An example of a pest analysis of an international enterprise. What is a PEST analysis and its meaning in the modern world

Gardening 14.10.2019

All conditions and environmental factors and which do not depend on the activities of this particular enterprise, but that have a certain impact on the functioning of this particular organization and on this basis require the adoption of any management decisions are understood under the external environment of this organization.

The external environment of the enterprise is a source on which the organization is maintained to maintain the necessary resources to maintain the internal potential of this particular organization at the proper level. Any enterprise is always in a state of exchange off with an external environment, and thereby ensures the paths and resources necessary to survive. Resources derived from the external environment are limited. Many other organizations that lead their business in the same environment can simultaneously qualify for these resources. Consequently, there is always a hidden threat of the fact that at some point the company will not be able to get the resources they need from the external environment. This can lead to the weakening of the potential of this enterprise and to other negative consequences. The main task of strategic management is to organize the interaction of an enterprise with an external environment, as a result of this interaction, the company will have the opportunity to maintain its potential at such a level, which is able to maintain this particular enterprise at the necessary level, to achieve the intended goals, and the opportunity to exist in the long run.

Any enterprise (organization) in its daily practice should take into account not a small number of factors that can affect it from a long (external) environment. But the company should not negatively perceive the effect of these factors, it should be able to actively manage them.

The main goal of analyzing the far environment factors is to create an information component for subsequent strategy development.

Analysis of far environment factors is carried out with the help of a simple tool - Pest - analysis.

Pest - analysis technique is often used in order to evaluate key market trends in a particular industry. Pest analysis results are used to determine the threats and opportunities in the process of drawing up and examining SWOT - an analysis in the enterprise. PEST - An analysis of the external environment of the enterprise is drawn up with a perspective for three to five years, updating the data annually. PEST - Analysis is often performed as a matrix in the form of a table or four squares.

The essence of Pest - analysis on the issue of studying the economy is to identify how resources are distributed at the state level. Obtaining this information is important for the work of any organization. As for social aspects, they are also important for Pest - Analysis. Technological factors are trends that appear in the process of technological development. Most often, they act as the causes of which the market changes and losses. As a result of these aspects, new products sometimes appear. Data is analyzed in accordance with the "Factor - Enterprise" scheme. The results of Pest - analyzes are drawn up as a matrix, the main components of which are the factors present in the microcrease. Further, the importance of the effects of these factors with the assignment of points, ranks and other units of measurement. PEST - analysis, conclusions and results allow you to carry out an adequate assessment of the external economic situation, which develops in a manufacturing and commercial environment. Since Pest - analysis affects external factors affecting the company's work, the division of the external environment is made according to a specific scheme. It stands out:

Macrocredes (government, economic phenomena, socio-demographic relations, scientific and technical progress and factors dependent on nature)

Microsudes (suppliers, shareholders, buyers, lenders, trade unions, competitors).

As a rule, Pest - Analysis of the enterprise studies only macrocase, which includes various factors. In this regard, from the total number of factors, attention is sharpened in 4 key areas, most of all affecting the work of the enterprise:

P (ROLITICAL) - political factors. This category includes factors in the political and legal surroundings of the enterprise. Considering the political and legal environment of the sphere, conducting Pest - analysis of the market or state, it is necessary to answer a number of issues affecting key changes in the legal regulation and a stable political situation. It should be determined whether changes in the legislative database of the state, the market environment, the field in which the enterprise operates can occur in the near future, is able to influence its work (applies to this, primarily income related issues).

E (ECOnomical) - Economic factors. This category contains consideration of the factors of the economic situation in the market. Considering the factors of Pest - the analysis included in this group, six basic parameters should be allocated, which can be judged by the current economic condition of the state, or the market environment in which the enterprise works. Consider need: Dynamics of economic development; Changes in currency courses, capital prices; changes in unemployment; changes in the inflation level; Changes in the disposable income per capita; A number of trends in the banking industry.

S (Socio-Cultural) - social factors. It is worth paying attention to the group of factors of cultural and social situation in the market. Considering the social factors of Pest - Analysis, attention should be paid to five main parameters, such as: changes in the demographic state; level of growth / loss of the population, the age-age structure of the market, changes in racial accessories; the level of education of society, personnel qualifications; Features in mentality, important cultural values; Changes in social segments of the population; Changes in tastes and preferences of society, established prejudices and myths.

T (technological) - technological factors. This group of external environmental factors allows you to track changes in technological progress in a particular area. The components of this group need an extended analysis, since during the period when the technological process is especially important, it is technological changes that can make serious amendments to the established situation in the market. Analyzing technological factors, attention should be focused on four parameters, namely: possible changes in basic technologies that enjoy in a market environment: the impact of the Internet on the development of a market environment; The impact of rapidly developing mobile technologies, on the development of a market environment; Innovations in modern information technologies that ensure efficient competition in the market sphere.

We will analyze the factors of the far environment (Pest analysis) on the example of a commercial enterprise. The enterprise under consideration is the largest Russian private company, which operates in the field of electric power industry and heat supply. "The company provides a stable and uninterrupted power supply in 16 regions of Russia." More than 14 million individuals and more than 160 thousand legal entities are clients of this company.

