can begin to make a deal:

  • the client must move most of the deck with his little finger with his left hand, put it on the table;
  • again, from most of the deck, remove another part of the cards in the same way;
  • repeat the same procedure with the third part.

Thus, four small piles of cards are obtained.

It is very important to correctly now collect all the heaps together:

  1. the first pile of cards is superimposed on the second;
  2. the resulting one (1 + 2) must be superimposed on top of the third;
  3. most (1 + 2 + 3) to impose on the fourth.

This system absolutely corresponds to the fate and karma of the person for whom this alignment is made.

In no case should you change the order of handling the deck!

Now you should lay out all the cards in the following order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4-1 rows. Each row should have eight cards. When unfolding, the deck should be in the fortuneteller's left hand, each card is removed from above. The order cannot be broken.

The interpretation begins with a heart card - the main card of the client. Those who were next to her are the most important: they point to phenomena that are fateful for the one who is guessing, they talk about events that will become decisive for his life.

Before proceeding to the analysis and synthesis of the resulting picture, it should be said:

  1. all jacks, queens and kings in this scenario mean any people who in one way or another are or will be related to the client. These cards have no other meaning (as in traditional divination);
  2. these cards of the same suit with the client indicate his closest relatives (kings and jacks - brothers, husband, father; ladies - sisters, wife, mother);
  3. cards of the same color with the heart indicate friends, colleagues, associates (i.e., the person’s inner circle);
  4. cards of the opposite color suit speak of strangers, but who have or will have something to do with the client;
  5. if in the scenario the queen and jack are nearby, they mean a married couple.

The interpretation of the rest of the cards is indicated under the layout diagram. When analyzing the resulting picture, it is imperative to take into account the relative position of the cards - they complement and explain each other, which helps to draw conclusions when interpreting the resulting layout.

If the client or the fortuneteller has any doubts (which happens extremely rarely), they can be confirmed or dispelled by checking, for example, with Tarot cards.

Tarot and Fate

Tarot cards are ancient. There is an opinion that they were also originally discovered by gypsies.

To get an accurate and truthful answer, you should study and understand the meaning of Tarot cards well and in detail, not only in their direct position, but also in an inverted one.

Major Arcana

There are 78 cards in such a deck. Of these, 22 belong to the Major Arcana and are most often used in layouts.

(screenshots should be arranged one to one close - in a single list)

Some layouts are performed only by the Major Arcana, since they are most important in determining the hidden and the fate of a person. If the entire deck is used, first of all, attention is drawn to how many cards of the Major Arcana fell out in the layout.

The more of them, the more important and fateful the events will be for the client's life. If there are few of those, the influence of phenomena and events on the life of the querent (i.e. client) will be weak and insignificant.

Minor Arcana

There are 56 such cards in the deck. Like playing cards, the Minor Arcana have four suits, each with 14 cards. The younger ones show all the characteristics, shades of the various life plans of the querent: eventful, personal, emotional.

The Minor Arcana are conditionally divided into court and numerical.

Numerical: on the one hand, they speak of the essential meaning of a given number; on the other - about the elements of the suit.

As in astrology, there are four elements here:

  1. Fire: Wands (Sceptres, Staves); associated with spirituality, purification, energy.
  2. Water: Cups (Bowls); associated with emotions, health, intuition.
  3. Air: Swords (Swords); associated with creativity (in the broadest sense), ideas, insights, inspiration.
  4. Earth: Coins (Pentacles, Disks, Denarii); associated with practicality, money and everyday life.

In different editions and designs, the names may be different, but their meaning is the same.

It should be clarified that the Tarot is closely interconnected with astrology, with the horoscope and cosmogram. The forecast for the natal chart or cards of predictive methods is sometimes checked by Tarot cards.

Courtiers: usually interpreted in two ways -

  1. Each of them gives its own interpretation (like any other card in the deck) of feelings, events, etc.
  2. The second plan of interpretation: they symbolize specific people, and they are talking about them. It also takes into account the name (for example, Knight. Page, etc.), suit. Therefore, it is possible to understand: the sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born, as well as his age, profession, etc.

Each suit has 14 cards: it starts with Ace, then numbers (from 2 to 10), then Page, Knight, Queen, King.

The general theme unites suit cards:

  • Bowls - feelings and emotions.
  • Coins - talk about the physical world.
  • Swords - indicate problems.
  • Wands - for action.

When seeking advice from Tarot cards, it should be remembered that they do not answer (like playing cards, for example) to a precisely posed specific question: yes or no. Arcana can only help the querent make the right decision, show the possible consequences of these decisions.

However, to make a choice (it's like in well-known fairy tales: if you go to the right - it will be this and that, if you go to the left - you will get this and that, and if you go straight - this will happen), the client himself must. He will be responsible for him in the future: for the right - reward, for the wrong - retribution.

Tarot technique

Tarot cards can be asked questions:

  1. about the reasons, background of a certain case;
  2. about where it is better to go, what choice to make, what option to choose;
  3. what is the current state of the case or situation;
  4. ask for advice: how, in what way it is possible to solve a certain problem, in what way, ways, methods to achieve the goal;
  5. what are the trends and development prospects.

Tarot can be asked for the purpose of working on oneself, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The technique of working with Tarot cards is somewhat different from working with playing cards:

  • you don't need to focus on the question of interest, get hung up. Here it is more effective to trust your subconscious, intuition, clairvoyance. The subconscious knows better the innermost essence of the question of interest - what you really want and need to know, what seriously and importantly worries;
  • turning to the Tarot, you need to ask a question;
  • cards can be shuffled as usual;
  • you can lay out the shirt up, in a line, with a wide fan - depending on the nature of the layout;
  • with the left hand, they are drawn from the laid out cards, one at a time, as many as necessary for this layout;
  • the selected cards must be stacked;
  • the rest are collected in a deck and set aside;
  • from the stack of selected cards, each one must be taken out in turn (from the lowest - in the order in which they were drawn);
  • these extended cards are laid out, opening, according to the scheme of the selected layout;
  • if the cards were chosen one by one closed, and at first the deck was laid out in a fan, then you can interfere with them as you like;
  • if the interpretation takes into account the cards turned upside down, then it is possible to scatter them on the floor or on the table, with both hands in a circular motion interfere with them in an arbitrary order, giving them the opportunity to turn around in any direction;
  • if the interpretation of the card is difficult, the meaning in this case is vague and unclear, you should rely on the subconscious and intuition;

Tarot cards are different from others in that a fortuneteller at any time, in any situation with any layout, he himself can discover one more - a new meaning of a particular card.

  • do not immediately re-lay out Tarot cards in order to get an answer to the previous question, if you did not like the previous answer. This will only make things worse;
  • time frames: limited to the essence of the question asked (if the question is about what is happening at the moment, the answer may be within a few weeks; if the question is for the long term, then the time frame for the answer will be significantly expanded);
  • the interpretation of the answers given by the Tarot cards should be taken extremely seriously, and it is better to follow the advice given by them, whatever they may be. Should. However, remember that the absolute truth is not in the earthly world, therefore the decision must be made, given that the Tarot answers questions specifically for this world;
  • any card layout, however, like the stars, does not oblige to anything, it only inclines. Tarot often shows a trend in the development of events, where everything can come, than how it will end if the client acts as it is now. There is no fatality in the answers and interpretations of the Tarot, a person is given a choice of path. By changing the path, you can change the end station;
  • one more difference between Tarot cards: you can also guess at an absent person, if there is his consent, permission for fortune-telling, or if the fortuneteller has a well-founded interest in this person;
  • not only a fortuneteller, but also a querent can draw cards.

Tarot card interpretation

It is better for beginners to work with these cards, it is more useful to practice daily:

  1. the card of the day is drawn: every day in the morning one card is selected first from their major Arcana, then from the entire full deck:
  2. week card: in the morning at the beginning of each week;
  3. card of the month: at the beginning of the month one for the whole month.

The cards of the week and month are also first drawn from the Major Arcana, then from the entire deck.

Having drawn the cards, the beginner should try to trace how the forecasts of the selected cards appear in him during the day, week, month.

For example, a drawn card of the Arcanum of Death may mean that a wallet will be stolen, and if a Hanged Man card is drawn, it may take a long time to look for car keys (the card means that the progress of things will be very slow, it will slow down).