The main competitors of the branch in the electric energy and power market are:

- "Mine-generating wholesale market companies operating in the first price zone of the wholesale market.

The company's main competitors in the thermal energy market are such industrial enterprises that have their own thermal generations. Boiler rooms of municipalities and private enterprises are also competitors in the thermal energy market, the main advantage of such boiler rooms is their territorial location favorable, relative to consumers.

The factors of the competitiveness and profitability of enterprises, in the markets of both thermal and electrical energy are: the presence of heat load; Territorial location and proximity to consumers in the center of thermal loads; availability of own main thermal networks and steam pipelines; proximity to fuel resources: "utilization" fuel, gas fields; The introduction of modern highly efficient vapor-gas technologies.

The use of advanced ideas and approaches to doing business in the energy sector creates a solid foundation for the long-term and efficient work of the company. For the enterprise under consideration, comprehensive accounting of customer needs, socially oriented relations in the regions, concern for environmental protection are most important.

Key areas of development and strategic management of society are:

Reliable and uninterrupted production of electrical and thermal energy and ensuring the energy of the population

Improving the effectiveness of existing capacities and the construction of new, which is possible only through the implementation of the priority investment program;

Promote the energy efficiency of the Russian economy; and contribute to the introduction of energy-saving technologies;

Annually increase the capitalization of the company and its investment appeal. Improve energy efficiency, developing electricity production based on renewable energy sources.

Consider the factors of the far environment (Pest analysis), which may affect the activities of the enterprise under consideration (Table 1).

Table 1. Far ambitions of the enterprise

External environmental factors

Impact on the company's strategy

Political factors

Enter restrictions on the import of imported equipment The rise in price of imported equipment
Increased value added tax Increase the amount of utility bills
Increase tax rates Reduced net profit and profitability of the enterprise (14)
Ecological problems Tightening requirements will lead to the cost of new cleaning equipment

Economic forces

Inflation raising Depreciation of savings, increasing the cost of electricity and heat generation
Innovative climate in the industry An increase in investment in the construction of new production sites and the reconstruction of existing
Increase / Reducing Currency Courses Increase / reduction of prices for import equipment, materials
Rising income of the population Reducing receivables

Social factors

Low education in the country Retraining staff, improve employee skills
Growth of the mobility of the population Will lead to an outflow of workers, therefore, it will be necessary to improve the system of stimulating employees, automation and mechanization of labor

Technological factors

Scientific and technical progress in the field of production The emergence of the latest technologies, equipment, materials, therefore, additional investments in "know-how" and power updates
Dynamics of Information Technology Development Improving the quality of dispatch control, minimizing electricity loss in networks, introduction of new energy facilities

The impact of far environment factors currently preferably shows a negative position. However, the strategic management of the enterprise needs to leadership companies to direct on the use of newly opening opportunities, as well as to reduce and neutralize threats.

Currently, the introduction of any additional services and various new services in related industries and various new services in related industries is the most promising. Against the background of external threats, it is especially necessary to strengthen: the sale of thermal energy, introduce energy-saving technologies and equipment, to increase the provision of all sorts of services: metrological and energy audit.

Analysis of the external environment for any enterprise in modern conditions is an essential tool for developing an enterprise strategy and introducing it into the production process. The results obtained during the study and on the basis of Pest - Analysis give us the opportunity to competently analyze the external environment of the enterprise, and also to estimate the current situation that develops in the commercial and production activities of the enterprise.

Bibliographic list

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Ohilvi still emphasized the need for research for successful promotion on the market. Knowledge of what is happening in the company and around it will definitely facilitate the path to the heights of the market. One of the classical ways to analyze the company's external environment is PEST analysis (sometimes it is also called STEP analysis).

This technology allows you to estimate the environment in four different aspects: political, economic, socio-cultural and technological. This allows you to look at the situation at different angles and to analyze what is happening deeper.

It should be remembered that when analyzing it is necessary to take into account not only the current situation in the market, but also its forecast for the next three to five years, this will make it possible to adjust the company's development strategy.

So, in the conduct of Pest analysis, the following steps can be distinguished:

1. Detection of factors affecting the company's activities, especially those related to profit

2. Collect information about these factors and forecasts for their change

3. Detection of the significance of each factor

4. Drawing up a PEST analysis table

To get the most complete picture, do not limit yourself to your own opinion, find out what experts think about what is happening on the market, specify the opinion of those who work directly with customers, find out what they think about the situation by the specialists of related regions. Carefully examine the available publications in the press, it is possible to be useful to have a foreign experience.

Having reveaning the factors affecting your business, distribute them in four groups. Political are the factors related to both external and internal policies of the country, as well as various legal acts directly or indirectly regulating your activities. It is necessary to take into account whether legislation will change in the near future, and what will affect the company's activities. For example, the recently introduced sanctions can be attributed to political factors that have affected immediate economy.

It should also be considered:

  • the degree of state intervention in your industry
  • the level of corruption of officials.
  • resistance to power of the existing government
  • major policy trends.

The following group of factors is economic. In this group of factors, macro and microeconomic factors should be allocated.

It is necessary to evaluate the overall market situation, for this it is necessary to answer the following questions:

  • a crisis is expected or growth?
  • how high is the level of unemployment?
  • how do currencies change?
  • what is the average per capita income?
  • how high is the level of inflation?
  • what are the trends in the banking sector?

Social and cultural factors have a nursing influence on the company's work. They reflect not only the socio-demographic characteristics, but also sentiment in society, traditions and cultural features of consumers.

In this field, it is necessary to highlight:

  • how the population is changed, racial composition, sexual age characteristics.
  • cultural features
  • the level of education of the population and the trend towards its change
  • social structure of society
  • fashion trends in various fields, popular "memes", etc.

The last group of factors is technological. The device of the modern world is largely determined by the speed of technical progress. If you do not keep up with him, then it is quite possible to be out of court. Of course, some industries are more technologically, others are less, but everyone experiences this influence.

In this group you need to pay attention to:

  • influence of mobile technologies in the industry
  • impact Internet on the market
  • innovation in the field, new technologies and materials.
  • development of other information technologies
  • the rate of development of scientific and technological progress in the country.

After determining the factors and enhancing them with the appropriate cell of the table, it is necessary to estimate their effect on the scale from 1 to 3.

1 - Low influence, practically does not affect the company's activities

2 - Only substantial factor changes affect the company's profit.

3 - High degree of influence, any changes affect the company.

This assessment is subjective. Factors that do not affect the company are not included in the table.

After that, it is necessary to obtain an expert assessment of the likelihood of a change in factor. As experts, you need to invite several people who have direct experience in this industry. The probability of change is estimated on a five-point scale, after receiving expert estimates, the average score is calculated. After it is necessary to calculate the overall medium score by creating all the average estimates.

The following calculates the assessment of the factor with amendment by weight. For this, the average expert assessment is multiplied by the degree of influence of the factor, and the result is divided by the amount of average scores of expert estimates. The higher the coefficient obtained, the more influence it is necessary to give this factor. Next is filled with a pest-analysis table, in which factors are indicated in weight descending order.

After it is necessary to register the effects of changing the factor and the action that the company will take in this case to minimize the damage.

There are various modifications of Pest analysis, the most popular of them: Pestel, Pesteli, Steep and Longpest. Usually, such an extended analysis option allows you to analyze other aspects of the brand environment. So Pestel besides the standard analyzes environmental (Environmental / Ecological) and legal (Legal) factors. Pesteli adds to the previous version of the industry aspects (industry) market. STEEP Analysis is suitable for companies that want to analyze ethnic (ethical) aspects of the external environment. Longpest allows you to assess the influence of factors on the local (local), national (National) and global (Global) level.

Pest Analysis allows not only to assess the situation around the company and predict future changes. A qualitatively performed Pest analysis is the basis for the company's anti-crisis plan.

The external environment needs constant monitoring. This statement is true for business of any size. You can approach its description in different ways, but the most optimal is a PEST analysis (or its other name STEP analysis). Since, the balance of the factors given in it cover almost all aspects of the vital activity of any organization, both commercial and non-commercial.

You can find the opinion that STEP analysis is a more marketing tool, however, we think that the factors taken into account in it are more relevant for strategic analysis. So, list them:

pest Analysis Factors

Political factors
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the elections, a change in laws, regulation of the state, changes in the vector of political development. Do not discount and political relationships between countries.

Economic forces
Inflation, currency courses, key bet, and other macroeconomic parameters.

Social factors
Strongly affects the relationship of the media, demographic indicators, various religious moods, add that it is social factors that can generally put a cross in some business

Technological factors
New technologies, inventions, patents. When analyzing these factors, you need to pay attention to tendencies in the field of science (for example, it will be interesting to view researches of scientific publications from the necessary departments of universities and institutions in the region or country).

pest drawing analysis. Click to enlarge.

example PEST Analysis of the enterprise

Please note that the table is given in a very abbreviated version with modified names!
An example is given for mentioned MK - the basis producing and selling metal structures.

Factors affecting the enterprise.

Description of the current situation


Political In connection with the political situation, the customers prefer domestic producers. Also, politics affects frames, the outflow of valuable specialists increases on the WCK plants. ...... The large trend is an increase in orders from the military unit, since large plants producing complex equipment "loaded" for a long time and
Do simple designs, they have no time. ...........
Economic Includes benefits for taxes for small business. ......... As in the political quadrant, we note a strong increase in orders from the MIC and on the plans of our government this trend
Preserve. ......
Social Consumers and especially individuals always emphasize that their choice is due to the fact that we are the manufacturers themselves, and not just
Disabled. ......
The main trend that will affect the market the next 10 years is an increased loyalty to the domestic manufacturer. ......
Technological There are new technologies for working with the metal ......... The number of studies with metals from the group X will increase in the field of their properties during thermal processing. ......

For the best work with this tool, it is necessary to allocate trends for several years each of the factors relating to the underlying enterprise. It is they who can give additional directions when developing a strategy.


It became fashionable to allocate more legal and environmental factors, some offered to consider and geographic. Such an extension makes sense depending on the type of business. If an enterprise of the wholesale trade of book products is analyzed, the environmental factor will not be so important as if a paper production plant was analyzed, with emissions of harmful production waste.