Such training well helps to learn to better understand the so-called everyday language of cards.

Learning to interpret

It is best to start working with Tarot cards with simple layouts that will help the beginner get to know the deck in more detail, feel and feel the cards.

If, when shuffling the deck, a card falls out and falls face up on the table, special attention should be paid to it - this is fate itself suggesting something (interpreted by which card fell out). Moreover, it may not even answer a specific question, but only give an assessment of the current current state of affairs. condition.

Celtic cross

One of the most popular, versatile vintage tarot spreads. The Celtic cross answers almost all questions: how the future will develop, what events are possible, what are the reasons for the current situation and state, what awaits a person, how this or that situation arose.

Divination interpretation

If the alignment turned out to be difficult, it is necessary to evaluate it as a whole: not only some specific cards, but also their relationships:

  • see how many cards were straight in the layout, and how many were inverted;
  • make a general assessment of the alignment: what suits, what more, what more images, are there and, if so, which cards indicating personalities;
  • think about what you see, about what is on the cards that have fallen, over the images;
  • only after that you can try to read the meanings of the cards;
  • for better understanding and memorization, it is useful to first write down in a special notebook the phrases that come to mind that have meaning, along the way connecting them with your personal feelings.

Alignment for all destiny

Fortune telling is not difficult, but very interesting. Good - for beginners

Gypsy tarot divination for 7 cards

This alignment is best done when the client does not have a clear question, but just wants to know what to expect from fate.

The layout uses the entire deck as a whole. The client (or the fortuneteller) must think of a question, or may simply reflect on his life at the time of the fortune-telling.

If there is no specific question, the fortuneteller simply shuffles the deck, selects 7 cards from it (arbitrarily), lays it out in the form of a pyramid, but without a base (see figure).

The resulting picture is interpreted according to the usual meanings of Tarot cards.

In general, this gypsy layout for the very near future allows you to analyze various aspects of the situation, even if the questioner himself does not see any problem.

How not to be afraid of answers in the alignment

Some people are afraid to guess because they are afraid of getting a negative, unwanted answer. Such people believe that all that the cards showed. It must come true. However fatal card events are unable to create. They only warn possible offensive possible events.

  1. Cards only help to understand the situation and in oneself.
  2. Even having received a negative forecast, it should be remembered that this is just a forecast. But, as the well-known proverb says, “If I knew where I would fall, I would spread straw.” So: the cards warn - where to lay the straw.
  3. Moreover, when choosing a different path option, it is possible to avoid, for example, a fall altogether.
  4. Fortune telling (in principle, any) only helps to see opportunities, both good and bad, helps to look at any situation from different angles, evaluate hidden opportunities, different probabilities and think over further tactics of one’s behavior and actions.
  5. It should be remembered: fortune-telling is not fatal, it only warns.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the desire to know what awaits in the future is not at all undesirable. Just be sure to take into account that any fortune-telling is a touch on a very secret, hidden, hidden.

Therefore, either making a layout or turning to a fortuneteller, one should be very careful in observing the prescribed rules of fortune-telling and safety precautions for such processes.

Guessing for nothing, out of boredom, for the sake of entertainment is absolutely impossible - the consequences can be unpredictable. But occasionally it is quite possible to clarify problems that are of a vital nature.

Free divination by Tarot cards online will help clarify controversial issues. We offer many options for free Tarot spreads: card of the day, divination for a situation on one card, "Tree of Lovers" - alignment for relationships, "When I get married", fortune telling for treason, "Seven-pointed star", one of the most powerful layouts - "Mystery Priestesses" and others.

With our tarot divination, you can learn everything about love and finance, health and career. You will be able to get answers to questions that require a specific yes or no answer and find out if your desire or expectation will come true. In addition, you will find here forecasts for the future, get a chance to use the help of horary numerology, and novice tarologists will be able to figure out the meanings of the Arcana of the deck.

Divination for love on Tarot cards online

What could be more important than a relationship with a loved one! It is love that pushes us to accomplishments and deeds, and its absence deprives us of sleep and appetite. Century after century, poets talk about it, now arguing, now agreeing with each other. And the theme never ends...