When you can apply individual techniques.

Discussion: 2 comments

    The analysis is performed according to the scheme "Factor - Enterprise". The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix subject to which the factors of macrors are fabricated - the strength of their influence, evaluated in points, ranks and other units of measurement. Pest analysis results allow us to assess the external economic situation that develops in the field of production and commercial activities.

    No approval and misunderstanding. The lack of approval of the analysis of the external environment arises due to the lack of understanding by the highest leadership of its value; difficulties to stimulate linear managers to participate in the analysis and use of its results; Resistance to changes in forecasting methods.

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Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine

Lugansk National Agrarian University

Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis


by discipline« Organization and methods of Economic Analysis»

On the topic: "Pest- analysis"


3rd year student 331 groups

studying Vot "Accounting and Audit"

Goncharova Ekaterina Igorevna


Kovtunov Oleksandr Vasilyevich

lugansk - 2014


1. Pest Analysis Essence

7. Pest analysis of the external environment

9. Pest analysis features


PEST analysis (sometimes designated as STEP) is a marketing tool designed to identify political (political), economic (technological), social (Social) and technological (technological) aspects of the external environment that affect the company's business.

The policy is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and obtaining key resources for its activities. The main reason for the study of the economy is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activities of the enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of the Pest analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is to be considered to identify trends in technological development, which often are the causes of changes and losses of the market, as well as the emergence of new products.

Pestle analysis is extended by two factors (Legal and Environmental) version of the Pest analysis. Sometimes other formats are used, for example, Slept analysis (plus legal factor) or Steeple analysis: socio-demographic, technological, economic, environment (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors. A geographical factor may also be taken into account.

pest Analysis of Macros

1. Pest Analysis Essence

Given the fact that Pest analysis concerns external factors that affect the activities of the enterprise, the external environment is made to divide as follows:

MacroSide (government, economics, socio-demographic environment, scientific and technical progress, natural factors).

Microenvironment (suppliers, buyers, shareholders, competitors, lenders, trade unions).

Traditionally, Pest analysis concerns the study of exclusively macros, which includes a sufficiently large number of factors, therefore, only four nodal directions are taken from the total number, which provide the most significant impact on the activities of the organization:

Political factors (P): What opportunities and threats to business creates the dynamics of the political situation; What are the main trends that can affect the company's activities?

State of the economy (e): What are the most substantial expected events in the economy and how does the economic situation affect the business prospects?

Socio-cultural features (s): What are the features of social, demographic, cultural properties that should be taken into account in work?

Scientific and technical environment (T): to what extent business depends on innovations and changes; How dynamic the pace of scientific and technological progress in the industry; What is the proportion of R & D function in the company's activities?

Fig. 1. Components of Pest Analysis

Pest analysis can be carried out both on high-quality and quantitative levels. The general scheme for carrying Pest analysis is presented below.

1. A list of macrobractions having a high probability of implementation and impact is being developed.

2. The significance of each event is evaluated for this enterprise by assigning it a certain weight.

3. An assessment of the degree of influence (both positive and negative) of each factor on the company's strategy is given.

4. The weighted estimates are determined by multiplying the weight of the factor by force of its impact, and the total weighted assessment for this company is calculated.

The total assessment indicates the degree of readiness of the company to respond to current and projected macrobractions.

With a quantitative estimate, it should be borne in mind that:

The weight coefficient should reflect the degree of likelihood of the event;

Quantitative assessment of the influence of the factor should take both negative and positive importance;

The final assessment provides information on how much the company depends on macros, however, in addition to obtaining a total assessment, it is necessary to analyze the contribution of each factor in obtaining the resulting value, as well as assess the interaction of factors.

3. Political Pest-Analysis Factors

The study of political factors within the Pest analysis is motivated by the fact that the government regulates the mechanism of money circulation and other issues related to profit and necessary resources.

Purpose and objects of Pest analysis:

* To understand the mechanism of distribution by the state of major economic resources.

* Analysis of government stability.

* Study of tax policies and legislation in the field of antimonopoly law, foreign economic legislation, laws for the protection of the natural environment, regulating employment of the population.

* Understanding the state influence in the industry, its position in relation to foreign capital.

* To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe intentions of state authorities regarding the development of society and the funds with the help of which it is planned to implement its policies.

Examples of political factors

* Elections of all levels

* Change of legislation

* Entry of the state in various duty structures

* State regulation in the industry

* State regulation of competition

4. Economic PEST-analysis factors

Economic aspects are an important condition for business activity for most enterprises. These macroeconomic indicators affect the standard of living of the population and its solvency. With this information, you can predict demand, price level, profitability. Therefore, an analysis of economic factors makes it possible to understand how economic resources at the level of the state are formed and distributed.

Objective and objects:

* Trends in the change of gross national product.

* Investment policy.

* The level of unemployment and inflation.

* Interest rate and course of foreign currency.

* Price level and wages, in particular, measuring the actual personal income and the total amount of money in circulation.

* Energy prices.

* Determination of the overall level of economic development and market relations. Studying competition in the market.

* Budget deficit, tax rate.

Examples of economic factors

* GDP dynamics

* Inflation

* Course dynamics

* Dynamics of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank.

* Dynamics of employment

* Place-friendly demand

* Market and shopping cycles

* Costs for your company

* Energy costs

* Costs for raw materials

* Communication costs

* Raising suppliers

* Reducing the purchasing power of consumers

5. Social Pest Analysis Factors

Objective and objects:

Examine the formation of consumer preferences, their change and possible demand, consumer activity.

The demographic structure of the population, the quality of life of people and attitude towards it.

Lifestyle, customs and habits, attitude of people to work, social mobility of the population.

Examples of social factors

* Changes in basic values

* Changes in style and living standard

* Attitude to work and rest

* Demographic changes

* Religious factors

* Influence of the media

6. Technological Factors Pest-Analysis

It is important to monitor the dynamics of technological changes, as there is a threat of the loss of the market, if a little fall behind the existing trends. Analysis of the technological component of macrors allows to restrain on the production and implementation of a technologically promising product, as well as to abandon outdated technologies used on time.

Objective and objects:

* Intellectual Property Protection;

* Familiarization with state policy in the field of NTP;

* The impact of developments in other areas on the products and activities of the firm.

* Studying new technologies, scientific discoveries, new products, new patents that appear on the market.

* Improving the necessary technical equipment and production processes, automation and methods of information processing.

Examples of technological factors

* Trends R & D.

* New patents

* New products

* Development of technology

7. Pest analysis of the external environment

The external environment is a source that feeds the organization of resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of permanent exchange with the external environment, thereby ensuring the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not limitless. And they are claiming many other organizations in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to get the necessary resources from the external environment. It may weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences. The task of strategic management is to ensure such interaction between the Organization with a medium that would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thus let it be possible to survive in the long run.

The external environment is divided into:

Microcredit - Wednesday of direct influence on the enterprise, which is created by providers of material and technical resources, consumers of products (services) of enterprises, trade and marketing mediators, competitors, government agencies, financial and credit institutions, insurance companies;

Macros industry affecting the enterprise and its microenide. It includes natural, demographic, scientific and technical, economic environmental, political and international environment.

The company must limit the negative impact of external factors that most significantly affect the results of its activities or, on the contrary, to more fully use favorable opportunities.

Factors of the external environment in the management system in management science both at an earlier period, and at present quite attention has not been paid. Consequently, the problem remains a lowrant and especially its factors as:

* The value of the external environment for control;

* definition of the external environment;

* interrelation of factors of the external environment;

* the complexity of the external environment;

* mobility of the external environment;

* the uncertainty of the external environment;

* direct exposure environment;

* indirect environment;

* International environment.

Under the factors of the external environment are the force with which changes in one factor affect other factors. From here it should be understood that when organizing management it is necessary to maximize the factors of external impact and consider a specific organization as a holistic system consisting of mutually related parts.

The external environment of the organization includes a list of elements, such as consumer, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial organizations, labor resources, technology, culture, demography, relevant to the organization.

Evaluation of the external environment of the organization is a prerequisite for developing a strategy. Often external conditions change so unexpectedly, all the preliminary plans are violated. The environment may be so unstable that the development of long-term plans and strategies becomes meaningless.

For Pest-analysis and forecast development of macros, various methods are used:

Prediction of trends;

Scenario analysis;


Factor analysis;

Expert methods.

The use of these methods is justified if there is a reliable information base.

The basis of the Pest analysis is to collect information about the events occurring in macro.

PEST analysis example



1. There is no certain state policy for our products. Lack of support from the state

1. High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of its strengthening

2. The absence of uniform state organizations engaged in issuing various licenses, permits, etc.

2. The growth of inflation rates. Rising energy prices, raw materials, materials and transportation costs

3. Solutions of the company's leaders of the company's opinion of higher management

3. Lack of clear prospects in the development of the Russian economy. Danger of economic instability

4. State (corruption) and criminal racket

4. Lack of documented and approved development strategy of Russia


1. Influence of factor mobility production

1. Focus on computerization of the production process

2. The impact of the consumer's preferences in accordance with quality standards

2. Implementation of high-tech equipment

3. Requirement of warranty obligations for manufactured products

3. Use of excellence in the production of furnaces

After determining the set of external environmental factors for the enterprise x, the assessment of the factors under consideration will be reduced to the table

Significant factors of the external environment that may affect the activities of the enterprise

Evaluation (on a 9-point scale)

After 3-5 years

1. Political factors

There is no specific state policy for our products. Lack of support from the state

Lack of unified state organizations engaged in issuing various licenses, permits, etc.

Exposure of decisions of enterprise managers to the opinion of higher leadership

State (corruption) and criminal racket

2. Economic factors

High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of its strengthening

Rising inflation rates. Rising energy prices, raw materials, materials and transportation costs

Lack of clear prospects in the development of the Russian economy. Danger of economic instability

Lack of documented and approved development strategy of Russia

3. Social factors

Narrow regional labor market. Lack of necessary qualifications in the market

Consumer basket cost growth requiring adequate wage growth

The impact of consumer preferences in accordance with quality standards

4. Technological factors

Lack of domestic technological equipment in the country of the right class of quality and performance

Fast "aging" of equipment and a short period of operation

Bad compatibility of expensive imported equipment with our infrastructure and operating conditions

The possibility of the emergence of new technologies (nanotechnology), which can radically turn the production

The main task of Pest-analysis is predicting the change in the substantial environmental factors that can have a real impact on the activities of the enterprise in the future. Depending on which factors will improve, and what to deteriorate the company should develop their strategy and, if possible, neutralize the influence of unwanted factors.