By turning to Tarot divination for relationships and love, you can clarify heart issues. This alignment on the Tarot cards is called the "Tree of Lovers."

The alignment on the Tarot cards "To the Beloved" is an excellent tool for clarifying a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is fortune-telling for a girl (woman) planning to marry a particular man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the near- and long-term prospects of this union are considered and forecasts are made regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem with marriage, and if so, what are the obstacles to it and how can they be overcome? There is a way to understand this - an old divination on Tarot cards.

The Tarot layout online “Will I Get Married” is a fortune-telling that will allow you to instantly and absolutely free of charge consider the real state of affairs, deal with the reasons for the disorder of your personal life and determine the next steps to correct them.

“The feelings of a beloved man for me” is a free online layout on a full Tarot deck, which allows you to predict the prospects for an alliance with a specific person. It is done for relationships that have already begun to form (or have prospects for this).

What could be worse than this uncertainty - "was there a betrayal or not"?! Such thoughts deprive you of sleep and appetite, make you lose faith in true love and fidelity ... You need to get rid of such moods quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this free online fortune-telling on treason on Tarot cards will give you an exhaustive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This tarot spread is “What does he or she think of me?” is an effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are not sure or simply do not know how your loved one treats you. This is a free online service that will help you navigate in his attitude towards you at the moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Did you know that the mutual understanding of two people, especially when it comes to love relationships, to a large extent depends on their names? And what degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot cards? On our website, you can take an online test for compatibility of names in love and marriage with your partner (or partner) for free, which will tell you how the Tarot system interprets your names and how you suit each other.

Divination for the future - Tarot spreads online

Our life mainly consists of everyday life and trifles, days run after days, forcing us to rush, think, do something, make decisions. How to live today, so that tomorrow you won’t be offended, ashamed, annoyed for him? The answer to this question is exhaustively given by the card of the day - the Tarot and its magical power of predicting the future. In this case, the Tarot card turns out to be an objective adviser and friendly assistant.

Knowing forecasts for a few days is no less relevant than for a year or two ahead. After all, decisions need to be made every day. And to have an idea about the general atmosphere of the coming week, to receive advice or a warning for every day, means to get the opportunity to think through your actions several steps ahead, anticipate events and, accordingly, choose the best from the many options for your actions. "Seven-pointed Star" is a free online divination for the near future, which just gives such a chance.

A year is a long time. And a lot can happen during this time - great love and career take-off, moving and changing jobs. Fortune telling "Circular alignment" will help you understand what exactly to expect from the next twelve months, how they will be marked. You will walk through the milestones of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand in one minute exactly how you should behave, what you should avoid and what to pay attention to. So, here it is - a free way to lift the veil of secrecy, which every time appears before us in the form of hopes, fears and anticipations from the next life cycle.

The Celtic cross is a universal tool for resolving any issues. Celtic cross online and free - a convenient opportunity to use it all the time. Mentally ask your question and make a deal. Everything is very simple - a single click of the mouse and now you have a complete picture of the situation, covering all its aspects.

Tarot forecast by date of birth for a year is a proven method of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you how to correctly calculate the number of "your" Arcana, under the influence of which you will have to live during the next year. And then you just have to read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - will provide good food for useful thought. In a word, consider, read and get ready to live another - maybe difficult, but perhaps, on the contrary, very successful - year of your life.

This is an online alignment for fate. It contains about a dozen positions, in which it answers in detail all the main questions that concern every person when he tries to embrace and comprehend his life as a whole. Use it to determine your capabilities, find out what you can claim in your career or personal life, find out what echoes of the past affect your life now, understand what you shouldn’t “get into”, because it’s useless ...

Divination to the question and the meaning of Tarot cards

The Horseshoe layout is the best way to get answers to specific practical questions. It is done on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, consists of 7 positions, in which the prospects for the plan are outlined, the possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that have not been resolved in the past and can still affect it, etc. This is a free online fortune-telling that you can safely use whenever you have doubts or concerns about some business, undertaking, or expectation.

Aura diagnostics on Tarot cards is a kind of emergency "ambulance" if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The alignment considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the aura at the moment and gives recommendations on what to do if you have problems in this regard. The alignment works online, and it can be used absolutely free of charge.

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