Among the possible response measures, the enterprise for political factors can be distinguished such as insurance against risks, finding new activities, stimulating competitors. Economic is an overestimation of the cost of products, finding ways to minimize taxes, the introduction of financial transactions that preserve the purchasing power of funds. According to sociological - improvement of the stimulation system, automation and mechanization of labor. According to technological - additional investments in know-how and power updates, reducing depreciation, increasing depreciation volumes.

8. Problems when conducting Pest analysis

When assessing macros, it is important to avoid problems such as a strong reduction in the amount of data used to make a decision, the difficulty is to highlight the most influencing factors when covering a large amount of data, incorrect interpretation of the analysis results, inaccuracy in the analysis results. It is also required to analyze macrosterns on an ongoing basis, take into account the interaction of the factors of the external environment, to evaluate from the point of view of several experts in order to avoid subjectivity of opinions. Also, the problems arising from analysis can be attributed to the short-term orientation of organizations, that is, research only in the presence of free funds, which does not provide a significant effect in strategic planning; Disposher and misunderstanding analysis; The complexity of the analysis for diversified organizations.

9. Pest analysis features

* Interpretation. Decisions of the Organization Specialists often face great difficulties in determining the essence of macros, as well as the boundaries of its field of activity. Factors displaying interpretation problems are structuring meaningful research, manifestation of financial impact, synthesizing short-term and long-term results, lack of involvement in the analysis of the highest level management, difficulties in the implementation of potential features in the action and time plans and the resources required for accurate analysis.

* Short-term orientation of organizations: Many companies reduce funding for analyzing macros in economically difficult periods, as it becomes in difficult times too expensive for them. On the contrary, in such a period of organization activities, the analysis is most needed, as it can help solve these problems. Therefore, advantages can achieve those organizations that can conduct and maintain the analysis of the environment and are good and in bad times.

* Lack of approval and misunderstanding. The lack of approval of the analysis of the external environment arises due to the lack of understanding by the highest leadership of its value; difficulties to stimulate linear managers to participate in the analysis and use of its results; Resistance to changes in forecasting methods.

* Diversified organizations: organizations operating in the context of several states or companies create tremendous complexity for analysts of the external environment. For analyzing macros of these organizations, experts need to generalize the importance for the dynamics of numerous macrosum of various states and organizations.

The following main provisions of Pest - Analysis can be distinguished:

1. Strategic analysis of each of the four specified components must be sufficiently systemic, since all these components are close and complexly interrelated;

2. It is impossible to rely only on these components of the external environment, since real life is much wider and diverse.

3. PEST - Analysis is not common to all organizations, as for each of them there is a special set of key factors.

PEST (STEP) Analysis is a strategic analysis of social (S - Social), technological (T - technological), economic (E - Economic), political (p-political) factors of the organization's external environment.

Since political factors are directly affected by the company's work environment, then as a result of the analysis, the factors of the influence of the political situation on business activity, investment climate, stability and development prospects are determined.

The economic factor is studied as the main to determine investment prospects and prospects for the development of markets, purchasing power, etc. Also studied the distribution of economic resources in the scale of the state.

Social factor determines the dynamics of consumer preferences, the distribution and structure of social populations, age and gender structure.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is to be considered to identify trends in technological development, which often are the causes of changes and losses of the market, as well as the emergence of new products.

The analysis is performed according to the scheme "Factor - Enterprise". The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix subject to which the factors of macrors are fabricated - the strength of their influence, evaluated in points, ranks and other units of measurement. Pest analysis results allow us to assess the external economic situation that develops in the field of production and commercial activities.

List of references

1. Popov S.A. (1999) Strategic Management. Moscow: infra-m. p. 63.

2. Internet Resources:




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By filling out the feedback form at the end of the article, you can get a convenient Excel template for Pestle analysis.


What is Pestle Analysis

All companies must determine the external factors of their business environment that provide or can affect their activities. The company cannot affect macro-willed factories, cannot control them, but the consequences of the onset of these factors should understand and take into account in the development of its strategy.

The most common tool for determining macro-willed factors that may affect your company is Pestle Analysis. It helps to identify and evaluate the factors of the external environment for 6 categories: P (Political) Political, E (Economical) Economic, S (Social-Culture) Socio-cultural, T (technological) technological, L (Legal) Legal and E ( Environmental / Ecological) Environmental factors. Each category of factors corresponds to the letter in the abbreviation of the method of the method.

The main purpose of the Pestle analysis tool: determine the factors that satisfy the two criteria:

    They are outside the management of the company;

    They have a certain level of impact on the company.

All factors should be carefully analyzed and their impact on the company should be applied. Some factors acquire local character. For example, the situation in the labor market in the regions is different from the situation in Kiev: qualifications and motivation (ambition level) of people are different. Perhaps in different regions there are cultural differences associated with attitude towards work. All these factors in the development of the strategy must be considered.

For the most complete picture of the influence of external factors on the company, the process of their definition should include experts from different functional divisions of the company.

application area

Application area

In what cases use Pestle Analysis

Pestle Analysis use when developing and revising the strategy for the existing market; When starting a new product or service; To study a new activity or to launch sales in a new country or region.

In all these cases, it is necessary to assess the potential impact of external factors on the company in two perspectives: how they affect the market, and how they affect the operating activities of the company.

How Pestle Analysis can be used in conjunction with other strategy tools.

Pestle Analysis Powerful tool for analyzing an external environment, but it represents only one component of the extensive strategic analysis process. Therefore, this tool should be used with other strategic tools: strategic analysis of the client base , competitive analysis, SWOT analysis etc.

Methodik Pestle Analysis Used to assess key market trends in the industry, and results Pestle Analysis You can use in the following stages of strategic analysis for trends in changing the needs and behavior of consumers, to assess competition. purpose Pestle Analysis - Help the company identified important factors of impact on its activities, and that nothing key was missed.

Factors Pestle Analysis In combination with the factors of external microenvas (the needs and behavior of consumers, competitors, etc.) and internal drivers can be classified as capabilities and threats for SWOT-Analysis. Essentially holding SWOT-Analysis Companies without preliminary Pestle Analysis- meaningless, because otherwise the company is in opportunities and threats SWOT-Analysis Factors are placed, whose influence on the company was not previously appreciated.

If a Pestle Analysis Defines the factors that require internal changes in the organization, then they must be investigated in more detail using such tools as a Boston matrix, etc.

Pestle Analysis It is a tool for long-term strategic management and is drawn up for 3-5 years ahead, with annual data updates.

step by step guide

How to practice Pestle Analysis

Processing Pestle Analysis Consists of the following steps (see Fig. 1):

Fig.1 Procedure Pestle Analysis

    Step 1 The definition of factors that are outside the company's control, and can affect its sales and profits. Collection of information on the dynamics and character of the change of each factor.

    Step 2. Evaluation of the degree of impact of each selected factor.

    Step 3. Assessment of the probability of changing factors in the future.

    Step 4. Evaluation of the influence of factors, taking into account the likelihood of their changes.

    Step 5. Determination of possible consequences of the offensive or change of each factor.

The result of the process Pestle Analysis Give you a clearer understanding of your environment. You will get a look at the "big picture", which will allow you to evaluate the potential risks with which you may encounter in the future. Pestle Analysis You can also use to assess the impact (or measurement of influence), which will have existing external factors.

The main task Pestle Analysis - Audit of the company's external environment, study of each factor in order to make strategic decisions in the next stages of the strategic process.

Step One: Determine Factors for Analysis

The first step is to make a list of factors that can affect sales and company profits in the long term - 3-5 years. Company experts can work independently or in groups. It can also be carried out by brainstorming to identify and compile a list of factors.

Information and understanding of the situation is the most important stage of any analysis. To obtain a realistic picture about changing market factors, survey people who look at the market: independent market experts, sales managers, sellers (directly interacting with finite buyers), business owners, heads of various departments, top management of the company, marketers related industries. Explore all open information on the market in the Internet and print editions. See what developed your industry has achieved in more developed countries, with similar issues in the markets of similar countries.

Allocate factors, combine them in six groups: political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal, environmental.

the main goal Pestle Analysis - Determine the factors, the likelihood of their occurrence and strength of influence on the company. Therefore, it is not so important to which category you will assign one or another factor when using Pestle Analysis. It is important to actually identify factors and their assessment. For example, whether you define the upcoming changes in legislation as political or legal, it does not matter. It is important to determine how much this will affect the company's business in the future.

Step 2: Determine the degree of impact of factors on the market and on the company

After all the factors that have an impact on the sale and profit of the company are chosen, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the influence of each factor. Assessment of the influence of the factor is a subjective expert assessment. The power of influence of the factor is estimated on a scale from 1 to 3 (see Figure 2), where:

    - The influence of the factors is insignificant: any change in the factor practically does not affect the company's activities;

    - The influence of the factor is moderate: only a significant change in the factor affect the sale and profit of the company;

    The influence of the factor is critical (high): any oscillations cause significant changes in sales and company profits;

The evaluation of the degree of influence of each factor is made either on the basis of the Group's decision of the Board of Directors or an expert opinion of the relevant functional director is adopted.

NOTE! Factors that do not at all affect the company's activities are simply not included in the table.

Fig.2 Definition of factors and evaluation of their influence

Step Three: We conduct an assessment of the likelihood of changing factors in the future

Rate the likelihood of change or factor. The probability of change is estimated at a 5-point scale, where 1 means the minimum probability of changing the factor of the external environment, and 5 is the maximum probability of change (i.e., almost with 100% probability will occur). The probability can be assessed as follows:

    - probability from 0 to 20%;

    - the probability in the range from 20-40%;

    - the probability in the range from 40-60%;

    - probability in the range from 60-80%;

    - The probability in the range from 80 and close to 100%.

The rating is better not individually, but among the circle of people who have a certain experience in the industry and expertise in any of the areas of work. Each expert gives its assessment. Then an average rating is displayed for each factor, which depends on the estimates of experts (probability values \u200b\u200bthat they gave each factor) and the number of experts (see Figure 3). Estimates of the probabilities of changing factors are given in the group of columns at number 3. The number of estimates within the group number 3 will be equal to the number of experts involved in the assessment.

After issuing all the estimates in a separate column, the arithmetic average for all estimates is calculated (the last column - №4).

Fig.3 The probability of changing factors

Step four: We carry out an assessment the influence of factors, taking into account the probability of their changes

The next step is already possible to calculate the assessment of the influence of the factor, taking into account the likelihood of its changes. This is the real importance of each factor for the future company among all the factors affecting the company. The real significance of the factor allows you to evaluate how much the company should pay attention and control this factor for changing the external environment. It is calculated as the probability of a change in a factor weighted for the effect of this factor on the company's activities in the total impact of factors.

The higher the real significance of the factor (see Figure 4, column No. 5), the more attention and effort should be given to reduce the negative impact of the factor on the business.

Fig.4 The significance of factors, taking into account the probabilities of changes

For clarity, systematize all factors by category in descending order of their significance.

Fig.5 Summary Table of Significant Pestle Analysis Factors

Pitch Fifth: Determination of the possible consequences of the offensive or change of each factor

In order to complete the analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions: for each factor, they register the impact of the factor in the industry, to the company and plan programs that need to be carried out to reduce the negative impact of the factor and maximize the positive effect of the factor on the company's activities. Factors in the table are also transferred in the order of their significance.

It is also necessary to determine who from the company's specialists tracks the change in the factor, how often changes are monitored or at which thresholds of changes. For example, at what point should the Board of Directors of the Company should be gather to adjust the company's strategy.

Fig.6 Possible consequences, action plan responsible, Control frequency

For example, a decrease in the real disposable incomes of the population will lead to a change in the basket of products consumed in the industry, refusal to the part of the products, an increase in demand for cheaper goods. For a company, this may mean, for example, an increase in sales of cheaper goods. In order to minimize the influence of this factor, the assortment portfolio of goods should be revised, reduce the line of expensive products and introduce new cost-effective offers. It should also be abandoned to increase prices for a cheap assortment.

Thus, the company not only distinguishes factors and estimates their possible future impact on the company, but appoints responsible for controlling the change in factors and is already developing the reaction programs in advance. Despite the fact that the preparation of some programs may take enough long time, for the company a change in factors will not happen "like snow on the head." To many future events, the company will be ready in advance. And this means a faster response and greater flexibility than competitors - in fact, increasing competitiveness by simply using a strategic analysis tool.

Conducting Pestle AnalysisTry to describe and evaluate not just the actual state of each factor, but to predict its change for the next 3-5 years. It is the assessment of the influence of the factor in the long run on the company's profits makes it possible to apply the data obtained to form a strategy. Because of this it is very important in conducting Pestle Analysis Experts of the industry or staff of the company, which has long been interacting with the market has been participating.

Come to the preparation process Pestle Analysis thoroughly. Do not comprehend time and describe in detail for each factor key trends for 3-5 years. Then, look at all factors and leave only those that can affect the company's profits in the future. After the significant factors capable of affecting the company's profit are determined, the most difficult stage of analysis begins: the development of strategic actions that can reduce the negative impact of the factors on the company's activities and maximize profits.

If the company implements its products on different geographic markets and operates in different industries - it is recommended to conduct Pestle Analysis For each industry, for each market.

How to avoid errors related to using Pestle Analysis

Mistakes that companies are allowed when used Pestle Analysisare associated with the underestimation of the value of the instrument, on the one hand, and very simplified use, on the other hand.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pestle Analysis

In order to obtain the maximum benefit from Pestle analysis, it should be used in an organization on a regular basis to ensure the identification of any trends. The impact of a certain external factor may have more severe consequences for a particular branch or department of the company, and the Pestle technique of analysis can help explain why changes are needed in this department or the department, also identify potential changes.

Like all other Pestle methods, analysis has its advantages and disadvantages of its use for the development of the company's strategy.


    Provides a simple and easy-to-use template for analysis;

    Involves specialists from different functional divisions of the company, as it requires cross-functional skills and expertise;

    Helps to reduce the impact and the effect of potential threats to your company;

    Provides a mechanism that allows the company to identify and explore new opportunities (here it is from where they should appear in SWOT-analysis!);

    It makes it possible to assess the impact of entering new markets, both national and global.


    Specialists involved in the Pestle analysis process relate to it skeptical, often simplify information, which is then used to make strategic decisions, which leads to strategic mistakes of the company;

    The process should be carried out regularly in order to be effective. However, often the company does not do this, believing that it requires considerable time (which means money);

    The participants in the process should not become a victim of "paralysis because of the analysis" when they collect too much information and forget that the purpose of this tool is the identification of factors so that then take strategic actions;

    Companies often limit employees involved in the process and costs. This limits the effectiveness of the tool, as the key perspective of decisions may be lost;

    Frequently used information is only guesses that do not have confirmation. Then, based on them, the decision is made subjectively, and there is a danger of incorrect decision-making.

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